The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 01, 1903, Image 4

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Many More Dismissals will .follow
Who Some of the Suspects
Are No Effort to Be made
to Prosecute Them
Other News.
Washington. Julv 15. lhe re
rooval of Charles Hedges will be
followed by other dismissals when
various features of the present in
vesHgation into the postal service
are completed. Those employees
under suspicion or against whom
minor offenses are alleged will be
quietly discharged. No effort will
be made to prosecute them. Among
them are believed lo be the follow
; Wi'liam xl. Landvoigt, superin
tendent of classification, whose son
is an employee ot the General Man
ifold Company, which has sold
large quantities of multiplex books
to the department.
; Louis Kempner, euperintendeot
of the registry division, who sup
pressed an inventory showing that
a surplus of 10,000 multiplex books
was bought from the General Man
ifold Company.
M. A W. Loui?,
of the division of
poetofhce sup
John M. Masten, Assistant su
periutendent of the railway mail
service, against whom charges have
been filed, and who is now under
investigation. Masten was chief
clerk to Perry S. Heath when a
large proportion of the irregularities
now being examined were commit
H. H. Rand, confidential clerk
to the postmaster-general, who has
utilized his position to advance the
eale of mining slock.
Assistant superintendent of Ru
ral free delivery hazzard, at New
Xork, who is charged with having
been the real bead of the promotion
ring and to : have conducted this
brokerage business in connection
with the officials here.
, George A. C Christiancy, acting
as assistant attorney-general, who
was relieved frooi duty at his own
request. -"
There will be other subordinate
officials' and many high-grade
clerks removed. This will be done
one at a time. It. is determined to
clear the department ot all those
who were intimately associated with
the Beavers and Machen regime
and against whom petty irregulari
ties have been alleged or strong
euspicioas directed.
Contrary to his declared inten
tion, Charles Hedges, who was dis
missed yesterday from the position
of superintendent of city free de
livery, today asked for an investi
gation and reinstatement. He also
filed a claim for 16 days' leave of
abssnce with pay.
In answering Hedges' assertion
that during the years 1898, 1899
and 1900 he had not taken one day
of regular leave, officials of the post
office department declare that the
reason Hedges did not take a leave
of absence when a vacation was
eoming to him was that if he had
done as he wouldn't have had an
excuse for charging up a per diem
allowance, and his salary was all
that would have been paid him.
As it was he took the side trios, re- !
ceived a regular salary, and charg
ed up per diem expenses.
; Assistant Superintendent Haz
zard, of New York, was stationed
there for some time and became in
timate with both Beavers and Mi
ehen. He was subsequently trans
ferred to New York but, frequently
visited this city. It is said that
last winter, whole here on one of
thete visits, Hazzard became in
volved in an ahercatioa and was
According to the story which is
being told about the postoffice de-
4. TT I .
panment, nazzira was taKen to a
local hospital,' and, through the in
fluence of Machen and Beavers, the
affair was kept from the newspa
pers. , .
A local surgeon Dr. Kerr, who
was called to treat the patient, is
paid to have ;' rendered a bill to the
pew Yorker, only to be . ''turned
Mown." It is not denied that the
surgeon has made efforts to collect
Jtbe bill through the postoffice de
partment. - Hazzard is said to have
been at the hospital for six weeks,
and aiterward made affidavit that
e was actively engaged in the ser
vice of the department and received
herefore a per diem allowance of $4,
he same as Hedges while the latter
vas in Mexieo and in attendance at
he funeral of the . late Senator
Sherman. ,-
50 cedar poles 25 and 30 feet, 7,inch
tops or j over; delivered in Vo rvalue.
pply at Pacific States T. &T. Co. "
Pasadena, Cal July 26. Miss
Alice Dane, apparently a hopeless
cripple and deprived of perfect
speech for many years, has sudden
ly had the use ot her limbs and
vocal powers restored as the result
of an accident. Mi?s Dane suffer
ed from spinal trouble, and had to
hobble about on crutches and could
scarcely speak above a whisper.
Last Thursday, while descending
the stairs in her home, ehe fell and
last step stiuck against her chest
Immediately the pain from which
she had suffered for many years
left, and alter being taken to a
couch and lying there for awhile,
she got up, and, to the surprise of
every one, walked without the aid
of crutches. Many physicians had
treated the case unsuccessfully for
years. '
Mrs. Mollie AUen, of South Fork
Ky., says ehe has prevented attacks
of cholera morbus by taking Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets when she felt an attack coming
on. buch an attack is usually
caused bv indigestion and these
Tablets are just what is needed to
cleanse the stomach and ward off
tna approaching attack. Attacks
of bilious colic may be prevented
in the pame way. For sale by Al
len & Wood ward. :
Darrin Says Yes and
Overwhelming Proof
His Assertion.
(Albany Herald.)
Mrs. Abbie Wareham was for 28
years a sufferer from epileptic ' fits
The many scars that she will carry
through life bears evidence of the
terrible falls she sustained as a re
suit of this most horrible affliction
epilepsy. She consulted the best
medical talent, six, different physi
cians pronouncing the case incura
ble. She. was recommended at last
to Dr. Darrin, but in her own mind,
and in the minds ef her frienas,
with but little hope of ever being
cured. Appended are her own
Dr Darrin treated me with elec
tricity and medicine, and from the
first, I began to improve, and after
thorough - course of bis
treatment I am happy to tav I am
cured. I have bad no indication of
a return of my awful affliction for
the past 11 years. I give this in
he interest of those similarly af
flicted and most heartily - recom
mend Dr Damn's system. I had
epilepsy 26 years before going un
der Dr Darrin's care. November 14
he cured me of a case of deafness in
one minute. I refer to Mr.'.B F
Haley and Mrs. Graham, corner
First and Maine streets, also Mrs.
F E Dewey, 386 Davis street, Port
land, all of whom knew of my con
dition, then and now.
"Refer any and all to me at Mon-
taville, Oregon, by letter or in per
son. Mrs. Abbie Wareham.
To the Editor: I wish to state
my ease in brief. Five years ago I
was afflicted with sciatic rheuma
tism and cured by Dr Darrin with
electrisity and medicine. I remain
perfectly cured. Refer any one to
me at 545 Hood street. Portland.
J. A. Bennett.
For ten years prior to going un
der Dr Darrin's electrical tieatment,
September 12, 1896, I had been
gradually growing deaf, with a con-
j stant ringing in my ears. For the
past five years I could not hear ord
inary conversation. With treat
ment by Dr Darrin I can bear near
ly as well as ever in my life. I can
conscientiously recommend Dr.
Darrin's new cure for deafness, and
can be referred to at Marlin, Ore
gon, by letter or in person.
Garrett Crockett.
dr. darrin's place of business.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
from 10 to 5 o'clock daily; evening
7 to8; Sunday 10 to 3, at Revere
Hotel, until October 1.
The doctor makes a specialty of
all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, catarrh, deainese, bronchi
tis, la grippe, heart,, liver, bladder
and Kid i.ey diseases or. those who
suffer from apathy and indifference;
also consumption, genito urinary
and skin ' diseases in either sex.
such a9 blood taints, seminal weak
ness and lost vigor, varicocele) and
All curable chronic diseases treat
ed at $5 a week or in that propor
tion of time as the case may require.
No case published except '. by the
permission of the patient. All bus-,
iness relations with Dr. Darrin
strictly confidential. Electrical
appliances furnished. One visit is
desirable, though many cases can
be treated by home - treatment by
writing symptoms. . " . j
New Steam Blower Has Been
Bought, and Two Are There
Now Big Sale of Ciscara
Bark Other Neigh-
; bor hood News.
Mr. Harry Auld, college mate of
Vernin Williamson, was a We lB
visitor Sunday.
Mies Cecil Bryant of Corvallis, is
visiting- at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Stelmacher.
Go to Carter for machine, engine
and cylinder oils. The best grades
at reasonable prices.
Mrs. Lizzie Davidson of Missou
ri, formerly Mies Holman, returns
home today from a month's visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wiley Holman.
.The first Sunday in August, Elder
U. C. Rowling will hold a Baptist
meeting at Kidder j Grove. Preach
irjg at 11 and in the evening. Bring
your dinner and stay all day.
The engine and blower belong
ing to the Wilson Beal & Stelmach
er company arrived last Wednesday
from Portland which makes two
steam outfits for this neighborhood
.tiay narvest ior tms , season is
ended; wheat harvest is on hand
P. E. Dodele started bis binder this
morning. - In a tew days the click
of-theindwaoaabjheaardi itu ail
AL. Ai Winajaseniisbusy-at pree-!-
en t? repairing; Ws eteam-rtbresbing
outnt tor tne season's run. ;, It will
be out about thirty days and expects
to start up in about 10 days. Dud
ley Gibson is engineer and Taylor
Miller, separator tender, both men
of experience in their line. , .
The Dsrick Bros, who purchased
the cascara bark from the Vander-
ppol Bros, have just finished load
ing a ten ton car for shipment east.
They will have about five tons more
on the premises to ship. I under
stand they are to receive four cents
per pound on board cars. ,
The Ladies Aid Society of the
North Palestine Baptist church
will give another lawn and ice
cream social at the Baptist church,
July 31; beginning at 7:30 p. m.
Refreshments will be served until
8:30, after which a literary and mu
sical programme will be rendered.
There will also be an auction sale
of many UBeful articles, prepared by
the society. Everybody come and
enjoy the evening: - -'
- v Farmer.
Paisley, Or., Jciy 26. Francis
G. Bark, of Minneaapolis, spent
two days here making a personal
exam at ion of the country and a
feas ble route for a railroad which
be thinks will be built from Salt
Lak to the, Coast, terminating
somewhere near Eugepe. He ex
pressed the belief that the $10,000,
000 recently paid the Union Pa
cific Conpany by Clark for the " Or
egon Short Line will be expended
on a road through, this country to
the Pacific Coast. '
After an examination, of , the
country he has concluded that the
most practicable route. for such a
road would be across the desert
from Stein's Mountain striking
Lake County at a poirft where Or
egon and California corners on the
Nevada line, thence bearing north
west and passing through Crooked
Creek. Valley and up the Chewau
can Valley to Paisley, and in a
northwesterly direction to the low
pass over the Cascade range on the
bead waters of the no-th middle
fork of the Willamette River. .
Nearly all tbe timber in this part
of Oregon would be accessible to
such a road. Mr, Burk goes from
here to San , Francisco, thence to
New York. "
When you want a physic that is
mild and gentle, easy to take and
certain to act, always use Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets" For sale by Allen & Wood
ward.''.' i. -'C ' " ,
z Notice to Contractors,
, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the eewer committee
of the city of Corvallis for the construe,
tioni of a lateral ; sewer through blocks
18 and 19, N. B. and P Avery,8 Addition
to the city of Corvallis . up to seven
o'clock p. m.. August 10. 1903. ' . The
right to reject any and all bids is re,
seryed ..
William Crees,
R. H. Colbert,
' . . J.M. Cameron.
Sewer Committee.
Corvallis, July 27th, 1903, " "
Several Pieces of Property in and out
of Corvallis Transferred. .
New deeds filed for record are:
Fielding A. King to John Mc"Gee
five acres south of Corvallis, $300.
Mary E. Hibbard and husband
to F. S- Stark. 80 acres in Kings
Valley, $425.
Hattie M. Vidito and husband to
Isaac Heath, 80 acres . in Alsea,
$477- ;
W. A. Wells and wife to A. J.
Johnson, four lots block two, Hoff
mans addition, $2000.
A. J. Johnson and wife to Wil
lamette Valley Stock and Land Co.
2646 acres nearly Airlie, $100.
Marshal Miller to Samuel Moore,
3 lots in Job's addition $600.
Caleb Davis to Oliver L. Davis,
in acres near Philomath. $3825.
R. H. Ruiter and wife to John S.
Govier, 40 acres near Wells, $550.
Helen Holgate et al tract of land
adjoining Corvallis. $275.
To the Public.
I am now agent for . the Bance and
Omey's new method or kintergarten
system of teaching music on piano and
organs, tbe latest and best thing of the
kind now on the market.
Am also authorized to engage agents
territory assigned. Call on or write
1 , F. P. Morgan,
Corvallis, Ore.
; Wanted.
To rent a farm or stock ranch. Will
pay cash or give one third. Address
W. A. Rickard, Bell Fountain
; ' ' Efc,TjaJUV.Siyle.
Co totneaeing. Monday, July- 6th, the
Astoria-& Columbia Rive Railroad
Company will resume its summer spe
cial seaside schedule, and train leaving
Union depot at 8 a. m, daily will run
through direct without transfer' at As
toria to all Clatsop beach points, arriving,
at Astoria at 11-30 a m, Gearhert Park at
12-20 p m, and Seaside at 12-30 p m.
making direct connection at Warreutoa
for Flavel. " - :
Beginning Saturday July n, ana ev
ery Saturday thereafter the popular
Portland -Seaside Flyer will laave the
Union Depot at 2-30 p m, ' arriving at
Astoria at 5-4o p m, Gerheart Park at
6-4o p m, and Seaside at 6 5o p m,
making direct connection at Warren ton
for Flavel. ..-
In connection with this improved
service, round trip season excursion
tickets between Portland and all - Clat
sop and North Beach points are sold at
$4 for round trip and . Saturday special
round trip tickets between same '. points
good for . return passage Sunday at $2.00
for the round trip.-.
' - Special Season commutation tickets
good for five-round trips t from Port
land, to all Clatsop and North Beach
points sold for $15, Beach excursion
tickets issued by O. R, & N and Van
couver Transportation Co will be honor
ed on trains of this company in either
direction between Portland' and Astoria,
- Additional information will be, gladly
furnished on application to I. U. Mayo,
G P & P A , Astoria, Ore, or B L Lewis,
Comm'l auditor 248 " Alder at. Portland
Ore. . - '
i Write for the novel and catchy Seaside
pamphlet just issued telling about sum
mer cirla. seaserpents and sunsets at
Seaside. -
Trustee's Sale.
In the District Court ot the United States for
the District of Oregon. .
Tn thA mflttor of K. C. M&hon. 1
A Bankrupt, ' ) In Bankruptcy
Kottaa in hereby riven that - under and by
virtue of an order of sale made and entered by
O. C, Bryant, referee in bankruptcy in the mat
ter of the estate of U, C. Mahon, a bankrupt, I
wlU on '
' Friday the 4th of September, 1903
at the
hour of 3 o.olock p . m. of said day. at Blodgett
Station in' Blodsrett Precinct. Benton County.
OregoD. offer for sale for cash 'in hand to tbe
highest bidder the following described per
sonal property belonging to said bankrupt es
tate as follows:
200 plies on the' premises of G H Harris in
Wrenn Precinct. Benton County. Oregon: 200
piles on the premises oi W. P. McFarlaud in
Wrenn Precinct, In Benton County, Oregon
100 niles on the oremlses of H 8 Fittman,
in Wrenn Precinct, Benton County, Oregon: 20
niles on the premises of Harry Francis in
Blodgett Precinct, Benton County, Oregon: 160
piles on the premises of J E Davis in Blodgett
Precinct iu Benton County. Oregon; 30 piles on
the premises of W D VanHorn In Blodgett
Precinct, Benton County Oregon : 5S0 piles on
the premises of H Herron. in Blodgett Precinct.
trieiibOli uourny; ureguu; ou pues on uw prem
ises of T J Hill lti Blodgett Precinct, Benton
County, Oregon; 12S plies at Blodgett Station,
in Blodgett Precinct. Benton County. Oregon:
100 piles on the premises of G H . Wamsley in
Blodgett precinct, Benton County Oregon; all
ot said piles mentioned above, being cut and
peeled and being about 60 feet long and aver
aging 14 inches at the butt and about 9 inches
at the top and unmarked and unbranded ex
cept the piles on the premises of H Herron and
those on the premises of T J Hill which ate
marked with a lead pencil mark X,
15 car bunks and 100 oak stakes on the prem
ises of J. E. Davis In Blodgett preciuct, Ben
ton County Oregon. 60 car buuks on tbe prem,
lses of George Woods in Blodgett Preciuct,
Benton county, Ofgon; two derricks on the
premises of G H Wamaley, in Blodgett Pre
cinct, Benton County, Oregon, to be sold in one
separate lot or parcel apart and distinct from
any other property of said bankrupt estate,
tree and clear of any lien.
- Also all of tbe goods- wares and merchandise
described iu tin Inventory filed by the Trustee
with the Referee in Bankruptcy in said estate
matter; including blacksmith's tools, hardware
groceries and goods in warehouse and two
bunk houses, wash house, hoods and smoke
Ktacks, lumber shingles and all property of
every nature - or kind - whatsoever aes
crioed in the Inventory as aforesaid and lo
cated at Blodgett Station, In Blodgett Precinct
Benton Countyi Oregon, and that the Bame will
be sold in separate parcels and free and clear
of any lien. , " ..
a copy of the Inventory can be seen at the
office of Weatherford & wyatt, at Albany, Ore
gon, upon application.
Dated this 27th day of July. 1903, . ,
Trussree. -
Have purchased the Studio of Mr. Philips, on Main
Street, and will be pleased to show samples of .
work and quote prices to all.
Fancy Portrarturje and Genre Work a Specialty.
Also Developing and Finishing for the Trade.
If You are Having
Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called
traveling opticians without success, coma and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed
and'by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.
, The: J eweler and Optician.
To the 3easide and Mountain
sorts for the Summer.
On and after June 1st, 1903, the South,
ern Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad will have on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De
troit, at very low rates, good for return
until October lo, I903.
ihree day tickets to Newport and
Yaquina, good goinsr Saturdays and re
turning Mondays, are also on sale from
all Eastside points Portland to Eugene
inclusive, and from all Westside points
enabling people to . visit their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all Eastside
points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and
from all Westside points are also on sale
to Detroit at very low rates with stdo-
over privileges at Mill City or at any
point east enabling tourists to visit the
Santiam and Breitenbush as welt as the
famous Breitenbush Hot Springs iu the
Cascade mountains which 'can be reach
ed in one day" '
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10th. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
days ana returning Moudays omY.
Tickets from Portland and vicinity wil',
be good lor return via the East or West
side at option of. passenger. Tickets
from Eugene and vicinity will be good
going via the " Lebanon Springfield
branch, if desired. Baggage on New
port tickets checked through to New
port; on Yaquina tickets - to Yaquina
only. ;
S, P. trains -connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallis, for Yaquina
and Newport. s Trains on the C. & E.
for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en
abling tourists to " the Hot Springs to
reach there the same day.
- Fall information as to " rates, time
tables, etc can be obtained on applica
tion to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E.,
R R at Albany; W. E. Comau, G. P. A.
S P Co Portland or to any S P or CE
: Eate from Corvallis to Newport $3,75.
Bate from Corvallis to Yaquina 3,25.
Rate from Corvallis to Detroit,. $3,25.
Three days rate from Corvallis to Ya
quina or Newport, $2.50,
By Mietake
Someone gaye the ferryman a small
gold coin to the ferryman instead . of sil
ver which the owner may have by giv
ing satisfactory proof as to time and val
ue of coin.
K G. ALiTMAjY , M. D
Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Beel
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M.2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315.
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvillis. Or.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back' of Graham &
Wells' drug store. , Residence on "the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104. :
All calls attended promptly.,
Ruthyn Turney.
Instruction eiven to beginners,, and
pupils in all stages of advancement. -
Studio Opposite parsonage of M. E.
Church, South.
E. R. Bryson,
Attorney -At-Law,
. ' ' - 4
Trouble with your Eyes
Willamette Valley
Banking Company.
A General Banking Business.
Bxchanga l-wuei payable at all finan
cial centers In United States. Canada
Qd Europe.
Principal Correspondents.
FORTX. UTD Ijoudon. & San Francisco-Bank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerca.
SAX FRANCISCO London & San Francis
co Hank Limited.
NEW IOEK-Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
CONDON, ENG. London Si San Francisco
Bank Limited.
SB41T1K A.3IU TAiinji A London St Saa
Francisco Bank Limited.
Dealer in New and
Second Hand
And Musical Instruments. Musical In
struments cleaned and repaired. Satis
faction guaeanteed. Phone 441.
Corvallis, Oregon.
The -V --
Raises its grain 0nlyJ,28 in
ches. All levers are handy
and easy to operate. It is
strong, though light, and will
last well. .
S. D. Kline, Hgf.
We furnish extras" for all Os
born machines.
Time Card Number 21.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 P- m
. " Corvallis 2:00 p. m
" arrives.Yaquina.. . 6:25 p. ta
Leaves Yaquina
Leaves Corvallis,
Arrives Albany..
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany...
Arrives Detroit . . .
6:45 a. m
11:30 a. m
12:15 p. m
. 7:00 a.
.12:05 p.
4 from Detroit: . .. .
Leaves Detroit 12:45 p.
Arrives Albany 535 P
Train No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany betore departure 01 o r uuiut
bound train.
Train Vo 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent oeacnes.
- Train for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to " .
- ' Edwin Stone, .
' Manager.
H. H. CroniseAgent Corvallis. .....,
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.