LOCAL LORE. ( Advertisements in this column charged for u me rate on cenia per line. , There will be services at Mt. View at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow. A.. Newsom ot Salem, formerly of OAC, went to Newport Wednesday. Miss Martin of Portland, is a guest at the borne of J. W. Crawford. - --Mre! Euth Clark left yesterday tor a visit with her sons at Vale. She is to be absent until September. o11 ami i-hiliifen ' Went tl) Philomath Thursday for a week's visit with Mrs, S;i. Pratt. : There will be a meeting; of the Coffee Club next Monday . afternoon. The ladles will hold m letiogs during the summer. ' . . , A brass door key aud a - Yale Ioc key, tied together, were picked up near the postoffloe Thursday. Call at Time3 office for them. S. H. Hortoo' is ereeting, - a new Btory-and-a-balt house near ' tbye ; site of his present residence on Seventh" & Adams streets," The new building; faces Seventh street. '' a:;v m A distinguished party will , go' to Crater Luke on guausfc 4, among, thenumber being Governor f Cham berlain. Senators Mitchell Fulton and Joaquin Miller. f Misses Edna and Mamie Hibbs of Gaston, passed throuerb. Corvallis', Wednesday, enroute to Newport. The Misses Hibb3 are former OAC stud ents. , . . The family of F. Elain accompanied by Mrs. A. D, Morrison and Miss Ethel Linville, left Thursday morn lng for Newport.' They went by team and will camp. . y-i . ' - .1 1 t .airs, urauaui ami uuuguier ui Portland are guests of Mrs. B. H. Huston. Mrs. Graham is the wife ot Captain Graham of the steamer Pomona. I United Evangelical church: Theme, Sunday morning. "The Disci ple Whom Jesus Loved." Sunday evening, "The Second Coming of Christ."! . . . , Mrs. John McCormick has return ed to Brownsville after a week's visit with her brother, J. Mason, who has been confined to bis home many weeks. . - Wenzell Dieckhoff, who has an extensive goat ranch in Lower Alsea, went to Portland this weeli to be with his wife at St. Vincent's hospital. Mrs; Dieckhoff has been at the hospital for the past month, put ner condition gives rise to serious apprehension, ' Monday, the construction of a new dwelling house is to toe com menced in the north end of the block in which the residence ol Mrs. Denman is situated. The builder is M, George, who purchased four lots in the block last su timer, Will Baker. G. W. Denman and y John Winkle, with their families, re- turned Monday from a hunting trip to Alsea. On the ' trip, they killed five fine deer. They were camped in the lcinity of r David Tom's place. Deer are said to be plentiful In the vicinity. ' -A special service will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday ev ening at 8 o'clock In honor of the Independent Order of Lions. Mem bers of the order are , "requested to meet at the lodge room not liter than 7i45 p. m. The chaplain Rev. Carrick will speak on the subject of "Friendship," - " ' Wednesday afternoon,. Mrs. E. H. Taylor and Mrs. Anna Beach enter tained about thirty five ladies at a lawn fete in the grove adjoining the residence of Mrs. Mart ti a . Avery. A series of races ia which all the la dles participated, was. the principal amusement. A delicious lunch . was served. , .... H "' , . r,':- .-,; -- .. Congregational church, July 26th Sunday school at 10 o'clock, regular service at 11. , Sermon, "Salvation; The Fact; The Method? The Forces ' Christian Endeavor at 6:30, the topic being "A Mission Study ot South A merica." Union services In the evea iBg, sermon by the Kev. John Reeves of the M. E. church, South. The ser vice will be la the Congregational church, and at 8 o'clocK. Albany Democrat: L- The season of the Willamette valley baseball league will close next Sunday. Al bany will play at Roseburg and Sa lem and Eugene at Salem. It-promises to b9 a sensational fiaish between the three clubs fn the lead. ' Eag9oe has won. 12 and lost 9, Salem 13 aDd and lost 8, Roseburg 11 and lost 9, and Albany 6 and lost 16. There ia a show for tUa first three named. A weekly newspaper of sixteen to twenty pages each issue, and contain ing full telegraphic newaj is now 1 of fered for fifty cents per year. -: , It is the Journal, ah independent demo cratic newspaper, published at Portr land. It3 twice-a-wefk issue of eight to twelve pages, is cffered for seventy five cents per year. The daily 6f; 12 to 24 pages cai' be had for $2.50 per year. The offer is the attempt of the paper to Becure 10,000 new subscrip tions in a single day. It ODly i. holJs good for one day, and Is never to be repeated. . The date is - Friday, Aug ust 28th. Cash prizes of $20 and up wards are offered to postmasters who Bend In the largest list -of subscrip tions. For any boy or girl or any person whu sends In twenty . subscrib ers or upwards a prize Is offered. Send for circulars to "The Journal, Fifth & Yamhill, Portland.' , i Billy Hogan-and family .went to the bay Thursday for a month's stay. Mrs. J. Harris and children left this week for a few weeks' outing at Caecadia. ; ; . Mrs. Hammel, of the new hotel, returned Thursday from a business trip to Portland. Peter Wrltner, who : moved the Hays' houses, completed bis contract Thursday and returned to Albany. Miss Mary Klecker has returned home from a two weeks' visitwith Mrs. Fruit. ' ' ' Mr, and Mrs. S. L. Kline returned Thursday from Portland. Mr. Kline was a delegate to the grand lodge A. O. U. W. : . - . Mrs. H. F. Fischer, accompanied by Mr. aud Mrs. Ratbja, of Chicago went to, Silverton Thursday for a week's visit. . ' . -: ' .! , ;-r-Mrs. Ephrlam Greer . has been called to Alsa on .account of the ill ness of her father, Mr. Taylor, who is suffering from diabetes. " Fred'Overlander's condition Is not improved, and his brother, Charley,'of Big Elk, was summoned. He was ex pected to arrive Friday afternoon. - B-lly. Baker, Johnny Wintcle and G. W. Desman returned Wednesday from an outing in Alsea. All bad ex cellent success in securing fish and game. ; - : . ( - Mrs. E. F. Thayer, passed through Corvallis yesterday on her way to As toria. Mrs. Thayer has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gellatly, of Philomath for the past six weeks. , Mr. George has let the contract for a new two-story residence on lots owned by him just north of the Den man property. It is to be a square house 22x24 feet having seven rooms. ) Rgv. T. W. Nash this week mov ed the more' portable part of bis house hold goods from Tillamook county to Philomath. , Mr. Nash la , to have charge of the Philomath -circuit, U B, church. George Brown sold a team Thurs day to aTacdma buyer, and delivered the horses at Albany Friday. Ed An derson, another horse buyer from Ta coma, was in ' Corvallis Wednesday and Thursday but failed to make any purchases. , ' . as Mellie Dohse i3 having a new walk lard in front of, her property, north east corner of Monroe and Fourth streets. Improvements of a similar character are . being made about the Additon residence and the house oc-'' cupied by Jesse Spencer. ',. ; Mrs. Francis returned tQ.Portland Thursday after a two-weeks visit with the family of her daughter, Mrs. John Allen. Mrs, Francis bas arranged to make a trip to the Philippine. Iaiands to visit a son who is engaged exten sively in merchandising there. W. A. Wells haB "sold to. Leroy Reynolds lot 3 in biook. 22, county ad dition, just north ot the premises oecapied by Prof. Holmes., A small dwelling on the back ; part of lot 1, same block, Is to be moved by , Mr. Wells onto the lot sold. The consid eration is $475. . . - ' George Hall; of Dusty, was in town Thursday with a team of the finest draft horses In the country. The animals are twins, perfectly matched bavs, seven years old and weigh about 1,40) pounds each. Mr. Hall has re fused more than $400 for the span. There are some big stories ourrent as to what loads these horses have pulled. . -. ' . :.' , John McGee i preparing for the ejection ot a new residence ' on. the farm near town which he bought from Mrs. Burnett, and has awarded the contract to R. N. Adams. The main portion of the house : Is to be 14x28 feet, and it is to have an L 14x22 fett. It will be a full twb-story building having eight rooms. October 1st Is the specified time for its completion. iCwas 23 Inches long. If was Blender and emootb, and ' lacked but half an ounce, of ; weighing . three .pounds.' To the largest part it was the size of an ordinary . man's arm. It was a cucumber of common variety and displayed on the street, attracted much attention. Some people " even refused to believe It' was a . cucumber; but It was. It was grown by Pror, Coote at the college, where more of the same.kind and size can be seen, - . Two is thenumber of 'deer that Dr.-Harper, Henry Allen ' and Harry Withycombe secured in the bunting trip to Alsea. They returned Mon day, except Mr. Withycombe who was joined by Ed Rosendorf yesterday. One of the deer slain was a whopper, according to all accounts. He was kilted a.tnilo from campand one of the trio attempted to carry the carcass borne.' A dozen yards ot tne effort sufficed, and the body was ' cashed Then a trait was cutr. and a horse was brought from camp. At tfoe pro per moment,: the animal took ; fright aud got away. Finally Dave Tom ap peared on the scene, and being an adept at the bu&iaess, shouldered the deer and carried it to , camp. It is said to have been one of the biggest deer ever killed in the Alsea moun tains. ' . ; ' Wanted. So cedar poles 25 and 30 feet, : 7, inch tops or over; delivered ia Corvallis. Apply at Pacific States T. & T. Co. : V I A large shipment of our celebrated Premium dishes jrist received at Nolan & Callahan's. ' ' .BOUGHT DILLER BLOCK, School Board Accepts Option Will New Building be Eight or Four V v ' .'. Room Now. Whether to build the exterior of an eight room school building, leaving the interior to be complet ed as required or whether to build a four room building "with most of the interior "complete now, is the problem with which the Corvallis school board' is wrestling". Charles Ewart, the well known ar chitect, who was architect and su perintendent of the present school building, has prepared plans, and is now figuring " out estimates on both propositions. Each building contemplates a two story building with basement of stone - If the eight room exter ior is built, it is the plan to build only the lower portion of the base ment of stone now, using wooden pillars and rustic until such a time hereafter as funds shall be avaik able to fill in the balance of the basement wih stone. If the four room proposition is adopted, it will be so constructed now as to be only , a portion of a completed eight room building. , . In the. case of either building, it is the purpose to build smaller rooms than those in the present school building, each of which was designed for sixty pupils. It is the board's idea that not more than forty pupils can be properly served by one teacher, and it is on that idea that the new rooms are, to be designed. TJach room will there fore be correspondingly smaller than the present rooms. V '-, If a four room plan is adopted, it is not the purpose to " complete all of them at this time, but only so many as is necessary ta meet re quirements ; perhaps two. -. One fact unfavorable to the four room plan is, that the foundation for an eight room exterior will eost proportionately much, less ; because one complete side of the basement of a four room plan will be useless when the time comes to - increase thestructure to eight rooms. The cost of that one side can be saved now by building an eight room ex terior, arid v.' completing "only so many rooms as may be required. ' On the other hand, the ' natural deterioration that must take place in anf eight room exterior be before the eight rooms-shall l$e needed in Corvallis, would seem to more than make up the difference. If the walls of an eight room ex terior'areto stand' six, or eight years before the necessity shall arise for the eight rooms, there will be a considerable loss by reason of the lapse of time and such destruc tion as naturally comes to an un finished structure. The question of the adoption of either plan will be largely - settled by the item of cost, all of which de pends much on what the architects iestimates and figures will show. Mr. Ewart is one' of the best and most experienced architects inv the Northwest and his estimates are certain to, be reliable. - At a meeting Wednesday even ing." the board accepted the option on the Diller block at the price of $3000, and instructed the school clerk to notify the owners of the property that the board was ready for the deeds. s By Mistake . Someone gave the ferryman a small gold coin, to the ferryman instead of sil ver which the owner may have by giv ing satisfactory proof as to time and val ue of coin. . v 1 V Bay your harvesting outfit from Nolan 1 & Callahau. Big stock to select from. Best grade of gasoline 30 cents a gal on at Berry's. S There is one grocery store in town which does' not close at 6 o'clock." That is Chiptnan's. - V For S ale, A rood -wheel. ". Will trader for' wnort. . Inqunre at Steam Laundry of Alba Thompson. . - . For Sale. Thirty two inch Pitts separator and a horse power, to be had for $100. Call on or address, i V . C. Kiger, Corvallis. Wanted. 1 Two girls wanted to work at' Occident al Hotel. Address J. M. Brunk. Cor vallis. ! v-::-'.: . I' ' ' "J -';-V---7- ." . -,'For Sale", A lady's Imperial bicycle arid a lady's gold watch and chain. ' Articles ia good condition, Inquire at Times office. - Wanted. Wood. , Inquire at Times office. SPOILED THE TRADE. Telephone Communication With the Wrong man' did it. ; ,. v The telephone gets people into queer positions at times or perhaps it would be more correct to say that people get themselves into odd situations by ; means of the tele phone. The former . expression is more common, but it is because of the inherent disposition of manto fix ! blame for the result of his own frailties,- upon somebody or something else." -That is why Bert Sharp half blames the telephone system for breaking up an advantageous horse trade for him. ' . ' - George Cauthorn of Linn county was in Corvallis Thursday with a trading horse. He proposed a trade with Bert for a young bay horse owned by the latter. Bert asked $20 to boot, but at that time Cauth orn thought he could not pay that amount, and the next morning found him in Albany. 1 By that time he had decided to pay the dif ference asked by Bert. Bert's horse wasn't very well, but he wasnt sick enough to show it not sick enough to hurt, or the owner wouldn't have listened to a proposition to trade. Still Thurs day morning he left a telephone call for Dr. Withycombe, veterni ary at the college. Presently the brick stable telephone rang for Bert who opened the conversation by an swering: ' ' . "Hello!" (supposing that he was talking to Dr. Withycombe, but in reality addressing Mr. Cauthorn.) "Hello! This is Sharp is it?" "Yes. Say," said -Bert, "lhat youg bay horse of mine ain't well." "Oh! Your young bay horse is pretty sick is he?" responded the man at the other end of the line. "No, not awful sick, but I don't know what ails him. He ain't just right, somehow." ; "Well, you are very good to let me know. I was just about to tell you that I was coming over to make th'at trade we were talking about yesterday, but I guess I'll wait till your horse gets well. Good-bye." , Manure to give away at Stable, the. Brick Shirt Waists at 25, 50, 75 centsj $1,00, $1,50, which means x' 25 percent oft our regular prices. All SO-centMercerized Goods now 40 cents. Just a few - waist lengths left. . ;"...' V' '; ' ' Sumnier Vests :I0 .12, 15 to 50 centsl ' ; - ' " ''vj'twt'.WbatVttU-.Wan " ' : You will on the Remnant Counter at prices'to suit your purse. Large assortment at .60 cents. Summer Parasols, 11)1 iET id, Cu1 i. With cash sales we are now issuing MflS? ,. tYssSgai- gg.. g?". onp'ons, a sufficient number of which fcK. w . ' - " ' 'm-fWjT'fh edtitles the holder to an eiegant din; rVVIff faffisi?J WiJ'wr ner set free. Patrons, . ewever, may MSSaSd Wwtev ' if they wish, secure piwAhy. cS!agi .SSr7"' MS i. With cash sales we are now issuing onp'ons, a sufficient number of which edtitles the holder to an eiegant din; ner set free. Patrons, however, may if they wish, secure the set piece by piece as they obtain coupons. ' ' ' ;, These dishes are of the Celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain, hand-painted decoration, with gold trimmings," . and would adorn any table. ' Trade with ns and secure a set.' Tell your friends' about this opportunity. ! '; - -F. l. nittiirco!iis,"d OUR GREAT ANNUAL emnaiit Sale Immense Short Ends, Odd Sizes, Brokep Lines, and Remnants I by the Hundred. Prices in Many Cases Reduced by Half. Corsets. In , broken lines. If your size is here you can get a bargain The $1.00 ; i values during remnant sale, each 50c. - Wash Fabrics.- Plain and fancy color ings. Kegular 10, ;12J, 15 , 20, 25 and 30c,- dur ing remnant sale 64. 8 J, 92. 3 i6, aoc.jer yd. Ladies' Hose. Twenty -five cent quali ty, plain black only, just the 'thing for summer ': wear. During remnant sale 18c. SMrtWaists. . Black , white and color ed effects. Regular $1.00 $1.25. $1.50, $2:00 each, during remnant sale 72, 87, $1.05, $1.35 each. Space will not permit us to quote prices on all the good things we offer during the Rempant Sale, But just come in and look them over. , That's all we ask. S,L.KLINE'S WE CLOSE AT 6:30. races mow the; Stereo unMER:;Qdops at cost, ot Upholstering. Valours, i:-'' r' in White and Colors, 25 , Reductions. . Ladies' Sailors. In black and white, all this season's goods and strictly up to date. Reg ular 25, 50, 75c and , . during remnant sale each 18, 35, 50, 75C- Ladies! Lisle Vests With or without sleeves, .white only, sold regularly at 50c, during" remnant sale each 38c Cloth Dress Skirts AH wool, fancy trimm ed up to date styles. The $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 kind, during the remnant sale $2.65, $3.15, $3.95, $4.85, $5.50 each. Ladies' Shoes. We have a great many odd sizes and broken lines of ladies' and . misses' shoes which will be closed out for less than manu facturers' cost.. Regulator of Low Prices. regular oc quality percent off. , Rule