The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 26, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton ItountT.
OOBVAXI.IS, OREGON-. AUG. 26, 1903. '
A Portland Young Man is Drowsed at
Nye Creek Beach. ,
Newport, August 21 No trag
edy more distressing ewer happen
ed on Yaquina Bay than was the
drowning of William Kleeman of
Portland, which occurred" here ; at
1 1 o'clock today. His agonizing
struggles as he fought for his life
between the lines or breakers 150
vards from the shore, were, in plain
view of 600 -' or 800 people, who
were powerless to render assistance.
A score or more ot mothers or sis
ters, along the beach, feared the
straeelinsr lad to be kin of their
own, and their agitation was piti
ful to see. The drowning boy's
own mother and sister were among
them, and while he yet struggled
in the surf, they found some of his
clothing and his kodak by a log
on the beach when the terrible
truth cam6 home to them that the
lost swimmer was of their own
household. Their terrible anguish
mingled with the intense excite -
meat, the roar of the surf, and the
frautie haste of those who hurried
hither and thither in the effort to
find means of rendering assistance,
the realization that - some- of the
bathers who ventured far- out to
render help might also be lost,' the
utter lack of any appliance along
the beach for such a' fatal emer
gency, all this, made a scene that
not one who saw' it will ever for
get.' :;.T, -.;' V: V
Young Kleeman was 23 years of
age and a strong, swimmer. He
had arrived at Newport . with his
mother and sister two days before.
It is said that he did not wish to
come to this beach, but consented
to do so for the pleasure of his
mother and sister. As he left the
outer line of breakers today and
. started to swim seaward, he ;T was
warned not to go too far. "I can
take care ' of myself," .: was his
laughing reply and a few minutes
later, he passed beyond the inner line glasses
01 breakers, fie had scarcely
; Teached Jthe spot, when his cry for
help was heard on shore Two or
three times his voice, appealing for
assistance was heard above the
roar'of the surf. - Then followed a
scene of wildest ' confusion. The
bathers as if in panic; hurried from
the water.. People along the beach
who had been sitting ; on logs.
7 on their feet, in an instant. Some
darted away in search of rope . or
a boat, or any other . , object
that could be used to save. Hun
dreds gazed with fixed eyes on the
tragedy being enacted out beyond
the line of the white surf, where
an auburn haired head and . a . face
that must have been white as death
-were distinctly and dreadfully vis
ible. Some of the stronger swim
mers among the bathers gazed fix
edly for a moment at the lone swim
mer, apparently hesitating, a huge
. wave rolled over him,', but ... he re
appeared one arm from the should
er being visible above the water.
It was apparently reaching for help
aad at the sight of it. several of the
swimmers struck out for "the scene.
Two of them passed the line of
breakers and reached him . For a
minute or more, those oa the shore
saw the three swimmers side 5 by
side, all in '-; a desperate struggle.
Then to their horror they saw the
two swimmers, after an apparently
fruitless effort to render assistance
leave Kleeman, and with difficulty,
make their way back through the
breakers toward the shore. They
knew then that the force of the un
dertow was almost resistless, nd
that uothing short of a rope or a
boat could save, the .lone swimmer.
. Of rope, there was none at hand.
Nor was there, a boat. The need
of one or of both ' had been made
dreadfully apparent, at the " same
spot but a week before, when a
minister from McMinnville so near
ly lost his life, as a result of - the
undertow. - Common prudence and
a decent regard for human life on
the part of those who profit from
the seaside traffic, should thereafter
have prompted the latter to have
expended the few dollars - necessary
to provide a life line. . But it had
not been- Mone. No one
had ever been drowned while bath
ing at the Newport beach, and it
was necessary -to have a victim be
fore the full need of a suitable life,
line should- become patent- Wil-
liam Kleeman turned out to be that
victim, and within a few hours af
ter he went down for the last time,
the life line was provided.
While- the auburn head ' was
tossed here and there by the break-
. ers. some one remembered a clothes
line among the cottages back on the
bluff. It was brought. Slender,
impotent thing that it was, it was ;
the only thing that could be had as
a means for reaching the drown
ing boy. It was far too short, but
the effort was made to use it. Klee
man was nearly exhausted now
and there was no time to find an
other clothes line. The hands of
the bathers were joined :, together
and with this improvised human
life line, the clothes line was con
siderably lengthened. With one
hand clinging to the hand ; of - his
neighbor, and the other ahold of
the clothes line the outermost bath
er waded ouc as far as the depth
would permit. With the oth
er end of the clothes line
a member of the South Beach Lite
Saving crew - swam out to sea in
the hope of reaching the auburn
head still visible' above the surf.
Had the line been but thirtv. feet
longer, only ; thirty feet ; longer,
Kleeman would have .been 1 saved
But it was thirty feet short. The
life saver swam as far as the - line
would permit and then had to stop.
Kleeman, far spent now, with" his
ten minutes of exertion that had
seemed to those who watched, a
lifetime, saw the swimmer and saw
that he could come no farther. Ap
parently from the surf, he had
seen this last preparation for his sav
ing. Apparently- the knowledge
had buoyed him up, for, when the
life saver came there, within thirty
feet and then could come no farther,
the auburn head sank almost .im
mediately below the waves and ap
peared no mow. ,
He went down about eleven
o'clock. At four o'clock the next
morning when the tide was very
low they found his body. It was in
a little cove in the rocks, in almost
the exact spot where Kleeman went
down.- . ;
. . '. For Sale.
A good cow, $30. , .
A backboard, $25,
A. F. Hershner.
For Sale.
New vetch eeed. Also a fresh Jer
fcey cow. James M. Herron.-
Next week Mod., TueV and
Wed., Dr. Lowe, the well kaown
oculo opricion will be ia Corvallis
at the Occidental Hotel. Don't
fail to consult him if you need
; Do you intend to keep students? A
committee from the Y. M. C. A. at the
College will canvass the city on or about
Sept. 10 to secure a complete : list of
those who wish to board or ,. room . stud,
ents, also accommodations, terms;
Manure to give away at ;
Stable, :
tie Brick
To the Public.
Notice is -hereby given that I
have disposed of my interest iu the
OAC barber shop to my . former
partner, C M. Vidito, and that
hereafter the business will be con
ducted by him.! In retiring from
the business fr I wish to heartily
thaak the public for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon "Cummings
& Vidito, and I also wish to state
that my successor in every way
deserves, a continuance of the .fav
ors received by the firm. V V
- : E - A. Cummtngs, '
Best grade of gasoline 30 cents
on at Berry's.
a gal-
Buy your white and red clover seed at
Zierolf s. v ' . - -
White and red clover; orchard and rye
brass seed for sale at Zierolfs.
When you want fresh clover and grass
seed go to Zierolfs. A new supply of
fresh seed just received.
Two houses to rent, one six and ona
seven rooms, with barns. 15 sheep, to
let on shares. S. H. Moore.'
Notice to Contractors. -
Sealed tenders will be - received by the
board of directors for school district No
9, Corvallis, Oregon , until ' ,Th ursday,
Aug 27th, at 12 o'cldtk noon, - for the
erection of an eight room frame school
building. Plans and specifications can
be seen tit F. L. Miller's store, Corvallis,
Oregon. Lowest or any tender will not
necessarily be accepted. -
, Geo. E. Lilly,
- Chairman Board of Directors. -
Notice to
; Sealed bids will
be received by the
sewer committee until 6 o'clock p. : m.
August 24,, 1903 foFthe construction of a
sewer through blocks 4 and 5 old town
according to the plans and specifications
on file in the office of the Police Judge.
The right is reserved to reject any or all
bids. ' . :- .
. ' J. M, Cameron,
-". R.H. Colbert.
. ' ' :.'... Wm. Crees,
Sewer Committee.
A large shipment of our celebrated
Premium dishes just received at Nolan
& Callahan's.
Pat Kelsay was one of Them-r-A Per-
tinent Incident. ?
Just now the , commercial world
is doffing its hat to the chittim
peeler. There was a time not so
very , many years ago, when Benton
County people didn't know, that
chittim bark had a market value.
It was not until about 1890 or.1891
that it began to be known here
that chittim bark" could be " sold.
This information- was gained by
publication, in the local papers that
a certain painter who worked for a
time about Corvallis, had built a
scow1 and with two or three Cor
vallis boys, one of whom was Pat
Kelsay, had gone down the river
for the purpose of gathering the
bark. They peeled bark on the
river bank all the way from . Cor
vallis to Oregon City, and, the re
sult of their voyage was several
tons of the product which in some
manner, found its way back to
Corvallis and for two or three sea
sons was stored in the feed stable
on Third street. Pat ; used to say
that they had a good deal of fun
on that trip. They went - to work
wherever they found a convenient
tree, and often before they had
cleaned out the location, the landr
owner would put in an appearance
and they would probably be com
pelled to settle with him somehow.
A favorite play the boys always
made was to assure the owner that
a better crop would be grown the
next season by reason of the old
bark being removed . This device
worked sometimes, Pat said, and
sometimes it didn't- Occasionally
they had to put up hard cash . to
avoid a charge of trespass being
filed against them. ; At that time
the product Was termed bearberry
bark ; and then, as now, the scien
tific and other high-toned people
called it cascara segrada.
1 his may be " a good time and
place to relate a pertinent incident
which occurred in a Corvallis bar
ber shop three years ago, ! in 'the
cfiittim season. The circumstance
was amusing then and may be now.
but some of the language indulged
in was more. expressive than chaste.
Two men from the chittim district
met in Spencer's shaving parlors.
They greeted each other with back
woods cordiality, and Bill said to
Jim, "What in thunder you dofn'
out here?" . ' i
"Oh, I brought out" a few hams
o' jerked venzon for - these town
fellers to chaw on. Wha'd you
bring out?"
A load ot physic, by tiod! was
the reply.
; The speakers were so much in
earnest in their "conversation that
the listeners deemed it imprudent
to even snicker, and sought refuge
either through the front or back
door. ' 1 ,
' , Trespass Notice. -
Notice is herebv given that no1 hunt
ting or other trespassing is allowed , on
our - premises, y Any person or person s
violating the provisions- of. this notice
will be prosecuted.; , ..,
... , W. S.. Locke.
' , .-' A. R. Locke. . .
Notice to Property Owners.
Corvallis, Oregon, August "13, 1903. ,
' Notice is hereby given that the unde:
signed have been appoiuted viewers by
the Common Council of the City of Cor
vallis, to estimate and assess the propor
tionate share of the cost of the " several
sewers hereinafter mentioned to be con
structed by the City of Corvallis . under
and by. virtue of the several ordinances
hereinafter mentioned to-wit: Ordinan
ce No. 1C8 for a sewer through the mid
dle of block 1, County addition to Cor
vallis, sewering lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, , 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, and 12 bloek 1 County Addi
tion aforesaid, also under ordinance 139,
for a sewer through the middle of block
No. 33 Avery's third addition to Corval -lis,
sewering lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11 and 12 said block 33, also under
ordinance No. 140, for a sewer through
middle of blocks 28 and 29 ; Avery's
second -addition to Corvallis, sewering
lots r, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, '7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and
12 block 28, and lats 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8,
9, 10, 11 and 12, block 29 said Avery's
second addition, also under ordinance
No. 141 for a sewer through the, middle
of block 4 Dixon's addition and block 12
Corvallis, sewering lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 4; Dixon's addition
and lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11. 12,
block 12, Corvallis. also under ordinance
No. 142 for a sewer through the "middle
of blocks 28 and 29 N. B. & P. Avery 'b
addition sewering, lots 1, z, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 18, and lots 1, 2, 3.
4, 5. 6, 7. 8r9, 10, 11 i 12 block 19 N. B. &
P. Avery's . addition to Corvallis, also
under ordinance No. 143 for a sewer
through blocks 4 and 5- original town
Corvallis sewering lots 1, 2,-3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 910, 11, 12, block 4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, iofc 11, 12, : block 5 original
town Corvallis. ' That said viewers will
meet at the office of the Police Judge of
said city on the 4th day of September,
loo3 at the hour of 7o'clock p. m. for the
purpose of estimating and assessing the
respective share at the cost to be paid by
the several property owners of said lots
and parts thereof for constructing - the
said several sewers, and all persons inter
ested or owning any of the said property
may appear before the viewers at said
time and place to be heard in the matter
of making the said estimates and assess
ments. N. B. Avery. '
. S. L. Henderson,
. . - Robert Johnson.
1 .." Viewers.
BuildiEsr . is Active Third Story of
Hotel to be Finished. ,
M. D. Hall is building a two-
story residence at the junction of
Monroe street and the SoL King
road. The structure is enclosed
and the finishing touches will ap
pear shortly.. ;
- Mrs Kinney has built a brn and
is preparing to erect a commodious I
resedence on lots recently purcha
sed irom ueorge suiter in tne vi
cinity of Van Buren and Fourteenth I
streets. v -y; v .,
jvxrs. urnn varjc is putting an
extensive addition to her residence
formerly the Carlyle home. An el
two stories in height is being pla
ced on tne nortn side ot tne mam
building. The addition is for the
future accommodation of students.
F. A. King who recently went to
California to reside, but subsequent
ly returned to Corvallis and pur
chased lots south" of the college
grounds, is erecting a cozy little
residence on the premises. It is
not pretentious in size and it will
probably be necessary for Mr. King
to guard it closely on Halloween to
prevent the students from carrying
it away,
On Ihursday next the contract
is to be let for the erection of the
new school house to be built on the
Diller block, and thereafter the
building will be pushed to such a
stage of completion as to be par
tially occupied. J. . E. Felton
& Son are working industriously
on the stone foundation, and that
will be completed this week.
Bids have been requestey by the
board for the erection of an addition
to the boiler house of the heating
plant ot tne state Agricultural Col
lege This is an improvement of
considerable magnitude A con
tract for' the work was to have been
let at Albany on the 24th, but the
bids were not opened at that time.
1 ne matter was passed m order to
receive additional bids which were
to have been handed in a little
later. ... '
' Work on the Hotel ; Corvallis
goes steadily on. Having finished I
the. first and second floors and the
roof, Mr. Swansen "placed " work
men on the third floor which is to
be completed soon. When the
present owner purchased the build
ing tne taird story was in a very
incomplete . state, studding having
been placed on either side of the
hallways. The present : work in
cludes the ? partitioning ; of rooms
and all the inside sidingr and ceil
ing. Shiplap is being used for
enclosing, ot wnicn 32,000 leet is
required. ' This is to be covered by
cloth and paper. The amount of
cloth required is 3000 yards, and it
is estimated that 260 rolls of paper
will be necessary. Thirty rooms on
the third floor are to be so finished.
Latest Styles of Carbons on Exhibition
, at Emery's Studio.
'.V The Emery Studio has now on
exhibition for public inspection the
latest: in photography, the new car
bon portraits, which style of work
was acknowledged at the national
convention of the Photographers
Association of America, to be the
finest product ever produced in
photography. The carbon is ' an
extra heavy Rives : parchment,
especially prepared in a manner
which renders the pure carbon
coatiDgr a genuine matt surface as
smooth as polished , ivory and ab
solutely permanent The finished
carbons are enclosed in neat parch
ment folders, 'artist proof" style,
or attached at upper corners to an
embossed opening on linen mounts.
Either style gives an elegant and up
to date effect that only needs to be
seen to be appreciated. These por
traits are not placed m the display
cases, but wiu oe snown in tne re
ception room at ' the studio, South
Main street.
Remnant and Odds
End Bids $a!e
A quantity of Remnants has accumulated during
our late Sale" which will be sold regardless of cost.
There are Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins,
White Goods. fable Linens,. Towelings, (jutin
Flannels, Muslins, Shirtings, Percales, Ginghams.
Ribbons. Laces, Embroideries, Etc. Also broken
lines and odd lots of .Men's and Children's Shoes,
Summer Underwear. Men's and Boys' Suits. Sum
mer Skirts, Wrappers, Summer Corsets, Etc.
Oar New Fall Stock is now arrivirifr.
Old and Young,
Garolina RiGe Flakes.
1 ,&iiZ!i!4&4X
Don't Forget that We Sell .
Applegate Creamery Butter.
Cimcs Office for 3ob Printing;
Zbat Red Boj:
We are instructed by the
"Red Box Co." to give a key
with each One Dollar Cash
The first key to unlock the
box takes S20.00. The sec
ond kev to unlock the box
takes $10.00.
. Onlv a limited , number of
Sewer Notice.
Corvallis Oregon, August I3 1903.
Notice ia hereby given that the under'
signed have been appointed ' viewers by
the Common Council of the City of Cor
vallis to estimate the proportionate share
of the cost of a sewer to 'k be constructed
by the City of Corvallis, under and by
virtue of Ordinance No,v 132 through the
middle of the alleys of Block 2, County
Addition and Block 18, original Town of
Corvallis, to be assessed to the several
owners of the property benefited thereby
The district benefited bv said sewer is
all of Ixrts 1, a, 3, 4, .5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
and 12,. Block 2 County Addition, and
Lots. 1, 2, 3,4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and
12, Block i8,original Town of Corvallis.
That said viewers will meet at the office
of the Police Judge of the City of Cor
vallis on the 1st day of September, 1963,
at the hour of 7 o'clock 't). m. . for the
ouroose 01 estimating the respective
share of the cost to be paid by the prop
erty owners in constructing said sewer,
and all persons interested and owners of
said property- may appear before the
viewers to be heard in the matter of
making said estimate or estimates.
. : Z. 11. Davis. ,
: 8. L. Shedd.
.- Win. Bogue.
v Men Wanted,
I have established an employment
agency in Corvallis, with head quarters
at Gerhard's book Store. -Those wishing
help, and those wanting-work will please
call up Phone 221 or 306. Special atten
tion given to the requirements of hop
growers and pickers. John LeDger,
. Employment Agent.
As well as Choicest Delicacies
for lunch and dinner, can al
ways be found at our store.
We handle only first-class
goods and can guarantee qual
ity. Everything offered for
sale here is strictly fresh and
just as represented; We car
ry a large stock 01 selected
Family and Fancy Groceries,
and are sole agents for;
Cbase Sanborn
Hid!) Grade Coffees
111- Zierolt
For Sale. ..
Thirty two inch Pitts separator and a
horse power, to be had for $ 100. Call
on or address, ' v -
R,.C. Kiger, Corvallis.
Buy your harvesting outfits at
& Callahan's.