The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 22, 1903, Image 1

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    County Jerk's Orfo
777 '.')
Vol. XVI. No. 21.
Editor and Proprietor.
. Willamette Yallej
Balking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exohange issued payable at all finan
cial centers In United States, Canada
and Europe.
- Principal Correepondetits.1
POKTL AND Lond on & San Francixco Bank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce.
I 'SAN FRANCISCO London St San Francis-
VI co Bauk Limited.
I NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Hank. -IiONDON,
ENG. London Jt San Francisco
Francisco Bank Limited. -
Time Card Number 21.
- ' V-' '
s For Yaquina: ' . .. 1
- Tnfin leaves Albany. . . ... .12:45 P- m
. ' V ' Corvallis...... a:oo p. m
"arrives Yaquina r...;,... 6:25 p. m
t Retorning:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m
. Leaves Corvallis. .. . xi :3a a. m
Arrives, Albany..... 12:15 p. m
5 For Detroit: :' :
y Leaves Albany 7:00 a. in
f Arrives Detroit ...12:05 p. m
li from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit .125 p. m
Arrives Albany 5:35 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. . v 7 "v- ;
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and .
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching ietroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reagh the Springs the
same day; '' ,' L
For iurtaer mJaitnatton apply to T
r Edwin Stone . . . '
-Aff onfxrpr.
fH. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. .
iThos. Coekrell, Agent Albany.
i . i - '
' " Ilomeopathist ..
lOffloe cor 3rd and Monroe sts. Best-
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hoars 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
fPhone residence 315. -
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
' t '
G. R. FARRA, x
; Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs back of Graham &
Wells': drug store. Residence on the
corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele
phone at residence, 104. .
All calls attended promptly., ;
Ruthyp. Turney.
violin. r
Instruction given to beginners, and
pupils in all stages of advancement.
Studio Opposite parsonage of M. E.
Church, South. , ,
Binder -:
Raises it3 grain only 28 in
ches. All levers are handy
and easy to operate. It is
fstrong, though light; and will
last well. . : .
$. c. Kline, Bat.
We" famish extras" for all Os
born machines. " - :
Dealer iu New and
Second Hand
'And Musical Instruments. Musical In
struments'cleaned and renairnri.- Ratio-
9iaction gnaeanteed. Phone' 441. ' - '
Corvallis, Oregon.
' Many Men '
And Boys
0ati now Save money
By inspecting our
Big line
to your, interest
We Do
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
,est standard of Grocer- " v
ies that is the
place to . ' . v , -BUY
Fresh Fruits,
i- -
1. II. ' . j 1. . t
iresn every ixung 10 De naa
: run our delivery wagon and "our aim is 6)
to keep whai you want and to
;.' please. Call and see v .
- , , - ... -. V-
i good bargains in stock grain, fruit and poultry'
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country.
. Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon. .
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence" Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham'B drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
' Philomath, Oregon. :
. - 7 -
to call and see
not due
Fresb Uegetables, 4
r s'
n J 1. . . 1 i ITT .
in me marKei.. we fp
B. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick CorvaUis, Oreg
Physician and Surgeon, i
Office, Boom 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
io to 12 a, m.a 2 to 4 p. m. ;
- IN 1904.
Late High Official in PoLtoffice De
partment Wanted for Accept
ing Bribe Bench Warrant
, Lssued Yor His Arrest
O.her News.
Washington,. C, July. 11. ?
Ail doubt as to whether or not Sen
ator Gorman intends to have his
name presented to the next demo
cratic national conveotion as a can
didate for president has been re
moved by the quiet but energetic
activity of his supporters in Mary
land during his absence in Europe.
-'A lively campaign for thedemo
cratic nomination for governor- in
Mirj laiid isnow in full blast be
tween Spencer C. Jones and Edward
Warfield, both former ; state sena
tors and both old-time lieutenants
of Gorman. Each1' candidate denies
be bears the Gorman, mark, but
both eagerly claim that a sweeping
democratic victory in Maryland
this fall will mean sucb a vindica
tion of Mr.' Gorman as will make
him the logical candidate of the
democrats for president in 1904. '
1 With his presidential candidacy
in view the managers of the party
organization in Maryland,' which,, is
a, copper-riveted Gorman machine,
ate moving cautiously to preserve
toe utmost narmony in . tne party,
so that no discordant'notd shall be
raised in their state against Gor
man for the leadership next year.
The situation is significant' be
cause never before have Gorman's
henchmen in Maryland openly, ac
knowledged he was a candidate for
president. -
A full legslatare is to be elected
thiff fanrwhicti" is to choose - buc
lessor to Senator McCamas,-Mr.
Gorman's ' republican colleague.
The republicans are badly divided,
with senator McUomas as the lead'
er of "one faction and . ex-Senator
Wellington and Representative Sid
ney E. Mudd the leaders of. anoth
er. For months President Roose
velt has been trying to restore peace
among the Maryland republicans,
but as soon as he gets7 the faction
lata quieted in one quarter tne war
breaks out fiercer than " ever in
another. These irrepressible hostil
ities are causing .the president and
the republican : national ; managers
to despair of holding Maryland in
line in 1904. : .
Senator Gormon has sent word to
the faithful in Maryland that he
will start back from Europe Aug.
25, in order Co look over the field
carefully before the state democrat
ic convention meets at Baltimore
the middle of September. : That be
will dictate the action of the con
vention is admitted, and that . he
will frame a platform that will be a
compromise between Bryanism and
the - Eastern Democracy is being
predicted. " . -
St. Petersburg, July 18; An aw
ful catastrophe is reported here to
day. Toward noon the passenger
steamer 'Peter- caught fire; on . the
River Volga and 60 persons were
burned to death. The passengers
and crew were caught like rats in a
trap, and before boats could reach
the doomed vessel all hands had
perishedT y 1 '-
The scene was one of horror, as
from the boat could be seen frantic
men climbing to the highest part of
the vessel, only to fall back into the
devouring flames. Not a soul lives
to tell how or where the fire started.
' Chicago, July 18. The boom of
Mayor Carter- Harrison for . demo
cratic presidential candidate for the
campaign" of 1904 is expected to be
launched this afternoon at Brand's
Park, where prominent democrats
from all over the United States are
making merry today. Among those
present are Sullivan, the democrat
ic nominee for governor of Iowa:
William Jennings Bryan, and Con
gressman Trimble, Hurst and Wil
liams. ' :'-.,; 7-;"
Secretary Walsh, of the democrat-1
ic national ommittee. who was to
have brought Harrison's name be
fore the party in Sn address at ',. the
picnic today, was- unable, through
illness, to be present at the gather
ing. He forwarded, however, a
copy of tbe address he intended to
make and this will be read before
the assembled multitude sometime
this afternoon. " :v ;
Enthusiasm runs high. Fifty
trolley cars had been- chartered ' to
carry the guests to the park and at
1 o'clock this afternoon a mammoth
procession passed through the down
town district and out to the gtounds.
This is the most gathering of
democratic politicians in, the West
for months and great results are ex
pected.;. "": r.-,--. '-vc-'"
Vancouver, Wash., July 18-
One of the most horrible' accidents
recorded in the annals of "Clark
county occurred at. Flat woods, lfl
miles north of this city, -yesterday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, in which an
estimable mother lost her life.
Mrs. Asa Sturgesa and husband
were riding upon a load of hay,
when a portion of the load slipped
off, precipitating Mrs. Sturgess. A
three-tined pitchfork fell from the
load at the same time, . tines up
ward, and upon this Mrs. Sturgess
fall, all three tines piercing her
body, the middle one her heart
killing her instantly. "
v The terrible occurrence has
thrown a pall over the neighbor
hood. The deceased is a daughter
of Hon. Isaac Dietdericb, a pioneer
farmer and business man of . this
county, and leaves many relatives
and friends Jo mourn her untimely
departure. , A sad feature of her
sudden taking away is that four
children, all young, is left to mourn
with their father the loss of a moth
er's care. Mrs. Sturgess was about
40 years of age. ' Interment, will
take place tomorrow at the Salmon
Creek cemetery. :V.
-New Bork, July 17? A be'nch
warrant was issued by Judge Thom
as, in the United States circuit'
court, Brooklyn, today for the ar
rest of" Geofge W. Beavers on an in
dictment found by the Federal
Grand jury, which charges him
with accepting a bribe of $840. It
is -understood" that payments to
Beavers were ' traced , back to the
purchase by the government of the
Brandt-Dent Cash Registering Co.
The postoffice inspectors found that
Beavers had a large account in tbe
Nassau Trust Company, Brooklyn,
and are said to have discovered that
checks deposited there had been
given by ex-Congressman IDriggs.
The warrant has not yet been
served, and it was rumored that
be would have until Monday to pre
sent himself, and that an arrange
ment'had been made by his attor
neys to enter a plea foe him at that
Washington, July 18.. It devel
oped today that the total number of
machines supplied to the postoffice
by the Brandt-Dent Automatic ma
chine Company, 'of, Watertown,
Wis., was 572. The inspectors have
evidence of this, although the pres
ent action of , the " grand jury in
Brooklyn,', indicting - George W.
Beavers, is based on the contract
under which 250 1 of - the machines
were suppled T he information in
tbe possession of the government
is that of the amount paid by, the
government for eaeh machine the
contracting company received $50,
while $100 went, for commission,' of
which amount , the agent of the
company received $50. The cash
registers were sold openly in the
market throughout the country for
$125, while the government paid
$150 each. ; N
' There was a sligbt difference in
tbe construction, of the machines
sold in the open market from those
sold to the government, but the in
epectors say -this change was trivial
and the cost ; insignificant. The
supply of the machines dates back
to the latter part of 1897, when the
first machines were furnished . the
denartment for trial. ,
The contract .lor zou machines at
$150 was entered into May 5, 1898.
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that for
persistent and unmerciful torture.
has peihaps never been equalled.
Joe Golobick of Colusa, , California,
writes. 'For 15 yean I endured in
sufferable pain from ' rheumatism
and nothing relieved -me - though I
tried everything known . I came
across Electric Bitters and it is the
greatest medicine on earth for that
trouble. : ; A few bottles of -it com
pletely cured me."', Just as good
for liver and kidney ' troubles and
general debility. v. 'Only 50 cents.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Allen's
Pharmacy. -
:-7.. ING MOB. .. - -
Deputy Sheriff also ShotvDisorder ".
v knd Lawlessness Prevalent and.
Authority set at Naught.- :
Butte, Montana, July 19. Law-
lessoess is riot at Thermopolis and
vicinity on the Northern border o
Wyoming. Two condemned - mar- -derers
were in the county jail. They
were Gorman who killed his broth
er two years ago and ran off with
the latter's wife, and Walters, who .
shot a widow because she would not ;
marry khim. v 5
It was reported to Sheriff Fentoa
last Wednesday morning that a. :
mob was comingup to Basin along
the Big Horn river from HiattBvillet '
and Tenslip for th vur08 ofJ""
lynching Gorman avd Waltcre. Aa "
a meaeure of precaution thu sheriff -took
those two men and a - horse
thief out of the jail and secreted
them in a gully, pear - town under 7
gaard of Deputy Sheriffs Felix Al
ston and C. E. Price. V : r
: Gorman, who has exceptionally j
small hands, managed to slip bis.
handcuffs and made his escape..
Deputy Pierce fired one shot at tha
fugitive as he disappeared in the
brush, but the bullet went wild.
Gorman swam the Big Horn river
and .made for the mountains. A .
posse of seven men quickly organ
ized and Gorman was recaptured
early yesterday morning on Trap
per creek, about 50 miles from Ba- .
sin. ,v . v . , ' ...... t .
Last evening about thirty men,
unmasked and in. perfect order,
rode up tbe east back of the Big
Horn, dismounted, tethered their
horses and, compelled tbe ferryman
to carry them across the riverr "They ,
made no demonstration until they ;'
entered Basin, when five shots were
fired as a warning The mob pro- .
deeded st onoe to the building which
is a courthouse aDd jail combined
aDd fired a volley inio the jail. Dep-- .
uty Pierce and Special rDeputy
George S. Meade were guarding, the v
prisoners at the time. . One bullet -...
grazed VIeade's shoulder and enter
ed Pierce's heartr killing him . in- -Btaotly.
, Members of tbe mob then .:
quickly procured ' telephone poles .
and battered the jail doors down.
The first came to was Walters, who.
was crouched on bis cot, pitBousIy
begging for mercy. No needless5- ,
Itorture was resorted to. Waiters
was shot instantly. , The mop next
found Gorman, , whose ' body was
pierced by five bullets and was left
presumably dead. , He lingered,
however, until 8 o'clock this mora
ing, when he died.
A still more alarming state 01 af
fairs is reported from the vicinity ''
of Thermopolis. About six weeks
ago, as a result of tne range teud,
that has bee n bitterly waged, a ,
sheepman, Bennick, was killed by
cattlemen. Sheriff Fen ton, it is al
leged, has captured the murderers.
who are all prominent cattlemen
and whose names have been with
held on account of threats made
against him. Sheriff Fenton is un
able to set his prisoners to Basin.
It is claimed the jsame men that
lynched Gorman snd Walters are
sympathizers, and have declared
that Sheriff Fenton will never get
out of tbe locality alive with his
Sheriff Fenton has asked tbe gov-,
ernor of Wyoming for permission
to use the state militia at Lander
and has also sent a telephone mes
sage to Coda, Basin, Meeteets and
other Wyoming towns asking for
volunteers to assist him in uphold
ing the law. - Everywhere hardy
Westerners are responding to tbe
call, arming themselvei and hast
ening toward Thermopolis. v" '
It is probable Jbst the militia
will be ordered to the c ne and a
bloody battle will be"fought. . vTho
country about Thermopolis is wild
and lawless. A message received -at
Cody this morning from Sheriff
Fenton stated that he still had the
prisoners in-his possession and that
he believed he could hold out until
reinforcements came. -
' For Sale. V ,
Thirty two inch Pitts separator and a
horse power, to be had 'for $100. Call :
on or Address, ' ;
' R. C. Kiger, CorvaUi?-
: - f