Ibrmtf fclertc'g D4o jp 1 ' ' jj '''' VoT.XVE.--No. 28. CORVALLIS, OREGON , SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. B. F. IK VIM It Editor and Proprietor. v THE Extra Floor Space Added tq our Store the past Spring WILL BE TAXED TO ITS FULLEST IN HOLDING OUR Large purchases of . Men's Boys9 Clothing Sweaters, Rubber Clothing, and Men's Heavy High-Cut Shoes. Other departments contain Underwear Hats, medium and fine Shoes , Slip pers, H osiery, Umbrellas, Watches, and in fact every article to be found in an up-to-date Gents' Furnishing Store. Call and see. O. A. C. UNIFORMS. X H. HARRIS. CO to as high a standard as our us. but see that you the house that keeps the hig est standard of Grocer ies that is the place to BUY (o Fresb Fruits, fresh everything to be had run our delivery wagon .', to keep whan you please. Call B fiorning IF, YOU ARE LOOKING FOE SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER) Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, . Philomath; Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. ... Orders may be left at Graham & Wortham's drug store. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician & Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. desire would promote make no mistake in Fresb Uegetab.es, es in the market. We and our aim is want and to and see E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACB r Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Qreg B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician and Surgeon, Office, Room 14, First National Bank Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m. STORM IN NEW YORK ' a . - . FIERCEST WIND AND RAIN IN THE CITY KNOWN FOR YEARS. Cabs Are Blown Over and Hun Dreds of Windows Broken Two Masked Men Rob an , Arlington Saloon and .Depart With $500. New York, Sept. 16. Greater New York and its environments for several miles in all directions was visited today by the fiercest wind and rain storm known hereabouts in years. The day began with rain which increased with the wind, and for about two hoars about mid day the combined fury of the ele ments wrought damageon land and water amounting to many thous ands of dollars, The gale culmin ated at noon in a wind velocity of 54 miles an hour. . Apparently solid sheets of water drove across the city, drenching ev ery unfortunate caught without shelter, and the guage at the weath er bureau registered 1 '60 inches precipitation in two hours. I Then the storm subsided. By the ' mid dle of the afternoon the . wind - had dropped to a mere breeze and the sun broke through the clouds. : The gale was especially severe at sea, causing havoo to the ebippipg down the bay, where many, vessels were sunk or wre ked. The worst of the damage was reported from Staten Island. The entire fleet of the Staten Island Yacht Club at anchor was either sunk or wrecked. The pilot boat Hermit , was driven ashore and there was a collision be tween a schooner and a barken tine. - A tugboat was wrecked in Hell Gate. . The hurricane burst wth cy clonic force on the .'center of the city, loosening the 250-foot spire of St. Bartholomew s Protestant Epis copal church in" Madison aveniie." ; The teeple of the South Congre gational church in Brooklyn also was loosened. Trees were .torn op aod the streets of the city were lit tered wiib Bigns and umbrellas of unfortunate pedestrians who hap pened' to be out in the fury of the si orm.' Telegraph and telephone wires above ground were broken in all parts of the Metropolitan district.-... :' v'V:?;'": . ". The tugboat James Kay was blown on Hog? Rock in Hell Gate . and com pi etely w recked . The captain and crew saved themselves by swim ming towards the island. The streets of Manhattan borough were strewn with broken signs and other debris. Scores of plate glass windows along Broadway were broken, the vicini ty of the Flatiron building at Twenty-third street suffering severely in this respect. ": -" ' ,'. sIn the Flatiron itself 40 windows were smashed. Occupants of the building said they felt the huge structure sway in the gale and , ma ny were so badly scared that they left the building. i '-' An express wagon was blown ov er while turning the Flatiron cor ner and the driver and James Bil lings, who were crossing the aven ue, were both seriously hurt. Sev eral cabs on Fifth avenue were also blown over. A score of others were more or lesa injured in this neigh borhood. ' Arlington, Or., Sept. 17. "Hold up your hands.'f was the startling summons to the men in the Arling ton saloon, run by A. J. Coe, about 12:30 this morning. -.. Intent on va rious games the seven men had not noticed the entrance of two masked robbers. But 14 hands went up simultaneously and were held stiff and straight in the air: The intruders were very method ical in their actions. First the "21" game roll was taken. That amount ed to $160. The "bookmaker's'.' wheel yielded about $130. The barkeeper moved over while one of the bandits took about $25 from the cash register. "Open the safe,'.' said the short man. The bartender hesitated, but a glance into the muzzle of the gun held by the tall man was sufficient and the safe was looted of its con tents; even checks were taken. One of the checks was for $45 and payment will be stopped in the morning. In all $500 was obtained. ' "Good evening, gentlemen," said the short man, who seemed to be the spokesman. Then the pair backed out through the - rear en trance, and disappeared. . London, Sept. I5. The Times is in receipt of a dispatch from its correspondent in Sofia that Bulga ria will not wait longer than sun rise tomorrow for some satisfactory information that the powers of Eu rope, will intercede and save thous and! ot helpless ones in Macedonia froqs the butchery of the Turk. So intense has become the situa tion that private citizens in the Bulgarian capital, when compelled. to go upon the streets, appear ac. couteied as soldiers. Spcret meetings are held almost houHy and there seems little doubt that the crisis of war is at hand. , A war with Turkey means a war knowing no end of cruelty, for they givf : nor quarters. . Prisoners will be t'orjtured and even . the , maimed in Rattle will have their wounds tort afresh that they may suffer more.' . ; The red cross has no significance and; the hospital do patients. ''c . I fot that the Bulgarians, Macedo nitis, Slanicans or other reyoli inovJnqial people will be mpre meift,TBey 1 will be as the iq haPtants of the land. All are Sar ac&&.;:::: ;-v : .' - pie 'correspondent continues by sabg that those to be most' pitied areuba women and children, par ticularly young girls. These, es peiaUy the lattery will tot be kill ed -by other means than such ae cannot be told . ''M Sofia, Sept. 15. -Dispatches late toay state that the Turkish caval ry; which has taken stations 'along the frontier, Is ruthlessly killing all refdges who attempt to escape from the disturbed district into Bulga ria. Sharpshooters amuse them selves taking shots at men, women and children.? Albanians have dev astated Mahlf, Dokozuk and Kaia lisa, killing scores of inhabitants. People here are clamoring for war. Emissaries, have today gone to Pe ter of Servia, urging him to join Bulgaria. , - - - , ; Washington,- Sept. la. Despite the report of Admiral Cotton, dated Sunday, that peaceful relations ex isted at Beirut and that the popu lace was in a state of contentment, there has gone out from the state department an order that marines will be landed in the city. When this will occur is not definitely known, but it is believed that more serious complications have arisen during the lat 36 hours than the government officials are at liberty to make public, A v Chicago, Sept. 15. Protestant ministers of Chicago, meeting at the Young Men's Christian Associa tion building, have agreed to aid the Macedonian relief fund and ap proved the work of the Macedonian committee. Natives of Macedonia are enlisting in the regiment be ing organized by the Boris Stains las Tsvetjeff. Gi M. Teilka, hus band of tbe missionary held in cap tivity with Ellen Stone, has offered his services. The Macedonian com mittee has issued an appeal for fi nancial aid. ,' Great Exposition and Carnival. ... The Merchants and Manufactur ers Exposition ; and Carnival will be held at Portland, September 14th to 26th inclusive. ' . ? ; ; For this occasion the Southern Pacific Co, wM sell tickets to Port land and return including coupon of admission at a rate of $4 10 from Corvallis. Sales dates September 15th, 18th, 22nd and ; 25tb, - Tick ets sold at stations south of Fair grounds will allow stopovers at that point, enabling holders to vis it the Oregon State Fair, The Exposition will be held' on Multnomah Club Grounds and ad jacent streets, and in addition to exhibits by merchants and manu facturers, Jabour's circus with ils many attractions has been secured. A special feature will be the grand- spectacular ballet, "When Knighthood was in Flower" by sixty trained dancers in gorgeous costumes prepared for the occasion. Dr. A. T, Roberts has Return- ed to Salem, . Dr. A. T. Roberts, the eye-spe-cialist, who was here two years ago and through the perfection- of his work gained a reputation second to none jn Oregon, has returned to Salem, and has a fine suite of of fices over Dalrymples store, ; where he will be pleased to meet all ' his old friends and patients, and others who need his services. Consulta tion free. ; - BEAR CAUGHT BY HAND CINNAMON BEAR TACKLES A BOATING PARTY OF PORT LANDERS. Bear Breaks Out of Quarters, but Ties Himself Up Again in Cir cling a Big Tree Is Set 1 f at Liberty Then 5 Shot Other ' VV . .- News. ''';' Portland, Sept., 15. The Journ-j ai Says: A party composed of J. Crahdall, Wilson A. Pearson 1. and Timothv Paarson of . Portfandat Collin Hot Springs last week had an exciting experience. 1 - J-A f': ' "Last Thursday while one of the cripples at the springs Was walking around doing nothing," said Timo thy Pearson, "he saw a monster cinnamon bear across the creek. f he man was a little way from the camp at the time he saw the , ani mal and became so excited that he forgot about having a crutch ..and actually ran into camp. "'' y: "Arriving there he told the par ty what he had seen- and J. Gran dull, Wilson A. Pearson and myself took a row boat and began to- eross tbe stream. We took along several rifles. : ' ' , - , t-: "We had rowed about twp-ibirda of the distance across the . stream when the bear espied us and Instead of making away. in the timber, set out to meet the boat. We were'row ina at a very fair rate of Speed -and just as the bear was to get into the boat the skirl shot suddenly- for ward. . . - "A. Pearson who was in one end got hold of the boat's large chain and managed in some way to get it around the animal's body. Anoth er man looped the painter around the bear's neck. JEhough he was struggling with all his : might; we finally managed to tow the bear in to camp. We boxed him up and took him to the springs.- Dur ing the night he chewed the box in to several pieces, but in trying to get away got his chain wound a round the base of a large tree where we found Mr. Bear securely tied next morning. "After this incident we concluded that he was entitled to his libertv and consequently let him go and amid tbe yells of the crowd be start ed on a run from Camp. Finding that he was not gaming very fast on his pursuers he climbed a large tree and scrambled up on a high branch. The women of the party thought that as we had been feed ing him for some time we would never get rid of the animal until be was sbov so Jailer Jackson, who happened to be -at . tbe springs, tumbled Mr. Bear off his perch with a bullet, "It was the largest cinnamon bear I ever saw snd I think it is the largest ever caught alive . by hand." Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 15. Further news of the Btorm contin ues to arrive, though a - large . part of the storm-swept area hfas not ytt been heard from. Wires are still down and it is impossible to get trains through on account of wash THE OLD outs. Three negroes were killed by ' falling timbers at tbe c&t&p of the Cummer Lumbar Company near Gainesville. Another .was proba bly fatally hurt. Several houses were wrecked. r At Mulberry, the phosphate mines .are said to be greatly damaged. They have been compelled to shut -down on account of the high water.. " From all parts of the state great damage to the turpentine industry is reported. Wire connection was , made to- . night with Arcadia, in De Soto county, aboct 4 miles south of Tarn- -pa. A special' from there says the damage to the orange -groves' ia very great. Orange men. estimate ',. the loss to tbe crop, from 25 to 4.0 ; per cent. Many houses were blown over but only one man was killed, Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 15. A ; heavy snow storm has, been in pro gress here since Sunday, and shows ,' no indication of abating.; A great deal of snow has fallen, hut it melts -almost as soon as , it ' s rue- , the ground. From Laramie come rt-ports of a fall of 18 inches of snow during the past 24 hours. Telephone and elec tric wires were . broken by the weight of the snow, and last night the city was in darkness. ' Report a from the conn t ry sta te that the . grain crop in Albany has ' beeo: l ruined. , . ' . Denver, Colo., Sept. 15. Reports from the northern part of the state : are to the effect that a storm has prevailed there during tbe past 24 hours. In a uumber of places snow fell and the btorm approached the proportoos , of a blizzard. In the mountains it has been snowing for several days. . In the neighborhood of BueDa Vista a high wind pre vailed, causing the snow to drift. In many places it is reported to b ten feet deep. La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 15. Heavy windtt north of here are responsible for arise of three feet in the "Mis sissippi River at this point dar ing the past 48 hours. The river is eight and a half feet above low wa ter mark, and is rising an inch an boar. Farmers on the lowlands are preparing for tbe third flood of the year. Moultrie, Ga., Sept. 15. A tor nado which struck this section to day, destroyed the county school house, those in the building escap ing. Three negroes were seriuelyo injured. Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that the county board of equalization : will ' attend the office of the county clerk of Benton county, state of Oregon in the said court house of said county, on Monday, the 28th of September, I903, and continue in session one week, at which time they will publicly examine the assessment roll of said Benton county, state of Ore gon, for year 19OS, and correct all errors 1 in valuations, descriptions or correct qualities of land, lota or other property. All persons interested are required to appear at the place and time appointed, H. L. Bush, ' Assessor of Benton county, state of" ' Oregon. Horse Strayed. A large bay , scar on left hind leg at joint.' Address , A. C. Guthrie, y ' Eugene, Or. RELIABLE Absolutely Pure IS tJO SUBSTITUTE ,1