The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 02, 1903, Image 4

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Husband and Wife Had Quarreled
Recently Because of the Atten
tions Paid Her by a La
borer Other News.
' San Frsncisco, Aog. 29 Mrs.
Martin Bowers and her sister, Mrs.
Z. C. Sutton, lormerly of Ponland,
Or., are being held by the to' ice of
this city in connection with the
death of Mrs. Bowers' husband, who
died on Tuesday ' last,' apparently
from arsenical poison. It is alleged
that after tbe death of her husband
Mrs. Bowers withdrew several
thousand dollars from the bank
. and deposited it in another oncern
, in hi r own name, and that Mrs.
Bowers and her busbar.d had quar
reled recently becau?e of the atten
tions paid by a laborer to the wo
man. At the coroner's inquest a drug
clerk testified that six days prior to
the death of Bowers, Mrs. Su'ton
presented a prescription calling for
arsenic. Dr. McLaughl n, whose
name was attached to the prescrip
tion, denied having given such a.
prescription, and a writing expert
give it as his opinion that the pre
scription was Titten by Mrs. Bow
ers. Sh admitted haviDg purchs
ftd medicine, but denied that it was
arsenic. Mrs. Cowers, in a state
znent, admitted drawing the money
from tbe bank, but added:
"I aminno 'ent. I know noth
ing of any arsenic. I did not write
that prescription."
Bowers was Mrs. Bowers third
husband. He was a bridge builder
and a carppnter.
Today's developments in this sto
ry of crime have placed the siter
in a more serious position. Cir
cumstantial evidence is becoming
fo strong that it will be impos ible,
in the opinion of tre policp, for the
women to obtain their liberty with
out the formality of a trial. -
A note book was among the ef
ff cts f)und in Mr. Bowers' room to-day.
In a torn page of this note
Book the paper on which tbe pre
scription fr arsenic was written, it
js said, fitted perf ctly. ; ; r
This fled is lo ktd upon by the
police to be the culminating link in
the chain of evidence woven about
the woman. ; ' -s .
Bowers died on Tuesday af er
noon, after an illness of five weeks.
A few hours before his ; death he
vsas taken by Alta Lodge, I. O. O
i., sgnst the wishes of his wife,
to the German hospital. His death
at -nce aroused suspicion, and Har
ry Bowers, a brother of the dead
jnan, eh.rel that he had been
pouctted. Hie statement- we a in
part corroborated on the following
day by the city chemist, who found
enough arsenic in the dead man's
stomach to have killed tdx men,
and now comes the forge pretenp
h'on and the identification of Mr?.
Sutton as the woman for wh.m the
drug clerk filled it.
Mrs S itton who conducts a lodg
ing hoaoe at 154 Eddy street, was
taken into custody yesterday morn
ing by Detective Thomas L. Ryan,
after he secured the pre-cript'oa
Uvea the drugstore conducted by J.
Askenasky, at 3OI Fifth street. G.
S. Paterfoi, the cltrk who filled it,
was requested to go to the-city pris
on, and be; remained there until
Mrs. Sutton arrived, with" Mrc.
Bowers, the dead man's wife; Mrs.
Harry Biwers and Mrs. Suttoo in
line, he was asked to point out the
woman who had purchased the
'That is the woman," he said
without hesitancy, as he indicated
Mrs. Sut 00. Tbe woman gasped
at the' unexpected charge, but soon
recovered her composure and eouaht
to minimize the enact of tbe
identification by making light of it.
' Mrs Sutton is a tall comely wo
man, a trifle slender than her sis
sister, but of much the same appear
nw , When taken to the nriaon
she was dressed in mourning. A
heavy black veil concealed her fea
tures, but as she became excited
she cast it aside.
Mrs Sutton was reared in Port-
- land, Or., where she married her
- present husband. He divides his I
time between the stage and the bar.
jPart of this time 1 he is employed as
a vocalist and at other times as a
barkeeper . She states that they
have not lived together for several
years, and that.Bbe does not know
r his present whereabouts.
- Mrs. Elizabeth Byers, of 435
East Burnside, Portland, Or., is
' mother of Mis. ,Z. C. Sutton and
; Mrs. Bowers, held for the murder
of Bowers. Mrs. Byers' husband
died some time ago, leaving some
money to his family. ,
. ".- Wanted. : .,
A good heavy work horse. Apply at
. ' Benton Conuty lumber yard, Corvallis.
Mrs. Dewey's Experience.
She Was Cured With Electricity
After All Other Methods
Had Failed.
Uoseen forces are more powerful
toan seen o-:ej. Electricity per
forms cures silently but sunly. To
thin many thousands that have been
cured can testify. Many who know
uothing of it oppose it: but truth
always meets with fierce opposition;
which in the end only hastens the
victory. We do 1 ot profess : to un
derstand this uneeen power, but
joyfully accept tbe great boon of
health, feeling that Dr. Darrin is
ahead of the age, and is showing to
the world this new method of cure.
As an example we append Mrs.
Dewey's card:
To the public: I was a patient
under Dr. Damn's care eight years
ago, and wish to relate my experi
ence, that others may benefit by it.
For many long years I had been
afflicted with d seases peculiar to
my sex, accomp?n:ed with pain in
my chest, heart and stomach. I
had lost fi sh until my weight was
105 pounds. After a few months
of electrical treatment by Dr. Dar
rin, I recovered my health and
gained 40 pounds, and. am now en
joying good health.
F. E. Dewey,
386 Davis S reet, Portland.
To tbe Editor: After reading
and bearing of so many cures by
Dr. Darrin, I concluded to try him
for deafness in one ear, tnough
I had little faith in bis mode of
treatment by electricity. On my
way to his office I could not hear
the noiselof tbe street car or wagons
tolling over the stone pavements.
After treatment I am able to hear
without difficulty the church ser
vice, the ticking of a watch or a pin
drop, and all sounds of life. I
wish you to publish this, as it may
give others courage to have the new
treatment. I consider the cure lit
tle short of a miracle. My address
is 394 Morris street, Upper Albina,
Or. Adolph Wunder.
To the Editor: - Nine years ago I
was taken iil, with dyspepsia, liver
acd kidney complaints, pain in my
side and eye trouble. All remedies
s'em to fail until I went under Dr.
Darrin'e treatment last Jane.v Now
I am happy to say I am rapidly re
cove; in g good health and my wife
is on the rosd to recovery, being
afflicted similar to myself. Refer
your readers to me at King's Val
ley, Benton county. Or. I endorse
Dr. Darrin. .H. Selfert.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; evening
7 to 8; Sunday 10 to 3. at Revere
Hotel, Albany, until December 1st.
Tbe doctor makes a specialty ' of
all diseases of tbe eye, ear, nose and
tbrr at, catarrh, deafness, bronchi
tis, 1 grippe, heart, liver,' bladder
and kidney diseases or those who
suffer from apathy and indifference:
also consumption, genito-urioary
and skin diseases in either sx,
such as blood taints, seminal weak
ness and lost vigor, varicocele and
stricture. . '
All curabie chronic diseases treat
ed at $5 a week or in that propor
tion of time as the case may require.
The poor treated free except medi
cines, fiom 10 to 11 daily. No case
published except by tbe permission
of the patient. ; All business . rela
tions with Dr. Darrin strictly con
fidential. Electrical appliance fur
nished. One visit is desirable,
though many cases can be treated
by home treatment by writing
symptoms. .. - i
Notice of Final Settlement. ' ,
In the Matter of the Estate :
RpiRrtit w. Collins, deceased
Notice 19 here Dy given mat we, James .n. wi
11ns and William D. Collins, as executors of the
last will and testament of George W Collins, de
ceased, have filed our jinal account ss such exec
utors with the clerk of the county court of Ben
ton counyt, state of Oregon, and the said court
has fixed Tuesday the 8th day of September,
rnna t. the hour of two o'clock In the after
noon of said day as the time, and the county
gon, as the place for hearing any and all objec
tions to the said account, and for settlement
vmnvim in tne oouitnouse in uorruiiH. ure
- Dated this August 8, 1903. 1
. William D. OoiiJN3, ,
. Tiiura h Collins.
Executors of the last will and 'testament of
. George W. ooliins, aeceaseu.
Cedar shakes, hand made shingles and
five carloads of sawed cedar shingles.
: A foil stock of shingles at all prices
If you: wish the best shingle made get
our Claskme. ; .
r ' Corvallis Saw Mill
Exhibits Shipped Free.
In order to encourage exhibitors and
atendance at the state fair, the South
em Pacific - Company will transport all
exhibits-, including live stock to and from
Oregon state fair free of charge. Exhibit
ors should ship direct to Fair Grounds,
where they will find ample facilities . for
unloading all exhibits.
Frank Baker Did Not See Them Go,
and is .Captured on tbe Train
by Stock Inspector Hall, who ;
Knew Him.
BUTTE Mont , Aug. 3o A Min
er special from Havre says:
Stock Inspector Georgj W. Hall
captured Frank Baker, one of the
Curry gang, who had, it is alleged,
planned to bold up the west-bound
Oyer at Malta this morning, and
would have captured the other two
members of the gang had not tbe
eight of the numerous Pinkerton
detectives fleshed the game.
The company had positive infor
mation that the hold-up would
occur, near Wagner, where the
famous hold-up of two years ago
occurred. Hall spotted his three
men at Malta and boarded the train
at the same time the outlaws did
One man boarded tbe blind bag'
gage, another climbed onto the rear
end and a third walked into the
day coach and took a seat.
As the east and west bound trains
met at Ml a, ;be east bound pull
ed in just as the west bound train
puled but. Immediately a dozen
detectives and special service, men
armed with Winchesters jumped off
the incoming train, and part of
them made for the expiess car and
climbed in. . ' .."
The robber on the rear end saw
them, swung off ih rear jbowco. ran
up to the front of the iria, told
his accomplice the game "was off,
nd tbeyJtoth made their escape.
Hall had in the meantime cached
himself in one of the closets of tbe
coach where the third robber was
sitting, being fearful that Baker
would recognize him. a
The outlaw did not see his pals
leave the train and was arrested in
tbe car. Jiaker is a cowboy, and it
is said, has been arrested several
times for horse Stealing. Baker's
identity as one of tbe robbers has
been positively established, it is al
leged, by the contents of a sotchel
found by Hall.' '
Boseburg, Or., Aug. '3o. The
protest against tbe further exten
tion of forest reserve in Oregon re
cently issued by the Roaeburg
Board of Trade, is already meeting
with favorable endorsement. Among
these is the following letter just re
ceived from Representative J. N.
Williamson: S
"The Dalles, Or., Aug. 26 W.
W. Cardwell, Esq., Secretary Rose-
burg Board of Trade, Rosebnrg,
Or. Dear Sir I am this day m re
ceipt of your -letter of August 25,
containing copy of resolutions re
cently passed by your Board of
Trade in reference to tbe creation of
new foreBt reserves in Oregon.
am in full and complete sym
pathy with the sentiment expresed
in i re resolution. I hope we may
be able to etaj this forest reserve
era that seems' to have complete
po.--es-sion of the Interior Depart
ment under the Administration: I
believe that some of our , forests
should be reserved. However, like
many other g' od things, it should
not be over aonv . -
. "J. N. Williamson,
Representative in Congress from
the Second District in OregOD, v
Washington, Aug., 30. General
A. W. Greely, Chief Signal Offijer,
of the Army, who has just return
ed from the International Wireless
Telegraph Congress at Berlin will
present a report bn the subject to
Secretary Hay on Tuesday.. , The
report is considered of. consider
able scientific importance and prob
ably -be made known soon. Tfce
purpose of tne Congress, general
Greely said, was to formulate inter
national rules for the control of
wireless telegraphy.
T:ap as3 Notice.
Notice is hereby eiven that no hunt-
ting or other trespassing is allowed on
our remises. - Any person or,1 persons
violating the provisions of this notice
will be prosecuted. ;
W. S. Locke.
' . : : '. 'A. R. Locke.
To the Seaside and Mountain Re
sorts for the Summer. .
On and after June 1st, 1903, the South
n-n Pamfip in patinpption with thft Cinr-
vallis & Eastern railroad will have or
sale round trip ucicets . irom points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De-
1 . . j r . .
troii, at very low rates, guuu iyr return
until October lo, 1903. ,
' Three day tickets to ' Newport and
Vanniim mnA trninvr RAfiirrlAvs ftti - re
turning Mondays, are also on sale from
all Kastside points Portland to ' Eugene
inclusive, and from all Westside points
enabling people to visit their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside
points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and
from all Westside points are also on sale
to Detroit at very lew rates with stop
over privileges at Mill City , or at any
point cast enabling tourists to visit the
Santiam and Breitenbush as well as the
famous Breitenbush Hot Springs iii the
Uascade mountains which can be reach
ed in one day ;
. Season tickets will be srood for return
from all points until October 10th. Three
day tickets will be good going on taatur
days and returning Moudays only,
Tickets from Portland and vicinity will
be good lor return via the East or West
side at option of passenger. Tickets
from Eugene and vicinity will be good
going via the leDanon bpnngneld
branch, if desired. Baggage on. JNeW'
port tickets checked through to New
port; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
only. ; ,
S, P. trains connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallis, for Yaquina
and Newport. . Trains on the C. & .
lor Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m.. en
abling tourists to the Hot Springs to
reacn tnere tne same day.
Fall information as "to rates, time
tables, etc c n be obtained on applica
tion to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E.,
R R at Albany W. E. Coman, G. P. A.
S P Co Portland or to any S P or C E
, Bate from Corvallis to Newport $3,75.
Bate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3.25.
Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3.25.
Three days rate from Corvallis to Ya
quina or Newport. $2.50, ,
SEPTEMBER 14, 19, 1903.
Tbe greatest Exposition and
Xive Stock 'Show on the
Pacific Coast.
High Class Racing every af
ternoon. $12,000 in Gash Premiums.
on live stock and farm
, v products.
All exhibits hauled free over
the Southern Pacific. '
1 Reduced transportation rates
on all lines.
Livestock Auction Sale' '
held in connection with
Fine camping ground free
and reduced rales on
campers' tickets. Come
- and bring your fami
lies. For. further
information write
PortEand, Ore-
: 2825 KeeleySW '
Chicago, Iia., Oct,, 2, 1902
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time o men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.'
What to try I knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush Is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui 'for menstrual .disorders,
bearing'down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to brinff her relief. Any
11 sufferer may secure health by tak-
vX - tut: t rin..,)..; i V. n. Viri-mp
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health. ;
1 For advice in cases requiring
Bpecial directions, address, giving
symptoms, ''The Ladies' Advisory
Department," 1 The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
iriflRrc In Zierolf Building. CorvalLifl. Or
Dragging rams
-nriha - " . .J
Raclhest, Datatiest Effects f
The style thai carried
These carbon parchments are not mounted on
cards but delivered in neat Folders or at
tached to thia Linen mounts, making a com
bination that is pie jf-ing and artistic. Sam
ples of these Carbons
If You are Havin 2:
lUHlllHSll J
1KVC1 Tf. flOTT 1
Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed
andjby one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.
The: Jeweler and OpncaAN.
For 8ale.
A neat comfortable 5 room bouse
with one lot ana a third ot ground
three Mocks from college. Call on or
address W. O. Shrlber, Corvallis.
For Eent. s
Furnished rooms, second door north
of M. E church South. .
Mrs. E. L-Ktcb.
To rent a farm or stock raach. Will
pay cash) or give one third. Address
W. A. Rickard, Bell Voo-Dtain.
Wanted. ' .
Inquire at Times office.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ats. Reel-.
denceeor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Houra 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and - 7
to 8 P. M. . Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Phone residence 315.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office ur stairs back of Graham &
W.11c Amcr stfr P ("Uflptire mi the
corner ef Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence. 104.
All calls attended promptly.
- 1 . . ; , ... . .
Ruthyn Turney.
Instruction riven to beginners, and
pupils in all stages of advancement.
Studio Opposite parsonage 01 m. Hi.
Church, South.
E. R. Bryson,
Raises its grain only 28 in
ches. All levers are handy
and easy to operate. It is
strong, though light, and will
last well. v
S. C. Kline, Jlgt.
We furnish extras for all Os
v i born machines. ; "V
Good Lots for Sale Cheap. ,
Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I
have some good,- well located lots for
sale cheap-. ; .N. B. Avery.
off the laurels at the
are now on exhibition at J
ILIUKUlilOo. Corvallis, Ore. I
Trouble with your Eyes
Willamette Vallej
Banking Company.
Responsibility $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchange fssuel navahle at all finan
cial centers In United States, Canada
ud Europe.
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND London & SanFranclMoBuik
Umited; Canadian Baulc of Commerce.
SAX FRANCISCO London San Fraucis
- co Bank Limited-.
NEW TORK-Messrs. J,I Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON", EXO. London. San Francisco
Bank Limited.
Francisco Bank Limited.
Time Card Number 22
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. 12:45 p. m
" Corvallis 1:50 p. m
' arrives Yaquiaa... ..... 5:35 p. m
( Returnine: :
leaves Yaquina. . ,
Leaves Corvallis. . .
' Arrives Albany
j For Detroit:
Leaves Albany.....
! Arrives Detroit.
.... 7:30 a. m
....11:30 a. m
....12:15 p. m
7:00 a. m
12:20 p; m ;
4 from Detroit: T ,
. Leaves Detroit........ i:0o p. m
Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m
Train No. i arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser-
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. '
For further information apply to -Edwin
' x ' Manager.'
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell. Agent Albany.
. . Notice ot Final Settlement.
' Notice is hereby given thai the undersigned
administrator o! the estate ot Kinman Vander
pool deeeawed. has filed in the County Court ot
Berton County, State of Oregon his final ac
count as such administrator of said estate, and
that Saturday September the 12th at the hoar
of 2 o'clock V. M. has been fixed by eaid court
as the time for hearing objections to said re
port, and the settlement thereof.
, ; . . "viroix a . carter,
"A3mlalraor or the Estate ot Kin
' . man Vimderpool, Deceased.
Notice ot Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
executor of the estate of C. O. Vanderpopl de
ceased, has filed In the Couuty Court of Benton
County, 8tate of Oregon his final account as
such executor of said estate, ana that Saturday
the 12th day of September at tbe hour ot 2
o'clock P- M.ihas been fixed by the court as the
time tor hearing obj ectlons to said account and
the settlement thereof. - ' ' v
, Executor of the Estate ot C. 0.
Viim p ool. Deceased ;