LOCAL LOBE. Advertisements in this column charged for At the rate ofii cents per line. Mre. Brown, sister of Mrs. Mary . Thompson of this city, anlved ' Sat urday for a visit. Miss Anna Thompson wnt to Newport Saturday to epend her a--. catloD. . ,:: . W. M. Porter and family started for Caecadla yesterday for an outing of a few weeks. - JJ. W. Howard ot Eastern Oregon, poesed through Corvatlia Monday on a business trip to Toledo. Ed Crawford of Salem,' formerly a resident of Corvallls stopped. over a few days on his return fibna New port, to visic bis parente, v. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crawford. " , : W. W, Asbby, an Iowa, acquaints ance of F. E,' Foweils,. the Colberts, and Frauciseoe, is here oa a short vli. ' Mr. Ashby is much pleased with the state. F. E. Foweils and family . went to the-Bay Monday for a abort 7 stay. They are accompanied by the UUees Greenwall, visitors from . Fayette, Iowa,.. . ;. ",; .'j.- Grover Headrtclt baa ?3ne on the elcli list again, and as a cun-fquence he gav,e .Hp "bis posit iou at F. L. Mil ler'e store and went to Alsea Friday. It U supposed that from there he will go to the Cbast. ;r f v Next week a bible conference of the United Evangelical church , con vents ht-re and will continue, during -September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Qilte a oucuber of ministers of .the Oiegoo conference are expected to be pres ent.. ' - 7 ' ' . J. C. Wells' eervlees V as a side, walk builder i in . strong detuned. His latere work is 'he e:netrnciiu of a 100-foot walk tor Manuel Knight and a 20-;?oot walk tco fnpt wi le ...io front of ilr9. K. -,- GralaVe busioess property on Stcond etreft. , P. P. Huff is heie from tile Eaat on a' visit to bU brother, C. O. Huff. The former complains ttotue t hf--coraiofic so thornuRlily nicely - here, but his brother assures him. that I? he remains through the. winter It will ne thoroughly warhed t fl by . the Web Xootralas. - B. R. Turner and family of P, lk county, bave taken up thtir residence in Corvallls on accouuc of tbe : school facilities. They have rented one of tbe'Tavlir houses on Third uTepr. Mr. Turner was formerly a prominent ' business man of . Polk, . and! at .one time was treasurer of ton county; Oa- thlr return etisdj-DM will find " many , lmp'ovemei)t8 iu th ; w-tlfts "about tbe cllpge.v' At preeeot '!ire is undor conf-truclon ' a cement w .lk from the south entrance to the J ministra'ioQ building -of tr.e roadwiv on the west. A considerable irnsth of crushed scraclre walk' has al-so been laid about tbe grrjunrtev Joe Flaherty was In ' t"n the first of thr) wnek on ousiufss and to ex'jbaig- l arcm wirh . tb friends he made in Corvailis when be first came from thu Eaar; - He fLst thought of locating here,- but - later bought land in Lion .country, near Plainview, and went into the stock r business. - His specialty i tbe breed ( lng of Holstein cat'. la, and he has ' some fine specimens of that stock. i-Rjv. L. M. Boozer former pastor at' Oorvallle,'' wilj preaeh ' every ev ening this week at the United Evan gelical church here. Mr. Bm zer Is at present In charge ot the First Evau--gelicaf church of Portland, having . been p'laced in charge of that pas torate upon bis return from a , course of study in the East nearly a year ago. Mr. Bodzar'was popular as a minister here and many Corvallls people are pleased to have tbe , op portunity of hearing him again. . A party of campers from Sulphur Springs while roaming about tbe Vineyard hill the other day came : upon several deer. Dell Bauer bad a gun with him but failed to secure any venison In eleven shots at the game. Tbe fact Is printed at the request of Doc Jackson, to show that be is not tbe only person who some times has bad luck in shooting at deer. 1 Dell is the acknowledged crack ehot at either deer or birds In the whole north part of the county. - C. H. Vehre," who has conducted the Corvailis dairy farm for-some time announces by band bills that he will bold an auction sale of bis horses and cattle on September 1. He states that he has decided to give up the business and if nothing intervenes to prevent the sale there will be an op portunity to secure some good stock. One hundred head of cattle are to be disposed of. . Maurice and Stewart Greecberg grandsons ot Mr. and Mre. M. Jacobs, are here on a visit in company with their parents who reside in San Fran cisco, Since coming to Corvailis the boys have become all swelled up . not from any sense of pride, however They wanted to see a little, country life and persuaded Bob Johnson to take them to bi3 prune orchard. While down there the boys climbed over the fence at an unfrequented place, and disturbed a hornet's nest. Well, in this fact, there is abundant material for the imagination to work upou. Almost anybody, except the boys, can work up a good smila from the situation. That's how the ' visit ors came to be swelled up. . ' Born, Monday, August 24thJ to Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Stewart, a son. MrSi Ellsworth Irwin returned Monday from a six weeks visit with relatives io North Yamhill. Miss Laura Waggoner goes to Sulphur Springs today to epend a week with friends camping there. ' Born, TuedaVr August 25:h, to Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Diilard, a daughter. ' - V The fountain for the court of the Hotel Corvallls anlved a few days ago and in a short time it will be put in place. , W. H. Lesh stopped over In Cor vaj!i3 the first ot the week on bis re turn to Portland from au , outing at the seaside. ' ' Caecadla campers killed two cou pars fit the epilogs a tew days a?o. The animals were two famished little orphans wbich bad ventured near tbe campa lo seaich Of food'. r ; Charley Y' ung and wife, of Scio Visited the family of A. J. Johnson in, Cotvallla the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. You'ig waie on their return from the seaside. Mirjs Ellen J. Chamberlain, of the college faculty, was., summoned to ba lem yesterday to attend the funeral of her br mber, Mrt Chamberlain, who dieci Tuesday morning" after- a long Illness. ,; ' E. F. Bryant and H. E. Hodes climbed Mary's Peak last Sunday, making tbe r und trip from' Corvailis iu u day. Tbe condition of tbe atmos pbere was such , as to give '.them a grand v4ew in all directions. " Bett Pilsington was in town Mon day, having brought to McMlnnville from Southern Otegon, bis friend Zo phir Tharp, who was seriously injured by tbe collapse ot a bridge on which the boys were working. Clem Hodes, John Zeis, Frank Thrasher and Ed Felcdn formed a pat ty which went to Aleea Saturday eve ning to spend Sunday. The nlgbt ride over tbe Alsea mouutain was quite eventfu!, but bit the boys were able to teport for duty In Corvallls Monday morning. The third'competltive exhibition of Gladioli, grown by tbe child nn of Corvnllls, will take place at the ceLtrai t-chooi on Saturday ntx? at 2:30 p. m. Tbose having flowers iu bloom at that Mint will bave them on hand promptly for tbe committee. - , - : Mr. and Mrs. Ira Griggs, who re side in tbe northern suburb of Corvai lis, were surprised Friday by 23 neigh- j bois Tbe event was well planned and executed. and, the result was a mo-t agreabi and social afternoon gathering. With two sefing3 on Johnny Wbiukei'a lAixa. tDe itickard-Whita-ker machine receusly tbreebert 890 busbtls of vetch seed. Ihis Is coneid ered ' quite a, remikable rur, and shows up will botti for ihe mu;bi-ae and the crop. G. A. Waggoner and son, Harry ret urneci Sunday from a ten-days' out ing above Upper :Soda, iu tbe Car rales. Ihy oainpedvoa Snow Creek. -Trji4 is a burned di-ttict wblcb has gruwo nver t h blncKberry vines ibat produce wutiderfolly. To tbU point families come ad far distant as Ptine viUe t.a eather and can the berries. Mr-. Waggoner saw on family - which bad put up 216 quarts of beriiee. - Up on the SantWim the talk la that the toll-ri ad company is to aban don t.tieroa i as no.n- as they acquire certain riffbts, of a qesiioi able i h-ii-acter, to laids along tbe- road claimed by the company. It rf quires un enor mous amount of woik t j keep up the rrad, and should the toll company give it up. tbe question of keeping th- road In passable condition will become a serious one to Linn county and to settlers. Iowa residents met at the resi dence of O. J. Blackledge Monday evr ning and effYcted a temporary organi zation. . The necessary - committees' were appointed and arrangements made for a picnic ti be held in Avery's grove, near Mary'o river bridge, on Tuesday, September let. At tbe.t time permanent officers will ba elect ed. The programme of exercises will be complete for our next issue. George listes, of San Francisco, president or tbe 'United' Brotherhood of Bailway employees of the United States and Canada, speaks ' at tbe court liouee Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, on the labor of ihe present. Mr. Estes is without a peer as a labor organizer and speaker on the Pacific Coast. Everybody Is requested to be present and hear this eloquent pro pounder ot the laboring class. Please bring the ladles. ' E. A. Cummlngs, formerly asso ciated In the OAO barber shop with O. M, Vidito. on Monday received a good offer from Andy Taylor, to en ter the lattei's shop at Eugene. Mr. Cummlngs. eince selling out, bad planned to go into other business, but decided to accept Mr. Taylor's offer, and went to Eugene yesterday to accept the place. - Mrs. Cummlngs will follow in a few days or as soon as a suitable residence can be secured. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Habel, ot Vermillion, Illinois, arrived Saturday and took their departure Monday. They came to the C?ast to attend the G. A. E. encampment! at San Fran cisco and decided to take, a basty trip through Oregon. Mr. Habel has been a subscriber to the Times for a considerable period, and paid this office a visit. He expressed himself as being much pleased with Corvallls and surroundings. . ' NINE AND A QUARTER CENTS. " That was the Price of Chlttim Bark Tuesday Noon. . , The price of chittim bark is booming.. The past few days has been a strenuous time for both buy ers and sellers and the end is i not yet. There is much maneuvering and sparring for advantage among all parties interested, and it is diffi cult to state the exact situation. Bark was selling at 4 and 4 4 cents a week ago and the price gradual ly came up to 5 and 6 cents. The latter was regarded as a high price for the product and much of it was disposed of at that figure. ; But the price continued to go up under the influence of competition until 8 and 8 cents was offered. At the lat ter figure a large quantity of bark was sold in Corvailis." Then Syi was said to be the price in Corvai lis, but it wat rumored that? a bet ter figure was offered by buyers in Alsea and Toledo, and xnly half a dozen sacks, so far as known to the Times, was' bought at that ; price. Soon after' noon yesterday it 'was announced that W. W. Taylor had sold a load for 9 cents per pound Still some sellers think the price may go higher, but on the other hand, what if it tumbles? A s'eek-looking stranger stoe over into the A lsea country the last of the week and bought up a large quantity of chittim at 6 cents. Just how much of it will finally be de livered to him remains to be seen. The advance is a strong induce ment to crawfish. ? " . About half the crop has been disposed of. WHEAT IS SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Farmers on the ; Coast Profiting ; by Heavy Oriental Shipping. - ; . The price of wheat in Corvailis has reached rather an encouraging point. During the past two days farmers have, been able to realize 75 cen ts per bushel and many grow ers are allowing their crops to go at that price, ireight conditions on this coast last year and more par ticularly this season a; e favoring the wheat grower more than for many years past, due mainlv to iieavy' importations from the Orient and the consequent necessity, of out ward cargoes. The price of wheat varies somewhat in different parts of the valley, but the farmer - here is now realizing as. much for his grain as the grower . who markets his wheat in New York or Chicago. The market of Portland, San Fran cisco and New York are so nearly together that they may be said to be practically thes same, there being more or less variation in the price for spot wheat and' that for future delivery. .Yesterday valley wheat, in Port land was quoted at 80 cents per bushel. As it costs 10 to 12 cents per bushel to transport the wheat to that point the market price here should be 68 to 70 cents. Owing, however, to ; competition among buyers the price here would seem to be 5 to 7 cents above the market value ' --ALL ABOARD FOR THE CIRCUS"! Greatly Reduced Rates on C. & E. Reg ular and Special Trains. v The C. & E- management has made complete arrangements for the accommodations of those who wish to attend Rineling Bros, cir cus on the afternoon of August 27th at Albany - Regular and special trains -will carry passengers at greatly reducedrates for this event. A special tram will leave. Philo math at 8:40 a. m., and Corvailis at 9 a. m., August 27. Returning tne train leaves Aioany at o p. m. Ticket from Yaquina to Wren in clusive will be good going on reg ular train No. 1 Thursday, August 127th only, and for return on regu lar train No. 2 Friday, Aug. 28th only. From Philomath, Corvailis and Granger tickets will be pood going on special trains Aug 27th and for return on special train only, same date. Following are the rates. Yaquina and Nashville inclusive, to Albany and return. $1.50-. Summit and Wren inclusive, to Albany and return, $r. 00. Philomath and' Corvailis to Albany and return 50 cents. : Granger to Albany t and return 25 cents. Do not fail to observe the regu lations as to return privileges. Headache, nervousness, brain fag, irritable temper is caused more often by eye strain than is suppased by the afflicted. Dr. Lowe's superior glasses is all that is needed, . ' For ..Sale, At a bargain; 200 feet of picket fence. Apply to Mrs. Sarah E. Moore, corner Third & Jackson. . Have Dr. Lowe cure your head ache by removing the cause with a pair of his superior glasses, v MARRIED FIFTY YEARS. Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobs . Celebrated - .-' Their Golden Wedding. . ! , On the 23rd of August 185 j, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobs were united in the holy bonds of wedlock in - New York city. A half century has passed since then and their fiftieth an niversay was appropriately celebra ted ,at their home in this city last Sunday. - There was no publib demonstraiton; but the immediate family and hear relatives gathered around the bid familiar ; home to commemorate the passing' of 1 the fiftieth mile stone . of their- happy wedded life. It was a. pleasant event and an occasion for much re joicing and the hymeniil knot J was retied with golden strings. M r. and Mrs. Jacobs have lived in Corvailis for over forty years and their friends are measured by the large circle of ther acquaintance, who "join the Times in extending hearty congrat ulations and wishing them many more years of health and happine-s. Congratulatory telegrams were re ceived from all quarters and the floral offerings in cut flowers and potted plants? were profuse and beautiful. There were also many appropriate gifts in gold, and many other valuable presents' from - rela tives and friends in token of their good wishes and hearty ' congratu lations. - ' r . This another important event in tbeir lives has passed. The vows that bound them on the shores of the A tlantic have been kept sacred ior fifty years, and while life's sun is still high in the heavens, yet it seems suggestive that in tbeir de clining days, they' celebrate this important event on the very brink of the Pacific, ' v The relatives present ' were: "Mr. and Mrs. M. Jocobs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kohn and daughter Flor ence of Portland, Mr, and Mrs. Josph Creenberg and two sons, of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Neugass, of San Francisco, Mrs. Rose Selling, Misses. Eda and Sarah Jacobs, Isa Jacobs, M. L. , Kline, Miss Pauline Kline and J,- Blum berg. Buy your harvesting outfit from Nolan & Callahan. Big stock to select from A NEW RULER 1 -if OW Shirt Waists at 25, 50, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.50? which means 25 percent ofi our regular prices . All 50-cent Mercerized Goods now 40 cents. Just a few waist lengths left. Summer Vests 10 12 W, 15 to 50 cent's. "' : , . : r : : . - , - , - . , : . -. Just What 'You Want You will on the Remnant Conrter at nrices Large assortment ot at 60 cents. . Summer Parasols in With cash sales we are now issuing oupons, a sufficient number of which DliEU SET vui.Ai.xca luc uujuci iu au cic:gajui urn- ner set free. Patrons, however, may if they wish, secure the set piece by piece as they obtain coupons. These dishes are of Ihe Celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain, hand-painted and would adoin any table. Trade with us and secure a set. Tell your friends - F. L. niLLRR, Corvailis, Or. ' I V .. WE ISorosis PettiGoa I At S L. KLINE'S, And no. item in to-day's store news is of more profitable in ter- est to you. , . My Lady Well- Gowned. . ; ' $ These petticoats are brand- new fi-e&h stock, just ; received from the cleanest factory in the world. 1 They are excellent qual j ity of mercerized sateen cut from living models- and finished $ to perfection in every fastidious $ frill. Careful joints vou'Jl like the yoke that sets the straight SrtOlwhtofitf fr6nt properly ; seams strapped inside and out, that i 9 natty flare, and oh! so many more you must count 'era 3 for yourselr. , ; '.. '' .5 "1 The price is our little surprise, at , Jr. 1 $l.QO, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2 50, $3.00, I . Up to $5.00 - g 1 . ..' S. L. KLINE'S-.; I i - Regulator of Low Prices. V To Ice Buyers. ' Orders for - io cents worth of ice or less, must reach-the factory before, nine o'clock, so as to go out by tbe first deliv ery, or they will not be filled. Orders for more than io cents worth -will be fill ed at later bonrs. All orders that reach the facfory before nine o'clock will be filled promptly, as usual. Corvailis Ice Works. For Sale, Good youtig team of mares; Weight about 2,500. Inquire at this office. me es the tore0 UflMER GOODS AT Upholstering Valours, White and Colors, 25 x x - x x -x SELL . . I ts ' Notice to Contractor?. , , Sealed bids will be received at the office of Ghs. II. Burgtraf aichitect. Albany Ort-gon, by the boa -A of rtgerrt of the'Stte Asricultural Col!ee of xbe State of Oregon, until I p. m .August; 24th 1903. for the erection ot an aduittoti to the boiler house of the heatintr plant of the State Agricultural College at Cor vailis OrtKOU. A bond equal to -the amount of 75 per cent of tbe contract will be required. Plans may be seen at the office' of Thomas Crawford. Cleik r at the architects office. The board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. . Chad. H Burparaf ; Architect. COST, to suit vour nurse. 1 regular 75c quality percent off. decoration, with gold trimmings, 4 about this opportunity. ' " ft o I