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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1903)
Corvallis Times. Official Paper ot Benton County. CORVALLIS, OREGON, JULY 28, 1903. SEN TON'S? MISTAKE. Tienton County is neglecting an pportunityjin hef failurejto man tain an exhibit at the Union depot in Portland. If there are those among our citizens who have a ionse or farm that it is desired to sell at a good price, a strong influ eace for finding the buyer is through the medium of products of tie county displayed for the in spection of immigrants when the latter first arrive in the state. If it 45 desired to increase the popula tion and capital of the county and , to build new homes and to inaugur ate new enterprises, which in turn will reduce the individual taxes of every man in the county, . it is of nrime imnortance that a portion of the immigrants daily arriving in the state shall be attracted to Ben ton. The sight of an unusually fine sheaf of wheat, a bunch of grass of exceptional length, or any other product of unusual merit, ap peals to a homeseeker, with far greater directness and power than do pages and pages of literature. Of tbee, Benton has nothing at the Union depot, though nearly every other county in the state has an at tractive and instructive exhibit. The indifference of our people on the subject is certain to have its unfavorable consequence in the failure ot the county to get its just share of the newcomers. - When products in abundance and of the finest character are on everv side, to be had merely for the askine. why should there be hesitation and inaction? The rail roads haul these products free, the "Portland business men display them free, and all that is required is for a few hands to be lifted for gathering the exhibit together. RARE SHRUBBERY. this PHONE MAN WAS HERE. Talked About Mutual System Lines of the Kind in Washington County The presence in town Monday of Mr. Stow a promoter of mutual tel ephone systems, made occasion tor talk in that direction during the afternoon among local townspeO' -pie. Mr. btow in times past was the backbone of mutual systems in eastern states. He was also at one time a trusted man in the Bell em ploy. He is alter a franchise in Portland. He thinks there is i good chance of getting it He clai ms that if it be secured, there will . be in consequence no end of impet us given to mutual systems m van ous counties in the valley. Cor vallis then, he says,-will be sure to join hands in a mutual system. Such systems are in actual oper ation now in counties to the north. Master of the State Grange I,eedy of Washington .County told of one m which he is concerned, while m town last week. The arrangement is a. joint stock company. The ad mission fee of the company is $25 In addition the subscribers buy their own phones. The company builds he lines along the main roads, and the "; subscribers build from their farm house to . a connection with them. On the Leedy line there are 100 patrons, and everything is working: smoothly. The same is true of another system in a neigh boring community ; in Washington county. ' Mr Stow left for Portland during 4he afternoon. He gives out that he will shortly return tp Corvallis BACK ON THE, MOUNTAIN. ( Washburn is Again .There Has Re : covered From his Injuries. Young Washburn who is con ducting signal ' experiments on Mary's Peak, and who was recently injured in a fall while at his duties, lias returned to the peak from Eugene, where he went at the time of his accident. At eleven a, m. at three p. m. and at nine p. m.' each day, he ascends to the highest point on the peak, and signals with others engaged in the experiments, one of whom is located on a high peak ; to the southward. During the day the heliograph is used, and at night the signalling is by means of lights. ' A man who was on the - mountain with Washburn the other day was able to see distinctly the reflection on Peterson's . Butte in Linn Coun ty as thrown there by the helio graph from Marys Peak. Washburn is alone on the moun tain, and there is a surmise that he must have seen things during, the electrical storm which passed from the Cascades to the Coast Monday evening, taking in the -peak with lurid variations in its flight. , . Eleven Tear-old Palm Tand Cactus Season Show Their First Blooms. Mr. and Mrs. W., J. Wilbanks, who reside on Fourth and Van Buren streets, have a great variety of fine shrubbery and flowers com mon to this locality, and they also have that which is uncommon here. For instance they have a bunch of fig trees which bears three crops in a season. The ; first 1 crop will ripen about the 1st of August, the second a month later, and the third not at all. The frost kills this crop before it matures. .. On the trees at present are figs from the size of a double-B shot to full grown. This shrub does pot bloom. An evergreen plum tree is. another attraction of the garden. It is known as the Japanese plum tree, and bears fruit of excellent flavor. A cactus of the elkhorn variety, which has grown in 'the open air here for eleven years without blossoming, produced a solitary bloom of rare attractiveness this acaouu, , mil w uuaiiKs seuirea. several . Varieties of cactus while passing through New Mexico 1 1 years ago, but this is the only one which survived the wet winters. The rarest and most attractive plant in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbanks' garden is a Florida flowering palm in full bloom, the bulb of which was procured in Mississippi eleven years ago. 1 ms is the nrst season it has bloomed, and so far as known the only one of the kind in the Northwest which has arrived at Dioommg stage. The shrub is about six inches in diameter- and ten feet in height at present. - Four and a half feet of this height, how ever, has grown in the past six weeks and is the portion bearing the blooms and which, doubtless, win witner this tail. xnere is a mass of bloom . fourteen inches in diameter extending the length of the section of quick growth. The flowers are white, about one and a half inches in diameter, are . shaped somewhat like the fuchsia bloom and ajre almost odorless. Mr. Wil. banksi estimates that a thousand blooms will have been produced when the buds now' formed have opened. Interested persons are welcome HOT COMPETITION. to inspect the shrub- W. G ery photographed it when' bloom. : in Em full NEW DEEDS. Half Interest in China House in Cor vallis Conveyed to R. H. Huston. New deeds filed for record, are: W. G. Fisher to D. E. Overman, twenty 1.600. acres near Philomath, United States to W. H. v Parrish, patent 150 acres in Alsea. B. F. Ireland to U. S. Gleason, 169 acres in Alsea, $700. N. P. Newton and wife to B. F. Pugh and wife, property in Phi lomath, $275. J. E, Stevens and wife to1 Ada I. Brack, lot in Philomath, $400. J. C. Harrington and wife to E. t to Curtis. Corvallis, E. Baily, 160 acres near- Dusty. 5350. - B. T. E vers and wife Stimpson 1 o acres near $3,400. William Bogue to ; R. H. Hus ton, half interest in China house property on Main street, Corvallis. I2.50. . ; ;-;-'. M. Burnett et al to John McGee, no acres ' southeast of Corvallis, .,000. - M . Burnett and others to R. - H Colbert, two lots in block two Cor vallis, $700. ' Battle Royal for the Sale of a Thresh . , ing Outfit. - Pete Rickard and John Whitaker came to town Saturday, having an nounced that they intended to buy a threshing machine on that day, and, were at once besieged by five representatives of threshing ma chine companies. Friends of the "Benton county farmers tendered assistance, but it was rejected. They had. in fact, invited the at tack and were prepared to take care of themselves.- At times, however, during the day, the aspect of the engagement was bad for Pete and John, and almost every citizen on Main street became excited as the fortunes of battle shifted one way or the other. But there was one point, which Pete and John under stood better than the spectators, and that was the attacking parties were slashing each other a great deal more effectively than they were those to whom they endeavor ed to direct their attention, Every machine niaa wanted to take the brunt of the battle himself, and attack the farmers', independently and, in a commercial . sense, h e swatted, the comrade who under took to prevent him from carrying out bis plan. All day long, the battle royal progressed with vary ing aspects until near sundown, when the Advance Thresher Com pany's man,' . having almost ex hausted his competitors.) began to get in his deadly work on the farmers, and it was only a brief time until they had surrendered tc him, however, on most advanta geous terms. . That is to say, Pete and John and several neighbors have jointly purchased an Advance thresher. It is a 32-56 with wind stacker and self-feeder. The engine is of 16 horse power, and the outfit is ex pected to arrive the first of next week if not sooner . The parties thought first of buying a 36-60, but later decided that, taking every thing into consideration, the small er size was preferable. In pur chasing their machine the boys had the benefit of about the hottest com petition which has been witnessed among machine men here in many a day. Incidents leading up to the bargain created much interest.,' - . , j OVER THIRTY FOOT. BLUFF. s Who Can? The child labor question has been discussed in our homes, deba ted in our societies, tried in our courts and yet it still exists. One need not go to the coal mine to find these conditions for we have examples of this contemptible practice here in our glorious westj yes even in our own beautiful city. Ought a boy of ten years to lift 4-foot cord wood sticks? Will ' the answer, "O, it wont .hurt him " be sufficient for such'a question.". Can nothing be done? who can open the eyes of the 1 ignorant and make the willfully blind to see? Can any one answer this ques tion? - R. Log Dragged Team of Fine; Horses Both Animals Killed in the Fall. , A team of horses, well known in western Benton was instantly killed by being dragged over a thirty foot bluff, while logging in the vicinity of Dallas Friday afternoon. The team belonged to Joseph Reynolds, who used his horses for logging for the Benton County Lumber com pany in the woods on Greasy dur ing the summer of two years ago, While in the latter employ the ani mals became widely known in the vicinity, tor their beauty, size and magnificent power as draught hor ses. Few times it ever were : they hitched to a log that they did not ultimately, start, though sometimes, ajnumber of trials had to be made . '; When hugging ; the ground in the act of an unusually hard pull the two faithful animals, straining every nerve Jo move the load, ,are said to have presented an inspiring spectacle. In the accident of last . Friday both horses in the team were killed, a big log that they were moving on a steep side hill slid over a 30-foot bluff dragging the team down with ' The neck of one animal and the back of the other was broken. In his logging operations, the team is said ' to have earned several thousand dollars for their owner, a snug sum of of which in a Dallas bank is the inheritance the faithful nags leave to him . ' 0 SOLD A SAWMILL. ' ':- .J - 's ' ' .-. ' Organized Corporation Bought a' Bull Other Local News. " Carson Rademaker, who resides at the Phile home, left Monday, for a visit with Blodgett friends. Mrs. W. T. Norton returned home Monday from a three weeks' visit in Oregon City, Portland and The Dalles. ' .-."... : ; . Victor and Gertrude Nolan en tertained a number of friends at their home Saturday afternoon in honor of the 6th birthday of their cousin, Anna Ebner, of Port land. The Green brothers, who have been operating a sawmill on Woods creek, six miles above Philomath, have disposed of the mill and 160 acresbf land to Thomas Huff and a gentleman recently from '.Michi gan. 'The sale was closed in Cor vallis last Saturday and the new owners took charge the following Monday. The consideration was $2,500. Articles of incorporatlSh of the Casterline Steel , Tempering Com pany have been filed with the coun ty clerk, The incorporators are, B. J. Casterline," Monroe Cameron and A. S. Cameron. The object of the company is the manufacturing and tempering of tools and imple ments and the hardening of steel, and to sell and dispose ot the rights to said process. The capital stock is divided into 5oo shares of the par value of $100 each. The prin cipal place of business is Corvallis. After an illness of two weeks with pleuro-pncumonia, Pope Leo XIII died at Rome Thursday. The funeral ceremonies will extend ov er a period of nine days, during a portion of : which the body will, lie in state in St. Peters. , The last moments of the dead pipe were in terrible pain, his condition alter nating between consciousness and coma. Leo'was pope for 25 years, and was 93 years of age. He ex erted a powerful influence on the world, v '. ' For Sale. A gentle work horse, fine driver. F. P. Morgan, Corvallis. There arrived in town Friday a four-year-old. bull which had been purchased from Lee Brown by J. L. Lewis for Jesse Foster, and after the animal had a'rest and had been photographed, he was, driven to his pew home. This is a fine looking animal. He is a short-horn roan, and is registered in . the Arherican Short-Horn Herd Book, as attes- rted by a certificate signed by a sec retary of the American Short-Horn Breeders' Association. The animal is known as Wallace 11, and was bred by A. Chalmers, , Cemlerville Oregon, from whom he was pur chased when quite young by Lee Brown. His sire is Wallace 1, and his dame is Peach Blossom, mother of a number of animals very favor ably known to stock men of Oregon and Washington. The parentage of Wallace 11 belongs to noted families. " : . DIED FROM A SCRATCH- C. H. Years Loses a Fine Cow ,' Peculiar Manner. in a When C . H. Vehrs, of the Cor vallis dairy went out to his barn Friday morning he saw an animal, not far distant , in the pasture, lying in a queer position. He sup posed it was one ot his horses which might have become entan gled in a barbed wire. On ap proaching he found that it was a four-year-old Durham heifer lying on her back dead. Further . inves tigation showed that a hind foot was securely attached just behind the heel to one of the animals horns, It is supposed that she had under taken to scratch the top of her head, and that in this manner the foot became attached to the horn, which had entered to a depth of an inch and a half.- The animal was Annual Sale. - Our Annual Mid-Summer Sale is now running in full blast. - '. - , Every article in stock will be reduced, except "Douglas" and Walk-Over Shoes, Hawes $3.00 Hats, Monarch White Shirts, Bull Breeches, and Our Own Overalls. Deep cut in Men's and Boys' Suits, "Wash Skirts, Shirt Waists, and Wash Dress Goods, Bargains all along the line in order to make room for our Fall Stock which will arrivev early. ' Goods sold at reduced price for Cash only. Store Closes at 6 o'clock. Phone 575. Ciines Office for Job Printing, Your Ufei Expends on it, 4 BRANDS. BUY THE CORVALLIS FLOUR . Acorn Creamery WALDO " Hotter, made from BENTON " one herd of cows. SNOWFALL " x , ; GOOD GOOD FLOUR BREAD v ; The Kind that is made from The Kind that's made from good wheat by careful and good floor, g'ood salt, good experienced millers, the yeast, good batter, such as Kind that satisfied ns after we sell and guarantee, carefol study and investiga- tion. '. Good Groceries . . - Free from adulteration and impurities, . the kind that you always find v At Modes' Grocery Wanted. 56 cedar poles 25 and 30 feet, 7,inch tops or over; delivered- in Corvallis. Apply at Pacific States T. & T. Co. A large shipment of oar celebrated Premium dishes just received at Nolan & Callahan's. . very fat, and beine unable to free ' herself the strained ' position soon t : caused deatn. wnen touna tne carcass was much swollen and it re quired the best efforts, of two men to disengage the foot and horn. & Callahan's. Boy your harvesting outfit from Nolan & Callahan. : Big stock to select from. - V Best grade of gasoline 30 cents on at Berry's.- ar gal- There is one grocery store in town which does not close at 6 o'clock. That's Chipman's. v ' - 1 7 Wanted. ' ', ,: Two girls wanted to work at Occident al Hotel. Address J. M. Brunk. Cor vallis. , ....... , !".. For Eent. Furnished rooms, second door north north of M. church South. . - . . Mrs. E. L' Fitch. V Popular Sunday Excursions. In order to meet the wants I of the t aveling public and give , practically daily service to the beach during the summer season, the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad will run an excursion train from Albany and Corvallis and all points west to Newport every Sunday, leaving Albany at, 7 a. m. and Corvallis at 7:30 a. m. returning leave Newport at 5:30 p. m., Three day and season tickets will be good going and returning on these trains- This should prove popular with the traveling public and a liberal pa tronage will be thev best appreciation. , For the best coffee in P. M. Zierolf. Corvallis, call n For Sale. Twelve head of large sized Durham milch cows, 16 head two year old heifers, one Durham bull 5 years old, and one pedigreed Durham bull two years old. Intend to close out business; must, be sold by Sept. 1, 1903. . - J. E. Aldrich. To Cascadia. ' .''. . Cascadia Stage office, at Powers and Loftin's livery barn, Lebanon. ' We are prepared to convey people to Cascadia after the arrival of the morning ' train reaching there the same day with or without baggage. Powers & Loftin. ( Wanted, A good starch-work . ironer. at Corvallis Steam Laundry. Inquire . ' . To the Public. I have leased my truck for the period of one year to L. F. Wooster, ' who will engage in the truck business. I thank my patrons for past favors, and bespeak for my successor a ; liberal patronage. I have taken the office in the Fisher brick, over the postoffice. formerly oc cupied by F P. Morgan, and, shall en gage in- tne real esiaie, renting, iuau and insurance business.- . I shall be glaa to have owners list with jne, property that they have for sale, or houses they have to rent. , . - ' . , G. A. Robinson, ; . : Corvallis. Dainty Breakfast Goods, As well as Choicest Delicacies for lunch and dinner, can al ways be found at our store. We handle only first-class goods and can guarantee qual- itv. Everything offered for sale here is strictly fresh and just as represented. We car ry a large stock of selected -' Family and Fancy Groceries, and are sole agents for " .. gbase Sanborn Riflb Grade Coffees. ' A Bargain. If taken soon, . 2 acres; one acres in choice bearing fruit. A nice house, barn and other buildings, about one mile from college grounds, and one half mile from school house. Terms easy. , Call on or write :,: B. R. Thorn oson, 4;v, Corvallis, Ore, '