The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 15, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. XVI. No. 21.
Editor al Proprietor.
f lc
Willamette Vallej
Backing Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchange Issued payable at all finan
cial centers in United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND London & San Francisco Bank
Limited; Canadian Bnk of Commerce.
SAJf FRAJTCISCO London Ji San Francis
co Bank Limited.
IS'K W YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
' CHICAGO First National Bank.
tONDOS, ENG. London & San Franoisco
Bank Limited.
Francisco Bank Limited.
Time Card Number 21.
For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. . .
" Corvallis.,
' arrives Yaquina
.12:45 P- n
. 2:00 p. m
. 6:25 p. tn
1 1 1 Returnm?:
Leaves Yaquina. 6:4$ a. m
Leaves Corvallis . .11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a.m
Arrives Detroit 1 2:110 p. m
4 from Detroit:
- Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. m
; - Arrives Albany 5:35 P. m
Train No'. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. ,
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newjjprt and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day. '
, For further information apply to ., -Edwin
1 ' .Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Th'os. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Physician & Surgeon
- Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 d. m. Orders mav be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
E. Holgate
. Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis. Oreg
B. A. CA.THEY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnildjng, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a. m 2 to 4 p. m. '
Office cor 3rd and Monroe sts. Real-
denoe cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M,
Phone residence 315.
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. " Consul
. tation and examinations free.
Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
Office in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
S. Physician & Surgeon,
) GSiale np stairs back of Graham &
wetor -aros: store. Residence on the
comes-wf Madism d Seventh. Tele
phone at resideoee.
All calls attended promptly.
Ruthyn Turney.
' Instruction given to beginners, and
pupils in all stages of advancement.
Studio Opposite parsonage of M. E.
Church, South.
We have Many Articles in our Estab
lishment that the season is just
beginning to permit you to use.
Many of them we are selling below
regular prices.
All Shirt Waists 20 to 30 percent Reduction.
All Dimities and Lawns 15 " "
All Wove Dress Goods 10 "
AH Ladies' Shoes .10 " ' '
Big .Line to Select from.
, .- - " v ' ;..
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us, but see that you make no mistake in
th e house that keeps the hig- -est
standard of Grocer ...',
ies that is the
place to
rV Fresb Fruits,
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep what you want and to
"please. Call and see -
6 B fiortiitig
good bargains; in stock,
Ranches, -write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you oyer the country.
Real Estate,' Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon.
Proposals lor Lumber. ,
Sealed bids will be received by the un
dersigned until 6 o'clock p. m. July 10,
for supplying the City of Corvallis with
lumber for one year from date.
The right to reject any or all bids
is hereby reserved. .
June 29, 1903.
E.P. Greffoz,
Police Judge.
Fresb Uegetables, J
grain, fruit and poultry
- New Dressmakers. ,
After July 7th, the Misses Marie and
Christens Dahlmann, dressmakers, will
be found on Fifth street, second door
north of the M. E. church South. Fancy
dresses, tailor made suits, French de.
signs are among their specialties. They
are also teachers of tne Mme. Kellogg
French Tailor system. Instruction in
sewing aud dressmaking given to -young
women. Dressmaking and sewing done
at the homes of patrons. .
A Circus Queen's Melancholy story
Greatest Female Rider of All
Time Something', about
Her Daring Feats on
Barebacked Horse.
New Orleans, July 11. There
recently died in New Orleans the
one time "queen of the circus.
.Elizabeth Howard, who 4U years
ago divided honors with Dan Rice.;
In the old days Miss Howard ,:- was
easily the most popular fenfale per
former in the sawdust ring, but the
last 20 years of her life were spent'
selling: newspapers in ttte streets of
the Southern city.
Time was when Elizabeth How
ard received $150 for 40 minutes
work each night. And the success
of the entire performance depended
upon her whim as much as the sing
ing of a grand opera does upon the
humor of a prima donna.
During ber life In New, Orleans
"Old Miss Howard," ' as she was
known to the news boys and street
urchins, earned about - 60 cents a
day, and to do this she was iorced
to rise at 2 o'clock in the, morning,
summer and winter.' and be at
Newspaper row at 3 o'clock when
the morning papers sent outheir
city editions. yr
it is said that Miss Howard ar
rived in New Orleans about 20 years
ago. One cold winter's morning a
sweet-faced, white-haired old wo
man was seen selling papers at the
intersection of Customhouse . and
Royal streets.: She had a rude lit
tie table with uncertain legs. When
it was time -to clew hcrti'shop" she
asked permission of a nearby stores
keeper to aliow her table to remain
J- t; i
over nigm in ou eetauiiHuuicuii.
Then she trudged home to a bare,
cheerless little room somewhere
down town in the French quarter
After awhile she , returned pass-
ins the corner on- her ' way to the
levee for a walk. She was followed
by six dogs, her friends and com-
nanions. This was the history of
each of the last days of the old wo
man's life. She never selected any
other corner, and she was never ab
sent from her little stand. She al
ways went for her walk, accompan
ied by a half dozen dogs. -
Sometimes a change was noticed
in the personnel of her canine body
guard, some of them falling victims
to age, accident or the dogcatcher,
but there were always six of them.
- There are times when the most
cheerful and willing of souls will
rebel at the idea of going out into
the darkness of a bleak morning
and etanding in the face of a stiff,
icy wind that blows straight from
the Gulf, but Miss Howard was al
ways patient and gentle. While
she rarely smiled, she bravely faced
life and the changes it had for her,
and when her work was done she
folded ber arms and went away. .
Misb Howard is held by many to
have been the most dashing, the
most daring circus woman the world
ever knew. She was the first per
son, man or ; woman, to tumble
through paper hoops while her
horse was going at a mad gallop
She could perform on the horizontal
bars, too, and as a dancer she rival
ed Carmencita. She had a voice of
richness and power.
Miss Howard deserted the circus
for a single season, when she starred
in a comedy of the sort in which
Lotta was successful. She achieved
a triumph, her singing of "Long,
Long Ago" being still fresh in the
memory of many an old man. But
the stage is not to her liking, and
she soon returned to her old love.
the night in which she reappeared
under the big tent being an event to
amusement seekers. It was in Pitts
burg, and admirers from Cincinna
ti and Detroit made pilgi images to
the Pennsylvania city to give her a
"Before the "grand entry" there
was an accident in one of the dress
ing rooms. A candle was overturn
ed, and some flimsy gowns were
soon ablaze. Dan Rice's little niece
was sleeping on a pile of canvass
trunks, and the flames had reached
the child when Miss Howard went
to the rescue. The "queen's" left
hand was badly burned, but the lit
tle one was unharmed.
Miss Howard bowed to the big
audience that night, "but she could
not ride hei horse or leap in midair.
She Sing "Long,,Long Ago" : ,
"Let me forget that so long have
. you roved,
Let me believe that vou love a8 you
: lovea, long, ljng ago.
, Mis Howard was once a society
girl of Montgomery Alabama, and
just before the civil war she visited
Richmond, where she led the cotil-
ion at the season's most notable af
fair. It was during this visit to
Richmond that she met a circus
clown to whom she lost her heart.
There is no record of her marriage
to him, but at any rate the mem
bers of her family, one of the oldest
in Alabama, were sbosked the fol
lowing year 10 learn that she had
signed a contract with a circus man
ager and bad begun what was to be
a most notable career. She was
forbidden ever to enter her home
Miss Howard sold papers the day
she died. The last morning she
.spent on earth was bright and
warm, one leu on selling papers
about 10 o'clock and went to News
paper Row to settle her weekly
bills.. Then home, dinner for the
dogs, a two hour "naoi" and her
daily walk. As she was returning
home she had a cotfghing spell and
swooned. A hemorrhage followed,
and she was taken into a dwelling
at 730 Orleans street, where she
died a few minutes later.
Miss Howard had been a mem
ber of a co-operative benevolent as
sociation which assured its mem
bers a Christian burial upon pay
ment of 10 cents a week during life.
She had neglected to pay the cur
rent week's dues, and so the "queen
of the circus" was laid to rest in
Potter's field. Chicago Tribune.
New York, Feb. 10. Whatever
the result to the minds of Sir Lip
ten and Designer Fife, there was
nothing about the work of the
Shamrock III, Monday, to cause
Yankees to fear. The two Sham
rocks sailed a thfrly-mife course in
a breeze varying from eight to ten
miles au hour, the challenger fin
ishing in 3 hours 8 minutes and 20
"a"""B nwnu
allow the bhamrock I ten minutes,
the time would be reduced by that
But the test was calculated to
bring out the top speed of any fore
and aft rigged vessel. Ihe sailing
was merely a broad reach out and a
close reach home. Another "But"
(and a bigger one) the Reliance
covered a similar course, under as
near the same conditions as it is
possible to judge, in better than 10
minutes leas time.
This does not mean that Reli
ance, is ten minutes taster than
Shamrock III exactly, but it is as
significant as can be of their rela
tive abilities. Yachts don t race by
the clock- for cups
Shamrcck III kicks up more fuss
going through the water than her
predecessor, and much more than
the probable defender. It is at her
bow she tumbles the water most,
though her counter wave is .of not
dispicable dimensions. And this
in a smooth sea.
Portland July it. In search of
his eon, William, from whom he
had received no message since
last March, J. T. , Shepard arrived
in Portland this morning from Mt
Vernon, 111., and without waiting
to register at a hotel', walked rap
idly to the police station where he
made anxious inquiry of Capt.Geitz
macher. He was told that noth
ing was known of his son. but if
he would return in an hour, an offi
cer would hi detailed to go with
him, and aid him in the search.
. Hardly had the hour elapsed,
when the aged father walked into
the station, and told the captain
that he-Had located his boy. ''He
is working in a cannery at Annita,
Wash.' said the father. "I met a
young fellow on the street, who
told me where he is. Before I
would believe him, I took him to
the sheriffs office, where they knew
him. They say that my son is
-i:i4.i i i i u i . a . j
.r.r. ' r .t r.
VI t. fun.. j
bust no iiiio lauou. to nine ua. -- I
m a.:. i ..i .i
ciaicu Luai n naa uuuugu a 1U1 L Li Lie
teller that he and his wife were
made aware that his son was not
right. He said that when they
failed to hear from ; him. bis wife
went to a medium, - who . told him
that the boy was is sore distress.
After the medium finished, it was
quickly decided that the father
should come West to seek the lost
boy. .
His Hand Always Near a Ready?
Revolver Often in His Fright
He. Shoots Down an Un
offending Attendant.
Alwavs the Saltan carries a re
volver hidden somewhere within,
the folds of his rob as and when
he is receiving anyone in audience
his right hand is never far from
the place where the revolver lies.
With painful anxiety he watches
the movements ot aayoae who is
admitted to his presence. Living;
in mortal fear of assassination, a
brusque movement, a quick step,
even a change of attitude, is enough
to make him start in terror aud 10
send his right hand to hu revolver
pocket and often overcome by
sudden fear, he whips out his re
volver and shoots some wholly ia-t
offensive man or woman. .
And once, when the Sultan was
lying in bed, he summoned hia
chamberlain, Raghip B y, in audi--ence.
Leaning overtha bed to light
a cigarette, at the Sultan's com
mand, he happened to make a
movement that sent his master in
to paroxysms of fear.
The Sultan imagined that his
chamberlain meant to strangle him.
Seizing his wrists the terrified mon
arch held them fast until his wild
shrieks brought the guards rushing;
to his aid. t ,
Tbe greatest terror of Abnul .
Hamid's life is darkness , and
silence. The night is far spent
before he ever retires to rest know
ing that the penalty,. of sleep, is
haunting dreams and terrifying
From the instant when twilight
seta ia until the eun rises, all Yildia
rrom tne smallest ronmn in thn im.
perial kiosk to the futherest con
fines of the great park, is brilliant
ly illuminated with artificial lights
that rival daylight. '
' Before he can sleep a soothing
voice must read to him to calm hia
nerves. This duty usually falls to
the lot of his foster-brother, Is met
Bey a little, ugly man. bearing
such a resemblance to bis sovereign
that he is supposed often to imper-v
Eooate him on state occasions.
Lulled at last to sleep by the
music of the band, the tramping of
guard's feet and the croning voica
of the reader, the Sultan passes a
few moment of unconsciousness,
only to wake with a start from a
terrifying dream, aud hastily sum
mon some trusty counsellor who
will banish the vague terrors that
haunt his uneasy mind, or to call
his soothsayer to his bedside to give
the interpretation of his dream.
Thus, with slumber, broken ; by
horrible dreams, from .which ha
starts shiieking in terror, the Sul
tan passes the night watches until
daylight comes again.
Washington. July 11. Advices
received today concerning the
Kishinef massacre shows the storm
of protest from the civilized world
had a good effect on Russia.
The Russian government has been
moved to vigorous action and 8oo
arrests have been made and 350
cases have been remanded for trial
before the lower courts, while 450
cases have been sent the courts of
appeals, of which 53 have been in
dicted for manslaughter.
Those accused of murder will ba
tried in September. The service of
four distinguished lawyers havs
been secured to assist in the prose
cution of tbe mnrder cases and
three others equally distinguished
will aid in the proBecutien
the prosecution 01 tha
synagogue property cases
Panama, July ii. A remarka-
ble change is taking place in Oa
,i . . j .. . - ., ,
uumuia, aou it is now Keueraiiy uo
circles that the
canal treaty will be passed. Its
ratifications will probably b taken
up by the Congress on July 20.
Several petitions have been sent tha
President asking him to favor
canal legislation.
What is worth doing is woith doing
well, and so in selling coffees, we sell
only the best Chase & Sanborns
importations' P. M. Zierolf.