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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1903)
IN GORVALLIS RAILROAD OFFICIALS BEGG ED FOR A REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT. McLouth Ha? Resigned His Place at the C iJlge Building Sew era and Sidewalks Frank Groves Called Away. . F D. McLouth, at the head of the drawing department at OAC for the past three years, has re signed his position . at the college to accept a better place . in New York City, A late letter from Mr. McLouth was to the effect that he would leave New York on the 10th or 1 2th inst for Corvallis, but a telegram received three days ago by President Gatch, revealed , the new programme. A successor ! has not yet been named. . Their assessment in Benton coun ty was a matter of solicitude to of ficers of the Southern Pacific Rail road Company Wednesday. They were, W. W. Bretherton and George - H Andrews, and they spent most of the afternoon at the court house, laboring with the assessor and , the county judge. The assessment of the company is about doubled on this year's roll, and the time of the officials in this city was spent in an effort to secure a reduction in val uation. It was explained to them thut the valuation of all the pro perty in the county had been large ly increased, and that a lower tax levy would result, but even after ' this they argued long and hard for concessions. ; The construction of sewer laterals recently ordered by tne council is progressing. Jacobson & Bade had a small force of men at work on the Wilson-White-Farmer sew ar, and J. R, Smith & Co expect to begin rperations next week, lhe former firm has four laterals to build, comprising in all seven blocks as follows: The " Farmer's hotel lateral, two blocks, the James Hays lateral, one block, the Hays-Pratt-Oren lateral, and the sewer on which the men are now working The local firm has contracts for three laterals, comprising in " all, five blocks as lollows the Hotel Corvallis and Occidental blocks, the Ing e and the Altman sewer. The pipe for all the laterals has arrived, . . It is probable that there are more new sidewalks in Corvallis now than at any time in the town's his tory. Though the repairs are not yet completed, there is scarcely a block in town along which there are not one or more walks, newly built. Until every board on every walk is tightly nailed, and every walk snug and strong, the work should not end. The city council which ordered the new condition, and the chief of police - who execu ted faithfully the order, are entitled to great credit for- their efforts. Nothing so much impresses .the stranger within a city's gates as strong, durable sidewalks and well kept homes. A tidier and better Corvallis should be the motto of every citizen. It will pay. The sale of the assets in the bankrupt estate of W. H, Mahan occurred in BlodgettJ last Friday. The sale was conducted by A. B, Weatherford, trustee in bankruptcy, j The piling of which there are 1400 sticks, was bought in by the labor lien creditors at $1,900. The latter were represented by Pitman, Hen derson and Wolf. Their were admitted as prior lien, and were allowed to be applied on the purchase price of the piling. The store was bought by : J. R. . Wyatt at $125, and a quantity of wire rope by Con Sullivan. Other articles sold were the bunk houses, a black smith shop, a quantity of tools, dishes and other appliances and fixtures. The only person in at tendance at the sale from this city was James Gibson, who ,' appeared for W. S. McFadden in behalf of the labor lien creditors. Frank Groves' thirty days leave of absence from the Bremerton .na vy yard was cut short by the re ceipt of a telegram Thursday, re- rmpctincr his return there, alter a visit of onlv three weeks with Cor train relatives aud friends. ; He left Thursday noon and is to reach Bremerton Monday evening. The naval dock at Bremerton is about 700 feet long. , To put a big war ship or any other vessel on the dry dock requires only about two hours' of time. At low tide she is run in to the dock, and powerful pumps exhaust all the water in the .- dock within two hours- As the vessel settles blocks are placed under her keel and immense supporting stays along her hull as she settles. After that, the process of scraping : her hull or making repairs is simple and easy. The presence at the yard of a large number of ; warships occasioned Mr. Groves recall before his leave had expired. , Real Estate Transfers. J hn Ray and wife to Emory Alien, south half of lot 1, blook 12, Corvallis, $9 .0. Cha H Pearse to Eliza Crisinger 3 lots block I4; County addition, $700. Benton county to C H Pear?e, lot 7 block 15, County addition, $1. Henry Ambler and wif to George Manning, 160 acres southwest of Philomath, $1200. WE Yates and wife to Florence K Adams, 2 lots, County, addition, 675- - .:-v ;. J:piy United States to Henry S. Moore patent, 69 acres west of Philomath. United States to Rufus McLain, and wife, patent 80 acres north of Corvallis. C R Mays and wife to Thomas RiEgextcmi 10 acres north of Cor vallis, $500. Orville Martin and wife to Thorn as Egerton, 35 acres north of Cor vallis, $2,000. Henry Sheak and wife to Ellen D Castle, 2 lots in Philomath, $325. A Richardson per sheriff, to E. E Wilson, 20 acres near Monroe, $2. 14. EE Wilson to John Rickard, 20 acres near Monroe, $5. W H Hammersley and wife to Wm. Hockema, 80 acres in Alsea, $1,000. James Bruce and wife to Minnie Clegg, 20 acres near Monroe, $75 E E Wilson to Alfred McClure, 20 acres near Monroe, $75. Dr. Darrin Will Re main Until Dec 1. Dr. Damn's Work Is Piling-Up in Such Volume that He Is Com pelled to Prolong His Visit in Albany at the Re- vere Hotel. This eminent and far famed spe cialist has met with such an immense volume of baeiness since coming to AlbaDy that he finds it absolutely necsBgary " to prolong his . visit to , Decent ber "1 onlv; It 'is a source of gratification to the doctor's friends to know that bis skill is being so well and appre ciatingly taxed. His patients are comiDg from all parts of Oregon and in all cases a ben-fit or cure is i fleeted. The doctor's skill is be coming so well known and his cur ed patients so . plentiful that his name has become a household treas ure in hundreds of homes in this vicinity. :.. ' ;.' - The following recommendations from men so well known as Mr. Rac y, Mr. Van Osdol are one of the ftiongeet reasons why people should look into the merits of Dr. Darrin's cures. December 1 will ! positively be hia last day here and all contemplating visiting him will do well to call soon as some may need a second treatment. . ME. P. A. RACEY'S CARD. - j To the Editor: In 1893 I was almost totally deaf in one ear. I was councued to try Dr. Damn then practicing in Portland. His treatment cured me perfectly ana permanently, so I have never been troubled since. I was successfully treated for catarrh. I have the ut most confidence in the doctor' new method of treatment by electricity j and will gladly tell any one of my success at Jefferson, Or. P. A. Racey. , : . A SALEM MAN'S TESTIMONIAL. To the Editor: Seeing so much in your paper concerning Dr. Dar rin's cures, I wa8 persuaded to try him on my daughter, who has been afflicted with a distressing dis charge of the ear and partial deaf ness for the past four years. Un der the doctor's mode of treatment she is'heaid. I reside at the corner of Commercial end . Mission streets) Salem, and am engineer in the Gap ital Brewery. Refer to me at eith er place. . J. D. Van Osdol. dr. darrin's . place of business. Dr. Darrin can be consulted - free from 10 to 5 o'clodk daily; even ing 7 to 8; Sunday 10 to 3, at Revere Hotel, Albany, until De cember 1. . - . '- The doctor makes a specialty of all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh, deafness, , bronchi- tie, la grippe, hearty liver; bladder and kidney diseases or those who suffer from apathy and indifference: also consumption, genito-urirjary and skin diseases in either sex euch as blood taints, seminal weak ness and lost vigor, varicocele and stricture. THE VILE TURKS. RISING AGAINST THE CHRIS TIANS AND THREATEN ING AMERICANS. Is Visiting Unspeakable Horrors " Upon Women and Girls The . Situation . Viewed With . Alarm Other News. ; Washington, Sept 8 Far-reaching excitement was occasioned here today by the receipt of the follow ing cablegram by the state depart ment from Minis-tr Leisbman un der today's date! : "A riot occurred in B-irut yes terday, in which seven Christians were killed ' and several others wounded. ' Two bouses of Christian families were pillaged by the soldiery aDd two women outraged. An officer and man' from Colonel Cotton's ship are now in the consulate and are investigating the fearful con ditions in Beirut. The origin of the disturbance is, unknown. The Sublime porte claims that Beirut is now quiet and that the government force there is sufficient to insure gcod order. The United States department immediately in structed Mr'. Leisbman to keep his government informed of the situa-1 tion and make "every possible re presentation to the porte to insure the safety of Americans. War is imminent. Paris, Sept 8 Official advices received at the foreign office from Beirut pay, t bat eeves Christians were killed and moy wcrandtd in that city. Th outbreak occurred on the night of the 6th, instead of yesterday, and the fighting was furious. . Knives and pistols were used . The Italian council rescued one Chris'ian, . ' The news is causing much apprehension all over Europe and orhcial quarters aie exercised. The pre8ence"of the American war-; 6hips is regarded as a very fortunate circumstance. An official report snows great activity in Smyrna which has hitherto been quiet. Junction City, Of., Sept. 8 - Frank Mulkey. a young man of this place, was stabbed to death today at 12:30 P. M. by Jonathan R. But- tler. Mulkey had for some time been causing trouble at the Butler home in Junction, by his attentions to one of the women of the family, and he had been repeatedly warned to desist. Mulkey failed to heedT the warning, and words last night passed between him and the father of the woman whom he persisted in visiting. As . Butler started for his mid day meal today, Mulkey met him a block from his home and assault ed him with two large rocks, mak ing a serious wound in the right temple. .The men then clinched, and Butler, who is somewhat aged, atid. also a cripple,, drew his koife in defense and struck at his oppo nent, the blade making a clean-cut: hoi a about three-four ths of an inch lot just under the heart. Mulkey. wounded to death, stag gered painfully back to the Butler come ana c a lieu ior me woman who had been the object of his at tentions, but before she reached him he fell dead. Deceased was a son of G. C. Mul key, and is wt-11 known here. J. J. Butler is an ex justice of the peace, ex city recorder, and as a citizen is much respected. 5 He is an ex-sol dier, and is a member of the Mason ic fraternity. ; He has the sympa thy of the community. The coroner held an inquest this. evening ovsr the remains of Frank Mulkey. The jury rendered a ver dict that the deceased came to his death at the bands of J., J. Butler, aod tnat the killing was done io self-defense.;' : ; Aberdeen.' Wash., 'Sept. 8. A tue-of-war between a team of the Sailors'' Union and orje from the Longshoremen's Union on Labor day has brought out a great deal of adverse criticism. The teams were so equally,divided . that , the men held firmly for nearly an nour ana a half withoat one side gaining an inch. The strain was so great that some of the men bled at the oae and others looked aa though there veins would burst. ; - . The contest was finally abandon ed at the protest of spectators. Ossinning, N. Y Sept. .Pat rick A. Cockling was put to death in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison early-today, lnree shocks were given before the man was pro nounced dead. - -, Conkling shot and mortally wounded bis wife on June 10, 1902 at their home, 647 West' Sixteenth 6treet. New York. - The couple had Quarreled and separated several times. ''" 3 ' The , Richest, Daintiest Effects IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ARE TO BE FOUND IN OUR NEW STYLE UP-TO-DATE ....... 4 CARBONS The style that carried off the laurels at the JATIQNAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONVENTION. it:!, . ; These carbon parchments are not mounted on ' cards but delivered in neat Foldees or at tached to thin Linen mounts, "making a com bination that is pleasing and artistic. Sam ples of these Carbons are now on exhibition at (ZA - If You are Having: Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. , J-:;;:iB.W.;S..PRATT-. The Jeveuer and Optician. For 8ale. . . A neat comfortable1 5 room house with one lot ami a third of rrouod three blocks from college. Call on or address W. O. Shrlber, Corvallis. For Bent. Furnished rooms, second door north of M. E; church. South. ; ' Mrs. E. L Fitch. Wanted. To rent a farm or stock ranch. Will pay cash or give . one third. Address W. A. Rickard, Bell Fonntain. Wanted. Wood. Inquire at Times office. L.. G. ALTMAN, M. D Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrisoa sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M. Phone residence 315. G. R. FARE A, Physician & Surgeon, -Office up stairs back of . Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence oti the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All calls atteaaea promptly. Ruthyn Turney. ' VIOLIN. Instruction rfven to beginners, : and pupils in all stages of advancement. Studio upposne parsonage 01 m. Church, South. E. R. BryiSon, . AHorney-At-Zaw. POSTOFFICE BUILDING- The. Osborne Binder Raises its grain only 28 in ches. All levers are handy and easy to operate. . It is strong, though light, and will last well. . $ . Klitiet BqU We furnish extras for all 0s . born machines. , , .' Good Lots for Sale Cheap. ; ' Expecting to' leave Corvallis eoon. I have some good,, well located lots for sale cheap: . v N. B. Avery. . A$ South' Main St.- Trouble with your Eyes Willamette Vallej Banking Compaoy. GOKVAI.I.IS OREGON. Responsibility $100,000 A General Banking Business. '"'., ' Exchanorn tnaui payable at all flnan etal centers In United States, Oaoada and Europe. , Principal Correcpondents. PRTL,AXD IxnVon & San FrancixcoBaok ". Xiimited; Canadian Bank of Commerce. SAX FRANCISCO-London & San Franeto- eo Bank Limited. ITKW YORK KeawH. J. P. Morgan & Co-. CHIC AGO First National Bank. tOSDOJI, KNG. EMidoo & San FranoiMO Bank, limited. SEATTLE A'I T"AC OMA London b Saa Francisco Bank Samited. " Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given tliat the undersigned administrator of tne estate of Elnman Vauaer pool deceased, has filed In tne. County Court of Bertoa County, state of Oregon his .final: ac eount as such administrator of said estate, aud that Saturday September the 12th at the- hour of 2 o'clock P. M. has been fixed by said court as- the time for hearing objections to said re pott, and the settlement thereof. . . TIKGIL A. CARTEBv. Administrator of the Estate of Kin r man Vsnderpool, Deceased. Nonce of Fnmi Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of U. O. Vauderpool de ceased, has Sled in tbe oeuuty Court of Benton County, State of, Orvgoti his final account as such executor of said estate, ana that Saturday the 12th day ot September at tbe hour of 2 o'clock P M.:has been fixed by the court as the time for hearing obj ections to said account and the settlemsnt thereof. , DAVID VANDERPOOL, ' : Exteutor of the Estate of C. C. . Vauderpool. Deceased NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. , Notice is- hereby given that on Saturday, the 10th day of October 1903, at tbe Hour of 1 o'clock in. the afternoon, at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction ,to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to wit: Lots I, 2, 3. 4, 8, 9, northwest of southeast 14, northeast of southwest , and fractional west of southwest 14 in section 19, containing 356.24 acres; lot 2, southeast 14 of northeast 14, and south east 14. section 27, containing 239.57 acres ; lot 3, southwest 14 of southeast , frac tional west 14 section 31, containing 413.16 acres; all in township 10 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian.,; ; South ii of J. south of northwest 14, south section 5,-containing 4S0 acres; section 7 (120 acres in Polk County), containing 679.06 acres; section 15. containing 640 acres; section 19, con taining 673,58 acres; section 23, containing 640 acres; all in township 10 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. West of the northeast 14. east of northwest 14, northwest 14 of northwest 14, southeast 14. northeast 14 of southwest , of section 3,' containing 400 acres; lots 1 and 2. north of southwest 14. section 7. containing 119.87 acres; north of northeast- li, northwest , east of southeast 14, section 11, containing 320 acres; east of northeast section 13, containing: 80 acres; lots 3 and 4, north of southeast li. northeast 14 of south west 14 and north of section 19. con taining 490.54 acres: fraction south 14 frac tion west of northwest . west 14 of east Va of northwest 14. section 31. con taining 450.70 acres: all in township 11 south, range 6 . west of . the Willamette Meridian. . Fraction north , southeast , east of southwest 14, section 1, containing 555.84 acres ; lots 1 and 5. northwest 14 of northwest 14. section 13, containing 72.48 acres; southwest 14i section 15,, contain ing 160 acres; fraction sectioa 31, contain ing 635 acres; lots 1 and 2, southeast 14 of northeast 14, southeast . section So, containing 236.48 acres: east 16 of section. 27, 320 acres; all in township 11 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 7, containing 656.38 acres; lot 4, section 27, containing 32.14 acres; south west 14 of northwest , northwest 14 of southwest 14, section 29, containing 80 acres; southwest 14 of northwest 14, east 16 of southwest 14, west 16 of southeast 14, section 33, containing 200 acres; all in township 12 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 1, 648 acres; section 3, 665.41 acres; section 5, 686.88 acres; northeast 14, north of southeast 14, east of north west 14, northeast of southwest 14, lots h 5.?nd 3 section 7, 465.11 acres; section 9, 640 acres; section 13, 640 acres; all in ' township 12 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Lot 7, section 3. 17.80 acres; fraction , northwest 14, fraction east 16, north 16 of southwest 14, section 5, 555.36 acres, all r,t?wnsh,p 13 south- range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 3, 671.21 acres; section 6, 656.74 acres; southwest 14 of section 7, 165.20 acres; section 9. 640 acres; section 11, 640 acres; section 23, 640 acres; section 27, 640 acres: northwest 14 of northeast 14, sec tion 31, 40 acres; north , southeast 14. northeast 14 of southwest 14, sectien 33, 523 acres: all in 'township 10 south range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. ' Section 27, 640 acres; northwest 14, northwest 14 of northeast 14, west 16 of southwest 14, section 35, 280 acres; all in township 10 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian: east v. rf winn 33, S20 acres; in township 10 south, ranea 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Fraction northeast 14 of northeast 14. section 1. 39.78 acres.; south 16, southwest 14 of northwest . section 3, 360 acres: section S, 646.02 acres; east 16. southwest 14, section 7. 485 acres: section 13 ma acres: west , southeast 14, west 16 of northeast 14, section 17. 560 acres; section 19, 6oi.98 acres: section 21, 640 acres; west 16. east 16 of northeast 14, east 16 of southeast 14, section 23. 480 acres; section 27, 640 acres: section 31, 665.98 acres- all lnr,ownship 11 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. JNorth . southwest V. section 1 481 5s acres: north A of nnrthnast v. an',,th iz. of southeast 14, west 16 of northwest li. west or southwest hk. Section 3. S22.5S acres: east fraction southwest : sec tion 7, 483.20 acres: north of section 9, ' 320 acres; northeast . north 16 of north west li. southwest li of northwest 14, east of southeast H, southwest 14 of south east southeast 14 of southwest 14, sec tion 11. 440 acres: sention IS fun awwa' section 17. 640 acres: section 19. 645 35 acres: section 29. 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres: all in townshfn 31 south WFSt of the Willamette Meridian. Northwest Vi south 16 of northeast 14, north V. of southeast V. west V. nf smith. west Vt. section . 402.40 acrs; east 16 of southwest Vi, section 13. 78.20 acres; all in township 11 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. North 16 of section 5, 327.61 acres; In township 12 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian: north 16 of north east 14. fraction northwest 14, northwest 14 of southwest 14, section 1, 279.21 acres; : in township 12 south, range 9 west. of. the Willamette Meridian. Southwest 14 of northwest , west; 16 of southwest 14. lots 3, 4, S and 6; section 17, containing 178.87 acrea; in township 10 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 1, containing 645.60 acres; south 16 of southwest 14, section 3, containing 80 acres; southwest 14 of southwest 14, lots 4, 5 and 6, section 17, containing 93. 03 acres; in township 11 south, range 6 west of the Willamette- Meridian. East 16, east 14 of northwest , south west 14 of northwest 14, north 16 of south west 14, section 17, containing 520 acres; southeast 14, southeast 14 of northeast 14, southwest 14 of northeast 14, southeast 14 of southwest 14, section 21, containing 279.70 acres; west 16 of northwest 14, lots 1, 2 and 3, section 27, containing 176.42 florefl- in tnwnshfn 12 smith riinire. fi west of the Willamette Meridian. Section S, containing 640 acres, south west 14 of the northeast 14, southeast 14 of northwest 14, southwest 14, northwest 14 of southeast 14, west 16 of northwest 14, of section 11, containing 360 acres; northeast 14 of northwest 14, south li or northwest 14. southwest 14, south of southeast 14, lots 3, 4 and 5, section 13, containing 4H0.95 acres: northeast 14, northwest 14. north 16 of southeast 14. southeast 14 of southeast 14, section li, - containing 440 acres; north 16 of north west 14, southwest 14 of northwest 14. east of northeast southeast H.. east la nf smithwpfit L southwest U nf southwest 14, section 21, 4su acres; section, za, con taining 640 acres; south 16, northeast 14. east 16 of northwest 14. section 31, 585.MI acres section 3,5640 aces; all lu. township 10 south, range 7 west of the Willamett Meridian. section d, ozx-ia acres; west y ot souui. west 14, section 5, 80 acres; east 16 ot northeast 14, northwest 14 of northeast 14. north V2 of northwest 14, east 1s of southeast lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 and 7 sec tion 11. containing 430.39 acres; northeast 14, northeast 14 of southwest 14, west fraction 16 of southwest 14, section 1&. containing 272J87 acres; lots 1, X- 3 and 4, section 25, containing 94.50 acres; section 29, 640 acres; northwest 14, southwest 14, southwest 14. of northeast 14, section 35, 360 acres; alL In township 11 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 11. 640 acres, in township '12 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. . ' ,. ' The following described land In. Polk County, Oreson: South 16 of northeast 14, south 16. of northwest 14, south 16. lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, section 1, containing 671.28 acres township 10 south, range 8 west of the. Willamette Meridiam The following described lands in Lincoln County, Oregon: Section 13, 640 acres; west 16 of section 25, 320 acres section 31, beginning at a point 48 chain and 63 1-3 links west of tbe southeast corner of said section 31; thence west on township line to west boundary of township.; thence north on range line between ranges 8 and 9, west 60 chains; thence east to a point due north of point of beginning; . . . 1 . . 1 s 1 i ; .. , i ce i tnence souta 10 piace vl ucgumuisi acres; all in township 10 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. . South 16, south 16 of northwest 14, sec tion 1, 400 acres; northwest 14 of south west 14, east 16 of southwest 14, south east , north , section 9, 600 acres: southeast of northwest 14, west 16 of northwest . south 16 of northeast 14. south 16 off section 15, 520 acres; section 25, 640 acres; section 29, 64ft acres; section 35, 640 acres; all in township 11 south,, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 1, 640 acres;-north ft of south-, east 14 and north 16 of section 3, 406.98 aeres; . north 16 k northeast 14, section 11, 80" acres; all !n township 12 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Northeast 14, east 16 of northwest 14. east 16 of southwest 14. southwest 14 of southwest 14, north 16 Of southeast 14. southeast 14 of southeast 14, section 29. 440 acres; in township 10 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 5, 633.40 acres; northwest frac tion section 7. '162 acres; southeast sec tion 13, 160 acres; section 21, 640 acres; : section 23, 640 acres; section 25, 640 acres; section 21; 640 acres: eaft 16 of northwest '. 14, northwest fraction of northwest 14. northeast 14 of southwest 14 and east 16 ' of section 31, 482.95 acres; section 33, 640 acres: in township 11 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. East 16, southwest 14, south 16 of north west 14, northwest 14 of northwest 14, sec tion 3, 602.82 acres; in township 12 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 25. 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres; township 10 south,-range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. , Section 3. 643.58 acres; southeast of northeast 14, northwest 14 of northwest V, riorth 16 of southeast 14. lots 1, 2, 3. . 8, 9, 10, and 11, section 11, 343.12 acres; east 16 of section 13. 320 acres: east 16 of northeast 14. section 23. 80 acres: township 11 suth. range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. . Total, 23.959.41 acres. Said sale, is made under and by virtue of a decree, execution and order of saie, now In rnv hands, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton County, under the seal of said Court, of dnte September 9th. 190. in the suit of the Coast X.and & Livestock Company, plaintiff, and the Oregon Pacific Colonisation Company, , a corporation: George H. Selover nd S. V. Cook, defendants, a proceeding to foreclose two mortgages, by which decree and order of sale said real property above ' described is ordered to be sold by me to satisfy the sum of one hundred and one thousand., three hundred and sixty-one arid fiftv-ntne one-hundredths dollars ($101,361.59). with Interest from the 23d day of March, 1903. the date of said decree,- ' oelng the amount found to be due plain- tin from the defendants the, Oregon Pa cific Colonization Company,, a corpora tion, and S. F. Cook, together with costs ' and disbursements of this alp. -.. ... M. P. BURNETT, . . Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Dated, this 12th day of September, 1903,'