Con nty Clerk's &tfc soys-. Vol. XVI No. 29. CORVALLIS, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 1903. Editor Mud proprietor. ' ' THE y Vy Extra Floor Space Added to our Store the past Spring i , WILL BE TAXED TO ITS FULLEST IN HOLDING OUR Large purchases of Men's Boys9 Clothiog : Sweaters, Rubber Clothing, and Men's "Heavy High-Cut Shoes. Other departments contain Underwear Hats, medium and fine Shoes, Slip pers, Hosiery, v Umbrellas, Watches, and in fact every article to be found in an up-to-date Gents' Furnishing Store. Call and see. ; . '- O. A. C. UNIFORMS, TURKISH TORTURE. CHILDREN THROWN INTO AN OVEN AND BAKED TO -, DEATH. -iUg Do JPot LXie to as high a standard as our desire would promote (O no Vint aaa flint, xrrvri maVA nn miatalrft in . " (0 v. v""- j ... th, e house that keeps the hig- - est standard of Grocer- " ' ies that is the . , place ; to . . BUT Fresh Fruits, Fresb Ueflctablcs, ) Fifty Women and Children Return ing from the Mountains were Butchered by Turkish Sol diers Kill Women in ' Revenge. . t London, Sept. 19. As a result of the intervention of the British Am bassador, th9 decree of expulsion has not been enforced against the Daily Mail's correspondent of Mo nastir, who, under the date of Sep tember 16, telegraphed: "A state of : terror exists here. Susnected Christiana vanish utterly, presumably to prison. Spies abound on everv hand. The fallowing are some tales of atrocities wnica J. nave thoroughly . authenticated, , Tne Turks burned 18 children to death in a baking oven at Bisoler, near Armetzoa, in September. - They Massacred 200 women and children at Jo van in revenge for a death at the hands of the insurgents. amy women and children returning from the mountains to their devatted homes were murdered by Turkish anMip.rH. Between September 10 and September 12 the Basht Bi- zouks destroyed four, villages near Krusbevo. in the presence oi is.aim kai (administrator) of Krusnevo, i . u r a l z massacreipg ana m.uuiiaung u iu habitants." . ' - . The Dili v Mail's Constantinople correspondent says the Porte is dis- Batisfied with Uuizaria's assurance in w r Anne that, the mobilization pi Bulgarian forces is only intendd to nrnvent bands from passing tne frontier, and a nieh military com a statement made by. the local Ma cedonia committee. There was a lively meeting of Macedonians last night in the Sec ond Baptist church. G. M. Tsilka whose . wife was kidnapped with Miss Ellen M. Stone, gave a true account, of the barbaric practi ces of the Turks, and he related in stances of j- unprovoked craplty of which be had been a witness. . He denied the reports that the brigands who captured Miss Stone and Mme. Tsilka were allied to or acting un der the direction of the Macedonian revolutionary party. -When - the meeting adjourned those present dropped their contri butions into the folds of the Ma cedonian flag, as it lay half furled at the door. . 9 fresh everything to be had in' the market. We run our delivery wagon and our aim - is , to keep whan you want and to ' please Call and see - 6 B Horning HOIf -SEEK$tS 1 8F. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. I shall take pleasure ia giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, v Philomath, Oregon. Paris, Sept. 18. Advices from 5ofia tc the foreign office say the 13,000 men being mobilized in Bul garia will bring the present effective force up to 50,000: troops. London, Sept.-21. The Balkan situation pre s nts tew new teatnres this morning. The German empe ror's influence at Vienna is said to have been thrown in favor of allow ing the Sultan the utmost freedom in suppressing the insurrection. Both Turks and Macedonians claim the victories in the dailv encoun ters, f A;'- "-".-:- u::;v:-:'' f A report from Sofia states that Bulgaria's military preparations are reaching the stage of perfection that will enabiethe concentration of men on the ' frontier within 4 week, and the stocks of provisions weapons and ammunition are rap' idlv becoming efficient. - i According to as dispatch from Constantinople to the ; Daily lele Araph, the Sultan is so firmly re solved to avoid war that, on the re port that France was sending Fleet to Turkish waters, and again when it was stated that Bulgaria tum it MtmnPR i iHiui ii iiiuiiuuii Upfi: ' . . Tl FOUND IN THE THROES DEATH IN LONELY .. -: CANYON. - ' OF was mobilizing, he drafted a decree mission is now sitting in the Yildiz jforbidding matsacres in Macedonia, ana conierring more txiBuaivo iubm adminifttative privileges: than had the fCiofik. cansiderine a plan for invasion of Eastern-Rpumaluia. .' 'A-diepteblrom,. baiakov ..tor ' the Time's., dated September 18, aays the number of Macedonian emi grants and refugees along the Iron tier is daily increasing, and , it is calculated that there ate now 20,000 in the various towns, villages and border districts from Burgas to Kos tendin, all eagerly ' looking forward to the ' day of reckoning of the Turks. - Many are compelled to re main inactive through the insuffi cient supply of irma and ammuni tion. The committees find difficul ty in keeping pace with the demand for rifles, as the weapons are arriv iog slasfcly and- irregularlj;pwing to the various obstacles encountered in transit. '' ' i ; : :' ";' AccoVding to information receiv ed' by the . American college ; here, adds the correspondent,4 3000 refu gees from across the frontier of the Adrianople vilayet, are how in Bur gassand, the -neighboring village. All are destitute, and relief is ur gently nteded. They bring terrible stories of rapine ;,and.. devastation, and report that no foreigner, official or unofficial, is allowed to make in dependent investigation or go any where out of sight of the Turkish forces. - . been demanded by the .insurgents them8elve;"but ?on each" occasion j fieding the rumors unfounded, the decree ivss rescinded. It ia believ e(3 however, that should any power (Threaten a demonstration in Turk ish waters, the decree will be sign ed. 1 H.tS. PEEJNOT, , Physician & Surgeon ' Office over postoffie. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. - Hours 10 to .12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Graham & Wortham's drug store. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician 4& Surgeon , Philomath, Oregon. B. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEAOB Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Office, Room 14, First National Bank Building, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours, 10 to 12 a, tn., 2 to 4 p. m. . ' London, Sept. 18. The. West minster Gazette, says a well-known London journalist, cables from Bel grade as follows: .- ? . . ? , : .'Starting with pro-Turkish sym pathizers, I have found, overwhelm ing evidence -, attrocitiea are rather underestimated f in convincingly proving that the Turkish reports of British consuls,.: bankers and ' un prejudiced people. Foreign Minis ter Tsokoff tells me he knows cases of starving women in the forests, killing two of their own children to preserve the third. 1 The forest wan derers will all parish of cold within two more months. . - ' . "Europe,", added the Westmin ster Gazette, dealing with the Kas toria reports, "is bound at' once to intervene, whether by conference or aB a concert. ', , ' Sofia, Sept. 18. Furthei reports from Kartoria say that the city is burning, and that the massacre of its population, estimated to have numbered 10,000 persons, was in describably terribly. The Turks slaughtered indiscriminately' 'Bul garians and Greeks, men, women and children. ' . i Chicago, Sept. 18.-Many mem bers of the Illinois militia have vol unteered their services, to Macedo nia, in the . war against Turkey by New York, Sept. 17. A crowd of several thousand saw an Italian laborer slowly roast to death against the electric' supply rail of the Brood way line in the Subway ditch under Forty-second street and Broadway this afternoon and were powerless to belp him for nearly twenty min u'tes. ' I ' . . The man was caught between a great iron sewer pipe and the eup ply, rail and the pipe was so charg ed with electricity - that it was im possible to move the burning 'man until the. current Was ! detached. His screams of agony could be heard for blocks and traffic'on Broadway and Forty-second street ; was bus pended for nearly half an " hour by the enormous crowd attracted , by his cries. ,'y ''Z 'r' "' Fully ' ten minutes . workmen fought to get hold of an iron pipe, while the screaming man slowly roasted. At last a policeman ' se cured a pale of water and poured it through the trolley slot,, drenenmg the burning clothing," but seeming to add to the agony of the sufferer by increasing tie electric ' contact between the pipe and the feed rail. Finally a policeman tore off his rub ber coat and tossed it to the men in the ditch, telling them to wind it about the pipe and drag it off the burning man. Ihis they did, An ambulance surgeon said that the man could not live. Dr. E. F. Dimmick, of Oakland Is Dsad -His Wife and Two Com-. panions Are Arrested , , and in Jail. : . Oakland, Sept., 19. Dr. Edwin F. Dimmick was found in the throes of death in a lonely canyon of the Contra Costa hills last night. Thurs day he threatened the lives of his wife and Edward Troy, coming at them with an axe.- Today he is dead, and unless the circumstances that surround is demise are more j clearlv ' explained Sheriff Veale will hold the whole camping bartv of which he was a member under arrest. : Obviously the whole storv has not been told This was a camping party from Oaklandcomposed of Dr; Dimmick Mrs. ' Dimmick, -. Edward ; Troy, and a man named t Bishop. Their explanation is that Dimmick turn ed violently insane yesterday, and in the evening fled from the party and va lost in the bills. The tact that his insanity; if there were noth ing more, ' should have proved so quickly fatal, appears to Sheriff Veale in need of a clearer ' explana tion than has yet been gi ven. Pend ing that explanation; the surviving campers will stay in jail at Martin- D.' S.: Mulholland found Dim mick's body in a lonely canyon far out in the stretch between : the Fish ranch and the Lafayette.' It was lying in the' bed of . a creek on the Carrol ranch. : ' Coroner Curry took charge of the body ;. and noti fied Sheriff Veale that the circum stances surrounding the death- ap peared suspicious. -- J. When nrst seen oy muinouana Dimmick was walking ; slowly , and in a croucmne dobiuuu muug tidne-of a.low hill back of the Car- rn bouse. Jdte was noiuiuK ' uia hands to his Btomach and, was evi dently in great pain. . Presently he threw his hands into the air, and, falling backward, started to roll down the side of the hill. At the edge of the cliff which overhangs a canyon, he iecovred himself and Btood erect for a moment, only to fall over again to the bottom of the gully. . V'.' Mulholland rushed to his asist ance and found him lying face down in the sand. His hand were press ed against his abdomen. -; ''' ' Making Dimmick'a position more comfortable, he hastened to sum mon a physician. "When he return ed about half an hour later Dim mick was dead; g : 's Several explanations are offered. There is a story of a fightbetween Dimmick and Trby; in; which the former attacked the latter1 with : an axe. It is known that - Dimmick was' jealous' Of ;TrbyL ;i Owing to the social and " professional promi nence of Dimmick, the " affair- has caused a sensation here. ed is a state politician of New York. ey eav that the announcement this name will cause a sensation. The announcement will not,, how ever, be a sensation if the person is the one hinted at . by the officials; The government will, of courae masnify his importance. Ihe governnceat will be up a- gainst the hard proposition sooner or later that the ; subordinates ; did opt see the heads of firms and . cor porations which made contracts in ' volving hundreds of thousands of dollars.. It is also a peculiar fact that the heads, of big corporations have not been indicted. If they had been they too, would have been able to tell with whom they bad. their conferences when in Washing ton and eUewhere. .. A very important witness for the government in the fraud cases was before the Washington grand' jury today. .. This person is a woman, very pretty, and it is said that she was able to give the testimony which enabled the government to get an indictment atf-curiu -ne of those under charges fr -m New York. ' A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's cough remedy has a remarkable record, It has been' in use for over thirty years during which time many millions bottles have been sold and used. ; It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment qi -croup in thousands of homes yet during all this time no case haB ever been renorted to the ' manuiacture in which it failed to effect a cure, When given as soon as the ' child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, it. will prevent the attack. "It is pleaeant to take and many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be giv en as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Graham & Wortbam." - - . . - Richmond, Va., Sept. 18. A sparkling diamond brooch is now on its wav back to Grand Duke Michael of Russia, having been re jected by Mrs. Nannie Langborne Shaw, the "beautiful daughter of Cbiawell D. Langhorne, of Albem arle county, who met and became friendly with the royal Russian while on a visit to London several, months ago. 1 f; - : "It U true that; the broooh waa sent to Mrs Shaw,'', said Mrs. . T., ' Moncure Perkins, a sister of Mrs.. Shaw, this evening, "and it is also true that she sent it back. I know nothing further about the matter.. . Mrs. Shaw is a sister of Mrs. Charles Dana Gibs6n. Not many months ago a decree wad filed in Albemarle county giving her a di -vorce from Robert G. Shaw,' Jr. Washington Sept., i8.r-The end of the investigation into the great postoffice - scandals, both i by the Washington grand jury and the postoffice department itself, is near at hand, and no one of political prominence charged to have been implicated in the scandals has been indicted. ' : ' ' ' Already the charge is being made openly that the tifficeis - of the ad ministration who are charged with "aoing to the bottom of things" are making frantic efforts to indict mi nor people in oraer , 10 unina , ine people who are r really 'responsibla lor the long list of scandals. . It is of course known to the in vestigators that neither Macben nor Beavers nor any of tne lesser lignts had authority "to make" contracts, The v could recommend contracts and they could assign reasons why certain people, firms, incorporated or otherwise, should get the gov ernment patronage. All of this will come out on the trial of Macben and Beavers, and if there is no indictment at this term of the grand jury of some higher officials, it is not possible that they should escape when the minor . of' ficials open their mouths and tell precisely what happened for the past five or six' years - in the post office department. - , - . , -The grand jury here has found two or three more indictments, and it is hinted that one of those indict .Washington,' Sept. 19. Presi dent Rooeevelt has not an entirely rosy path with the laborers. Noti-' fication of this came today when . the president received a set -kit :iV' friendly reaolutious from the Cen tral Labor Unioa of Washington. He ceat the secretary of - the organi- - zation only a formal reply, which merely acknowledges the receipt of the resolutions. It is not probable that he will vouchsafe any further - answer to the resolutions and It ia almost further certain that he will not accede to the union's demands by ordering the discharge of -Miller from the government printing office. Constantinople, Sept. 19. From the latest dispatches it appears thai insurgents are daily pressing near er to the Turkish capital. They have already made their : way into the vilayet of, Constantinople. -'and the sultan has notified the" powers of the danger which, threatens the foreign ministers unlesa they; re main in their legations, where, -he says,; he is able to and will protect them. Americans, owing to their sympathy with the1 Christian move ment, and cons'equently. with ' the insurgents'; are in particular danger from fanatical: outbreaks. , Owes His Life to a Kindness. Neighbor's Mr. D. P. Daughtery well known throughout Mercer, and Summer counties W. Va. most , likely owes his life to the kindness of a neigh bor.. He was almost , hopelesly af. flicted withdiarrhoea; was attended by two physicians who gave : him little, if any relief, when a neigh bor learning of his serious condi tion brought him a bottle of Cham berlain's colic, cholera, and diar- ' rheoa remedy, which cured him in less than 24"hours, For sale by Graham & Wortham. ' Horse S rayed. A large bay, Bear on left hin4 leg at joint. Address. - A. C. Guthrie, t.. . Eugene, Or. - Notice to Taxpayere.. , Notice ia hereby given that the county board of equalization will attend the office of the county clerk of Benton county, state of Oregon in the said court house of said county, on Monday, the 28th of September, I903, and continue in session one week, at which time they will publicly examine the- assessment roll of said Benton county, state of Ore gon, for year 19O3, and correct all errors in valuations, descriptions or correct qualities of land, lots or other property. All persons interested are required to , appear at the place and time appointed ; . . H. L. Bush, ' , Assessor of Benton county, ' state of Oregon. " -