The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 19, 1903, Image 1

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    flotinry Ederk's C4a
Vol. XVI. No. 24L. ! CORVALLIS, OREGON. AUGUST li. 1903. b.k.tkvx
an now Save money
By inspecting our
Big line of ; -
Shoes :
Reduction on the
to your interest
ttie Do net Cfre
- . .... I
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us, but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig-
: est standard.of Grocer- ;
ios that is the v
place' to '
Fresb Fruits,
fresh everything to be" had, in the market. We
ma our delivery wagon ana our -aim is O)
to keep wha you want and to
please. Call and see
B Borning
, M good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon.'
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. - Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Worthain'B drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
above makes it
to call and see
Fresb Uegttablts,
E. Holgate
attorney at law ' ,;
, justice of the.peacb;
Stenography and typewritiner done.
Office in Burnett brick. Coryallis, Oreg
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Room 14, "First "National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. , Office Hours,
10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.
Is Literally a Lost Man Damage
Suit Against a Catholic Priest
; for Alienation of a Wife's af
' fections Robbing the
Nation. -
roughaeepsie, Aug. iy. A man
who does not know his own name
is stopping at the Morgan House in
mis cuy. rxo taias rauonauy
enough about matters that do not
concern himself, but professes to be
unable to remember anything about
bis boyhood, where or when he was
born, where , he went to school,.
whether ne is married or single or
where Le has lived
The. man appears to be refioed
and educated. He registered on
Saturday night as "G. ; Foster, New
York," but says that is not his
name., i got it on a sign ; some
where and used it for lack of a bet
ter name. I have registered at ho
tels and when cilled by. the name
I ued I would pay no attent:on tor
it and then I would be put out of
the hotel as the people thought I
was not right, he said.
Ine man nas been in bed ever
since be came to the hotel. Yester
day he aeked for a physician, and
Dr. Powell called and gave him
medicine for lumbago from which
he said he has suffered a long time,
He then told his story to the doc-
ton who notified Chief of Police
; The man had no baggage or any
thing to indicate : his identity. He
had $65whicb he asked the hotel
proprietor to put ia the safe. He
said: . ;
"'I remember having four fifty
dollar-bills at some time. I remem
ber being in a cell for two days
with some tramps and I think I
lost my watch in that way. , I can
recollect being in St. Louis and
Kansas City, but can't tell whom I
know there. I remember, having
had pains in my head at one time,
and would call on a man with a
very dark and heavy mustache for
medicine to give me relief. :. I don't
know his name or where he is
Probably if he knew this he could
tell you who I. am and get me home
to my folks if i have any
- The chief of police ; gave out the
following description of the man
Age, do to 40; weight,
pounda; height, 5 feet oi - inches;
has flaxen brown hair and beard
and wears spectacles; wears 5 but-
ton shoe, gold linked sleeve buttons,
one mariced (Sr. L. v . and tne otn-
er "Jii. is. A . ; nas pve upper taise
teeth; wears light trousers with
dark stripe, and Oxfoord mixed
coat and vest."'
Waierbury, ; Conn.', Aug. ' 11.
Louis Strucks,' an employee of
Smith, Bourne & Co., of Hartford,
today brought suit agamst the Rev
Joseph E. Seneaac, pastor of St. An
ne s rvoman atnoiic cnurcn, m
this city, v for llo.OOO. Strucks
charges Father Senesac with alien
ating the affections of . his wife,
The papers, which were served to
day, mak the case returnable be-
fore the superior court of Hartford
csqty on the first Monday in Sep
tern ber.
mrs. strucKS is a pretty woman
of twenty-six. Her husband is
nearly 5o. , Father Senesac is a
handsome man of 38. Strucks in
his complaint, says his wife first
met the priest at a church fair in
Hartford in the -winter of 19oo. He
declares that the wrong-doing of
the pair began August 1, 19oo, and
has continued up to the ' present
time.' He Bays that when he first
discovered it he drove hia wife from
his home and started out to shoot
the priests Friends who learned of
his plan prevented the shooting.
He says he brings suit only in or
der that Feather Senesac may be ex
posed aDd punished. :
Father Senesac, who comes of an
old Montreal family and who has
made several pilgrimages to Rome,
was declared not at borne when a
World reporter called at the paroch
ial residence this afternoon. - His
intimate friends in the parish de
clared that the chafges were un
true. As far, as is known he has
retaioed noeounsel.
Bishop Tierney is out of the state
in consequence of which it cannot
be learned what attitude thechnreh
authorities intend to adopt.
Washington, Aug. 9. In probing
toe transactions or Ueorge W. fieav
ere as superintendent of the divi
eion of salaries and allowances
the postoffice department, the noat
office inspectors are endeavoring to
find out whether he held, any stock
m xaqui copper Uomnauy. and
60 now ne got it. I he inspectors
are also anxious to learn whether
the former chief clerk to the First
Assistant Postmaster-General, Joh
M'j. Masten, has any stock in thi
company. -
,lhe reason for thi3 is that the
Yaqui Copper company was organ
lzed about the time the Dostoffice
department executed the contract to
buy time clocks from th RnnrW
Manufacturing company at $loo to
$ 125 each. The clocks sold on the
market for from $6a to $75.
A connecting link has been dis
covered in the fact that George E
Green, a Binghampton (N. Y.) pol
itician, was the prime mover in the
Yaqui Copper company, and that
R. B. Brown, a Washington ". attor
ney, is a director
Brown represented the DeyTime
Register company, whose register
was highly regarded by the post-
omc otnciais up to the time Mr,
T 1 . ... -
rJ9n ceasea to represent it, and
the; Bandy, company secured the
contract without competition or ad
vercismg . by the . department. It
waa about this time the Yaqui Cop
per; company was organized and,
crown became a director.
Before resigning as superintend
ent' Beavers denied having had any
part in executing the contract and
cast all the blame on Masten, who
signed it as acting first assistant
postmaster-general, but former in
timacy between Beavers and Green,
coupled with the information that
Beavers holds or has held Yaqui
Copper stock, has led to suspicion
tbtj Beavers .attempted to . shield
himself behind Masten. and that he
he knows why the clock contract
was signed quite as well as Masten
does. -
What became of the $4o to $5o
difference between the market price
and that paid for, the clocks is of
interest to the inspectors, this being
the now famous "4o per cent." The
possibility that Beavers obtained
stock in the copper compauy com
pany as a return for favors to the
time clock company is not being
New York, Aug. 14. The latest
trust is the tailoring, trust, and
Charles M. Schwab, the BteelKing,
is. oenind it. 1 he facts came out
today, when P. A. Schwab, an un-
cle of the ex-president of the steel
trust, and David J. Welch, for ma
ny years right-hand man of the big
woolen mill concern, began to make
contracts on a mammoth scale.
tJotn these men have spent many
years in this line of business and are
experts.. , ' . , . .
Charles M. Schwab is known to
have millions invested in several
enterprises outside of the steel trust,
dui it, was witn j great surprise' it
was learned be is to supply the e-
normoua capital to operate; the gi
gantic combination in the tailoring
Dusiness now in , process of , lorma-
tion. . . "
The trust under the name of the
United Tailors,- will begin opera
tions August 22 in New York City,
opening seven stores simultaneous-
ibese will be increased from
day to day until 100 retail branches
are established in Greater New
York, where there are already 12,-
000 tailors. : -
Branches will be immediately es
tablished in large cities throughout
the country and extended as quick
ly as possible to every city in the
Union of 20,000 inhabitants. Port
land, Tacoma, Seattle ,San Francis
co and Los Angeles are the first of
the Coast cities to be invaded. In
two years' time the trust expects to
have a vast chain of branches in
working order, and will then be giv
en employment to nearly 500,000
men. .- ; : v -: h-y '
A great central school will be es
tablished in New York, at which
cutters, choppers, trimmers and
salesmen, will be educated and then
sent out through the country to the
branches where they may be need
ed. The trust will as soon as possi
ble, own its own mills, both , here
and abroad. At present it has . se
cured the output of ; one mill in
Massachusetts, and is now negotiat
ing for more.
. Wanted.
A good heavy work horse. Apply- at
Benton Conuty lumber yard, Corvallis.
Extreme . Disappointment Settles
Over the Island People Who
Suffered a Year Ago Are v
Again Homelees Oth
er News. .
Washington, Aug. 11. The
death-dealing cyclone which visit
ed ill-fated Martinique last Satur-
day was more disastrous than at
first believed. Consul Jewell, from
Fort de France, Martinique, cables
the state department the following:
"A. terrinc cyclone visited the isl
and at midnight Saturday. Great
damage was done crops and fruits.
Scores of houses here at Fort de
France are demolished, t Trees two
feet in diameter are uprooted. One
person is killed. , The American
consulate is intact.
Seven were killed at Trinate and
several houses were destroyed. The
new villages of Tiyol, Food, Lahaye,
rurnicle8 and Keciusee were de
stroyed, thus rendering, 5,000 vic
tims of last years catastrophe again
homeless. Reports from the interi
or of the island are indefinite, but
great discouragement is apparent
on every hand.
Chicago, Aug. 10. Great com
ment was occasioned here today by
General Miles, who gave an ex
tended interview on . his - views of
armies and war. The retired gen
eral said that he did not hesitate to
say that standing armies are' ene
mies to republicanism and the
peace of the world.
He went further and stated . that
the aristocracy more particularly
desired an army, but that their re
ten tion was a tax on the people
which would be eliminated to the
well-being of all democratic forms
of government.
The general said that war is ab
horrent,. and human intelligence
denounces it.
"I advocate a congress of powers
and the adoption of the rule that
one soldier . is enough for ' each
thousand inhabitants.
'Let soldiers become artisans
and farmers," said General Miles
"add thus relieve the world of a mil
ion parasites whose sole business
is useless war. The armies of the
world are artificial, and if main
tained will eventually cause disas
ter." . , . ;: -.
Accompanying General Miles on
hia westward trip is a considerable
partv of veterans, including Gener
al UlacK and General Maus, who is
going to Fort Reno to assume com
mand. , ' ..
The statement of General Miles
and his strong advocacy of elimina
tioo of the army has caused a
marked stir in all industrial and
commercial circles. :
New, York, August ic The
World says: The ' History of the
Carnegie Steel Combine" by Mr.
Bndge.'formerly secretary to Mr,
Carnegie, just 1 published a letter
written by Mr. Schwab, ex-presi
dent of the Bteel trust to Mr. H, C.
Frick on May i5, 1899, is printed.
Mr. Frick waa at that time . trjing
to form a syndicate of capitalists
to purchase the Carnegie steel
plants, and Mr Schwab's letter was
intended to assist him. In , the
letter the following' passage con
taining statements 01 t public in
terest, occurs:
As to the future, even on low prices. I ; am
most sanguine. . I know positively that England
cannot produce plg-tron at the actual for les3
than $11-50 per ton even allowing no profit on
raw materials, and cannot put plg-lron Into a
rail with their mos t efficient works for less thao
$7.S0 a ton. This would make rails at net cost
to them at $19, We can sell at this price and
ship abroad so as to net us (16 at - works' fof
foreign business nearly as good as home busi
ness has been. What is true of rails is equally
true of other steel products, As a result of this
we are going to control the steel business of
the world,
You know we can make raUs for less : than
$12 per ton leaving a nice ' margin on , foreign
business, Besides tnls, foreign costs are going
to Increase year by year-because they have not
the raw material, while ours is going to de
crease, , The result of all this Is that we will be
aMe to sell out surplus abroad, run pur works
full all the time and get the best practice and
costs In this way,
At the date of this letter tarriff
duties of' $4 -per. ton' on Die-iron
and $& per ton on steel rails were
being levied at all-our ports; They
are still being levied. Yet we
have Mr. Schwab's authority, than
which none could b9 higher, for
eayiog that pig-iron could not be
produced in England for less thaa
$il.5o per ton nor steel rails for
less than $ig per ton, while steel
rails were being made at lees than
$12 per ton by the Carnegie Com
pany, and could be marketed in
England below the English price;
at a net profit of $4 per ton. At
the same time the. average price
of steel tails to American purchas
ers was $28 per. ton $9 per ton
higher than the price Mr. Schwab
declared his, company, conld sail
them for in England, "leavin a.
nice margin."
Much more is imolied in Mr-
Schwab's further admission that
"what is true of rails is, equally
trnp nrnfhsr atool nenAnnta n rpL:
means that all of the Dingley steel
" " w " wvu iwuuuuo, A 11X9
uuiieB in io!f were duties not tor
revenue, not for protection, bnt for
extortion only. No British made
steel whether in rails or in other
forms, cocld have competed with
I American-made steel, in. I899 so
Mr. Schwab said if all the Ding
ley duties on steel had bet n re peal
ed. The same condition of things ."
exists today, for as Mr. Schwab
says, "foreign costs of production
have be,en increasing .while Amer
ican costs of production have been
increasing while American costs of
production have been growing . less -year
by year."
Over 2,000.000 tons of steel rails
alone are being annually , conoum
ed in the United States," to . Bay
nothing of other steel products.
The $8 per ton levied thereon, .
solely for the purpose of affording
a sneiter lor monopoly' amounts to :
a levy of $1 6,000,000 a year on the
American people. In the light of .
Mr. Schwab's letter, it is easy to
see why the steel, trust is gather
ing in profits of more than $120,000
000 a year on the sale of its up
ward of 10,000,000; tons of iron and .
and steel products. , ,
It is strange that the beneficiar- '
ies of this tariff for extortion only
should believe with Mr Hanna.
that the only way to psrserve pros
peritytheir prosperity at least
is to "stand pat" and "let well
enough alone?"
Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of
a Doctor.
"I am just up from a hard spell
of the flux" (dyeentery) says Mr.
T A Spinner, a well-known mer
chant of Drummoned, Tenn. "I
used one email bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and was cured ' without
having a doctor. I consider it the
beet cholera medicine in the world.' ,
There is no need of employing adoc
tor when this remedy is used, for .
no doctor can preecribe a better
medicine for bowel complaint in
any lorm either for children or
adults. It never fails and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by Allen &
Wordward. .
To the Seaside and Mountain Re
sorts for the Summer.
On and after fane 1st, 1903, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad will have on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De
troit, at very low rates, good for return
until October lo, K03. ,
Three day tickets to Newport and
Yaquina, good goine Saturdays and re- '
turning Mondays, are also on sale from
all Eastside points Portland to Eugene
inclusive, and from all Westside points
enabling people to visit their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside.
beason tickets from all Eastside
points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and -
from all Westside points are also on sale
to Detroit at very low rates with stop-
over privileges at Mill City or at" any
point east enabling tourists to visit the -
Santiam and Breitenbush as well as the
famous Breitenbush Hot Springs in the
Cascade mountains which can be reach
ed in one day '
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10th. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
days and returning Moudays ' osiv,
Tickets from Portland and vicinity will
be good lor return via the East or .West .
side at option of passenger. Tickets
from Eugene and vicinity will be good
going via the Lebanon Springfield
branch, if desired. Baggage on New-,
port-tickets checked through . to New
port;, on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
only. . .
' S. P. trains connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and. Corvallis, for Yaquina -and
Newport. Trains on the - C. & E.
for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en-
abling tourists to the Hot Springs to
reach there the same day.
Fall information as to rates, time ..
tables, etc can be obtained on applica
tion to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E.,'
R R at Albany: W. E. Coman. ti. Jr. A.
S P Co Portland or to any S P or CB
agent. .. ,.-v .
Rate from CorvalUs to Newport 13.75.
Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $325- .
Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3,25. v
Three days rate from Corvallis to ; Ya- .
quina or Newport, 2.50, 1 . - .