The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 01, 1903, Image 1

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P-onnty DIerk's C-i&oe
Vol. XVI. No. 22.
Editor and Proprietor.
We have Many Articles in our Estab
lishment that the season is just
beginning to permit you to use:
Many of them we are selling belo w
regular prices.
All Shirt Waists 20 to 30 percent Reduction.
All Dimities and Lawns 15 "
All Wove Dress Goods 10 " ; "
All Ladies' Shoes 10 44 t
Big Line to Select from.
Ule Do Hot Eiwc
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in !
. . the house that keeps the hig
i est standard of Grocer- :
iea that is the .
' place to ' .
r ;,. v 'BUY v-.-
' Fresb Fruits, Frcsb U eatables,
.'(:''. , . -
fresh everything to be had in : the market. We
? ' run our delivery wagon and pur aim is
to keep what you want and to
please. Call and see J
1 good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing'
you over the country.
, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon.
rsician & Surgeon
over DOStoffice. Residence "!nr.
,nd Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
., j. to 4 p. m. uraers may De
ranam Sc Wortham's drug store.
sician '& Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon. '-
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Boom 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. ' Office Hours,
10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m.
Surprised Their Keepers and Car
ried Off Number of Them as
Prisoners Secured Arms .
and Ammunition from
Prison Armory Two
Guards Dead. -
Folsom Prison, July 27. One
of the biggest breaks in the history
01 the Jbolsom prison occurred this
morniDg at 7 o'clock. The line of
convicts were marching out of the
prison to go to work. About 300
of them were out , when about 18 of
them, who were in a bunch in the
line, made a run for the guards' of
fice, where Warden Wilkinson,
Captain Murphy and other officers
were. - . ' '
In the hand of each of the desper
ate men was a knife made of a file,
They cut at the guards and War
den Wilkinson had a narrow escape
irom death, ms lotbes being -cut
through. Joe Cochrane, W. L. Cot
ton and C. H. Jolly were all badly
cut, tbe hrst two so seriously that
they will not live.
The convicts then marched to the
armory, taking' with ihem Warden
Wilkinson, Captain ' Murphy and
other guards and officers, all close
ly guarded by the convicts', with
knives. At tbe armory they helped
themselves to guns and ammuni
tion, each convict having a rifle
and a pistol. During this time the
other guards had the crowd covered
with guns but did not shoot because
of the danger of hitting the officers
in captivitv. '
After 1 aving the armory the party
moved across the prison grounds,
there being at that time 18 c6nvicts
and Id oihceis. .
Sacramento, Cal., July 27. War
den Wilkinson makes the following
statement of-the affair: "This
morning about 6:45 I went up to
the prison as is my ' custom to see
the convicts eat their breakfast. ' I
have been doing this' same thing
every morning for three years and
a half and I never take so much as
a cane with me to protect myself,
They had not in all that time rais
ed a hand against me. 1 stopped
at the captain's office to wait tot
the prisoners to walk out from their
breakfast. It is our practice if any
of tbe convicts had. misbehaved, to
pick them out from the proceesion
and to hold a court there in the of
flee, and determine their punish
ment. tWe were all, myself and
the officers, quietly sitting in the of
fice, when tbe line made its appear
ance from the breakfast room and
started for the grounds. Soddenly
seven or eight of the prisoners made
a rush from the line with razors and
knives drawn and came directly for
us. lhey were joined by other?, so
that I judged tbere were about 15
in all'. Blood began to flow in all
directions. I saw that it was bone
less to put up a fight against such
odds. , ,
"One of the convicts came up be-
nina my DacK and reached over
with a razor and tried to cut open
my abdomen. You can see how
my belt is split from end to end,
and how my coat is hanging in
shreds. I felt no pain aud I do not
believe I am cut. - The convict got
me and Murphy and five or six oth
er officers, whom they disarmed.
They kept us and proceeded to the
yard aDd out of it by tbe front gate
toward the armory post. The gatt
ling guns in the station hill tops'
and along the prison walls would
have fired, but had they done so
they would have killed tbe captain
and officers as well as escaping pris
oners, so the Gattling guns remain
ed silent, and the guards were eith
er unable to rescue or to prevent
the escape.
As we ; neared the armorv a
guard came out : and they seized
him. They took the keys away
from him, entered the armv and
equipped themselves with all man
ner of weapons. Then thev started
along the dusty road and crossed
the prison ranch toward the Mor-J
mon Island bridge. They kept sav
ing that they would not harm us,
but they would not , tolerate any
barm to their number or they would
kill man for man.
"After I bad gone about a mile
they let me go, although they took
my hat and clothes away from me,
they were very kind to me, and
told me they would see no harm
come to me. They took with them
me and Murphy and five other oth
er officers,1 whom; they disarmed.
They took with them Captain of
the Guard A. J. Murphy , and four
or five others including my grand
son, Harry Wilkinson. After they
bad gone a little ways again, they
took bis clothes off and he had to
don convicts garb and return to the
prison in it", . They took Murphy a
little farther along and made him
divest himself of his trousers. Mur
phy was obliged to come home
without any outer garments. . '
"The convicts took the reet of tbe
officers with them so as to guard
themselves against - capture. The
men tbey have taken along with
them include General Overseer J.
G. McDonough, Guard JohnKleh
dorf, Guy Jeter, foreman of the
rock quarry, T. Brown, stage driver
and Guard Jj. S. Vertrees, Turn
key Joseph Cochran made a brave
defence in the captain's office, but I
thought it was unwise, for every
thing was the captors.' He tried
hi3 best to overcome ' the convicts.
but he was cut in several places a-
bout the head and shoulders and
the side with a razor and was saved
from death by the knife coming in
contact with a rib."
The convicts went to a farmer's
house, seized his four-horse team
and wagon, gutted the house and
everything of value it contained,
took the farmer with them as a dri
ver and are now beaded for bald
mountain. The Alabaster cave is
situated near a mountain and' it is
believed that they will take refuge
therein. '
The militia has been ordered to
aid in pursuit of the convicts.
Folsom, July 28. The greatest
excitement prevails in this vicinity
and throughout this section of the
country. Probably 250 man ; hun
ters are abroad tbis afternoon .with
in a distance of; 30 mile? of the state
prison, v - :
A posse of 150 men, including
the Placerville . National Guard.
have the convicts ' eurrou tided in
the Black Diamond canyon, near
Pilot Hill, 15 miles from Folsom.
After leaving the prison the men
made their way with seven guards
in capture to a bridge crossing the
American River and thence to El
dorado county. After going a short
way they came aoross two men who
were hauling wood in big wagons
with four horses. " They took the
men, Ben bshlotman and Joseph
Foster, prisoners, and'' pressed the
wagon ana horses into' use. In this
way they traveled' about 15 miles to
Pilot Hill, plundering all farms on
their way. . After : reaching that
place" they entered a store and took
complete possession 01 it, - helping
tnemselves to ; groceries; They
spent about two hours there, taking
tniogs very leisurely, as they bad
done ' all day, statins that they
would have to fight some time and
that it might as well be there. ?
They left the store about 6 o
clock in the evening and had not
gone far when the first encounter
with free men took place. A posse
of about 30 men had taken positions
of vantage on the upper side of the
road. When the convicts discov
ered them they opened fire, which
was immediately returned. The
convicts' shielded themselves by
holding their captives in front ' of
them. ' '-':"
The men in ambush kept up the
fire killing two"of "the horses driven
by the convicts and one of the con
victs, Joe Murphy, he being'sbotin
the head and through the heart.
The range was aboat 200 yards
and about 150 shots were fired alto
gether, the convicts exhibiting very
poor skill in shooting, none of the
posse being injured. After the hors
es were shot down the convicts left
the wagon and made for
the hills, it being too near dark to
frllow them. . It is said that all of
ficers and guards held in -captivity
have been released. If this is so,
capture of the men is almost cer
tain, as it will be almost impossible
for them-to escape the large posses
if members of. the latter are free to
shoot. It is not expected that any
of them will be taken alive.
Working "Night And Day.
' The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was' made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. These pills
change weakness into strength, 1,1st
lessness into energy,' brain-fag in
to mental power. They're wonder
ful in building up the health. - On
ly 25c per., box Sold by Allen's
Mothers to Blame for It Trying
to Elect a Pope Broke the
Bank and Got in Jail
Mistaken for a Deer
- . and Shot.
Washington, July 28. "We are
daily seeing the destruction of hu
man life through the unwillingness
01 motners to nurse their young
children. It is nothing short of
race murder, and can be compared
only with the ravages wrought by
race suicide."
In this forcible language Dr
William C. Woodward, health ofn
cer of the district, today referred to
the enormous mortality now pre
vailing among infants in this city
In the week ended last baturday
more than one-fifth of all deaths in
the district occurred among chil
dren Ices than two years of age. Of
the infants who succumbed last
week four were nursed by their
1 mothers, three on cow's milk alone
and 13 on condensed milk.
"Even under the very best eondi
tions, says Dr. Woodward, "con
densed milk is an unsatisfactory
substitute for the proper food. It
is administered to the unfortunate
little ones chiefly .through the de
sire of the mother to avoid giving
the right nourishment. .
"Behind the mere announcement
that a child died of diarrh'oeal trou
ble, tbere can be found another and
more interesting cause. In the in
vestigation of most cases we have
discovered that the baby's demise
has been directly' or indirectly due
to improper attention on the part of
tbe paf9nts,;.-"''';;-r'-' - 'y-T"--;
"fThete is tto excuse for a wife not
to know how to . nurse her young
children, and it is astonishing to
-believe that a mother will not, if
she - can. There . is a possible ex
cuse for those who cannot on, ac
count of poverty.
"A great remedy for the terrible
condition would be the establish
ment of more day nurseries, where
mothers could have their little ones
while at work.
Rome, July 25. lnere are now
in this city 25 cardinals who will
take part in the conclave to meet
Friday for the election of tbe new
pope. Only two of the high officials
of the sacred college are absent
Cardinal Moran of Sidney will not
be" able 10 reach Rome in time for
the conclave, and Cardinal Celesia
of Palermo is too ill to attend.
' Cardinal Gibbons is still receiv
ing much attention and seems
greatly touched with the kindliness
of his colleagues. He will be tbe
unlv Eoglish speaking - cardinal
present at the election,' with the ex
cepton of Cardinal Logan, archbish'
op of Armagh, Ireland.
The Vatican is a behiveof indus
try today. All preparations for tbe
secret meeting are being pushed
with great fervor. Even tbe glass
of the windows of tbe chamber
wherein the conclave will be held
are receiving coats of paint nearly
to the top of them, in order that no
means of viewing from within or.
without may be had. ' v
Tbe strongest candidates tor tne
honor of being elected pontiff are
at present Cardinals Oreglia, Gotti,
Rampolla and Vannutelli. It is
now said on, excellent authority
that Cardinal Angelo di Pietro, pro
datary to the late pope, is announc
ed as' a ' compromise ' candidate
should there be a deadlock in elect
ing any of the four named.
Grant's Pass, Or., July 28. Word
has been received here of the death
of Dr. M. Cooper, near his home at
Chetco, Curry county a few. days
ago, from a gun , shot wound. ' He
was shot by a young man who mis
took him for a deer, a The doctor
was out hunting with two '. men.
The r three separated and one of
them seeing the brush move, fired
into it. : He hit his mark, which
proved to be Dr. Cooper. - The bul
let entered his left side' and went
completely through his body. ; He
was taken home at once, but died
in a few hours.' This is the first fa
tality of this kind in Southern Or
egon this season. : v v
when Justice of the Peace Evans
and M. Kline, two prominent citi-
zens, were thrown in jail at Sampr 1
ter: " ;'
It appears that these two men'
broke the bank at a game of "t wen- :
ty -one, and afterwards compelled
Jack Pearson, running the gam, to
cash the checks he had issued. Ev
ans and Kline played Pearson's.'
game and lost heavily last night.
Later they won and broke the bank -for
tbe sum of about $900. The ,
payment was made in checks. This,
morning Pearson tried to stop the
payment of his checks when they
were presented by Kline and Ev-
ans. He shouted to the cashier aa
the two winners stood receiving
their money, not to pay a C6nt.
The cashier obeyed. Kline, and
Evans then jumped on to Pearson
and beat him up and took all the
money he had in his clothes away
from him. As a result they are in
jail and are seeking a bond. ,
Newport, R. I. After today's
race between the Reliance, Consti- .
tution and Columbia, in which the
former boat demonstrated ht-r supe-
riority over the other tw , the chal
lenge committee of th-i Jv w York.
Yacht Club selected the Reliance ,
as the defender of the America's
cup. It was also decided to dia-
continue the trial races. ,
Messrs. Morgan, of the Colum
bia, and Belmont, of the Constitu- .
tution were perfectly aatisfled
with, the Reliance's selection by the .
committee. They are both of the
opinion that tbe Reliance is the
fastest of the trio. ;
From the showing of .the three -
boats this season the Reliance is
fairly entitled to be the defending
vessel. In any case she has cross
ed the finieh line ahead, and baa
lost but few events on time allow
ance. It is probable that the de
fender will proceed to Bristol!for a
thorough overhauling,
Three yachts raced over a Iee-
'ward arid windward .course, today. "
"There was '. puffy northwester of
15 milep, straight blowing, when
the starting signal was given at
11:30. The Reliance was Jfirst to
cross tbe line. The Constitution
crossed soon after, and the Colum
bia followed a few seconds behind ,
the. handicap gun at 11:32.
Within ten. minutes after, the'
start the Constitution took the lead
and kept it for miles and it was not
until the Reliance took in her spin
naker ! and hauler across the stern
of the Belmont boat, cutting off
her wind, that the new boat was.
able to retrieve a mistake made
early in the race. . About fivemilea
from the outer mark the Reliance
was able : to get by the Constitu-
tion, but the boats were so close at
the turn that there was scarcely 2a
seconds difference when they haul
ed id the sheets around the mark.
At 2:20 the yachts were withuv
five minutes of the finish and the
Constitution was holding the Reli
ance in shape, and to the observers
on shore it looked as if she might
win the race on the allowance. The
contest between the two boats was
the hottest of the season for a
course of this discription.
The boats turned the outer mart
as follows; Reliance, l:io:oo; Con- ,
stitution, 1:10:31; Columbia, 1 ::i4
38, ,; . . ..
Hauline sheets around tne mar,
tbe Reliance began beating out the
weather of the Constitution. They -
went aboht on the port tack aboat
10 and after that the new boat
drew ahead and to windward stead
ily. The Columbia sailed a fast
race to windward and by a fortu
nate slant of wind close under the ,
Newport shore, hauled up so much
ou the Constitution that the latter
bearly beat her across the finish
:' Baker City, July 28. -A i sensa
tion of the most decided nature
made its appearance this morning
Absolutely Pure