The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 18, 1903, Image 4

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, Then big Mob Wrecked her House
and Sought to Lynch her
. Mrs. Biaine Dead Wire
Nail in Elephants Fopt
A'igu?ta, Me. July 15 Mrs
Jaiues G BUina died at the Blaine
hom-tead here to lay. Mrs Blaine
was 76 years of age. From Wash
ington, a fhort tioie ago, she cam4
to the old family residence on State
street. She was in an enfeebled
condition, and hd been under al
most constant medical attantiou
eince. Duiing the past wek she
failed rapidly. Her condition was
due to a eeneial breaking down of
tha system. V
Mrs. Blaine's maiden name was
Harriet Sunwoad. When a young
womm she was a teaeber at a semi
nary for girls at Millersburg, Ky.,
and Mr. Blaine, who had just grad
unted from Washington College, at
Washington, Pa., in 1847 was a
teacher in the Western Military In
stitute, at the neighboring town of
Bine Lick Springs, They 1 became
acquainted soon after he went there
and witbi;, ft-w months they were
married . After a short residence
in Pennsylvania, tbey came to
Augusta in 1804, when Mr. Blaine
became part owner and editor of
the Kermsbeck Journal. Their
Jife from that4 time until Mr,
Blaine's death is a part of the na
tional history. Siuce that event
Mr. Biaine had lived in retirement.
Mrs. Bliine h survived by one
son, James G. Blaine, and two
daughters, Mrs. Harriet Beal and;
Mts. Walter Damrosch, of , New
York, who were at her bedside dur
ing her last sickness.
Chicago, Joly 15 This city was
thrown into a state of intense ex
. citemeot today when a fierce run
ning fight occurred between the po
.lice and at least' 1000 striking
teamsters; -freight handlers and
their sympathizers.
I So sunn as the news of the riot
became circulated immense crowds
gathered at tbe Northwestern depot.
From ail over the great city men
from all walks of life appeared on
the scere. Yom?n slone in crowds
ami some with infatta in. their arms
TW7ft.1pri with tYa thy.-inrv at A iUnuo
w&oiwere friendly to the strikers
wre-8vn louder than the men in
their ovrteriej against the police.
At one time it was bslieved that
a 1J 1 . 1
Jsioi I nit WUU1U ouvc to DB
sounded, which wcmld have assem
bled firemen a3 well as all police on
the battle field. '..''
Kellogg Company undertaking to
deliver freight at the Northwestern
depot. The wagons of the company
WEre accompanied by three patrols
of police. The officers were in the
wagons which were followed by
fully 1000 strikers who rode in
trucks and ran and walked beside
them. . .
Frequently the trucks would be
driven ahead, and block the way.
A half mile from the depot the
strikers seized six street cars and
after unmanning them, dragged
them-after the trucks. v
' Throwing of stones became gen-
erai as tne ireignt sneas were ap
proached. At this the police
mads a raid and drove the mob
back, severely injuring many with
elubs. Stones flew so thickty that
at last - the officers charged - with
drawn revolvers, but did not shoot.
In this' way the police won : the
fight and delivered the freight at
the. depot.
New York, July 12. Jewellao
- elephant in the Central Park me-
na eerie, has been am Dins tor sev-
eraldays, and Keeper Snyder de
daeui tnai tne eiepnanvs . curuu
needed paring. The big fellow was
thrown on bis side and tfce hard
skin on the bottom of hi3 feet cut
away.' -- S
Jewell still limped, and keeper
Snyder cut more flesh from the
right hind foot of the animal. The
knife . struck a hard" substance,
which proved to be7 a wire nail. It
was extracted, and when Jewell was
allowed to stand up the limp had
Peoria. - III.; Julv5. A mob of
600 white loeoDle sought the life of
Minnie Pearl, . colored, who ; beat
Perry Combs, a white ; boy, aged
eleven years, with a club this after
noon till bis body was covered with
deep cots and welts. "" -The
woman was arrested and taken
to the police station before -the mob
could reach tbe .house. , When ,the
mob discovered that she was' gone
they tore down her houee and threw
her furniture into the river. . -
The attack on the.boy was ' made
becau3e he led a mule across the
woman's lot.
St. Petersburg, July 15. The
Birzhevia Vedomsti eays:The Czar
haa abolished the harshest remnants
of the Barbaric punishments 'of
former tiuofS namely, castigation
with cudgels and cat-a'-nine tails,
chaining to the car, shaving . the
head, which were still inflicted for
certain offenses on persons exiled to
penal pnlement, 6r to the mines.
Catigation with the cat o'-nine
tails and even with the cudgels not
inf.-tquentlv ends in death, and was
one of the hareb forms of the death
penally, being death by torture.
Only the most hardened pi ison ad
ministration could stand the terri
ble sight of the human beings un
der tha measured blows of tbe cato'-nine
tails. '
Tbe cudgel and tbe cat are re
placed in the new statute, says the
newspaper, by prolongation of
terms or by solitary confinement up
to 100 days with bread and water,
except every third day, when -hot
food will be served at one meal. ? j
Tne abvl.tion of the cudgel and J
"cu" does not, however, mean, the
prohibition of capital nunisbment
altogether. The revised statute of
June 15 prescribes chastisement
with birch reeds uu to 100 blows
"for light offenses and nisdemean
ors." according to the same author
ity, aDd this matter is left entirely
to the discretion of the prison au
thori'.ies or the lcal governors.
What Woodburn's Executive Thinks
ot the Famous Dr. Darrin.
(Woodburh Independent.).
Tnoe who think that DrDarrin,
me ramous specialist ana eieciric
physician does not perform cures
will have their doubts dispelled by
hearing what Hou. S. Lomlinson,
mayor of Woodburn. says , on the
A representative of tbelodeD&nd
ent called on mayor Tomlinson,
and in the course of an interview
with this prominent man secured
valuable information, although he
was very reluctant to go into print.
"Well," said Mayor Tomlinson,
"injl891 I bad sciatic rheumatism
and! malarial fever and was treated
by different physicians without
gaining relief. Dr. Darrin of Port
land, was then advertising .exten
sively and, like a man going to the
court of last resort, I went to him.
I was in a bad condition and unable
to do any work whatever. Before
the full course of Damn's treat
ment was over I returned home a
new man, and since that time have
not been placed in a position wnere
the services of a physician were
needed." - . '
That was eleven years ago. To
day Mayor Tomlinson is one of the
strongest men in the city, possesses
a physique that is the envy of his
fellow townsmen, and is well known
for his capacity for hard work.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
at the Hotel Revere, Albany, from
10 to 5 o'clock daily; evening 7to
8; Sunday 10 to 3.
The doctor makes a specialty of
all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, catarrh, deafness, . bronchi
tis, la grippe, heart, liver, bladder
ahd'Kidney diseases or -those who
Buffer from apathy and indifference;
also consumption, genito-urinary
and skin diseases in either sex.
such as blood taints, seminal weak
ness and lost vigor, varicocele and
stricture. '
All curable chronicdiseases treat
ed at $5 a week or in that propor
tion of time as the case may re
quire. The poor treated free, ex
cept medicines, from 10 to 11 daily.
No case published except by -the
permission of the patient. All bus
iness relations with Dr. Darrin
strictly confidential. Electrical
appliances furnished. - One visit is
desirable, though, many cases can
be treated by home treatment by
writing symptoms. Eyes tested and
glasses fitted. s -
This is the first visit of the bead
of the Portland firm of Drs. Darrid
to this city. The Dr. will remain
until October 1st, and those wish
ing treatment will do well to call
soon, as many require secona treat
ment. .;. V'- , . ; . I
r . y . - -
No man r woman will hesitate
to speak well of Chamberlain's
Stomach and v Liver Tablets after
once trvine them . They always
produce a pleasant movement of tbe
bowels, improve the appetite ana
strengthen the digestion. For sale
by Allen & Woodward. - ,
For Sale.
' Thirty two inch Pitta eeparator
horse power, to be had for $100
and a
on or address, f :-,
. v 1 :-J R. C, Kiger, Corvallis.
. What is worth doing is woith doing
well, and so in selling coffees, . we sell
only "the best Chaser &. Sanborns
importations' P.'M. Zierolf. '
"- There is one grocery store in town
which does not close at 6 o'clock. That's
Chipmaa's. v ; . ' s
Took Place in the . Suburbs of
- Portland Six Masked Men
Terrorizeed thePassengers
and Escaped Without
Leaving'a Clue.
Porlland; July 15. With desper
ate daringan l wantonness supreme,
six massed men held up car JNo.
31 of the Oregon Water-Power &
Railway Compiny, at the Southern
Pacific crossing on Eist Eievenih,
near Division street, at 11:45 o'clock
last night, robbing the 40 passen
gersand shooting B. F. Day
through tbe back- with a 38-caltbre
revolver. Day will recover. . A re
ward of $500 has been offered by
Chief of Police Hunt. There is not
the slighest clew to the perpetrators
and no arreet3 have been made.
The ill-fated car with its load of
human freight left tbe city station
at the corner of First and Alder
streets at 11:20 o'clock. Conductor
Mittson and Motorman' Nye were
in charge. There were between 40
and 50 passergerr, including men,
women and child'rtn, many of them
returning to their homes from Ihe
opening of the Woodman's carnival.
The car sped along at a rapid rate
until the crossing of tbe Southern
Pacific, near Division etreef, was
reached, where a stop is always
made,-both for the crossing and for
the switch just b-ybnd. '.: ;
" Without warning, other than a
gruff command to stopthe car, Mo-
torman Nye was confronted with
two long-barreled six-shooters. The
front door .nd the vestibule doors
were closed but the men behind
the masks pushed the barrels of
their weapons through holes in the
gates, where they could back up
their threat to shoot unless their
instructions were -obeyed quickly.
At the reer Conductor Mattson was
confronted with the same condi
tionsand-the desperadoes had con
trol of the situation. Aside ffom
the four men at the front and rear
platforms, two others, masked and
heavily armed, stood guard outside,
where they could command a view
of the approaching, thoroughfares.
The coast having- been : cleared,
the robbers began their work. Age
or sex cut no figure with the ruffi
ans, as thay rifled the pockets of
every passenger, taking money and
valuables, except some which tney
overlooked in their harry to ' finish
their work. , , j -
At the outset the men seemed to
think that Day, the young man
who was shot, intended to escape.
One of tbem kept his revolver
pointed toward Day, and once ord
ered him to make room in the rear
door for the other masked man to
pacs through. Day turned with
his rack to the man who spoke, and
with an oath the robber placed the
revolver to Day's back and fired.
With 'a cry of pain the wounded
man tell to the floor. jbui, not
wavering for a moment in the face
of the terrible crime just perpetrat
ed, both highwaymen at the rear of
the car picked up their victim,
whose lifeblood was flowing from
tbe wound, searched bis pockets,
robbed him of three silver dollars,
and a gold. watch and chain valued
at $60. They then turned him ov
er to Conductor. Mattson, with in-N
structions to attend to; him on til
they completed their work of rob
bing their helpless victims
With quick dispatch, denoting
previous experience, one man
from each end of the car began to
search and rob passengers, and the
system was followed up until they
met halt way up the car. Alter
they were through with their des
perate work, they alighted from tbe
car, and ordered Motorman Nye to
proceed toward bellwood, which he
did.' One highwayman remained
on the fronf platform until the car
was going at almost lull speed, then
s wuug off, and, going .back, proba
bly joined his companions. lben
the desperadoes vanished as if into
thin air. , ; ' - ;
After turning the deeperate trick
of obbing right and left - on tbe
street car, the sextet of desperadoes
held up and robbed U. JN. imtner,
whom they, met - and passed down
Milwaukie street. He reported the
robbery to th&police shortly after
ward. He is positive there were
six in the party.' ; They, still wore
their masks when they beld him
It was impossible today to obtain
a complete list of the passengers on
the unfortunate, car, but from : all
that could be learned thetotal loss
to passengers and the company-will
not reach $500. From Conductor
Mattson the robbers took $9.35. .
- Day was operated on bytwo sur
geons shortly after 9 o'clock. They
found the bullet which entered the
right side of the bfck, about eight
inches, from the spine. It fractured
tbe 10th rib and lodged against tbe
Spinal column, traversing about 8
inches of fiesn and bone iu its course.
For Sale.
Nice ripe cherries; come and pick
yourselves or send in orders.
L. L, Brooks:
Best-grade of gasoline 30 centsa gal
lon at Berry's.: . . " - '
, Claims of Supervisors.
Following is a list of claims of road su
pervisors for services from April 1st to
June 30th, 1903. inclusive, as filed with
the County Clerk: ' :
J,D Wells deputy dist No i $$3 00
tf L Stoneback supervisor ' 1 7800
JD Wells - ,'2 6 00
Lewis Wentz x ' 5- 50
E A Blake " 6 s no 75
John S Miller ' 7 62 00
W M Clark " 8 20 00
A Cadwalader " , 9 . 38 00
, W Iv Read " 10 7100
J R Fehler . ' " 11 10S 00
G R Taylor " 12 22 00
G T Vernon " I3' 58-00
E N Starr ' " V 14 52 00
John R Crow " 15 45 00
Albert Zierolf " 16 900
loke Gray ' i7 ' 4600
C E Bantou " , 18 26 00
And notice is hereby given that the
eame will be allowed by . the County
Court at the regular August term, 1903,
udIuss objections thereto are filed on or
before the 1st day Of said term of Court.
By order of Court, " '"v
Dated July 7, 1903.
: . ATTEST: " . . : .
"Victor P, Moses.
Couniy Clerk of Benton Counry..N
Jf'ast Train Service.
Commencing Monday, July 6th,; tbe
Astoria & Clumbia River Railroad
Company will resume its Bummer spe
cial seaside schedule, and train, leaving
Union depot at 8 a. m, daily will run
through direcririthout trauafer at As
toria to all Clatsop.beach points, arriving,
at Astoria at 1 1-30 am, Gearhert Park at
12-20 p m, and Seaside at 'I2-30 p m,
making direct connection at Warrenton
for Flavel. .;
Beginning Sajturday Jhly nand ev
ery Saturday thereafter the popular
Portland -Seaeide Flyer will laave the
Union Depot at 2-30 p m, , arriving at
Astoria at 5-4o p m, Gerheart Parte at
6-4o p m. and Seaside at- 6 5o p ; m,
making direct connection at Warreoton
fof Flave. '.
In connection " with thia improved
service, round trip season excursion
tickets between Portland and ail Clair
sop and North Beach points are soli at
$4 for round trip and Saturday . special
round trip tickets between same points 1
goo 1 for return passage Sunday at 2.5o
for the round trip." :
Special Season commutation tickets
good for five round tripst from , Port
land to all Clatsop and North Beach
points sold for $15, ' Beach excursion,
tickets issued by O. E, &N and " Van
couver Transportation Co- will be honor
ed on trains- of this company in either
direction between Portland and Astoi ia,
Additional information will be gladly
furnished on application to J. C. Mayo,
GP&PA, Astoria, Ore, or B 1 Lewis,
Comm'l auditor 248 Alder st. Portland.
.' Write for the' novel and catchy Seaside
pamphlet just issued telling about , sum
mer girls, seaserpents and sunsets at
CuivUmhb Rotes by SwIh Sc(eKti
Wlm Hu Bera MiJcliig Obur
; TftttoiM AmoB the Alpi.
1 A. well-known Swiss naturalist, H.M.
Correvon, writ-es from Arolla, Canton.
Valais, reports the Paris Messenger.
. ;"The glaciers seem to be fading- into
the. shadows of their former selves,
real skeletons- encircled by their white
or black moraines. They are
ing everywhere.
. "I remember in July, Prof. P-l
A. Forel, the faritous expert in geology,
took us to 'a glorious ice grotto which
he had discovered 20 minutes' walk
away from the hotel at Arolla. We
were able to walk there without dif
ficulty as in an ice corridor. Now not
only' has the grotto disappeared, but
it takes an hour and a quarterto reach
the glacier from the hotel.
; "During the first days of October 25
fears ago I. traversed with two guides
the glacier of Bersol from Zermatt to
Arolla; it then reached deep down into
the valley, nearly touching the gla-1-pier
of Arolla. To-day we mounted up
to 500 meters within the Pass of Ber
. tol without any difficulty.
s "M. : Anzeoug, who has stayed at
Arolla every summer since 1860, be
lieves firmly that: the glaciers which
separate this territory from. Italy will
disappear as the years go by, and that
the : cattle of the Valasian peasants
will &e sent' to niarke to Aoeta (Italy)
across the passes which are now cov
ered with ice. " i-' . ' - j
:' "The one curious advantage in this
diminution of. the glaciers is that the
moraines of Arolla are now producing
veritable forest, the seede of which
must have been blown up by the wind
from the valley ' ' .oMil
W. O. W. Carnival has been here
and gone, but has left us with a
great many
H fl
In our Men's Clothing and Fur
nishing Departments which we
will offer at a' great sacrifice in
iSMg'oods to complete these lines.
.You will find
e&'sms m xi. . o. oc m.
r tt a o n r
WM tailored and exclusive patterns,
fit guaranteed,
louins ana nnaren s tjioin
ing, all styles, will be offered
mothers at great 1 reductions.
Prices range from 1.00 to $10.
, FurnSs!)ings 1 ;-
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Shoes, Socks, Handker
chiefs, and Vests, will be on display at prices that can not
be equaled. ' "
'Have purchased the Studio of Mr. Philips, on Main
Street, and will be pleased to show samples of
, work and quote prices to all.
Fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty.
Also Developing and Finishing for the Trade.
If You are Having
Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called
traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed
andby one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee.
. j E. W. S. PRATT
The Jeweler and Optician.
To the Seaside and Mountain
sorts for the Summer.
. On and after June 1st, 1903, the South,
era Pacific in connection with the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad will have on
sale round trip tickets . from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina axd De
troit, at very low rates, good for return
until October lo, I903.
- Three day tickets to NewpoH ' and
Vaquina, good going Saturdays and re
turning Mondays, are also on sale . from
all Eastside points Portland to' Eugene
inclusive, and from all Westside points
enabling people to Visit their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside.
- Season tickets from all Eastside
points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and
from all Westside points are also on sale
to Detroit at very low rates with stop
over privileges at MjU City or at any
point east enabling tourists to visit, the
Santiam and Breitenbush as well as the
famous' Breitenbush Hot Springs in the
Cascade mountains which, can be reach
ed in one day
'; Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10th. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
days and returning Moudays joni,y.
Tickets from Portland and vicinity wilt
be good for return via the East or West
side at option of passenger. Tickets
from Eugene and vicinity " will be good
going , via the Lebanon - Springfield
branch, if desired. , .Baggage on New
port tickets checked through to New
port on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina
only. - , - " - - - ;
S, P. trains connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallis, for Yaquina
and Newport. .Trains on the C. & JE.
for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en
abling tourists to the Hot .Springs to
reach there the same day. ' . .
i Fall information as to rates, time
tables, etc can be obtained on applica
tion to Edwin Stone, manager CJ & E.,
R R at Albany; W. E. Coman, Gf. P.- A.
S P Co Portland or to any S P or C E
agent.'; u..-.-.".: d ; "
' "Rate from. Corvallis to Newport I3.75
'i Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina fe.25.
Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3,25.
i Three days rate' from Corvallis to : Ya
quina or Newport, 2.50, "
special bargain?
ii-it.; t j
viutuiue. .iiaua-
$6.00 to $20.00.
Trouble with yourEyes
lias Soviet r i Bwlta, Germ
to Hl IUm CelebmCioa
In 1804.
Eerr Hontenr, a wealthy resident of
Berlin," is over 70 years old, but will
celebrate his' eighteenth birthday on
February 29, 1904. He is president of
the Berlin society of leap year chil
dren, the one- organization of its kind
in the world. The members have had
no birthday celebration for eight
years, the extra February day having
been omitted in 1900 according to the
rules of the reformed calendar. There-
lore tne socieiy is piaiuuu(r a recti,
celebration on February 29, 1904. A
committee of arrangements is already
at work, and something extraordinary '
may be expected, as on account of the
society's curious origin many prom-,
- , 1 1 4.1.
incut perMJUk jia-vt, iuicsivu fciicni-
selvee in the matter, reports- a (London
paper. ' .
The month of February in 1886, by
the way, was even more interesting -than
that which will be marked by the
unique Berlin celebration-.- It had no
full moon, and in that was the most rer
markable in the world's history, for
neer before had such a thing occurred. J
January of that year had two . full
moons and so bad March, but Feh-
this event was may be judged from the
fact that according to the computa
tion of astronomers it will not occur
again for 2,500.000 years. '
j3.ttOT7bey-Jt'IM,W, . f
Twelve head of large sized Durham
.:iVi ono-o rfi Vinad two vear old. heifers.
one Durham bull. 5 years fold, and one
pedigreeapurham bull two . years old.
TntAnd to close . out business; must be
1 V.n Cant T TOrt - ": . -'.t ''
. . , ; - J. is. Aldricu.
1 VI