ANOTHER MURDER. CHARGED WITH MURDER OF HIS FATHER IN CROOK COUNTY. . Had B en on Bad Terms With Hia Father Was Buried Only Three Feet Ax Fire Built Over Burial Place to Conceal It: ' Prineville, Or., Sept. 20. C. M. Doukel, ot D.-scbutes, was arrested in Prineville, rnday afternoon, by the sherm ot tnis county, and is sow in the county jail at this place charged with th9 murder of his father sometime between the 13th and 17tb of September. The time for the preliminary examination has npt been pet. Quite a feeling has been arous?d again s i. the young man by the peo ple living in the vicinity of the mur der. The young man himself while not denying that he had frequent troubles with his father, says becan give a eatisfactory account for. all the time he was away irom camp between the l3th and the time he was present wnen they found - his father's body. Inquiry at tbe snerin a office as to any evidence thev may have that would connect G. M. Dockal with tb-v crime brought the ii formation , that as the coioner's jury say a Duarder has been'comoiitted, his of fice in connection with the district attorney have the matter in hand and have nothing to say regarding it at present. ", :.'..'. v:.-. S. P. Donkel was shot behind the left ear, and bis body was then bur ied in a grave about three feet deep. Over this a fire was built for the purpose of either obliterating all trace of the newly made grave or in hopes that tbe heat from the fire would cause tbe disintegrating of the body. DjnktTs utory is that, upon missing bis lather, he insti tuted a search for the . body. ?" He was attracted to the spot where the fire bad bten built. v - - , In prodding around through the , sslfcs he noticed that the earth uo- j was not firm, and, upon I i&TCeiigating, discovered that it Bad been freshly, dug. He dug j - down some dictat es when he came to a boot which he recognized as belonging to his father, and then ' made the discovery that the buct . incbaed the foot. While stopping to investigate further, he immedi ately came to Prineville and in- . &f med the coroner, who went to tba soer e and finished exhuming the body. " Djnkel's money was found to tave disappeared, and the theory is that the murder was committed for tbe purpose of robbery. The coro ner's jury decided that the deceased! came to his death at the hands of persons to them unknown, and that t& cause was from the desire to ... conceal tbe crime of robbery. , St. Helens, Or., Sept. 20. S. P, Donkel. who was recently murder ed in Crook county, was a- well known resident of this county un til a coupla of years ago. For ma ny years he lived near Mist, in the lower Nehalem Valley, and vwas held in high f steem by .a wide cir cle of friends. ; - Baker City, Or., Sept. 19. A particularly distressing ecene was enacted at the parish house of Fath er Uesmereas of tbe congregation of St. Francis at noon; The principle trouble was caused by Biebop Chas. J. O'Reilley, Deputy Sheriff Hem pie, Father Desmereas and bis de mented sister. " ' Deputy Sheriff Hemple went to" the parish home to serve papers in a suit of ejectment againtt -Father Desmereas. The ejectment was caused by the orders of Bishop O' Reilley, the authority in the y dio cese. Father Dasmereas resented, disputed and opposed the deputy sheriff. He drew a gun and stood the officer cff. Deputy Hem ple is a small man, , but .he took charge of the resisting priest and finally, with assistance, landed the warlike priest in jail. The demented sister of Father Desmereas was arrested later. Charges of insanity were filed, a gainst her this afternoon and now she,, with her brother, is also an in mate of the county jail. V Father Desmereas created no lit tle excitement as he was being plac ed in jail by the deputy sheriff. He shouted and raved in his agony: "My God, don't put me in jail with out letting me see an attorney. My sister, I must see her. I must go back and get her." First street was lined on both sides with people who were attract ed by the excitement of the scene. Crouse & Brandegee fine clotb-J mg for fine dressers. Nolan & Callahan, KINGS VALLEY NEWS. Mrs Nettie Frantz has been quite sick the last wte. Mr. MUner is moving to the Dick Rodgers' farm. Mrs. Lew Ritner and her daugh ter Anna, are both quite sick. All the O A. C. students except ing Ernest Eddy, have returned to town. ,,; , ' ' " f Phy Simpson is moving his log ging camp nbout six miles farther up the Luckiamute. Dr. Luther, Art Miller and John McCullen, with their familiee, have been lojthe Sta e Fair ihi past week. And we leaan that Will Graham is to move to the r . Chambers' farm now being vacated by Mr, Mhner. : . ".. . . . Hop picking is completed in all the yards iu the valley except ing at the Bump yard. Linlc Al Ien picked about 1200 boxes. The Townseud Bros, picked about eight hundred boxes. , . . . George Neathamer has moved a couple of loads of his furniture to his farm nar Monmouth. Uno. His - Life Saved bv Chamberlain's Colie Ch lera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Bi"L. Byer, a well known coop er of this town says he believes Chamberlains colic1, cholera and diarrhoea remedy saved bislife last summer. He had been sick for al month with what tbe doctors called bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave him immediate relief," says R T. Little merchant, Handcock, Md. For sale by, Granam & . Wortnam. PRESS CLIPPINGS Concerning Dr. Darrin Now Locat ed at Revere House, Albany. The republicans of Linn county won't thank Dr. Darrin for rescuing hat old - democratic warhorse, Judge J.: Whitney, from the grave. Salem journal. Only trom JUeai- oees. uinerwise tne Judge nas oeen sound as a dollar. Albany Demo crat. : 1 L-iVf-v -;' ,-; Dr. Darrin, the specialist at Al bany, has his office crowded every day, and the list of testimonials of his cures are eloquent tributes to his ability.-Independence Enterprise Judge J. J. Whitney, of this city has been taking treatment from Dr. Darrin for his hearing and is sur prised himself at . the quick and complete restoration of his hearing, Hi letter to the public speaks much for the successful treatment of this specialist. Herald,, Aug. 3O, As will be seen by an article on the first page of this paper, the em inent physician, Dr. Darrin, is a gain in this part of the Willamette valley, being located at Albany to remain until the first of December. During the doctor's stay in .Salem last Summer he made many mar velous cures, and. the sick, and af flicted of this section can congratur late themselves upon being able to take advantage of his remarkable ek 11 in the treatment of ? disease. There' has always" been a preju dice against advertising doctors, but Darrin, now at Albany, has ov ercome this prejudice and has , re ceived patronage from ! the most in fluential citizens ,, of tbe , county. When, such men as W. W Parrish, of Sodaville, and Judge Whitney, of Albany, tes ify to his merits : as a healer he is surely entitled to the consideration of the suffering pub lic. Lebanon Criterion. V For Duchees trousers, see Nolan & Callahan.- I '.--'.-; To Sell or Let. One hundred head of good ewes to sell or let on shares. , Apply to ' J.' C. Walker, ' Fern P. O, Oregon, G. ii. FARBA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back bf Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison ,and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104.. . All calls attended promptly. , C T E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in Zierolf Building, Or. E. R, Br y son, Attorney-At-Law, POSTOFFICB BUILDING DIGTEIBUTE DISEASI.; Street Cars as Disseminators of In fectious Maladies. -affpy . ; . . "ws- Vitiated Air and Expectorations Rea. der Those. ConTeraiiett K ' ... fnl Source of Co-ntnsrlon : i .. . Weed ot Srtrinare-nt Rmlea. : : - In the larger cities' of this country the street car is as potent a factor in the dissemination on communicable diseases as many of those usually cata logued in the standard works of hy giene. In these larger centers of popu lation 'the condition is one of an ex cessive number of passengers crowded into a limited, number of cars. In some cities, this continues throughput thf entire day, and in all of them during the morning and evening hours. Dur ing the period of congested traffic, the cars are crowded -to the limit, every seat being occupied, and the aisles and rear platforms literally, packed with oil classes of pur variegated popula tion, says the Interstate Medical Jour- nal. ' .J' ;.: 'j,'' The ventilation of these cars is in ferior, both on account of inattention to this important matter on the part of the builders of this class of rolling! stock, and. also because the passenger differ so widely as to the proper tem perature' and - circulation . necessary! to their comfort. , . - Tuberculosis is undoubtedly propa: gated through the medium of . these cars, which become' infected by the promiscuous expectoration indulged in by consumptives, notwithstanding notices of warning. Hannum.of Cleve land, recently examined 25 specimens of sputum found in street cars (15, from the interiors and ten from the) rear platf orms) : the tubercle bacillus was present in three instances. Other specimens showed the pneumococcus and the bacillus influenzae. ' These conditions, the persoij-to-per- son contrn-et, and b .hwpthjnsr ft vitiated air frequently laden with contagious exhalation and with dust from dried sputum, re most favora ble to the distribution of contagious diseases. Of course it is only prob lematical as to the number of small pox cases which were infected through these conditions during the recent epidemic, but it is certain that but: few better opportunities of -infection are offered than through the street-car contact -of all ' classes. Other transmissible diseases can very easily be, and no doubt are, Com municated in, the same way. i .. ; The solution of this problem istnot easy.. ' Street railway companies are not inclined to- relieve the present situation without compulsion. Fiealth officers, however, have authority over the sanitation of these' pubjfo con veyances. This - authority-- inj most municipalities gives- sufficient i power to prevent.' unduer .overcrowding' of cars , when such prevention wo.uld be for the "protection of public fiealth. When necessary, as in times '. of a general epidemic, such, autliority should be exercised.' . Under alt cir cumstances regular " disinfection of street cars should be practiced Ci an efficient manner. In this way'- the cars can be made biologically clean, and the health of the community bet ter protected. There is Just as much occasion for this procedure- ss there is for - the disinfection of Pullman cars, now energetically practiced at di fferent points; Investigation - has developed the fact that there, is but one city in the . country, Philadel phia where any pretense is made of d'infectipn ,.of street cars.. , The Union Traction, company of that city dvnfects its cars with carbolic acid. This possibly answers for the killing of bacterial Jife pn the floors and wrlls of the cars, but does no good for the contaminated places where dust has settled, and which- nothing but a gaseous agent lyould reach. STATISTICS ON SUICIDES." rh Hnmber of Pe-rioiu Wko Com mitted Self-Destruction la ' : . United States In 1901. . i. The number of suicides in the United States during the year 1901, as com pared with' former years, was as fol-, lows: ? 1901, 7.245; 1900; 6,755; 1899, 5.340; . 1898, 5.920; 1897, 6,600; 1896, 5,530; 1895, 5,759; 1894, 4,912. A con siderable increase is apparent in rer cent years. Of the total number in 1901, ; 5,850 were males and 1,395 females, showing the same proportion . as for several years past. The causes pf self murder were reported as follows:. , De spondency," 2,980"; unknown, 1,643; in sanity, 674;" ill-health, 618; domestic infelicity, 541; liquor, 439; disappoint ment in love, 283; business losses, 67. The: agencies used iu committing sui lide, with the number of persons em ploying each, were as follows: Poison, j,106; shooting 2,476; hanging, 614; irowning, 613; 7 cutting throat, 356; jumping from roofs and windows,"5S; jhrowing themselves in front of lo eomotive engines, 27; stabbing, 23; . fire, 23;' dynamite, 11; starvation, 6,' a- - ' - Immense fortunes have, been made out of the banana business. Revenues do ,'noi accrue alone from the sale of the. fruit, for the leaves are used for packing; the v juice,-being strong in tannin, make an indelible ink and shoe blacking; the wax found on the under side of the leaves is a valuable article cf cr-mmerce; manila hemp is made from the stems, and of this hemp are made mats, plaited work and lace handkerchiefs, of the finestL texture; moreover, the banana, is ground into banana liouv. ;The fruit to be sold for" d oEsert k rijis.n ed by the dry warm th cf flaring jT3s . jets in the storage nieces, in vl iolv it is kept, and care has to be tnVen to prevent softening or overrineemg. The island of Ja maica yields ereat crops of this use ful and nipngy -making fruit. ; . 'migration of the snipe. Ton of Lead Ore rtred at the Artful Dodger m He Wligi Hia War . loithwari. : The snipe, properly Wilson's snipe, Gallinago Delicata, .. but- commonly , known as Knglish snipe and wrongful ly called half a dozen other names, is a widely distributed species.' It visits every slate at some season; its north ward migration extends within the arctic circle, while it is known to go southward to northern South America and the West Indies. Comparatively few of the: birds which move north ward from February until May breed south of the international' line. - It is quite . true . there are breeding grounds at various points of the northern, states, but the- great breeding, range extends ' from latitude 42 degrees north to some undetermined point much nearer the pole than most sportsmen will venture. ; Some time in September the first south-bound birds : pass below the Canadian grounds, and soon most of the suitable marshy bits of east and west have their share ' of long-billed prizes. Then begins, an astonishing attack which extends from .ocean to ocean and generally sweeps south ward from .Canada 'to California. Probably tons of lead, half of which is wasted, are ' fired at ' the artful dodger. ' '"- ' CARIBOU MURDER, , Lr( Compaaiea - That SlusMtf Bsniradi of the Animals lm HewfouadlaJid. . ' ;'. Newfoundland is probably th-e only country in the world where . venison. salted or fresh, is a sit pie article of diet for the masses. - The coast folic make their plans with method and de liberation, says Outing. From the har bors where they reside they go in their boats to the rivers and fords which strike jnto the interior. When.nang.a tion is no logger possible they debark and contintie on foo'to the d-eer coun try.: They carry barrelsfilled with salt and someiirT!e go in large companies. Whe,n the rend-ezvous-is reached they camp.- Then, they ambush themselves along a promising "lead" or deer track, armed with a long, six-f ootmuzzle-lpad1-ing sealing guns, which they charge with about "fight fingers" of coarse gunpowder and "slugs" of lead, frag ments of iron or bits of rusty - nail's, whichever they may have. They fire point blank into a herd of caribou, as-it passes, and being usually good shots, contrive to kill almost anything they aim at, or to wound it so badly with th ese d read f ul missiles that it soon, col lapses. . Then they skin and cut up the meat, for these men know a little of every trade, and pack it in the barrels with the saltas a preservative. ' HOVEL PRISON REFORM Italy Prnm Caaaeasa.tlofb-Mea " W Ian Been InJastly Coaauined. A new criminal. bill is about to be dascuned in Italy, and it is thought in Rome- that it will be passed.. , I proposes , to concede -to those found to have been unjustly condemned to prison an indemnity, to be, decided upon by the courts, saya a report to the Chicago Tribune.''- '"- : If the person has been in- pnson through a real judicial error the indem nity will, in some way correspond to the financial, loss which he and his family have sustained, while. if he has ben condemned through the bad faith of a third person, through false testi mony (for which, of course, the court which condemned him ' is not respon sible), the indemnity will , be less, but at least-he will have. the WherewitJial to begin life anew.. : - . :; It has - been proposed to indemnify those, living when, the law passes who have already' been released, from iui. merited condemnations or tbe families of those who have died while undergo ing unjust sentence. --''' Indian Sutlers. Thomas France and John Johns, sailors in the United States navy, are full-blooded Iroquois. .'Indians, who grew up together on an Indian res ervation. ; They left home about ten years ago ana never met until a week or so ago, both having sailed all over the world meantime. To their tribe they are known respectively as Leap ing ueer ana White leather.' . HE TURNED ON THE POWER." The - Tiaaely SoEretiiom That Wi . . OCaved an Abaemt-Htmded , . Ao.-t m o-blliat. v. . A prominent Wachington physician furnished considerable amusement to pedestrians on '. Pennsylvania avenue one afternoon recently, The eminent, but upon this occasion absent-minded, physician endeavored to leave the Ea leigh hotel in his automobile. -He had ridden from some distance with a par ty of friends whom he entertained at luncheon at the hotel. When the par ty was ready to resume the trip the machine refused to go, and the physi cian labored for a long time injthe' fruitless effort to induce it to move, relates the Washington Post., - By this time a large crowd Siad col lected, and the party seemed to won der how it , was possible for such ,a mOb to form in such a little while. '.;Then some rude man in that collec tion called out at the top of his voice: "Why don't you turn on the gasoline?" The doctor's facial expression might have meant anything, although he said not a word. ,: But he quietly laid down his tools, his quick eye sought out the man who had made the suggestion, and, in.a manner that wai Chesterfield-. ian to the limit, he. said;. "I thank you." . ... : . . - l' ' Thou hp turned on the Dower, and the ;-. machine went - sailing -off as J smoothly as a cup defender. . ,. -Tine . Richest, 'Daintiest; Effects IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE . . . . . . . CARBONS' The style that carried off the laurels at the ? '. , - ' - '' . These carbon parchments are not mounted on cards but delivered in neat Foldeks or at tached to thia Linen mounts, making a com bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam ples of these Carbons are now on exhibition at i Emeiy's Studio, aK5 If You are Having: illllfc Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me,- get a fit that's guaranteed andby one who will always be on hand to make good hie guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT ' The Jeweler and Oiticiaj. For Sale. Good resident lot; close in at a gain. ' Inquire at Time office. ' bar- i. For. Sale. : New vetch seed. Also a fresh Jer sey cow. James L Herron. . . : For Bent.' Furnished rooms, second door north of M. E, church South. Mis. B. L.Fitcb. - For Sale, ."- , ' At a bargain; 20o feet ot picket - fence. Apply to Mrs. Sarab Moore, corner Third & Jackson. Good Lots, for Sale Cheap. Expecting to leave Corvallis eoon I bave some good,, well located lots for sale cheap; - -.: -; N. B. Avery. Wanted. Inquire at. Times office. Wood. L. G. ALTMAIV, M. D Ho-meopathist Offloe cor 3rd and Monroe sta. Real : dence cor 3rd and Harrison , sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to i and 7 .to 8 P. M. , Sundays 9 to 19. A. M, Phone reeldenee 315. - "I Aoat think we could keep honiw without Thedford'a Black- ' .- Draught. We hare used it in the familT for over two years with the .' . best of results. 1 have not had a : doctor in the house for that length r of time. It is a doctor in itself and ' , always ready to make a person well and happy." JAMES hat.t Jack- t sonville, 111. ' . r. Because) this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and in vigor-. - . ates the torpid liver and weak l ened kidneys . ,-, is necessary in the home where v ..Thedford's Black-Draught is , kept. Families living m the v country, miles from any physi cian, have Kaati Iranf in T,Anl.l' - , for years with this medicine as ineironiy doctor. Thedford'a " -f Black - Draught cures bilious ' iiess, dyspepsia, colds, chills and : j-fever, , bad blood,; , headaches, i diarrhoea, constipation, - colic i . -;. and almost every other ailment ' . ;., because, the stomach,, bowels " liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health. . ' V Trouble, with your Eyes Willamette Valley Banking Company. , ; GOKVAI.X.IS OREGON. f - Responsibility $100,000 A General Banking Business. Eschaoge issued payable at all finan cial centers in United States,' Canada and Europe. . Principal Correcpondents. PORTLAND-Loudon & San VranoiitooBaMk ' Kiimited; Canadian Bank of Comnaeree. '. SAN O London A San Francis co Bank Uiiiited. '- NtW IORK-Messrs. J. p. Morgan tt Co. CHICAGO First National Bank. WM(BO; ENG. London San Franeiaoo Bank limited. WATTLE AND TAOOMA-Loadoa A Saa. Francisco Bank Limited.. Notice of Final Settlement. .. '.Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator ot the estate of Kinman Vander pool deceased, has filed In the County Court ot BertoD County, State of Oregon his final ao counc as such administrator of said eMate.aud that Saturday September the 12th at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. has been fixed by said court as tne time for hearing objections to said re port, and the settlement thereof, j ' VIRGIL A. CARTER, . . Administrator of the Estate of Kin -'. man Vanderpooi, Deceased. .Notice of Final Settlement. : Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of C. O. Vanderpooi de ceased, has filed in the County Court of Benton County, State ot Oregon hia final account as such executor of said estate, ana that Saturday the 12th day ot September at tbe hour of 2 o'clock P M.jhas been fixed by the court as the time for hearing objections to said account and the settlement thereof. DAVID TANDERPOOL, v " ' t Executor of the Estate of C. 0. 'i. .: Vanderpooi. Deceased .... CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card Number 22. Vox Yaquina: ' '' Train leaves Albany. .. . " Corvallis.. arrives Yaquina . . . . .12:45 p. m . 1:50 p. m 5:35 P- m Returning: Leaves Yaquina........... 7:30a.m Leaves Corvallis ............. 1 1 :$o a. in Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m For Detroit: ". ;"' Leaves Albany..... ............ 7:00a, Arrives Detroit. ... . . ..........12:20 p. m m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit. ........... .l:UO p. Arrives Albany. i. s:5S P. m m Train No. I arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, ; as well as giving two or three hours ; in Albany before departure of; S P, north, bound train. .-J;.- -. v Train Vn o enn nets with the S P train at Corvallis snd Albany giving direct ser vice ' to jsewpon ana aujacent Deacnes. . Tiin 1 fnr Ti-rrit. ' Rreitenhunh ; And other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m. , reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing ample time to reach the Springs the ' same day. , v,v ; '- .m For further information apply to a . ' Edwin Stonu, . j - r ,.- 1 Manager. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. , . -, Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany, . ; ?; t ;