The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 12, 1903, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
OBVAIX1S, OREGON, AUG. 13, 1903.
the Frozen Arctic Corvallisil
i ir There and Writes About it.
Mrs. Jeffreys, formerly of Cor
vallis recently joined ier husband,
'Thomas Jeffreys, at Cape Nome,
arriving there the 15th of June last.
She sailed on the steamer. Senator
from Seattle, and enroute, the ship
With 560 souls on board was for
some time in the perilous embrace
of an Arctic ice pack. In a letter
to Corvallis friends, Mrs. Jeffreys
tells the story of the ship's exper
ience, in part, as follows:
'We heard 'the cry that the
dreaded ice pack was ahead, and
sure enouerh within a few minutes
the good ship was up against it
Oantain Patterson climbed to the
"crow's nest" and took a long look
over the great ice sea, and signalled
-to the men below to so ahead. We
made fairly good progress that af
ternoon so every one was . encour
aged. We were confident that's
Jew more hours would take us out
ino theopen sea: How little "do
vte knnw what really is ahead
of us in this life. So it was in
this case; for on . Thursday
in the great ship began to
and rattle. Her great iron heart
commenced to throb and pulsate
like that of a strong man on the
"brink of danger. The bells rang
onttoslow down, and we were
&st in the great sea of ice, with a
dreadful uncertainty; of what the
consequence might be. ' Many a
xood ship in similar circumstances
lias been crushed as an egg shell,
and her precious cargo dropped
into the bosom of the ity deep.
"Again and again the great steel
vessel backed off and rushed at
full speed against the icy barrier,
sometimes gaining a short distance,
sometimes apparently making no
headway whatever. ' " Friday the
old ship made by inch and foot its
way through the great ice cake, but
so slow was her progress that from
four o'clock in the morning to four
in the afternoon, we made but ; four
miles. ' " : : .'" .
"At last, apparently five miles
ahead, was the open sea, and its
immunity from the deadly perils
that constantly hovered about us.
But the ice seemed tp be thicken
ing, and the battle the gallant
vessel was fighting got more
intense. Still we were gaining
. headway slowly. Off ahead of us
the ice seemed to be more craggy
and rougher. Was this the shore
ice, was the question. If so, our
situation would be worse still.
- When we reached a point about
half a mile from the open sea,
another quiver of the great hull
told that once more we were locked!
m ine grasp 01 tne icy monster.
This time, we seemed to be doomed
to wait until kind Providence
should by His wind and.sun, sepa
rate and melt-the ice, and give us a
way to the open sea; for all the
force the vessel had could not move
.the monster ice cakes in front of us.
Here we lay helpless, moving by
the ocean current at the rate of 2
miles an hour toward the Arctic.
At this juncture a Scotch sailor pas
senger said that if he were given
the coil of the big rope and the
steam machine on board the ship,
lie would clear the way. His ex
periment was a success, and in less
than thirty minutes . the- huge ice
berg was moving away from the
front of the vessel, giving her a
chance to move ahead. Five hun
dred and sixty throats were scream
ing. The "Consciousness of impen
ding danger was lifted, for within
forty minutes the scream of the
ship's whistle . announced that we
were once more in the open sea. -
"We landed at Nome, Thursday
June 15th." ; . -
Not Over Wise.
There is an old allegorical picture
of a girl sacred as' a grasshopper,
but ia the act of heedlessly treading
on a snake This is paralleled by
the man who spends a large sum of
money building a cyclone cellar,
but neglects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Col
ic and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe
guard against bowel complaints,
whose victims outnumber those of
-the cyclone a hundred to one.. This
remedy is recognized as the most
prompt and reliable medicine in use
for these diseases. For sale by Al
len & Woodward. - '
For Sale.
A neat comfortable 5 room bouse
with one' lot and a third of ground
three blocks from college. Call on or
address W. O. Shrlber, Corvallis. v.
For Bent. - - ,
Famished rooms, second door north
of M. E, church South.
Mrs. E. L' Fitch.
Crowd at Newport-Tilt Between
Banker and Ex-Governor A Fight "
What Wild Waves Say.
More people are assembled now
at the "Newport beach than were
ever there , before. . The hotel
men say so, . old residenters say so,
the railroad people say so, and the
crowd .that nightly gathers to . see
the boat arrive speaks eloquently
to that effect. During the latter
cerefflenjf : pfOgress through the
main street of the l'ttle seaside town
is well nigh . impossible. The
"Gangway" bawled out by burley
hotel flunkies and baggagemen in
order to secure leeway for the pro
gress of the newly arrived and pale
faced tender feet barely serve to op
en the ranks of the oa-lookers suf
ficient to' admit of tree passage to
the various hosteijfes and elsewhere.
All over the w&Ati back into the
street, on the Sidewalk and hotel
verandas, ail for a distance of a full
block, th "people stand, almost as
closely packed together as sardines
in a box. The stirring notes of a
brass band in "The Good Old Sum
mer Time" and kindred selections,
the mingling of the music with the
chery greetings and laughter of
the waiting multitude for the newly
arrived, the bustle that the hotel at
taches get on for the removal of
baggage,, the crowd, the conversa
tion and buzz, create a scene alto
gether enlivening, and at once im
press the newcomer that the pros
pect isfull of promise for a good
time. .. .
As to the crowd, the resources of
the railroad people are sorely taxed ;
to accommodate the traffic. No
such an offering of summer business
was expected, and preparation for it
was not complete. No less than
four crews of trainmen are kept in
constant service on the western end
of the line. The train that goes to
the Bay Saturday afternoon, leaves
at once for Albany to accommodate
the Sunday ; excursion business.
The same coaches return to the'
Bay on Sunday forenoon, make the
trip back to Albany in the evening,
and ordinarilly pas9back to Yaquina
during the night to be in readiness,
for the crowd that always comes out
during the outing season on Mon
day morning. Thus, pushed al
most to the wall in the efforts to
meet the requirements of the. "busi
ness, the railroad is m the
midst of an activity that it has nev
er' known before. More coaches and
more locomotives must be. provided
if the Newport beach is to continue
to grow in popularity. " ' . .
The result of this ebb and flow of
people beachward, is seen after the
traveler has made the rounds of
the beaches. Every room in every
hotel ' has an occupant, In the
hallway, there are cots for the ill
starred seasider who arrives late
and without the precaution of hav
ing engaged a room beforehand.
Every house in the town is inhab
ited. Back on the hills there are
white tents enough to suggest that
an army of many regiments is quar
tered there. All the old cottages
are full, and many new ones have
been built. There are people from
Baker City, from Ashland, and evr
en from far off Idaho and Montana.
The families of Eastern Oregonians
are there by the score, waiting for
the return of cooler breezes and
cooler nights before they leave for
their homes in the arid Inland Em
pire. . ; '..
Every seasider that has been at
the beach for a week has a complex
ion that is neither a delusion, nor a
snare. - It stamps almost to within
a few hours the length of time that
has been put in at the beach. If
the hose1 is approximately a meer
schaum brown and the cheeks a
slightly , paler hue, the stay among
the Pacific winds, and sun has been
perhaps three weeks If the cloth
ing is that of a seasider but the skin
more nearly that of a Siletz brave
or bravessi the stay is not far from
two weeks. The winds and sun
shine over there are merciless in
their operations, and none escape.
The maiden fair on whose cheek
roses and peach blush play has
not been long among them.- She is
a tenderfoot, and must sail lor the
valley or take the consequences.
They tell a story over there of
Banker Bush and the late'ex-Gov
ernor Pennbyer. Both have long
been famed for witty sayings.
"How is it that you and Pennoyer
don't get along better," said a mu
tual friend to Banker Bush, one
day. The banker, sage cleared his
throat and the reply was, "The
trouble with Pennoyer is that he
runs his saw mill too little and
his mouth too much."
Lajer the friend related the inci
dent to Pennoyer, and his rejoinder
was: "Yes, Bush sits there in his
bank, piling up gold and hoarding
it, year in and year out. He keeps
piling it up dollar on dollar; but
what good will it do him. He can't
take it with him when he dies, be
cause if he does, it will melt."
When the ex-governor s witticism
was brought by the same haud to
the banker this was his grim reply:
"Yes, I'll take it with me, and Pen
noyer will be there when it melts,
dipping it up with a ladle.
The departure of the latest Sun
day excursion " from , the Newport
wharf Sunday night was character
ized by a diversion. It was a small
riot iri which Pearl Cooper of Inde
pendence, was , a star performer.
There was an awful crowd, almost
all the boat and the accompanying
barge conld accommodated Every
body wanted to be " first on board,
ana as is usual at suca times men
and hoodlums unencumbered with
baggage or women tried to climb on
the boat from several points along
the wharfs The boats crew, among
whom were Harry and Bush Davis,
held such performers back and en
deavored to have them board the
boat by the gang plank, far the
safer and better way, and one to
which the boat company requires
observance both for the safety of the
public and the protection of itself.
In the rush, one man tried to oc
cupy a lorbidden place. ' lie was
told to move back, but he resisted,
The boatmen laidTiold to put him
off, and he showed fight. On the
wharf above was Pearl Cooper, and
with the ruffian purpose that ' is his
wont, he rushed down the gangway,
climbed aboard and engaged in the
mixup, one by the way, in - which
he had neither interest nor concern.
His hand ' was raised, of course,
against the boat's crew, and little
Bush Davis, only a boy was the
main object of his attack. Cooper
weighs over 200 pounds, but the
little boatman showed fight and
protected himsel ffrom injury as
best he could until the arrival of
his brother Harry and others when
Cooper was unceremoniously eject
ed from the boat. Cooper is the
person who shot one of the Post
boys in the arm at a dance at Sum
mit, and was subsequently tried for
the offense in the Benton county
circuit court. During the melee on
the boat, which lasted for two or
three minutes and wis sharp while
it lasted, there was intense excite
ment on boat and wharf.
The excursion of last Sunday was
'one of the heaviest of the season.
In all about 500 people went over,
of whom 96 took the train at Cor
vallis. They went in 1 r coaches.
and on the bay-bound trip there
were ample ' accommodations. On
the returning trip in the evening
there was a far larger number, occa
sioned by the return of many who
had gone over on Saturday and
other previous days. The train on
the out-bound trip consisted of nine
coaches. "
The immense traffic between Ya
quina and Newport, is handled by
the boat company with dispatch and
promptness. M. M. Davis is Cap
tain of the boat, and Captain Ben-
sail, the veteran pilot is at the wheel.
The steamer Richardson and a huge
barge carry all the passengers and
baggage in a single trip, delivering
the traveler at Newport in ample
time for supper, which the salt wa
ter ride prepares him to enjoy.
Adjourned Meeting of Conncil Didn't
Buy the Pony R. F. D. Routes to go.
Miss Dorothea Nash, for the past
three years in ' Europe, passed
through town yesterday, enroute to
visit : her , brothers on. the Rock
crekfarm. -- .. .. -
Tne elevator for the hew proces
sing and packing plant to be estab
lished here.; arrived, on :. Monday's
freight train. X AH other; equipment
for the plant arrived some time ago
and everything is now in readiness
to begin the work of preparing the
building and"setting the machinery.
Mrs. Johnny Hayes has arranged
to build a new residence on her
farm nearsthe junction of Mary's
river and Muddy. Charley . Heck-
art has the contract tor its construc
tion, and he went out the first of
the week with a corps of carpen
ters to begin work on the structure,
It is to be an eight-room two-story
house. x
'" Frank St John, who resides in the
Millhollen neighborhood across the
river met with a serions accident
the last of the week. While work
ing in his barn he fell from the !of
and struck a beam in the descent
which resulted in the breaking of
his left arm above the elbow, and the
dislocation of his shoulder. A
physician was hastily summoned
from Corvallis. -' . . .
On authority of a dispatch dated
at Independence the Times pub
lished a statement to the effect that
a warrant was out for the arrest of
the Rev. Guy Osburn. a Methodist
mini&ter who had been supplying
the Independence and Buena Vista
churches. On behalf of the church
Rev. F. L- Moore, pastor " of the
Corvallis M. E. organization wishes
to have it stated that Osburn was re
fused admission to the M. E. annu
al conference and had been discon
tinued even as a supply for nearly
a year.
On account of a lack of a quo
rum, the city council tailed to hold
the regular monthly meeting Mon
day night. Councilman Cameron,
Colbert and Hodes were absent
rrom town, ana uounciimen Avery
was iil. Councilman Henkle was
Victor P. Moses to School '- Dis
trict No- 9 6 lots, Blk. 1 1, County
addition. $1,453.13. .
H. C. Miller and wife , to School
District No. 9, 3 lots, B lk. 1 1 , Coun
ty addition, $799.20.
A. E Carter to S. Swansen, Blk
2 Job's addition, $1. ' -.
State of Oregon to C. E. Max-
field, 104 acres, Kings Valley, $129,
99- v:.v,::'':.'.
- H. F. Conner and others to Mrs.
L. M. Cooper, 38 acres near Albany
$85o. ;,. . ,
'Alfred Johnson and wife to John
Cum., 3 lots, BIki 8, Corvallis,
$i,550. .. . . - .
C. M. Smith and wife to W. I,.
Price, 275 acres west of Corvallfs,
$3,500. V"'
,W. T. Wvatt and wife to the
College of Philomath. 1 lot in Phi
lomath, $1000.
" A. B. B, Lewis and wife, 1 lot
Philomath, $500. t i
. State of Oregon to Anna Smith
and others, 71 acres, south of Cor
vallis, $250. "-" ' '
Eliza Hayes and husband to An
nie Smith, 580 acres, south of Cor
vallis $1. . . ' "
Annie Smith to Caroline Hayes,
2 lots in Avery's addition, $5. .
Annie Smith to Eliza Hayes, 988
acres, near Corvallis, $1.
Caroline Hayes to. Eliza Hayes,
2 lots in Avery's addition. $5.
For Sale.
One horse, harness and buggy. In
quire of E. Walden. ;
Wanted. . -.
50 cedar poles 25 and 30 feet, 7-inch
tops or , over; i delivered in Corvallis.
Apply at Pacific States T. & T. Co.
in town, but wan not in attendance
Councilman Porter,? Crees, Roee
and Taylor were on hand, but they
are but four, while five is the num
ber required for a jjuornm. The
meeting was adjourned to this,
Wedoeeday evening', for 7:30
o'clock. . , .
J. B. Patterson, who resigned his
position as instructor in physical
culture atOAC last. January, and
went to Wilkesbarre Pennsylvania to
take a similar position, is to enter
the Washington Medical college at
St Louis for a course in medicine
within a few weeks. In the latter
as professor of physiology is Sidney
P,. Budgett, one time well known in
Corvallis. when he was owner of
the stock farm now owned by P. A.
Kline. Budgett studied medicine
after he left Corvallis, and . some
time later succeeded to the chair of
physiology in the institution
Rural Free Delivery Routes
number two and three, out of Cor
vallis, are to go into operation on
the 15th of September. : The news
reached Postmaster Johnpon by leU
ter yesterday . Carriers are to leave
the poatoffice on each route at
12:30, and are to make the round
by six o'clock in the evening. The
names of the carriers have not yet
been given out. .Complete instruc
tions with reference to the estab
lish x en t of the routes are contained
in the letter of notification. The
people interested are largely indeb
ted to Postmaster Johnson for the
sudden turn in affairs. His vigor
ous measures alone, secured a re
versal of the department's late pro
posal to abandon the routee. , .
Last Sunday Wm. Hartley and a
friend strolled out on Mary's river
fiat and the former approached a
pony which was staked there. Mr.
Hartley liked the looks of the ani
mal and began caressing him. "I
like the looks of this little fellow
very much," said Mr. Hartley. "I
shouldlike to buy him. He ap
pears so kind and gentle." Mr.
Hartley passed his hand down the
pony's hind leg to discover sany
blemishes. Like a flash , the ani
mal smote the hand . that caressed
him,- and wheeled and kicked vic
iously, with both hind feet, sending
Mr. Hartley's hat high in the air.
The gentleman essayed to retaliate
in kind but he was soon compelled to
retreat, the length of the stake-rope
only saving him from utter annihi
lation. Since the encounter Mr.
Hartley has not been able to work
on account of a lacerated hand and
probably a number of inapparent
injuries which he does not care , to
disclose. He is endeavoring to find
the owner of the pony, not for the
purpose of buying the animal, but
with the intention of presenting a
claim for damages. '
Our Annual MidSunimer Sale is now running in
full blast. ,' -
Every article in stock will be reduced, except
"Douglas" and Walk-Over Shoes, Hawes $3.00
Hats, Monarch White Shirts, Bull Breeches, and
Our Own Overalls. ,
Deep cut in Men's and Boys' Suits, Wash Skirts,.
Shirt Waists, and Wash Dress Goods,
Bargains all along the line in order to make room
for our Fall Stock which will arrive early.
Goods sold at reduced price for Cash only.
Store Closes at 6 o'clock.
Phone 575.
Ct tties Off ice for 3b Printing.
Depends dri it.
WALDO " Batter, made from
BENTON " one herd of cows.
The Kind that is made from The Kind that's made from
good wheat by careful and good flour, good salt, good
experienced millers,, the yeast, good butter, such as
Kind that satisfied us after we sell and guarantee,
careful study and investiga- - .
. tion. .
Good Groceries
Free from adulteration and Impurities,
V' the kind that you always find .
At Hodes' Grocery
Members of the Corvallis Im
provement League are very much
gratified with the showing made at
the exhibit of gladiolas held at the
public school building in this city
Thursday afternoon. The product
of 20 per cent, of the bulbs given
out to school children was exhibit
ed, and the display showed conclu
sively that the conditions Here are
admirably adapted to the . produc
tion of the gladiolus. Mrs. Crees,
Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Tartar compos
ed the committee selected to grade
the various specimens and credit
the various exhibitors accordingly
It was not the intention to award
prizes at this showing. There are
manv stocks whicn nave not yet
approached maturity, and there are
to be two or three exhibits made
in the future to determine the win
ners of prizes. , Finally the scores
of each exhibitor will be added,
and the prizes awarded by the to
tals. Five hundred bulbs were giv
en out, and these are to be return
ed to the league. Young bulbs pro
duced by the old ones are to be re
tained by the children." The orig
inal bulbs are to be sold at . a small
price and with the : proceeds bulbs
or seeds of spring flowers are to ' be
purchased for, distribution on a plan
similar to the one now being car
ried out. ' Lovers of flowers and the
public generally are invited to at
tend these displays. . Due notice
will be given as to the date of the
next exhibit,
As well as Choicest Delicacies
for lunch and dinner, can al
ways be found at our store.
We handle only first-class
goods and can guarantee qual
ity. . Everything offered for
sale here is strictly .fresh and v
just as represented. We car
ry large stock of selected
Family and Fancy Groceries,
and are sele agents for
gbase Sanborn
Bigfy Grade Coffees.
P. m: gicrolf.
. For Sale, '.
A lady's Imperial bicycle and a lady's
gold watch and chain. Articles in good
condition, Inquire at Times office. . -
Buv your harvesting outfits at ' Nolan
& Callahan's.