The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 16, 1903, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Officii Paper of Benton Comity. ,
Tot Domestic use Ordinance for That
" -h Purpose Pending in Council. ...
An ordinance that , if adopted, will
make a considerable . reduction in
the cost of water to domestic pon
sumets is now pending in the city
council. It was introduced at the
monthly meeting Monday j night,
and. -was passed to, the . third read
ing. , , ; No effort was, , on account of
its importance, , made to. place, it on
its final passage and after some de
liberation it was. referred- tq the fire
and water committer iit , ,
; The pending, ordinance ; fixes a
maximum rate. of $1.25 $et month
for. water for househqld iise, ; water
closet and bath. It makes a re
daction in the rates for lawn sprink
ling'. For violation of its provis
ions by any ."person, or agent, em
ploye or officer of any company or
corporation who shall demand more
than'!, the proposed rates, it fixes a
- penalty of not less .than $5 nor. more
than $50 for each offense. The or
dinance in full is as follows: ,
t Tlmt fhf nrire and rate
for the use of water for domestic
purposes within the limits . of the
.;.tr rnrwallu Vv nnrl the same is
hereby established and , fixed, as
follows: -, ; - . m :
For household use, including hot
water tank, . 75 cents per month. .,
. For water closet, 50 cents ; per
month. . .- , ;
- For bath 25 cents per , month.
. For household use, including hot
water tank, water closet and ;. bath,
$1.25 per month, i .
For irrigation purposes: , '.'
For one lot or fraction thereof,
$2 per season. . - , V y -
,For two lots or fraction thereof,
more than one lot 3.50 per season.
For three: lots or fraction thereof
above two lots, $4.-50 per season.
'." Sec. 2 Any person, or any ; ag
ent, employe, or officer of any com
pany .or corporation who shall de
mand of any person within the lim
Its of said city of . Corvallis, a great
er rate for the use of water therein,
than that prescrlbM 'TnSec i-6f
this ordinance shall upon convic
tion thereof before the police judge
of said city be fined not less than
$5 nor more than $50 for each of
fense." , - :
Lawyers say the council has? au
thority to exercise" the powers in
volved in the pending ordinance.
The city , charter ; makes pro
vision for such action in ; what ap
pears to be very plain $ terms. The
.language of the charter is as , fol
lows,- "'The council has power and
authority; within the cjty of, Cor
vallis to establish, .fix; regulate and
control the rate or price for use of
water, .gas or electria lights !- within
the limits of the city of Corvallis.'
At the meeting there was no gen
eral expression of x opinion i with
reference to the ordinance, but sev-i
eral.councilmen have since expres
sed approval of its ter mss it It 1 r will
probably come up for action at t the
regular monthly ; meeting.! in :Oct-
. , Reduced Rates to State Fair. , V 1
The Oregon State Fair occurs" at
the Fair grounds September "14th
to 19th. ' : ,f; ' !
1 ' The Southern ' Pacific Company'
will sell tickets to vFaij; grounds,
and return, at joDe , and one-half
fare from sill points, on Its ; Oregon
Jinea,".;,;':;.,',-- ,', ' -" :,!',?
Special exhibits of fine cattle and
horses and agricultural products
have beeu prepared, and .every ef
fort will be put fortb'to make ithis
the greatest fair in the history of
Oregon. , ,.,' ...,.-' ':;
If you are interested in the,de;.
velopment of the , state, and of
course you are, you cannot effjrd
to miss the Fair this year, .
- Utz & DuDHB, ladies, mieses and
children's fine shoes. -Nolan &
Callahan. ' , ' . 1 , "
' ' To Ice Buyers. ' . , , y
Orders for 10 cents worth xf ice or
less, must reach the factory before nine
o'clock, so as to go out by the first deliv
ery, or Jhey will not be filled. Orders
for more than 10 cents worth will be fill
ed,at later hours. All orders that reach
the facfory before nine o'clock .will be
filled promptly, as usual.
.. ; ." s Gorvallis Ice Works.
For Bale, . .
' Shropshire sheep. i
,1 Aberdeen Angus cattle.
Poland China pigs.
Young stock now ready for shipment.
i Ifet cows and heifers of the best
breed to trade for Jersey ' cows, also
spring calves of beef breeds or sale or
trade. ...
One second hand 20-foot - wind mill
tower. "
' I, L. Brooks.
Items Which Show why Residences
are Scarce in Corvallis.
Mrs. Strange returned from the
bay Monday with the children.
Prof. Horner and family came
home from the bay Monday to re
main. , ' : , . .-'.',"-.'
, , Mir. and Mrs. John Rickard are
preparing to move into their new
Corvallis residence just completed.
Mrs. Mary Barclay, Mr. and Mrs
Hewitt and Miss Gertrude Barclay
returned Monday from an outing
at Cascadia and Clear Lake
Mr?, J. Wrage is in Corvallis on
a visit to friends. The family will
shortly go to Xos A ngeles for ' the
benefit of Mrs. Wrage's health.
Miss' Colista Murray visited Cor
vallis Saturday and Sunday, return
ing to Portland Monday, where she
has a position with Hicks & Chat
tam, engravers. , '
- William Price of Dusty is mov
ing into a residfcdce owned by bicn
near the college. He comes to
school his children;
' . R. J. Nichols, college librarian,
has returned with bis family from
his farm in the Belifountain neigh
borhood. . v ."
Among1 Corvaliisites attending
the State Fair are Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Wilson, Mrs. Mary, Bryson,
Mrs. M. S. Woodcock and Mrs.
F. L. Miller,
W. W. Tom has moved (0 Corval
lis from Alsea to remain during the
school year. With bis family he
occupies tbe Gellatly residence on'
Fifth and Harrison streets.
Frank Francisco and family have
come to Corvallis to remain perma
nently. With the former's mother
they will occupy the Francisco
home inRayburn addition.
.; Lon" and Arthur Hawley have
arrived from Southern Benton with
their families to send their children
either to public school or to the col
lege. V : : ... ' ..r.;;
.. A. C. Allen was summoned by
telegraph to Sacramento where he
will receive orders respecting his
statistical work for the government.
He took his departure Sunday even-?
lii'iir'-.''---.': ' . :.--: -T ' "-
O B Long went to ' Brownsville
Monday to open the pnblic school
there,' of which he has b -en princi
pal for four consecutive' years. . He
had spent the vacation with his par
ents in , Benton. " .
Eli Spencer of Blodgett has mov
ed to Corvallis on account of school
advantages. He resides in the L- L
Horning house at the upper end of
Second-street, which ; property .' he
purchased some time ago. ,
1 Bert Yates went to Portland yes
terday1 tti attend the carnival and
will be gone a week, probably vis
iting The Dalies, .Vancouver,' and
o'her points before he returns to
Corvallis. I" '
Andy' Devabey, a prominent far
mer from the forks of the Santiam
has moved to Corvallis with his
family and will place bis children
in echool here. Althbbgh be is al
ready a succeBsfuI farmar,; Mrl De
vaney " .thinks ' of - taking a special
course at the college if he regula
tions Of the institution permit. - ' f
i r.Barnett, a banker from Athe
na has leased the residence of .Miss
Snell,i and with his family is to oc?
cupy, it during the college. year. The
change of residence to Corvallis is
temporary, and for the purpose of
taking advantage of educational fa-:
cilities., . Mr. Barnett is a brother
of Milt Barnett, of. Southern , B,en-r
ton , . ,;., !' iV ; ;;j;
- Mra. Erwin and three children,
of Colorado, have moved into- the
Oren residence on Eighth ' street
Mrs! ErwinJ came to Oregon two
months ago for her health,., and it
improved so that she has decided
to remain here permanently and
give her children the advantages of
Corvallis schools. Her'. husband
and other members of the family
are expected in a short time. They
are persons of fair means. . .
No More Excursions on C. & E. ' : :
The popular Sunday excursions
to Newport have been diecontinued
and do more will be run to that
point this season. Trains will run
however, every day except Sun
day. - y Edwin Stone,
' . V - Manager.
' Fine line of novelty and stylish
dreea goods. Nolan & Callahan.
5 - - For Sale.
400 . fnllblooded ewes. ; ', . -
20 bucks. ; ,
'Durham . - cows and heifers.
' " 3yrs " bull,
. ' ' Rov Rickard,
': ':' Corvallis, Or, ;
Dollar an Hour for Fire Chief and Four
bits an Hour for Privates at all
' ' " Fires. ,
The Corvallis fire department is
now on what might be called .a
paid basis. A resolution adopted
by the city council at a . meeting
Monday night places the chief en
gineer and any ten men that he
may select on a salary during the
progress of fires, The pay of the
chief is $ 1 per hour. " and of each of
the ten men - that he may select,
fifty cents an hour. The pay is to
begin when ah alarm , of fire is
sounded, and is to continue as long
as the chief engineer may direct
The resolution passed ' the council
by unanimous vote; and is now in
effect. rf; -' '--i'-'
A committee from the ' fire de
partment attended - the council
meeting and urged the passage of
the resolution. The chief speaker
was Lawyer E. "' E. Wilsons .33 is
colleagues on the committee were
Dr. Harper and Fire Chief Sheas-
creen. Mr.- Wilsou said the ' de
partment is in bad condition. There
are only ten or a dozen men who
are really active firemen, and they
are discouraged, A greater num
ber is on the roll, but they are not
strenuous firemen. The depart
ment has visions ' of disbanding
Unless something is done by the
council, that course seems probable.
If the department should . disband,'
insurance rates would be sure to
follow chittim prices. J The cost in
the increased rates to property own
ers would be great, A common
fire under the proposed rates of pay
to firemen ought not to cost tbe
city more than $20. . If the work
lasted only an hour, that would be
but $6. ? Lf three hours, nearly $20.
Both Dr. Harper and the fire
chief seconded the efforts of Mr,
Wilson, and when they had all
finished aresponsive chord was in
the hearts of the councilmen They,
sat unmoved for a few . moments,
and then Councilman Rose moved
that the resolution presented by the
committee be "adopted and the mo-x
tion was promptly seconded. A
chorus of "ayes" went up when the
motion was put, and no obstreper-
oils member ventured a' "nay'' : in
opposition. '; ,f :
Figuratively speakingr somof
the old volunteer firemen of former
years were in tears yesterday morn
ing when they , heard of the change. ;
Four bits an hour for a - private and
a dollar an hour for the chief; as
contrasted with ! the nothing ' an J
hour when they used to sweat and
grunt on the brakes of Big Six .; in
the old da3'S when fires were 'many
and Jire laddies fierce and ' fast is
one of the evolutions of the new
century that makes some of the old
veterans realize as never before,
that "has beens" indeed, they are.
Vetch seed for sale at Zierolf's.
Great Exposition and Carnival.
The. Merchants and Manufactur
ers Exposition, and Carnival ; will
be held . at Portland, v September
14th to 26th inclusive.' . '
For this occasion the Southern
Pacific Co., wi 1 sell tickets to Port
land and return including coupon
of admission at a rate of $4 10 from
Corvallis. .," Sales, dates September
15th, i8th, 22nd and 25th, Tick
ets sold at stations 1 1 soil th " of Fair
grounds will allow stopovers at
that point, enabling holders to vis-
it the Oregon Slate Fair,
The Exposition will be held on
Multnomah Club Grounds and ad
jacent streets, and, in addition : to
exhibits, biy merchants .and manu
facturers, Jabour's circus with ifs
many attractions has been secured.
. A special f feature will ; be the
grand spectacular ballet, , '-When
Knighthood was in Flower" r by
sixty trained dancers in gorgeous
costumes prepared for the occasion.
; Dr. A. T, Roberts has Return
: ed to Salem, .
' Dr. A. T. Roberts, the. eye-specialist,
who was here two years ago
and through the perfection of his
work gained a reputation second to
none in Oregon-, has returnedto
Salem; and has a fine suite of of
fices over Dalrymples store,' where
he will be pleased to meet - all his
old friends and patients, and others
who need his services. Consulta
tion free. , 1
- See our new fall stock of men and boys
Buits and overcoats, larger 'and better
than ever at money-saving prices. . - - ,
C . S. L. Kline. '
, Wanted. -
to buy mutton sheep and ' lambs. I
will pay the highest market price. , Gall
on or address Charles Carter, at ' Farm
er's Feed Shed, Albany, Oregon:
When you want fresh vetch seed go to
Zierolf's. '
All Grades in old Building One Teach
er Short for the Present.
- v
"The public schools opened Mon
day. " The first day's - attendance
gives assurance of &n increased en
rollment this year. The i attend
ance during the opening weeks is
always lighter than later on, and
for. the present all; the grades , are
boused in the old school building.
The arrangement is ihade possible
by the fact that Prof. Tartar and
Prill; Holmes occupy : One: of the
large rooms through which a par
tition has been run, The resigna
tion of Miss" Aldersoh " leaves nine
teachers, and until all the pupils
are in. and rooms in the new build
ing completed, the effort will' be
made to get along with the force
That is the way in , which the
school was handled last year, the
tenth teacher going; in about Nov
ember 1st, the force being reduced
again in the sprang by tne . resigna
tion of one ot the teachers. The
use of the old building for all the
teachers and pupils is made neces
sary because the old church build
ing formerly used by the primary
grade is no longer available. The
structure is used btf the Cramer
Organ Factory for a warehouse
and salesroom for organs.. '
It is fullv certain however, that
in the course of a few weeks there
wiU be a sufficient attendance to
cause an overflow, and that by that
time the rooms in the new building
are available" they will be badly
needed. . "
- CrousV & Brandegee fine cloth
ing for fine dressers. Nolan &
CaiUhan. 'T' ,
Owes His Life to ' a Neighbor's
. . Kindness. . "
Mr. D. P. Dauahtery well known
throughout Mercer and Summer
counties W. Va. mist likely owes
his life to the kindness of a neigh
bor., He was almost hopelesly af.
flicted withdiarrboea; was attended
by two physicians who gave .him
little, if any relief, when a neigh
bor learning of his ' serious ''condi
tion brought him a bottle of Cham
berlain's colic, cholera, 1 and diar
rheoa remedy, which cured bm in
less than , 24 hours. For sale ; by
Graham & W or tbam. : .
For Sale.' "
'-'Several nice Poland China pigs, ; both
sexes, eligible to record. ' 1 Inquire of
Robert Wylie, Xewisburg, five i miles
north of Corvallis. r1 1 ' ':- .'
When you want fresh clover and grass
seed go to Zierolf's. A new supply of
fresh seed just received. .
Two houses to rf nt, one six and ona
seven rooms,. with barns. 15 sheep to
let on shares. , S. H. Moore. --
For Sale. '
Good resident lot; close in. at a bar
gain. Inquire at Times office. . . s
. . . . . "for Sale, : ( .. ,
Span of heavy mares, set of harness
and wagon , Also 100 head of Cotswold
sheep. . Apply, at Huston's Hardware
Store or to . ' 'r Vl.; ,, ', :, &"..:
-j ,"r .V-r!',.v: Willi am Bogne, ,
r.,i f ' v. ' ..i'jvii ',',,.,. Corvallis;.
:Xk "! ;'To Sell or Let. 'M :"!
; One hundred head of good ewes to sell
or let on shares. ; Apply to -' -; s t ;j
.;. I !-v-. ..i' i-v J. C. Walker,
; "i 5 ' , . . Fern P. O, Oregon, .
. Cedar shakes, band ,made shingles and
five carloads of sawed cedar shingles.
; A full stock of shingles at all . prices.
If you wish tbe best shingle made get
our Claskine.
Corvallis Saw Hill.
For Sale. .
! New vetch seed. Also a fresh Jer
sey cow. , James M. Herron.
'. For Sale.
. Young registered Jersey cow, college
bred. Inquire at Times office.
. . " Notice to Pruue Growers.
Have just received "Red Seal Lye"
in 5 pound cans; 60 pounds " to case.
Most convenient and cheapest way to
buy for spraying and dipping. On sale
at Hodes' Grocery. " j -
Notice to Taxpayer. ' ' -
Notice is hereby given that the counly
board of equalization . .will ' - attend ; the
office of the county i, clerk of Benton
county, state of Oregon in the said court
house of said county, on . Monday, the
28th of September, I903, and continue
in session one week, at hich time they
will publicly examine - the assessment
roll of said Benton, county, state of Ore
gon, for year 19OS, and correct all errors
in valuations, descriptions or - correct
qualities of land, lots or other property.
All persons interested are required to
appear at the place and time (appointed,
. . . : H. L. Bush,
Assessor of Benton county, Btate of
Fine Suits and Overcoats.
. Our. Crxmse & Brandegee,, Nobby Suits land Overcoats is
is the clobing that fits well, and holds its shape. It is hand
made by high class tailors. Collars ; hand-made, shoulders
well padded, front is stiffened so it will hold shape. Coats
have Bartel patent never-sag pockets. ,
Exceptional values from :$lo.00 to $25.00. H-'.:
DUCbCSS CfOUSerS .Never Jtipy Stylish Cut. Easy
Fitting. Sold under this. Wabranty: "JYou may bay a pair
of Duchess Wool Trousers at $2.00, 250, 3.00, S.50, 4.00 or
5.00. and wear them pvrp. mdn ths.l.j For every suspender but
ton that comes off, we will pay you 'ten cents.,; If they rip
at the waistband, we, will pay you fifty cents. , If they rip
in the seat or '' elsewhere we will pay you "one dollar or give
you a new pair." Best in the wbrld. Try a !pair.'v;
Old and
Garolina RiGe TIakes.
Don't Forget tbat We Sell
Applegate Creamery Butter. v
Notice of Final Settlement '
in tbfi County Court of the State ot Oregon for
lienton uouniy.
In tbe matter of the estate ot L.M. Mattoon,
Ndtlce 13 hereby given that I have filed my fin
al account as administratrix of said estate with
the clerk of the above entitled court and that
bald court has fixed and appointed Saturday the
10th day of October, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'
clock in the forenoon of said day at the County
Court Boom in the County-Court House In Cor
vallis, Benton County, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearing objections if any to said ac
count and the settlement thereof and all per
sons interested and objecting - thereto aie noti
fied to appeir and file their objections at said
time and place. .
' Dated. September 12, 1903, : . ....
Administratrix ot tbe Estate of L, M' Mattoon,
deceased, ... ... ...... . .
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Hatter of the Estate
Charles Band, deceased
Notice is hereby given tbat the undersigned
as administrate r oi saia estate oi unanea nana,
deceased, has filed his final account as such ad
ministrator, with- the clerk of the county court
of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, and
tbe said court nas nxea i satuiaay uctoten
lo. 1903. at the bour of two o'clock In tbe af
ternoon of said day as the time, and the county
court room In the court House in corvallis. Ore
gon, as the place tor bearing any andall objec
tions to the said account, and for : settlement
thereof. '
Dated this September 12, 1903.
. , , r ADAM WILHELM, Jr.
Administrator of the estate of Charles Band,
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appouinied by the county court ef
Benton couuty, administrator of the estate of
a.arthaJ, Butler, deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present tbe same duly verified as by
law required to me at the county clerk's office
at Corvallis, Oregon, within six msntbs , from
this date .
Dated at Corvallis4 Oregon, this 12th day of
September 1903- 'j.F,iRwiN.
Administrator of the estate ot Martha J, Butler
. Notice t3 Creditors.,
In the Matter of the Estate . )
of - '
William Jy, Armstrong, deceaeed,) . .
Notice is hereby given- to ail persons con
cerned that tbe undersigned bas been dulv ap
pointed executrix of tbe last will and testament
of said William D. Armstrong, deceased, by tbe
county court of Benton county, state of Ore
gon, All persons having claims against said es
tate of said William D, Armstrong, deceased,
are horeby required to present the same with
the proper vouchers duly verified as by law re.
quired within six months from tbe date hereof
to the. undersigned at her residence about four
miles southerly from Philomath, Benton coun
ty, Oregon, or at the law office of E Wilson, in
Corvallis, Oregon, - -v v
Dated this August 29, 1903. :
Executrix, of the last will and testament
ot William D. Armstrong, deceased,
Buy your white and red clover seed at
Zierolf s. ' , .
:.i'-!. ...
0oods, -
As well as Choicest Delicacies
for lunch and dinner, carnal
ways'; be found " at our store.
We handle only first-class
goods and can guarantee qual
ity. Everything offered for
sale here is strictly fresh an4
just as represented. We car
ry a large stock of selected
Family and Fancy Groceries,
and are sole agents for
gbase Sanborn
f?igb Orade Coffees
P HI, ZieroIL
. ' . Notice to Creditors.
In the Hatter ot the Ehlate '
f , . :'"
John Mitchell, deceased. '
Notice is hereby eiven to all persons con
cerned tbat the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed executrix of the last will and testa
ment of said John Mitchell, deceased, by the
county court of Benton county, state of Oregon,
All persons having claims again t said estate
of John Mitchell. - deceased, are hereby re- '
nnired to nresent the same with . the nroner
vouchers duly verified as by law required,
within six months from the date nereof to tbe
undersigned at her residence at Inavale post
ofUoe, Benton county. Oregon, or at the law
office ot E & Wilson, in Corvallis. Oregon, . .
Dated this Aug 22, 1903, ;
Mary Mitchell,
' Executrix of the last .will and testament ot
John Mitchell deceased.
Trespass Notice. ., .v. . ..
Notice is herebv.given ' that no hunt-ting-
or other trespassing is allowed on
our premises. Any person or persons
violating the provisions of this notice
will be prosecuted. . - , ' ;
W. S. Locke.
A, R, Locke.