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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1903)
A J ft HINETY FFET DEEP. THE MISSISSIPPI AT ST. AT FLOOD TIDE LOUIS. Is Half a Mile Wide East St XrOiiis Entirely Under Water The Property Loss Aggre gates Many Millions Other News. St. Louie, June 9. At the rate of from eight to ten miles an hour tb Mississippi river, over a half ami' wide ana yu teet dt-ep in the cnan net. tp ooarix past fcr. Louts to ward th.p sulf. For a Wfek tbe riv er, slowly at first, and then gaining in speed, crept out of its ordinary confines mtu on June 8, 1903, tt had established a high wat-r mark of 37.5 feer, the highest Mo id : tide pince the same mark was unofficial ly eftablished in- looo. I be river is now receding. - Thirty feet above lm water ma.k is the . danger line for St. Loais and tbe water rose seven and one-half feet above the danger line. The crest of tbe flood has peeped 3t. Louis and iny foitb er destruction to be wrought will be ) from the possibla crumbling of an dermined buildings and to the coun try below this point, the danger of whiih is lessened by the spreading of th river over the lowlands. ttapid tailing ot tbe water, it is expected, will quickly drain the in undated section n the Illinois stfe, where the property Iocs will be the . heaviest and repair-, to the damag ed nroppr'y will-poon ,-b3 possible. -Reports are coming in from Md- vieon, Granite Uity and 'Venice, which indicate that the death list may be larger than first estimated. At least 20 peoplehave been diown- td in that vicinity. .A, report was received early today from Newport, a sdqhII town three miles from Granite City, that a Fcnool builds ing in which are sheltered 50 chil dren, was tottering aod threatened to collapse at any ouomenv St. Louie, June 1U. The entire citv of East St. L uis is doomed. Befi tiigbtiall every portion will be under a torrent of mad rushing water. Fifty thousands of men, noiien and children .will h nil hut helpless., .Warly a l will be home- lets. i ' . J Apneals from ik s ihl nfier-i Cjr lUO 1H L IUU1I XV UV-'U lives will be. imper h.d. The c ues are to awful t i he accurately de- scribaJ. 0;es of horror from the .hopeless prople, who ate hemmed iu without a, ehaoce of eecape, 'are Lean-Tin ling. Men, womfn and little children are endeavoring to escapb to places otsalety. Some of these terrified people have hardly clothing enough upon them fo. cover thrir cakedoese. Oietrict Atto-rey Dyer ordered in the rame of .United States gov ernment, tbal the " Wiggins Ferry Company seize every boat available regardless of ownership and with them, hasten to the scene of the ter rible floods. v. . ! Persons who refuse to work are instantly shot. Militiamen are ar riving at the flooded district and are forming cordons around the devastated districts. The Broadway einbaiikment has given way and this disaster cuts off all means of escape. When the dike went out 30 people, who were work ing to 8a ve it, met death by di own ing,. ' St. Paul, Minn., Jnne 8. Divi sion Suoerintendent .Egan of the Great Northern, who so mysteriously disappeared and was loft in the mountains at Balton, Mont., last November while on a hunting ex peditioa, met his death after horrible suffering: within ten minutes wait of safetv and almost within call of the friends who were sear hing for him. He died on the first night of his disappearance. W The official report on the search and discoveay of the body prepared by detectives and the searchers was received at Great .Northern head quarters, late to day, and establish ed these facts. , ' - Mr. Egan froze to death after having been felled to the ground br a fir tree, blown down in the blinding snowstorm of that ' night But before death overtook him .he spent hoars ' of terrible suffering, suffering from the cold, terror-strick en and dazed, wandering about in ' little circles over a tract of ground not a mile and a half wide, on one side of which were his friends and on the other side the ( railway and his private car.r Oncer. indeed, he turned toward safety and traveled in a direct line toward the railway, but then, overcome again, he swung back and tamed deeper and deeper into the maze until the falling fir tree mercifully put an . end to his aeonv. ! The tree trunk evidently struck bim on the shoulders. He lay with bis face downward, one arm oat etretched as if for help and the oth er doubled and cruohtd under his bod v. Hi face rested on a irte truuk and was hardly recognizable His body was in a fair stateot pre; ervation, protected by bis clothing Cologne, J one 11. A private tel egram from Belgrade, Sarvia. states that th army last night prod itned Peter Kirngeirgevich to be king of Sprvia. The., troops immediately surrounded Konank and forced their way, ii,to the royal palacp, whf-re thev assassinated King Al exaoder and Queen Draga. It rumored that all Of King Alexan der's ministers also were murdered Tfiis is stated to have occurred be tweeo the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock this morning. . Redding, C il., Jane 9. A stage traveling between Weaverville a i this, place was held up and robbed late this afternoon by two mask-d and heavily armed highwaymen who secured about $4UU and some vulaable watches from the eight pas sengers, lncluam?; a laay. James Wilsu the stage-driver, did not hear the first command ot the high waymen to halt and continued to drive along the road, but a dozen shots and tbe killingof his two lead ers brought bim tb bis senses and to a r a! zauoo of the fact that he and his ps engers weie to be tbe victims pf a hold-up. After halting the stage the rob- hers llined up the passengers and driver and searched them carefully. Valises were slashed open and two express boxes smashed to bit. The robbers were vtry abusive during the entire proceedings, roundly scoring the driver for not stopping, and cautioning him not to .repeat the offense when he was next com manded to halt. of the men robbed were either commercial trav elers from San Francisco or miner0. Tbe ladv was not molested, but on leaving the stage at the com mand of the bandits left $45 under one ot tbe seat cushions, lbe rob- r found the money and consider- bly more that was similarly se creted. . The robbers made their escape, ut officers were soon, on their trail, nd it is' expected they will soon be captured, though it was after duek when the officers were notified of the robbery, ' ; '"' ' : s PoriUntf, June 9. Here is a cl urn that civil service under the in w charter is in ' fact a political machine. The Journal today says: ' "Tbe people of Portland have al leady had opportunity to see the conf qnences of entrusting the civil service to a board of practical poli ticians. The result has been the demoralization of the police and fire departments. r ; That provision of tbe new city chaiter which iwas designed to protect the municipal service from the blight of machiue politics has been made a dead let ter. The very weapon which the people formed to use against the bosses has been wrested by the lat ter to their own uses. It bas been patent to the most casual observer that the civil serv ice commission had but one object, and that was to make the fire and police departments mere adjuncts of the Matthews - machine. The commissioners have lent themselves openly and shamelessly to this fcheme. ' V Chief Hunt announced sime time ago that no one would be permitted to remain on the police force "un less he had yoted right." ' To vote right means, under' tbe present regime, to vote for the can didates of the jack Matthews ma chine. Chief Hunt's utterance has borne fruit in the dismissal of a po ticeman who had the temerity to predict that within two years the Mathews ring would be ousted irom power and that the . Simon faction would again come into control, it was an unpardonable Bin. From the Mathews machine came an im nerious demand that the officer should be dismissed from, the force, and the demand met with prompt compliance. The executive board ..i .ii proved as eager to carry out ine win of tbe machine as the civil service commission had been. ; Nothing could be more farcical than the charge of "offensive parti sanship'! which is the osteBsible ground for this policeman's remov al. ? if there was ever an-insiance of offensive partisanship; : flagrant, unscrupulous partisansnipi u is 10 be found in the . boards ana , com missions whose only object appears to be to do the bidding of a disre putable and discredited boss. To Debtors, Intending to leave - Corvallis about the 16th of the month, and I request all persons having account with me to call and Bettle the same during the present week, : - . UonnArffiillv. I Dr.-W. T. Rowley. IN BENTON. MANY SALES OP REAL ESTATE WHO BUYERS ARE. Another Tract out of Horning Farm Changes Hn?s Harley . Hall the - Buyer Some thing About the S. S. Convention at Philomath O her NewB. New deeds filed for record are: .Harry DeBard to A Bush, 160 acres, in Alsea, $1,000. Beu'ton county to Mary C Al en, 80 acred near Philomath, $4"L5. Essie Roberfbn to A Bush, 16 ) acres in Alse, $1. H J Simonsen and wife to W. H. Harrison, 94 acres near Philo math, $5,580. Bart R. Thompson to W. F. Rice, 2 I-4 -acres in Wells & Mc Elroy's addition to Corvallis, $65 j, J H Albert and wife to A J John' 00, 2,obb acres in Kings Valley, $1. Cynthia Krave and husband to H. L. Hill, 3 acres near , Corval- 18, $2,6 jo. - R. S. B'yson arid others to S. B. Roberts, two lots in Job's addition, 6j. -.. - A, W. Fiscbar and wife to S. M Wood, two tots adjoining city lim its of Corvallis, $245. Mary Rust to William Mace, 5j acres near rniiomatb, $2,100. WAS PROFITABLE SESSION. County Sunday School Convention at Philomath Saturday and Sunday, The County Sunday School As sociation met at Philomath in an nual convention last Saturday and Sunday. A number of delegates were present from various parts of the county. The reports sent in ho ved quite an increased interest n the Sunday school work through out the county. An excellent : pro gram had been arranged by the ex ecutive committee and was well carried out. The spirited discus sions that followed each topic show ed tbe interest of those present in the work. T. T. Vincent is to be commend ed for his tactful, Christian spirited way of presiding and pushing the business along. . Misi Katberine MeDdnald of Albany, state prim ary superintendent was prevented from being present on account -of a eerious accident, however. Mr. Richardson,' county president of Linn, was present throughout the convention, and gave , us much app eciated assistance. to pace will not permit us to men tion he good things from each ad dress, but suffice it to say that the addresses of Revs: Jone?, Reeves, Green and Carrick, President Em erickj Professors Sheak and ; Rose braogh end Messrs Swann and J H. Edwards, were pointed and well received. Mrs. ' J. H. Edwards solos were greatly appreciated. On Sunday a mass meeting: of the Sunday schools was held under tne stately maples ot tne old camp ground west of Philomath., amid God's 'first temples good, orderly crowd arid a .There was good meeting. Officers, elected for the ensuing year are: -President, W. W. Rose braugh of Philomatn; secretary and treasurer W, C. Swann, Corvallis; superintendent primary depart ment, Mrs J. E. J Henkle, Philo math. superintendent home de partment, Mrs. R.'. J. , Nichols, Corvallis.1 ; ;t -1 The Sabbath school, organiza tion is a very great factor kin the development of our civilization.' Its refining, elevating influence is on- measurable in " things material. Being an institution: for: the good of humanity its perpetuation and ever increasing ' - influence i is as sured. . Let our .determination and zeal for the year be to make, ours the banner Sunday school of the state. To this end let Primary, Normal, Home and Cradle roll de partments be organized in every school and reports be seat in. - . . It can be done. Will you, read er, ,do your part? - A Participant. Philomath, June 9. For Sale. A well bred driving mare, harness and. buggy, Will sell : all or , any. En- quire at this office, Wo ..'During the W. O. W. Carnival Wednes- day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, the, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th, ; - ; Our Store will Come in and make our ; We will have suitable just such occasions. In our mens department ,we will have special . values t-r the next week in hats, shirts, shoes neck wear and our clothing, children, youths, young men of men can't be equaled for style, fit, quanlity, tailoring and price. - H.9 SSaLIEIE 0 iPo if,, If Ra : 0 Have purchased the Studio o(Mr. Philips, on Main Street, and will be pleased to show samples of work and quote prices to all. y Fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty. Also De veloping and Finishing for the Trade. 0000000000000 If You are 1 1 Or if you are having trouble with yonr glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling opticians without success, come and see. me, get a fit. that's guaranteed and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. 1 . .. -JT" ; E. W. S. PRATT , O ! The Jeveljer and Optician. OSBORIie mowers J3nd Rakes Are the Best. For Sale at SE-Wine's. . Notice for Publication. Timber Land, Act June 3 1878. : '.' United States Land Office, Koseburg, Oregon March 12th, 1903. , N otlce Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act ol August 4, 1892, . ; William Brazelton v of Toledo, county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, has this dav filed In this office his sworn state ment No 4587 for the purchase of the Srf of S WM being lot 4 8 E S W H of Sec No 30 iu Township No 11 BBange Nod West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P- Moses, Clerk of Benton County, Ore gon, at Corval!is,.Oregon, on Friday, the 19th day of June, 1903: i' ' , , ' He names as witnesses: ' .: John W Hyde ol Philomatn, Oregon. A L Clark of Alsea, Oregon. . - . v A D Perkins of Toledo, Oregon, . v . Charles Kreger, " " Any andf aU persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of June, 1903. . . tJ J,T. Bridges - v. -.. . Begister, . Close at 7 P IU store your headquarters. goods and prices for as everyone knows, for either 9 0 0 0 ,0 Haviu 2 Trouble with your Eyes Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that 1, 6E Farra as administrator of the estate of Thomas. Graham deceased, have filed my final account as such administrator v in . the County Court of Ben ton county, State of Oregon, and tbe said court has fixed "Wednesday the 8th ''day ot July 1903, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon :s .Id day as the time, and the county court room In the county .court house in Cor vallis, Oregon, as the place tor hearing any and all objections to the said final account and for settlement thereof. Dated this June 5, 1903. ; G-B. Farra. ' Administrator of the estate of Thomas Gra ham, deceased. NOTICX2 OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that on Saturday, the 11th day of July, 1903, at the hour- of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at tbe front .door of the Courthouse, In the City of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cae-h in hand, the following described real estate, to wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, northwest of southeast , northeast of southwest and fractional west of southwest hi in section 19, containing 356.24 acres lot 2, southeast 4 of northeast and south east , section 27, containing 239.57 acres; lot 3, southwest hi of southeast frac tional west section 31, containing 413.16 acres; all In township 10 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. - South Vt of southeast south of northwest south section 5, contain ing 480 acres; section 7 (120 acres in Polk County), containing 679.06 acres; section IS, containing 640 acres; section 19, con taining 673,58 acres; section 23, containing 640 acres;: all in township 10 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. West of the northeast , east of northwest V. northwest of northwest , southeast , northeast of southwest Va. of section 3, containing 400 acres; lots 1 and 2, north of southwest , section 7,- containing ,119.87 acres; north of northeast . northwest , east ot southeast section 11, containing 320 acres; east of northeast , section 13, containing 80 acres; lots 3 and 14, north of southeast , northeast of south west M, and north of section 19, .con taining 490.54 acres; fraction south frac tion west . of northwest , west of east of northwest . section 31, con taining 450.70 acres; all in township 11 south, range 6 west of the .Willamette Meridian. ' . " y ,, " ' -,' Fraction north southeast east of southwest section . 1,- containing 555 84 acres; lots 1 and 6, northwest Vl of northwest , section 13, containing 72.48 acres : southwest hi. section 15, , contain ing 160 acres; fraction secUon 31, contain ing 635 acres; lots 1 and 2, southeast V of northeast , southeast section 35, containing 236.48 acre& east of section 27, 320 acres; all in township 11 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 7, containing 656.38 acres; lot 4, section 27 containing 32.14 acres; south west . of northwest northwest of southwest hi, section 29, containing 80 acres;, southwest hi ot northwest hi, east hi of southwest hi, west hi ot southeast hi, section 33, containing 200 acres; all In township 12 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. . Section 1, 648 acres; section 3, 665.41 acres; section 5, 686.88 acres; northeast hi. north of southeast hi, east hi ot north west hi, northeast Vi ot southwest hi, -lots 1, 2 and 3, section 7, 465.11 acres; section 9, 640 acres; section 13, .640 acres; all in township 12 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Lot 7, section 3, 17.80 acres; fraction ; northwest hi. fraction east hi, north hi of southwest hi, section 5, 555.36 acres, all In township 13 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. i Section 3, 671.21 acres: section 5. 656.74 acres;- southwest hi of section 7, 165.20 acres; section 9, 640 acres; section 11. 640 acres; seetion 23, 640 acres; section 27 640 acres; northwest hi of northeast hi, sec tion 31, 40 acres; north hi, southeast hi. northeast hi of southwest , section 33, ' o23 acres; all in township 10 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 27, 640 acres; northwest i hi, northwest hi of northeast , west hi ot southwest hi, section 35, 280 acres; all in township 10 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian ; east hi ot section 33, 320 acres; in township 10 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian Fraction northeast of northeast , section 1, 39.78 acres; south hi. southwest j hi of northwest hi, section 3, 360 acres; section 5, 646.02 acres;. east hi, southwest hi, section 7. 485 acres; section 13. 640 acres; west hi, southeast hi, west h of "orth,east hi, section 17, 560 acres; section 19, 6o7.88 acres; section 21, 640 acres; west hi, east hi of northeast hi, east V ot southeast hi, section 23, 480 acres; section 27. 640 acres: section 31, 665.98 acres; all UV,J,ownshlp 11 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. North hi. southwest hi, section 1, 481,28 acres; nopth hi of northeast hi, south hi of southeast hi, west hi of northwest hi. west hi of southwestvl4, section 3, 322 55 acres; east hi, fraction southwest hi, sec tion 7, 483.20 acres; north hi of section., 320 acres; northeast hi. north hi of north west hi, southwest? hk of northwest hi, east hi of southeast hi, southwest hi of south east hi. southeast hi of southwest hi. sec tion 11, 440 acres: section 15 4n gir. section 17. 640 acres: section 19 K4S sr acres; seetion 29, 640 acres; section 35. 640 acres; all in townshiiv 11 snnfh T-ano. u ' west of the Willamette Meridian. Northwest hi. south hi of northeast hi, north of southeast hi, west hi of south- West hi. section 1. iW Mi nnroa- i f southwest hi, section 13, 78.20 acres; all in luwiisnip ii soutn, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. North of section 5, 327.61 acres i in township 12 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian; north hi ol north east V. fraction northwmt l. Tlnf-fKnoe J4 of southwest hi, section 1, 279.21 acres; in township 12 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Southwest hi of northwest hi, west of southwest hi. lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, section 17. containing 178.87 acres; in township 10 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian,. Section I. containlne- K45 fift APPM' Smith of southwest , section 3. containing .80 acres; southwest hi ot southwest hi, Tots 4, 5 and 6, section 17, containing 93.003 acres; in township 11 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. East hi, east hi of northwest hi, south west hi of northwest hi, north hi of south west hi, section 17, containing 520 acres; southeast . southeast hi of northeast hi, southwest hi of northeast hi. southeast Vt Of southwest hi. section 21. pnntaininsr 279.70 acres; west of northwest hi, lots 1,. 2 and 3, section 27, containing 176.42 ca , in luwusuip i& suuui, range o. west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 9. containine 640 acres, south west hi ot the northeast hi, southeast hi of northwest hi, southwest hi, northwest of southeast hi, west hi ot northwest hi, of section 11, containing 360 acres; northeast hi of northwest hi, south hi of northwest hi. southwest south 4 of southeast hi, lots 3, 4 and 5, section 13, containing 400.95 acres: northeast hi, northwest hi. north M, ot southeast. V.. southeast hi of southeast" hi, section 17, containing 440 acres; north hi ot north west hi, southwest hi of northwest , east hi of northeast hi. ' southeast hi. east V, of southwest hi, southwest hi of southwest Vt, section zi, w acres; section Za, con- - taming ow acres; suulo norineast east of northwest hi. section 31. 585.60 acres: section 5640 acres: all in townshin 10 south, range 7 west of the Willamette .Meridian. Section 3, 627.15 acres; west of south- ' west hi. section 5, 80 acres; east hi ot northeast , northwest hi of northeast hi, north hi of northwest east hi of southeast hi, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, sec tion 11, containing 430.39 acres; northeast hi, northeast hi of southwest hi, west fraction . hi ot southwest hi, section 19. containing 272.87 acres; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, section 25, containing 94.50 acres; section 29, 640 acres; northwest hi, southwest hi, southwest of northeast hi, section 35, . 360 acres; all In township 11 south, range I west- of the Willamette Meridian. Section M, 640 acres, in township 12 south, range 1 west of the Willamette Meridian. The following described lands in Polk County, Oregon: South hi of northeast hi, south hi of northwest hi, south hi, jots 1, 2, 3 and 4, section 1, containing 671.28 acres township 10 south, yange 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. - " The following described lands in Lincoln County, Oregon: Section 13, 640 acres; west h ot section 25, 320 acres; section 31, beginning at a point 48 chains and 63 1-3 links west of the southeast corner of said section 31; thence west on township line to west boundary of township; thence north on range line between ranges 8 and 9, west 60 chains; thence east to a point due north of point of beginning: . thence south to-place of beginning, 188.20 acres; all in township 10 south, .range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. South hi, south hi of northwest hi, see tion 1, 400 acres; northwest of south west hi, east hi of southwest hi. south east hi, north hi, section 9, 600 acres: southeast hi of northwest hi. west. of northwest hi. south hi ot northeast hi. south y, of section 15, 520 acres; section 25, 640 acres; section 29, 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres; all in township 11 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 1, .640 acres; north hi of south east hi and north hk of section 3, 406.98 acres; north hi of northeast hi. section 11, 80 acres; all in township 12 south,. range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Northeast hi, east hi of northwest hi. east hi of southwest hi, southwest of , southwest - hi, north of southeast hi. southeast hi of southeast hi, section 29, 440 acres; in township 10 south, range 9 west of the; Willamette Meridian. Section 5, 633.40 acres; northwest frac tion section 7, 162 acres; southeast hi sec tion 13, 160 acres; section 21. 640 acres; section 23, 640 acres; seetion 25, 640 acres; section 27, 640 acres: east hi of northwest hi, northwest fraction of northwest hi, northeast hi of southwest hi and east of section 31, 482.95 acres: section 33, 640 acres; in township 11 south, range 9 west of the Willamette -Meridian. East hi, southwest hi, south hi of north west hi, northwest hi of northwest hi, sec tion 3, 602.82 acres; in township 12 south, , range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 25, 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres; township 10 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 3. 643.58 acres; southeast ot northeast hi, northwest hi ot northwest V. north hi of southeast hi, lots 1, 2, 3, . 8. 9, 10, and 11, seetion llt 343.12 acres; east , of section 13. 320 acres; east of northeast hi- section 23, 80 acres: township . II south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. 1 ' ' ' ; Total, 23,959.41 acres. Said sale is made under and by virtue . of a decree, execution and order of sale, now in my hands, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton . Countv, under the seal of said Court, of date Mav 15, 1903, in the suit of the Coast Land & Livestock Company, plaintiff, and the Oregon Pacific Colonisation Company, a corporation; George H-viSelover and S. F. Cook, -defendants,' , a proceeding to foreclose two -mortgages, by .which decree . and order of sala said real property above described is ordered to be sold by me to satisfy the sum of one hundred and one , thousand, three hundred and sixty-one and flftv-nine one-hundredths dollars j ($101,361.59)., with interest from the 23d day of March, 1903. the date of said decree, being the amount found to be due plain-. tiff from the defendantSj, the Oregon Pa- , cific Colonization Company, a corpora-, tion, and S. F. Cook, together with costs and disbursements of this sale. ' ' M. P. BURNETT, - Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Dated this 6th day of June, 1903. J .