The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 15, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI.--N0. '23.'
Editor and Proprietor.
Many Men
And Boys
0an now sai)e money
By inspecting our
Big line
Beduction on the
to your interest
J. M.
me Do not Cioe
to as high a standard as our
us. but see that vou
fch A finnca- fViaf.
est standard of Grocer- 1
z ies that is the Y '
place to
' :'':: ; : BUY "'V
Fresb Fruits,
! x T t-J
CM ucsu cvcry tjuiiiig iu uo uau
Oi f run our delivery wagon
( to keen whan eon
. please. Call
6 B fiornftig
H good bargains in .stock; grain, fruit and poultry 1
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
"see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath,' Oregon..
above makes it
to call and see
desire would promote
make no mistake in . ' (
Voona .Tro Viinr-
Frsb Ucastables,
i ' -A HT.'
in pne ma rice o. we
and our aim is
want, and in.
and see ,
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in . Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
B. A. CATHEY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Building, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.
Twenty D3ad Bodies Recovered
Burned to a Crisp -Others
Found with Features DU
: tor ted from Great Suf
fering. Paris, Aug. 11. Today this vapt
city is thrown into a gloom of sad
ness as a result of the terrible ca
taBtrophe which occurred on the
Metropolitan Electric Railroad last
evening. -
The lines of thi company trav
erse the city mostly io tunnels, and
in one of the longest underground
passages the frightful accident hap
pened. ; ,.-
The horror was caused by a train
breaking down in the tunnel at
Menitrnontant, a very populous die
trict of the city. -1 be pas3engers
were fortunate in escaping from the
train just as another came along.
The second was -given .orders to
Dush the disabled train out of tbe
tunnel, and to the repairing eheds.
While this was being accomplished
both trains took fire, but all aboard
succeeded in escaping.
: While the trains were burning,
a crowded section from Les Cour
ronnes arrived at the preceding sta
tion, and seeing dense clouds ot
smoke pouring from the tunnel,
the people grew frantic and tried to
escape through windows and every
other means of egress.
The smoke became unendurable,
and many of those. who had gained
tne outside of the train were suffo
cated. Others who tried to return
to Bellville also lost their lives.
The railroad officials are severely
criticised thiB morning for not 1 at
once running- the train .back from
the smoke-filled jjaseageway and
for not compelling the passengers
to remain in the cars until this
could be accomplished.
. Not until 7 o'clock this morning
were firemen able to penetrate
the tunnels at Menitmontent, the
scene of last night's catastrophe.Sev
en corpses of persons, were found
who were smothered while buying
tickets. . Further on! the body of
the agent was found near the ticket
Booth. The fumes at this point
were so dense and overpowering
that the firemen were unable to
penetrate further. At Couronnes
station corpses were strewn at every
step, and. at 7 o'clock this morning
45 bodies had been removed to the
surface, and within the next hour
35 more, making a total of 90.
The unhappy victims had left
the train, evidently trying to reach
the open air, when .'they became as
phyxiated. " The bedies bore a-con-vujUed
appearance. Many were
holding handkerchiefs to their
mouths.' ..;
Faces were swollen arid distorted,
and in many cases tbe ekin bad
peeled off.
The victims were equally divided
into men,' women and children.
Some were handsomely dressed and
had evidently been prominent, but
few Identifications have as yet been
made. ' ;
The terrible mortality was caus
ed by smoke, the people having no
means of egress except through a
narrow stairway.
Eighteen months ago the Paris
fire department warned officials of
the Metropolitan Railway to put in
airholes the entire distance of their
tunnels, in order to allow fumes
and gases to escape. . The order
was ignored. '
As the foreman advanced bodies
were removed from . the tunnel to
tbe entrance, where they were tem
porarily laid in a long line of wait
ing hearses and ambulances. An
immense crowd surrounded the
morgue. Thirteen bodies have so
far been identified, but 20 are burn
ed beyond recognition.
Exploration of the tunnel: pro
gresses slowly, ? with extreme pre
caution, as a collapse of a portion
of the street is feared. Here and
there in the fatal tunnel large pools
of blood reveal the fearful struggle
of life between the panic stricken
fugitives. The v prominent artist,
Sandillon, was found among the
dead. . ' , - .
As official inquiry is proceeding,
the most . vivid, description 01
the accident is told, which is con
sistent with the version of Station-
master Didiei;, at Couronnes station.
It is now eaid that train 43; was
disabled before reaching Barbes,
and was emptied of all passengers,
who walked' to : the station. The
second trains was coupled on to the
disabled one to clear the track, and
both ran by 'four stations very rap
idly, and when nearing Couronnes
flames were jseen issuing from the
floors and sMes of the rear car. .
"I motioned," said M. Didier,
"the fact, and desperately cried to
stop. I yelled to the trainmen that
tbey couldnt reach the terminus,
but the mechanics in charge shout
ed back to leave them alone. The
train' swept into the tuonel and Me
nitmontant station was almost
reached, when a violent explosion'
occurred, and instantly eight cars
wera'v aflame, leaving the employes
barely time to jump and run "for
their lives.
"Flames rising to the top of the
tunnel melted the electric wires,
throwing tbe tunnel into darkness
save for the lurid glare of the con
flagration. Train 48 arrived just
theoj,fiHed with passengers, and
stopped 300 yards from the burning
care'l A panic followed. Some per
sons tried to run to Belleville sta
tion,' and others for Couror nes .
Soma escaped while others fell as-1
Another witness, a passenger, Oli
ver, said the passengers .fought des
perately when they jumped to the
track and started to flee. Women
and children were trampled under,
foot and were stricken down. Oli
ver eay 8 had tbe mob . turned to
ward Belleville instead of Couron
nes many more would have been
saved. 'Every one acted for' him
self and admitted that he ran over
prostrate persons, and said 1 if he
had 30 feet further to go he couldn't
have saved bis own life.
One instance of heroism and cool
ness was displayed by the station
agent at Belleville, who tried to re
assure . the people and implored
calmness. He was not heeded, but
ecreaming and fighting, the panic
stricken pasBengere jumped over one
another, ? One "passenger named
Berne personally rescued 10 per
sons, lbe stationmaster bimselt
refused to leave his post until he
fell and was asphyxiated, after
which the stifling fumes prevented
further penetration into the tunnel.
Chicago. Aug. 10. Great com
ment was occasioned here today by
General Miles, who gave an ex
tended interview on his views of
armies and war. The retired gen
eral said that he did not hesitate to
say that standing armies are ene
mies to republicanism and the
peace of the woild.
lie went further and stated that
the aristocracy more particularly
desired an army, but that their re
tention was a. tax on the people,
which would be eliminated to the
well-being of all democratic forms
of government.
Tbe general said that war la ab
horrent, and human intelligence
denounces it. : ''
"I advocate a congress of powers
and the adoption of the rule that
one soldier is enough for each
thousand inhabitants.
"Let : eoldiers become artisans
and farmers," said General Miles',
"add thus relieve the world of a mil-
ion parasites whose sole business
is useless war. The armies of the
world are artificial, and if main
tained will eventually cause disas
ter.".'' : - '
Accompanying General . Miles on
his westward trip is a considerable
party of veterans, including Gener
al Black and General Maus, who is
going to Fort Reno to assume com
mand, ji '
Tbe statement of General Miles-
and his strong advocacy of elimin
ation of the army has caused a
marked stir in all industrial and
commercial circles,
When you want a physic that is
mild and gentle, easy to take and
certain to act, always use Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
etsr . For sale by Allen & Wood
ward. .-;-' ' - ..
For Sale
Shropshire sheep. ''
Aberdeen Angus cattle. v
Poland China pigs. .
Young stock now ready for shipment.
- Fat cows and heifers of -the beet
breed to trade for Jersey cows, also
spring calves of beef breeds for sale or
trade. :. , '
- One second hand 20-foot wind mill
I. L. Brooks.
At First It Made a Lunge for the
Horse's Leg Cut It in Two
With a Hatchet Bitten
'' in the Forefinger Arm
Badly Swollen.
Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 5.- Wil
ham Schley, of Decatur township,
has resolved to never again cut i
rattlesnake into more than two pie
ces. An experience which he had
a day or two ago has convinced him
that he may make two snakes out
of one with impunity, but when he
gets greedy and tries to make three,
there is apt to be trouble. Inci
dentally Mr. Schley has learned
that as snake-bite medicine com
mon chicken can- give cards and
spades to whisky a remedy which
heretofore has been regarded as an
indispensable adjunct to life in this
mountainous region.
It msy be of interest to many to
know nust how it feels to be bitten
by half a snake, and so Mr. Schley's
account of his experience is given
as he told it. While he talked he
held a swollen and discolored right
arm in a sling and sat dangling his
legs from the platform outside the
crossroads store, near his home. A
half dozen of his friends stood a
bout and listened with awe at the
recital, which had to be repeated as
often as another man appeared on
the scene;
"It happened up nere in Sharer's
Gap, said Mr. bchley. "I started
for a mess of huckleberries. After
driving up through Bald Eagle val
ley to the gap, I -hitched my horse
and took my basket from the bug
gy. It was just a few feet from
there that the berries were tbickl I
was crossing the .road to the patch
when I saw a big rattler right in
front of me. In my time I have
killed some big ones, but none that
could hold a feather to that fellow.
. "For a moment I stood admiring
bim and ' wondering bow I could
catch bim. He teemed peaceable
enough, coiled up there in the road,
and I thought he might stay there
till I could get a crotcbed stick in
tbe woods and catch him. I had a
hatchet in the buggy and went to
get it, thinking to cut a crotcbed
stick with it.
"Well, sir, that snake; must have
been watching me, for the moment
I turned my back it made a lunge
for the horse's leg. I brought the
hatchet down on the rattler, and
when I lifted it there were two
snakes where there had been but
one before. I had cut the fellow in
two, and yet I hadn't taken the
fight out of him. No, sir. He
kept right on that is, tbe
front part of him did and in
another moment he was ready to
strike the horse. - So again my
hatchet went down, but he swerved
aside and let me have those fangs
right in the forefinger of my right
nand here.
"Well, I tried to shake him off,
but he wouldn't shake worth a '
cent. In my excitement I , forgot
that 1 bad a horse and buggy - so
near at hand, but I did remember
that Christ Sharer lived about . five
miles from where I was, and I
started over the hill toward his
house. I put my foot down on the
end of the snake and pulled my
band free from his fangs. I ran
faster than before until I reached
Sharer's home. '
My finger had swollen to twice
its natural size and my hand was
badly swollen. My arm was' blue
up to the elbow. Sharer at once
bound my arm to stop the circula
tion and then poured whiskey into
' "Sharer killed a chickenl and
plit it open. Then he split my
finger where the fangs had entered
and placed the chicken . on the
wound. The chicken meat turned
green and yellow, and gradually
the swelling in my arm went down
and the pain stopped. Mr. Sharer
then made a Boultice of soap and
tbe white of an egg, and put it on
tbe wound.
"This relieved the pain and soon
the liquor that I had poured into
me sent me to sleep. I remained
at Mr. Sharer's house all day and
then went home. Although the
e welling had gone my arm felt sore
and I expect it will be some time be
fore I can use a hatchet again,"
Working Night And Day. ' .:
The busiest and mightiest littler '
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. These pillar
change weakness into strength, list-
IpSflnPfiQ int.n AnfiVffir K.aln.fa rv in
to mental power. They're wonder
ful in building up the health. On
ly 25c per box. Sold by Allen's
What is worth doing is worth doing ;
well, and so in selling coffees, we sell '
only the best Chase & Sanbornat
importations" P. M. Zierolf .
Darrin Does Not
Light Under a
(Albany Democrat.)
Those who search the scripture
will find therein words advising
mankind not to make a practice of
hiding lights under a busheL
We do not know that it was front
studying the Bible thit D Darrin
got the idea of adveiti-i-is, but wa
do know that since be han resided
in Albany the docto- ha not been.
laf raid to use printer's ink.
Experience has proven to the
doctor that in no other way can the
afflicted learn so quickly that there
is a present opportunity to be heal
ed; that chronic cases can be cured;
that new life and energy can be lm- ,
parted to those within whose breasts ,
hope of health had almost ceased to
exist; that tbe worthy poor can be
treated free; that all others can re
ceive treatment at a price to accom
modate their means at his office m
the Revere House.
To the Editor: For ten years
I have been afflicted with ulcerated
catarrh of the head and throat, and
bleeding of the nose. I found no
relidf until I consulted Dr. Darrin.
in Salem one yeor ago. His treat-
has cured me. I write this that oth
ers .similarly ernictea may avail
themselves of Dr. Darrin 'e skill
while he is ia Albany I reside at
Waterloo, Or., and will gladly tell
any particulars by letters or in per
son. : Mrs. Nellie Dempsey.
Mrs. C. A; Esteb's little girl, Jef
ferson, Or., has been cured of dis
charging ears, daik brown color of
the skin from effects of kidney and '
liver complaint, also diabetes.
A. L. Frimire, Salem, deafness,
ulcerated catarrh so it had eaten
through the septum of the nose,
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; evening
to 8: Sunday 10 to d. at Revere
Hotel, until October 1.
The doctor makes a specialty of
all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchi
tis, la grippe, heart, liver, bladder
and Kidney diseases or those who
suffer from apathy and indifference ;
also consumption., genito urinary
and skin diseases in either sex.
such as blood taints, seminal weak
ness and lost vigor, varicocele and
All curable chronic diseases treat
ed at $5 a week or in tbat proper
tied of time as thecase may require.
No case published except by the
permission of the patient. All bus
ness relations with Dr. Dan in.
strictly confidential. Electrical
appliances furnished. One visit is
desirable though many cases can
be treated by home treatment by
writing symptoms.
Absolutely Pure