The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 24, 1903, Image 1

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    fpfS ' 'J " . jV J -; 4 f --:
T H vff
VoT.',XVI. No. 19.
Eli tor and Proprietor.
Willamette Vallej
Banking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
I 1 eneraj Banking Business.
Exchange issued payable at all finan
cial centers ia United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Correspondents.
P6RTLANO London & San FranclxcoBank
Limited; Canadian Bank ot Commerce.
SAN FRANCISCO London & San Francis
co Bank Limited.
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENG. London & San Francisco
. Bank Limited.
. Francisco Bank Limited.
Time ' Card Number 21.
For Yaquina: '
Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 p. m
" Corvallis 2:00 p. m
" arrives Yaquina. 6:25 p. m
I Returning: ; .
' Leaves Yaquina... 6:45 a. m
Leaves Corvallis. 11:30 a. pi
Arrives Albany......... ...12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves "Albany 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit 12:05 p. m
4 from Detroit; ''
Leaves Detroit............. 12 :45 p. m
Arrives. Albany..... 5:35 p. m
1 Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or . three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
-- Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giviug direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs" the
Game day.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stonb,
1 Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Tiios.-Cockretl. Agent Albany.
J. P. Huffman,
Office in Zierolf Building. Hours
from 8 to 5. Corvallis, Oregon. -
. Homeopathist
Offlce cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resl-
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4, and 7
;. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315.
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. Consul
tation ani examinations free.
Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
Physician '& Surgeon
Physician & S urge on
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to a. d, m. Orders mav be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
E. Holgate
Stenop-ranhv atirl tvroarnHT nniia
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Notice ot Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that 1, GE Farra as
administrator of the estate ot Thomas Graham
deceased, have filed my final account as such
administrator In the County Court ot Ben
ton county, State of Oregon, and the said
court has fixed Wednesday the 8th day
ob July 1903, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the
afternoon ;sald day as the time, and theCcounty
court room In the county.'court house in Cor
vallis, Oregon, as the place tor hearing any and
all objections to the said final account and for
settlement thereof.
Sated this Junes, 1903.
O- B. Farra.
Administrator of the estate, of Thomas Gra-
Administrator's Notice.
Notiee is hereby (riven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County ot Benton.
administrator ot the estate of Elizabeth Jane
onipiey, aeceasea. Ail persons naving i claims
against said estate are hereby requested to pre
sent the same properly verified as by law re
quired at the offlce of Yates S Yates, Corvallis,
Oregon within six months from the date hereof.
Dated at Corvallis. Oregon, this 19th day of
Way, 1903. -r
'administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jane
f - Shipley, deceased.
Many Men
. And Boys
0an now $aue money
By inspecting our
Bis line of
Shoes : :: :
And Hats.
Reduction on the
to your interest
me Do
to as high, a standard as
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
v , ies that is the
place to
o Fresb Fruits.
fresh everything to be had in the market. , Wq
riin our delivery wagon and our aim is s
to keep whan you want and to.
- please. ' Call and see
6. B. Horning.
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry 1
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all -the
reliable information you wish, also showing ,
you over the country.
' Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, ,
Philomath, Oregon.
E. It. Bryson,
Physician and Surgeon, '
Office, Room 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m. r
above makes it
to cali and see
not Ciue
our desire would promote (b
Fresb Uegttables,
Office in Zierolf Building, porvallig. Or.
Eesldence In front of court house facing 3rd
it. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 81
, , r
Agent Kernao Stack to Hislastru
: merit to t the Last moment
Striving to Save Other
Lives He Lost His Own
. Heart-Rending'
-Heppner, Oregon, June 21.
One of the most thrilling adven
tures was that of Tom Shuler, who,
with his family, was carried down
the stream in his house for a mile
and a half. ' His wife and two chil
dren stayed in the .-tipper rooms.
Below the town the house was shot
across the current to the west . side
where it lodged in . the debris 150
yards from the canyon bank.. Shu
ler then look his two little ones on
hi,s shoulder and swam 200 yards
in the boiling torrent, . contending
with obstructions. He landed the
two children and then struck ' out
for the house, got his wife and re
scued hey safely.. : ; :
The McBride family, which was
lost, went down in their bouse. The
daughters screamed and beckoned
from the windows to Louis Kinney,
whOjj with his family, rah in v the
nick of time from their house to es
cape the death-dealing tide. ' Kin
ney watched the whole McBride
family perish. Most of the bodies
have been found.
Zedda McDiwell, 7 years old, ran
to tell her mother to save herself
when she herself was drifting to
death. s . - -
, Pendleton, June 16. At the cost
of his own life Station Agent Ker-nan,-of
4le O. R. & - N.,r- saved": the
lives of the people liviog along the
lower reaches of. Willow Creek.
According ;to A. P. Bradbury, a
Portland traveling man, who came
in from Heppner last night, Ker
han stuck to his instrument to the
last moment sending the news of
the olirushing flood to lone. When
he was finally assured that the op
erator below was informed as to the
sitaation Mr. Kernan tried to save
himself, and his wife, but both were
drowned. The railroad station is
on the banks of Willow Creek : and
is two 6tories highland on the up
per floor are the living apartments
of the agent and his family. Sun
day afternoon when the flood struck
Heppner Mr. Kernan, his wife,
children and Frank Hart were in
the station. ' Mr. Hart immediate
ly set about seeing to the safety of
the woman and children while Ker
nan went to his key to warn lone
and Lexington of what he saw to
be impending doom.
While the roar of the flood filled
the station Kernan bent over his
instrument trying to raise Lexing
ton and lone. His wife had taken
the children in the meantime to the
upper floor and would not leave un
til her husband bad accomplished
his duty. " Hart stayed, too, unwill
ing to abandon them to their fate.
While the family gathered, in the
room above were peering out to see
the onrueh of the flood Kernan was '
telling lone that Willow Creek was
bearing down upon the towns be
low a dead ' wall of water. The
message was answered and with the
water, to his waist Kernan fought
hi3 way out and found Hart ready
with the children to make an at
tempt to reach higher ground.
The nearest way to safety seem
ed to be across the tracks and upon
a rise beyond. Hart Went ahead
with the children and Kernan took
his wife and started on his way. In
the darkness another wave of the
oncoming flood overwhelmed them
and when Hart reached a place of
comparative security his calls were
unanswered and he was finally com
pelled to take the fatherless and
motherless children to' another place
in the certainty : that the gallant
agent and his wife were among the
dead. -..- 1
Miss Carrie O. Millspaugh re
ports that the people v of ' Arlington
were apprehensive of -such a disas
ter as that which desolated Hepp
ner during a large part of the" day,
Tuesday. " "
'Black, heavy clouds," she said,
"seemed quite formidable, and as
the air grew hot much fear was ex
pressed. About 7 o'clock loud peals
01 thunder were heard, ' accompani
ed by vivid flashes of Iightnicg.
. "In less thau an hour a horse
man rode rapidly into town warn
ing the inhabitants to flee to the
hill as a cloud had burst seven or
eight miles to the south. In anoth
er moment almost the entire popu
lation of the little city 1 was seen
hurrying rapidly up the steep hills
on either side of the main street of
the town. -"The
fire bells rang, but other
wisa there was an almost deathless
silence until the sound of the wa
ters was heard.: Soon after the
usually dry bed of the creek, ; run
ning parallel with Main street, was
hlled with water constantly increas
ing in force. Fences, woodsheds
and other small buildings were car
ried rapidly down thestream. Near
ly all the horses and cattle in town
bad been turned into the street,
but some livestock, not thus releas
ed, were drowned, -
"The canyon is very narrow at
Arlington and had the volume of
water been as great as that at Hepp
ner almost the entire town would
have been swept away.", :
t ine apparent stoicism 01 tne sur
vivors who have lost relatives is
astonishing, the only explanation
being that the situation is not yet
realized, r Realization will come
when the thonsaDds of helpers leave
town and the remaining population
finds the streets deserted. ? Many
women said today they were afraid
to stay here when the people were
left alone with , their dead. Men
talked with dry eyes of wives and
children killed. Many eay they do
not know what- has happened.
While the bodies found yester
day and today were in horrible con
dition, many were frozen stiff when
brought into the hot sun, a phe
nomenon rendered possible by their
covering of hail. Great banks of
bail stilt lie in the drifts with bod
ies,, or parts of - bodies, . enclosed.
Corpses not thus situated are so bad
that workmen dislike to handle
them. Where people" were rolled
before a wall of hail during the
flood, they are stripped and their
flesh is whipped into shreds.
A pitiful scene was witnessed
last evening in the morgue, when a
mother and her babe lay side by
side, having been found together in
a drift two miles below town, from
which six bodies had already been
taken, with more to come. The
woman was Mrs. George Kinsley.
There are many children still to
find. : -,
- No more laborers are needed, as
all that cn be fed are here.
Mayor Frank Gilliam and Sher
iff E. M. Shutt have issued to all
persons not working or with busi
ness to transact to leave town as
soon as possible. No attempt is
being made to save boards or tim
ber it'is a question of getting the
ruins out of Bight.
; Ioquiries are coming from points
as remote as Georgia for missing
relatives supposed to have been in
Heppner. The presence of numer
ous trunks whose contents show
the owners were strangers, seems
to indicate that the death list will
be considerably larger than antici
pated. v m ;
Mrs. Willis lies dangerously hurt
in a room at the Palace Hotel. She
said: ' - ; rr - ' '
"Jim and land the children were
sitting around the supper table
Sunday night. Baby was in his
high-chair beside me. Outside, it
was raining so hard that it seemed
the whole air was filled with fog.
We live othe creek bink and Jim
suggested that we go over to moth
er's. We started. Before we got
through the garden fance, the wa
ter was coming down and Jim said:
'Why, the town ia moving.' " I
looked up and all the houses a mile
south seemed to be starting toward
us. We made a rush for higher
ground, and as the water got around
my 8-year-old boy's ankles he
stopped and pulled back; otherwise
we all would have been saved. .
"Jim rushed forward and ' pitch
ed the baby on to the bank. , The
boy I was holding broke away and
ran back home. Jim turned back
and was carried off. I seized the
eecond boy and held on to the iron
of a railroad car near by on the
track. 1 saw thej; water swing
around and carry the house and
the oldest . boy, down - the creek.
Then a big timber struck the boy I
. Continued on Fourth Fags. "
HI A uiu SAW.
In Attempting to Clear the Cqd'
plement Slipped and He
Fell Back on the Re-
volving Saw.
Aberdeen, Wash., June 17. One
of the most horrifying accidents ev
er recorded occurred here yesterday
when Clyde R. Wyman, an employe
at the Weet 2 blade mill, was liter
ally cut in twain by a big saw. Tha.
saw cuiereu me 0011 y at inesnouia
er and made a clean cut through
the entire length, laaving the two
halves on the conveyor, a terrible
sight to behold. -
Wtmn in at. rorai nasi cm.
ployment at the mill, and his duty
was to take charge of the elao dash
er. : The conveyor choked, - aod f
Wyman attempted to clear it with,
the pickaroon. The implement in
Borne manner, slipped, and Wyman
fell backward onto , the revolving ;
saw. The next moment the bodj
had been severed. Death was in
staneous. The accident was witness
ed by some fellow workmen, and
the saw was stopped as soon as pos
sible, but not until its deathly wort .
hurl hftpn nerfnrmoH '!
1 The coroner held an inquest overr
the remains and from the facts
brought out no one could be blamed,
for the terrible fate of the deceased.
Wyman was a glass-blower h by
trade, and in company with (hie wife
and a two-months' old babe came to
the Pacific Coast a few days ago-
He was 26 years of age. . ?
Portland, June 21. Portland
Oregonian: A verdict of murder
in the second degree was returned
by the jury in the Martin V. Lea-,
sia Case at 9:30 o'clock last highW
The punishment is life imprison
ment. Leasia ' appeared pleased
with the result and thanked his at
torneys for their efforts in his be'
half. To an Oregonian reporter
who asked him if he desired to
make a statement he .replied. "I
have nothing to fay."
The jury retired for deliberation
at 4 o'clock after listening to a com
prehensive charge by Judge Sears,
which was generally acceptable by
both sides. Several of tbe iurors
voted at first for acquittal and tbe
others voted guilty without fixing;
the degree of crime. Then a juror.
moved that tbe degree be balloted
on, and on tbe first ballot eevea
voted for murder in the first de
gree, three for murder in the second
degree, and two for manslaughter.
Numerous ballots were taken before
an agreement was reached.
Chamberlain's , Stomach and
Liver Tablets are just what you
need when you have no appetite.
feel dull after eating and wake up
with a bad taste in your mouth.
They will impri ve yjur apoetite,
cleanse and invigorate your stom
ach and give you a relish for your
food. For sale by Allen & Wood
ward. ' .
Call for Warrants. -
Notice is hereby given that there ia
money in the treasury ' to pay all city
warrants ordered drawn on the general
fund and endorsed prior to May 1 4th,
19O1; Interest will stop on same from,
this date. '
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, June 20th
19O3. '
Wm. McLagan, 2
City Treasurer..
, I will give $25 for any information or
lue . to the party or parties that broke
and defaced two monuments in what is
known as Pleasant Valley, on the south,
fork of Mary's river. . - :
' ' ! ;' ; E. Skipton.
We can save you money on your ve
hicles. We buy in car lots direct front
the factory for spot cash. A. Wilhelm
& Sons, Monroe. l.
- , Wood Saw.
Tne Crescent woodsaw will be in Cor-is
vallis and ready for business Jane 27th
Rates are as follows: 'fir, 45 cents per
cord and oak 50 cents per cord. - , -
Phone 2x3, . ; M. Berthold,
' Manager,,