The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 29, 1903, Image 4

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And is First to
Siught Goil
: Resigns
Reach the Long
-Secretary Root
O.her Newp. -
Ba.dvilie, Mats., Aug. 24 Be
' fore a great crowd of spectators Lou
, Dilioa trotted a mile io t6 min
utes, tbe new'worldV record, Sie
wag driven by Millard Sanders.
"For pacemakers there were two
running horses hitched to rod
art,"P ggy from Paris, drivn by
. Djc Tanner, ani Carrie Nation
. driven by S ott McCoy,
, The trio went to the quarter pole
in 3 i ffcoond. Lou Dillon went
fo Buaooth gaitjd - down " the back
stretch as to lead those not timing
tbe mile to believe that her speed
was not alarmingly fast.
' The halt" was clicked off in l:oo-3-4..
Around the turn to the three
., quarters p le the clip quick-ned,
the third quarter being 3 secood:.
Faster and faster came Tinner
with the runner and right with
him trotted the handsome Califor
nia bred mare. Landers was sit
.. ting perfectly stit, but Mi C y was
crying nioud to. his tunner to cheer
t Loa Dillon. To th amazement
of all the quarter was driven in ,29
fcecondif, thus making, the mile iu
me wonderful nme or two-minuses.
;.- ; Lou Dillon was bred and raised
on the riant a Rosa stock farm, Cal
ifornia, It is taid when a colt she
was.offered for $150 with no takers.
She is by Sidney Dillon out ot Lou
Oyster Bay, Aug. 25 Secretary
Root, under date 0 August I9 pre
sented hi resignation .lormttly to
the PreMdeni. . Toe . resignation
was accepted by the President with
the understanding that Mr Root
continue as secretary" of war at
least until January 1. Governor
General William H. Taft of the
Poilippiaes, will succeed Secretary
Root as secretary of war.
President Roosevelt today ; an-thor-eed
the following statement: V s
.lui Pr?i.lent some months
ago tendered the secretaryship - of
War t j Jud.4e Taft, and at that
timeit wa arrangei that he would
succeed Secretary Riot. Secretary
R it will get. out of office some
time in Jm-iary, and Judge Taft
wilt a 33 una the du?.ie3 of lha office
shortly afterward" ,
Oyster Say, Aug. 28. President
ROitt-eteit: authorized the publica
tion ih" appointment of General
Luke E. W.i&bt to succeed Gover
nor Taft in the P.iilippineo when
the latter resiyrs to take the Philip
pine coma s.-iun and vice governor
the portfolio of war. - ' -
A New
for Dis
Scientific IiiVuitigation, supple
mented by experience, has eliowa
that urinary diseases are mort prev
alent nd destructive to life. health
and joappiutss than any othr clats
kuown to tt;e medical fraternity.
They are n t.'ic-d Jto the lov
and degraded purtiors of humanity
as many suppose, but are- to be
found among the pure at hearty the
innocent, the truly pious aud the
Many of them are transmitted
from parents to child n, from gen
eration ,-' to generation. ;'. Toous-
ands or persons suner . unioiu
ai?oniei from their ra vagi eg
effects, and meet an. early and
untimely death, often ignorant
'of the cause. Though transmitted
innocently, the effects of those dis
eases are not the less ' terrible. It
is a sad truth that the innoc-rit are
often greater sufferers than the guil
ty, ' . '(:.: i: V'- -r"-
Of all the organs. of tbe body few
are more important than those en
gaged id the urinary functions. In
perfect health that, great bleBsing
which so few epjojone willscarce
ly direct a moment's thought to
' these irrportant organs, and at the
first unpleasant symptoms, good
. advice, such as may. be easily ob
tained, should ba immediately solic-
Among the f niet and most com
mon diseases is ; seminal weakness
and nervous debility, or loss of
nerve power;; Thousands of young
and middle-aged men : suffer with
nervous diseases for years, and may
be ignorant of the causes when a lit
tle timely advice would make life's
pathway full, of cheer and happi
ness. When the first Bymptoms of
seminal weakness manifest them
selves the sufferer is noticed to be
come dull and morose and is troub-
led with indigestion though the ap-
petite may remain poo,.'; but thej
strength vanishes and the patitnt
grows thin. He bi comes indolent
and debilitited, and loss of memory
and all vigor of the t--x orgnns
msy ft l'ow: In time he may fall
into a complete state of impttency
total Jos of f-exual power. Among
its terrible effects may be mention
ed weakness of the memoir, contu
sion of ideas, nervous despondency
and general WPakurS'i. The pale
lace, the su ken eye, that downcast
countenance, the stooping' aged
form all terve to announce the
victim's troubles. It seldom kil'H
of itself, but it opens the gate to
other diseases, such as consumption
and diseases ol the heart. Tha un
fortur nte sufferer cannot tl ep in
th-it immediate state, between life
and death, intended lor tbe recupe
ration of 7 the mind and body, he
can know no rest, ; for his dreams
are dark and freboiing, and the
constant drain upon bis ej stem robs
it of its vital fluid. .
This affl ction may be ths result
of self-abuse or tbe result of exces
ses in mature years. As "man is
but a bundle of habits," how essen
tial that be should start right in
lift; that his miDd should be full
of sublime thought and pure con
ceptions. A!l of. you who 'suffer
from this disease should lose no
time in consultir g DrT Dirrin, for
the time may come when you will be
beyond the aid of all medical fckill.
No matter what you have taken, or
who has failed to cure you, call and
see the doctor, as he can permanent
ly, safely and privately cure you
in one-half the time and at one-half
the expenses required by others. ,
Dr. Darrin is located at tbe Re
vete Hotel,' Albany, until D-c. 1st,
and will give free examinations to all
from 10 to 5 or 7 to 8 daily. The
poor free except medicines, 10 to 11
daily, and those able to pay at. the
rate of $5 a week or in that propor
tion of time the case may require.
All curable chronic diseases of men
and women a specialty. Eyes test
ed and glasses fitted at reasonable
prices. ;
Boy Curedof C olic After Physician's
Treatment Had Failed. : ;
My boy when four yea re old was
taken with colio and cramps in his
stomach. I sent for the doctor and
be injected morphine, but the child
kept getting worse. I then gave
him half a teaepoonful ol Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and in half an , hour he
was s'eeping and soon recovered.
F L Wilk ins, Shell Lake. Wis.
Mr W ila ins is bookkeeper for the
Shell Lake Lumber Company. For
cale by Graham & Wrtham. o
To the Seaside and Mountain
" sorts for the Summer.
: On aed after Jane 1st, 1903 , the South.
era Pacific in cennection with the - Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad will have on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaqaina and De
troit, at very low rates, good for return
until October lo, I9.03. ; x
Three dav tickets to Newport and
! -Yaquina, good going Saturdays and re
I turning Mondays, are also on sale from
! all Eastside points Portland to .Eugene
inclusive, and from all westside points
enabling people to visit - their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets . from s all Eascside
points Portland to Eujrene inclusive, and
from all Westside points are also on sale
to Detroit at very low rates with- stop
over privileges at Mill ;Ctty 'or at; any
point east enabling tourists to .visit the
Santiam and Breitenbush . as well as the
famous Breitenbush Hot Springs in the
Cascade mountains which can be , reach
ed in one day '-i : '
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October iotb. Three
day tickets will be good going oa Satur
days., arid returning Moudays only.
Tickets from Portland and vicinity wil!
be good tor return via the East or West
side at option of . passenger. Tickets
from Eugene and vicinity- will be good
going via ' the , Lebanon Springfield
branch, if desired. Baggage on New
port tickets checked through to: New
port; on Yaquina . tickets to Yaquina
only. ' - .' " ' '- '
S, P. trains connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallia, for Yaquina
and Newport. . Trains on the C. & E.
for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en
abling tourists to the Hot Springs to
reach there the same day. ;
. Full information as to rates, - time
tables, etc ccn be obtained on - applica
tion to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E.,
R R at Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P. A.
S P Co, Portland or to any S P or C M
agent.:- , ? -".-V--- ;; -- -
Hate from Corvallis to Newport $3.75.
Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3.25
. . Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3.25-
Three days rate from -Corvallis to Ya
quina or Newport, J2.50, .
Cedar shakes, hand made &hinglea(and
five carloads of sawed cedar .v shingles,"-'..
A full stock of Bbingles at all prices.
If you wish tbe best shingle made get
our Clafakine.
. ! Corvallis Saw Mill.
Exhibits Shipped Free.
In order to encourage exhibitors-and
' tendance at the state fair, the South
ern Pacific Company will, transport all
exhibits, including live stock to and from
Oregon state fair free of charge. Exhibit
ors should ship direct to Fair Grounds,
where they will find ample facilities for
unloading all exhibits. ' '.
I II L LA 1 L rUrt A lYMoUl
$4,000,000. -
Was the Owner of Some of the
Rarest Jewels in the World
Cruelty in a French .
v , Convent. -;..-.
Pendleton, Or.- Aug. 20 The Daily
East Oregonian says: " Pope Leo's
pretended poverty has proved to be
a sham.'. Instead of being a pau
per, his private .funds just itemized
by bis administrators have been
found to amount to oyer 20,000,000
francs, or $4,000,000. -' With this
amount he could have equipped an
army, if tbe defense of tbe Vatican
demanded it. Beeides tbis fund he
was the owner of some of the rarest
jewels in the world. -
- New York, Aug. 22. The New
York Jiivemng f ost says: . It' is a-
mazing what horrors can be perpe
trated, even in this twentieth cen
tury and in the center, of civilizi
tion, in tbe name ot religion or re
form. Vest indignation was creat
ed in France eome time ago by the
exposure 1 of the shocking and a
bominable cruelties practiced in the
House of the Good Sbepoerd, an in-.
dustrial convent at Nancy. ,x Now
investigation has brought to light
an even more terrible and disgust
ing condition of effairs in a branch
establiehmrnt of the same institu
tion at Tours. Some of the details
contained in the court proceedings
cannot be hinted at, let alone print
ed. . - .r
It appears that the wretchetjn
mates had to work for 16 hoars out
of 24 except in busy times, when
work waa continued indefinitely
If the girls exhibited symptoms of
collapse tbey were put in straight
jackets and doused. .- On becoming
rebellious, as not a few of them
did, they were: shut np in a damp
cellar until they were tamed. Two
stout lay sisters administered casti
gatio 1 with knotted whipcord, when
stronger measures were deemed ad
visable. One form of punishment com
pelled the offender to crawl on ;her
knees around the main "ball and
make the sign of the cross with' her
tongue on the dirty floor at the feet
of each of her, assembled compan
ions. Other penalties are quite in
describable. The particular : case
under investigation was tnat 01 a
gitl who was so misused that
she contracted hip disease, which
was neglected until it became in
curable. The sister who presided
over the inferno j was - known as
Mother Sainte Rose. An associa
tions law ofome sort is evidently
needed. '.
Sleeping Apart.
A Great Mistake Made by Married
Married people 'sustaining -. the
moi-ogamic relations,, especially
mat' a great mistake in allowing
thea-selves to sleep together. Tnis
practice in a measure, leads to un
co n gen i a li ty PV 6u3 five to- eight
hours' bodily contact every 24 with
one person not oniv causes an
equalizition of those magnetic ele
ments which, when diverse in, quan
tity and quality,' produce ' physical
attraction and passional love, but it
promotes permanent uncongenia'i-
ty - by mafeing, tne marnea pair
grow alike physically. Ine inter
change of ; individual electricities
and tbe absorption of each other's
exhalations lead directly to temper-
mental ioadaption, and - to this
cause may aouDtjees De , aBcrioea
one of the chief reasons why a hus
band and wife manifefct; such a'ten
dency to : grow alike alter many
years of companionship. There is
nothing tnat win so . derange tne
nervous system of a person who is
eliminati ve in nervous force t as to
lie in bed all - night .-with .another
person who is absorbent in nervous
force. The world is overrun witn
afflicted people from the effects: of
nervous exhaustion ana pnysicai
decay. To such Dr. Darrin invites
them to try bis electric treatment,
so successfully applied to thousands
of ouroitizeDS who have languished
in the throes of disease and now en
joy tbe blessings of health and hap
pineBS. ' . AN OPEN LETTER. t
The Following Letter Speaks ' Vol
; umes for Dr. Dirrin's Mode -i
of Treatment.
. Dr. Dabkin Dear biR: It is
with ereat pleasure and thankful
heart T wish to inform vou that I
i am cured of salt rheum, which
have suffered with for 25 year?, a
times f "aa , tnat my hands was
also 8ff-csd. I have no words that
can exor8 n.y 1 thank fulnt ss to
you.? M-h. E. Sherrettsy of " Van
cooverfc Wash. has known my con
dition and can bo referred to. - Re
fer any ODt to me at 3778 Ruby St.
Oakland, Cal., formerly- lived at
Gardner. Or. -Very
repppptfullv jonrp,.'
Mrs Martha Daily.
v Another Open Letter. ;
To the Editor: For more than
six years 1 have had catarrh io iis
most aggravated form, causing
headache and sickness at the stom
ach. .Through Dr. Darrin's treat
ment the pain has left; the stomach
cured and tbe catarrh about well
and reside five miles from Lebanon,
Or., which is my address and will
gladly talk, with any one on the
subject.1. .. H. J. Downing. ,
Mr. Editor: I wish to state
through your . columns that Dr.
Darrin cured me of deafness ia ten
minutes. Refer any one to me at
423 Ofay street Portland.
Henry M. Williams.
Dr. Dirrin is located at the Re-
verer Hotel until Dc. let, and wi.I
give free examination to till, 10 to 5
or 7 to 8 daily, ; The p or free and
those able to pay at the rate of $5
a week or in that proportion of time
as tbe case may require. All cura
bl3 chronic dtseaees of men and wo
men, a specialty.
Not Over Wise.
There is an old alhgorical picture
of a girl' sacred as ' a grasshopper,
but 10 the act of heedlessly treading
on a snake-v-This is paralleled by
the man who spends a large soar of
money building a cyclone cellar,
but ueg!ects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Col
ic and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe
guard against bowel ; complaints,
whose victims outnumber those of
the cyclone a hundrtd to one. This
remedy is recognized as the most
prbmp.t and reliable medicine in use
for thB diseases. For sale by Al-
en & Woodward.'
" : Good Lots for Sale Cheap.
Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I
have some good, well located lots for
sale cheap-1 :, N. B. Avery.
For Sale, :
Shropshire sheep.
Aberdeen Angus cattle.
Poland China pigs. :, : -
Young stock now ready for
Fat cows and' heifers of .
the best
breed to trade for Jersey cows, also
spring calves of beef breeda for sale or
trade. - - -
. One second hand 20-foot wind . mill
tower. :,:'. : - ...
' . : L. L. Brooks.
' - Popular Sunday Excursions. .
In order to meet the wants of the
t aveling public and give practically
daily service to the beach during the
summer season, the Corvallis & Eastern
Railroad will runan excursion train
from Albany and Corvallis and all points
west to Newport every Sunday, leaving
Albany at 7 a. m, and Corvallis at 7:30
a. m. returning leave Newport at 5:30 p.
m.. Three day and season tickets will
be good going and -returning on these
trains- This should prove popular-with
the traveling public and a liberal pa
tronage will be the nest appreciation.
For a lazy liver rv f'hamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver - Tablets.
Tbey invigorat tbe liver, aid the
digestion and regulate the bowels
and prevent t bilious attacks. or
sale by- All-n , & Woodward. "
When you want, a pnvsic that is
mild and gentle, easy to take and
certain -to act always use Cham :
berlainN Stomach and Liver Tab
lets- "For . sale by Allen & wood-
ward. ''::
, Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter of the Estate
i - of
Georoh W. CoiiUXs. deceased
Notice is hereby Riven that we. lames H. Col
lins and William D. Collins, aa executors of the
laxt will and testament of George W Collins, de
ceased, have tiled our final account as such exec
utors with the clerk of the county court of Ben
ton counyt, state of Oregon, and the eaid court
has fixed Tuesday the ath day ot September.
193, at the hour of two o'clock lu the atter
noon of said day as the time, and the county
court room In the courthouse in Corvallis. Ore
gon, as the place lor hearing any and all oblec
tloD.s to the said account, and for settlement
thereof. -:.-.
Dated this August S, 1S03.
, . ;-; ; , ; . William D. Coiuxs,".' i
James H. Ocllucs.
Executors of the last will and testament of
George W. Collins, deceased, , v . . . - , ,.,
-. Kotiuts ot-Jj'inal SaulementJ; ' -
Notice is hereby elven that tbe undersigned
administrator ot 'the estate of Kinman Vander
pool deceased, has filed In the County Court of
Becton County, stnte of Oregon his final ac
count as such ail mmistrator of said estate, and
that Saturday 8iptember the 12th at the hour
ot 2 o'clock F. M. has been fixed by said court
as tbe time tor hearing objections to saia re
port, and the settlement thereof. 1
Administrator of the Estate of Kin
mnti Vtinderpool, Deceased..
Notice ot Final Settlement. .:
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
executor ot the ,t.ite of O. O. Vauderpool de
ceased, has filed In the Couuty Court of Benton
County, State of Oregon his final account as
such executor of said estate, ana that Saturday
the 12th day ol September at the hour of 2
o'clock P' M. has been fixed by tlfe court as the
time for hearing objections to said account and
the settlement thereof.
:X " Executor of the Estate of C. C.
, . J Van 1 erpoo I, Deceased, : '
Have purchased the tudio of Mr. Philips;, on Main
Street, and will be pleased to show samples of
work and quote prices to all. . ,
Fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty.
Also Developing- and Finishing- for the Trade.
If You are HaviDs
Or if yon are having trouble with your
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed
and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.
- " . For Sale.
A neat comfortable 5 room houee
with one lot and a third ot ground
three blocks from collepe. Call on or
address W. C. Shriber, CjrvaUia. ' .
.f-- For Bent. ;' ''
Furnished rooms, second door north
of M. E. church South. - : r
. , Mrs. E. L Fitch. ,;
' : : . .Wanted.. ' ; - '
To rent a farm or stock ranch. . Will
pay cash or give one third.- Address
' ' W. A. Rickard, Bell Fountain.
Wanted. . ' . '
Inquire at Times office.
. Homeopathist ' .
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ate. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ste.
Hours 10 to 12 A.' M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M.
PhotSe residence 315. .
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. : Tele
phone at residence. 104.
All calls attended promptly.
Ruthyn Turney.
Instruction given to beginners, -pupils
in all stages of advancement.
Studio Opposite parsonage of M
Church, Soutn. .
. E.
Wfcjr Til Li
Style of Headgmtr . Soil
.Front In OnrLarije .:
Cities. -v..
-"Not being in the city every day,"
said an occasional" visitor to town,
'may make me more observant-of small
thinirs than ypu folK who are here all
the time. I have noticed, for instance,
'that most men. who wear panamas
'ire the possessors of dirly headgear. -
"This "doesn't apply - to the whole -ijat,
but only. to the front. The front
'nay be quite dark, while Ae back is?
.nice and clean. I suppose it happens
so " because there is much soft-coal ;
umoke in the air and they are walking
or riding" a-aint it every nay. 1 have
aever seen such a:thiiig- here before..
"It seems-' straiige; however," con
cluded the visitor... according?-to the
New York Mail and Kxpress, "that the
use of soft coal should so change t-t n- .
iitions" here'.that you; get -a- better ,
mpression of a man when seeing him
from behind than when you meet him
face to face." : , ,
ExMniioiir Exeented.
-The ofHcitil executioner of Tokio is
3ead.,'r His death was curious in itself, '
and considering Jhis profession, was
little shorV of remarkabla.. , He was
crossing a railway track near Tokio
when he was run down by a fast' ex-.'
Dress. t he body was found by the:
track with the head as neatly decapi
tated as any which had been cut off
oy the official executioner himself . -Otherwise
there was not a mark on his
body. - -
Crematories for Diseased Animal.
Crematories for' the destruction of
animals .-which have died from, infec
tions and ' contagious , diseases;' have
been erected in several parts of Si
lesia. .' "
Trouble with your Eyes
glasses, and have tried all the so-called
The Jetveler and Optician.
Willamette Vallej
Banking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchange lueued payable at all finan
cial centers in United States,: Canada
and Europe.
. principal Correspondents.
PORTtAND-London San FranciHcoBank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Comnuraa.
SAN FRANCISCO London St San Francis-'
co Bauk LluiiteA.
NEW YORK-Mcssm. J. p. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank. "
bUNVON, ENG.- London X San Franoi
. Bank Limited.
x ranoitco jsanK JUmlted.
Raises its grain only 28 in
ches. All levers are handy
and easy to operate. It is
strong, though' light, aad will
last well.
$ . Kline, Hat
We furnish extras for all Os
. ' born machines. :' ' . ;
Time Card Number 22.
a v For Yaquina t . .
Train leaves Albany. ...... 12:45 p. m
.:.; Corvallis 1:50 p. m
. " arrives Yaquina 5'-35 P- m
I -.Returning: . ,
Leaves aqnina 7:30 a. m
. ' Leaves Corvallis 1 1 :30 a. m
Arrives Albany .12:15 p. to
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany .. 7:00 a. m
' Arrives Detroit. 12:20 p. m
4 from Detroit: . . :- .
Leaves Detroit.... i:0o p. m
Arrives Albany.. .5:55 p.m.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time .
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. ? . - . t
" Train So 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leavea Albany at
7:00 a. m., reachinst Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to ( ;
Edwin StonS, -
.. '.. '..' ..' - ' Manager.
Ft. II. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. ,
Thos. Oockrelt, Agent Albany. -
B. R. Bryson,
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.