The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 26, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI No. 29.
b. F. TBTnra
Has ever found our Store, in all its
Departments, so well equipped.
The Stock Includes all the
Latest Novelties.-
Special attention is called to our
Line of Dress Goods, Jack
ets, Waterproof Wraps,
Skirts, Shoes and Children's
Clothing. Call and see.
me Do Hot Mm
) to as high a standard as our
us. but see that you make no mistake in .
the house that keeps the hig- ; "
est standard of Grocer- -ies
that is the
- - place to '
.' BUY
L Fresh Fruits,
resh everything to be iiad
) run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep what you
please. Call
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. 1 1 shall take pleasure in giving you all"
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
' Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon. - :
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatom.ce. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Worthain's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon. -
desire would promote
Fresb Uegetablts,
in the market. We
want and to
and see
B. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done. .
Office in Burnett brick. Corvallis, Oreg
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Room 14, First .National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a, tn., 2 to 4 p. m. .-
MEN. .
Ooe Bandit Killed and Engin
eer Barrett Is Wounded Slight
ly Robbers Escaped With-;
oat -Plunder in a Boat. -.
Portland, Sept. . 24. Portland
Oregonian: In an unsuccessful at
tempt made by four masked men to
hold up and rob tbo O. "R.": & N
fverland train leaving Portland
ast night at 8:15 o'clock one of the
robbers was nhot and instantly kill
ed and Engineer OUie Barrett, of
Portland, was wounded. Express
Messenger Fred Korner fired the
shot that nlew the bandit, and the
bullet, after passing through his
body, wounded the engineer, strik
ing him in the left shoulder
The men bad badly bungled the
job after having successfully stop
ped the tram and couapelledlbe en
gineer and ..fireman to 'accompany
them in their work. Instead of at
tacking the express car.tbey blew
open the door of the -baggage car
with dynamite. -1 he noise aroused
the express messenger, and he op
ened his dpor and tired at the lead
ing robber, who stood at ,theN time
but a few feet from him.
The death of tbe unknown ban
dit, apparently the leader of the
party, disheartened the others, and
tbey abandoned the attempt to rob
the train. Not a shot was fired in
return,. . and the bandits escaped
before the express messenger fired
again. :,''.-.).
The hold-up" was attempted ,on
tbe curve west of the. tunnel which
appears above mile po9t21, at about
y:6i) o'clock. Two , masked mtn
stole aboard tbe train at Troutdale,
hiding 0.1 the blinds end nf , the
from. Troutdale the two men crept
over tbe tender and, covering en
gineer Barrett and Fireman Steven
son with their revolvers, ordered
the train to proceed, to a point near
mile post 21. When this spot had
been reached the bandits ordered
the engineer to stop. ; ; '
The other men joined ihe ban
dits at the mile post, and the four
ordered the engineer and fireman to
accom panyjthem back to the express
car. ; the robbers, apparently ig
norant of train formation and very
nervous, attacked the baggage car.
When the doors were not opened
promptly they used dynamite and
blew the door openn
Though he had been ordered,
with the firemen, to keep ahead of
tbe party, .Engineer Burrett manag
en to slip behind the leader. As
the door to the express car was op
ened and Korner'a gun was poked
out, he was standing directly -behind
the man who was under the
door. - Korner fired immediately,
the bullet instantly killing the rob
ber and wounding the engineer.
The other , bandits, frightened by
the shot, retreated. ,?
The dead body, of the bandit was
left lying at the scene of the hold
up, but Engineer Barrett is of the
opinion '. that his companions re
turned and removed it. He believes
the men had a boat lying on the
river bank and made their escape
in this manner. . .- - , -
When tbe robbers stopped s the
train, members of the train crew
immediately warned the passengers
of the impending peril. It is relat
ed by those who talked with people
on the cars that the conductor ran
through the coaches crying a warn
ing and urging everyone to hide
valuables. Purses, watches and
jewelry were hastily thrust under
seat cushions. Women screamed
and eome passengers, both men and
women, ' attempted to bide where
they could be safe from the bullets
that they expected to fly at any
time or where any robber making a
trip through the cars would be un
able to find them. - '
- Engineer Barrett lost his valua
bles. These- are lying on the plat
form at Bridal Veil, and constitute
the only loss,' save that which the
company sustained, which followed
the hold-up.
: All the actions of the four menf
and especially, their precipitate
flight when the leader was shot
down, ; indicate that the hold-up
was attempted by novices. Rail
road officials believe that the men
were either desperate Portland men
or that they live .. somewhere along
the railroad. Their baoeling in
blowing ppen tbe baggage, rather
than the express-car, and their ac
tion 10 permitting Engineer Bar
rett to hide behind one of their
numfeeeare further indications that
the roenhad no previous experience.
They acted at all times as though
they were nervous and were anxious
to get away. It is extremely doubt
ful whether the robbers would have
attempted ; to in tellers with the
passengers, even had they succeed
ed itSobbing tbe express car. -
(A posse left Portland shortly af
ter midnight last nigbt for thelBcene
of the hold-up. The posse was de
layed an hour from the fact that
Sheriff Storey could not be reached
by telephone. A t messenger had
to be sent for him.
Washington," Sept. 22. When
the;, 'state department closed today
it was agreed that the Panama ca
nal treaty- was dead, although eight
hours yet remained within which
the Colombian congress might take
affirmative action upon it. - Noth
ing,? however, had been received
during the day, either from Minis
ter Beau pre at Bogota or from Mr.
Herion, the Colombian charge here,
which gave the slightest hope of a
favorable issue.
' A'report is current here that Co
lombia congress, secret session,
has - clothed President Marroqoio
wirnr full power to negotiate a treaty
If this reporfshould turn out to be
truei President Marroduin, who is
courted j a friend of the treaty,
could proceed untramraeled by tbe
fear -of future reckoning with his
congress. ' :
- la aby event, President .Kooee
veltmust now take the; next step.
He Can elvct to proceed under the
Spodner act and take np the Nica
ragu'ao route, or he can -allow tbe
matter to drift for the present in
the hope that a way ruy yet be
found to straighten out the present
difficulty in the path of the Panama
route. ' -
' ' " ."" '
yiity-v K-Ter,t.,22.TTr After a
trial of eight days, the jury in t the
case of Curtisf .tett, charged , with
the murder ofYTawn Marshal Cock
rill, at Jackson, Ky.,'July 211902,
this evening rendered a verdict of
guilty, and fixed the punishment at
death. The jury retired at 2:44 p.
m.'- When the jury entered the
courtroom at 5:10 p. m., after a
greeing on a verdict, quiet reiened
for a few moments. Jett's mother
had gone away earlier under the
impression that no verdict would be
reached, and the verdict of death
coming two hours after tbe jury
was out was a surprise to every one
in the courtroom. The reading of
the verdict did not affect Jett, but
his brother was very much distress
ed - .J..
Elijah McKinney served as fore
man of the jury, and after de
livering the verdict to the court the
jury was polled. Tbe death sen
tence was then read to Jett, after
which he was given over to the cus
tody of the deputy sheriffs.
; This has been the second trial of
Jett on the trial of murder. In his
firt trial for the murder of J. B.
Marcum at Jackoon, Jett, and
Thomas White were sentenced to
life imprisonment.
The jurors agreed among them
selves not to divulge the proceed
ings in the jury-ioom. One juror,
however, stated that for four ballots
11 jurors voted for the death penal
ty and one for a life sentence. All
agreed on the-fifth ballot. '
New York, Sapt. 22. Falling I
from the eighth floor of a building
in course of erection at No. 20 West
Eighteenth street, a distance of a
bout 80 feet, and turning three
somersaults in his descent, Joseph
Heiser, an ironworker, -has escaped
with a slight laceration of two fing
ers. ' A score of workmen rushed
to -the. cellar, expecting to find
his mangled form. Instead " they
found him calmly examining his
lacerated fingers. . To convince
them that be had escaped' without
injurye danced a jig. - Then he
went back to work at the top of the
building. "
' For Sale.
Vetch, rye and cheat seed at Corvallis
Flour Mills. ' . , - . '
Good cloth es. for boys. Nolan
When you want fresh vetch seed go to
See our new fall stock of men and boys
suits and overcoats, larger and better
than ever at money-saving prices.
. S. L. Kline.
Robs the Deputy of Hia Weapons
On Turning a Corner He Jumps :
N Into the Brush by the Road
i and Eicapes Other v ?
. ' News." .r '
Stevenson, ; Wash., . Sept. 22.
Bloodshed may result from the
manhuctnow in progress on. the
Washington side of the Columbia
River, between The Dalles and Van
couver. iJurne, the lorger and es
caped prisoner from the Hillsboro
jail, overpowered a deputy sheriff
who had captured him yesterday
and secured two revolvers, a rifle
and a large supply of ammunition.
His action and escapades of the past
ftw days brand him as being des
perate, and should the posse which
is now not on :his trail overtake
him, there is little doubt but that a
pitch battle will ensue.
,t Burke's feats of the past week
have shown that he does not intend
to spend his time in jail. Stmday
he escaped from bherifx Totton, of
Skamania county, who had recap
tured him at the hotel at Carson.
The sheriff sent a shower of bullets
after the fugitive, but the shots ap
parently only made the fugitive run
the faster, none of tbem taking ef
fect.' " ": .
Sheriff Totton located the escap
ed man at the hotel in Craon,
Wash., Early Sunday morning, af
ter having scoured the country in
the vicinity of The Dalles, where
Burke was reported to have been
seen.' The sheriff captured his man,
getting the drop on him, and at
onpe started with him for . Steven
son, the sheriff riding with hia gun
tre"tf vh'-TE-e captive, who walked
ahead. - -
It. was at a sharp turn in tbe road
that Burke made bis escape. Be
inz shut out for a second from view
he bolted into the brush without
the least warning. The officer emp
tied his revolver into the brush,
clipping tbe twigs right aud left.
and ordering Burke to halt, but
there was no sound from tbe fugi
tive. Sheriff Totton at once rode
to the different settlements, of the
vicinity and left instructions that
a sharp lookout for tbe man be kept
Every available officer was put
on his trail, with tbe result" that a
deputy sheriff from Lower Cascades
came upon mm yesterday and ar
rested him in the brush near that
settlement. Burke was unarmed
and did not resist, especially when
the officer thrust a gun in his face
and informed him that the least
show at resistance would make him
a fit subject for the undertaker.
Burke's eyes were bloodshot, and
he showed the hardships of running
through tbe forests all day and
night without food.: Apparently he
was quite docile, and the officer
started with him for Cascade Locks
to place him in confinement ' for
safekeeping. 1
But Burke was merely biding his
chance. When officer and captive
had walked some distance and got
ten on faiily friendly terme. Burke
suddenly seized tbe deputy and a
terrible struggle ensued.
Both men fought for every incb
there was in them, but- Burke s
strength was supplemented by des
peration, and be fought like a de
mon until be bad the deputy over
powered. He then helped himself
to the minion's rifle, revolvers aad
ammunition, bade him a sarcastic
adieu and disappeared in the brush
down'the river.
This episode as soon as it became
known, convinced the officers that
they have a desperate man to deal
with. Sheriff Totton promptly or
ganized and equipped a posse and
went on the trail determined to
take the man, dead or alive. They
will scour the country along the
river to Vancouver. A reward of
$150 is offered by the Washington
county sheriff for Burke's capture.
Burke is the man who swindled the
Jackson county bank- out of about
$250, and tried the same swindle at
Forest Grove, where he was arrest
ed as he entered the bank to pass a
forged check.' The officers of the
bank had been forewarned", and
thrust guns in the man's face when
he walked into the; bank. Wben
arrested he was taken to the Hills
boro jail; where he located a weak
spot in the walla and dug his way
out, in company with a young fel
low named McNamara, who has
since been recaptured. .
Salem, Or., Sept. 22. The Stata
Boad of Portage Railway Commis
sioners held a meeting today and
formerly directed the attorney gen
eral to begin proceedings against
the O. R. '& N. Co. to condemn a
right of way for tbe portage . road
over a portion ; of that company's!
right of way near Celilo. Engineer
1 A. E. Hammond is here, and ' will
assist the attorney-general by fur n- -ishing
the necessary data regarding
the proposed location on the 'road.
Mr. Hammond's maps show that
the portage road will encroach upon
the O. R. & N.'s right of way for
about a mile, but its nearest ap
proach to the company's tract is 35
feet, and that for only a short dis
tance. Mr. Hammond informed
the board that while hewas at the '
irrigation congress be told some of
the Eastern Oregon people that if
the cost of securing a rignr. of way
should be too great, uj portage
doned for want of a suHL-ieut ap
propriation. . He was told that the Eastern Or-
egon people are so anxious to have
ithn road built that they would be
willing to raise $50,000 or more if
necessary, in order to secure the
construction of the road ana the
consequent reduction in freight
rates. -
The Dalles, Sept. 22, A great
deal of excitement prevailed
around The Dalles land office ; be
ginning Sunday, when about 40
men and women were holding the
fort at the land office so as to be
the first to enter the office when
the big front door opened on Mon
day morning. The cause of the
rush was fractions of , four town
ships! of timber land being, open
for filing. These townships are lo
cated in different parts of Wasco
and Crook countie8 and.thesernei
and women Triad found- that t w(i
men representing an Eastern syndr)- -cate
were here to file on tbe land
themselves, and .having script and '
cash to take up the entire tract.
All the parties stayed near the
land office all Sunday and Sunday
night and had their meals carried
to them and Dick Goeman, tbe
local real estate man, was busy all
night making out filing papers.
' ' When the door of the land office
waa open Monday morning the .
would-be filers spotted one of tbe
syndicate men, and held him so
the settlers could file, but syndi
cate man No. 2 slid in ahead and
did the ' work for his syndicate,
shutting out fbe 40 men and
women. It is not yet determined
what the ruling of , the land office
will be. " : . ,
Opening of the College of Philomnth -Public
Exercises Sales by Ambler.
Tbe College of Philomath opened
its fall term Tuesday.: There was
a very encouraging attendance. In
the evening an entertainment waa
given consisting of music, recita
tions, etc. Those who took part '
did their work in an excellent man
ner and all are to be compliment
ed. This college has an encourag
ing outlook. There is a strong
probability of its buying the Philo
math college to increase its facili
ties. Miss Hawks and Miss Wheal
don have been added to tbe teach
ing corps, which makes an excel-
lant and efi t hiiQi aat ir fnnillt.v.
vuv .
Mr. Pu?h has boucht the resi
dence property which Mr. Scott re
cently purchased 01 tne Mason
heirs. The deal was gegotiated
through Mr. Ambler who has also
sold Waiter Kisor's property to
airs xrwiu. .. .
Moses Brothers have issued vol.
f. No. 1. of the Philo-nath Rustler.
tn snrftn.ri thn ti"WS of the vicinitv
and advertise their extensive busi
ness. It was printed on the college ,
press. - : v y '.-
The Philomath public schools
will (nmrnance next Monday with
fnnr t.rhfrs. Prof, and Mrs. Pratt
and Prof, and Mrs. S. G. Springer.
Mr. Oscar Weed has gone to Co
lumbia county on a trip of business
and pleasure. :, ,
For Sale.
Several nice Poland China pigs, both
sexes, eligible to record. .. Inquire of.
Robert Wylie, Lewisburg, five miles
north of Corvallis, y . ! . . ' ,