HUNDRED HURT. IN. SPEC UACDL KXl STREET CAB COLLI -ION IN SAN FKANCISCO Oae Ctr Struck Aandship by A : othrat Full Speed, and Splin tered. Costly war Among the Telegraphs Other News. ... - Sin Franeifco. M iy 3o. A seri ous street-car collision occBr ' ed ahout noon today, in which nsarly oo people were injur ed, eight of tb-m beiug seriously hurt. The accident was at the point where th- Ha'ght-street cable cars cro&s the F 11 more tl-ietric car line tra-ks. To e-1 ision wan part ly due to tbe Uiit-uodersU nding of new ruieH m-e-itly promu. gut-d by the Ui'hed Railway Coayiiny n garding ri&ht of way at the crow ing. ! .,' The Haight-street ca-, in charge of Gripman Diehl, was going west ward at the, tinae, enr-ying .tally loo people, many f tbem o teir way to the cemeteries to d vr.tii graves. When D:-bl got to the nrst corner at i ;iin3or etreefc he stopped his car and later got the conduct. r'n rignal to pro cd. H- looked up thu pii more-street t-tei hill aid paw an electric . car abuut o -it-third tha way down. Think ing be could clear the crossing, and &ho that tbe car would st p, ta had been customary at the, bottom of the fai l before ciosiing the cable, he went ahead. ; Ha perceived bis error a moment later and put on full speed, but the electric car, coming down with ter rific force, strui k the cable car pquarely in the middle, tearing 1 inse the whole side and sending frfjlioters and broktn glass in every direction. Toe passengers inside were barl'.J from their seats, and the floor became a struggling mars of brui-ed ard bloody humanity. . Aid quiekly came and a number of p oiie were taken out who were JitfTiiliy covered from head to foot with lloi)tl, yet escaped unhurt, fjev- r.-i e e treated at neighboring Et'jrep, m t six were - taken to the Em r niji-y' hrgpiul.". Two score of popld wf re (-lightly hi'rV G.ijm.-u Dibl was practi ce l'y a green btni. H- emerd the wrviee of the C :mpaiiy May 8, and alters rvinz ten ti?y.' appreut;ce ship w ff put ? n 'a far. Muiiorinm Ktll 'r, of the electric cr, af er con-ul ting with his super intendent, runsed to mske a ttaie ment for publication. . Philadelphia, Miy 21. Fifteen buudred miles of tel-graph line put out of business, 15 000 milos of ' wire grounde ) , 60.000 polls chop ped down and $750,000 worth of telegraph property destroyed is the , record of today's developments io the Pennsylvania-Western Union fight. z-::ZZ History shows no record Of one corporation striking another a blow B tremendous as that dealt today to the Western Union by the Penrij svlvania. It f was deliberately planned and mercilf s-dy deliyertd, In one fell swoop came this eensa . tionally drastic culmination to the fight A. J. Cassatt began more than a year ago to retaliate on George J. Gould, who had dared to invade Pennsylvania territory by pushing the Wabash railroad into Pennsyl vania. ' . The blow fell almost simultane ously in six states Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia and ..West Vir ginia. Fully 8,000 men - distribut ed along nearly 2,500 miles of rail road, were in the work of destruc tion. New axes were stored at con venient points. : When the order came every section gang turned in to demolish the Western Union property.' Thus tbe work was cut up into sections1 averaging about j two miles of railroad. , Special orders were giveu con cerning the important Western Un f ion line to New York. It was to be broken directly west of Delaware -Kiver image. At Jtr-tu me wors or destruction was started. "Steve" Jones, section foreman, was in charge. Five poles in a bunch fell at 1:37, and the tnrougn jy-wire Bne of the Westera Union went out of business for good. - By tomorrow night the Pennsyl : vania officers expect to have every Western Union pole and wire down every mile of railroad to which to rlav'a nrdnr annlied The tweire an poles will be loaded on constraiond trains and carried away. Then a bill will be rendered the Western Union for tbe cost of removing its poles and wires. , The cost of tearing away this tel egraph system is $50,000, which the l ail road expects to recover later. An expert estimates that the value of fie system i8 from $700,0n0 to $81)0.000 It is doubtful if the juDk r .n be e 1 1 to real ze the cost of clearing it up. Lis A-Yge'e. May 29. Glidys Mallard, a 11-yesr-old girl, has b-en detected "in making systemat ic attempt to poison F. F. Ward and wife and five visitors of the Ward's bv arsenic and powder glaSH. The chill was adopted by Mrs. Ward. List Monday Mrs Ward et.t-rt ined visitors! All were ttken ill after eating strawberries A nlivsician who had . been celled thought par.s greeL bad been used on tbe plants. The child was not Rusnee'ed. She then resumed her imiennif.e rl t. The next day she put poison ntn the asparagus and tea. ' and on this 'occasion Mrs. Ward nearly lost her I f-. Sii-nicion was aroused -and Gla dys wj-s q'leetiooed.' She protested that she gew nothing until an offi cer was caHd and had put hand cuffs od hr. Then sbe broke down a .d coi fessed. She Slid the went ed t s-e how p ris n.acted on bu rn n b-ing as she used to kill wild caU ih4 war. The child is v?ry nrttv and was adopted by the Wi rd - in San Diego. Ch-rnberla'n' Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need wbn you have no. appetite, f el dull after eating and wake Op i h a bad t-ste in your mouth. Tn-y will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stom acb and give you a relish tor your food. Fo sale by All-m & Wood ward. ... .V New York, Jane 1 la a runa way accident at Morris Plain, N. J., Monday afterDOon, Edward Drake fifteen years old, who was h( Llmg the lines, was pitched out of the surrey by a sharp turn and lauded bead fi'St in a barrel of witer. Hi was in that position with his feet stickinj out for sever at seconds before being rescued. -. Water Rates. Any persons wishing to use water for spriukling lawns or flowers for tbe sum mer will oblfge tbe C. W. Co. if they will notify Mr. Bell while he is collect ing during the first few days in June. Ti.e rates by the season from June I to Oct. ist, arc as follows: For one . lot or less including the ground epon which the building stands. 3.00 per ' season; for two lots or more than , one,! $5.oo; for three lots or more than two, $6.00. Collections will be made for the season during the first few days of July, I903. May 26. 1903 . , v Corvallis Water Co: NEW DEEDS. One for the Sam Moore Farm Hotel Corvallis Again Transferred. New deeds filed for record are, E. Maude and wife to Mary G. Wilheim, 163 acres near Monroe, $2,400. . .. . , ... - . John P. Huffman and wife ' to School District Number 97, parcel of land near Philomath, $1. T, Whitehorn and wife to W. B. Price, one-half interest in 300 acr es northwest of Corvallis $775. j Bruno Kunick to ? J J , Cf. Wues tefeld, 80 acres in Blodgett, $54,25 : 'Albert Howard : and others to Charles West 1 i lots in. Monroe, $160. ' . , r . " n ; i William Scarth and wife to Sam uel Swansen, Hotel Corvallis prop erty, $16,000. Edwin M. Clark, and others to Ruth N. Clark lot 12, block one County addition to Corvallis, $1. Frank Miller and' wife to United Evangelical church one acre south of Philomath, $1. ' " j. F. White and wife to A. Bush 160 acres in Alsea, $1,000. B, R. Job and wife '. to L. V. Baker three lots in ; Job's addition, $70. Samuel H. Moore and Sarah S. Ball 160 acres Creek, $8,870. wife to on Soap " We can save you money on your ve hicles. , We buy in car lots direct from the factory for spot cash. A. Wilheim & Sons, Monroe. ., o . For Sale. . A well bred driving mare, harness and buggy, Will sell all or any. Ea quire at this office. . - . V , For Plain Sewing. ' : ; Call on Mrs. E. E. White at St. German place near Electric Light plant. ffctfao nmu tgaatnie ... HTff 1 CARRIED BENTON. HERMANN DID AND IS ELECTED JO ANOTHER TERM IN CONGRESS. Hi Plurality in Benton is Ninety A Three Last Reported Plural ty About Eeighteen Hun dred Other News. In Mondays's election Binger Her mann received 672 votes in Benton, according to the official, count made yesterday afternoon - in . the county clerks's office. Mr, Reames received 579 vtes; Ingle, 63 and Ellmore 80, Mr. Hermann's plur- ali y in the county is 03. The total number of votes cast is 1 1 394. or over 500 ehort of tha usual -num ber. , Mr. Hermann , is- elected, to congrefs by a very grea'ly reduced pluarality, which was last reported at 1 8oo. . . . . - . , Elected Queen. Miss Inez Williams of Dusty is to be queen of the Carniyal. When the votes were all io, at midnight, Monday, she was far in the lead. Her to-al vote was 12.140. The next to her wa Mis Mae Gibson with a to'al of 3.727. The vote for tbe others was; Mies' Dilley, loo9; Miss Heckle, 458; Miss Lane, 162; Miss Davis and Miss Alfurd, each lOO.' NEXT SATURDAY. At Willamette School and Grange Picnic A Program, The union picnic by tbe schools and tbe Willamette Grange next Saturday June 6. at Willamette Grange hall, promises to be one - of the best of the season. There is to be, inspiring music by Peoria bra s band, pmefsston of school chil dren and Grange s and other at tract ns which will enable all to spend the'day in mirth and enjoy ment. E. R. Lake ' will be the speaker of the day. The schools will render an excellent literary program. lne urauge otters a priz-j of $10 for the winner of the baseball- game. lhe following races will occur: - 75 yards fat, men, no heavier thao 300 pounds: prize, 3 months subscription to any county paper. 100, yards,1 all. comers, ; prize, book. "' i loo yards, boya, 15 -vears and over; prize, book. 75-yards, boys I2 to 15 years, prize, boos. 60 yards, boys, 9 to I2 years. prize, bnife. - . i mile bicycle race, bovs not over 16. prize, book.; Tnis will be the banner, picnic of the season. ' If you want ta en joy yourstlf, come. Teachers and parrrts remember to haver the chil dren on the ground ready for pro- ces-i-m at 10 o cloclc. sharp, S me People Eat to Live And others Hye to eat. Both classes cap be accommodated in this particular by4 feeding at the Occidental hotel. A good bed is the next best thing to a good meal and that also can be secured at the Occidental. MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator; Entre JTons Club. - . 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. : " For nearly four, years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as -the only way to get well. I, however strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui or me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. Wi th in eighteen weeks I was another being." . :.'.. " v - ; (LMxs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and howcompletely Wine of Cardui cures .that sick ness and brings health and. happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a fl .00 bottle Of Wine of Cardui. ,. t ': j . . nnn Wo Daring the W. 0. W. Carnivar Wedne3 dav, Thursday, Friday. Saturday, the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. J- Our Store will at 7 Pr 111 1 ' Z:-. Come in and make our store your headquarters.' J We will have suitable goods' and. prices for just such occasions. ; ' ' In our mens department we will have special ' values for the next week in hats, shirts, shoes neck wear and our clothing, as everyone knows, for either children, youths, young men or men can't be equaled for style, fit, quanlity, tailoring and price. Have purchased the Studio Street, and will be pleased to show samples of ' ' work and quote prices to all. - . fancy Portraiture and Genre Work a Specialty. Also Developing and If You are Having Trouble with your Eyes Or if you are having trouble with your glasses, and have tried all the so-called traveling.opticians without success, come andee me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will alwaya be on-hand to make good his guarantee. i . E, W. S. PRATT The Jeweler akd Optician. OSBORSIG mowers Are the;Best;: For Sale at " V' $. E.' Kline's. ' - Fitzlmraons. - 'V '-' Full blooded Clydesdale stallion, will make the season of 1908, commencing April 27th and ending July 27th -pa- fol lows: Mondays and Tuesdays, at Elgin Stables, Corvallis ; . Wednesdays and Thursdays at. Wells Station; Fridays and Saturdays at Fashion . Stables Albany, Saturday evening untir Monday at own er's 'farm five miles s. w. of Albany. Description and pedigree: Fitzsimmons is a dapple bay 8 years old, heavy bone and muscle, fine :. style and action, neighth, 16 hands, weight 1800 pounds His sire, Conquering - Hero, 4937, - was foaled 1S84. weight, 1900 pounds, bred by James Baxter, Melquich Farm, Bal beggie Pertshire Scotland. His dam Belle, 9I0, was foaled in 1886 imported by Gant & Ryan, Pratt, Kansas, Terms $12 to insure live colt, v I. M. Turner, ,,. ' - - - Albany, Ore. lens: of Mr. Philips, oil Main Finishing - for the Trade. ,w)r For ?:. 'Parflcular -; " People You will find : Here that other 2 '-.!' dealers do not ; handle, and, if .' . you have been ; ' hard to suit, we want your trade on . . . . . . . ba$e $ Sanborn Rigb Grade 0olfees .No other kind compares with them. We are sole agents.- -:v-;.v "' P. m. Zlcroll. ?l Now due a . carload of the famous Old Hickory -wagons. Wait for them We have prices that will surprise you. ' A. Wilheim & Sons, Monroe., To Bent: A new 7 with 2 x-i acres of ground, on College Hill. , A desirable location. Apply to J, J, Cady at College 'barn.- ... . . ., . .. .. illamette, Yallc) Banking Company .1 GOEVALLIS OREGON. Responsibility, $100,000 A General Banking Business. Exchange lseuoi payable at all finan cial centers lu United States, Canada and Europe. . . a m . . ... .... POBTLAND-Londnn & San FranolMcoBank Limited; Canadiau Bank of Commerce. SAX FRANCISCO London & San. Francis co Banh Limited. ' NEW IORK-Mesr. J. P. Morgan ft Co'.' CHICAGO First National Bank., i LONDON, ENO London ft San Francisco Bank Limited. . . . . . . ; . SEATTLE; AND TAG OUT. A -London 'ft San Franuisco Bank Limited. . CORVALLIS & EASTERN HAILHUAU, i Time Card Number 21. a For Yaquina: - " ' Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 P- m ' ' Corvallis 2:000. m ' " arrives Yaqvuna 6:25 p. m 1. Returning: , : Leaves Yaquina ........... .6 45 a. m ' . Arrives Albany . ; 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: . Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit. 12:05 p. m A fWwm TWirftJt" t Leaves Detroit. ............ 12:45 p. m Arrives Albany 5:35 p. m . Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound, train, as well as giving two, or three hours in Albany before . departure, of S P north ; bound train. . .. - . . . Train No 2 connects with the S P trains of Pnru 1 ll anrl Albanv crlxrincr rlirf oat. vice to Newport and adjacent beaches... , Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbuah and other mountain resorts leavea Albany at 7:00 a. m i, reaching Detroit at noonf giv- -ing ample time to reach the Springs the same dav. , .f v'ir. i .' ','. For further information apply to .,-!-Edwin Stonb, Manaeer. H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. ( - -Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.. ! ; J. P. Huffman, Architect Office in Zferblf 'Banding ' Hoars from 8 to 5. 1 Clrvallie, Oregon. t . L. G. ALTMAX, M. XT ' ; . 1 Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison ate. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7' to 8 P. Mi t Sundays 9 to 10 . A, M, Phone residence 315." v ' DR W-H-HOLT. DR- MAUD HOLT." Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consul tation and examinations free. Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m 1 to 5:45 p.. m. Phone 235.- : DR. C. H.NEWTE, DliTralnion -X-r Clinrraon ' .. ( Z- Philomath, Oregon. :- v ri ." i "; c "' - i H. S. PERNOT, jf nysician s?, surgeon Office over postomce., Residence Cor.. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to , 12 a. m., 1 to 4 P- m. Orders may . be left at Graham & Wortttam's drug store. E. Holgate ATTORNEY f AT LAW ( i JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . -S?tenoTrjhv and' tvoewritincr done.1 ' Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, , Oreg W.T. Rowley, M J. (HOAMEPATHIC) ' Physician, Surgeon, 0 ecu list Corvallis, Oregon. Oeficb Rooms i and 2, Bank Banding.' Residencb On Third street, between Monroe and Jackson. Res. telephone number 6n, office 481. Office Hours io to 12 a m, 2 to 4 p m . . Administrator's Notice. ' Nottee is hereby given that tbe undersigned has been duly appointed by tbe County Court ot the State ol Oregon tor the County ot Benton, administrator ol the estate of Elizabeth Jane Shipley, deceased. All persons having claims . against said estate are hereby requested to pre sent the same properly verified as by law te- S ulred at the office of Yates & Yates. Oorvallis. regon within six months Irom the date hereof. Dated At GorvaiUs, Oregon, this 19th day ot May, 1903:' " A.J. SHIPLEY, - - ; Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Jan Shipley, deceased.. ' ' OaickAreest - . J A Gulledf?e of "Verbena, Ala. was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tu mors ;: After doctors and all rem edies failed, Bucklen's , Arnica Salve auickly arrested. -further in-. flamation and cured him. : tit.-conquers aches and kills pain. 25 cents at Graham & Wortham's druggists,