IN THE WHIRLPOOL MAX GOES SAFELY THROUGH R A PI 03' OF NIAGARA. "Jack" Gienister Swam the. Whirl pooi Rapids the Hitherto uo . accomplished Fe&i- Once i . Prevented bj PoJice ' v Other News. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Aug. 20. "Jack" GL-nister swam tbe Whirl pool rapids this mornin;, according y to his own statement and that of . his friends, nh) bay inev witnessed the hitherto u n a ceo m pin-bed feat. . Without the aid of 8 life-preserver r cork vest, it is asserted that Gleoister, who was prevented from mating the attempted swim on Sun day by the police, eluded the offi cials shortly after dawn this morn- , lag, and with slro&g, powerful strokes breasted the current do'wo J which tbe uuiortunate .Webb went to death. If Glenister has accomplished tbie feat he is entitled to homrs which it has been believed could not p s ibly fall to man. Toe vis itor to the falls knows with what velocity the waters of the Niagara river wh'rl ab ut at the apex of the lauaotn whirlpool. The ordinary man tails to comprehend how a hu man being could fail to enter the filming, eeething, swirling' current , and live. Like a mael&trom it clutches uud drags . down anything . tat is cast upon its surface. - . ... jriern-aer tays ne made nis way this morning and emerge! mors dead than alive, to be picked up by friends and carried to the . Aoglor's Ketreat, at Lew is ton where da was revived. At r.o n h appeared at the falls, apparently in a dazed con diti oa, while his friend?, who assert that ihey witnessed the perform- ; aaee, loadly sung his praiee and emblazoned his fame to the weld. Glenister announced on Suoday, .when the police prevented his at tempt to swim the rapids, that he would accoooplish the feat within sixty day, lie reached Lewiston laBt icfar, with his mind fully made up o attempt the feat, whether the is su wa death or life with fame and fortune. Only the few fr'unds who actoaopumed him were admitted to the secret. It was 3 o'cKck this mo.n'ng whea, Glenister aiid his friends walked -up the gorg road from Lew- leton to the old M aid of the M ist landing, where fintl preparatiocs were made for the attempt. Gln iater ora swimming ; tigh's. He wae in superb condition, and his friends say there was Dot the slight est nervousness about 'him as lie .As arlrjpfs gave way to oairu uirni"tr pressed the band of each of hix fiiends cbeerfolly and, witli a, parting good-bye, plunged head first in. o tbe onrusbiug wa ters.: Noitven tbe mm who cliims that b made the trip can tell ac curately what happened after that. His friwndti saw him disappear iuto the foam covered rapids. Tbey watched for him to reappear; but the water roared on and they gave Mm up as lo t. Fate interposed and saved the dWing man's life. He passed through the famous whirlpool, ac cording to his story, but instead of being carried arcuod and around and finally, instead of making that awful descent, into the maelstrom from which nothing that is human can arise, he was washed through the outlet and then, with strong, vigorous strokes, he swam on down tthe river to the Devil's Hole. His friend's dashed to tbe water's brink and dragged the form from the current. G'enister was uncon scious, but it was found that life was not altogether extinct and with all speed he was carried ', back to . Lewiston, where .the work of reviv ing him was begun. ' " There are many persons here to night who doubt that Glenister re ally made the trip through the aw ful waters, but the man who claims the distinction remains firm in his assertion's. ' ' ; I made the trip" he said, tonight, 'and it does not seem fair for peo ple who were not present and have no information on the subject to at tempt to rob me of tbe credit. I had to work hard enough for it. Here are men who saw me make it. Their word ought to count lor a lit tle more than those who were no where around when I made the plunge." Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 21. F. B. McArthur, a stockholder ; from Saco, Mont., was stabbed in the etamach with a hatpin by an un knewn woman on the streets here today. He was passing along on the sidewalk in a large crowd, when a small boy brushed a little feather duster in the woman's face.' The woman, thinking it was Mc Arthur1, grabbed her hatpin and jibbed it ii-to his stomach. McArtnur can not live. : The identity of the wo rn n is unknown.. ' G. A. R men show- their love for retired commander-in-chief of the army, and with rous ng - cheers unanimously : adept a resolution laudatory of General Milss. ; The resolution is as follows: . Resolved, That we congratulate that splendid soldier, exemplary commander, and patriotic citizen, General Nelson A. Miles, upon his attainment of a' distinguished and hooortib'e retirement, alter a matchless record' as a soldier of ov er forty-two years' service, without jurt criticism of bis official conduct which began as a lieutenant in the Twenty-second Massachusetts In fantry, progres-iog by the brightest grade of heroic patriotism from Ma nassas to-Appomatox, during the greatest of all civil wars, from 1861 to 1865, and illuminating this re cord by his great military achieve- j ment as a eucces-ful Indian fighter, and again as a gallant and judicious military disciplinarian and organ izer. . Albany, Or , Aug. 21. Dr. R.H. Curl was almost suffocated in a fife in his residence this morning. A bout 8 o'clock neighbors discovered the house on fire, and Dr. Curl, who was lying on a 1 unge in a deep deep, was almost suff ocated. His clothing was burned in several pla ces, his face and bands were'severe ly burned and his body scorched. He says tbe fire started in his bedroom once during the night, but be awoke and extinguished it. It is supposed that tbe first fire started from a lighted c'gar, wb ch he bad placed on a chair, and the second fire started, from the first. Dr. Curl was unable to give a clear statement of the facts. The police have taken him in charge, pending an investigation of the affair. New York, Aug. 21 If Lieuten ant-Commander I earn Takesbira, of tbe Japenese Navy, carries out bis plans, Japan will have a yacht in the next contest for the America's cup. The commander, who came over to see the struggle between Shamrock III and Reliance, de clares he will interest financial men in nis country to prepare at once for tbe building of a racer to enter tbe next international races. "We can build just as fine a boat as either America or England," he said, "and you may be sure that at the next international races -you will tee the flag of Japan flying on the winner." REDUCED RATES. To the Seaside and Mountain Re- ssrts for the Summer. On and after June ist, 1903, the South, ern Pacific in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De troit, at very low rates, good for return until October lo, K03. ' Three day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays and re turning Mondays, are also on sale front all Eusiside points Portland tc Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside points enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. -Season tickets from ' all Eascside points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside points are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop over privileges at Mill City or at any point past enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breitenbush as well as the famous Breitenbush Hot Springs iu the Cascade mountains which can be reach ed in one day Season tickets will be good for ' return from all points nntil October 10th. Three day tickets will be good going on Satur days and returning Moudays ONLY. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good lor return via the East or West side at option ' of passenger. Tickets trom Eugene and vicinity will be good going via the ' Lebanon ,-' Springfield branch: if desired. Baggage on New port tickets checked through . to New port; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina only. S, P. trains connect with the C. & E.. at Albany and Corvallis, for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en- abling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same day. ' : Fall information as .to rates, :' time tables, etc cn be obtained on applica tion. to Edwin Stone, manager C & E., R R at Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P. A. S P Go Portland or to any S P or C B agent. Kate from Corvallis to Newport 13.75 Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3,25. J Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3,25. ;.: Three days rate from Corvallis to Ya quina or Newport, $2.50, t Cedar shakes, hand made shingles and five carloads of sawed cedar .. shingles. A full stock of shingles at all 'prices. If you wish tbe best shingle made get our Claskine. .. Corvallis Saw Mill. Exhibits Shipped Free. ' In order to encourage exhibitors and attendance at the state fair, the South ern Pacific Company will transport all exhibits, including live stock to and from Oregon state fair free of charge. Exhibit ors should ship direct to Fair Grounds, where they will find ample facilities for unloading all exhibits. :;.. ON A BRIDGE. CAUGHT CONVICT MURPHY OF FOLSOM, AT RENO. Convict. Sharky Gets; Away Offi cent Fire at Sharky but Fail to Biing Him Drwn Both . Were Heavily Armed Other News. . Reno, Nev., Aug. 23. (Soviet Joseph Murphy, who escaped from Folsom prison, was captured at ten o'clock tonight by Deputy Sheriff Sharky and Maxwell at ' the Vir ginia street bridge, crossing the Truckee River in Reno. Convict Frank Miller was with Murphy at the time, but jumped on the side walk into the willows, Sharky fired at him, tbe shot probably taking ef fect. Sharky and D wight Jones fol lowed Miller. Three more shot9 were fired at him, but he escaped in the darkness. .; Murpny had a 40-caliore revo.v er on him when searched at tbe the jail. He was very cunning and tried to get hid band on it. W. O Craig arrived at the jail shortly af ter the arrest. He has followed the convicts from Ruffoers, Maxwell and Sharky. acted brave ly, as bo:h convicts were heavilv armed and caw the deputy sheriffs just as tbey started to cross the bridge. Their first impulse was to turn back, but finally they decided to take the chances. ; A large po'ss, beaded by Sheriff Hayes and Deputies Sharky and Maxwell are now out on the trail of Miller. His capture is expected at any minute, a he is surrounded in tbe Willows on the bank of the Truckee River. ! Fort Smith, Ark., Aug. 20. Tbe kidnaping of a young wbite girl, and tie killing of one of tbe posse who tried to rescue her, are the crimes charged against a party, of eight negroes tonight, fortified op Bruce d Island, sixteen miles west of here. I The negroes are said to be well armed. ; A few days ago two farmers liv ing n ar Wilson's Rock, landed on Bruce's island in search of plums, and accidentally ran into a camp in which there were two negro men and a white girl about 12 years old. Tbey made some inquiries about the girl, and the negroes said she was the daughter of a white : man who was traveling with them, and who had gone to Fort Smith for provisions. Tbe negroes would not let the girl take part in tbe conver satioti, and this aroused suspicion A watch was kept on tne negroes for two days, but nb white man ap peared. Monday afternoon a part; of far mers decided to investigate the cae, and as they approached the island were fired upon by the. ne groes and one of the party, Roland by name, was killed. A sharp fight was kept up for some time, during whi -b the girl escaped from the negro- and ran to the white men. She was so excited that she couht not give any intelligent ac count of herself. She said, howev er, tiat ber father was not travel ing with tbe negroes, but that she had been stolen ' form her home near Fort Gibson, I. T. She has been taken to Muldrew. ; Roliod, tbe dead man, was a comparative ttranger at Wilson's Rock. ' Bruce's island is in the center of the Arkansas River and contains about 25 acres. . Posses of citizens left today for the scene of the trouble from Fort Smith, Spiro, Muldrew and Fort Gibi-on. ; Portland Ore., Aug, 24 Jesse E. Todd 27 years old, of 468 East Ninth street, was instantly killed in the darknes of early yesterday morning by being run over by gra vel cars used for grading for , the Oregon Water & Railway Com pany, on the East Side, opposite Ross Island, J When the fatality happened, only Todd and the engineer of the train - were present, ' and it was Todd's duty to give a signal to the engineer to start the train by flash ing a lighted lantern. Tbe signal was given from a direction that was unexpected, and suddenly tbe engineer saw the lighted; lamp be tween the cars. On stopping the train he found that Todd had dis appeared, and that tbe lamp dang led fron a coupling piu. A short distance away,. Todd's body was found, with the head severed from tbe body r the latter was badly cut. It is supposed that Todd missed his footing and either fell from a car, or between the ears, His father is a surveyor io tbe Philippine Island, and his home in this country was at Forest, Grove. Coroner Finley made an investiga tion iuto tbe case and found that the facts did not call for an in- quest. New York, Aug. 21. A , negro named C dy has successfully jump ed' from the structure of the new bridge being erected over East Riv er, known as the Williamsburg bridge. Itwasadrcp of 147 ftef. He Wbs picked . up by a row boat and recovered consciousness an hour laier.' Hia body was protected from injury by DaHding. Codv jumped trom tbe Brooklyn bridge a year ago. ' Wanted. A good heavy work horse. BentoD Conuty lumber yard, Apply at Corvallis. For a lazy liver try Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They invigorate the liver, aid the digestion and regulate the bowels and prevent bilious attacks. For sale by Allen & Woodward. ' When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, always uss Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-' lets- For sale by Allen & Wood ward. Good Lots for Sale Cheap. Expecting to leave Corvallis soon I have some good, well located lots for sale cheap- . N. B. Avery. ' For Sale, . Shropshire sheep. . Aberdeen Angus cattle. : Poland China pigs, f Young stock npw ready for , Fat cows and heifers of shipment, the - best breed to trade for Jersey cows, also spring calves of beef breeds for sale or trade. ' One second hand 20-foot wind ' mill tower.''.. T T. , Populir Sunday Excursions. .In order to meet the wants of the aveling public and srive nracticallv daily service to the : beach during the summer season, the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad will run an excursion train from Albany and Corvallis and all points west. to Newport every Sunday, . leaving Aioany at 7 a. m. ana (jorvams at 7:30 m. returning leave Newport at 5:30 p. m., J.hree day and season tickets will be good going and returning on these trains- This should prove popular with the traveling public and a liberal pa tronage win De tne best appreciation. SHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- . tanooga, Tenn. ' '.. Boohbu.8, G., Jan. 80, 1902. ' B lack-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried. Our stock TO looking bad when you sent me the medicine and now they are getting so fine. They are looking per cent, better. , S-RBBOCKHiaTON. Notice of Final Settlement. In the Matter'of the Estate of Georqe W. Cou.ins. deceased Notice la herebVKlventhafwe, lames u. vol lins and William D. Collins, as executors of tbe last will and testament of Georee W Collins, de ceased, have tiled our final account ss such exec utors with the clerk of the county court ot .Ben ton counyt, state of Oregon, and the said court has fixed Tuesday the 8th day of September, 1903. at the hour of two o'clock In the atter nnnn of said dav as the time, and the county court room In the couit. house In Corvallis. Ore gon, ss the place for hearing any and alLobJec ttons to the said account, and lot settlement thereof. . Dated this August s, iwb. WiixiamD.Colijns, James H. Ocllins. Executors of tbe last will and testament of George w. Collins, deceased,. . . . : Notice ot Final Settlement, notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of tne estate of Emman Y ander- Becton County, State of Oregon his final ac count as such administrator ot said estate, and that Saturday September the 12th at the hour of 2 o'clock P. H. hia been fixed by said court na tne time for hearing objections to said re dooI deceased, has niea in tne vounty uourt ot port, and the settlement thereof. VIRGIL A. GAKTEB, ' Administrator o' the Estate of Kin man Vanderpool, Deceased. Notice ot Final Settlement. . ' sntiiw la herebv given that the undersigned executor of the et,tte of C. O. Vanderpool de ppHRftri. has filed In the County Court of Benton County, State ot Oregon his final account as SUCh executor UI saiu estate, wuu tuui, aatuiua; the 12th day of September at the hour of 2 o'clock P' M. has been fixed by the court as the time for hearing objections to said account and the settlement thereof. . DAVID VANDERPOOL, 11 ' Executor of the Estate of C. C. i;- erpool. Deceased v. (3 1 AC & "Air. AM Ao-s. U. 0. ifsvsDy, fhoto Have purchased the Studio of Mr. Philips, on Main . Street, and will be pleased to show samples of work and quote prices to all. ' H Fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty. ' P . Also Developing and Finishing for the Trade. , j If You are Havio g Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT -' " V , The Jeweler and Optician. For Bale. A neat comfortable 5 room bouse with one lot and a third of pro u on" three blocks from collep . Call on or address W. C. Shrlbef. Cjrvallls. For Rent. Furnished rooms, second door north of M. E, church South. .-.; Mrs. E. L-Fitch. , Wanted. To rent a farm or stock ranch. Will pay cash or give one third. Address W. A. Rickard, Bell Fountain. Wanted. Inquire at Times office. Wood. L. G. ALTAIAN, M. D Homeopathisi Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison, ets. : Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M. Phone residence 315. G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office np stairs back , of Graham & Wells' drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele' phone at residence. 104. AH calls attended promptly. Ruthyn Turney. VIOLIN. Instruction given to beginners, and pupils io all stages of advancement. ' Studio Opposite parsonage of M. E. Church, South. Truetea'a Sale. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of H. C, Mabon.) A Bankrupt, J In Bankruptcy - Notice la hereby given that under and by virtue of an order ot sale wade and entered by C C, Bryant, referee In bankruptcy in the mat ter of the estate of U, C. Mahon, a bankrupt, I win on .; '. , .-; Friday the 4th of September, 1903 at the hour of S o,oloek p. m. of said day, at Blodgett Station In Blodgett Precinct, Benton County, Oregon, offer for sale for cash In hand to tbe highest bidder the following described per sons! property belonging to said bankrupt es tate as follows: 200 piles on the premises of G H Harris In Wrenn Precinct, Benton County, Oregon; 200 piles on the premises oi W. P. HcFarlaud in Wrenn Precinct, In Benton Couuty, Oregon: 100 piles on tne premises of H S Pittman, In Wrenn Precinct, Benton Connty, Oregon: 20 piles on the premises of Harry Francis in Blodgett Precinct, Bentou County, Oregon: 100 piles on the premises of J E Davis in Blodgett Precinct iu Beuton ounty. Oregon; 30 piles on the premises of W D VauHorn in Blodgett Precinct, Benton County Oregon : 650 piles on the premises of H Hrion. In - Blodgett Precinct, Benton Coumy; Oregon; 50 plies on the prem ises of T J Hill in Blodgett P.-ecinct, Bnfrju County, Oreeon; 1J6 piles at Blodgett station, In Blodgett Precinct. Benton County, Oregon: 100 piles on the premises of G H Wanisley in. Blodgett precinct, Benton County' Oregon; all of said plies mentioned above, being cut and peeled and being about 60 feel loug and aver aging 14 iuches at the butt and about 9 inches at the top and unmarked and - unbranded ex cept the piles on the premises of H Herron and those on the premises ot T J Hill which ate marked with a lead i encll mark X, ; 75 car bunks and 100 oak stakes on the prem ises oi J. E. Davis lu BloJgett Precinct, Ben ton County. Oregon. 60 car bunks on tbe prem, les of George Woods in Blodgett Product, Benton county, Oregon; two derricks on the premises of G H Wamsley, in Blodgett Pre cinct, Benton County, Oregon, to be sold in one separate lot or parcel apart and distinct from any other property of said bankrupt estate, free and clear of any lien. AIbo all of the goods- wares and merchandise described lu the Inventory filed by the Trustee with the Referee In Bankruptcy in aid est ite matter. Including blacksmiths tools, hardware groceries and goods in warehouse and two bunk houses, wash house, hoods and smoke stacks, lumber; shingles and all property of every nature or kind whatsoever des cribed in the Inventory as aforesaid and lo cated at Blodsett Station, iu Blodsrett Preuiuct Benton County, Oregon, and that the same will be sold In separate parcels and free and clear of any Hen. a copy of tbe Inventory can be seen at the office of Weatherford & wyatt, at Albany, Ore gon, upon application, .. , ' -Dated this 27th day of Julv. 1903, , ' A. B. WEATHERFORD, 5. ,.... ' . .. ; . t Trussree. ., Artists, Trouble wi th your Eyes Willamette Yallej Banking Company. GOBVAIXI3 OREGON. Responsibility, $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchansre issued payable at all finan cial centers In United States, Canada and Europe. , Principal Correspondents. PORTLAND London San FrancixooBank Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce. ' SAN FRANCISCO-London & San FranoU co Bank JUmited. NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan-A Co. CHICAGO First National Bank. LONDON, ENG. London & San TruclsM Bank Limited. SEATTLE AND TACOMA London A Saa Francisco Bank Limited. The. Osborne Binder : Raises its grain only 28 in ches. All levers are handy : and easy to operate. It is strong, though light, and will last well. S. C. Kline, Bat. We furnish extras for all Os born machines. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. Time Card Number 21. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany. . " Corvallis. ' " arrives Yaquina. . . , ...12:45 P- m 1:50 p. m ... 5:35 P-m Returning: , t Leaves Yaquina........... 7:00 a. m Leaves Corvallis. 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: , . Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m ' Arrives Detroit. .12:20 p. m 4 from Detroit: ' .' . Leaves Detroit.... ...l:0o p. m Arrives Albany 5:55 p. m Train No. r arrives in Albany in time . to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany beforeS departure of S P north bound train. ' ,' . Train So 2 connects with the S P trains at Corvallis and Albany giviDg direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Trairi 3 for Detroit, ' Breitenbush and , other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv ing -ample time to reach the Springs the same day. '. For further information apply to - EdwinSxonk, : Manager. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, , POSTOFFICB BUILDING E.E.WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. : . NOTA RY PUBLIC. Office in Zier olf Building, Corvalls. Or.