TAKEN BY SCRIP: TEN THOUSAND ACRES OF , TIMBER LAND AT ONE STROKE. ; Corporation got it, and Forty Pri vale CiUzeu8 got Left, Though They Stood in line all Night to File. Portland, S Journal eay6: , settlers in the were given an ptember 22. The Two score ranchers, Deschutes country, illustration of the greater skill of the big. and larger resources lumber corporation when, at The Dalles, on Monday Mathewp, cruiser and repre-enta- . live of the Bootb.-K.ellv Lumber Company and its allied Califor nia Una company gobbled up about 10,001 acres of timber Rod - compelling the settlers to return to their homes without so much as a stick of dead pine wood to show for their trouble. The settlers are so angered at what they regard connivance on the part of the officials an 1 the i n- justice of the preference of land scrip over the rights of the bona fide be'tler, and . they express thempelve3 very harshly. They ven go so far as to allege that the whola transaction was a "job' . pnt up in the interest of the Booth K lly Company a corporation that wields immense political power, and is presumed not to hesitate to exercise that power for the futher once of their business interests. - The government . bad thrown open for location a fractional town ship of timbtrltnd in the Deschutes region. The tract was fractional Town "fhip 16 S., R. 10 E., on the upper Deschutes, heavily timbered with yellow pine. Filings were to be made on Moo day morning, September 21. In anticipation thereof, the settlers to the number of about 40, men and women, came to The Dalles, arri ving on Sunday. . They stood in line from Sunday nizht until Mon day morning. Ahead of them was one sttler and a representative of the Booth Kelly people who' etooJ in line from Saturday night. : - : ; -' "When the office opened Monday morning," said A. Groener wbo was in Portland today and was we of the persons involved, Vit ws expected that the - officials wonJd accept filings sccording to Hie usual rule first come fir.-t ser ve but tl;e waiting settlers were given type-written slips o paper, on which were the instructions to return to the office at a later hour, each appointment being at a dif ferent nour. -"lbs B?i-t!i-Ks";ly man had not revealed his identity, 'but had given the settlers to understand that he- was one of them. ' He was No. 2 on the list of those who were permit t'd to file and when he step ped up to the counter of R-gister Nolan, he laid down a roll of tim ber land scrip, and took every acre first man, No. 1 on the list was suc cessful in securing a claim. "Another peculiar fact connec ted with the incident was the giv ing out to oertain ' of the settlers slips of paper written in the cbi-r-ography of the register of the office advising them to abandon the idea of filing on the lands . under the ?toue ar d timber act they had se keted, and suggested that they take other lands. f . "Tha scene was dramatic in the extreme. Hot words wereN banded between eettlers and land office offi cials, and at times there- were even threats of calling for peace officers to quell the rising flood of protest that was caused by what the set tiers believed to be an infri ngem&nt an their rights, A Pitiless Malady. Dr. Darrin Gives His Opinion" Rheumatism and It's Cure. on (Albany Herald.) "Rheumatism is a most pitiless malady," exclaimed Dr. Darrin to a Questioner regarding it. "It de stroys the poor workiugman as quickly as the man of wealth. ' It , gets into the blood, leaves its grip aponthe tissues and destroys health and happiness, besides, causing in tense pain and suffering. I would arse one to fight it upon first sight as they would a snake; get it out of the blood and free the tissues of its blighting ' influence. Electricity applied by method will chase it in- to a corner and destroy it. -, - "I have a system of treatment that frees the blood from Uric acid, stops the pain and fuffericg-, gives strength to the muscles and nerves, in fact cures the i worst cases of rheumatism Jn a remarkably short tin.." There is no question but what Dr. Darrin has bee 1 unusually sue ceEsful'in the treatment of rheuma tism sicca he has been in Albany. Every day rheumatic sufferers, are een hobbling to toe Revere House and on leaving Lave the appearance of havirg found relief, aud when epoktn tu regarding their cas", they speak in highest praise of the doc tor's treatment " The following outspoken recom mendation from a man so well known ae L. W. Moanch is one of the strongest reasons why people, vhould look into the merits of Dr. D. Trio's cures by electricity and skillful medical treatment. The doctor has been prevailed on to re main in Albany until Dacember 1st and is visited by scores of suf ferers daily and why any one with good judgment can see their friends and neighbors cured,, and not grasp the opportunity to try Dr. Damn's new system of cure is beyond our comprehension. MR. MOENCH'S CARD. To the Editor: For years I have been troubled with sciatic rheuma tism, liver and kidney complaint and dyspepsia. Three months ago I was unable to work, or ven put on mv shoes without great suffering. Dr. Dirriu ha9 s ftr restored me that i am able to v ork eveiy day. Mr troubles are all gone and I feel like a new person and I gladly sub scribe my name in Dr. Dirnn a behalf and recommend him to the public. I reside on 4th and Main street, Albany, and will answer all questions by letter or in person.. . L. W. Moench. I DR. DARRIN S PLACE OF BUSINESS. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; even ing 7 to 8; Sunday 10 to 3, at Revere Hotel, Albany, until De cember 1. ' The doctor makes a specialty of all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh, deafness, . bronchi tis, H grippe, heart, liver, bladder and kidney diseases or those who snffdr from apathy and indifference; also genito-nrinary and skin dis eases in either sex, such, as blood taints, seminal weakness and lo.-t vigor, varicoceles and stricture. COLUMBIA CONFERENCE. Appointments for the Various Charges of M. E. Church South. The C .lumbia Conference of the M. E. church South, recently held at Roeeburg made the " following appointments: Willamette District. Presiding elder Henry Spiesa. Portland C. A. Hyatt. Oregon City J. W. Craig. W. M Malloy, sd. , Albany C. W, Pogue. -Lebanon D. . C. McFarland. Corvalli-j and McFarland John Reaves, P. A. Moes. sd . Dallas and Dixie To . bs - sup plied- ; -; - Tangent and Brownsville, W. A. Iden. . Harrisbnrg A. J. Starmer. Junction City J. A. Carter. Louisville and Independence T, P. Haynes. -: . Roseburg District. , - ,. v .. . -. Presiding elder. E. I. Fitch, ,r Roseburg H. C. Allen. Myrtle Creek Jno. C. Cook; J. F. Cotton, eupr. -.' Coquilie and Bradon R.' "A. Reagan. Myrtle Point Rev. wages, Medford, W. B. Brown. Oakland E. L. Fitch, Ashland and Sims Valley H. N, Rossner. - . - Grants Pass W. T. Golden. Klamath Falls to be supplied. North TJmpqua Supplied by G. W. Householder. - ; v Conference Missionary secretary, W. B. Smith. ' The new presiding elder of this district is a man of ability; a suc cessful preacher and pastocr, a graduate of Heidelberg University, Germany. The work has enlarged until it became 1 necessary 1 to make two districts instead of one. L: . Altogether this conference at Roseburg was one . of the most pleasant and profitable ones" ever held. Bishop. Morris" presidency was of tha most spiritual and - in- SDirinsr character, and the work of the conference was ; considerably advanced. For Duchess trousers, see Nolan & Callahan. To Sell or Let. One hundred head of good ewes to sell I or let on shares. Apply to . J. C. Walker, ' - Fern P. O, Oregon, PRINCE ALERT ON EMPIRE CITY TRACK PUTS WORLD'S RECORD AT 1:57.' Dan Patch Held It at 1:59 Great Throng' Cheers Luft'lv ' Over r The Fastest Mile of the : . Century Other News. ; New York, Sept. 23. Prince Alert, the pacing hero of a hundred races, and the , champion of a score of half-mile tracks, went against the world's pacing record of 1:59, held by Dan Patch, and beat it most de cisively at the Empire City track today. It was the first day .of the autumn meeting of the Empire City Trotting Club, and in addition to thestrong card of. fourjr aces, Prince Alert was billed for what looked like the impossible feat of beating the record. But Prince Alert' had recently 'won the half-mile track championship in 2:03 1-2, which had been won only the week befo.e by Dan Patch in 2:4, and. good judges were sanguine, The weather and track were per fect, and the wind, which was high early in the day, kindly subsided so that the conditions were favora ble. Mart Demarest, the trainer and driver of the Prince, on account overweight,' decided to get John Curry to drive, and Demarest drove the thoroughbred, speed maker in front with the wind shield sulky. At the third time, the starter gave the word and, pacing like a perfect piece of machinery, Prince Alert shot away 10 the quarter pole in 0:29 . "As her grt iasa. the back stretch, ha inenjaswt his speed and was at the half raO:5S. -Then the crowd realized that they were wit nessing the fastest mile of the cen tury, and cheers -and "snouts of "come on" came from the grand stand and lawn. Without a break or tremor, he flashed by tbe: three quarter pole in 1 :26 and : without any urging came on " with, a superb burst of speed, crossing the wire in 1:57. THIS SKULL WILL BE FAMOUS. -One Found In LiulnS, Kiuu, Seeona to Prove IiWmt of - Prehistoric Stan. '.. M. C. Xong, curator of the Kansas City public museum, has photographed the "Lansing skull" from different view points. The prehistoric skull is now in the .possession of Mr. Long1. After, a thorough' investigation, Mr. Long is satisfied the skull is that of a "prehistoric man, who in all probability lived, during the glacial period, 35,000 years ago, and1 this opinion is fully- snared by Jfrof. S. W. Wilhston, of the Kansas university, reports the Kansas City Star. ; . ' . . ' : On March 23 of this year workmen found the skull while digging a tunnel deep into the side of a hill on a farm near Lansing, Kan. MfC Long chanced t "hea of the finding' of the skull and wpvX to Lansing. lf the opinion of C rator Long and Prof. Williston is correct, as they feel assured it is, the "1 .rinsing skull" for the first time of fers tangible proof of the existence of prehistoric man in North America. In Europe several prehistoric skulls biwe been found, but this is the first to be found in 'America. . The "Lansing skull" was found deep under well de fined strata of earth and rock, and was imbedded in what is called river loess. This prehistoric man was probably -a contemporary of the mastodon and giant sloth. " i ' The photograph does notgive an ade quate idea of the"' peculiarities of the prehistoric skull. It slopes back imme diately from the eyes, and there is practically no foreheact. Over the eyes, however, are well developed ridges, which are taken to denote that the per ceptible faculties were considerable. The "back of the skull, as seen in the illustration, is almost abnormally de veloped, -and there the skull is very thick. ' Pieces of stone are attached to and imbedded in the skull, and these pieces of, stone are identical with the found attached to the bones ,of ' mas todons. : The cracks seen in the skull were caused by the workmen . who found it, for they attached no impor tance to ih.e find and allowed several heavy boxes to fall upon it, breaking it into half a dozen pieces. " g: r. farra, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells drug store.' Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. - Tele phone at residence, 104.. - t All cans aitenaea prorapuy. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. --' ' Office In Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or, E. R. Bryson, Attorney-M-Law, POSTOFFICE BUILDING Richest o Dal IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE ... . . . . CARBON Ml ; The style that carried off the laurels at the NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONVENTION. ' These carbon parchments are not mounted on cards but delivered in neat Folders or at y tached to thin Linen mounts, making a com- ' bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam- ; pies of these Carbons are now on exhibition at 4-ftnASsr Soustlhi Main St. lUfllllln&ll J 2 iuiuiuiu9 Corvallis, Ore. If You are Having Trouble with your Eyes Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed andj.by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. . . E.W.S.PRATT The Jkweler and Optician. - - S ' For Sale. Good resident lot; close in at gain. Inquire at Times office. bar- c For Sale. Ne,w vetch" seed. Also a fresh Jer :ey cow. . James ."Herron. For Rent. -.. Famished rooms, second door north of M. E, church South. . Mrs. E. L. Fitch. For Sale, ; At a bargain; 200 feet of picket . fence. Apply to Mrs. Sarah E. -Moore, corner Third & Jackson. V Good Lots for Sale Cheap. ..... Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I have some good, well located lota for sale cheap: N. B. Avery. , For Sale. V 400 . fullblooded ewes. 20 . ' ..' bucks. , . Durham cows and heifers. , 3yra " bull, . ' Rov Rickard, . ' Corvallis, Or. Wauted. Wood. Inquire at Times office. L. G. ALTAIAN, M. D Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M, Phone residence 315. . CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card Number 22. ForYaquina: Train leaves Albany. " Corvallis., " arrives Yaquina. .'. . .12:45 P- ; 1:50 p. m 5:35 P-n 1 Returning: : Leaves Yaqutna... ........ 7:30 a. m -Leaves Corvallis...... 11:30 a. m : Arrives Albany i. .... 12:15 p. in j For Detroit: '--. t: ., Leaves Albany. ..... 7:00 a. m a Arrives Detroit.. . 12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: 1 ; :'; Leaves JJetroit.............i;Oo p. m Arrives Albany.......;....-'. 5:55 p. m TVairi "Nn. T arrivM in Albanv in tlm f to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving lwu ut Luictr uuurs in Albany before departure ot s r nortn bound train. ' f - Train No 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct service- to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush- and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the same day. 'For further information apply to . 1 : .'. Edwin Stons, ' Manager, H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany, nt test Effects Willamette Vallej Banking Company. - GOKVAIJUS . OKEGON. ' . , RcsponssMlity, $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchne;e issued payable at all finan cial centers In United States, Canada aad Europe. Principal eorreepondeats. POETIAITD IrfMdoat & San FranelxcoBaiik Umlted; Caoadiaa Bank of Commerco. SAX FBAXCISOO-Ixmdou & San Francis co Bank Limited. NEW YOKIC Slesdrs. J. V. Morgan & Co. CHICAGO First National Bank. LONDON, EXO Imdou & San Francisoo Ba.nk Limited. SKATTL.E A.?I TACOMA Londen ft San Francisco Bank Limited. , Notice to Taxpayer. Notice ia hereby given that the county board of canalization will attend the office of the county clerk of Benton county, state of Oregon in the said court house of said county, on Monday, the 28th of September, I903, and "continue in session one week, at hich time they will publicly examine the assessment roll of said Benton county, state of Ore gon, for year 19O3, and correct all errors in . valuations, descriptions or correct qualities of land, lots or other property. All persons interested are required to appear at the place and lime appointed, H. L. Bush, Assessor of Benton county, state of Oregon. T NOTICE OP SHERIFFS SALES. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the lOUti day ol October 19u3, ai tne hour of 1- o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, i will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to wit: s Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, northwest of southeast northeast of southwest and fractional west of southwest V in section 19, containing 356.24 acres; lot 2, southeast M of northeast and south east section 27, containing , -239.57 acres; lot 3, southwest of southeast Y. frac tional west Vz section 31, containing 413.16 acres; all in township 10 south, range west of the Willamette Meridian. South ys of northeast . south ii of northwest south section 5, contain ing 480 acres:, section 7 (120 acres in Polk County), containing 679.06 acres; section 15, containing 640 acres; section 19, con taining 673,58 acres; section 23, containing 640 acres; all in townsmp w soutn, rauto 7 of th Willampttft Meridian. West of the northeast , east of northwest , northwest of northwest 4, southeast , northeast of southwest , of section 3, containing 400 acres; lots 1 and 2. north of southwest section 7.' containing 119.87 acres; north of TKvrthiefmt V. northwest y. east ' of -southeast , section 11, containing 320 acres; east of northeast , section 13, containing 80 acres; lots 3 and 4. north of southeast northeast of south west Yt and north of section 19. con taining 490.54 acres; fraction south frac tion west of northwest west of east of northwest section 31, con taining 450.70 acres: . all in township 11 south, range 6" west of ;the Willamette Meridian. -.- ., . Fraction north southeast , east of southwest section 1, containing 555.84 acres; lots 1 and 5, northwest of northwest . section 13, containing 72.48 acres; southwest section 15, contain ing 160 acres; fraction section 31, contain ing 635 acres; lots 1 and 2, southeast Yi of northeast . southeast section 35, containing 236.48 acres: east of section 27, 320 . acres; all in township 11 south. range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 7, containing 656.38 acres; lot 4, section 27, containing 32.14 acres; south west Yt of northwest , northwest of southwest Yt, section 29, containing 80 acres; southwest Yi of northwest 4, east V4 of southwest Yt, west of southeast Y. section 33, containing 200 acres; all in township 12 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section. Vi 648 acres; ' section 3. 665.41 acres; section 5, 686.88 acres; northeast Yt. north of southeast , easf of north west Yt. northeast Yt of southwest hi, lots 1, 2 and 3, section 7, 465.11 acres; section 9, 640 acres; section 13, 640 acres; all in township 12 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. . . ... , . . Lot 7, section 3. 17.80 acres; fraction northwest Yt, fraction east Yt, north Yt of southwest Yt. section 5, 555.36 acres, all in township 13 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. ' Section 3,- 671.21 acres; section 5, 656.74 acres; southwest, 14 , of section 7, 165.20 acres; section 9, 640 acres; section 11, 640 acres; section 23, 640 acres; section 27, 640 acres; northwest of northeast Yt, sec tion 61, V) acres; north , southeast Yt, northeast Yt of southwest Yt, sectien 33, 523 acres: all in township 10 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 27, 640 acres; northwest 44, northwest Yt of northeast Yt, west ot southwest hi, section 35, 280 acres; all in township 10 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian; east of section 33, S20 acres: in townshin 10 south, ransra ! 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Fraction northeast of northeast section 1. 39.78 acres; south fa southwest of northwest Yt. section 3, 360 acres; section 5, 646.02 acres; east , southwest Yt, section. 7. 485 acres; section 13, 640 acres: west , southeast Yt, west of northeast , section 17. 560 acres; section 19, 657.98 acres; section 21, 640 acres; west east Yt of northeast Yt, east of southeast Yt, section 23, 4S0 acres section 27, 640 acres: section 31. 663.98 acres; all in township 11 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. North southwest Yt, section 1, 481,28 acres; north Yt of northeast Yt, south of southeast 44. west of northwest Yt, west of southwest section 3, 322.55 acres; east Yt, fraction southwest Yt, sec tion 7, 483.20 acres; north of section 9, 320 acres; northeast north of north west Yt. southwest 1 of northwest Yt. east V2 of southeast Yt, southwest Yt of south east H. southeasc Yt of southwest 4, sec tion 11, 440 acres: section 15, 640 acres -section 17. 640 acres; section 19, 645.35 aeros; section 29, 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres; all in-township U south, range west of the Willametie Meridian. Northwest M, south of northeast Yt.. norm ot southeast Yt, west of south west section 1, 402.4j acres; east of southwest 'a. section 13, 7S.i0 acres; ail in township 11 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Nona is ot section 5, 327.61 acres; in townsiiip t2 soutn, range 8 west ,oi the Willamette Meridian: mirth of north east Yt. traction uurtnwest t, northwest Yt of southwest Yt, section 1, 273. ii acred; in township 12 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Southwest Yt of northwest Yt, west of gouttiw?3t-4, iots 3, 4, 5 and b, section 17, containing 178.87 acres; in township 10 6outti, range 6 west of. the Wlilamette Meridian. Section 1, containing 645.60 acres; south of southwest 14, section 3, containing 80 acres; southwest Yt of southwest Yt, lots 4, 5 and 6, section 17, containing 93. 03 acres; in township 11 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. East east Yi of northwest Yt, south west Yt of northwest Yt, north Yt of south west Yt, section 17, containing 520 acres; southeast Yt, southeast Yt of northeast Yt, southwest Yt of northeast Yt, southeast V of southwest Yt. section 21, containing 279.70 acres; west Yt of northwest Yt, lota 1, 2 and 3, section 27, containing 176.42 acres; in township 12 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section S, containing 640 acres, south west Yt. of the northeast Yt, southeast of northwest Yt, southwest Yt, northwest Yt of southeast Yt, west of northwest of section 11, containing 360 acres; northeast Yt of northwest Yt, south Yt of northwest Yt, southwest Yt, south Yt of southeast Yt, lots 3, 4 and 5, section 13, containing 400.95 acres: northeast V, northwest Yt, north Yt ot southeast V, southeast Yt of southeast Yt. section li. containing 440 acres; nortn A ot nortn west Yt. southwest Yt of northwest Yt, east t. at northeast V.. - southeast 14. east 'fi ol BUULiiwesi yt, ouumwcai. yt wuui.c. Yt, section 21, 480 acres; section ao, con taining 640 acres; south northeast Yt, east ot northwest Yt, ' section 31, 585.60 acres section 8, 5ff40 aces; all In township 10 south, range' 1 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 3, 627.15 acres; w.est of south west Yt, section 6, 80 acres; east Yt ot northeast Yt, northwest- $4 of northeast . Yt. north Yt of northwest Yt. east Yt of southeast Yt, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, and 7, sec tion 11. containing 430.39 acres; northeast Yt, northeast of southwest Yt, west fraction Yt ot southwest Yt, section- 19. containing 272.87 acres; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, section 25, containing 94.50 acres; section 29, 640 acres; northwest Yt southwest Yt. southwest Yt of northeast , section 36, 360 acres; all in township 11 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 11, 640 acres, In township 1Z south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. . . .. The following described lands In Polk County, Oregon: South -ot northeast Yt, south Yt ot northwest south Yt. lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, section 1, containing 671.28 acres township 10 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. The following described lands in Lincoln County, Oregon: Section 13, 640 acres; west Yt ot section 25, 32 acres; section 31, beginning at a point 48 chains and 63 1-3 links west of the southeast corner of said seetion 31; thence west on township line to west boundary of township; thence north on range line between ranges 8 and 9, west 60 chains; thence east to a point due north of point of beginning: thence south to place of beginning, 188.20 acres; all in township 10 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian., South Yt, south Yt of northwest Yt, sec tion I, 400 acres; northwest Yt of south west Yt, east of southwest Yt, south east Yt, north Yt, section 9, 600 acres: southeast Yt ot northwest . west of northwest south Yt ot northeast Yt, south Yt ot section 15, 520 acres: section 25, 640 acres; section 29, 640 acres: section 35. 640 acres; all in township 11 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 1, 640 acres; north Yt of south east ?4 and north Yt of section 3, 406.9S acres; north Yt ' northeast Yt, section 11, 80 acres; all In township 12 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Northeast , east Yt of northwest Yt. east Yt of southwest Yt, southwest Yt ot southwest Yt, north Yt of southeast Yt, southeast Yt ot southeast 4, section 29, 440 acres; in township 10 south, range west of the Willamette Meridian. . Section 5, 633.40 acres; northwest frac tion section t. 162 acres; southeast Yt sec tion 13,- 160 acres; section 81. 640 acres; section 23, 640 acres; section 25, 640 acres; section 21. 640 acres: eart Yt of northwest Yt, northwest fraction of northwest Yt. northeast of southwest Yt and east Yt of section 31. 482.95 acres: section 33, 640 . acres: in township 11 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. ' . East Yt. southwest Yt, south Yt of north west Yt. northwest Yt of northwest. Yt. sec tion 3, 602.82 acres: in township 12 south,, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 25. 640 acres: section 35, 640 acres; township 10 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 3. 643.58 acres; southeast of northeast Yt, northwest Yt ot northwest Yi, north V of southeast Yt. lots L 2.-3, 8. 9, 10, and 11, section 11, 343.12 acres; east of section 13. 320 acres; east of northeast Yt. section 23. 80 acres: township 41 suth. range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Total, 23,959.41 acres. ' Said sale Is made under and oy virtue of a decree, execution and order of saie, now in my hands, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton . County, under the seal of said Court, or date September 9th, 1903. in the suit of the Coast Tiand & Livestock company, piaintin:, ana the Oregon Pacinc uoioniaanon company, . a corporation: George H. Selover- uid S. : foreclose two mortgages, by which decree and order of sale said real property above described Is ordered to be sold by me to satisfy the sum of one hundred fend one thousand, three hundred and sixty-one and fiftv-nine one-hundredths dollars ($101,861.59), with interest from the 23d day of March, 1903. the date of said decree, , oeing the amount- found to be due plain tiff from the defendants., the Oregon Pa cific Colonization Company, a corpora tion, and S. F. Cook, together with costs and disbursements of this sale. - : . , - M. P. BURNETT, . :. Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Dated, this 12th day of September, 1903,