The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 27, 1903, Image 1

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    Sounty fclerk'a Mm ,
"W"bes:xj"Z" .ajstid semi-wee
Vol. XVI. No. 19.
Editor and Proprietor.
We have Many Artibles in our Estab
lishment that the season is just
beginning to permit you to use.
Many of them we are selling below
regular prices.
. ' . . -' . ' ' .-
All Shirt Waists 20 to 30 percent Reduction.
AH Dimities and Lawns 15 " ':
All Wove Dress Goods 10 "
All Ladies' Shoes 10
Big Line to Select from.
me Do not Cive
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer- -ies
that is the
place to
Fresb Fruits . Fresb Uegetabks,
3 ... v ...5
0) fresh everything to be had
run our. delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep what, you want and to
please. Call and see
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all '
, the reliable information you wish, also showing 1
- you over the country. .
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
Philomath, Oregon. .
Nnfcipft of Final KArr.lamanf
Hotiea is hereby given that 1, as Farra as
administrator of the estate of Thomas Graham
deceased, have filed my final account as such
administrator In the County Court of Ben
ton county , State of Oregon, and the ' said
court has fixed Wednesday the 8th day
of July 1903, at the hour oi .1 o'clock In the
afternoon jiald'day as the time, and thecounty
court room In the county;court house in Cor
allls, Oregon, as the place for hearing any and
all objections to the said final account and for
settlement thereof.
Dated this June 5, 1903. " '.
O- B. Farra.
Administrator of the estate of Thomas Gra
ham, deceased.
4'- Z-f:f zt-C sr? ""
in the market. We
Administrator's Notice. v;
Notiee Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County of Benton,
administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jane
ahlpley, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby requested to pre-'
sent the same properly verified as by law re
quired at the office of Yates & Yates. Oorvallis,
Oregon within six months from the data hereof.
Dated at Oorvallis, Oregon, this lth day ot
Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jane
Shipley, deceased. .--
Keeping Step to the Music of Pro
gress Sketches of her Lead
. ing Industries and Mer
cantile Establish : '
By W.'A. Stamats.
In placing before the readers of
The Times a summary of the com
mercial and industrial progress of
Corvallis and many of its business
houses, we are proud indeed of the
record which we are priviledged to
submit and account it a pleasure to
do so. Every citizen of Corvallis
may congratulate himself that he
is a resident of one of the neatest,
healthiest . and most progressive
little cities in the state of Oregon
a town with a commercial and in
dustrial expansion, limited only
by the energy of our people in tk-
ing advantage of the opportunities
that he at our door.
Corvallia is the County seat of
Benton County and located at the
junction of the S. P. and C. & E.
railroads. : It is the distributing
point for a rich agricultural distri
ct and has had and is still enjoying
a steady growth and a solid devel
opment. It is the seat of the Ore
gon Agricultural College. It has"
two batiks, two live semi-weekly
newspapers, the Times and the
Gazette, two creameries, two planing
milis, a foundry and numerous
other industries. The streets ' are
broad and well kept and bordered
with ribbons of green and embow
ered with ehapely trees- Cozy cot
tages and - handsome homes are
found in the resident district which
form the border " of substantial
brick business blocks, giving the
city the general appearance of so
lidity. and commercial activity
Civic and fraternal societies - are
well represented while the many
church organizations are in a
flourishing condition. The public
school system is of the best and
the people take a pardonable pride
in their temples of wisdom.
- Nature has smiled upon her lo
cation to make her famous for
beauty and health. Its manufact
urine advantages are of the most
desirable character the Willamette
river being navigable to this point
the greater part of the year, and
having the best of railroad facilities.
Corvallis' best days are yet to
come, and the summit of her pros
perity has Seen far from reached,
Naught but words of confidei.ce
and enthusiasm are heard on every
hand and here the oroaker and the
pessimist find no bearing.
Standing on, the solid rock of
past achievements, and with every
indication of still . more wonderful
development, Corvallis with just
pride in herself and faith in her
destiny, passes onward to gather
the fruits of her industry and enter
prise. Willamette Valley Banking Co.
No class of financial institutions
is of more value to its city than
well regulated and properly man
aged banks. In fact nothing is of
greater importance to the material
welfare of a city than adequate
banking facilities. Prominent a
mong these institutions in this city
is the Willamette Banking Co.
This bank was established here last
September with Thomas ; Leese,
president, William ocarth and J.
C. Dudley, vice presidents, W.Wil
kinson, cashier. . They also have
banks at Birtle.and Russel, Manito
ba, and Toledo, Oregon. The bank
is a private institution and has a
responsibility of $100,000. Follow
ing fixed financial principles its
management has been, unexcelled,
the policy being to keep the busi
ness of the bank entirely under its
control and its resources, available
at all . times. 1 It does a general
banking business, buys and sells
exchange, . makes collections, ac
cepts deposits, makes loans in ac
cordance with established usages
and does all other business coming
under the scope of legitimate bank
ing, it nas as correspondents tne
Canadian Bank of Commerce and
the London fc San Francisco Bank,
Ltd., at Portland, San Francisco,
Seattle, Tacorna and London, Eng
land: First National Bank of Chi
cago and J. ' P. Morgan & Co. of
New York. The perpoanel of the
bank is of itself a sufficient guaran
tee pf its absolute reliability and
straightforward business methods.
Nolan & Callahan Dry -Goods. ;
Among the leading business firms
of Corvallis is Nolan & . Callahan.
They began business here nineteen
years ago in a modest way and by
fair and honorable dealing with cus
tomers have .built up a large and
prosperous business. In their store
is always found the newest and
best selected stocks of dry-goods,
clothing, hats, ladies' and gent's
furnishings, and everything new,
fine or fashionable in footwear.
Among their specialties may be
mentioned the W. L. Douglas $3
and $3.50 shoes, the famous broad
head dress-goods, Royal Worcester
corsets, Hawes $ 3 . hats, Uitz &
Dunn's shoes for ladies and the
"Walkover" and Hamilton, Brown
Sfcoe Co. shoes for men. They also
carry a fine line of ladies ready to
wear suits, cloaks, capes, etc. All
goods sold by the firm are sold upon
merit and warranted to prove aB
represented. Good goods at the low
est possible prices -has been their
motto, and it has won. The mem
bers of the firm , are J. M. Nolan
and Thomas Callahan, r . They are
recognized leadeis in low prices
and sre always to the front when
the city's best interests are at stake.
Huston & Bogue Hardware.
From the farmer's point of view
the first in importance among the
business interests of a town or city
is the hardware and implement
house. Here he buys all his shelf
and heavy .hard ware, stoves, ranges,
tools and tinware as well as all
kinds of implements used in plant
ing, cultivating and harvesting his
crops. Chief among the dealers in
this section is the firm of Huston &
'Bogue. The firm is- composed of
Robert H. Huston and.. W. Brogue,
two of the best known business men
in the county. They carry a large
stock of shelf and heavy hardware,
paints and oils, tin and granite
ware." pumps, pipe, plumbing sup
plies, fine cutlery, all kinds of tools,
guns, ammunition, tarm machine
ry a id vehicles. They handle the
Studebaker and Bam wagons, .the
Studebaker and Henney buggies,
McCormick harvesting machinery
and Buckeye pumps. They also
run a plumbing and tin shop in
connection and are prepared to turn
out on short notice roofing, spout
ing, copper and sheet iron work, do
steam fitting, install heating plants,
etc., and at moderate cost. , These
gentlemen stand among the fore
most business men of this county
and we can commend them to the
general public. p ;
; J. D. Mann & Co.
The furniture, trade of this city is
extensive, permeting the whole of
the surrounding territory, and stan
ding nigh among the dealers of this
section is the firm of J." D. Mann
& Co. These gentleman carry a
large and complete stock of plain
and fancy, parloi, bedroom and
kitchen furniture and their prices
are always in accordance with the
times. They also handle carpets,
matting, rugs, the latest design in
'wall paper, pictures and
picture X frames, ; as well aB
stoves, tinware, graniteware and
housefurnishing goods generally.
They also handle second ? hand
goods and are in the market at all
times for household goods , of value
for , which they pay the highest
market price. They occupy three
rooms, one for new furniture,' one
for hardware, tinware and , stoves
including the famous Charter Oak
stoves, and the third for wall paper
carpets and floor covering of all
kinds. The members of this firm
are J; D. Mann, D. M. Smith, and
O, J. Blackledge, and during the
four years they have been in busi
ness they have built up a very eat
islactoro trade, which is increasing
and are well and favorably known.
v J. H. Harris Dry-Goods '-; !
: ' Corvallis does not lack for good
mercantile establishments and the
above named concern can, with all
propriety, be regarded as one of the
finest and most commodious in the
county. By judicious purchasing
and exquisite taste Mr. Harris has
obtained a stock of goods designed
to attract the best custom and his
ample experience enables him to
constantly have a line of goods con
forming closely to the needs; and
requirements : of the community.
He carries a large and complete
stock of dry-goods, shoes, 'furnish
ing goods, carpets, rubber goods,
trunks, valises, etc., and his prices
are as low as first-class goods can
be sold for. Among his specialties
may be mentioned KiiDpendorf - &
Dittmann Co.'s shoes. He has re
cently put in a cljthing department
where a full line of up-to-date cloth
ing of the latest styles and fabrics
are carried. Special mention should
be made of his dress-goods depart
ment which is unusually complete
and embraces the finest of silks and
satins as well as the more inexpen
sive weaves. The store is well ap
pointed, fronting' on two streets,
and the stock nicely arranged show
ing that the business is directed by
gentlemen of experience and abili
ty. Mr. Harris is a responsible
man of business and always ready
to please bis customers and give
them full value for their money.
R. M."Wade & Co. Hardware.
Hardware is as necessary as
lumbar for building purposes and
almost as necessary as fuel for .cu
linary purposes. A good hardware
store in any town is a wonderful
incentive to its growth and devel
opment. Such a store can be found
in Corvallis in the' one owned by
R. M. Wade & Co., W. H. Currin,
manager.. This firm began business
here twelve years ago and carries a
large and complete stock of shelf
and heavy ranges, including the
Universal and Garland makes, cut
lery, rope, barbed wire, a full line of
saw?, paints and oils, refrigerators,
hose, kitchen specialties, etc. They
also handle the Deering binders,
mowers and rakes, the Oliver plows,
J. I. Case threshing outfits, Clark's
and Parry's buggies and the Rush
ford wagons, j Low prices and high
quality is the watchward of the
bouse. In all transactions R. .M.
Wade & Co. will be found to be
most prompt and liberal, and busi
ness relations entered into with
them will be profitable and satis
factory to all concerned.
viTWi DHley--Bicycles, 4
At this bicycle repairing and
general jobbing emporium, con
ducted by T. W. Dilley, can be
seen a fine selection of wheels of
various makes, including the Snell.
Mitchell, Day and B; & H., which
are Bold at factory prices. He also
has a well stocked bicycle livery,
where wheels can be rented for a
small sum, and has sewing ma
chines both for sale and rent. Mr.
Dilley has been in business here for
five years and makes a specialty of
bicycle repairing and nas gained a
wide reputation and an extensive
patronage. All work is . done
promptly and the greatest care
is taken that only perfect work shall
be turned out. He also carries a
full line of bicycle sundries, he
makes bicycles to order when re
quired and is equipped for doing
repairing of all kinds including
guns, sewing machines, umbrellas,
etc. If you need a new : wheel or
new parts or have anything which
needs repairing, go to "Dilley the
Dr. W. H. Holt
The science of healing is advanc
ing by leaps and bounds these days
and osteopathy, the druglesa sci
ence, is rapidly making its way
among thinking people as a cura
tive agency. The antiquated and
stubborn idea that drugs compre
hend the cuiative art is fast giving
way before the successful treatment
of the skilled in osteopathy. To
cure without medicines is certainly
Absolutely Pure
Nature's method and the claims of
osteopathy are every day being sub
stantiated by its wonderful results. -Dr.
W. H. Holt is a graduate of the
Kitksville School of Osteopathy and'
has been practicing here since De-
cember 1901. He treats all diseas
es, both chronic and acute, and pays
special attention to mental and.
nervous diseases. He receives val
uable assiBtancs from his wife, who
is also an osteopath. He ia equip
ped with an improved 8tatic
machine with an X ray and ozona
attachment which he uses very sac- -cessfully
in all pulmonary com- .
plaints and also has a Betz hot air
machine for rheumatism and all
joint troubles. The doctor cordial
ly invites suffering humanity to
call at his office and learn of the
methods he employs. Consultation
is free.
-Franklin Iron Works.
This manufacturing enterprise
was located here about twenty years
ago and is now owned and operated
by VP. H. & R. B. Franklin. Tney
do all kinds of light and heavy cast
ing, both in iron and brass and
make a specialty of flanges, boxes
and set collars. They also make
metal pulleys and saw-mill ma- -cbinery
as well aB making anything
from specifications. The machine
shop in connection is providbd with
a full complement of modern ma
chinery, tools and appliances that '
are heet adapted to the require
ments of the business, such as
lathes, drills, drill press, planers,
etc. They are the inventors and
will shortly have on the market a.
borne entirely new features and
which experiments have demon-
s (.rated will be a success. It is ca
pable of great power and speed, a-three-horse
power engine, running
light, having made 1000 revolutions
in a minute. This establishment -is
contributing in no small measure
to tne trade and manufacturing in
fluence of. the city, aad is valued for (
the part is is doing in the produc
tive industries of the community.
y Henkle & Davis Drygoods. ;
The dry goods, clothing and lurn
ishing store of Henkle & Davis has
been a well known landmark in
this town for the past twenty years
and the straightforward business
principles which the firm have ob
served for a score of years still ob
tain. They carry a well selected
line of drygoods, clothing, hats and
caps, notions, boots and shoes, aa
well as a full line of gent's furnish
ings, trunks, valises, etc. They are
good buyers, always willing te give
their customer the benefit of their
years of experience in good goods
at the lowest possible prices. The"
members of the firm are G. W.
Henkle and Z. H. Davis. .
D. C. Rose & Son Cigars.
To those who enjoy a pull at the
weed we desire to make mention of
the superior line of cigars being
placed on the market by D. C
Rose & Son. This firm was es
tablished twenty years ago, and"
their pio iuctsare favorably known
throughout this section. They use.
nothing but the best of tobacco, and
are manufacturing honest goods,
and for a ten cent cigar their Ore
gon is unsurpassed while habitual
smokers will tell you that Speckled
Trout, Key West and Nickel Lead
ers cannot be ' beaten for 5 cent
goods. Dealers and smokers of
, Continued on Fourth Pags.