The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 12, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. XVI. No. 'JT.
b. f. jftxnrm
Editor and Pronrtotnr.
Has ever found our Store, in fall its
Departments, so well equipped.
The Stock Includes ail the
Latest Novelties.
Special attention is called to our
Line of Dress Goods, Jack
ets, Waterproof Wraps,
Skirts, Shoes and Children's
Clothing. Call and see.
: -
r jjjt Do Hot Eioe
to as high, astandard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in
' the house that keeps the hig- . ,
. est standard of Grocer-
ies that is the ' . ,
place to
Fresb Fruits,
ixtJKu every ming iu u uau
T - ; it. J. . T L
run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep wha you want and to
please. Call and see
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for iny special list, or come and v
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing :
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. - Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. - Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon. .
J i it - 1 . - A TIT.
in me marKet. we g
E. Holgate
' attorney at law
,., justice of the . peacb
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
"B. A.' CATHEY, M. D,,
Phgsician and Surgeon.
Office, Boom 14, First 'National Bank
Bmlding, -Corvallis,- Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a, tn., 2 to 4 p. m. . !
Piatt's Sons .Prominent in One of
the Companies New Scheme
to Pat Bonding Business
into Postmaster's
Hands Other
Washington, Sept. ' 6 Fifteen
thousand postoffice clerks scattered
u .,.. t,;t,,,t. nnn I
over the country pay tribute annu
ally in the form of premiums on in
demnity bonds to half a dozen sure
ty companies. Of the3e half dozen
corporations one gets the lion e
share of the tribute. That corpor
ation is the Fidelity and Deposit
Comanyof Maryland, of which
one of United States Senator Piatt's
sons, Henry B. Piatt, is vice pres
ident and New. York manager, and
the senator's other son, Frank, is
New York counsel. :
The name of Henry Payne ap
pears in the last annual report 01
the National Surety: Company as
one of that corporation's director?,
although he himeeif declares that
he bas no connection with it and its
president, Charles A. Dean, says
that Payne was formerly a director,
but resigned his position upon be
coming postmaster general. . .
An act was pafsd by congress
during Perry Hcath'a maladminis
tration of the office of first assistant
postmaster general, authorizing the
postmaster general, at his option,
to put clerks of the first, second and
third class offices under , bonds to
the government, since which time
approximately 15,000 of the 30,t)00
such clerks have been bonded, re
gardless of the fact that many of
them were already under personal
bond to their respective po-rtmast
ers, and regardless of - the injustice
of patting the remainder under no
bond whatever.
When the clerk-bonding regula
tion was issued by the department,
postmasters were instructed , that
surety) bonds granted by surety
companies - were preferred, and a
"blank" bond; covering the clerks
to be bonded in an office, was pre
ferred to individual bonds. Post
masters were also authorized to
"represent'' their ' clerks in "negotiating''-
with euretv companies.
By virtue of this regulation, bow
ever, it is covertly said at the -. de
partment by Fret Assistant Poet-
master-General Perry - Heath : that
the sudden bonding of this great
army of postoffice clerks was thrown
into the hands of some half dozen
securities companies, of which the
Fidelity and Deposit Company of
Maryland was' most active.
1 A clerk cannot change his surety
from one company to another. . By
the policy of the department; he
must let.his bond remain unchang
ed so long as the department is sat
isfied. - . . r ...
In the postal guide is published
a long list of surety companies,' de
clared by the attorney-general of
the United States to; be qualified
under the law to go on postoffice
clerks' bonds.
Postmaster-General Payne is au
thority for the statement that only
two companies have bonded clerks
in the big postoffice of New York
City, these being the Fidelity and
Deposit Company of Maryland and
the United States Guarantee Com
pany of New York.
By the most conservative estimate
$30,000 a year is flowing from the
pockets 01 the postoffice clerks into
the coffers of the favored surety
companies, and some well-informed
persons are disposed to estimate the
annual tribute at $100,000. : -
Ibis constitutes the greatest of
all the postoffice scandals, and what
adds to it is that ' experience has
shown postoffice officials that these
surety company bonds ot postal
clerks are not worth the paper they
are printed on, so far as indemnify
ing the United States government
is concerned. .
!Fourih Assistant Postmaster-
General Bristow has proposed'that
the law be changed so that, instead
of giving surety company bonds to
the United States, they give such
bonds to their respective postmast
ers. 1 This plan Auditor Henry A.
Castle of the postoffice department
acd .Postmaster-General Payne
both support.
' l!s significance, so far as the
bonding companies is concerned, is
that it will turn all - this binding
business over to the company that
bas the strongest political "pull"
or can make the best bargain with
the postmasters, since the latter will
obviously not be compelled to take
any surety not acceptable to him.
Drummond, Mont.; Sept. 8.
Thne tramps, armed with revolv
ers,", invaded a Northern Pacific
freight train near here - last night
and. held up two ranch hands who
were stealing a ride.' The hands,
who were unarmed, showed fight;
whereupon the tramps shot and
killed one and seriously wounded
the other. At Drummond they
iumned from thfl train and find.
I 'PL - J J !
A " "uuuueu "noo.JBc.ouH,
and there are no marks to identify
the men. The sheriff has been un-
able to loqate the tramps.
Washington, Sept 8 The tur
bulent conditions existing in ih9
Bilkan penicisala are increasing in
seventy, according to cablegrams
received bj the state department
today. How many davs or even
hours, when open warfare between
Bulgaria and Turkey may be de
clared is mere conjecture, but that
it will occur is almost certain.
Aside from the matter of war be
tween Bulgaria and Turkey, a more
serious question question arises, in
the attitude taken by the different
powers of Europe, and incidentally,
the United States.
" Russia and Austria have proposed
to the powers that coercive - action
be taken in Sofii with the purpose
of sidetracking an open revolt, or
in other words the . declaration of
war . G rmany has practically as
sented, but England, France and
Italy and the United States have
not.' Russia is not trusted because
of her animosity to Christians oth
er than those of the Greek church.
Germany has large interests in the
Black Sea. and while it is known
that Emperor William personally
abhors Turkish brutality and the
saltan 'jj imbecility of purpose, he
favors the retention of Turkey's
provinces under the conditions that
now exist.
' It seems certain that Admiral
Cotton will be compelled to land
forces at Beirut. " Although he was
shown all the courtesy possible by
Turkish officials on his arrival in
Palestine waters,' the' mass of in
habitants are outspoken againts
Americana generally and American
misionaries particularly. Fears of
massacre are hourly tenants - of
Christians on the eastern shore of
the Mediterranean ..sea, and from
Jerusalem comes the report that
the native population is in an an
gry mood And may at any time re
sort to violence and murder.
From Vienna today a cable is
received of the details of the fierce
fight which occurred yesterday near
Kastoria, in Momstar. A band
headed by the Macedonian leader
Popoffo, sui rendered to seven Turk
ish battalions after awful fighting.
The troons then fell on the defense
less insurgents and killed 200 of
them and drove 100 severely wound
ed from the town after inflicting in
human tortures on them. .The dis
patch adds that at Nikola a strong
band was cut up by Turks and
300 were killed. .
More revolting than anything
is the established habit of Turkish
soldier? Jin their treatment of wom
en and children of the captured.
Unprintable are the . accounts of
the indignities practiced by the
brutish victors.
New York, Sept 8 George Beav
ers who is undei indictment in the
postoffice scandal, gave himself up
this morning to United States Mar
shal Heubel. He gave a bond of
$5o,ooo and said he' would have
surrendered before, but he wanted
the government to answer several
questions put by his council.
Fearful Odds Against Him..
Bedridden, alone and destitute,
Such in brief, was the condition of
an old soldier by the name of J J
Haven, Versailles, O, For years
be was troubled with kidney dis.
ease and neither doctors nor medi
cines gave him relief. At length
he tried Electric Bitters, It put
him on his feet in short order and
now he testifies : '"I am on the
road to complete recovery," Best
on earth for kidney and liver tro
ubles and all forms of stomach and
bowl complaints,' Only 50c, Guar
anteed by Allen's Pharmacy.; '
-Buy your white and red clover seed
Zierolf 'sK -
Wife of Tarred-and-Feathered Man
Arrested for Larceny by Baillee
A Strenuous Tug-of-War
Other .News,
Hillsboro, Or., Sept. 8. The res
idence occupied by Mrs. Lizzie
Gishweiler-Tromley, the wife pf tbe
man who was tarred and feathered,
burned this morning between 6 and
7 o'clock and Mrs. Tromiey was for
many hours in charge of the local
constable, being examined before
Deputy District Attorney E. B.
The house had been awarded to
Sylvester Vaughn, an aged man
from Seattle, who sued for posses
sion in the circuit court on the
ground that the woman had de-
irauded him. out of the property. In
July of this year the woman mar
ried , Tromiey in Vancouver, Wash,
and came back to Hillsboro to re
side. :
Then commenced riotous scenes
about the place. Tromiey would
become intoxicated on the wine
kept in the house and then go out
and abuse neighboring women,
threatening to kill, and making a
general nuisance of himself. This
conduct so exasperated the citizens
of the town that Tromiey was treat
ed to a coat of tar and feathers, and
up"bn his return was lodged in jail
on a charge of threatening to kill.
The firm of H. ! Wehrung & Son
had a chattel mortgage on Mrs.
Tromley's household effects, and af
ter the tar-and-feather incident in
structed their attorney to collect
their claim - or sell out the proper
ty. The matter dragged along un
til last week, when Tromiey and
the authorities agreed that h and
his wife were to leave thecity,
and the charge was to remain over
his bead. Tbey were to have de
camped this evening.
As they had not settled the Web
rung claim the constable went to
the house yesterday and notified
tbe woman not to pack up any of
the furniture under mortgage. He
watched all day and part of. tbe
night. As soon, as he bad gone the
valuable piano and other furniture,
all mortgaged, was hauled to a barn
in East Hil'sboro, at 2 o'clock this
morning. . The climax came when
a fire alarm was turned in this
morning. The. house was ruined
by the blaze, and several old sofas,
bed pprings and chairs were visible
in the ruins.
When asked where the piano was
she stated to the attorney for the
Wehrungs that it had burned,; and
showed where it was supposed to
have stood. Pitchforks were pro
cured, and the entire floor careful
ly searched, but no , wire or other
metalic substance could be discov
ered. This led to an investigation,
and tbe piano and accompanying
furniture were found.
- Charles Stewart, who knew noth
ing of the chattel mortgage, stated
that the woman had hired him to
haul the piano and furniture to his
barn, and that sns was to pay mm
$25 for the service of secreting the
load and shipping it to her after
she bad left Hillsboro. The woman
was placed under arrest late . this
afternoon on a charge of larceny by
bailee, and her bonds fixed at $800.
The first question Mrs. Iromley
asked, after tbe fire, was whether or
not the insurance was yet covering
the property. She was told that
the policy had been canceled sev
eral days ago, when she was. noti
fied to that eHect. Although the
coal-oil can was in the center of the
sitting room after the charge
of arsen has been preferred. Mrs.
Tromiey alleges she,, slept in . her
clothes all night, and gives this as
an explanation as to why she was
fully dressed at so early .an hour.
Albany, Or., Sept. 9. Suffering
from the effects of a protracted
spree, nervous to the verge of pros
tration and weary of life, D. O. Ma
ris, or Mill City, committed suicide
last night while in the city jail in
Albany, r Chief of Police McClain
found the body this morning.
The position of the body would
indicate the determination " of the
suicide. A strip of : sheeting torn
from the bed clothes- was attached
to a staple driven into the door cas
ing and thence extended almost to
the floor. As the staple in the door
casing is but 40 .. inches from the
floor, it is evident teat Maris' neck a
could not have been disjointed by a,
fall, but that he was strangled to
death. .The position of the arms in
dicate that he deliberately . placed
his head in 4 he ' noose and .then
pulled the "rftpo. He had stretched
himself full length across the door
way and then while resting on, th
Moor on one elbow had drawn the
noose over his head. . Maris' body
was cold and stiff, the deed
ly having been committed ahnrtlw
after his supper was taken to . him
last evening. , .
D, O. Maris bas been an emnlnva '
in tbe sawmill of the Curtis Lum
ber Com nan v at Mill Citv for soma
time. About three weeks ago bis
hand was crushed in . some of the
machinery and he came to Albanv
for treatment. Maris bad $85 dol
lars in nis pocket wben he came to
Albany, Or., Sept. 9. Mrs. Sam
uel Harvey, who reside- i.f ,r Knox
Butte in Linn couoij, ws drowned
while endeavoring to 10 d u e San
tiam River near jhe Aluert Bond
place yesterday afternoon. The ac
cident happened. about 3 o'clock iu
the afternoon and was witnessed by
no one. - The body was not found
until this morning.
The fact that the drowning oc
curred within a short distance of
the Harvey bouse, at the regular
fording place of the Santiam River,
where the water is very shallow and
not considered dangerous in the
least, caused some apprehension of
foul play, but when all the facta
were ascertained by the coroner, the
suspicions were dissipated.
Mrs. Harvey was visiting at the
home of Everett Knox, a short dis
tance from the Boner ranch, on
which the Harveys live, and across
the river. There is no bridge span
ning tbe Santiam River at this
point, but tbe water is very shallow
and residents of the neighborhood
are accustomed to ford the stream.
Mrs Harvey . successfully crossed
the Santiam while en route to the
Knox home. When she started to
return to her home about 'the mid
dle of the afternoon, ' Mrs. Harvey
carried a basket of fruit and had.
gathered up the front of her apron
and placed some plums and pears
in the bag formed by the apron. It
is thought she lo?t her footing while
encumbered with this load, and was
unable to right herself in the swift
but shallow water until she became
weak from strangulation and final
ly succumbed. .'
Her body was found a short dis
tance below, the ford in tbe rapids
and bore no signs of violence other
than would have been sustained
from the rocky bed of the stream.
' ' Mrs; Harvey's tracks were traced
from the Knox home to the edge of
the river. The place where she
had eat down to remove her shoes
and stockings and the place of en
tering the water were also found.
Mrs. Harvey was 35 years of age.
She is survived by a husband and
two children, a girl aged 16 years
and a boy aged 17 years.
Eugene, Or., Sept. 8. G. L. Mc .
Ginnis, a civil war veteran, aged 61
years, died suddenly at his home
in this city this morning. He was
( hopping wood in the yard of his
residence and about ten o'clock
went into tbe house and complain
ed of terrible pains. A physician
was called and administered to
him, but be went into convulsions
and died an hour after his first com
plaint. '
The attending physician gives as
bis opinion that death was caused
by neuralgia of the heart.
Absolutely Pure.