The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 18, 1903, Image 3

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- ( Advertisements in this column charged for
M the rate ofli-oents per line.
Theodore Garrow left Thursday
for a visit with relatives at Gervais.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Healy weofc to
Newport Thursday for the summer.
.U-D.-P. Mason of Albany, was . do
log business in this city Thursday,
J. M, Cameron went to Portland,
Thursday On a business trip.
Mrs. S. N. Wilkios returned
Friday from a visit to har father at
The Dalles .'t -
- -.'!' -
Mr. and Mrs. Haenel returned to
their home near Monroe Thursday,
nftor vlaif mith friends.
-'" Salem Journal Miss Dare
Smith of Oorvallls was a guest of Mrs
F. E, Smith of this city.
Billy Baker and Johnny Winkle
are on a ten days hunting and fiah
ing trip Jn Alsea.
Eugene Regidter Rev. Herbert
Johnson arrived tome on a visit to
day. Ha is pastor of a leading Bos
ton Baptist church.
There will be services at the
Catholic church tomorrow, mass at
10-30, and evening services at 7-30.
All are cor dlaliy invited . v
Mrs. R. Graham departed for
Nye Creek Thursday to j Jin her hua.
band and other members of the fami
ly who had preceded her by team.
On Friday evening, July 24th,
the ladles of the M. E. church South,
will give an Icecream social -on the
lawn at McFarland chapel.
Mra.E. F. Pernct and children
left Thursday for an outing at New
port. She was accompanied by Mrs.
Dahfs, aunt of ProfPernot
Representative Ben Jones of To
ledo, was in town a few ' hours Wed
nesday, and went to Portland on the
afternoon train.
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Klllin of,
Portland, who were guests during the
board moetiog of Dr. . James Withy
comoe, left Thursday for a sojourn
at Newport. .
Barnum lodge No 7 I. O. O. F.
has installed officers as follows : N, G.
D. M. Smith; V. G., D. R. Norton;
Rec. Sec, Horaee Lilly; Din; Sec,,
E, L. Strange; Treas. G. W. Henkle.
Mrs. Ruth Clark returned Wed
nesday from a three weeks' visit , in
Portland and Newberg. She was ac
companied by her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Ed Clark, of "Vale, ' -
Wm. an1 j;G, Hartley' tfels week
went out to Beaver Creek, near Ina
vale, to begia the - construction of a
new farm reeidence for John Peterson,
whose home was completely destroy
ed by fire about two months ago. .
J. G. Flyhn, who was seriously
injured two weeks ago at the Benton
rinnntv nnwmlll. bv being struck by
a falling tree, is able to be about
again. His hearing in one ear, how
ever is as yet very much impaired.
The Bidder Brothers whose
farm is near Wells, began thrashing
barley last Wednesday, and expected
to keep the machine running two
days oa their crop,. ,
Tuesday evening, there a re
ception was given by the Degree of
Honor lodge at their !nall in hon
or of Mrs. Cal Thompson. Mrs.
Thompson left Thursday for Colo
rado. e , : ' r
At sesslon'of the local camp of
Modern Woodmen Saturday evening
it was decided to hold but one meet
ing each month during the' summer.
The meetings are to be held the eee
ond Saturday in each month. J. E.
Fowells will occupy the chair dur
ing Consul Healy'a stay at the Coast.
Mrs. F. A. Palmer visited the fam
ily of C. W. Thrasber in Corvallls
Tuesday and Wednesday. She had
been over to the Bay to vleit rela
tives and was on her return to Port
land where her husband has been in
tbebarbering business for - eeveral
years. The family, however have ar
ranged to go to Condon. -
. .Mrs. E. J. Garrow entertained a
number of fi lends Tuesday evening
!n honor of her nieces, Misses Josie
and Carle Garrow of Wisconsin. Pro
gressive Whist was. the amusement,
Mr. Mangas winning first, and Mrs,
J. M. Nolan, booby prize. Dainty
refreshments were served to ' thirty
' j
W. H. McBee brought to town
Wednesday two small branches bear
ing a big lot of most excellent cher
ries. He was in the hope of finding
someone who might , send them t )
the Union depot at Portland for the
inspection of immigrants, and as ,an
advertisement of Benton county pro-,
duet, but failing to find any person,
who was disposed to resiat the tempt
ation of freely sampling the fruit and
guarantee Its safe delivery, decided
to leave it at . this office and takfj
chances upon the Times people placi
ing it where it would do the most
good. This Mr. McBee and the
public may be assured, has been
done. These cherries are of the var
iety known as "Empress of Eugene"
They are phenomenally prolific and
their season is the entire summer
The fruit is medium size, of excellent
flavor, somewhat tart, and Is unsur
passed for cooking purposes.
Bern, Tuesday, to Mr. - and Mrs.
O. B. Connor, a daughter.
Grant Elgin has returned from a
brief sojourn at the bay.
The familyNf W. E. Yates have
gone to the seashore for the season.
i Mrs. H. C. Mangas goes to New
port today for a week.
Mies Lulu Spangler is attending
the Chautauqua meeting at Oregon
City. '' : - :
Johnny Dubrullle, member of a
pioneer family of Corvallis, is up from
Portland on business.
Mr. and Mrs. 6. L. Shedd go to
the bay today for the summer, Mrs.
Shedd is in poor health. .
" Rev. E L. and Mrs. Fitch return
ed Tnursday from. Southern Oregon,
where they had been visiting two
During the absence of Judge
Greff iz, Judge Holgate is acting po
lice judge.,
- -Vernon Heckert arrived yesterday
from Portland for an indefinite stay
with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Crees.
A note received yesterday relates
that Henry Alen and Dr. Harper have
a camp full ot venison. They have
killed what they describe as "The big
gest buck in the Coast Mountains.
Shet iff Burnett and Ed. Smith
started yesterday morning for a few
days' stay about Mary's Peak. They
were complexly equipped for camping
hunting aud fishing.
Mrs. George Mercer is in Corval
lis. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Well-
sher. Mrs. Mercer is here to consult
Dr. Lowe, the oculist.
Charley BlaKeslee is to remodel
his nrune drir in Job's addition. He
has adopted the Improved Kurtz plan
and workmen will 'begin Monday to
effect the changesj
United Evangelical church
Theme for Sunday morning, "Living
Epietles;" for Sunday evening, "The
Divine Call." Service at Dixon school
house at 3 p. m. Theme, "An Insuffi
cient Rnlitjion.
Clarence Hout expects to go to
Dallas Tuesday to tke charge of the
butcbering business lately purchased
by himself and W. M. Jones, Oliver
Wicks takes Clarence's place in the
Smith & Hout shop here and assumes
bis duties Monday-morning.
George Catney add Tommy Came
ron are to take a pacR-horse to carry
their camp equipment and rusticate
for two weeks between Table Moun
tain and the coast.
Judge Greffoz and Mao Hemphill
started last evening for Five Rivers
where for ten days they will fish and
bunt and swap yarns with Frank
Selts and his' neighbors, -f ' -i ?f
finncrrpcrational ' church.-" Sunday
the 19th: Sunday scho.el at 10 o'clock;
r fibular service at 11 o'clock: Christian
Endeavor-socleiy at 6:30 o'clock. Sub
ject "Religion Between Sundays." The
evening service mil be witn our sister
church, the M. E. South, at 8 o'clock.
You will be welcome. "... c
Miss Grace Scott arrived Wed
nesday from The Dalles to spend the
summer in Corvallls with her parents.
Miss Grace has abandoned the print
er's stick and rule' and during the
past year has been learning to handle
forceps and manipulate that Infer nil
machine in such common" use In dental
rooms. .
John Wells on Wednesday fin
Ished a new ' 200-foot sidewalk for
Mrs. Mary 8tewart in front of her
residence property on Second street.
One hundred feet of much needed new.
walk has been laid along the south
side of the Abbey lots on Washing
ton street. , J. O. Taylor Is also plac
ing a naw walk and platform in front
of his stable property on Madison
street, and there is general activity
throughout the city in repair of
walks, ; ' - ' " ',.
A. M. ' Austin is a pretty good
blower himself, but he isn't in It for a
moment with a little machine he has
in his blacksmith shop, and : which
provides wind for his forge. .This ma
chine la called the champion blower,
and it probably is. It is a compact
little arrangement and having an inch
fan connected by geerlng to a crank
adjustable to a sweep or 8 to 24 Inches,
at the option of the operator. The
parts are neatly encased. . For every
revolution ot the crank the fan makes
45 revolutions, sending a great vol
ume of air through a tube to the fire.
It Is a charming little macbine and a
delight to almost every person - who
sees It. An attachment is. obtainable
whfnh renders it of great value . as a
source ot hot air in election times.
Whpn August Fisher undertook
to drive his automobile through sec
ond street the other day there was
evidently something wrong with it.
Thn thlna "bucked." A by-stander,
having a current story in mind, re
marked that it ougnt to De moone
h'tit if. watin'r.. This remark reminded
ttnnt.hpr nerson that it might be an
Immobile auto, and etill another said.
"It ought to go, .Bill, i out. it
won't" Io brief the alleged inci
dent applied is aa follows: As' a
farmer was having trouble with his
mower, a man came alone In , one of
the new century conveyances. The
rannhnr had not before seen one anH
he Inquired what It was. The travel
er informed him that it was an auto-
mnMlA "An micrht-to-mow-blll! so
liloquized the farmer. ' "Why, that is
something like my machine, here, in
name. Tins is an ougnc-io-mow-nay
but is won't.- . '
The Bond Election But Three Hours
. for Voting The Plan.-
The bond election - to determine
whether or not district number nine
will provide ample accommoda
tions for its school children, tran
spires next Monday afternoon. The
polls will open, at the public
school building . at one o'clock p.
m.; and will close at four, giving
but three hours to the voting.
The proposition of the board has
been partly changed, and those
wbo vote "yes" Monday, will vote
for the purchase of the Diller block
and for the erection thereon, ; of a
hew building of sufficient dimen
sions to accommodate all students
now, and so planned asto'be suit
able for additions of needed rooms
as they shall be required hereafter
For the purpose, and for redemp
tion of so much of the outstanding
bonded indebtedness as may be pos
sible out of the amount, the sum
of $8,ooo in new bonds is proposed
to be issued. There is assurance
that the bonds will be taken on a
basis of four per cent interest,
which will make a saving - of one
per cent on such of the old bonded
debt as may be redeemed.
1 Members of the board are of the
opinion that the bonds will be vot
ed under the present plan . There
is some opposition, however. Some
people want an addition built to the
present school . building, which
ought not, under any circumstances,
to be done. Others want a ward
building in each end of the ytown,
one or both tobe built this year, ac
cording as circumstances . may . re
The district owns a block near the
Southern Pacific sta'ion. The re.
port has been in circulation that
the block would revert to the Avery
heirs in case it should cease to be
owned by the district for use as
school purposes, but this is not
true. The deed was for a consid
eration of $425, and is the usual 1
warranted conve37ance. . ?
The board has an option en the
Diller block at a price of $3,000. It
is the plan to secure if possible a
vacation of tbje street between the
two blocks, and convert the whole
property into school grounds . It
is said that if the present scheme is
defeated, there is a plan on foot to
petition the board for the addition
of more rooms to the present school
builidng.' ','-.-.
The opinion is practically univer
sal, that something must be done
at once to relieve thfc crowded con-!
dition of the school rooms. - Rooms
designed for forty pupils with more
than sixty in them, an old
church with its quota of little ones
iri bad ventilation, and playing in
the public street, with the prospect
that with increased attendance some
old warehouse may yet have to be
used for stowing away a teacher
and a room full of pupils, together
with that other, disagreeable
thought that a partial effect of the
crowding and lack of comfortable
accommodations may make more
little slabs in the cemetery; jail these
have set many parents to hoping
that the district may do its duty by
the little ones, and build something
somehow and somewhere.
Is Now Bank Examiner Has Bought
- Amicitia Hall to Live in.
The Amicitia Hall property has
been sold by W. A: Wells to A. J.
Johnson of Scio. The new owner
has already began improving the
property, a fine barn being among
the additions. When all this "is
completed, Mr. Johnson with his;
family,' will occupy the property.
He comes to corvams tor tne pur
pose of taking advantage of edu
cational facilities. He owns a large
body of land in Benton, a portion
of which is the Chenoweth farm.
The whole tract comprises some
thing over 4,000 acres, and is now
occupied by a brother as a stock
farm. Mr. Johnson is a federal
bank examiner, and is a young
business man of high reputation.
He was formerly engaged in the .'
banking business at Scio.
For Sale.
A &ood wheel. Will trade for wood.
Inquire at Steam Laundry of Alba
Thompson. v .
.. Wanted. : 4 :
A furnished room for single gentle
man. Must be near (Jollege. 1 Address
box i77 City, - . .
There is one grocery - store in town
which does not close at 6 o'clock. That's
Chipman's. "
Remember the three last -days
of this week, July 16, 17, and 18,
Dr. Lowe, the oculo-optician will
be in Corvallis.
One in Kings Valley and one at Phi
lomathBoth are Old Residents.
Christopher Roggers. an old res
ident of Benton county died" in
Kings Valli-y on last Monday July
13th; havine borne ud natipnfW
for many years under a greatly
impaired constitution. A large
gathering of neighbors assembled
in the Kings . Valley cemetery to
pay their respects to the memory of
the old gentleman. The funeral
was also attended by his daughter,
Mrs ' Clyde Beach, and her hus
band of this vicinity.
Mrs. J. A. Hawkins of Philo
math, bade her family the long
farewell Tuesday, the 14th, inst. at
the age of 47 years, The funeral
service was held in the Philomath
M. U. church, and was conducted
by Rev. J. R. Parker, in the rtre5-
ence of a large gathering of friends.
interment was in tne JNewton cem
etery. Mrs Hawkin's death was
caused from cancer, and she had
suffered. greatly during five months
The bereft family is a. husband,
four sons and two daughters. : Mr.
and Mrs. Hawkins came to Benton
county many years ago.
Dj not Forget
That on tomorrow, Sunday Tuly iqth,
and every Sunday thereafter until the
close of the summer season, the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad will give one of
their popular Sunday excursions to New
port and return,' leaving Albany at
7 a. m., Corvallis at 7:30 and Philomath
at 7l45. Fare for the I round trip from
these points at $ i.5o, points west ; the
usual Sunday rates. '. y.
" Edwin Stone, ,
I . - Manager.
Ladies' Shirt Waists and
Summer Wash fabrics.
Commencing Wednesday, July 8th,
and continuing i for, two' weeks we ' : ;
place on sale our entire line of La- y
dies' Shirt Waists and Summer
Wash Fa"brics. -
The following Bargains are Timely for
those who wish to Economize.
Shirt Waists.
75 white and col. waists, 50
$1 00 . -white and col. waists, 75
i 25 white and col, waists, 90
1 50 . white and col. waists, $1 05
2 00 white and col. waists, 1 45
2 50 white and col. waists, 1 75
Wash Fabrics.
roc. colored wash fabrics, yd.v
12 colored wash fabrics 8 j d.
15c. colored wash fabrics, n yd.
20c. Colored wash fabrics, 14 yd.
25c. colored wash fabrics, 16 yd..
30c. colored wash fabrics, 20 yd.
$5.50 Silk Waists, Black and Cols., $3.75.
And don't forget the Bargain Table. There
will be lots of good things on it during this
sale, at ' .
Regulator of Low Prices.
There is one grocery store in town
which does not close at 6 o'clock. . That
is Chipman's. V ' .
Wood. Inquire at Times office.
Manure to give away at - the' Brick
Stable, :
To Cascadia.
Cascadia Stage office, -at Powers and
Loftin's livery barn, Lebanon. We are
prepared to convey people to Cascadia
after the; arrival of the morning train
reaching there the same day 'with or
without laggage.
-"' v Powers & Loftin.
" ; Wanted, '
A good starch-work ironer.
at Corvallis Steam Laundry.
Popular Sunday Excuiskns. '
In- order to meet the wants of the
ti aveling public and give practically
daily service to the beach during the
summer season, the Corvallis & Eastern
Railroad will run an excursion train
from Albany and Corvallis and all points
west to Newport every Sunday, leaving
Albany at 7 a. m. and Corvallis at 7:50
a. m. returning leave Newport at 530 p.
m:. Three day and season tickets will
be good going and returning ' on these
trains- This should prove popular tnt'a
the traveling public and .a liberal pa
tronage will be the best appreciation.
Low Prac
es now
the Storeo
Shirt Waists at 25, 50, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.50, which means
25 percent oft our regular prices i
All 50-cent Mercerized Goods now 40 cents. Just a few
j Waist lengths left. . ' i
Summer Vests 10 12', 15 to 50 cents. : ,
You will on the Remnant Counter at prices to suit your purse.
Large assortment ot Upholstering Valours, regular 75c quality
at 60 cents. - k' ,A , ;.. ;v -. ' r : '
Summer Parasols iri White and Colors, 25 percent off. ; ;
With cash sales we are - now issuing
oupons, a sufiBcient number of which
edtitles the holder to an eiegant din
ner set free. Patrons, however, may
if they wish, secure the set piece by
niece as thev obtain coupons. .
These dishes are 6f the Celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain, hand-painted decoration, with gold trimmings,
" and would adorn any table. Trade with us and secure a set. Tell your friends about this opportunity, .
, F. L. niLLER,. Corvallis, Or. ; '