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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1903)
Corvallis Times; Official Paper of Benton County. CORVAIXIS, OREGON, MAY 0, 1003. AS TO WATER FRANCHISE. The Corvallis council ought . not to grant a franchise for . a Willam ette Rjver water system, or . a - well water system, until every effort for securing a mountain water system Tia .been exhausted.. There .are -those who . say that a mountain water system is too costly for Cor vallis, and yet it is of record that the present Corvaliis Water coid pany'did offer by its proposed ordi nance that the - Corvallis council was asked to adopt,lto supply Coi vallis with mountain water for do mestic use, in connection with Wil lamette water or a well system for use in case of fire. At the same time, it offered rates to consumers for -domestic use, much lower .than those now in vogue. With this of- fer actually of record, there appears to be no real basis for anybody vto make the statement that a moun tain water system is impossible for Corvallis because too costly. ' . As a matter of fact, if the city is not, to get a mountain water system the advisability-of granting at this time an v franchise at all, may be seriouslv auestioned, A franchise on any other basis will cut off any chance for mountain water for a period of 25 years without impn ving the present source of , supply. If it is hoped to secure lower water rates, it is not necessary -to grant a, new franchise to secure a reduction,, for the city council has full power to regulate water rates, and can at any time require a; rea- sonable reduction. , The only real advantage that would come from a nrooosed franchise on a basis of 7 Willamette water would be better facilities for fire protection; but a -vital question is, shall Corvaliis for a matter of slightly better fire pro tection barter away all hope of mountain water -for a period of 25 years? Would it not be better : to continue 'the . fight for mountain water, until every means for getting it, shall have been exhausted, before a franchise is granted on any other basis? In view of the importance 1 of the subject would it not be un wise to tie the city up in a franchise until it is certain that the city is getting exactly what it wants? REAMES INV TOWN. Visited the College Spoke ; at Philo r math Last Night Speaks in Court ?? House Today. , Hon' A E. Reames, democratic candidate for congress, was in town for an hour Thursday, and again yesterday. He arrived in the first instance up the Westside, enroute to Toledo, .where he addressed a meeting 'Thursday night . Yes terday he came out from :; Toledo, spent the noon hour in town,, and left by the afternoon train for ..Phi lomath, where he addressed , the citizens last night. In yesterday's trip to Corvallis, he visited the Agricultural College, and talked briefly to the students at the chapel hour on non-partisan topics. To day atone o'clock, Mr. Reames delivers a campaign . address in the court house at . Corvallis. ie is a very pleasing speaker, deals most considerately with his political op ponents and makes a most favor: able impression on au wun wuom he comes in contact. In his campaign, Mr. Reames has visited Yamhill and Polk coun ties, and, spoke once or , xwice m Washington. He is to return to make another visit , to the latter countv before the end of the cam paign. A fact intensely in Mr. Reames favor, is his wide popular ity and the universally high esteem in which he is held in Southern Oregon, where he was born, and grew to manhood. It was there that he made his phenomenal race for district attorney three years ago in: which he ran . 1 .250 ahead of his ticket in the four counties that comprise his district. He carried every county but one,., and lacked but a few votes of carrying it. The republican candidate for : circuit judge in the same contest , was el ected by a plurality ot many Hun dreds. .'. ; , , '. : ,' - :l Speaking yesterday of 'his cam paign, , Mr. Reames said: ';I do not want my supporters to base, my campaign, on any otner grounqs than my personal fitness for the place. : If I have personal quali fications for the position, I prefer that these and not a condemnation of my opponent, shall be the key note of the campaign. , I have a delicacy about blowing my own horn, but I do feel that if the people of the district will elect 'me to. this position, I shall be fully able to render the state competent service." OCCURS AT PHILOMATH. Only Bi Shovvs that will Exhibit Here Nbrrfe" & Rowes Big Snows The One Great Amusement Enterprise that Fulfills Its Every Promise, ft THAT "RED BOX" ARRIVED. Will Exhibit Uiider their; Enor moil s Water Proof Tents which will he Located at Southern Pacifier Depot Saturd'y May 16 Performances at 2 and 8 P. M. MONSTER NEW SPECTACULAR STREET PARADE AT 10:30 A. M. We have placed in our clothing window a Red Box which contains Thirty Dollars We will 1 give a key to this box free with every $2.00 cash purchased Only two keys will unlock the box. Yours may be oue of them. When keys have all been given out i you may try your keys. , Toe first key to .unlock the box takes $20.00. The second key to unlock the box takes $10.00. Don't lose the tag, as no key will be tried unless the tag. is attached, we do not ' know which key opens the box, . v? Come and exam ine our New Spring Stock Wigh Grade Mer- "" chandise, make your purchases and get your keys. We will sell Good Goods as low as any house " in Oregon. 500 PERFORMING ANIMALS 500 Consisting of Trained Elephants, Buffaloes, Camels, Llamas, .Lions, Pumas, Zebus, Seals, Sea Lions, Monkeys, Goats, Ponies', Dogs, Etc. Million Dollar Zoological Annex. Boya! Roman Hippodrome Two Huge Arenas, Mammoth Aerial Eaclave. FRATERNAL SERVICE. Program of Union Meeting to be Held ' In M.E. Church. , The various churches of the city on tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock are to hold a 'fraternal 1 service in the M. E. church. " Admission I is free, but those' attending are to sei cure tickets so that the capacity of the building may not be -overtaxed. Following is the programme: vi?i Trombone Solo:.; .... i ..... . .Victor Moses Scripture Lesson". ............. .. Eev. A. Carrick Solo... ... .. ... .. ...... Janet: Blackledge Prayer,-. . ... . ... - i . . . . . ...... .'.. . . . ... Sacred Eolo, ...Mrs. B.. .F.. Green (Cong. Ch.) Lecture, "New Pictures from an Old-Tlme . . . Gallery" s ..Rev. Ella Humbert Bong,...: Little Girls Becitation.... v Vocal Music. "The Right Boy in the Right , Place" Hiss Mabel Cronise will also take part in the programme. ' Man's Needs. Are not necessarily numerous, but good food is one of them., A good place to sleep, another.- Both can be secured at tne Occidental hotel. Chicken din ner on Sunday: ' A Bargain. .in choicH bearing fruit. , A nice house, barn and other buildings, about one mile from college grounds, and one half mile from school house. . Terms easy. Call on or write . v B. R. Thompson, . 1 rm: Corvallis, Ore, Now due a carload of the famous Old Hickory wagons. Wait for them. We have prices that will surprise you. : A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe. 1 Call and investigate that ."Red Box" proposition at Nolan & Callahan's; There is money in it. .. , x . Not the "cheapest" but the "best"? Tat reasonable prices Racine buggies and carriages. Sold by A. Wilhelm & Sons. VXonroe. Annual Institute of Benton County Teachers Something About it. The arjDUal county institute for Benton County is to be held at Phi lomath this year on May 18, i9,'20. A petition numerously signed by the citizens and teachers of that city was sent to the county echool euperintendent" asking that in-as-much as Philomath was the Stcand largest city in Eenton County ; arad a leading edaoatioDbl' center; and as the said city has not been avor- ed - mtn Eucn- a years that they ' meeting- tor six be honored with this - institute. Supeririteiident Dennian; has decided r- to" comply with their rtqueet. The citizens of that city having canvassed the situ ation find that suitable accomoda dations can be had to nleet the - re quirements. 'J A rate of 80 cents per daj, will be given , the teachers. The program promises to be one of strongest, ever prepared ' for ' our teachers.16 Those who will do regu lar institute work or who are the instructors are: Pres. BP.'Mulkey of -Ashland ' State Normal; Prof. Henry D.; Sheldon 5 who- fills - the chair of Education at the State University. Superintendent of Pab--lie Instruction, ' J. H. Ackerman will be with' the teachers the entire three days; doing regular institute work. Some of the best Vmusieal talent has been secured i which in cludes, Miss Edith Gibson, Miss Mabel Cronise, Otto Herse, Profes eor Mordannt ! Goodnough, Besides these, it is possible that 'little Max Miller will have a violin 1 solo and Miss Cofelt of Philomath a guitar mandolin solo. Miss Sophia Wolf one of the. beg i elocutionists ia the slate baa been secured to give a te cital in conjunction' with a lecture Tuesday evening. During this session every teacher in the county must attend.' ; Teachers are allowed three days pay and the districts re ceive a bonus of 3 five dollars for every, teacher employed . holding a certificate of attendance ; for .16 hours. at said institution, i Avco.m plete program will, appear ata later date in the colums of the Times. -. ' " . If you have musical instruments of any kind you wish to, sell, or have cleaned, tuned or repaired, call oa E. E. White second hand store opposite, . Farmer's Hotel, Corvallis, Oregon. . - ; We can save you money on .your ve hicles. We buy in car lots direct, from the factory for spot cash. A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe. 20-RoIiGking Mirth-Provoking GIowns-20 Sensational Cycle Whirl and Bicycle Experts, Eoyal Matsuda Troupe of Japanese Performers, Hazardous Wild Animal Acts and Features, Marvelous Acrobats, Aerialists, Tumblers, and Contortionists. One Hundred New Orig ' inal Acts. See the Baby Camel, three weeks old, all for the One, Price of Admission. . Adults 5o Cents. Children 25 Cents. Your Life Depends on it. 4 BRANDS. BUY THE CORVALLIS FLOUR Acorn Creamery WALDO " Batter, made from ' BENTON " one herd of cows. t SNOWFALL " GOOD GOOD FLOUR BREAD The Kind that is made from The Rind that's made from good wheat by careful and good flour, good salt, good' experienced millers, the yeast, good batter, sack as ' bind that satisfied as after we sell and guarantee, careful study and investiga tion, v:. ' , Good Groceries Free from adulteration and impurities, the kind that you always find At Hodes' Grocery. i P T3i Si Thing is How On. erry Has in His 1 . : AND" '3' " 1 " y : " 1, R .acycie ' If you want a Fine, Up-to-date High Grade Bicycle, go to Berry's. S3' Berry's. ' If vou want a Sebond-Hand Bicycle, go to Berry. , S3 He has them at any old price, rb K you are trucking of buying a wheel; call 'on Berry ' dW betore you purcnase. ne nas mem ranging in priuo - i from $5.00 to $200.00. If your wheel needs doctoring, take it to the Bicycle g& Hospital. ' All work guaranteed. .88 If you need a new s6t of tires, go to Berry. . he has, jg them of all makes and prices. ' " ,: . If you want to rent a wheel, go to .Berry's. In fact, o ' want anything in the line of Bicycles, Sundries, Parts, or Repair Work, go to Berry's. ' Near Burnett Brick; Main' Street, ' Corvallis, Oregon.