The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 12, 1903, Image 3

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( Advertisements in this column charged for
at the rate ofl oeuts vet line.
The Oorvallla public school opens
Mrs. Hash 8mith returned to
The Dalles Wednesday after a visit.
; with Corvallis relatives and frietods.
Getirge Paul entered the Oald
" wtll School of oratory and acting la
San FranclEco .last Monday. ,
B. W, Johnson leaves -today Tor
. Poitland, to attend a meeting of the
fiDance corjoroittee of tho grand lodge
of. Knights of Pbythitis.
Mws Jennie Nobl has accepted
a position as bookkeeper in a Portland
establishment, and has resigned .. her
plce as teacher i the Oorvalil pub
l(o schools; Miis Edna Fioley has
- been elect Jd to ttie vacaccy.
- Mi?sN )ra Ingle, daughter of J.
W. Irjgls returned Wednesday from
' CMc-nso, ii?ber fche 'finished a Pn9t
' praduate course as a trained ; nurse.
She will retn&ia here some time.
Henry ArabW. fae wide-awake
real estate man ra returned' trom a
two weess' sojourn nt the Coat...He
La? a number of deals on haad, con
cerning which announcements will
'likely to be made soon.
Invitations are out for a Measur
ing party, to ba given by the Senior
Epworth Iieagners a', the Mtbo.sist
church next Wednesday eveniuu. Two
cents is charged for each fo t la th
8'a'ure ol eacn guest, wdicii reuuuio
for the Dame of the function.
The transfer of the Welker res
idence property was made Wednes
day. The purchaser is Mr?. Mebala
Stewart. The price paid Is $l,50Q
cash. -Th.3 sale ws made by O. J,
Blaeklertse. The' propeitv la. occu
pied by Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Small.
Regular services wil! be held at the
M. E. church South', tomorrow, morn
ing and evening, by he paetor. This
will be the last service before con
ference whlob convenes at Roseburg
Sept. 17 A full attendance of mem
bers h requested. The public te cor
dially invited.
The Y. M. C. A. at the C(.llee
will make their canvass of the city
Tuesday. Snpt. 15th to secure a list
of all boarding and rooming houses.
All who expect o keep etudects will
' materia'ly assist the Assocla'i n by
having ready their data as to the
number of rooms, prief, etc. i
Thee was a h' liday for pickers
in the Beh hop yard yesterday.
The hops pli-ked the day before was
enonryh t.a snnnlv the di iri for two
days; aod a full dayVltf- ft fr pick
ers resulted. MiU and lice to a great
or less degree have appeared in the
yard as a result of the late rains. Th"
crop is enornoous aid the qaalitv very
floe. About half the yard, pos ibly
- more, has been picked. i.
Work on the toilets ia the base
ment of the public Hchool building is
nearly completed. Dlay ii occasion- j
ed by the uoo-arrlwAl from the Eis't
of soms of t,he rt-qitired ni-vt.erUls.
The i tiprovemenc Includes complete
-connection of the building with the
sewer system, and an arrangement
of details for perfect eaM'ation. : . The
cost is about 81.000. J. R. Smith &
Company have the contract.
- In Eugene aa Elmira man i3 be
ing sued in the circuit court by Eu
gene dealers for $210 damages on ac
count of the failure' of the former; to
deliver chittim bark bought of him at
five cents per pound, but which he re
fuses to deliver. - The $210 is the
amount that the Eugene dealers al
lege in court they would have made
on the bark had It been delivered. -
Rev. Reeves and others from
Corvallis are to attend the annual
conference of the M. E. church, South
at Roseburg on the 17th; Rev. Reeves
expects to be abla ' to report the
charge in this city as entirely out of
' debt, the congregation having raised
about $900 this year In order to
Into, sound financial condition.
report Rav. Reeves will take to the
conference will be the best made from
Corvallis In many years. Bishop Mor
rison is to preside at the . conference
and is expected to visit Corvallis dur
ing his stay in the state.
Frank Hershner and family left
Thursday for Gresham, where they
will reside during the school year.
Mr Hershner is principal of the school
theie. which is of important character.
A new high school with a four year
course has been newly . established,
and be is at the head of it as well as
the lower grades. All the family go
to Greeham except - Miss Blanche
Hershner, who remains ia Corvallis.
The family home on College Hill has
been leased to Dr. Bowen Lester, who
has embarked in the chicken business
as a diversion, and will occupy the
premises with his feathered favorites .
Of last year's football" team, the
State University will have the follow
ing this season: , McKinney, Kerron,
Earl. Frizzell, Thayer, Chandler, La
tourette, Payne, Templeton and Good
rich. The men they lose are Murphy
Watts and Jordan. The ? following
schedule of games has been provis
ionally made': October 10. alumni
team, Eugene; October 17. Chemawa,
Eugene; October 24, Albany, Eugene ;
November 7, Washington Agricultur
al College. Eugene: November 11.
University of Washington,- Saattle;
November 21, O AG,. Eugene; Thanks
giving day. Multnomah Club, . Fort-laud.
William Groves is re-shingling the
south half of the opera house roof.
Fred Overlauder was able, to be
down town this week. He is just re
covering from a protracted illness.
. The Misses Tucker entertained a
few friends at their home Mondav ev
ening in honor of their aunt, Mrs. Mot
ley, who is vi-iclrg in Corvallis.
" United Evangelical church servi
ces next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:45
p.m. Preaehiog ht , Dixon echoi.1
house at 3 p. m. v -v. :'
Louis Burnough, the wtl'-Known
center of the O. A. O. footba I team
has a position in a drugstore a Eater
prise, and Is not to rttutu to college
this ear. -,
Prune picking has already begun
in a few orchards. The big diier was
warmed up yesfei day to begin work
oxi small 1. its of -prunes . from neigh
boring orchards Pickiug in the big
orchird begins .Monday Burning. - ,
. Mrs, Sherman Wad and chil 1 re
turned to their E isterti Ofpgon tiotae
Tinusc'av. Th-y were accompanied
as far as PortUod by Mrs. Wad's
mother, Mrs. John' llickard. '
-Two eisters and a brother named
Adauis have arrived from Portland to
aitenfi oil ee. They bave purchased
the W". E. Yates property at the cor
ner of Niuh & Monroe-, which they
are to occupy, .-'The piice paid for the
property is 3675.
The Lebanon company of O.-Ni O.
cavalry spent two nights in Corvillis
in their annual practice march. They
h-id beeu-on a tour of the upper ' val
ley and were nearlng the end of their
march when heie.-' v
William Creea. who recently weDt
to Portland for medical treatment, is
very much encouraged by his physi
cian, alrbough he will be
remain in Port'and some time. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Oree are at the home
of their daughter," Mis. (Jroosbeck.
Invitations are out for the . wed
ding of Mies Mabel Johnson and Al
bert Burrows, to take plnce,in JPort
lind Wedne&dy, September 23rd, at
eight o'clock, ' Miss Johnson former
ly resided io Corvallis,' where she Was
a popular vocalic t a ua had many
friends. She is a tistbr of Pottmaster
Johnson. ;
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Riley and son
returned to thtir home in Portland
Thursday after, a . ten-days stay in
Oorvfcllis with Mr. and Mrs. Andiews.
Mrs. Riley istbe 'arly who w inj'ired
a yeir ego by the collapse of a. bildge
in Linn county, and she has not ytt
recovered the use of her arm. It is
believed that the atm ia permanently
disabled from, paralytic. -
uommissioner William 6t Iiy re
ports that in hU orchard near Pbiio
math, San Jose ical4 is : prcvaieur.
The ravages of the 1 pent, : Mr.
Jolly says, . Is very damaging .;to
the trees. . .Tbdi upper poitlon
dies, and sprouts in abundance fprintr
up from the roots. - Unless remedies
are resorted to, M.r. J.lly is' ceittiu,
trom bis meagre expeiience, that the
scale will finally ba fatal to orchards
In which : it appears. The remedy of
course is spraying. The penalty f r
selllngf or off-rins for eal-?, fiuit that
Is infected with -scaie or other pst or
disease, is a floe ot not less than 25,
nor more than Si00. ... '
The last day for payiog taxes on
this year's rt. 11 ia fast apprOaehiDg.
On; the morning of 'October 6ib, pen
alty and interest wM bechtged. That
means that iu order to avoid the pen
alty, all taxes must be pall by the ev
ening of October 5 h A considerable
number of people have paid half their
taxes and are taking all iha grace al
lowed under the lw for liquilation of
the balance. It their last heir' Is not
paid by the evening of October 5 :h,
they will be compelled on the follow
ing morning to pav 10 percent penal
ty on the last half, and 12 per cent io
terest qn the same amount from April
7th to date of payment. There ia a
prospect that "the delinquent roll will
be somewhat larger than Ust year.
:' Parties making the largest sales
of years to J. L. Lewis were H. F. Btis
tow and D. C. "Rose. The former
eet brought from his orchard in th Bell-
Toe i fountain neighborhood 7119 pounds tor
which he received $53.40. Mr. Rose,
whose orchard is near town, sold 4180
pounds which netted him $31.35. These
pears go to can net las in San Francis
co, and very likely Corvallis eople
will soon be buying them back in a
preserved state with the profits of
numerous concerns added to -the orig
inal price. The time ia coming when
we shall not pay the railroad compa
nies to haul our fruit to San Francis
co, pay ior having It ; canned there,
and pay again for having it hauled
back to us, but that time is long de
terred. It seems that we are too
"conservative" at present to can our
own fruit. -v.
Valuation on Taxable Property in
Benton What the Figures are.
The city of Corvallis will pay
taxes this year on : about a - million
dollars worth of taxable property.
Last year its property valuation for
assessment, purposes was $488,350.
The exact figures of the total on
the new roll are not available, but
it is known that when completed
three or four weeks hence, they will
show that the valuations of the city
are nearly if -not quite . doubled. On
a five - mill levy. for city
purposes, if that levy is made s by
the city council, it will yield a rev
enue for general purposes of about
$5,000. . On the same levy last year
the revenues so derived only aggre
gated little ov&rf ..""--$2,500.. For
street purposes n a, two mill levy,
the sum available- will about $1,000
as against only $500 the . past year.
It is estimated that -the new as
sessment roll, whose ' footings in
most particulars were ' completed
Wednesday;..will show a total tax
able property for the ; Corvallis
school' district of about $1,200,000,
The figures last year were $607.
180, or about one half of the pres
ent valuation. - ! ,
The total valuation of all proper
ty in the county according to the
new roll is $4,336,430 The figures
on last year's roll were, $2,507,105.
The valuations made by the assessor
lack less than $700,000 of doubling
those of last year; The higher val
uations will make a lower- tax levy
possible, and insomuch" will have a
favorable effect, both at home and
abroad, in many ways Some re
gret is expressed that the aggre
gate might not have doubled com
pletely this year, as has been the
case in Clackamas county, in which
which, as will as in other counties
a movement for higher valuations
and lower levies is in progress. In
Clackamas the valuations were in:
creased from about four millions to
more than eight millions. In Ben
ton, the various classes of property
and their aggregate value is as fol
lows;" y - . V
Tillable land, 63,986 acres, $1,
574,596. ' -
Non-tillable land. 292,705, $1,-
203.365 -' V
Improvements on deeded lands.
$275,270, .". - x
Town lots. 330.450
town lots,
on undeeded land,
48 - miles. $11,-
William Bogue and family who
have been absent all summer on ac
count of Floyd's health, arrived
Tuesday. They spent several weeks
at Cascadia, and after that went
across the mountains and . journeyed
up the Deschutes river, to a point 30
miles above Bend. The spot is 30
miles southeast of the Three. Sis
ters and sixty miles southwest of
Prlnev Hie. There Mr. Bogue has
leased a dwelling house, to -which he
and his family will return for the
winter, remaining perhaps until next
autumn. The place is in the heart of
the water supply for the' big irrigation
ditches which It is pruposed to build
into the adjacent country. JMr. Bogue
has interests to dispose of before
leaving Corvallis again, but he ex
pects to get away ia about three
weeks. His advertisement Is to be
seen elsewhere,
$117.010. .
! Improvement
-"Railroad becL-86s-
, Rolling -stock, $17,860. -Telegraph
- and . telephone
miles, 8-6,740. . . -r .
. Merchandise, $1 10,015.
Farming implements - etc, $58,
- Steamboats etc, $1 1,740. v.
Money. $51,520. .
Notes and accounts, $111,225.
Shares of stock, $24,165.
Household furniture etc.
415 J' - -
Horses and joules, 2,014,
470. .
- Cattle. 7.903, $118,760. '
Sheep and goats,. 33,958, ;
Swine. 2,696,-$9,705. ;
Gross value of' all property,"
$4,550,485.: . . ;;.. ; ?. -.
Exemptions, $220,055.
. Total taxable property $4,336
430. The figures in the valuations are
subject of course, to the action of
the county board of equalization
which meets to consider the roll on
the 28th inst. .
And has no Official History A School
w District in a Queer Fix.
School district number 14, known
as the Woods Creek district, is in
that peculiar condition in which it
is without antecedents or official
record of bow it came to be organ
ized. It is the -district in . .which
a school house was burned last year.
It is a district that has levied tax
es, owned property, and drawn
school money. . It has employed
teachers, elected district officers,
instructed ttie youth; and perform
ed all functions usual to a duly
organized school district. But ,,it
has been discovered that it has no
place on the county map, and that
there i no record of its organiza
tion in the; archives- of the super
intendent's office. The condition
was the occasion of an. .adjourned
meeting of the county court Thurs
day. Directors of the district ; in
volved, and of all contiguous : dis
tricts were in at endance, and all
were in deliberation a large part of
the day. Adjournment was, how
ever taken without action to estab
lish and reorganize the di-trict with
proper credentials. ; ' -
It appears that in such , cases,
the method of getting the affairs of
the district again into proper and
legal status is to begin all over
again, and create the district anew,
as though that preliminary had
never.been done. . Petitions pro
perly made and signed by patrons
of the original districts out of which
the new district was created must
be presented and acted upon by the
court. It is the purpose to bring
all this about at some future meet
ing of the county court. The dis
trict is supposed to have been or
ganized a dozen or more years ago.
" 0 " ' "
We announce our annual
Fall Display of Ladies',
Mrsses' and Ghiidren's
Wraps.- - . l Jo
These garments were selected with unusual care and
judgment and embrace the correct styles. New weaves i
and popular shades for fall and winter. . ' h
I PRIGES. $55.00, 6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 9,oo, 10 bo, to $I5.oo. 4
Auction Sale . - -September
26th, I Will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder at my farm
one and one half miles north of Hoskins
the following: 40 head . of cattle, 60
head of hogs, some sheep, one binder
and other implements. Terms of. sale,
cash in hand. r
- George Neathamer,
lyings Valley. .
i . A
Misses & Ghiidren's.
' J The new Misses' and Chil
dren's" Wraps will please the
parents looking for something
different from the ordinary.
$3 00, $4.00; $4.50,
$5 00, $6 50.
To those who favor us with a visit we
promise a pleasant surprise, for never
before have we had such a complete and
up-to-date line. Don't forget the premi
um department, and get a coupon with
every 25-cent purchase or more, at
: Regulator of Low Prices, g
. .fie
1 9
c0mK -
Tuesday evenlDg after the business
meetlne, the Degree of honor bel l a eo
qlal eeesion la honor or Mies Hattle
Soencer, who had .jass returned from
a prolocpied stay la Eastern OregoD.
An intereftting programme wa3 rend
ered. Ioetrumeotil solo, Mrs. Sheas
?reen; reclta'ioD, Mrs. 8pncer; eolo,
Taylor Porter.; readina, -. Mrs. Sarah
Moore ; eol j, Qlady3 Mosre.
School Books. -
11 nPfs n PI in Pr
. Made & Guaranteed by
- id&E B. Kuppenheimcr Se
America1. Leading
Clot net Maker - -Chicago
Coovrieht. T902. by B Kupphnhhimek & CO.
We carry a large stock of gents' wearables of
correspondingly superior quality. -Top-Round.
Shoes for example. Prices always right.
At Graham & Wella,. drug store School
supplies of all .kinds. Second hand
public school books taken in exchange;
Piano Pupils.
Miss Mamie Cauthorn wishes to an
nounce that she will resume piano teach
ing October 1st, and that she will be
found at her studio on Third street: -
, Best grade of gasoline 30 cents a
on at Berry's.
Dr. Ai T. Roberts has Return-
ed to Salem,
Dr. A. T. Roberts, the eye-specialist,
who -was here two years ago
and through the perfection t of his
work gained a reputation second to
one in Oregon, ( has : returned to
Salem, and has a fine suite of of
fices over Dalrymples store, where
he will be pleased to meet all his
old friends and patients, and others
who need his services. Consulta
tion free.
Hie are Clearing out for new Goods
' For the Ladies we Have.some extraordinary bargains in all
season goods. We are making great "sacrifices all along the
line in view of our new incoming stocks. You may do , the rest. .
With cash sales we are now issuing
oupons, a sufficient number of which
edtitles the holder to an eiegant din
ner set free. Patrons, however, may
if they wish, secure the set piece by
piece as they obtain coupons.
- These' dishes are of the Celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-painted decoration, with gold trimming JS v
and would adorn any table. Trade with us and secure a set. . Tell your friends about this opportunity .... 5