PAYNE MAY CO: EvSTOFFCE FRAUDS MAKE; TSOCBLE BETWEEN HIM AND WYNNE. Wynne Poshed thf Investigation of -. Fraud, Aiding Newspaper in & curing Information And Payne Didn't Like - the Publicity. Washsegton, June 3. Strained retatc8 exist between Postmaster Giuwti Payne and First Assistant , Wynne, and as a result, ona of f them will probably have to go, whttt the matter ia ibid UeLre the ' preewfetit. Tfe-e 3iSVrence betwepn Payne and Wynne resulted, first, from j Payee's criticism of the first assist- : a.aty becaus the latter was too free ia giving out reports of abuses and Irregaiarit'ea to the press, while the r investigation was in progress Payne believes that Wynne has al- ; tso encouraged some newspaper at tacks aeon him. Wynne feels that Pajma cas not ?tood by him as he saoni , and 19 trying to prevent bite feita getting credit for the in vestigations as far a3 tbty have go-.e. When the mat er is brought io the notice of the president, Wyn ar& position wili be quite ttring, bscxa&e he began the tixht on Ma eben and Beavers. Waen Wynne iwcauie rat assistant he found that tfee two "bureaus, presided over by the&c taen were ran elam-t inde- pendect of the first assistant, and both of them were inclined to defy him. He began to assert his pr si tion, and foilowt-d up the newspa per attacks up3n the irregularities of the department. The lacs that he h ts forced both of the officials out will no doubt help him with the president in any contest with Payne. Possibly Wynne will be made postinsstt-r-general, but at tention ia directed more towards Fourth Assittant B ietow, who, ojtiie than a'y one hl-e, has been regp maiblH for uneanhi gthe irreg- liins' jd a: opariment. jva i .- is Tuna 1 Ttio Y . iet4 mys the magnificent salary af ore taut a 3ear to Miurice I'ro'j Sor Tot carrying the mail between D xleviil and Mineral Point. : Mr. P oco. opratts a rt,gH line be tween the l wo citits and he make a g xi tuc aie from the passenger eervic. iicenily he closed a con tract with t':e snvemmeut for thref years, nerefiug to carry the mail. one xaj each day end hij bid waa throe cents 'for that period of time. He is to receive bis t-alary in three installment of one cnt eich. He recently received bis cbeik lor his year's salary, but he is not ge iagioeasb it until he is in ned of the aaoiiey. . Mr. Proct r i- unique in th-e fact that ha receives the smallest salary .of any per pooB employed by the government. The distance between Dodgeviile and Mineral Point is eight miles. Mr. Proctor is very proud over the responsibility of having the United iStates mail in his care and enjoys (he distinction of drawing the smallest salary on record. He aleo feels confident that if the govern ment should desire to retrench no effort would he made to : cut his' Biverside, Cal., June 2. Fischer, the young degenerate who killed his wife here in April by choking her into insensibility, chloroforming her and thn pouring gasoline over her clothes and touching off a match, thereby hoping to destroy all trace of the crime, has trade a full con fession at San Quentin, from which place he is sentenced to be hanged July 14. He made the awful con fession last night to Mrs. C'oburn, wife of Sheriff C. M. Coburn. Fisch er says that the wonderful will power of Mrs. Coburn dominating nis in its alleged intensity has alone forc ed him to confess. In his admission Fischer says: "I sprang upon Mrs. Fischea just as we had returned from a walk through the city, and three minutes after we entered our rooms the deed was done and she was insensible on the-floor with her clothes soak ed in easoline ready for the match. "I seized her and threw her across the table, and if her wrist was broken it was done when she tmererled against me and threw her arm back to protect, herself as I nressed the cloth soaked with color oform over her mouth. I did not know her arm was broken, as I had no time to examine for. broken hones, and the whole act took not TnnrA than three minutes. She mnit have broken it across the edge of the table, for when I seized her, I threw her ou the table to complete the work with the chloro- form bottles, ot wnicn mere wore two. I killed her deliberately to trt a few hundred dollars she pos eessed, intending to use half of it for mv two children, whom I bad deserted in Txs; with their moth eri rov other wife. . - : " "The girl 1 kille r was young and good 1 ok'ug arid I beltfve loved me. I act' d cruelly owarfbe tntny time?. Tue aUeruoon of tue mar der she refused to givo me her mon ey, saying that 1 would not even thank ber for it. I acted kind that day, fcnjwina, that I would kill her before night She begged piteous !y while I ras murdering her." Fischer has died his guilt eve ry day since the cointnitsion of the terrible crime. Emporia, Km., June 2 The fi nancial loss of Couicil Grove caus ed by the flood will. amount to $1, ). REDUCED RATES. To the Seaside and Mountain s irts for the Summer. Re On and after Tune ist. igo.-?, the South ern Pacific in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points" on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De troit,. at very low rates, good for return until October lo, I903. Ihree day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays and re turning Mondays, are also ou sale from all Eastside points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside points enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets, from all Eastside points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all Westside points are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop over privileges at Mill Oity or at any point east enabling touiists to visit the Santiam and Breiteuhush as well as the famous Breitenbush Hot Springs iti the Cascade mountains which can be reach ed in one day .... Season tickets will be good for return from all points until October 10th. Three day tickets will be good going on Satur days and returning Mondays ONt,Y. Tickets from Portland and vicinity wil1 be good tor return via the East or West side at option of passenger. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon Springfield branch, if desired. Baggage on New port tickets checked through to New port; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina only. "S, P. trains connect with theC. & E. at Albany and Corvallis, for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit leave Albany at 7 a; m. en abling tourists to the 'Hot Springs to reach there the same day. , Full information as to rates, . time tables, etc enn be obtained on applica tion to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E., R R at Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P. A. S P Co Portland or to any S P or . CE agent. , Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3,75. '" Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3 25. Rate from Corvallis to Detroit, $3,5. . Three days rate from Corvallis to Ya qvina or Newport, $5.50, ' NORTH BEACH. Excursion Steamer T. J, Potter Goes Into Service June 27. Those who are planning their vacation this year will be interested in knowing that the popular excursion steame-, the T. J. Potter queen of river boats goes into service June 27. and that she. will leave Portland every day from Tuesday until Sdturday iaclusive. To see the the beauties of the picturesque and mighty Columbia from the decks of the Potter is a treat never to be forgotten. For speed and grace nothing in river or lake service in the entire West equals this side-wheeled beautv. Five hours from Portland, and one from Astoria, through the famous fishing waters of the Uolumbia, past scores ot salmon traps, and nets and as many white-winged fish boats, lands the passengers at Ilwaco, where close connection is made for beach points wit'a trains of the Ilwaco Railway & Navigation Company, whose cars stand on the wharf awaiting steam er. The beacn is 27 miles long, two hundred yards wide at low tide and so hard that carriage wheels scarcely leave a mark. ' It is an ideal place for driv ing, riding, wheeling or walking, and the surf bathing is unsurpassable- The excellent (hotels and 1 boarding nouses provide good accommodations ranging trom Si to 3 per aay. The round trip rate trom rortiand to Astoria is 2.50; to Ocean Beach points $4. good until October 15th. On Satur days during July and August, - ronnd trip tickets are sold to beach points at $2.50 goOd for retnrn leaving beach fol lowing Sunday evening, The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company has just issued a new summer book, free for the asking, which tells all about the delightful resorfs of the valley of the Columbia. , This can be obtained from any agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company or by writing to A. L. Craig, G. P. A. Port land Ore. Notice for Publication. Umber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Boseburg, Oregon March 12th, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act ot cengress ot June 8, 1878, enrttled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act of August 4, 1892, v , William Brazelton - of Toledo, county of Llnooln, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn state ment No 4587 for the purchase of the 8 ot, being lot 4SESW4 of Sec No 30 in Township No U S Range N06 West, and will offer proof to show that the land soueht Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for .agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before vintn. v. inspfl ninrfc nf Benton County. Ore- son, at Oorvallis.lOregon, on Friday, the 19th dav of June. 1903: He names as witnesses: John W Hyde ot Philomath, Oregon. . A 1. Clark of Alsea, Oregon. - A D Perkins ot Toledo, Oregon. Charles Kreger, " ': imiTui nil nnraons nlalmlnr adversely the above described lands are - requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of June, 1903. J, T. Bridges. Begister, IN CORVALLIS. PREPARING TO MAKE CONNEC TIONd FOB FLUSHING ALL SEWERS. Carnival Next Week Balloon Ascension, big Shows, Special Train', Parades and Many Other Attractions Other Local News. There has been much comolaint of late about the lack of facilities for flushing sewers. The statement is made that of the numerous later als recently constructed, but two are connected for flushing purposes. Even the Van Buren main is with out an arrangement for flushins:. The condition has caused complaint to be uttered by many townspeople. The matter was the subject for some investigation yesterday. It developed that Contractor . Smith. when the laterals were constructed laid his pipes convenient to the water company's mains where there were mams, and that he has been waiting for the Water Company to tap their mains, as is customary, and give him the connections neces sary. The Water Company, in turn, appears to have been waiting for the council to make some arran gements with reference to proper remuneration for the water used in flushing. The matter has thus re mained at "a standstill, and mean time many of the laterals have be come offensive. Yesterday morning,' President Far ra of the Water Company issued orders for the mains to be put in shape for all the connections to be made. There seems promise that the work of flushing will be pat in full blast within a few days. OCCURS NEXT WEEK. Everything in Readiness Things That Will he Done The Carnival. The committee is getting things in good shape for the Carnival; Below is a partial list of the events to be given here next week. Wednesday, June 10th. Grand parade at 1 p. m.' and! Queen crowning. Formation of parade as follows: ist division under command of Col. H. D. Day accompanied, by his staff. OAC band. Queen of the Carsival and Suite,. Philomath band. 2nd Division, under command of Major J. L. Underwood: Mary s Peak Co. Uniform Rank. Mary's Peak Circle W. O. W". and visiting Circles Camps W. O. W. 3rd Division.: under command of D A. Osburn. - Bellfountain baad. Arnold's menagerie Floats ect. Thursday, June 1 1 . Grand parade of Uniformed! Rank W. O, W. at 1 p. m. C)l. H. I,. Day in commandf Staff Officers of 2nd Regiment W. O. W. Philomath band. Queen of Carnival and suite. ist battalion under command! of Major V. P. Fiske. 1 ' 2nd battalion under command. of Major J. X. Underwood. Bellfountain band. Membership W. O. W. At 2 o'clock there will be com petitive drills between uniformed rank W. O. W. teams, and In the evening a special train will run from Albany carrying the Albany Woodmen and their friends. Friday, June 1 2tb. Beside the usual entertainments at the Carnival grounds there will be a base ball game between W. O. W, teams at the College grounds, and a baby show at the big tent in the afternoon. In the evening will be the pub lic wedding. The furniture to be given away is now in the window of J. D. Mann & Co, and goes to the first couple making application to the committee, . Saturday, June. 13th. The special attraction will be a balloon ascension in the afternoon and in the evening the Queen and her suite will ride on . the Ferris wheel. ' ' .. . '):, Now due a carload of the famous Old Hickory wagons.- Wait for . them. We have prices that wiH surprise you. ' A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe. To Bent.. A new 7 room house with 2 3-4 acres of ground, on College Hill. A desirable location. Apply to J. J. Cady at College barn. ' .. , ....,; -.- For Plain Sewing. rr,it a Tur-re 'v. ts wiiif. of a German place near Electric Light plant. During the W. 0. W. Carnival Wednes day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. Our Store will Close at 7 P IW Come in and make our store your headquarters. We will have suitable goods and prices for just such occasions. In our .mens department we will have special values for the next week in hats, shirts, shoes neck wear and our clothing, 4s everyone knows, for either children, youths, young men or men can't be equaled for style, fit, quanlity, tailoring and price. s 0 Have purchased the Studio of Mr. Philips,, on Main Street, and will be pleased to show samples of work and quote prices to alii , . Fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty. Also Developing- send Finishing for the Trade. If You are Having Trouble with your Eyes iff Ll Or il yon are having trouble with your traveling opticians without success, come and by one who will always be on hand Water Rates. Any persons wishing to use water for sprinkling Sawns or Sowers for the sum mer will oMfge the C W. . C& if they will notify Mr. Bell while he is collect ing during the first few days in Jane. The rates by the season from June i to Oct. ist arc as foSbwe: For one lot or less including the ground apon which the building stands. I3.00 per season ; for two lots or more than one,: $S-oo; for three lots or more than two $6.00. Collections wilt be made for the season during the first few days of July, I903. May 26. 1903. Corvallis Water Co. We can save you money on your ve hicles. We buy in car lots direct from the factory for spot cash. A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe. OSBORSIG find Rakes Are the Best. For Sale at S.C. Kline's. o Wo 0 0 0 0 m 0 m - - m glasses, and have tried all the ao-caTled and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed to make good his guarantee. E. W. S. PRATT THE "Jf E.AVEKER ANT OPTICIAN. W. Gv W. Uaveilint Ceremony. On Sunday June 7. at 3 p. na., at the Mt. . View cemetery, five miles- north of Corvallis, Mary's Peak Gamp will unveil the El liott monuments with appropriate and interesting ceremonies. All Woodmen and the public are cor dially invited to be present. Wood men are requested to meet at the hall at 1:30 p. m. 1 ; L. G, Altman, C. C. NOTICK OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the Uth day ot July, 1903, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, 1 wilt sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, northwest of southeast 4, northeast of southwest and fractional west Vi of southwest in section 19, containing 356.24 acres; lot 2, southeast of northeast , and south east Vt, section 27. containing 239.57 acres; lot 3, southwest of southeast Vt, "ac tional west section 31, containing 413.16 acres; all in township 10 south, range b west of the Willamette Meridian. South of southeast , south of northwest , south section 5, contain ing 480 acres; section 7 (120 acres in Pplk County), containing 679.06 acres; section 15, containing 640 acres; section 19, con taining 673,58 acres; section 23, containing 640 acres; all in township 10 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. , West of the northeast east of northwest northwest of noi-tf V. southeast , northeast of southwest of section 3, containing 400 acres; lots 1 and 2, north of southwest V, section 7, containing 119.87 acres; north of northeast northwest , east . of southeast , section 11, containing 320 acres; east of northeast section 13, containing 80 acres; lots 3 and 4, north yl of southeast , northeast of south west 14 and north of section 19, con taining 490.54 acres; fraction south frac tion west of northwest , west of east of northwest , section 31, con taining 450.70 acres: .all in township 11 south!; range 6 west of the Willamette MrTaction north , southeast , east of southwest , section, 1 containing 555.84 acres; lots 1 and 5, northwest of northwest 14, section 13, containing 72.48 acres: southwest section 15, contain ing 160 acres; fraction section 31, contain In! 635 acres; lots 1 and 2, southeast of' northeast . southeast , section 35, containing 236.48 acres;, east of section 27, J 320", acres! . all" In townships It sotrfhi range west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 7. containing 656.38 acres.; lot 4, section 27, containing 32.14 acres; south west of northwest , northwest of southwest , section 29, containing 80 acres; southwest of northwest east of southwest west of southeast Vi., section 33, containing 200 acres; all in township 12 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 1, 648 acres; section 3, 665.41 acres: SectinTf K fiRA RA u oi-ne - nWhaant XL north of southeast east of north west 14. northeast of southwest , lots 1, 2 and 3, section 7, 465.11 acres; section 9. 640 acres; section 13, 640 acres; all in township 12 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Lot 7, section 3, 17.80 acres ; fraction northwest 4. fraction east north of southwest section 5, 555.36 acres, all in township 13 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 3, 671.21 acres; section 5, 656.74 acres; southwest of section 7, 165.20 uit:a, &ecuuu , mv acres; section 11, 640 acres; section 23, 640 acres; section 27, 640 acres; northwest Qf northeast , sec tion 31, 40 acres: north southeast 14, northeast of southwest 34, section 33, 523 acres : all in township la south, range s west oi me w luamette Meridian. Section 27, 640 acres; northwest northwest 14 of northeast , west of southwest 14, section 35, 280 acres; all ln township 10 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian ; east of section S3, 20 acres; in township 10 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. Fraction northeast 14 of northeast , section 1, 39.78 acres; south , southwest 14 of northwest 14, section 3, 360- acres; section 5, 646.C2 acres: east , southwest ' 14, section 7, 485 acres; secUon 13, 640 acres; west , southeast , west 14 of northeast , section 17, 560 acres; section 19, 6o.9S acres; section 21, 640 acres; west , east of northeast 14, east 14 of southeast 14. section 23, 480 acres; section 27. 640 acres: section 31, 665.98 acres; all in township 11 south, range 8 west' of the Willamette Meridian. North , southwest 14, section 1, 481,28 acres: north of northeast 14, south 14 of southeast 14, west 14 of northwest 14. west 14 of southwest 14, section 3, 322.55 acres; east 14, fraction southwest 14, sec tion 7. 483.20 acres; north of section 9, 320 acres: northeast 14. north of north west 14. southwest 1i of northwest 14, east 14 cf southeast 14, southwest 14 of south east 14. southeast 14 of southwest , sec tion 11, 440 acres; section 15, 640 acres; section 17, 640 acres; section 19, 645.35 acres; section 29, 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres; all in township 11 south, range 9 west oi me v luamette jsxenaian. Northwest 14. south 14 of northeast 14. north of southeast 14, west 14 of south west 14, section 1, 402.40 acres; east 14 of southwest , section 13, 78.20 acres; all in township 11 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian. North 14 of section- 5, 327.61 acres; In township 12 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian: north of noTth east 14. fraction northwest 14. northwest 14 of southwest 14. section 1, 279.21 acres; in township 12 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. Southwest 14 of nortliwest 14, west 14 of southwest 14. lots 3, 4, 5 and o, section 17, containing 178.87 acres; in township 10 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian, .- . Section 1, containing 645.60 acres; south of southwest 14, section 3. containing 80 acres; southwest 14 of southwest 14, lots 4, 5 and 6, section 17, containing 93.003 acres; in township 11 south, range S west of the Willamette Meridian. East , east of northwest 14, south west 14 of northwest , north 14 of south west 14, section 17, containing 520 acres; southeast . southeast of northeast 14. southwest 14 of northeast 14. southeast 14 of southwest 14, section 21, containing 279.70 acres; west 14 of northwest 14, lots 1, 2 and 3, section 27, containing 176.42 acres; in township 12 south, range 6 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 9, containing 640 acres, south west' 14 of the northeast 14, southeast 14 of northwest 14, southwest , northwest 14 of southeast 14, west 14 of northwest 14, of section 11, containing -360 acres; northeast 14 of northwest 14, south 14 of northwest 14, southwest 14, south 14 of southeast 14, lots 3, 4 and 5, section 13, containing 400.95 acres; northeast 14. northwest 14, north 14 of southeast 14, southeast 14 of southeast , section 17, containing 440 acres; north 14 of north west 14, southwest 14 of northwest , east 14 of northeast 14, southeast 14, east Ht of southwest 14, southwest 14 of southwest 14, section 21, 480 acres; section 25, con taining 640 acres; south 14, northeast 14. east 14 of northwest 14. section 31, 585.60 acres: section 5640 acres: all In township 10 south, range 7 west tit the Willamette meriuiaii. Section 3, 627.15 acres: west of south- 1 ..,... i ..Tl Oil OIF 09t Xi Of , 1. ... 1 nntYman. V. nf nAi4hpHSt 14. north 14 of northwest , east 14 or southeast 14, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. sec tion 11, containing 430i39 acres; northeast 14, northeast 14 of southwest . west fraction 14 of southwest , section 19. containing 272.87 acres; lots 1, 2, 3 ana 4, section 25, containing 94.50 acres; section 29, 640 acres; northwest 14, southwest 14, southwest 14 of northeast 14, section 35. 360 acres; all in, township 11 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 11, 640 acres, in township 12 south, range 7 west of the Willamette Meridian. The following described lands In Polk County. Oregon: South of northeast , south 14 of northwest . soubh 14, tots 1, 2, 3 and! t, section 1, containing 671.28 acres township 10 south, range 8 west of the Willamette- Meridian. The following described lands In Lincoln County, Oregon: Section 13, 640 acres; west of section 25, 32 acres section 31. beginning at a point 48 chains and 63 1-3 links west of tne southaast corner of said section 31: thence west on township line to' west boundary of township; thence north on range line between ranges 8 and 9, west 60 chains;- thene east to- a point due north , of point of beginning: thence soutft to place of beginning, 188.4 acres; all at township 10 south, range 8 west of the. Willamette Meridian. South 14, south of northwest . sec tion 1, 400 acres;- northwest of soutn west 14, east erf" southwest . south east 14, north , section 9, 600 acres: southeast ot northwest . west 14 or northwest , senrth of northeast . south ot section B. 520 acres; section 25, 640 acres; section 29, acres; section 35, 640 acres; an In twnhlp 11 soutn, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Sectian 1, 640 acres;- north of south east 14 and north 14 of section 3, 408.98 acres; north of northeast . section 11 80 acres; alt tn township 12 south, range 8 west of the Willamette Meridian. Northeast 14, east of northwest 14. ne,4- 1- nf- Mnttiwpxt 1. nnuthwest ft ox IJUl UICOQb .4, V ..... southwest 14, north of southeast 14. southeast of southeast , section 29. 440 acres; in township 16 south, range west of the Willamette Meridian. ' Section 3, 633.40 acres; northwest frac tion section 7. 162 acres: southeast 14 sec tion 13, 160 acres; section 21. 640 acres; section 23, 640 acres; section 25, 640 acres; section 27, 640 acres; east 14 of northwest 14, northwest fraction of northwest 14, northeast 14 of southwest 14 and east of section 31, 482.95 acres: section S3, 640 acres; In township 11 south, range 9 west of the Willamette Meridian. East , southwest 14. south of north west 14, northwest 14 of northwest , sec tion 3, 602.82 acres; in township 12 south, range 9 west- of the Willamette Meridian. Section 25, 640 acres; section 35, 640 acres; township 10 south, range 10 .west of the Willamette Meridian. Section 3. 643.58 acres; southeast 14 or northeast 14, northwest 14 of northwest 14, north of southeast 14, lots 1, 2, 3, 8? 9, 10, and 11, section 11, 343.12 acres; east 14 of section 13. 320 'acres; east 14 pf northeast 14. section 23, 80 acres: township 11 south, range 10 west of the Willamette Meridian, Total, 23,959.41 acres. . Said sale is made under and by virtue of a decree, execution and order of sale, now in my hands, Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton County, under the seal of said Court,of date May 15, 1903, in the suit of the Coast Land & Livestock Company, plaintiff, and the Oregon Pacific Colonization Company, a corporation: George H. -Selover and S. F Cook, defendants, a proceeding to foreclose two mortgages, by which decree and order of ale said real property atooye described is ordered to be sold by me to satisfy the sum of one hundred and one thousand, three hundred and sixty-one and fif tv-nine one-hundredths . dollars ($101,361.59), with interest from the 23d day of March, 1903. tho date of said decree, , being the amount found to be due plain tiff from the defendants;, the Oregon Pa cific Colonization Company, 'a corpora tion, and S. F. Cook, together with costs and disbursements pRNETT, Sheriff of Benton County. Oregon. 1 Dated this 6th day of June, 1903. j