Corvallis Times. Cfficial Paper of Benton County. CCBVA1IIB. OBICCN, Jr E 27, 1803. TSKJJREEO USEMEN MUST GIVE BONDS. "Warehousemen cannot do a gram storing business in Benton now un less they have taken out a license. "They have also to give a bond. The -requirement is an enactment of the last legislature. It is necessary for such ware liousetnen on the ist of July to make application to the county court for such license. A bond of not less than $1,000 nor more than according to the business to be transacted, must ; be given The county court fixes the amount -of the bond. There must be three sureties, all residents of the county. . Court meets on the ist of July phich is next Wednesday, and that will be the proper time for Benton warehousemen to make application. No fee is required for the license . IOWA BEMORCATS In state convention at Des Moines "Wednesday Iowa democrats, by a decisive majority' voted down a Jxroposition to indorse the Kansas City platform. Mr. Bryan had made strone effort in the state to br'ng about a different result. The leading plank in the platform is an arringnment of the trusts, and another denounces the bill for issuine currency on the bonds of railroad and other private corpora tions. The pronouncement probab ly indicates very nearly what the democratic atitude will be in national campaign of next year. the ARE TIDYING UP. "ZXn. Other Towns Desire For Better Ap ; pearances Strikes Them. Corvallisites talk - much now about cleaning up the town. The newt) from the neighboring towns ief that a general cleaning is in pro gress in all of them. The constant cotniDg of newcomers on the hunt for new homes has occasioned the general desire for better appearan ces. Tbe information is that the Easterners are used to tidy street?, and that tbey turn up their noses at towDS where opposite condi tions exist. The general statement is that these newcomers in large numbers have been discouraged by the un tidy appearance of things in many of the ; Willamette valley town?, jind have packed up their belong ings and gone kaet again, where environments were more pleasing. This has tet Albany, Eugene, In dependence and other Willamette -valley townspeople to work in , a. movement to tidy up. - In Albany, the work of cleaning up alley?, cutting grass along the streets and otherwise beautifying ' things, is going on in full blast. TJi same thinp- is trim in Tnde- peDdence. The result, of course will be that when homeseekers see those towns thereafter, when the new order of things is on, more of them will settle there. News of these things reaching Corvaliis, has set a lot of people to thinkiug about the matter, and many are wondering it it wouldn't be a good plan . to inaugurate a similar work in this town. - ' ' 1 CORVALLIS MAN'S DISCOVERY". Compound Which Gives to Steel A . Temper of Wonderful Quality. The Times has hithertofore had something to say about B. J. Cas- t i: , j : - r rj - 1 itrimo j uiscuvery 01 a uuiu wmuu gives to steel a temper of wonder ful quality. Mr. Casterline car ried on a series of experiments here and the first of the week went to .Portland, rented a shop and began demonstrating to interested parties the advantages of his "discovery. The most simple experiment1 used tn bTviw thn nnalit.v nf t.h '. Ipmnpr obtained by his process is to take a few sriaviuga off a piece of bard steel w?- ira drawing knife or other tool tuujeoted to his process, and without additional sharpening, af terward use the same instrument .to cleanly shave hairs off the wrist or arm. It is claimed that cutting the hardest steel, ' produces no ab- rasure on the edge of the tool. What is. regarded as a successful- experiment was made in tempering armor plate to render it impervious to shot. Portland capitalists are very much interested in the exper imenteby Mr Casterline, ami have made flattering tenders 'of finan cial aid. It is hoped that 'Mr! Casterline and the Corvallis friends -who are associated with ' him, will realize their expectations. THEY WERE WED. Marriage of C. Melville McKeilips and Miss Olive L. Hamilton. ' - A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Johnson Wednesday evening. The groom was Prof. C. Melville Mc Keilips', head of the pharmaceutic al department at OAC, . the bride. Miss Olive L. Hamilton, sister of Mrs. B. W. Johnson. - The ceremony occurred at , nine o'clock in the presence of twenty relatives and friends. To " the strains of a wedding march, render ed by Mrs. E F. Pernot. the groom and Dr. Thompson passed down the stairway and approached a .floral altar in the parlors. They were folllowed by the bride on the arm of her brother-in'law. Mr. Johnson, and by the bridesmaid, Miss Emma Baber, and by F. M. McElfresh, best man. ' At the altar the . bride and groom met, and in the cere mony of the Episcopalian church. Dr. Thompson united ' them for life. The bride's gOwn was white crepe de chine over white taffeta. Her. long veil was held in place by genuine orange blossoms. The congratulations and the charac ter of the subsequent entertainment heightened the gayety of the oc casion. Friends of the couple took occasion to perpetrate numerous hilarities. A bill from an alleged second hand clothing house at Phi lomath, demanding payment of the groom for his wedding suit was read." A telegram to the bride,' signed "JoQn" ws read. It ask ed her how it was she could change her mind so suddenly. A warrant issued from .an alleged Indiana court, directing the arrest of the groom, and giving various alleged aliases under which he had sailed as well as being accompanied by his photo, was introduced into the proceedings. An alleged telegram from his father, notified the, groom that he must hereafter support him self. Speeches, original poetry, and all manner of communications, dispatches and other devices of jocularity were hurled at Mr. and Mrs. McKeilips, with the result that the occasion was a strong con trast in its gayety with the solemn ity that so often pervades wedding ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. McKeilips are to occupy their newly improved cot- cage on College Hill, and will soon be at home . to their . friends, of whom the estimable and charming qualities of the bride and groom have won many. Guests present at the nuptials were: Mrs. B. W. Johnsonj Mt. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. E- F. Per not, Mr. and Mrs. George Coote, Dr. and Mrs.. Harper, Mrs. Knisely Mrs. M. Bryson, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Webber, Miss Eda Jacobs, Messrs. Gibbs, Kent and Shaw. THEIR WEDDING. Marriage of Clyde Hayes and Miss Maud Weldon Occurred Thursday. . . , There was a qui"t wedding Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bane on Fourth street The groom was Clyde Hayes, youngest son of Mrs Caroline Hayes, and the ' bride was Miss Maud Weldon, sister of Mrs. Bane. The ceremony took place at noon Rev. Frank I,. Moore of the Meth odist church officiating. After the knot was tied, there was a sumptu ous wedding breakfast, and " then Mr. and Mrs. Hayes took the West- side train for Portland, for a two weeks wedding trip. - Onlyx im mediate relatives were present, among them being, . Mrs. Caroline Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Bane; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Philips v - -, The bride has spent most of her life in California. For several months past she has . resided at the home of Mrs. Hayes. She is an attractive and most estimable young woman . The groom is a native Corvallis boy, and is a thrifty, and industrious young firmer. -, For Sale. Twelve head of large sized Durham milch cows, 16 head two year old heifers, one Durham bull 5 years old, and one pedigreed Durham bull two years old. Intend to close out business; must be sold by Sept. i, 1903. ' ' . . J. E. Aldrich. For Sale. . In the land of sunshine, 160 acres seeded, 480 school land; all: fenced: crops fenced; 40 acres wheat goes with place; bouse, barn;! miles " -living Lwater; cash price, $4,000. Will , trade tor. city property at its actual cost value. 1 '" Win. Lee. ' Apachie, Okla. f . j We can save you money ,011 - your ve hicles. We buy in car lots direct from the factory for spot cash. A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe. : THE NARROW ESCAPE, His Honor Had From an Unusually Fa tal Death Judge Greffoz. Judge Greffoz has his troubles. Every man does, for that matter; but they are bad troubles that be set his honor. - For - several years he has presided over the police court of the municipality, v; One by one. offenders against the peace and dignity of the city have 1 passed un der the chastening penalties of his court. More than once those whom he has punished, have uttered threats of bodily harm to his jud icial person. More than once on the way home on a dark night, has his honor thought he spied a lurk ing danger in the shadow of a lamp post or a fence corner. Several times, under the impression that the villain still pursued him. has the judge turned a back somersault in the haste of retreat. It was a quick and astonishing caper that he cut the other night He was on the way, after a hard day's work, to his home in the su burbs. Not far from . where he lives there are two trees under which he has to pass. It is always lonely under those trees. Shadows are always there, and , suggestions of ghosts and assassins, and on this particular night, it seemed lonelier than ever. The j udge had a fore boding. " He felt sure that . some thing was about to happen. He passed under the trees with one eye looking to the-' right and! .the other to the left. Sure enough, just as he passed there "was a. blinding flash, and a loud report. His honor felt sure that his time had come. He was too weak in body to do his. usual gymnastic ' stunt. Never a flop could he flop, but with hair all on end, and forty million shivers chas ing each other up his judicial back, he stood rooted to the .spot.- He could, he thought, almost - feel the villain's bullet in his vitals. But after all the judge still lived. It was a bold gopher just across . the fence in Bryant Young's yard, and not his honor that was the corpse. And it was the discharge of a SaYgent gopher gun that, for a moment had given the 'Corvallis police court a glimpse of eternity and all its terrors. Baptist church: Sunday school at ten; preaching at eleven and eight o'elocli, : AH are respectfully Invited to. all services., . ' - v- . ; Racine vehicles are the standard of the woHd and carried everywhere by re sponsible dealers. Why ' bay "cheap john" of "trailers?" ' For Sale. Thirty two inch Pitts separator -and a horse power, to be had for $100. Call on or address, . . . . . ' - v - R. C. Kigpr, Corvallis. Administrator's Sale. In the Matter of the Estate of L. it. Mattoon, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that under and in pur suance to an order ot sale made by the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Benton County on tne 11th day of June, A. 0. 1903; In the above entitled matter the undersigned as adminis tratrix of the Estate of L. M, Mattoon, de ceased, will from and after the 13th day of July A. D. 1903, proceed tosell at private sale to the nigbest bidder for cash in hand all the es tate, right, title and interest which the said de eeabed nad at the time of his death in and to the following described real property, towlt. The East half oi the Northeast Quarter, the North half of the Southeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of me Southwest quarter of SectMn Seven; and the North west. quarter of tbe Southwest quarter of Section Eight; and all that portion of the Northwest -quarter of Sec. 8, T, 11, S. R. 7 W. lying West ot the middle of the County road -from Corvallis to Yaquina. Buy running through sild Section ; all in township 11 South Range 7 West - Will Mer. in Benton County, Oregon, and cnntalulning about 259 acres, .. s ........ .. , , ... ..-. Also Lots numbered oue(l) and two(2 in Block No. two(2) in the town of Summitville, Benton County. Oregon. Dated this June 10th, 1903, Emma a. xattooon. Administratrix of the Estate ot L. M, Mattoon, deceased, . . ' Bine Ribbon State Fair. The premium list of Oregon's "Blue Ribbon'' state fair is now out and being distributed through out the state. The premium of fered aggregate $12,000 . in cash, and are for everything grown on the farm, including livestock, poul try, dairy, products, agricultural and horticultural products, domes tic and liberal arts, etc. Everyone is invited to bring something to the fair this vear, and help advertise trip sf-flf-p't! rpqmirf-p'?. Tf vnn Via up I not received one of the premium lists yet. write M. D. Wisdom, sec retary; Portland, Ore,', for one. Bay your 4th of July outfits at Nolan & Callahan's. "We dont make the cheapest wagon; we do make the best." This is what the manfacturers claim for the "Old Hickory' wagons, and justly so, as it is without doubt the strongest and most durable wagon on the market today, A car-load just recei ved - by A. . Wilhelm' & Sons Monroe. Now due a carload of the famous Old Hickory wagons. Wait" for them. We have prices that will surprise you.' A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe. V BILLY'S GUN.. It Must be Brought Back Finding Sil verGone to' Heppner A Wedding. Miss Elva Washburn of Browns ville is visiting relatives in this city. George Brunk spent a week in Corvallis visiting his brother H. M. Baunk and exchanging greet ings with many friends He retur ned to Polk county Thursday. A gentleman took a gun from Dilly's shop two weeks ago,' prob ably through mistake,- but does not bring it back. Dilly expects him to return it without delays Other wise there is trouble in store for him. ' r The Ladies Aid : society of " the North Palestine Baptist church at Wells, wiU give an ice cream social and fair at North Palestine church Tuesday evening June 30th at 7.30 o'clock p. m. A good program consisting of vocal and instrumen tal music, recitations etc will be rendered. Also many useful arti cles will be disposed of. ' Come everybody and lend a helping hand to the society. By order of the society. , Invitations are out for the mar riage of Miss Bertha Henkle and Mr. Will McCullom, which is to take place at the home of the brides parents, in' this city next Wednes day at it o'clock. Mr. McCullom was formerly a student at OAC, and his home is at Athena, Eastern Oregon. Miss Henkle is . the es timable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henkle of Corvallis. A strike of" telephone line men involving nearly all the wire oper atives on the coast has been ordered and 3,000 men are out. In most of the Valley towns in Oregon . the local linemen1 are in the movement, but in Corvallis Linemen Merrill and Brown are still at work. . An advance in wages is asked for. The strikers claim that ultimately the office employes may be brought in to the struggle. A prolonged strike will result in great Inconve nience to the telephone-using public, Mrs. Wills and son Reuben, left Monday for Heppner, where the work of rehabilitating the home that was demolished in the recent Jlood, is in progress, Mr. Wills who was in Corvallis with his family when the Heppner calamity fell, and who left at once for the scene, has written that he i finding the contents of the home scattered all over the Valley traversed by the swollen waters. Mrs. Wills and son are making the trip by . private conveyence, and expect to be 10 .days on the road. There is a streak of silver under the sidewalks on Main street. Small boys know about it, and every time a walk is repaired, they are present in numbers to gather up the precious stuff. The deposit is small coins, dropped in the course of business, and not considered valuable tnough to tear up. the walk to recover. During the re newal Thursday of a walk in front of Huston & Bogue's hardware store an even dollars worth of small coins was picked up by the work men and such lads as happened along. The largest of the coins was a quarter. 1 . All of the graduates in thisyear's class from OAC pharmacy depart ment either have places in ' drug stores, or have had positions offer ed them. All, likewise have pas sed the State , examination.' Mill hollen has a position .' in a Port land pharmacy and so has Bur- nough. A. L. Thornton is in Frye's drug store in Salem, and May field has a place in an Eastern Oregon store. Walter Wells is temporarily working at . Allen's pharmacy, in Corvallis," but has offers of two positions, one in Port land and another in Eastern Ore gon. The high reputation of the OAC school ' of pharmacy and the scarcity of pharmacists account for the condition. " Acquaintances are pleased to see that Barney Casterline is making quite a stir among Portland capital ists with ..his demonstrations of results of his secret tempering pro cess. Before going to Portland he frequently shaved his wrists and arms to show the quality " of the temper in his tools and he seems to be making use of the same means of demonstration to . Portland ' peo pie. Friends are beginning to fear that if he continues on this line his supply of hair for shaving purposes is likely to give out, unless he at tacks his flowing beard. , That wouid be an alternative very much to be regretted, and several of his acquaintences have expressed a willingness to place theit hairy arms and during the warm weather even their, beards-at his disposal for demonstrative purposes. Anything to save .Barney's whis kers. ' - v . Estray Notice. . The following estray s are at my place 10 miles south of Corvallis: Onn bay mare, about 1,300 weight ; one brown mare, two white hind feet, about pounds, both 'wild : believed to be brand ed on left hip . , Game to my place three weeks ago. Owner can have them by paying for this notice and the pasture bill. - . ; Wiley Winkle. ' Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May i3, 1903. A sufficient content affidavit having been filed in this office April 19, 1902, and amended Aug. 5, 1902, by Bueben F. Patty, contestant, against homestead entry No, 11800, made Feb. 26, 1896, for S& 8E and S 6W'8ectlon 26, Township 10 S, Range 6 W, bv Michael MoOrath, Conteotee, in which it is alleged that contestant is well acquainted with said tract of land and "knows the present condi tlons of tbe same: also that said en trymen died- about lour years ago and that since said time no one has cared for, or cultivated or Improved said claim in any man ner whatever. That there are no heirs of said entryman to the knowledge of this affiant, other than Annie Enrljbt, residing at Newark, New Jersey, and Noiry Enright, residing In Corofln, Ireland, and none have cared for or cultivated or Improved said claim in any man ner or at all and that said claim has been whol ly abandoned for the past tour years bv the en tryman and those claiming " under ' him, and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment or the employ ment of any of the heirs in the Army. Navy, - or marine Corps of the United States as a piivata soldier, officer, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain, or during any other war In which the United States Jnay be engaged". The heirs and legal re pre resentatlves of said Michael McOrath deceased, said parties are hereby notified to appear re spond or oilerevidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m on June 25, 1903, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In Oregon City, Oregon The said contestant having'in a proper affida vit, filed May 4, 1903, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made. It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. . Algernon- s. Dress eb. Register " Geo, W, Bibee, Receiver, The Eagle July There will be a sort, of "Hurrah Boys," from the influence of which we cannot escape. The Sum mer is fully on us. Vacations have begun, or are being arranged for. We have a store full of wear ables . appropriate to the season and at appropriate prices. Summer Suits, White Duck Trousers, Lin en Dusters, White Vests, Negligee Shirts, Summer Weight Underwear, Straw Hats, Etc. We invite the attention of tasteful buyers who are arranging their wardrobes for the heated term. You will have" money left for other purposes if you let us supply your summer outfits. - A, bunch of Firecrackers free with every dollar purchase in our Boys' Department. ' New goods all the time. ' ' Cf ntes Off fee for 3ob Printing Your Life- Depends on it. 4 BRANDS-. CORVALLIS "FLOUR WALDO " BENTON " . SNOWFALL " GOOD FLOUR .1 The Kind that is made from good wheat by careful and experienced millers, the Kind that satisfied ns after careful study and investiga tion. . Good Groceries x . Free from adulteration and impurities, - ; . . the kind that you always find v ' ; :. At Hodes' Grocery For Particular People You will find 1 Here that other dealers do not handle, and, if' you have been hard to suit, we want your trade on "."v"..; . . . . . ' ' ba$e $ Sanborn fiigb Grade Coffees. No other kind compares with them. We are sole agents. P. m. ZieroH. A Bargain. If taken soon, 2 acres ; one acres in choice bearing fruit. A nice house, barn and other buildings, about one mile from college grounds, and one half mile from school house. Terma easy. Call oor write . -Lb. XUU1U VBUU, Corvallis, Ore, BUY THE Acorn Creamery Butter, made from one herd of cows. GOOD BREAD The Kind that's- made from good flour, good salt, good yeast, good butter, such as we sell and guarantee. ' Screams! 4th