The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 12, 1903, Image 4

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U 1
Two of the Gang Captured While
. Pilfering a Restaurant Two
Hundred Dollars Found on
y Their Persons Other
'., .'" News. ' '
Baker City, Aug. 7. Five des
perate hold-up men created more
excitement in this town this morn
ins than has ever been the record
Just at daybreak" Deputy Sheriff
Snow was notified that three pedes
trians, whose names were suppress
ed for the time, had been robbed
ten minutes before on the main
street by five matked men who were
aeavily armed.
At ooce tbree otner omcers were
summoned and a diligent ssarch
for the tbuga was begun.
In passing through the business
part of the city Snow observed two
rongh-lookiDg men in the Oiympia
Cafe in the act of robbery.1 Stealing
to a side entrance, his m n bad the
desperadoes coverea before they
eould make a return fight.
When surprised the robbers and
highwaymen were filling their pock
ets with hard boiled eggs. They
were overpowered aod taken to the
police station, where they were
searched. Two hundred dollars
was found on their persons.
Daring the trip from the place of
capture to the station one of the
tiugs kept up a running fire of vile
epithets at the omcers. At the eta
lion neither would give their names
or the least clue to their compan
ions. A dozen men had by this time
formed into a posse, and a diligent
search for the remaining" three
members of the gang is in progr.ees
at tbia time..
It has been ate rtained that they
came in on the train from Portland,
which arrived about midnight last
No further details cm be gained
except that While aboard the in
coming train the men kpt separat
ed and were only occasionally seen
in company with each other. :
Baker City, Or., Aug. 7. W.ll
Pa born, aged 23 years, and Fred
Jennings, aged 24 years, both young
men from a farm near the little
town of Eldorado, Iowa, are on
board a train returning home - with
aortiane apiece this morning.
When the O. R. & N. train pull
ed out of Baker City last night for
toe East the two young men loaded
gold nugget into the passenger
ear with them that, the two were
barely ablet handle. It was' in a
large meal sack, 'and when they
, moved it along the platform one
held on one end and the other the
opposite end of the sack.
They refused absolutely to tell
from' which direction they came in-
. t B ,ker City yesterday afternoon
or' to disclose tne region. V from
whence they eecn-td the find. They
were armed and placed the nugget
at their feet alter they had boarded
the train. But little is known of
the two youog men ia Biker city.
Tney were seen here about three
months ago.V They had just come
from an Iowa farm, and were wand
ering ab .utthe country, getting ex;
perience more than anything el?e.
They had i.ever heard of the gold
fielda of Eastern Oregon. One of
them bought a map with statistics
of the region. This was th ir only
guide. How they grt out into the
couuiry aud their method or pro
spectiag are unknown. They would
not even gay how or from what di
s rect;on they came into Baker City
in. the afternoon. Tbey attracted a
great deal of attention on thepht
m. with, their butden.
Placerville, Cal., Aug. 8. Great
excitement was created in Placer-
ille shortly before midnight by the
sounds of shooting on a hill just
artst of town.' John Witman and
3am Martin, who had been watch
ing the ridge all evening, saw two
men break from the brush and run
through an orchard. The men fired
at the fleeing figures, but did not
bring them down. Several more
shots were fired into the brush in
which the fleeing men took refuge,
but without result.
A score of citizens gathered on
the bill and again the fugitives were
seen breaking through the brush at
the lower end of the orchard. Shots
were agiin fired, but all trace of the
28 men was iobi. . .
A small army of men is '.now
gathered on the hill, and a watch
will be maintained all nignt. It is
thought one of the men is Case,
who is trying to get into Chinatown
for opium. A man supposed to be
a convict paseed through Eldorado
today headed for this place.
Summit Items.
Mrs. Emile Liebe has been visit
ing Mrs. Mafoon. :":' '.'
Fred Duncan and family now oc
cupy their new bousa. '
J. H. Crain has gone to Wash
ington where he has employment.
Almost everyone in this . vicinity
has their hay put up for the winter.
The crop is light.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance have moved
from their town residence, and are
now liviog on the faim.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. King vifited
Mrs. King's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Harrison over Sunday,
Mrs. W. A. McCuliough and son
are visiting Mrs. McCullough's par
ents, Mr; and Mrs. Yaiitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Underhill,
of Philomath are visiting their eon
and daughter at this place.
' Mr. Harrison and son brought
home anew McCormick binder from
Corvallis last week and will soon
go to cutting grain. He has pur
chased the well known Mattoon
farm. .
A Subscriber.
This Eminent Divine Upholds the
Advertising Doctor Whose .
Work Becomes
(Albany Herald.)
That most eminent divine, the
late Henry Ward Beecher, publicly
advocated the advertising doctor,
as he once stated in the following
words: -
'I am glad that the doctor cared
him. I am glad that the doctor
put it into the paper that he could
cure him. And if any doctor is
certain that be can cure such dis
eases and don't put it into the pa
per, I am sorry. What a pity it
would have been bad this doctor
come to town with his wealth of
science and experience, and gone
away leaving him uncured! What
a pity it wouid have been if he had
been to prejudiced against advertis
ing as to read the responsible orti
ficatej of tbe doctor and give him
the go-by as a quack!'' What are
newspapers for if not to circulate
information? What more valuable
information could a newspaper give
than to tell a tick man where he
can be cured? ' II a man has de
voted bis life and labor to the etudy
of a special class of diseases, the ne
cessity of bi saying so becomes all
the more pressing. His duty to ad
vertise becomes imperious. A real
ly able man, whatever his gifts,
makes a great mistake if be fails to
use those gifts through want of ad
vertising." -
The above fxtract from an able
article of the Rev. Mr. Beecher em
bodies a second view on tba subject
of advertising. ;"- Suppose Dr. 'Dar
rin had come to tbe city and not ad
vertised, who would know of his
presence? Since Dr. Darrin has
been in Albany he has relieved
more agony and suffering than
tongue can tell. His testiTQonials
have substantiated bill cures. ' The
fact that his offices at the Revere
Hotel' are crowded the greater part
of the time and that few go away pretty good evidence
of his success.
The editor of this" paper is per
sonally . acquainted with many of
the people named as cured by Dr..
Darrin: ;
J. W. Pate, Jefferson, Or, j rhe unl
atism and diabetes, cured.
A. G. Byers, Independence, total
deafness cured, V
Mrs. T. James, Salem, female
trouble, tumor, heart - trouole and
headaches, restored.
B. G. Djve's daughter, Salem,
diabetes, cured.
Mrs. S. Stanfirld, 323 Mill street,
deafnees and discharging ears.
Fi H. Habn; 110 State street,
S ilem, catarrh cured. ' .
Henry Voegeh, Med ford, Or.,
deafness, restored.
L. Ewenson, Brownsboro, Or.,
deafness, cured. .
C. C. Presley, Grants Pass, Or.,
deafness cured. ,
William Senor, Medford, v Or.,
deafness, cured.
Mrs. William Druschel, Canby ,
Or., total deafness, cured.
Charles Carney, ;: Jacksonville,
Or., catarrh for years.
Mrs. Martha Woodruff, Cleve
land, Or., partial paralysis.
Ex-Judge - G. , Crocket, Merlin,
Or., deafness 10 years.
William Hunter, Eugene City,
Or., catafth, 20 years.
Dr. Darrin gives free examina
tion to all, and when necessary
gives medicine in connection with
electricity. The poor treated free
from fO to 11 daily, exoept medi
cines. Those willing to pay, 10 to
5; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to
3. ' Office at Revere House, Albany,
until October 1. ; v
New Residence for Bishop Castle
New Store Improvements of
Every Kind News from
Other Parts of Benton.
-..Mr. Winters reports his hops in
better condition than last year..
Moses Bros, have bought a hand
some new delivery wagon.-
The school board is putting in a
modern furnace at the public school
building this week.
Mr. J. Hsnkle has received his
stock of goods and is already doing
business with his old customers.
Messrs. Hum mer & . Wright are
just finishing a new home for Bish
op Lastle which promises to be the
best residence in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Malone came
out from Alaea Saturday and took
the train for Newport where they
will spend several days.
Mr. B.ildwin, late president of
Edwards College, Washington,
moved bis family to Philomath last
week. Mr. Bildwin has beenelect;
ed president of the college of phil
omath and has bought the Gregory
property adjoining the college
Contractor Van Cleave, with three
helpers, have just etarted buiding a
residence for Mr. Robert Clark. Mr
Van Cleave is having all tbe. work
ne can ao, Having made torn ex
tensive improvements in Moses
Bros, ctor, built the new bard ware
store for Mr. Pagh, an addition to
Mr. F. P. Clark's store, the new
ppstoffice building and has just fin
ished a new office for Dr. Newth.
.: - Kings Valley.
Mary M-'Fadden and Tom were
visiting (Jhenowiths last week.
. Jake Chambers and Walter Max
field and families are recreating at
the Bay.
Arthur Price has been the proud
father of a seven pound girl since
last Sunday, . ...
Haying ia about oyer. ; A good
deal of oats is in shock. Very lit
tle wheat has been cut yet.
. , " ': UNO.
Boy Cured of Colic After Physician's
Treatment Had Failed. ,
My boy when four years old was
taken with colic aud cramps in his
stomach. I sent for the doctor and
he injected morphine, but the child
kept getting worte. I - ihen gave
him half a teasponful of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and in half an hour he
was s'eeping and soon recovered
FL VVilkins, Shell Lake. Wis.
Mr Wilkinsis bookkeeper for the
Sheli Lake Lumber Company. For
sale by-Allen & Woodward. ',.
What is worth doing is worth doing
well, and so in selling coffees, we sell
only the best Chase & Sanborns
importations' P. M. Zierolf. . ;
. Wanted.
To rent a farm or stock ranch. Will
pay cash or give one third. .Address
W. A. RickardBell Fountain. '
222 South Peoria St.,
Chicago, Ih.., Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight jnonths ago I was so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time. My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate without great
: pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and lungs were raw ,
and sore. The doctors pro
nounced it Bright 'a disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de-'
sire to live. A sifter visited me
from St. Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui.
I told her I had not and she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my life. I believe many
women could save much Buffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
Don't you want freedom from
pain ? ' Take Wine of Cardui
and make one supreme effort, to
be well. Tou do not need to be
a weak, helpless sufferer." Tou
can have a woman's health and
do a woman's work in life. Why
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to- v
day? ' '
W KByte-1
-j. Tea hers'- Examination?;
jsotice is nereoy gfven, that tbe coun
ty superintendent of Benton County will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants' for 'state and county papers at Cor
vallis, as follows:
For State Papers. -: -
Uommencing Wednesday, August 12
9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Saturday August 15, 4 o'clock.
, Wednesday Penmanship, history
spelling, algebra, reading. "school law.
Thursdays Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, ". grammar, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government.
.rriaay r'nysioiogy. geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
geography. -.
" Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature
psychology. , .
- For County Papers.
Uommeucing Wednesday, August 12
at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Friday, August 14, at 4 o'clock p. m.
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Certificates. '
Wednesday Penmanship, history
orthography, reading.
Thursday .Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday Geography, mental arithmetic
school law, civil government.
. Primary Certificates.
Wednesda3r Penmanship, orthogra
pby, reading, arithmetic.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods, physiology.
Dated at Corvallie, this 29th day of
July, I903.
County School Sup't
Bedu'ced Excursion Bates.
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale, at very low rates round-
trip tickets to the various resorts along
its lines, and also, in connection with
the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, to De
troit afad tbe seaside at Yaquina Bay,
latter tickets good for return until Oct
ober 10th.
Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay good
going Saturdays Mondays are now . on
sale at greatly reduced rates from all
points Eugene and north on both Bast
and Westside lines, enabling people to
spend Sunday at the seaside, Very
low round trip rates are also made be
tween Portland and the same points on
the Southern, 1 Pacific, good going
Saturdays, returning Sunday or Monday
allowing Portlnnd people to spend Sun
day in the country, and the our of town
people to have the day in Portland.
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bay, good for, return via . Albany and
Eastside. or Corvallis and Westside. at
option of passenger. Baggage checked
throug'i to Newport. A new, feature at
Newport this year, will be an up-to-date
kindergarten in charge ou an ex
perienced Chicago teacher. .-. .
A beautifully illustrated booklet de'
scribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina
Bay has been published by - the South
ern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern and
can be secured from their agents, or by
addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A., Si
P. Co. Portlandi or Edwin Stone, Man
ager C. & E. R. R, Co, Albany, Or.
- Popular Sunday Excursions. '
In order to meet the wants of the
t'.avelirig public and give practically
daily service to the. .beach during the
summer season, the Corvallis & Eastern
Railroad wilt run an excursion train'
from Albany and Corvallis and all points
west to Newport every' Sunday, leaving
Albany at 7 a. m. and Corvallis at 7:30
a. m. returning leave Newport at 5:30 p.
hi.. Three day and season tickets will
be good going and returning on these
trains- This should prove popular with
the traveling public and a liberal pa
tronage will be the best appreciation.
To Cascadia.
lf Cascadia Stage office, at Powers and
Loftin's livery barn, Lebanon. We are
prepared to convev people to Cascadia
after the arrival of the morning train
reaching there the same day with or
without baggage.
. ; Powers & Loftin.
; Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given 'that the undersigned
administrator ot the estate of Kinman Vander
pool deceased, has filed la the County Court of
Becton County, 8tate of Oregon his final ac
count as such administrator of said estate, and
that Saturday September the 12th at the hour
of 2 o'clock P. M. has been fixed by said court
as the time lor hearing objections to said re
pott, and the settlement thereof.
"". Administrate r o' the Estate of Kin-
man Vanderpool, Deceased.
Notice ot final Settlement.
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
executor of the estate of C. O. Vanderpool ce
ceased, has filed In the County Court of BenU u
County. 8tate of Oregon his final account as
such txecuior of said estate, ana that Saturday
tbe 12th dy of September at the hour of 2
o'oloc't P' Jl. has been fixed by the court as the
time I r hearing objections to said account and
the seitlemant thereof.
Executor of the Estate of C. C.
. -r Vanderpool. Deceased
" Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter of the Estute -of
Gkobge W. Collins; deceased
Motlce is hpreDy t;iven mat we, lames u Col
lins and William D. Collins, as executors of the
last will and testament of George W Collins, de
ceased, have filed our final account ss such exec
utors with the clerk of the county court of Ben
ton counyt, state of Oregon, and the said court
has fixed" lues Jay the sth day of September,
1903, at the hour ol two o'clock In the after
noon of said day as the time, and the county
court room in the courthouse In Corvallis. Ore
gon, as the place for hearing any and all objec
tions to the said account, and foi settlement
thereof. . .
Dated this August 8, 1003. . '
, William D. Collins,
James H. Collins,
Executors of the last will and testament of
George W. Collins, deceased,
Ag Acs. Uo'CF. ladFy,
Have purchased the Studio of Mr. Philips, on Main
Street, and will be pleased to show samples of
work and quote prices to all.
Fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty.
: 'Also Developing and Furnishing for the Trade.
If You are HaviDs
V -
Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit, that's guaranteed
andjjy one who will, always be' on hand to make good his guarantee. !
Notice to Contractors,
2Jotice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the eewer committee
of the city of Corvallis for the construe,
tion of a lateral sewer through blocks
18 and 19. N. B. and P Avery ,s Addition
to the city of Corvallis up to seven
o'clock p. m., August 10. 1903. Tha
right to reject any and all bids is re
served. '
William Crees,
R. H.' Colbert,
J.M. Cameron.
Sewer Committee.
, Corvallis, July 27th, 1903, .
Inquire at Times office.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Reel.
deoce cor 3rd and Harrioa sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Plione residence 315. . .
G. 11. FAKRA.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells' drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence. 104.
All calls attended promptly. ; "
Ruthyn Tumey .
Instruction given to beginners, and
pupils in all stages of advancement.
Studio Opposite parsonage of M. E.
Church, South..
Trustee's Sale. '. :
In the District Court of the United States for
the District of Oregon. , ,
In the matter of H. C, Mahon.l
A Bankrupt, ' In Bankruptcy
Notice ia hereby given that nnder and by
virtue of an order of sale made and entered by
O C, Bryant, referee In bankruptcy in the mat
ter of the estate of U, C. Mahon, a bankrupt, I
will on ,' . . .' ' :,
Friday the 4th of September, 1903
1 at the
hour of 3 o.olock p. m, of said day, at BlooVett
Station in Blodgett Precinct, Benton County,
Oregon, offer for sale for cash in hand to the
highest bidder the following aescnoea per
sonal property belonging to said bankrupt es
tate as follows:
208 piles on the premises of G H Harris In
Wrenn Precinct, Benton County, Oregon; 200
piles qn the premises ol W. P. McFarland iu
Wrenn Precinct, . in Benton County, - Oregon:
100 piles on tne premises of H 8 Pitt man.
In Wrenn Precinct. Benton County, Oregon: 20
piles on the premises of Harry Francis in
Blodgett Precinct, Benton County. Oregon: 160
piles on the premises of J E Davis In Blodgett
Precinct in Benton County. Oregon; 30 piles on
the premises ot W D Van Horn In Blodgett
Precinct, Benton County Oregon: 6501 Diles on
the premises of H Herron. In Blodgett Precinct.
Benton County; Ortgon; 60 piles on the prem
ises of T J Hill In Blodgett Precinct, Benton
Comity, Oregon ; 126 pllet at Blodgett Station,
In Blougett Precinct. Benton County. Oregon:
10O piles on the premises of G H vVamsley in
Blodgett precinct, Benton County Oregon ; all
of said piles mentioned above, being cut and
peeled and being about 60 feet long and aver
aging 14 inches at the butt and about 9 inches
at the top and unmarked and unbrauded ex
cept the plies on the premises of H Herron and
those on the premises of T J Hill . which aie
marked with a lead pencil mark x,
75 car bunks and 100 oak stake on the prem
ises of J. E. Dvis In Blodgett Precinct, Ben
ton County, Oregon. SO car bunks on tbe prem,
i-es of George Woods in Blodgett Precinct,
Benton county. Cegon ; two derricks on the
premises of G H Wamsley, in Blodgett Pre
cinct, Benton Oounly, Oregon, to be sold in one
separate lot or parcel apart and distinct from
any other property of said bankrupt estate,
free and clear of any lien. ,
Also all of the goods- wares and merchandise
described iu the inventory filed by the Trustee
with the Referee in Bankruptcy m taid estate
matter. Including blacksmith' tools, hardware
groceries anogoods in warehouse and two
bunk houses, wash house, hoods and smoke
stacks, lumber .shingles and ail property of
every nature or kind whatsoever - des
cribed in the Inventory as aforesaid and lo
cated at Blodgett Station, in Blodgstt Precinct
Benton County, Oregon, and that the same will
be sold in separate parcels and free and clear
of any lien. ,
a copy of the Inventory can be seen at the
office of Weatherford & wyart, : at Albany, Ore
gon, upon application. .
Dated this 27th day of July. 1903,
. - Trussree.. '
Trouble with your Eyes
The Jeveler and Optician.
Willamette Vallej
Banking Company;
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Sxch nar faqUi oavahle at all floan
clal centers In United States, Canada
al Europe
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND London A San FranciHcoBank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce. '
SAN FRAXCISCO -London & San Francis
co Kank Limited.
NEW lOBK-MeMM. J, P. Morgan te Co. '
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco
Batik Limited.
' Francisco Bank Limited.
Raises its grain Only, 28 in
ciies. All levers are handy
and easy to operate. It is
strong, though light, and will
last well. -
S. E. Kline, flat.
We furnish extras for all Os-'
born machines.
Time Card Number 21.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. .,
. " arrives Yaquina. . . ,
...12:45 p. m
.. . 2:00 p. m
. . . 6:25 p. m
. . . 6:45 a m
...11:30 a. m
...12:15 p. m
, Leaves Yaqnina ,
Leaves Corvallis. .
Arrives Albany ,....t ..
3 For Detroit: j , -Leaves
Albany 7:00 a. m
. Arrives Detroit. 12:05 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit ...12 5 p. m
Arrives 'Albany..... 5:35 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hoars in
Albany before departure of S P north,
bound train.
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit,' Breitenbuah and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to
. Edwin Stonb,
Manager. .
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
.Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallig. Or.