The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 04, 1903, Image 1

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    County Clerk 'a &fgc
-- ' ' -; ' s ' s. ..-,r, ,j-..:. ,5.--,. .-a." 1 k-vir. . 'i.ri'.,vT.' .-t I
f 5 V. .
Vol. XVI.--NO. 20.
Editor and Proprietor..
I if
i ,V ' i I
i .... ....
Willamette Valley
(Balking Com pany.
Responsibility, $100,000
General Banking Business.
Exchange issued payable at all finan
cial centers la United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Correspondents. .
PORTLAND London & San FranoixcoBanlc
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce.
SAST FRANCISCO London & San Francis
co Bank Limited. I
SEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco
Bank Limited.
Francisco Bank Limited. -
time Card Number 21.
a For Yaquina: '
Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 p. m
" Corvallis 2:00 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 6:25 p. m
l Returning: -Leaves
Leaves Corvallis. . .
Arrives Albany ... .
.... 6:45 a. m
..,.12:15 p.
3 For Detroit: ; '
Leaves Albany . 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit ...12:05 p. m
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit.. ........... 12:45 p. rn
Arrives Albany ... ..... 5:35 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in' time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as weU as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. -. v
. Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush : and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m:, reaching Detroit at noon, giv-'
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to
t '-. Edwin Stonb,
!(;".. f r ' - Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. ' -Thos.
Cockrell.JLgent Albany.
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
' Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
i E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.
Homeopathist ,
Office oor 3rd and Monroe sts. . Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A; M!. 2 to 4 and '7
" to 8 P. II. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315.
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. Consul
tation and examinations free.
: Office hours:' 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
attorney at la w.
' NOTARY PUBLIC. v -Office
in Zierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
Basidemoe In front of court house facing 8rd
k. ua$ hour 8touBviKi and 1 to 8.
NertiTO of Final Settlement. 1
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix of the estate of Jermiah H Muson
deceased, has filed in the CountyCourt of the
State of Oregon, for Benton Couaty, her
final - account as such administratrix of said
estate and that Wednesday the 8th day of July
1 1903, at the hour of one o'clock p ,m, has been
fixed by said Court as the time for hearing ob
. jectlons to said report, ana . the settlement
thereof. : .
' , ' 1 Elizabeth 0. Mason.
administratrix of the estate of Jeremiah H.
; Mason, deceased. -
Many Men
And Boys
gaii now save money
By inspecting our
Bis: line of
Shoes : : :
And Hats.
Reduction on the
to your interest
ttle Do
to as high a standard as
us, but see that you make no mistake in '
th e house that keeps the hig-
est standard of Grocer
c " ies that is the "
. place to
. BUY . -
(b Fresb Fruits,
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
- run our delivery wagon and our aim is
9 to keen whaB
nlfisiQA fall and om
E. B. Horning.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me; I shall take pleasure in giving you all
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country. '
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that I, G R Farra as
administrator of the estate of Thomas Graham
deceased, have filed my final account as such
administrator in the County Court of Ben-
tstn mnnt. Utotnnt t a
-j i uuoiva. weguu, ana me . ssaa
court has fixed Wednesday the 8th dav
afternoon ald day as the time, and thelcounty
vallia, Oregon, aa the place for hearing any and
"-v-wuq w uo oniu uuoi ttcuounc ana ior
settlement thereof. --
Dated this June 6, 1903 : '- :
'i ' . "'. . - - Gr- R. Farra.
ham, deceased. . .
above makes it
to , call and see
not Cioe
our desire would promote
Fresb Uegetables,
von want and to -:
Administrator's Notice.
Notiee is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County of Benton,
administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jane
Shipley, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby requested to pre
sent the same properly verified as by law re
quired at the office of Yates & Yates. Corvallis,
Oregon within six months from the date hereof.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 19th day of
Hay, 1903. . -., . - . ... ;
Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jane
eiujuey, ueceasea. . .
Barrett Gets a Job Iowa Repub
licans Hold State Convention
and Agree on Tariff
Plank Both ; Fac- .
:' ' m s v 'tions Claim
- ' v: r 7 Victory. .
Hanna, WyoM Jane 30. At 10:
30 A. M. today an explosion of fire
damp in mine No. 1 of the Union
Paeifio Coal Company snuffed out
the lives of 236 men, and injured
ecores of others, and caused the de
struction of a vast amount of prop
erty. The mine was not fired, 'as
stated in the eaily reports, but the
explosion was terrific, and complete
ly shattered the timbers of the
main shaft and numerous entran
ces, filled the workings with debris,
and those of the miners that were
not killed oqtright by the explosion
were buried alive. x
The explosion was heard for ma
ny miles around, and attracted peo
ple from the adjoining settlement.
Huge timbers and railroad iron
were .hurled from the mouth of the
the shaft a distance of 200 and 300
feet, i Superintendent E. S. Brooks
and a large force of men went to
work with a will to remove the de
bris from the shaft and reach the
entombed miners. Their progress
into jt be mine was blocked by the.
foul gases, and several times they
were forced to the surfa. e.
All day the rescuing party work
ed, the force being increased from
time to time by the arrival of
ranchmen and others from near-by
settlements, and by those of a relief
train sent out from Rawlins, which
arrived about 2 o'clock in the after
noon, v '':: ' ''
v About 1 o'clock this afternoon
four men were taken out alive, and
hal,an hour later they were follow
ed by 42 others. Many were un
conscious and had to be carried
from the workings. Some were
injured, but none fatally. Sev
eral are in a critical condition. Bat
it is believed all will recover. ;
Two hundred and eighty-two men
went down in the mine at 7 o'clock
this morning, and up till a late
hour tonight only 48 have been ac
counted for. Of this number two
are dead. It was , some time after
the explosion occurred that the first
man was brought to the surface.
He was followed by others until 1
o'clock, when the last were brought
out. The rescuers were unable , to
penetrate further into the mine un
til additional openings had been
made to permit fresh air,- to reach
the lower levels and. clear away the
foul gases. ( ..' ' "
Horses and scrapers were put at
work hauling debris away from the
shaft, and cars were pushed down
the incline, loaded and hauled back
up the tipple and - dumped. ; ... The
work is progressing .slowly, owing
to the narrow space in which the
rescuers are compelled : to , operate,
but by daylight the mine should be
opened "sufficiently to permit of
deep explorations and the rescue of!
the dead bodies. , :
. Late tocigbt a party of rescuers;
reached four mules that were alive,
and this caused hopes to arise, in
the breasts of the tired workers and
the anxious women and children
gathered about the shaft) It is faint
hope, however. ' for experienced
mine bosses and miners ' say . that
when the imprisoned men are reach
ed all will be found dead. Some ot
the miners that escaped said that
they saw twenty dead bodies in en
try No. 17. ,
, They reported that many of. the
men were crazed by the explosion,
and ran hither and thither in the
mine. Many of these could have
escaped, but they laid down, buried
their faces in their hands and gave
up the fight.
Of the 243 dead about 175 were
married and leave large . families.
About 100 were Finlanders, 50 were
colored and the remainder were
Americans. ,
The scenes at the mines are
heart-rending. Wives and children
of men who are known to have
been inside constantly hang about
the shaft, kept only by cooler heads
from plunging in to the dark abyss.
Washington, June 30. John
Barrott, of Portland, ex-minister to
Siain, is to be appointed, minister
to Argentina to succeed ex-Gover-.
nor Lord, whose term expires Octo
ber 16. Although Barrett's friends
have known for some time that he
was to get this position, thsy had
been pledged to' secrecy, and the
announcement, was to have been de
ferred until Barrett could close up
his work with the St. Louis exposi
tion.'':; ::-
Barrett, it is understood, is Pres
ident Roosevelt's ehoice for the Ar
gentine ' mission. . The ' president
greatly admires the . Oregon man,
and only last winter wanted to
make him .minister to Japan.
When the appointment was declin
ed by Barrett, because of objections
raised by the Japanese government,
the president looked about for
another place for him, and it ' was
not until be heard of the coming
retirement of ex-Governor Lord
that he decided upon Barrett's ap
pointment. . '. ,
De Moines, la.; July 1. The
Mcket:.;: :. , f. ' V .. .-. 1
Governor A. B. Cummings,
Das Moines. .
' Supreme Judge Charles A Bish
op, of Dee Moines. ;
Railroad Commissioner David
Palmer,, of Washington.
' State Superintendent James G.
Rigge, of. Sigourney . ; i ; f . ;
I The Republican State Conven'
(jon Dominated the foregoing ticket
and adopted a platform of princi
ples. All the candidates were nom
inated by acclamation, with the ex
ception of State Superintendent,
for which office Mr. Riggs ; was
nominated on the third ballot, Ms
opponents' being present . Superin
tendent R. C. Barrett, , of Osage,
and.H. L. Adams, of West Union:
: Harmony marked the proceed
ings ot the convention, all of its
actions being by unanimous vote.
with the exception of the nomma
tion of State Superintendent,, but
after the ticket had been completed
and the platform adopted speeches
were made which indicated that
the Republican leaders of the state
are not entirely agreed as to the
details of tariff policy., The tariff
plank adopted was one prepared by
Senator "Allison, after conference
with representative Republicans of
the state. No objection was' made
to it in the committee on resolu
tions, nor on its presentation tojthe
convention. Governor Uummmgs
in his speech accepting renomina
tion approved the. platform 1 in its
entirety, but announced that he
would continue to hold to all the
views expressed in his speeches
within the last two years, .
Senators Allison and Dolliver
who made speeches, endorsed the
platform as a correct statement of
Republican : principles, but Rep
resentative Lacey, - of the Sixth
District, and representative Cousins
of the Fourth, spoke in opposition
to the tariff changes. v ;
While as heretofore stated the
action 0 the convention was entire
ly harmonious, both wings of the
party are claiming victory tonight.
Governor Cummings and his , sup
porters say that today's tariff plank
contains in substance all ; that is
found in. last -year's plank while
the "standpatters" are ' congratu
lating themselves, upon . the elimi
nation of the "shel-ter-to-trusts"
clause, which , attracted so 1 much
attention to the Iowa . platform' . of
1901-and-, 1902.- There , were but
two contests today involving the
questions of relative strength ' and
the two wings of the party, and
these ended with ' honors ,- even ,
The tariff plank is as follows: .
, "We reiterate our faith in the
historic policy of protection. Un
der its influences our country, fore
most in the bounties of nature, has
become ' foremost - in production .
It has enabled the laborer to suc
cessfully insist upon good wages
and has induced capital to engage
in production with a reasonable
hope of a fair reward. .Its . vindi'
cation is found in the history of its
success and the rapidity1 with which
our National resources have been
developed and our industrial inde
pendence secured, and we heartily
renew oua pledge to maintain it.
"Tariff , rates enacted to carry
this policy into effect should be just
fair and impatial, equally opposed
to foreign - control, , and dom estic
monopoly, to sectional discrimina
tion and individual favoritism, and
must from time to time be, changed
to meet, the varying conditions in
cident to the process of our indus
tries and their cbangiug relations
in our foreign and , domestic com-
meice. Duties that are too low
should be iucreased, and - duties
that are too high should be reduc
ed. .
TUBED HIM. : ' " . .
The Amount was , Twenty-fivof '
Hundred Jury Hung in' the
Huntington Trial at ' Ba- ' .- !
' ' ker City.
. Davenpert, Wash., June 30. At1
conclusion of the testimony in the ' ;
Tracy reward case Judge' Neal took ' -the
case from the jury and instruct '
ed them to bring in a verdict in fa-
vor of the plaintiffs,' who are : the -Creston1
posse. No arguments were 1
made to the jury. All of the de-''
fondants except Goldfinch had pre-i-'
viouely ' withdrawn their claims.. '
The reward is $2500. The Oregon.
reward, which wa6 received by the
Creston men,' was $1500.; Goldfinch 1
will take an appeal.
The jurors are indignant at bfing ? :
compelled to sign a verdict which '
they did hot reach. : ' Almost to "
man they stated after the trial they !
Would have given Goldfinch an io- '
terest in the reward. The verdict
gives ' general satisfaction, except ' !
that Goldfinch is left ouL'- Publia '
.sentiment in the county is strongly "
ih favor of the;boy and the CreBtofccv '
posse. The trial has lasted 2 daye
and has aroused deep interest.'
iThe fact that Goldfinch did not'
communicate directly to Tracy's'1
captors the news of the outlaws
whereabouts lessened his chances v
of interest in the reward. ; An ef
fort was made to show that Gold
finch, acting through Sheriff GardV
ner," captured Tracy. .; The defense',
however, failed to show that Gard
ner made the capture. This left
no chance for Goldfinch to recover. -
Baker City, June 30. The trial
of ex-Sberiff Huntington came
an end with a hung jury this after-V, p
noon." The' j ory remained out ; all-'-
night and came into court early " '
this morning and asked the judge
to read his instructions again. They, A
retired and deliberated nntil noon,' ,
when they again came in and asked
to be discharged, becausethe fore--man
said they could not 'agree.
They were practically agreed on the
general verdict, but could not agree
on the amount ot the sum embes-t
zled by Huntington. ; -The judg .'!
tent them out again and kept them
until 3 o'clock, when they were dicfr
charged. ' ' ' K' J:-
The law requires that in case the 1
jury finds the defendant guilty,
then they must specify the amount
he has embezzled. One of the jury-
men said that if they could have' '
agreed on this sum they could havs
agreed upon a verdict. ; The first
ballot was 8 for conviction and four - '
for acquittal; and later it is said "'
there were 11 for conviction and,
one for acquittal.' This was on the
general verdict. On the amount to ' :
be named in the .verdict they were
very much divided. The case will1
how ge over to the November termv
No man r woman will hesitatet,
to r sneak well of Chamberlain's- tf
Stemach and Liver Tablets after -,
once trying . them . v They always
produce a pleasant movement of the r
bowels, imnrove the anoetlte and . t :
strengthen the digestion. For sale , "
by jAllen & Woodward.
Screen Doors.
Best quality screen doors, 75 cents
each; window screens 35 to 50 cents.., ...... j j
. , Central Planing Mills.
- Absolutely Pure.
t ''1