V, ') BY CLASSMATES: FUNERAL WITH MILITARY HON ORS AT CAUTHORN HALL OF EARL BA.WSON. ' A Vast Assemblage Paid Tribute to the Dead Boy Delegation Accompanied the Remains Home Other Lo cal News. Stturday at Corvallis, was a ty . pical day in May, The sun-hiae and the breeze, the bird song and the opening leaves, the blossom ing meadow carpet and the rotund of hills fading away like a pageau- , try m the sky, made the morning truly ideal. But the OAC flag was at half mast, for Cadet Earl Raw . eon was dead, and sorrowing citi zens and colif gian? gtzed through crepe and mourning at the sur rounding display of God's miracul ous dispensation of beauty. It was the second time wishin a . month the battalion m-rcht-dto the funeral notes of theoadet bind. There is something so sweetly tol'mn in out-door music when the springtime flowers are yielding their beauty aud fragrance. H seems that the musie, ' the colors and the perfumes ascend togethei in a commingling of praise. Hard ly had the Ides . of April passed when a member of the sophomore class answered the final summons, and now with the calend3 of May another front the same class to ik . hU iot,g departure. It was indeen a day long to be remembered in Corvallis. ' S ilomn in all his glory was not arrayed like a lilly; yet thousand of Oregon flowers, more beautiful if possible than the lilies woven iuto crosses, wreathes, anchors, and festoons by fellow students to adoru the casket containing the remains of Earl Raweon. So cloee are tin attachments formed in college and so intense the college spirit that it is said that every cadet, who could come, was in ranks on the plazi of Cauthorn Hall. ' -Jfhe services were opened with the hymn. "Lead Thou me on," eung by Mrs. Edith Pfrnor, .Mi-s Ellen Chambsrlin, O. F, L. Herse and D. W. Pritchard. Rev, Hum bert, in a twenty minute addres, empnasizea ine importance o" Christian integrity in college traia- '" ro- - ... . A(taT the remains were reviewed, the sad 'march was taken , along College avenue and then direct t) the railroad station. Pallbearers, selected from the student body, were sent at : the expense of the Y. M. C. A the athletic associa tion and the Phfladelphian literary society, ot which associations he was an active member. They ac companied the remains to Orch ards, near Vancouver, Washington, where the burial took place Sun day. They were, Frank Galloway, J. S, Tannok, Miles Belden, Mark McCallister, John McCormack and Clifford Gardner. ; Briefly told, thus ends the last saa rites paid a worthy young man who came . as a stranger t j our college nearly two years ago, was successful in all his - undertakings and who made every acquaintance v his friend. : ? The military aspect of thcitwo college funerals receniy held in Corvallis brings into greater prom ince the character of the typical modern soldier of America, He is an educated man, trained in - the public schools, farms and shops of his home, and then schooled in science and drilled in - military tactics! for four years amidst all the allurements and prestige that the highest culture in college can give, The greatest admiral of the age. with Salust said that brains rather than guns win the world's greatest battles. Herein comes the demand for American soldiery an intelli gent college bred soldiery, a sol diery of which every man has the requisite character, training and ability to make him an enviable leader in military and civil af fairs. : Of such a soldiery Earl Rawson will long be remembered in Oregon Agricultural College circles as having been a promising representative- J I . " " . Dalles, Or., May 1. The Inter collegiate Prohibition Association held its annual oratorical contest at the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city tonight. Orators were present from Dallas College, Philo math College, McMinnville College, Pacific College, Pacific University, Oregon Agricultural College, Al bany College and the Monmouth Normal School. Daniel A. Poling, of Dallas Col lege, son of the president of the in stitution, won the first prize of $5o. Aubrey Kran'eri; Newberg'a candid date, cactnred the second prize of $25. - The third prize of . $15 went to Herbert T. White of Philomath. Each of the epakera was' accom panied by a d legation from his institution, and the te' ling point were generally applauded by the audience, which r crowded the cbu;ch. " '" 1 ' :'' : The contfs. !s one of. 15 which are to be feeld in as many diffprpnt Ptate? of the TJ..ion, taking in all of the prncipal states f com Oregon to Massachusetts, The first two winners in this contest wiil go to Corvallis on May 22 to compet with the winners from California and Washington. Similar contests will be held in Iowa and Ohio for the Eastern Snates, and 1904 a great National co test will ba held atJjSt Louis during the Exposition, and the winners of the Oregon on test at Corvallis will have an oppor tunity to compete with the winners from all the other states. " . . OAC MEN WON. Out Classed the McMinnville College .: Track Men Another Meet Friday. McMinnville College was hardly in it with the OAC players in a field meet Saturday. The latter ran up a score against the visitors of io24 to 23 The games were interesting and were watched by a grandstand full of people The day was ideal for the purpose The results show that OAC has ev. ery event well manned for the con-, tests that are to follow. Moores with 23 points to his credit was the best point-winner, but had .- good seconds in Cathey ; and Jackson with 15 points each. The events and the places taken are: Broad jump Cathey, OAC first; Moores, OAC, second: Nelson, M. C ; distance, . 20 feet, . 6 inch es. . 100 yard dash Moores, OAC, 1st: Long and Gray. M. C, tied for second; time 10 4-5 seconds. Shot put Jackson, first; Pilk- ington and Burnough all OAC; distance, 36 feet 6 inches. 1 20-yard hurdle Cathey, first, Moores and Swan, second, all OAC time 19 2-5 seconds. High jump A J. Burnough and Moores, both ot OAC. tied for first, L. Burnough, OAC third: heighth, 4 feet 10 inches. 50-yard dash Williams, Moores and Darby, all of OAC, time, 5 4-5 seconds. , . , c Discus throw Jackson, Abra ham and Abrams, of OAC, distance 97 feet 6 inches, v Mile run Horton, OA.C, first: Patty and Gray M. C. second and third; time 57 1-5 seconds, 440 yard run Williams, OAC, j first; Long, M. C. second; Steiwer, OAC, third; time 57 1-5 seconds. Hammer throw Jackson,' Pilk ington, and Burnough, . all . OAC; distance 105 feet. , -.v. 220 hurdle Cathey, Swan and Jordon. all OAC. time, 29 seconds. 220 yard dash Moores, Darby and Smith, all OAC; time, 24 1-5 seconds. -.. .. -' ' j -. Pole vault Gellatly, OAC, first; Cummings, M. C. second, Akin M. C, and Swan, OAC, tied for third place; heighth 9 feet 6 inches. - Half mile run Cummings, M. C , first; Patty, v M. Cr. second, Steiwer, OAC, third; time 2-17 1-5. A Free Socialistic Entertainment. Will be given at Woodmen hall over Allen's drug store Thursday evening, May 7th, at 7;3o p. m. A program will be rendered con sisting of songs, rehearsals and speeches, etc. All socialists are urged to attend and the public generally invited. : , , . ; , A question box will be opened so that any one who feels an in terest may submit ; any question pertaining to socialism he - may wish the same 7 to be in writing with names signed. The answers will be given at the next meeting. The socialist club meets every first and third Thursdays. : i By Order of Committee. Fitzaimmons. Full blooded Clydesdale stallion, . will make the season of 1903, commencing April 27th and ending July 27th as fol lows: Mondays and Tuesdays, at Elgin Stables, t Corvallis ;. Wednesdays and Thursdays at .Wells Station; Fridays and Saturdays at Fashion Stables Albany, Saturday evening until Monday at ' own er's farm five miles' s.- W. of - Albany. Description and f pedigree: Fitzsimmons is a dapple bay 8 years old, heavy bone and muscle, .fine style ; aad action, heighth, 16yi hands, weight 1800 pounds His sire, Conquering Hero, .4937, was foaled 1884. weight, 1900 pounds, bred by James Baxter, Melquich Farm, Bal beggie Pertshire . Scotland. 7 His dam Belle, 9I0, was foaled in 1886 imported by ,Gant & Ryan, Pratt, Kansas, Terms $12 to insure live colt. : I. M. Turner, Albany, Ore. MANY; GOOD LIARS. BUT SOME OF THEM ARE COLD FOOTED AND WOULDN'T LINE ' UP AT THE BUGLE CALL. And After all, a Walking - Dele gate of a Liars' Union Came ' . ; up - From , Portland and Put a Quietus on the Proposed Contest. The challenge of Speocer, leader of a team of liar?, to Dillv, the Fixer, leader of, pn tthef team; o liars, has been the subject of much commfnt in the past few day?, and the public has waited , impatiently forthe Times 10 pive . the , lineup. pl'ce and date or the contest.- v. The matter of arranging details proved more difficult than was at first thought probable. . ScLcMon of material was not easy. Much good talent objected to being lined up in a public con test when it came down to real business. Another d'fficultv v was that both caDtains claimed severaf of the same men. Some fellows, for in-tance, said thf y - would act with Spencer's team and then lied out of it;, others . would swear al legiance to D'lly and then go bick on him. The situation rendered uncertain the position of sjoie of the most gifted liars in the city. and neither of the leaders could tell just where he was at, as respects his t-iam. Both captains were more or If S3 diecouraged, but. Dilly de cided on a grand coup. - His plan was to go over t) Tam many cingie-banded after th fah"oa of the hsao bibwaymin, surprise the gang and broadside the enemy with a rrgnlar old snilly gos er of a ; yarn. He thonght Spencer might weaken and sur render the championship uncon ditionally. Accordingly, one day last week, the Fixer rushed over j to Tammany and ; found the boss j telling some remarkable incidents of the old stage days. "Here," said Dilly, . '-thesa fel lows are tired of your yarns. By grab, you ain't much of a liar any way. I'll tell you something that's a fact, and you can get an idea of what I might do if I was a mind to lie. . ' :; . "" "I just got a letter froja my cousin and it made me - think ; of an aecident that befell him when he was just about grown. It hap pened io Eastern Oregon. He was trying to r de a wild broncho . and was thrown into an old . pile of rails.. A sharp stake ran: into one ear and came out at the other." D lly paused only for a moment to allow the fellows to imbibe a full measure of the horror. ''But if you got a letter from him he must be alive," ventured one nf the listeners. "Why, yes, he's alive, of course," said the Fixer. "If . it had killed him there wouldn't have been any thing strange about it." "But we thought it had surely killed him until we went up to him, We found him still breath ing. Some of the boys said, 'Let's pull the rail out but I said, 'No by grab, that won't do, he'll bleed to death.' After a good deal of talk, we decided to saw the rail off close to either side of his head." 'He must be deaf as a . post,---said a sachem in an undertone. ' "No, sir, he ain't deaf," continued the Fixer. We thought for awhile that he would be something of a blockhead, but he ain't, and after we bored a hole in either end of the chunk he could hear as well as any of ue. "He's coming down here on a visit this summer and you can see for yourselves." : As soon as he had . finished : his narration, Dilly slid through the door and beat a -precipitate retreat across the street. - The havoc . his words had wrought on the sachems is indescribable.: The great sachem lay across his tonsorial - chair in a dead swoon J Henderson's head dropped forward on his breast and his tongue hung put as . his breath came in quick gasps Another chief, with his elbows on his knees droppad his face inio his hands aBd buret into sobs and tears. A doctor who might have happened in would have diagnosed the case of each as straight epileptic fits; Sachem Davis, who was least affected, was first to recover. When Dilly was half way acrois the street, he shout ed after him in a feeble voice and sort of a grave yard sigh, ''Come again, Dilly." . ' ; ; ; ' ' When ftmjmm had iieorcwad partially from the effects of DiUv's flank movement, Spencer tried to nerve Moore, his . first lieutenant, np to the point of making a counter stroke, but the man from Illinois bad taken chills in his feet, and no amount of persuasion could induce him to tackle Dilly, the latter 's own illibee. - Spencer was ou the . point of giving up the championship when an unforseeu event transpired which will permit himto retain the bt-1', for a time at least. On the 28th day of April a gen - tletnan arrived in town and called on the barbers in particular. He introduced himself as the walking delegate of the Pristine Order of Prevaricators. He had noticed by the Times that there was about to be a public contest between two teams of liars; that public contests oi tnis nature was a ngnt reservea to the members of the order; that any infringement would be fol lowed by a boycott, and that all the power of the prevaricators' union would be brought to bear upon the person or persons who disregarded the organization's mandate; that it was the wish of the state board of barber examiners that t all full fledged barbers become members of the order; that probably - next year this requirement would be in corporated in the conditions neces sary to secure a barber s license. . The walking delegate seemed to mean business, and while his ad monitions had more or less effect on all who expected to take part in the contest, they settled the mat ter so far as the barbers were con cerned, and with them out, the con test would be too tame for any thing. - So the great event has been declared off for the present. . While in Corvallis the walking delegate put forth much , effort to secure recruits to his organization. but Our gifted liars, as stated pre viously, are offish when they come to be lined up and counted. Mr. Brunk of the Occidental hotel is the only member he secured. - We give here a partial copy of the cer tificate of membership: To our most honored Brothers throughout the World and in the Islands of the Sea, Greeting: "Now know ye. That we, the Great Copt, and the Seven Master Liars of the Pristine Order of Prevaricators by virtue of the great power vested in us by the First Great Copt in the Fourth Dynasty of the Reign of the Pha raohs, in the Tomb beneath the Pyramid of Cheops, the Greatest of the Pyramids of Ghizeh, before the Twelve Gods of Egypt, do," by this mystic power certify that H. M Brunk, has been admitted into the Deep Mysteries of our order and ''We therefore, proclaim him to be a Graceful, Talented and Gifted Liar of the 33rd Degree, and we command our brothers throughout the world to recognize and honor him as such, for be it known that he is, by this noble order, Licensed and Privileged to lie for the rest of his natural lifetime, and to lie For ever Thereafter in the grave, pro viding he keeps in good standing by yearly contributing fity cents to The Lyre, the official organ of the order, thereby aiding in the sub-H lime work of reviving the lost but noble art of lying. The document is duly and has the "sacred seal" There is more or less tion as to Brunk's object signed affixed, specula -in al- lying himself with this organiza tion. Almost all the drummers be long, and some think Brunk joined to assist in retaining his popularity with that ; class. Others believe that Brunk has an interest in Jim Lewis' real estate business located in the " hotel, and -on account of Jim's modesty, Brunk is ; compelled to do the lying for the firm ;,and wants to do it according to regu lations. : . " ; ' ! HonJA. B. Reames speaks at Philomath Friday night;, at Cor valh's Saturday afternoon. Man's Needs. Are not necessarily, numerous, " but good food is one of them. A good place to sleep, another. Both can be secured at the Occidental hotel. Chicken din ner on Sunday; . A Bargain. If taken soon, 2 acres; one acres in choice bearing fruit. . A nice bouse, barn and other buildings, about one mile from college grounds, and one half mile from school house. Terms easy. Call on or write B. B. Thompson, " ' Corvallis, Ore, Wanted. Twenty to twenty-five teams to haul lumber. ...... Benton County Lumber Co. For Sale. At a bargain, ladies Sterling wheel, good as new," Inquire at Times office.. . E. Holgate ' ATTORNEY AT LAW . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick. Corvallis, Oreg , , ! ! .J j Spring Suits HAND TAILORED $6 to $20. I Every man's resented in the of prices.' , , means is rep above range The man who wants to pay, $6 will get a good-fitting, all wool suit that will wear satis factorily he is at least sure of six dollars' worth. 4 The man who wants a suit at $8 to $14 will find an im mense assortment from which to choose; the materials are fashionable, the patterns de sirable, v The man who prefers to spend $15 to $20 will get a swell "suit in the finest of fab rics. Such a suit at exclusive $30. Whatever you wish to will find here just what you hand tailored, at the store of If You are Having 1 - 1 1 Or if you are having trouble with your" glasses, and have tried all the ' so-called " traveling opticians without success, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. ' . ;; -v . -; E. Wi S. PRATT : ; -"A -The T eweler and Optician. OSBORne Farm Implements Mowers, Rakes, BINDERS, ' And everything needed in the harvest field, at S.C. Kline's. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Kotlca is hereby given, that the as been aDDOinted administrator anderslxned administrator of the estate of Klnman Vanderpool, deceased, and all per- sons havlne claims against said estate are here by required to present the same duly verified as bv law required to me at Wells, Oregon, or at the office of Yates & Yates, Corvallis, Oregon within six months from uus aate. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 7th day of February, A D, 1903, Vieoil A. Cabter, Administrator of the estate of Klnman Van derpool, deceased. .' Notice for Publication. Timber Land, Act.June 8, 1878. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon March 12th, 1903. N otlce Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of cengress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to aU the Public Land states by act of August I, 1892, William Brazelton of Toledo, county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn state ment No 4587 for the purchase of the Sfiot 8 W4 being lot 4SEM8W of Sec No 30 in Township No U SBange No6 West, and wlU offer proof to show that ine land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P- Hoses, Clerk of Benton County, Ore gon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday, the 19th dav of June, 1903: He names as witnesses: John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon. A L Clark of Alsea, Oregon. . A D Perkins of Toledo, Oregon, . Charles Kreger, ' - 'i Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims is this office on or before said 19th day of June, 1903. ... ; J, T. Bridges . Begiater. Notice of Final Settlement. . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the ett.te of Sarah Howard deceased, has filed his final account In said estate In the ' County Court of the Stats ot Oregon for Benton ' Coumty, sit ting In Probate ana on Saturday. May th 1903, at the hour of ten o'clock a m, at the Count; Court Room In the Court House In Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, is the Ume and place fixed by the Court for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and settlement thereet. M. M. W AL.TZ, - Administrator. Dated this Sth day of April, 1993. Yi j Hart Schiff acr , 35L,y 6? Marx Jf jLi:SI' Hand Tailored jiimv ill twa JrS " tailors' would cost him $20 to spend for a spring suit, you want, in pattern and price, . . . u JH Trouble with your Eyes A N tlce of Final Settlement. , In the matter of the Estate of T P Waggoner, deceased. ' . Notice is hereby Riven that 1, M I. Walts, ' as administrator of the estate ot T P Waggoner decease J. have filed my final account as such administrator with the Clerk of the County Court of Benton county. State of Oregon, and the said court has fixed Saturday the 9th day ot May 1903. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forernoon of s Id day as the time, and the county court room In the court house in Cor valllB, Oregon, as the place tor hearing any and all objections to the said final account and for settlement thereof. - Dated this April 11, 1903. M. M. Walta. Administratrix of the estate of T P Waggoner deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. , In the Matter of the Es'ate of Eliza beth Elliott, deceased, Notice is hereby given that I, Ernest Elliott, as administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Elliott, deceased, ' have filed my final account as such administrator 1 with the Clerk of the County Court of Benton county, State of Oregon, and the said court has fixed Saturday the 9th day of May, 1903, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time, and the county court room .in the court hanse at Corvallis. Oregon, as the place for hearing any and all objections . to the said accouut, and for settlement thereof. , " . Ernest Elliott. Administrator of the estate of Eliza beth Elliott, deceased. . .' ' Sheriffs Sale. ' v Notice Is hereby given that nnder and by vir tue of an execution, decree and order ot sale. Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Benton, bearin j date of April 13th, 1903, under the seal ot said Court on a decree and order of sale, la favor of A E -Laws, plaintiff, and againt Sarah Stewart de fendant, for the sum of one hundred . and fifty . five dollars, with interest thereon from the 24th. day of March, 1903, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and fjr the further sum of thirty dollars attorney fees, and the further sum ot $2t.4o costs and , disbursements,' which said decree was duly entered in said Court on the 24th day of March, 1903' ;eald decree and order of sale to me directed and delivered. commanding me as sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, to sell In the manner provided by law for the sale of real property, - on execution, the following described real property to wit: Lot number four in blnek number 23 In the original town ofMarvsville now Corvallis, Benton County, State of Oregon-together with all and singula, tbetenemeuts, herlditamentsand appurtenance. thereunto belonging or In any wise appertain ing; and In obedience to the - command of said decree, execution and order of sale, I will on Saturday .he 16th day of May, 1903, at the hour of one o'clock p m, sell at public auc the City ot Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash In hand all the -above described premises, and aU the rignt, title and interest of the said defendant in and to said described property to satisfy said decree 1 execution and order of sale as in sala, decre e specified. tion, at the front door of tne court Mouae, in - Sheriff of Benton Ouunty, . Oregon, DatedvAprU IStu, 1903. ' Physician and Surgeon. Office, Room 14, First National Bank Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. .Office Hours, 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m. . -i Nat Butter ; j . . Is a very popular substitute for fats and oils. At ZieroU's. - . . ,