The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 22, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. XVI. No. 24.v
Many Men :
And Boys, .'
V"r'.:- ; : ' ''fJ,-'i a-'-0- ;.' f ''";..v.,: ti. ' . v'' '1' O:
Can now Save money
. ' By inspecting bur
Big line
Shoes : : :
And .Hats.
Reduction on the
to: your interest
Hie Do
) to as high a standard as
w ....... r . . m
ig " , . as
.- i us.; but gee that you make no mistake in
i; . the house that keeps tHe hig- ' ' "
. est standard of Grocer - '
) BUY.
L Fresh Fruits, ;
) fresh everything to be-had -in the market. We
) . ... run our delivery wagon and our . aim. is
M 1 ' ' to keep what,
B Rorning
p? r.
, - -. 4,4
4 ' '
1 v sfll frrtrl Ka.vAinett ci - rtrl
Ranches, write for my
, . see,, me, . I shall take,
"you 6ver the country.
Physician & Surgeon
5 Office orer postoffice. Residence Cor.
JFifth and JeFerson streets; Hour8 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham'a drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
above makes it
;to:call and see
hotCiW 1
our desire would promote
ies that is the f f ' , - ;
' place to " 1 - 1
Fresb Uegetabks,
you want and to
- 'wrtin fiiiiil1 't - t-i 1 4- j -
special list,1 or come and
pleasure in giving you all ,
N 11 " ' ' 1 ,
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance.
, Philomath, Oregon. ' ,
;E. Holgate :
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
B. A. CATHEY, M. D -
r Physician and Surgeon,
Oflace, Room 14, ' First National Bank
Bnilding, dorvallis Or. : i Office Hours,
io to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p, m. 1 , - ; :.-
Their Steals Are Colossal and Com
jPrise a Scandal That; 'Puts i
' Even tbe Postoffice Frauds ; 'i
' ' 16 the Blush. ' '
Washington, Aog.'' 16. Theie
Was filed with Attorney-General
Knox loiay a document which tells
a tale of. fraud aod deception ; prac
ticed upon Indian wards of the gov
ernment that puts to the blush the
worst of the postoffice scandals.: It
is the meanest of all the scmdals
under which the administration is
staggering, because if involves the
wholesale robbery of ignorant In
dians, unable to protect, themselves
against the wiles and schemes of
the more cultured Federal office
holders, placed over them, by the
United States government,- whose
wards tbe Icdians are. . It involves
the theft of . millions of acres of
land and the making of -millions of
money out of the half savage wards
of the people. ' .' ,
The document of a' : report '- pre
pared by S.' .M,. Bj06ius,WashiDg
ton Agent Indian Rights Associa
tion, whb9- investigations of ' the
land steals in Oklahoma and ' In
dian .Tecritory. resulted in the , dis
coveries now oommunicated to; the
. The "report of Mr. Brosius con
tains matter which must be taken
cognizance of by the president in
his message to congress. - - j
Mr. Broeius in the report which
Knox hassaysiS'Aetftdy. 'Pf the con
ditions now existing among the Five
Civilized Tribes in Indian Territo
ry impresses one that there: is. need
of a change : pi management in the
interests of ;the (Indians." ," , .
Mr.' Brosius thus describes the
plan of the land companies: ' The
plan of the few' companies and oth
ers securing the lands was, to take
a lease of the lands of - the Indian
owner, which included a contract of
sale at the termination of the lease,
without additional consideration.
' The prices at which tbe lands
were secured varied from 25 cents
to 75 cents per acre, these lands in;
turn being sublet to the farmer at
from $1 to $2 50 per acre, which
shows the opportunity for immense
profit' covering the Creek reserva
tion alooe. which comprises. 3,oo,
ooo acres."
.' Mr. Brosios agf erts that . irt tbe
Cherokee reservation hundreds of
thousands of. acres aje held in ex
cess of the amount allotted to each
Indian;' tht when an Indian wants
an allotment be must travel some
times 150 miles to see the Dawes
commission, and often goes back
witballhiff-money.gone; without
being able to . fi&; his,; Application
The- excess! appears to fiad its.: way
into! the. j oesetsion ot land compan-
''The trust .com panieSi.''.Mr Bro-
sIub says, 'have been organized! by
the score,! and coverevexY.ifieldrof
llUO I'lVD X11UOO ujicucu tu 1UVOOU-
ment." s?'.'!;'V?i-;?y pirfv.-wH
Tbe companies employ field a
gents, who' ' are called "rustlers,"
whose business it is to impose on
ignorant Indian owners. Mr. Bro
sius alleges that there is a scramble
for oil lands-and . that .; tbe "air is
.rife.: with' scandal ' in ' connection
therewith." - Mr. Brosius says ! he
recently reported to the Indian of
fice a case in which an Indian wo
man with two minor children part
ed with certain oil lands for $900,
while the parson' who, turned the
trick: got $2o,ooo from an oil com
pany as his share of the profits.'
Here is the official text of the
complaint of Special Agent S. M.
Brosius of tbe Indian Rights Asso
ciation, which complaint was laid
August 13th before Attorney-General
Knox by Philip C. Garrett of
the association, showing how the
Indians are at the mercv of the
land companies, and what United
States officials are members of the
. ' j '. .:. .... i
companies:" N
The ' ignorant Indians i without
means and this class i, embraces
perhaps one-third of the population
of the Five Tribes--is practically
at the mercy of .the trust compan:
ies anct other dealers in lands, since
they 'have no' means 'of traveling
long distances; where that is. .neces
sary and providing for their expen
ses during theJong. delaySj at ; the
land office as before shown. - ,r
The interests of the trust' com
panies being antagonistic to those
of the Indian in many ways, it will
be interesting to know of. tbeir or
ganization, their promoters aod the
scope of their powers as authorized
by charter. . . . - j . .
' The articles of agreement and in
corporation of tbe Tribal Develop
ment Company of Tishomingo, In
dian Territory, show that it wa? or
ganized March 25, 1903, with a cap
ital rtock of $100.000 , and $12,000
actually paid in. ? Guy P., Cobbg,
who then held thfl position of : in
ternal revenue inspector for the In
dian Territory, is the largest stock
bolder. P.. Li Soper is also a large
stockholder and vice-president of
the company. Mr. Soper is the U
nited States district attorney for the
northern . District, whose duty un
der the law is to prosecute persons
having excessive holdings of land
and to defend the Indians in all
suits at law and equity involving
title to their lands. P,. S. Mosely.
governor of the Chickasaw nation,
is also a stockholder. , . ;
- Th general nature of the Tribal
Developrnent.Company is to "par-
chase, own, sell, encumber, - sub
lease and exchange real estate, act
as agent and certify , abstracts of
title,", etc.,
.The Muskogee Title and Trust
Co. was organized Feb. 24, 1903,
and id authorized to transact a gen
eral banking business and in addi
tion may "buy, sell and lea3 lands,
buy and. sell stocks and bonds of
other corporations," etc. Tarns
Bixby, chairman of the Dawes com
mission, is a stockholder, and vice
president of the company. J. Geo.
Wright, Indian inspector in charge
of the Indian . Territory, is one of
the directors. . . , ;'
. The Canadian.Vaitey Trust Co of
Muskogee, Indiatv Territory, was
organized Feb. 23, 1903, and is au
thorized hy , its; charter to "buy,
rent, sell lease and mortgage real
estate," ... and : conduct a general
banking business. Tarns Bixby ia
a stockholder and president of this
trust company, as also P. G. Reu
tery clerk in charge of the land of
fice under the commission ,:
The ' International I Back and
and1 Trust Co., organ-zed . Feb, .4,
193, with its main office at Yinita,
I. T., ha? the same general powers.
Thomas B Needles, a naember of
the Dawes commieeion. 'is vice.-oree-ident
and director of this Co., Chae."
A. Dividson, clerk of the United
States court, Vinita, I. T.j is aU.o a
director. James H. Huckleberry, as
sistant v Uoited ; States ''V, "attorney;
northern district,. I.' ,T.', is stated to
be attorney for this trust .company,
and James S. Huckleberry, Jr., I ia
given as one of the stockbplders in
a prospectus issued bv the same Co.
C. R. Breckinridge, a member . of
the-Dawes commission, is also cred
ited with; being interested as a stock
holder, either directly or indirectly
in the Eufaula Trust Co. r
. Tarns , Bixby, i? understood : to
have beeh'ownerof real estatein va-;
rious sections of the- Indian., Terri-
tory-r-Fort Gibson.Talhequah, Tish
omingo and Sulphur Springs among
the. others . ;:y,.!,.f:i'. .. . A 'V
"P. ftLv-!Soper United States' dis
trict attorney; in addition to being
a stockholder in the Tribal Devel
opment Co:,!a8 already shown,' is
staled to be , a stockholder in and
an' attorney for fbrv the1 Cherokee
Oil and Gae Co. which is operating
in the Indian Territory.-with orig
inal charter rights, granted in ! Ar
kansas; he is' also 6tated to be gen
eral counsel for the St., Louis & San
FranciscoRailtoad Co., for the -Indian
Territory, -whose interests fre
quently conflict with, those of the
Indian. The following from the
"Weekly Examiner" of Bartlesville
I. T., shows that Mr. Soper is inter
ested in the company dealing in In
dian lands: "The oil company with
which it seems District . Attorney
Soper is identified, is the . Indian
Territory Development ' Co., a cor
poration which has secured a big
block of the most promising oil ter
ritory in the Brtlesville field, and
which holds extremely valuable coal
and zinc lands in the Cherokee na
tion.'.' . ' .
There are rumors afloat to the ef
fect that Federal officers in the Inr
dian territory, are financially inter
ested in - other transactions that
would seem to preclude them from
retaining their positions under the
Indian, department. , ! -
;The same precaution should gov
ern in the management of the afiairs
of the Five civilized Tribes, fas in
private business transactions.
Very respectfully, i ' ,
, ; - s, m. BROSiua, ,
Washington Agent Indian Rights
- . . 1'.,. . . . - ; t
Child Who Had Died Shortly After
'Birth Brought to- Life by Two
' Eminent; Physicians
. ' , : , Other News.
Detroit, Aug 16. Dr. James
Brien, of Essex, Canada, a few days
ago, by means of electricity, was
successful . in restoring to life a
child that ; had apparently died
shortly after birth. The doctor tells
the following story of bis achieve
ment: ... ..- '
"My partper Dr. Doyle, and my
self noticed, immediately after birth
slight pulsations in the form of the
infant, but they gradually grew
fainter and fainter until not a sign
of life remained. In the meantime,
we had resorted to all the known
methods of science, such as dipping
the child in warm and cold water,
aud rubbing its body .with sweet
oil. '
"Ail these remedies failed to 're
vive the apparently . lifeless babe, 1
and we bad almost given up hope, I
when it occurred to me to make a
test of the merits of electricity as a
last resort. I had. never heard of
any such experiments being made,
and only decided to try it , when I
was certain that the last "spark of
life had fled and : that the electric
current could at least do no barm.
"It wa9, fully 15 minutes alter
birth before the first current was
employed.: For the firet ten min
utes there was no sign of life. At
tbe end of fifteen mu utee, during
which applications of both the gal
vanic vand C.Faradic currents bad
been made, the infant displayed
slight evidence oflife. . . - ,;
"We increased the current per
sistently and within ten minutes
more, were rewarded by seeing the
child breathing naturally. . Tbe
heart began to pulsate slowly, but
regularly, and soon took at its nor
mal action. ,
. ''The child is now doing, well. I
am prepared to prove, these faefs
by sworn testimony," . , . , r
, Dr. O'Brien is ona of the ''oldest
praciicing physicians in Western
Ontario. He has represehted Eeex
county in Parliament at Ottawa foT
several years.. -: . " ' , , ., .
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 19. r Albert
Ecklund; alias George ' Johnson,
who , was captured , at Kowlinp, and
was being taken back to Chicago to
answer, to the charge of grand lar
ceny, effected a remarkable eectp.-
today from Detective .William Mara
den ..While Marsden, was sleeping
beside his prisoner, . Ecklund went
through the. detectives, pockets', J se
cured tbe keySitbrthe; shack lee,' re.-.,
leased himself, and then'! shackled
the officer to the, steampipesi Hiv
ing relieved the officer of bi? weap
ons and other property;' Ecklund
.left the. train at Laramie. ; ; , ;
Marsden, waa'.-npt .awakened,' by
the conductor .until Cheyenne was
reached, when he called for assist
ance. .:As Marsden had absolutely
nothing on his person' to prove he
was riot a prisoner, , the ; trainmen
would not release him. The. rail
road authorities telegraphed to Chi-.
cago for instructions, and when tne
.,, j f
5 '., w,
. . . -'. . '
. 5" " '!
i Absolutel
Editor and proprietor.
traiu reached Sidney Maredne watfY
finally released from his predica'
ment. ' .
Tonight he pasped through Chey- .
enne en route to Laramie to try to
effect the capture of his prisoner. .
.-v' " ' - ..' -V:'. ' . v.-fi.
: - . , .. i . .1 ..
j Kharkov, Russia,' Aug. 18 The
happiest man in all ' Russia, J and,
probably in Europe aa well, is? .
blacksmith . named Dorosbenko;
who has been earning $2oa month.
He received notification today that I
he had Fallen heir to $31,006,000
which is now at his disposal in the
Bank at London, where it has been
held for 150 years. - It was deposi
ted by the head of the tribe of
Dorosh with a century and a half
stipulation on its withdrawal. The ;
blacksmith is the; sole heir. : !
Dorosbenko has an interesting
family of a wife and a quartette of
handsome daughters. Oa of the
girls, who is but lo- year.- i old,f is
considered tbe beauty of 1 he viriage
She is engaged ; to a, young- man '
wno drives an express catt i aoont
ton. ,'He owns the provincial 1
transfer business and, besides' his
horse and cart, be employs aconsin
to drive another;" 5 :; " ? : ;
There is sneculation whether his
affianced will be true to her plight-
now that sne is an beireBs of miL
lions. . . - ' v
Working Night And Dav.
. The busiest and mightiest little .
thing that ' ever was made is Dr
King's New Life Pills. These pills
change weakness into strength, lift.
lessness lnt j energy, brain-fag in
tp mental power.. They're wonder
ful unbuilding up tbe health. Qp
ly 25c per box.-, Sold by Allen
Pharmacy., t
- Keduced Excursion Rates..? 7
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale at very low rates .round .
trip-tickets to the various resorts along:
italines, and also, in connection, with,
the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, to ' De- . '
troit and. the-seaside at . ,' .Yaquina 1 Bay, .
latter tickets good for return,' until Oct
ober lOth. . .: ..-,:'.,'".,, ''"
.Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay good
going Saturdays Mondays are .now oa
sale at greatly reduced rates'! froni 'all
points Eugene and north on both. East
and Westside lines, enabling people "to .
spend Sunday at ' the ; seaeide," Very
low round trip rates are also .made, be
tween Portland and , the same points on
the- Southern .7 ' Pacific, "y good ' going'
Saturdays, returning Sunday or Monday
allowing Portlnnd people to spend Sun
day in the country, and the out of towtr
people to have the day in
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bav. eord for return via Albanv . and. :
Eastsidei or Corvallis and ' Westside at
option of passenger. Baggage checked,
through to Newport. A. new; feature at .
Newport this year will be " an-(npto
date kindergarten, in charge on an - ex-V)
peri enced Chicago teacher. :. " :'.
A beautifully illustrated booklet .'tie"- ;
scribing the seaside resorts on , Yaquina.
Bay has been published by the South
era Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern and.
can be. secured from their agents,' or by
addressing W. E. Coman, G.'P.'A.S,
P. Co. Portland, or Edwin Stone,' Man-
ager C. & E. R. R, Co, Albany, Or, .
Poland China Hogs.
Young sows and young boars of the
best breedimg will bow be sold to make
room for fall pigs. AH young Stuflf, ho
old sows now. Come and see them or
write to Peter Whitaker. . ' . "
. - . . !.
' - -I II.