LOCAL LORE. ( Advertisements in this column charged for at the rate oLi cents per line. After a visit of several days ' In liorrallla, Thomas BUyeu leit - yester day for Portland. Mrs. H. F. Fischer and daughter Miss Martha, are in Pottland com ' blnlog business with pleasure. ; Miss Besse Smith ltt ytsterday to commence her duties- as tf-acher lathe South Salera public schools. Miss Grace Scott left Wednesday tor The Dalles af;er an extended vie- lt with her parents in Corvallie. Mrs. Leesa Scraflord was a pas senger oo Thursday's north-bound train for Portlaud. Elmer Clark, formerly of Cor vallis. was 'a delegate to the Iriiga? lion Couarees that recently met at Ogdeo. .. . Ha'ley Hal', who purchased the Eltaon farm a thort ciis'aoce west of Corvallie, sometime ago, now occu pies the place with his family. Mis. SehmUt has arrived from Albany. With her husband, she has rooms at Mrs. Hemphill's oh Tenth street. ' ' ' : , ':. ';. At Baptist church, corner 5th & JffTarsou Sunday school at 10. preaching services at 11 and 7:30. Y. P. M., 6-30- All may feel sure of being heartily welcomed . Mies Myrtie Harrington left Thursday for South Dakota, where Bhe will be the guest of relatives. She is to pursue her musical studies and wilt be absent, for an indefinite peilod. ;' :' Misf Ethel LiuviHe entertained a number ot iilnds Thursday' evening In honor of Miss Ka'betine Olnon of Catlln. Washington. Ping Pone was the amusemenr, after which . refresh ments were served. At a merting of ' the council Monday night, new sidewalks were or-;-deied coustrucred along the - north side of the court houe block and in front of the China house. Adam Graham, eon of ' the well known druggist,: U the envy of all his friend now. It was a tnree-priofc buck, big and fat. Adam killed it in Alaea the other day. ; .' "- ' The Hulourt Brothers across the Willamette took so "many priz -s . for exhibits of poultry at the recent State Fair.that they have not yet been able to foot ud the tot il. Gxrge A. Houck enronte to Eir gene from the Coast bv private con veyance, was in towo Thursrlav. His family is to remain a'; Newport for the next two weeks, pending tb comple tion ot a new residence in Eugene. Tonnrrow, will be Rally Day at the Church of Chrlsr, this city. The Sunday school and Y. P. 8. C. E. will give special programs. At 11 : the ' pastor will preach on "A Church In spected." Evening rneme. 'Turning the World. Upeide Down to set It Bightside tip." : Salem . Journal : Willie Lord, eon of ex-Givernor and Mrs. W: P. Lord, left Tuesday for Corvallie, where he. will attend the Agricultural College. Miss Lord baa gone to Port land to continue her studies at .St. Helens Hall, v . Prof. John D. Letcher, at''.' one time acting president and for . several years professor ' of mathematics at OAC, has recently accepted a position as professor and dean ot the civil en ' gineeriag. department of Highland Park College, at Des Moines, Iowa.: Officials of the Southern Pacific visited Corvallis for a few minutes Thursday, " They traveled by special train, leaving down the Westside just ahead of the regular northbound train General Manager James Agler ot the western division Of the road was among the visitors. Other members of the party were mostly division superintendents, among whom were Superintendent Fields ot the Oregon division. . . The Oorvallls police has been tendered a vote of thanks by a Port land society for courtesies shown the orgnnizition on the occasion of a re cent Sunday excursion by Portlanders to Corvallis. ' A letter addressed to W. G. Lane, chief of police, Corvallis, and dated September ; 19th. is as follows- "Court Columbia, No. 2, For resters of America, herewith - tenders you a vote ot thanks for the . courtes ies shown our committee cn the oc casion of our recent excursion to your city." The letter Js signed by George A Johnston, financial secretary ot the order. v '. ;' 7 R. O.'Kiger's trotter, Pilot, Is to have a year ot training on a Califor nia track. Mr. Elger and many of hi3 friends believe that the animal is like ly to develop great speed. Horse men who eaw him move In exercise on the track at the late State Fair were -unanimous, in the expression that the fleet : sorrel has qualities well worth developing. Mr. Kiger himself believes that the highest pos sibilities known to horse flash may lie with Pilot. .The animal - left Salem Thursday for Los AngeleB, where ' he goes Into the hands of one of the best trainers on the Coast. The horse is now six years ol J, and the present is the first attempt to develop his speed qualities,' , , A marriage license was issued Tuesday to J. W. Peters of Box and Miss Minnie G. RIckard. , W. D. Fry,, a son or J. D. Fry, the Grant's' Paes banker, arrived Monday and has resumed his studies at O. A. a , - . ': Mrs. B. R Job, and daughters, of Cottage Grove, are in town, guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Waggo ner. ; . " ' Mists Kate Adams and Mioses Wil son of Myitis Creek are among the new students at college. The Misses Wilson are sisters of Miss Flora Wil son of the class of '02. Rv. Speles, the Dewly elected presiding elder of the M.'E. church, South, Is expected to arrive nexr. week. He will occupy the residence vacated by Rev. Fitch, on Fifth street. Rev. E. L. Fitch, who ha.. been sent by his conference as preeidiog tl der of the Rosebiirg district, is to lf ave with his family .next . week ' for Oakland to reti ie. - ' Messrs. Hlnton and Miller arrived Thursday with a band of horses from' Croek county,' and have thpm on the Swlck farm a short distance bflw town. They are a good lot of horses. " Mts. FranK Porter returned to Portland Wednesday, having been so journing in Corvalllri with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Blakeeiee for some time. Mrs. Porter's health was much Improved by her stay. here. : Regular services at the Congrega tional church Sunday. Sunday school at 10; preaching service at li ; Chris tlan Endeavor at 6:30; eveningservlce 7:30. The offering in -the morning will be for home rntueine. Arthur J. Stimpson passed through Corvallis Wednesday on his way to Newport where he will vialc lils . par ents during the brief lay-off which he has from his duties as mail messen ger. He came up on the Wastslde and hail's chance to see many of bis Corvallis friends before the Yaqulna train went our. : " - Notice of appeal to the supreme court has been served In the Hundred Thousand Dollar lawsuit. Involving sale of the Coe and oiher lands, for which the sheriff's notice of sals Is now ruoning in the "Times." The present is the second lastance in which the defendants have sought to arrest the sale. ' ." ' '. , '' . . : ' - It is probable that th number of pupils in the public school passed the 400. mark yeeteniav.- : Wednesday ev ening tbere were 388, and there were additional enrollments on Thursday and yesterday.;, - The number, at the end of the flist week' of - school - was 303, The number on the same day la.Ht year wa 251 The Increase-was 52, or more than 20 per eent. ': Away down, almost in the south western corner of Oregon is Gold B-?ach. , It is one of the mort , remote towns in all Oiegon. A'dav or tw.i aaro, however, a father actived from there.' hrtDgiog two eons, one a a stu dent for the agricultural coil -ge, an i the other has been enrolled a a pu pil In the Corvallis public schools., ' : Real pstat transfers have been filed in the record tr's offi.ee as toll jws; Gila Anna Irwin and husband to . W. T. BotUr." 100 acres near Alsea, $1; W. J. Fiizoatrick et al to W. A. Well, 1 1-2 lots, block 10, county addition, 85; d. C. Mantras to' Mary H. Mangas, tract near C. & E. Dppot, $1; Albert Tlmmons and wife to John Harbios et al, 205 acres south of Corvallis, $2, 000, Mary M. Jacobs to Fred F. Lent, three lots in block 7, Dixon's addition and four lots in Job's addition, $2,200. - A considerable number of people In Benton have not yet completed payment ot their taxes Most ot them paid half last spring, but have not yet paid ' the . remaining hal'. r The last day for getting equare on , the books without additional cost is a week from next Monday. That will be tlie 5 h day of October. Th next mornloc after that wi 1 be the 6th, and on rail taxes paid then a penalty of 10 ppr cent will be added, together with 12 percent interest on that remaining unpaid from April 6th until date of payment. Sheriff Burnett is anxious for all to save themselves the added cost, and requests this explicit notice of the facts to be given. Captain C. E. Dentler was In town Wednesday. He returned ' on a sick leave from teVPhillippines eevT eral weeks ago, and recently arrived at the Gellatly home . southwest of Philomath, where be is speodiag ; his leave of absence with his family. Early next week he U to leave for San Francisco to , report for duty. He has praetically recovered from his recent illness, having gained 40 pounds In flesh since he left the isl ands. - His regiment is not -expected to arrive from the Philippines until midwinter, but Captain Dentler does not expect to join his command until It arrives in this country. It is pro bable that be will be stationed during the interim at San Francisco, where recruits for the service are being con stantly received and drilled. When the Spanish war broke out, Captain Dentler, then a first lieutenant was 60th in the line tor promotion to a captaincy. He r no occupies exaetly the same poeitlon with reference to promotion to major,', having passed upward something like 600 niches in the interim. During his -two - years In the Philippines,' Captain Dentler was on nearly all the Islands, and saw much of the country and the people. His accounts ot the character and features of both, together with his varied experiences are very interest- COURT SAYS SO., Cannot Collect Taxes Next Spaing What if Supreme Court Afiirms ; The uncertainty about whether or not taxes are to be collected next year, is worse than ever. A case to test the law has been brought, and a Portland judge Ins decided that under the laws as they stand, county courts have no right to make a levy for the collection of . taxes next springs The case was decided in Portland Wednesday, and.' ap peal was immediately, taken to the supreme court. It is supposed that the case will, on account of its importance, be hurried on the cal endar, and that a final decision will be subjected to as little delay as possible. . , , '. , . The purpose of the case was solely to get from the courts a final judicial interpretation of .the law. A Portland taxpayer brpught suit to restrain the Multnomah county court from proceeding further ,with preparationfor collection of taxes, alleging as a cause of action that the court was without authority to make the necessary levy.- . It was set forth in the pleadings that the new law repealed the old law on the first day of January, and that it was under the old law that the courts authority to make a tax levy was provided for, said old law hav ing authorized the court to make the levy at its first meeting in Jan uary, which happens after the date the , old . law . becomes repealed. The county demurred and Judge Cleland at once rendered a decis ion in favor of the plaintiff, ; -"which in effect holds that, county courts cannot legally ; make - a tax levy next January, andTlience are -without authority to collect taxes as was proposed next year. 'If the; su preme "court affirms Judge Cleland's decision, na taxes can be collected unless there be a special session of t,he legislature to remedy the defect in the law. An effect will be to disorganize the finances of the state and of the counties, and to set state warrants and county warrants into circulation for banks and money brokers to - shave ; , and speculate upon. It will render useless and worthless all the , assessment .rolls that every county in the state has prepared at great . expense, and bring to naught all the work of all the assessors in Oregonx this year, each of whom has practically finish ed his. year's work. For . the prep aration ; of the i assessments, ' the various counties have expended an immense sum of money There are forty odd counties in the state, and it is probable that the r assess-' ment in the smallest of them will approximate $i, oop, while in some of the larger counties the aggre gate cost will be half a dozen times as much, if not " more, . The . true figures that these assessments have cost probably lie between $10.0,000 and $200,000, and' yet the whole work is lost if no taxes are '' to be collected. Oregon - legislatures have often bungled things, but this newest error is a giant, . " . The expected decision by the supreme court will be watched for with much interest all over Oregon, WHEAT IS LOWER. Only Seventy one Now in Corvallis : Market Weaker Everywhere. . Wheat has taken a tumble- It is but 71 in the Corvallis market now. The decline from 73 came two or three days ago. . For the present at I least, the many farmers who sold at 75 are congratulating themselves. The few who held for a higher figure when it was 75 cannot but be 1 disturbed in mind-, because the gen ? eral tone of the market is not sug. gestive of immediate recovery. The price at Salem and Albany, is f 70; in Portland 78, in Chicago 77. San Francisco is now the best wheat market in the ' country; v '.The price there is 85, or eight cents better than Chicago and seven better than Portland. .- Millers say there is no particular cause ior the lower - prices, save that mills everywhere have secured supplies, and are no longer bidders in the market, v Immediately after harvest sales, there is usually a dullness in the market, in ; which prices are wont to suffer, In the present situation it is millers most ly that suffer by the decline. . Farmers generally in Benton have sold. Most of them parted with their crops as soon as the market went to 75. some of them selling even before their crops were threshed. . , The first services for the new con ference year will be held at the, M. E. church, iouth, tomorrow morning and evening, at 11 and 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Reeves, the pastor will preach. Theme' for Sunday morning at the United Evangelical church is "The Indwelling Word;" for Sunday" even ing, "Heaven's Call.". , Service at Dix on school at 3 p. m. , , , ., THREE BIG GAMES. - ' v . '.. . ''-' ' ;' : ' '. - ;"'''- ' And Lots of big men Gridiron men a : ; are Hard at Work 0. A. C. i; Prospects- .' . : Work on the gridiron has .; al ready begun at the college. :. Tues day afternoon practice began under direction of Coach McFadden, and every evening since it has been kept up with increasing spirit. Each succeeding evening the tram ber of men in suits r has increased ,until there were 34 Thursday after noon, with a still larger contingent yesterday. . . :.-' ; - All those who know, believe ' the coming team at OAC will be a hummer. All the old men are not back; but they are coming. Bur nough, alone is believed now to be the only one who will not return, save Gault who left school early last year to engage in business. Root and Nash are " still missing, but Root has written that he will arrive tomorrow, and Nash is ex pected early next week. Bowers put in an appearance Thursday and so did Rose. Cupper and Abra ham have been On the ground all week, and Captain Pilkington for two weeks. Egenton with an avoir dupois of about 2oo. and Floyd Williams, brown, hard and swifter than ever were both a-field in suits Thursday afternoon. " What makes the interested smile is the array of new talent that is on the ground; Of these Frank J, Spagle, as good an end as a team needs, is one. . Two Years ago he played with the Pacific University, defending left end while his team put OAC down with a score of 17 to o. Another new man is Mr. Von der Hellen of Jackson county, who has played several seasons as full back, and is over six feet , in al titude. He is quick and . active, and so far is the best punter on the field. Many other new men both of experience, and otherwise are on hand and coming, but their names and records are not available. Of new and old, weights run from 175 to 200 and odd, and if he so desires Coach McFadden can put more beef in'o the breach than anybody ever saw in 11 men on OAC field. If something does not come as a result of present and promised pro ceedings, signs are not worth much. The schedule of games has: not yet been ? completed, but the list already includes : three events of .extreme interest, towit; a game with the s: Pullman Washington team November nth, the annual game with the University of Ore gon November 2 1st and a. Thanks giving game with the University of Nevada on Thanksgiving day. The Pullman and Nevada games occur at Corvallis, and the game with the state university at Eugene. A game with Forest Grove team is to take place at Corvallis Novem ber 7tb and . a game with the Mc Minnville team October 17th, also at Corvallis.: Negotiations are : also pending for a game with the Wil lamette University, team to take place on an October date. For Sale. A few registered Poland China hogs. Inquire at my place 10 miles south o Corvallis or address , : v ' ' . ' Peter Whitaker. , , ' ; - Cprvallis, Have you got a ticket on the Oldsmo bile? ' If not, why not. . : , , Prof. I. E. Richardson will be in ! Corvallis on t,he 28ch in the Burnet t building to organize classes in shorthand typewriting, bookkeeping, letter writing and business correspondence. To Students. Board by week or month; with rooms unfurnished or furnished; board without room $2.50 per week or $12 per month with room. ' . ' Good cooking and everything in good taste.' Inquire two doors north of . Bap tist church or ?t J, W. Ingle's "i harness shop. ';, '' ' ...''.:':';" " ' r ''. ; M. Gleason, ' Our men's, boy's and children's clothing stock is now complete, the strongest we have .. ever shown. Nolan & Callahan. : Best grade of gasoline 30 cents a gal on at Berry's. ', - ' Walk-over, W. L. Douglas and Hamilton B'own celebrated shoes for men and boye. Nolan & Cal lahan. Racine feet for men, women and children. Nolan & Callahan. ' MABEL GRONISE, Graduate of Chicago College of Music, - Teacher of VOCAL ano INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, . ' . . Corvallis, Oregon. ; - . , ?. Residence Over C. & E. Depot.'. ... ' SPECIAL New Dress AT We are now showing a very large assortment of 3 New Fait Dress Goods, All , should take advantage of ft $ the low urices we are astinp- for Good Quality and f . . 3 1 Fashionable Dress Goods. A r T- i rj:x, i : t-xuuu iiiUBimeiS, tts&orieu uuiuis, per yu. 4U I 52-Inch. Zibelines, in blue, brown, red. 1 OO I 56-Inch Zibeline?, - in black and fancy col. 1 50 it 52-Inch Venicians, in al! tho new and pop- nlar shades, per yard....................'...... 1 OO S? 3 38-Inch Homespun, light, dark, dnd me- . dium grey; per yard.... 36-Inch Cashmere, black and all colors, 3 ; just the thing for school dresses ; 25 I New Wool WaistingS, handsome satin- - striped and plain colors, per yard, 60c & 1 OO 3 - ' - ' ' . Latest Novelties in Waist We call, special attention to OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT 1 And ask you to call and take a look at the beautiful assortment of t V Jackets, Furs and Walking Skirts, at v - Regulator of Low Prices. ' Strayed or Stolen. From the farm of R, , L. Buchanan, about forty sheep, thirty old ones and ten lambs, eai ark swallow fork in the right ear; a crop and underbit in the lsft: Any information will be -thankfully re ceived and will pay for your trouble, " R, L. Buchanan, " y Inavale P. O.. Ore. Bucks for Sale. , Oxfords and Grade Merinos all two years old past. Good sheep with j. rices reasonable. Call ou or address T. W. 15. Smith, r . Corvallis, Phone Strrburban 43., . . . Piano PuplW Miss Mamie Cauthorn wishes to an nounce that she will resume piano teach ing October ist, and that she will be found at her studio on Third street. ew N At the Every-Day Bargain Store of R M niLLER Ladies' and GhildernV Goats. Everybody can "be pleased with this season's : styles of Ladies' and Misses' Coats.., While we have already sold a large number, our line is still complete. ; Box Coats are shown in the leading colors: mode, blue', red, and the shaded zibelines.1 Louis XIV Coats in mode, black, tan, brown , and red. ' Prices to please all. Ghildren's Goats ... :...:.$2.oo to $9.oo Ladies' Goats ..........$5 00 to $15.oo Dress Goods: . The department is well stocked with the sea son's desirable goods. Zibelines, ; Waterproofs, ' Novelties, New. Braids,, Ornaments, Silk Tiim- . mings, Ami Silk Coat v Lining", Figured Percales, and Bsngaline Moreen; for drop skirts. Heavy - Goods for walking skirts, New Flannelettes. Out- ' ing Flannels, Navy Blue Flannel ior gymnasium suits, Plain and Fancy Velveteens, Corduroy . Waistings, etc. , s ' . F. Li fliller, - Corvallis. SHOWING OF Goods INE'S o . ... " ' j j rye- 50 Dress Trimming-, Belts Sets, Etc. . For Sile. Several hundred bushels of vetch seed. Order early before it is gone. Also Tim othy, Spelts, and English rye grass seed. Shropshire bucks. One ex'ra good re gistered buck from one of the best stocks in Iowa. Cows and heifers of the beef ' . , T Dreea to see or rraue ror jersey cows. L. L. Brooks,. Trespass Noiice. . Notice is hereby given that no "Kunt ting or other trespassing is allowed on our premises. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this notice will be prosecuted. . V. S. Locke. " : A. R. Locke. - Wanted. to buy mutton sheep and lambs. I will pay the highest market price. Call on or address Charles Carter, at Farm er's Feed Shed, Albany, Oregon. ' (Qoocfe