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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1903)
. iS Vol. XVI. No. 28. CORVALLIS, OREGON , SEPTEMBER 1H, 1903. B. F. IRVINE . editor and Proprietor. No Previous Season "Has ever found our Store4in all its Departments, so well equipped. The Stock Includes ail the Latest Novelties. LADIES' Special attention is called to our v Line of Dress Goods, Jack ets, Waterproof Wraps, Skirts, Shoes and Children's Clothing. Call and see, O. A. C. UIVIFOI1MS. . '. "Ji, : ' . . : : i : ' .- "- : '. ' ' ' ' -r - ' " ;" '' - ; ' - ' ' ' Co , . me Do not E.ue O) to as high a standard as our us. but see that you make no mistake in the house that keeps the big- y est standard of Grocer ies that is the ! place to ' " BUY Co Fresb Fruits, 3 fresh everything to be had run our delivery wagon to keep wha you 9 . . Tloaoo . fall JVHkJS9 VUU o) n nornma IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. , . " H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office oyer postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12-a. m.,1 to 4 p. m. ; Orders may be left at Graham & Wortham's drag Btore. DR. C. H. NEWTH, Physician Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. -. desire would promote Fresb UegetabUs, in the market. We and our aim is 1 t want and to onrl oAa OM HENBY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, Philomath, Oregon. E. Hblgate ' ATTORNEY AT LAW i -v JUSTICE OF THE PEACE : Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg B. A. CATHEY, M. D.; Physician and Surgeon. ' Office, Room 14, First National Bank Building,' Corvallis, Or. Office Hours, to to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. , - - MADE BIG TRACKS. BELTEF THAT A MASTODON STILL SURVIVES IN ALAS KAN VALLEY. Its Track, Twenty Inches Long Followed by, Portland ManUn ' ,, til They. Entered Cave and Disappeared. Portland, Sept. 11. The Port land Journal tays: Dr. John P. Frizzsll is organizing; an expedition ia Portland to bring back to this city the body of a mastodoa which be firmly believes exists upon Uni mak island, off the western coast of Alaska. ''" Dr. Frizzel, while employed as United States surs?on ou that isl and, on July 4, 1903,' saw : tracks which wre 20 inches long by 19 wide, followed them for two miles inland, and traced the course of the monster into a cave that makes in to the side of a volcano. Dr. Friz zell was accompanied by James Nu gent, James G?ary and S. F. Smith sailors from the Nellie Coleman, a San Francisco ship. These sailors corroborate Dr. Fiizzell' s'ate- ments. Geary himself measured the tracks, and ah of the party a gree regarding the evidences of the presence there of an animal the like of which has "never- been known - to naturalists as living in modern times. So tangible are these evi dences that prominent citizens of Portland propose to back him in an expedition to hunt and kill that mastodon. --' ; -: When Dr. Frizzeli and the three sailors discovered the track ? they had gone in the ship's dory 16 miles to the north end of the island. They were oh a caraboo hunt, and seven miles - inland toward . Sheshalda tain, in a valley- between the two, doctor saw the ' imprints in the earth, to which he called the atten lion of his companions. '.; "Up there on - Unimak ; island, wheie I was stationed as surgeon for the government," said Dr. Friz zell yesterday, "is a region so fas cinating that I propose to return. I have hunted in New Zealand, Van Dieman's land, Mexico, Florida, Canada, and in other countries. My father was one of the ' famous rifleshots of Ireland. I have hunt ed since I was 8 years old. ' Yet I know of no country in which ' are such marvels as are iaund in the Far North within the limits of the United States possessions. - - "When we .found those enormous tracks they were several fe'et apart and looked as though one had made them .with a stable bucket turned upside down on the earth. On the outer rim in front was the mark of what was apparently a horny' sub stance, while inside were - smaller marks as though of numerous toes running around the inside' of the rim. The tracks are ; larger than those of an elephant. We fallowed them for two miles, and established the fact that the monster inhabited a cave in, the. side of a volcano. This volcano is active, emitting ev ery five minutes smoke and ashes, which; showed' for. two milds, down the mountain side. ; f ; : "The valley of which I speak is between Mount Sheshalda,' 9,500 feet high,; and ; Pomgronhi, 6,000 feet high. .On the eidesi of these mountains grow luxuriantly beauti ful specimens of the lupen, violets with - stocks a foot long and blos soms two inches across, strawberries luscious and of immense size, and various flora. Even so early as June the flowers come out : with wonderful brilliancy. The ground at that time of year is warm from the heat of the underground fires, which accounts for the marvelous early advancement of all blooming plants. The strawberries are found in tracts acres in extent. New York, Sept. 11. George W. Beavers, the former postoffice offi cial who was indicted in Brooklyn last July for bribery in connection with the purchasing postoffice sup plies,, this morning; appeared before Commissioner Hitchcock to answer a new indictment charging him with conspiracy,1 which was handed down by the federal grand . jury in Washington last Tuesday. He was admitted to bail in the sum of $5, 000 to appear before Hitchcock September 25. ' . , The indictment charges that he purchased supplies without adver tising for proposals and at higher than market prices. .: Beavers was accompanied by his counsel and surrendered himself to the United States Marshal immediately and was taken before Commissioner Hitchcock and gave bail without delay. - Washington, Sept. 11. The names of the persons indicted Tues day by the grand jury were given out this afternoon by District At torney Beach. - One each is against Beavers, Micben and againet Jas. W. Krwin for conspiracy to de4 fraod; two indictments are against Isaac McGiehan and George Hun tington of New York and Machen for conspiracy to commit bribery; two indictments are against Eugene Shobel and Machen for conspiracy to defraud andjeonepiracy to com mit bribery; also, an indictment against Machen for accepting bribes. The indictment against Machen, Beavers and Erwin alleges in sub stance that the Postal Device im provement Company of San Fran cisco, formerly the Montague Indi cator & Letter Box Company, by resolution set aside l,ooo shares of stoek to thes9 men' to forward the interests of the company. Daniel Richardson, accompanied by Er win, came to Washington. Erwin was then postoffice inspector and the. company was composed eutirely of post il employes in the Far West. Erwin introduced Richardson to all; prominent postoffice officials. Heath,: Beavers and , Machen exam ined the device and an order was issued to equip -over 2,000 boxes. Bihvers and Machen then suggest ed.!11 change in the name of the com pany, because the owners of the blocks of stock were names of post al officials. The company then sys tematically relieved itself of obliga tions in the way of paying freight, crating, printing cards and painting for devices furnished. Thousands of b area of stock ' went into the thaWsdiefenibttarroffi The president of the company then secured an increased pay for boxes and dividends were afterward paid on all stock. . : Indictments altogether show where Machen received at various times sums aggregating $10,000 from various schemes of graft in which he was interested. r Some schemes were even bolder than 'the Montague plan. In one caBO ie authorized the payment of $1.25 for a device for; boxea when really1 worth only 75 cents. Astoria, Sept. 12 The Ham monc( log raft, which went ashore on the jetty sands a short distance below Fort Stevens on Friday after noon, was taken off this morning and is anchored near there with the steamer Francis H. Leggett stand ing by. '. ' .i :' '-;". No attempt was made to take the raft to sea today because of the rough bar, and it was necessary for the steamer to secure a new hawser the former one having been entang led in the steamer's propellers and cut. A steel-wire hawser was not available, so a plow-steel1 cable,. such as is used in logging camps, was procured. ' From the present weather indi cations the raft will not be able to start for San Francisco for several days. The raft is 730 feet long and contains piling equal to 8,000,000 feet of lumber. The steamer which is to tow her has on board a cargo of over l,ooo,ooo feet of lumber. A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's cough remedy has a remarkable record, It has been in use for over thirty years during which time many millions bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes yet during all this time no case has ever been reported to the manufacture .in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as eoon as ; the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take and many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be giv en as confidently to a baby as to an adult.'..: For sale - by Graham & Wortbam. Horse Strayed. A large bay, scar on left hind leg at joint. Address ' -. A.C.Guthrie, Eugene, Or. FOUND DEAD IN CABIN BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED IN REVENGE. :. Had Been Dead for a Month Watch and Money found with Him -Sledge Found with Dead Man's Hair oa It Other News.-: Chehalis, Wash. Sept. 13. Jas. H. Wilkinson, a well-known ranch er, living on the souih fork of the Newaukum River, 16 miles south east of Chehalis, was murdered in his lonely cabin about a month ago but the fact was not discovered un til yesterday evening. Mat Bal four, a neighbor, and C. H. Roe, of Toledo, were passing Wilkinson's cabin andstopped to look in. As they neared the house, a sickening smell greeted them. On investiga tion they could see Wilkinson's body lying on the floor through the window. . Word was at once brought to Chehaiis and Coroner Myer, of Wioljck, notified. This morning Coioner Myer, Sheriff Urquhart, Dr. F. EL Oafssla and Undertaker Sttcklin, of Chehalis, drove to Wil kinson's ranch to investigate. C. H. Roe, MatJBalfour, H. E. Ran dall, H. Dorn, Jacob Hovies and F. H, Cassels were - summoned as a coroner's jury. The body was in a bad state of decomposition, but was examined as carefully as possible. The body lay on the floor near the door of the cabin. The head was resting on the man's saddle. Bjth arms were croestd as if placed in that position by the murderer. By Wilkinson's side was his 25-calibre rifle which had been shoved up under the left armpit. . It contained, an emntvL sneu. lae ooay snowed no gun shot wounds as near as could, be found and the'' murderer evidently figured that the discoverers of the body would, conclude Wilkinson had committed suicide. ; An examination of the skull showed conclusively how the man had met his death. The ecalp was removed and Equarely in the top of the skull was found a hole where it had been ci ushed by a heavy blow a hole large enough to insert a man's hand, On- the' left arm was found evidences, of where a blow had been struck aleo, appar en ly while Wilkinson was ward ing off his assailant. There was al so a f car on the left knee but was possibly an old wound. v V Search of the premises revealed a three pound sledge hammer in the woodshed adjoining the house. On this was found enough of the dead man's hair to prove that with it some one had killed - Wilkinson. The front door . of the , cabin was locked, but the back dooi was not. The body was . partially dressed, the man having on his trousers and shirts. It is thought the murder er went to the cabin in the evening about the time Wilkinson was pre paring to retire or else awakened him, and tbat he partially dressed himself before admitting the assail ant.' A small sum of money was found and the man's watch was un disturbed, showing the motive must have been revenge. - Wilkinson was last seen, so . far as now known, four weeks ago yes terday. He was in the habit of go ing to his ranch, where he lived as a bachelor, aod staying awhile, then going out to Centralia, Hana ford, Chehalis or other places and working or visititg with friends. He was a quick tempered man, and it is said he had one or two -: bitter enemies who might have concluded to get him out of the way. . More light is expected on this phase of the matter tomorrow when relatives arrive from Bucoda. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict mat tne man was nurdered. - ' Ashland, Or., Sept. 12. G. W. Woody, a farmer, about 24 years of age, residing near Phoenix, was ac cidentally shot and killed yester day at noon while out hunting in the mountains 15 miles east of Ash land by a companion James Daily. A deer jumped up between Woody and Daily, - Daily, who. supposed that bis companion was on the fur ther side of the mountain top from him, fired twice at the animal, the second bullet striking Woody in the left shoulder, cutting an artery. He died in half an hour from loss of blood. The body was brought to Ashland today, and an inquest will be held tomorrow. , A jolly party of young folks '" of Phoenix, consisting of Mr. and Mrs G..W. Woodv, Misses Julia and Frances O'Toole, Oscar Stinsott and Milton Anderson, left here a few days ago for a camping excur sion in the mountains East of Ash land and camped at Taylor's place,' at Grizzly Prairie, with their friend, James Daily, who keeps the ranch. Yesterday, 'Daily, Woody and Stinson went hunting and were at Buck mountain, five miles from camp, when the accident happened, the three having separated accord ing to agreement to circle around and across the mountain in search of game. Daily supposed his com panions far away when he says a buck jumped out of the brush and he fired twice. r.! , The first he knew of Woody'g presence was his outcry after the second shot tbat he was hit. Eve rything possible was done for the wounded man and an attempt was made to reach camp, itt -u iters having their horses ti "t- r ' fi- . but Woody died in 35 minutes Irom. loss of blood. All parties to the affair are prom inent residents of the; county, ' and the accident is deeply - deplored. Woody leaves a young wife and the party that returned here today with his remains was indeed a .sor row fur one. Diily the party to Ashland. accompanied Medford, Or., Sept. 12. There was a display of gold nuggets at the Medford bank yesterday, which were taken out of the belebrated ' Sterling mine, owned by H. E. An keny, about 15 miles south of Med ford. The value of the nuggets is between $3,500 a!nd $4,000. They were all good-sized pieces -and were all picked up by hand during , the clean-up process. The largest nug get weighed nearly $140.. Tdk represents but a vervvsmali- pr6rtn6'feoh"r'Heanap of this mine.,; The bulk of, gold from this mine is made into . bricks, which weigh nearly $3,000 each, of which? several have been sent to the mint. Minneapolis, Sept 12. It is . al most impossible to estimate the amount of damage done I to the Northwest by the rains of Friday night and today. At Minneapolis the fall up to the time it ceased raining yesterday afternoon had reached five inches and throughout the Northwest according to reports received by grain men, the fall was almost as heavy. Millions of bash els of wheat, which under ordinary circumstances would have been graded as high, is eo reduced in quality by the rains that it will sell from 10 to 12 cents lees on the bushel on account of the storm. -" Minneapolis grain men say that a large amount of the unthreehed wheat will be reduced from first grade milling grain to little better than feed." Actual losses in quali ty are reported and the 'loss in. quantity is big. , In fact, the con ditions are such tbat unless there is favorable change in the weather, the mills in Minneapolis will . be facing a serious crisis. Philadelphia, Sept. 13. Follow ing closely upon the exposure of gross irregularities in the cigar de partment of the Eastern state pen itentiary came the announcement tonight that illegal coinage of min or silver pieces has been carried on by convicts in the big institution. No details of the counterfeiting scheme can be learned from any of the officials connected with the prison1, or from the government of ficers that have been assigned to the case. The fact that such a daring scheme has been carried out in the penitentiary was made pub lic by George Vaux, Jr., one of the prison inspectors,, who summoned newspaper men to his borne and voluntarily made tbe - disclosure. He gaveout a brief 6taterneiit wnich is as follows: "Dr. W. D. Robinson, and Mr, Vaux, Jr., who ore at present the visiting inspectors on duty at the Eastern state penitentiary, made the statement that it has come to their official knowledge that within a short time an attempt has been made by certain convicts - now con fined in tbe penitentiary to manu facture counterfeit silver coins. A few pieces were made and a number of these have come into possession of the inspectors, together with, the metals and . cbemicol used. All that has been secured has been sub mitted to the United States author ities." .