The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 08, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI.--NO. 22.
B. F. 1KV1NH -Editor
and Proprietor.
We have Many Articles in our Estab
lishment that the season is just
beginning to permit you to use.
Many of them we are selling below
regular prices.
" All Shirt "Waists 20 to 30 percent Reduction.
All Dimities and Lawns 15 " "
All Wove Dress Goods 10 " "
All Ladies' Shoes 10 s
Big Line to Select from.
Ke Do Hot Lm
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but 'see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer- x
ies that is the
place to
L Fresh Fruits,
tresn every imng to De naa an tne market;, we
) run our delivery wagon and our aim - is
(g to keep wha you
f& ; - . nlaaan fall
01 nornmg g
M good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Hanches, write for my special list, or- come and
eee me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
-Philomath, Oregon.
XU- . JrJciJt&JN UI,
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
A. m.. 1 t A A n. m Clwlara mav ho
left at Graham & Worthata's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
: Philomath, Oregon.-. . ,
.... a
1 .
Frsb Utgtftiblts, 2
want and to
artA om
1 CO
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
v Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnildmg, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p, m. .
One Escaped Convict from Folsom
Captured All Others Are in .
Hiding Cyclone Strikes
St. Louis Fair Build- 1
;. ings.
Rome, Aug. 4. At 11:40 o'clock
this morning Cardinal Macchi, sec
retary of the Apostolic Briefs, ap
peared on tme balcony or the Vati
can and announced that. Cardinal
Joseph Sarto, patriarch i of Venice,
had been elected pope of the Holy
See. The new pontiff has selected the
name of Pius X. ,
Pope Sarto was born June 2, 1835,
at Riese, and was one of the most
learned cardinals. His election is
believed to be a compromise, as he
has taken no interest in Vatican
politics. . .;: -. "'v".
Pius X will probably devote
himself to : religious affairs almost
exclusivniy," except to urge concilia
tion, as did the late Pope Loo.
The charitable disposition of oar-
to has gained for him the affections
of the multitudes of the Vatican.
An immense crowd had gathered
at St. Peter's at as early as 10:45
o'clock this morning watching the
Vatican stovepipe. It was the larg
est multitude . that has ' gathered
since the beginning of the conclave
and numbered about 12,000.
When government officials saw
the enormous streajns of humanity
wending their way to St. Peter's the
number of troops was increased in
order to suppress promptly any dis
order, each as whistling, catcalls,
sarcastic shout? should the first of
the day's ballot fail to elect. This
unruly spirit was shown somewhat
at last night s ballot.
' Sarto, the prelate, is from the
Venitian provinces. He began his
studies early at his native place
and was paesed to college at Castel
Franco, where he was ordained
Driest and although very young; he
was given the parish of Tombolo.
He was soon transferred to a larger
parish in 1867. The bishop of
Trevi-o recognizing ' Sarto's great
merit and ability,' nominated him
Canon of the Cathedral, where he
became vicar general. -
. In 1884 he was made bishop of
Mantova. Here his Teal activity,
cleverness and scope was not long
in coming to the front. In 1893, at
the age of 58, he was chosen patri
arch of Venice, but the government
refused its permission because of
some political act. He obtained
permission, however, and when giv
en the patriarchate he was made
The new pope had - no expecta
tion of the pontificate and bought a
round trip ticket when he left Ven
ice to attend the conclave.
Placerville, Cal., Aug. 4. It .is
believed that at least five of the es
caped convicts are not more than a
dozen miles from this city, in hid
ing in the dense countrv this side
of Grizzly Flat. . "
It has been verified that the five
of the FoUom Prison . outlaws visit
ed Pine's ranch - yesterday, and
their camp has been located about
a mile from the ranchman's house.
There . they probably spent last
night. It is judged today that only
five traveled in the party that held
up Pine. This gang is designated
as the Webber Creek party, but
.where the remaining seven cut
throats are is only conj'ecture.
It is surmised that the other
band is making its way along the
Tuolomne River, which is in an al
most untreaded district. If this is
so, Nevada is their object point,
thiough Hope Valley." It is believ
that'the desperadoes mnst surely
be captured if large enongh posses
can be induced to follow them, as
the country is so sparsely settled
that the convicts must appear in
order to get food.
It is the purpose of Sheriff Bos
quit to station sentries about form-
bouses in the country ahead of
where the outlaws are- supposed to
be, in order that when they ap
proach a house they can be readily
San Francisco; Aug.. 5.' James
RobertS7one of the 13. convicts who
escaped from Folsom prison",' "was
captured today ,'. near - Davisville,
about 35 miles from Folsom. It is
thought that Roberts . was accom
panied by Convict Howard, and a
detail of officers is now searching
for Howard between Davisville and
Sacramento. ;;
Of the : many 'reports that have
drifted in today regarding the pur
suit of the remaining convicts in
the neighborhood of Placerville, the
most promising is the discovery at
Shingle Springs, that Case and one
more of the fugitives were in that
vicinity Monday night. .
A telephone message was received
from Lotus tonight that today's
work of the pots a in that neighbor
hood had been fruitless. . .
St. Louis, f Aug. 5. One of - the
heaviest storms of the year, but of
brief duration, swept over St. Louis
at 3 o'clock today, being preceded
by a wind that in the western por
tion of the city developed into min
iature twister that tore through the
World's Fair Grounds, killing one
man, probably fatally injuring a-
Dotber, and severely iDjurmg seven
otherf, besides causing damage to
the World's Fair buildings and oth
er property' generally- throughout
the city to the extent of $10,000.
The greatest fury of the Storm, was
felt at the W01 Id's " Fair grounds,
- The - day had been extremely
warm, the temperature registering
94 degrees. Suddenly the sky be
gan growing dark, and within a
comparatively short time it became
necessary to retort to artificial lights
in the stores.
Soon after, the storm broke with
th a force of a gale. Pedestrians
hurried for shelter, and the wind
swept through the streets, causing
a little damage here and there by
broken windows, falling signs and
shade trees.
' Mrs,. Mollis Allen, of South Fork,
Ky., saya she has prevented attacks
of cholera morbus by taking Cham
berlain's Stomach nd Liver Tab
lets when Bhe felt an attack coming
on. Such an attack is usually
caused by indigestion and these
Tablets are just what is needed, to
cleanse the stomach and ward off
the approaching, attack. Attacks
of bilious colio may be prevented
in the same way. . For sale by Al
len &Wood ward.
To the Public.
I am now agent for ,- the Bunco ; and
Omey's new method or kintergarten
system of teaching music on piano and
organs, the latest and best thing., of the
kind now on the market. , ; (
Am also authorized to engage agents ,
territory assigned. . Call on or write -
: .,';': F, P. Morgan,
" ' ' - - .' Corvallis, Ore.
. For Sale. , .-'.,"' ;
?One horse, harness and buggy. "In
quire of E Walden.
To the Seaside and ' Mountain Re
". sorts for the Summer. .
On and after Jane 1st, 1903, the South,
era Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad will have on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De
troit, at very low rates, good fdr return
until October lo, I903. . .
Three day tickets to Newport : and
Yaquina, good going Saturdays and re
turning Mondays, are also on sale from
all Eastside points Portland to Eugene
inclusive, and from all ' Westside points
enabling people to visit their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside. -
Season tickets from all Eastside
points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and
from all Westside points are also on sale
to Detroit at very low rates with- stop
over privileges at Mill City or at . any
point east enabling tourists to visit the
Santiam and Breitenbush as well as the
famous Breitenbush Hot Springs iu the
Cascade mountains which can be reach
ed in one day
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October loth. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
days and returning Moudajrs only.
Tickets from Portland and vicinity will
be good for return via the Bast or West
side at option - of - passenger. Tickets
from Eugene and vicinity will be good
going via the , .Lebanon Springfield
branch, if desired. Baggage on New
port tickets checked through to New
port; on Yaquina . tickets . to Yaquina
only. ': '
S, P. trains connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallis, for Yaquina
and Newport. Trains on the O. & E.
for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en
abling tourists to the Hot 'Springs . to
reach there the same day. .
.. Full information as to rates, time
tables, etc can be obtained on applica
tion to-Edwin Stone, manager G. &. E.,
R R at Albany; W. E. Comao, G. P. A.
S P Co Portland or to any S P. or C E
agent. . : ; . .... . .. . . .. :
L Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3,75.
Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina 3,25.
; Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, .$3,25.
Three days rate from Corvallis to Ya
quina or Newport, $2.50, ,
Fierce Encounter Between Eigh
teen Foot Python and India
Bull Schwab Resigns
Married Woman E-
lopes with Ex-Con- ,
. vict. ...
Boston, July 28. At Massachu
setts Homoeopathic hospital a wo
man's sight has been preserved by
grafting "with the ekin of a frog.
The flesh around the eye had be-,
come bruised and the skin became
affected. Both to save the eye
sight itself and to prevent the eye
socket from having a pale appear
ance the graft had to be made. One
of the ablest surgeons of the hos
pital says frog ekm was used be
cause no human skin was . availa
ble. :; . . -
The patient has fully recovered
and now. moves in Boston's best so
ciety, a handsome, fine-looking per
son. - '
No one but the surgeon who per
formed the operation knows that
the skin around the eye is frog skin.
The Datura! ekin and the frog graft
have coalesced, so as to be indis
tinguishable the one from the other,
New York, Aug. 5. A fight to
the death between a Burmah bull
and an eighteen-foot python took
place at Far Kockaway yesterday
afternoon . Not until . the lower
part of the serpent's-body was torn
terribly did it remove its fangs and
release the bull from its coils.
In the combat Mile. Van, a snake
charmer, had her arm lacerated by
the serpent's fangs. The wound
was cauterized by Dr. E. S. Parker,
of Grand View avenue, Far Rocka
way. . ,.. '
The fight occurred in a side-show
of Welsh Brothers' circus. Both
bull and snake are natives of East
India. When the charmer raised
the snake from its cage, it sighted
the bull and -wriggled from her
hands. ; Children screamed and
women, fainted when the snake
struck the ground. It sprang for
the bull and partly coiled around
him just below bis hump. As if
experienced in fighting reptiles, the
bull lay on his side and ripped his
horns under the snake's body. ;
Mile. Van tried to remove the
snake, but it stuck its fangs in her
left arm. She diopped to the
ground and fainted. She was re
suscitated by Dr. Parker.
The bull sank his horns into the
reptile, brought his head forward
and tore the snake's body for a feot.
The serpent gradually released its
hold. Ten minutes afterward it
was dead. v .
. New York, Aug. 4. The resigna
tion of Charles E. Schwab, as pres
ident United States Steel Corpora-.
tion, was tendered and accepted at
a meeting of the directors today.
William E. Corry was unanimous
ly elected as his successor.
Mr. Schwab s resignation caused
no surprise in . nnancial circles,
where it had for some time been
foreshadowed. . ;
The new president was for years
one of Andrew Carnegie's ablest
Absolutely Pure
lieutenants; and is now president
of the Carnegie Steel Company, one
of the subaidiarv concerns of thai
United States Steel Corporation. It.
ifl BPArppIv mevrtk tVi an a mnrttl ami
that Mr. Corry was made assistant
to the president, because ofL
Schwab's continued ill health. .
Portland, Aug. 4. Mrs. Elliott
Parkhurst, a young wife, aged 2&V
eloped with Harry Riley, an ex
convict, and is believed to be in Se
attle. Mrs. Parkhurst is a daugh
ter of ex-Warden Janes, of the Sa
lem penitentiary. Her mother is: &.
sister of ex-Governor Geer. Riley
served two years in San Qaentin,
and was again sentenced to five
years in Salem. While there be
met young Mrs. Parkhurst, who of
ten visited her parents. Both are
said to have fallen in love. Last
Saturday Riley came here from the
penitentiary, released. He was met
by Mr. Parkhurst, who married Miaa .
Janes seven years ago, and who did
not H.UOW 01 tne aitacoment. xuo
felt a kindly interest in Riley, and.
took him home.' Late Saturday
night, while en route home, Riley
assaulted 'Parkhurst and beat him:
almost to death. A hack drove up,
and Mrs. Parkhurst appeared oa
the scene. The ex-convic H.nd tnt
woman got in, and that- was inelast
seen of them. Biley had told friends -that
he intended going to Seattle
for a few days, and then to his old
home in Chicago. Parkhurst is well-to-do,
an ex-deputy sheriff well
known at the Salem Penitentiary.
; Working Night And Dav
The busiest and mightiest littla
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. These pills
change weakness into strength, list
lessnBs into energy, brain-fas in
to mental power. They're wonder-'
ful in building up the health. On
ly 20c per box. Sold by Allen's
Pharmacy. -
In order to meet the wants of the
t aveling public and give practically
dftiW servirfl tn tli hparh durinr the
summer season, the Corvallis & Eastern
Railroad will run an ' excursion - train
from Albany and Corvallis and all points
west to Newport every Sunday, leaving
Alhanv at 7 a. tn. and Corvallis al rm
- & - - t j-o" tr
m., Three day and season tickets will. -be
good going and returning on these
trains-' This should prove popular withv
the traveling public and a liberal pa
tronage will be the best appreciation.
For Sale.
Twelve head of large sized Durham
milch cows, 16 head two year old heifers,
one Durham boll 5 years old, and one
pedigreed Durham bull two Tears old.'
Intend to close ont business; moat be
sold by Sept. 1, 1903. . .
,J. E. Aldrich. "
For Sale,
-; Shropshire sheep.
Aberdeen Angus cattle: "
Poland China pigs.
Young stock now ready for shipment.
Fat cows and ' heifers of the best
breed to trade for Jersey cows,' alsa
spring calves of beef breeds for sale or
trade. v
One second hand 20-foot wind miH.
tower. v
. I. L. Brooks. -
, For the best coffee in Corvallis call oa
P. M. Zierolf.
BggJ ' . Alf .