The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 06, 1903, Image 3

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(Advertisements in this column charged for
at the rate or cents per line.
- i to epeak atPhttomatb
vrning; at CorvaMU one
ratuiday, - -
Gersl Tu.r,l V former student
at OAO Wha -'CsUI&Jl;It9r8fttur- j uienf
Dick Smith returned from a busi
ness trip to Poi tl ind.
The Baptists have enlarged their
accommodations for1 the increased
Sunday ecbod & tendance;
la the ettate f of W. E." Elliott,
George E. Lilly adminUtracor, ha
filed bis final account, and June 6th
has beet) get as ihe date for ' eettle-
Miss Maul MjD inlela 1-j't yester
day for an, tx'ended visit with her
Bister at Qklan 1. fal forcia.
Miss Laurie Burnett of Xudepen
dence arrived 8undav. She id a guest
at the home of E. P. Grrffi z.
After a few days visit with rela
tives In CorvaUi--, Henry Howell and
wife returned Monday to their, home
at Toledo, '
7. Ji Cady U building an addition
to his house in W. It's & McElroy'o
addl ion; C. H. McHenry nab the
contract. '
Miss D lphlna Haenel closed a
a term or school tn the district near
Willamette Grange ;hall FilJay, and
faa? returned t her home near Mop.
... roe. - -.. ; jvL : y- '
Mr. and : Mrs. Janes Cooley of
Brownsville arrive 1 Saturday; Both
are former st'ideuts at the coil'ge.
Mr. Pooley returned home Monday,
but Mr. Ci 1 y remains, - the
guest of Mrs; J. D. It vine.
Floyd Bjgue who ha i been sever
ely ill with pleurisy for a couple of
weeks la rapidly improving. A. tem
porary change of residence for the
beneflc.of hi-j health li under conte.m
piation by tha family.
The twenty acre prune orchard,
formerly owned by Joseph ' Bryan:
near Philomath has ' been purchased
by 8. W. D.venpdTt. late x of ' Gland
Junction. Colorado. - The i eala v ai
- negotiated Henry Ambler. . The
price pail was I,650. The pur
cnaser takes iiarnodlat i possession,1-
' A kick frou a e K S inday tem
porarily disabled R..0: Kitf er. It hap
pened at the Barring farm, ehortly
-nfternodnr- Tne 1 w erruck ia ; the
short lib and for" a 'ime It 'was sap
posed that boned ial been' broken.
Examloation-bv a physician however,
showed -that - the "only : ii jury " was
severe brulseerMr. Kiger was brought
to town In the-evening, ant. will-; soon
be able" to be about ar usual. V ; '
Alter five weeks spent as , master
of ceremonies in a lobster school,
Arthur B lknap visited his Corvallls
home and friend" Saturday. The
little jaunt of about 40 miles, he made
on foot, - leaving the scene of bis
duties after : school - Friday after
noon, and arriving In Corvallls early
Saturday forenoon. ; The return trip
waa made' by wheel, starting Sun-
day mornlcgr" ' ' .-rv
Harry Withycombe, -who recent.
ly graduated In pharmacy at Chicago,
left the latter city Monday for home,
- and his arrival here is expected about
next Sunday. It develops . that of
; the 38 members in -the class, the
names of but four were ' starred on
the graduating -'programmes as -entitled
t? class honors,1 Ooe 3 of the
names . was . '.Harry Wltbycombt
Cotvallls, pregor. ,.. : ,-f .
Mr, and Mrs, Robert C. Johnson
left So Francisco yesterday for New
York, where the former Is to .enter
1 the cable department of , the associat
ed press for two months of set vice
: there;" 'The transfer of duty is to
give Mr, Johnson opportunity to be
come familiar with the. cdble business
r preparatory t6;'; lire final opening :)of
' trap?-Pacific rable, which will Increase
the importance of the Ban ; Francisco
office; where Mr. Johnson ii holds a
permanent position: w i t
t l ill Ittrt'. Vfli hi ,?'i.lT ,VJfi o
i-A student from . Philomath! Col
lege won third place and a ' prize of
fifteen dollars in an oratorical ' con
testrat Dallas' Friday ' night.'1 He is
Herbert 1'." Whit. ' Roy Howard of
- the Agricultural, Coilege was a com
petitor in the Fame .contest, and r took
fourth place. His oration .won first
place in composition, ;The judges on
delivery alse gave bis paper flatter
ing mention, and the '" 'Pacific Coast
secretary of the League wrote a friend
la Corvallls saying that the;, work of
Mr; Howard id .'the preparation of his
oration was very fine.' , : MiaS Mary
Sutherland of OAO was elected secre-.
tary of the State League ; . The . eon
testvag preliminary to the lnter-state
contest to becuf ' in ? 'Ooryalils May
22od,"more extended notice of which
appears in a -dispatch printed' else
where in this issue. .,
A recent social function ; waa a
reception in honor of Eev; ' Edwin j
Green, the pastor of the Congregation
al church, and his 5 witej " The ladles
of the church had beautifully decora
ted the Interior of the building jwlth
fl )wers and evergreens. -The other
churches of the city were represented
by their pastors, and by large delega
gations of thelrj)eople. who all united
in a glad welcome of Eev. and Mrs.
Greenwhom we hope willllke Corvallis
and dwell with us long. The pastor and
Jjis wife stood, to receive, in the cen
ter of the auditorium; and behind a
table dressed In Willamette . flowers
that shed their fragrance, througn the
room."' Mr. and Mrs. 5reen were as
sisted by Mrs Frederick Berchtold.and
Mrs. Clark. Refreshments were ser
ved in the parlors of the church. By
recfuest, Mr, and Mrs. Green ' sang a
duet; and the choir ' rendered 'several
musical selections, and : thus added
much, pleasure to, jthe . occasion.
Much gratitude is due the ladies of
the church, and congregation, for the
The abstracts of J. H. Gibson
bave been pu: chased by J. F. Yates,
and are to be used in the law business
of Yates & Yates. ':' ;:
-A mat-rlage license has been issued
to Waueo A. Hasicins of Clackamas
county and N.'Estella Wja't, of . Phil
omatb. ; :-'-
--Mrs. Esther Reld, formerly of Cor
vsllis, was married at Seattle last Fri
day to Frank 3. McDonal ir- of that
ty. ,i;;v..' ....-T.
Mary's Peak Uniform Rank will
be at Delia?, June 5th, to contest with
other teams in exhibition drill for a
prize of 850. : ' :J -:-.'''' "
Carpenters, paiaters and 1 paper
hangers are to transform things ia the
house of W. B. Lacy. The improve
mpnts are to Include extent ve thaog
ts in the parlors, balls and elsewhere.
A. B. Weatherford, trustee of the
Mahon bankruptcy, has been for eey
eral days at Bl jdgett, taking an in
ventory of the assets. Mr. Weather
ford was elc;ed trustee at a .meeting
of credit r held In Albany last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. V, Hurt , have
adopted Esther Brown. The papers
are on file at the county clerk's office
and relate that the child is ah orphan
and that "they have had her since Sep
tember 16tb.- The child Is given the
name of Martha B. Huit.
t Tne (Jan thorn warehouse proper
ty,' now: occupied by the Corvallls
creampry,, was sold at auction by the
sheriff Saturday.' ,ThT sale ,o6cnrred
on the coutt bouse eteps, and was un
der; foreclosure of. mortgage. The
property war bid in. for : Ruth '' Dolph
Thornton, holder of ' th " mortgage.
The sale price was $l.b&72. :-
j i Corvallls is to be visited by"P.ut
land excuKionlsts next Sunday." The
train leaves Portland at8 :30, runs,c v
er the Eist-lde to Salm and Albany
thence over t be C. &--E. ti. Cor v. 1 is
ana aown tne.. weatsioetowt'oriiaorj,
devoting the day f the tiip and such
stops as are to ba ,mde. - Ah hour or
two is tj? be spent at CcrvaUls.
One of the days of the carniv
will be given to Fraternal orders, and
it is hoped that all orders In the el'y
and county will help la tnabiog it
red letter day. From present reports
the Uniform Rank w. O. W. from Da'
las, Sheridan,, Amity, ' McMinnville.
Monmouth and Independence, will be
in Corvallrs. and contest with the lo
cal W. O. W. Rank for the cash pr?z
in a grand exhibition dii.l, '
It Is pxpeeteJ that W, G. Enpty
"ill Fh'Mt y become, a resident of Cor-
VaUI", his old home. ."Negotiations are
about complete! by which be is to be
cOrae the owner of a tocal photograph
gallery, and while they have not been
consummated it is fully expected that
the. arrangement will materialize. Mr
Emery is an' accomplished photofrra
pher, and he has ' many"" friend's ' who
wH be delighted to see him again set-
tlaii among them. . '-. r,f-. '
-.--:...,? ,'fHi. -.' :f.:t U-.v '
The committee of the W. O. W
having the matter of tbej'ueen con
test in hand, made the first canvass of
votes cast ;for queen, Mpndjy, . and
the result shows that the contest is
eoiog to be , spilled." The result is as
101 ows : Miss Inez Williams, cl Belle
fountain ,,-.105;: Miss Mabel Davis, of
Corvallis , 90; Ml-s Mae .Gibeon of
Corvallis 83; Miss Bertha Henkle or
Corvallls 75; Miss Bessie Dilley of
Corvallis 52; Miss Martha Alford, of
Pcllomath oO; Mise Clara Lane of Cor
vallis 50, : For only one weeks time,
this snows quite an interest in the se
lection of queen " The Woodmen are
goiag to set aside a sufficient amount
of money for the nueen's f robes."': 1
While in Corvallls O. H. Hojcomb.
the Seattle buyer, purchased tea head
of good horses;, ilu raddition to the
animals4 obtained from"' A.' R;!L6cke
and Ben Harrisr mention of which was
made in Saturday's Issue of thi paper,
he eecured a team of Mr. Vhite. of
Blodgett, a team from Rufus Skipton,
a team from a gentleman living. a few
miles south of Philomath, but whose
name we. did not; learn, and one horse
from A. N. Locke.;"' The above are all
heavy .horses'."" ' Mr. Holcomb .also se
cured a fineTdriylng animal from Jesse
Wiley. Prices of all the animals could
not be secured for publication,' .but
they averaged something more than
i Monday's Oregonian: The . de
cisive victory of the, Oregon Agricul
tural College athletics oyer McMinn
yllle College shows ... that Trainer
Trine Is developing a strong team at
Corvallis, and it,wiil not be.,; surpris
ing if the old reliable trainer turns out
a championship aggregation. : - Trine
trained , the , University . . . of, Oregon
team for five years and lost but one
meet. .Wbiie no Records were broken
at Corvallis Saturday the- figures
show that the "farmer" - boys are in
good shape for the early part of the
season and that Trine has several
good men for each event. "In Moores
and Williams, the "Agrics'' have two
speedy sprinters, while Cathey'. shows
good form as a hurdler. In the
weigh t8, Jackson,", PUkiogton,, Abra
ham and the Burnoughs have . made
very creditable ;records. When the
more important meets with Eugene
ana Aioany are pulled ft 1 Trine's
And Dragging, Woman CInng Inside tne
Top While Horses Sped.
A frightened team . running at
full speed, a woman clinging to the
upper side of a carriage which was
being dragged on its side and vari
ous passersby endeavoring by every
means to stop the terrible runaway,
was a scene on the streets Monday
morning. A sudden collision of:
Jthe upset - vehicle with a hitching
rack at Dr. Cathey's which stopped
the carriage but. let 'tbe frightened
horses pursue their flight, the assis
ting of the woman to her feet; while
the blood streamed ; from her face
and ,b ver ; her clothing' was the . e-
el. ;rJ ,,....; r, ,,.r
: .The woman was Miss Blodgett of
Lebanon She was one of the del
egates to the Epworth League con
vention. ' With Miss Simpson, also
of Lebanon, and Mrs D ; M. Smith
and child of Corvallis she was out.
for a drive in a rig from Vinegar's
Mrs. Smith held the reins and with
her child occupied the front seat,
The two young women were in the
back of the covered vehicle. At
the; Bell house on Sixth, : as Mrs.
Smith sought to turn the rig around
the carriage 1 tipped over," The
horses became frightened and quick
as a flash, dashed - away. Miss
Blodgett failed to c' ear the carriage
t -pii, . and with great presence ' of
mind seized the tipper side of : the
bed and held on with a firm. ' grasp
Across two. streets and , past: one
block the horses daseed wlth , great j
speed, the , young - woman inside
clinging desperately to her .slender
ho'd. A slip of , the - grasp , would
certainly have killed or maimed her.
; In this perilous position lsher re
mained until the: vehicle collided
with: the Cathey - hitching rack,
when she wa thrown heavily i 'fori
ward. A severe ctit ; in : the eye
brow that Dr. Cathey repaired with
one stitch, and a slight cut on the
nose were, her only injuries, : An
hour later she took the trajn for her
home at Lebanon. .
Save slight, bruises and. a terrible
fright, the. other members ... of the
party . escaped - uninjured; ,. The
damage to the. carriage consisted of
broken .double trees, - tongue and
top. , . , r j
Regular Army Officer Detailed Major
tdwards to-go East- '-' -
i OAC is to have a new professor
of military science "and tactics.
Captain Charles B. Hardin of the
1 8th United - States - Infantry has
been detailed for the work. He . is
at present stationed with his regi
ment at Fort Logan, Colorado. He
has a wife and twochildren. ' He is
expected to arrive in Corvallis dur
ing the summer vacation.
The detail of a" regular army of
ficer to be commandant at the col
lege is a return to the policy of the
government! formerly iri- vogue;
and interrupted at the breaking out
of hostilities ; with . Spain, ! which
called all army officers into active
service iti the field.' . It is also in re
sponce to ' the : urgent request ' of
President Gatch and Commandant
Edwards, in order to give the lat
ter opportunity ' to - go East' next
year for s postgraduate course i in
further preparation ior his work in
the chemical department at OAC. 1
During his incumbency as com
mandant, Major Edwards has been
a most popular as well as most effi
cient officer. - -:-
Hon. A. E. Reames speaks at
Philomath Friday night', at Cor
vallis Saturday afternoon.
H on. A. B. Reames speaks at
Philomath Friday night; at Cor
vallis Saturday afternoon at 1
o'clock. r '4, '
Combined With a Big Annual Show-
Will be Here the rfth.
- Norris & Rowe's -new bigshdw
will appear in ; Corvallis, Saturday
May i6th; . under -their : enormous
tents which will be located between
the - two : depots. ' Performances
will be given at i and 8 p. m. Nor
ris & Rowe's big shows are- nearly
dcuble the size of last- ' season and
many new features have been added
including one of the most"; promin
ent troupes of acrobats in the coun
try; Fargo, " r, Duke? and Duchess
thefdwarf elephants, ? have i been
taught' many new "acts : .which are
wonderful and the educated seals
are: appearing in -new ; and novel
feats of skill. -Two Siberian camels
and a pair of llamas; with ; their
numerous tricks are i performers of
high class merit,1! ' 'These r combined
with the bestvani'tnals lhat have
been with the show in past years
make more than an - interesting en
tertainment. -
A funny clown band and a large
hippodrone track, .upjn- which all
kinds of races and Olympian games
and pastimes take place 'are v also
new, special features. A grand
street parade, will be given - at n
o clock on the morning of the ex
hibition, at which time the entire
company and over. 500 animals
will be seen..
Hon. A.''E. Reames speaks at
Philomath Friday night; at Cor
vallis Saturday afternoon
Screen Doors.
Best quality screen doors, 75 ' cents
each; window screens 35 to 50 cents.
, Central Planing Milts. .
For Treasurer. - "
: -1 herebv annonnce myself a candidate
for the office of treasurer of the city of
Corvallis at the election to be held May
i8th, 1903:
... .. .-. : William McLagan. . :
New goods all
the time. Nolan &
Manure to give
Stable,..- ,
awav at ; the Brick
successful consummation of nnch ulnniti miiikoin fh.k 1. ji.i
.. - , ; uiraiuiutra,..w UUUUIMUU
function, and for their admirable taste and will make things lively for their
Jn beautlfyirjg the churcb, opponents.
" If you have musical instruments of any
kind you wish to sell, or have cleaned,
tuned or repaired, call on E. E. White
second hand store - -opposite . Farmer's
Hotel, Corvallis, Oregon. -,- v, - .
, , Do Tou Want a
Carpet, matting, linoleum or any floor
covering this spring? If so, don't fail to
gets prices of Oliver Blackledge, the
carpet man "at Mann & Co 'a store.
Marriage ef William Horning and Miss
Bessie Logan of Corvallis. .
i Mrs. E. F. Pernot and daughter,
left j-esterday for Newport for ; a
brief stay.
Mack Hemphill is in . Portland
with a broken leg. "JTo details are
obtainable. His mother went to
Portland tp attend him. ,,. .,
'A quiet, pretty wedding occurred
Friday evening at Ihe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Logan, when in the pres
ence of members of both families
and a few" friends, ' the Rev. M.
Noble united - in holy wedlock,
WV H. Horning hnd Miss. Bessie
M. Logan. Some beautiful ' pres
ents were received and a ' delicious
luncheon served. Many . hearty
congratulations were extended.
New Dress Skirts
$2.50 to $7.50
Each, at .'
This week special mention is
made of N6w Dress Skirts
that have just arrived from
the east. These elegant
skirts are, rright up - to the
high standard1 of r fit and
make and will prove anoth
er confirmation of our repu
tation of maintaining r the
highest standard in , ready-
made garments. Ladies are cordially invited to
inspect them. ' .... , . .
The Sorosis is the ..
Queen of Petticoats.
The shaped hips, strapped ; peams and lock-stitching
make thia the greatest skirt on the market at
$1 .25 to $5.00.
Sold only by S. L. KLINE.
For Sale.
The beautiful home corner
Washington sis. Terms easy
me an offer. ' "
- H. H. Kreger.
Santa Barbara, Cal.
3rd &
The Willamette Valley Choral Union
will hold their annual Festi val at Eu
gene May 12th to. 14th.- TicteU - at ' re
duced rates from all points on ' Oregon
lines of the Southern Pacific Oo, will be
sold May , nth to 14th inclusive. - return
limit May 15th 1903. - ' -"
Don't forget to
Queen. ' -
' vote for Carnival
Dry Wood for Bale.
Maple or fir in lots to suit. Leave
ders with A.'Hodes.
t Frank Francisoo,
1" .At Corvallis Sawm!! ;
You can secure cry wood at 1,20 per
load; cedar posts at y4 cents, shingles
at f 2. 25; and second class" lumber at
$6-50.- ; '.'- ' ; .
. ' 1 For Sale.
Shropshire sheep and Poland China
hogs. . Wanted to buy or take on shares,
a band of goats. "
... L. L. Brooks. . .
Sells , these 1 Hats
and i
Top Round Shoes
Gan Clothe a Man
., from
Head to Foot.
96 X
- 1. 1 v 1.
Liberty Silk Neckwear, New, Kid Gloves in white, black, and
j . .. colors ;. New Ribbons. Stock Collars, Veilings .
v I'l J .-. I..viru
i 'and Wrist Bags.
Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, plain - lace and iancy 50c to $1 ,
.Ladies' Black, Cotton Hose, 12 4 to 35 cents.
Children's Extra' Heavy Black Ribbed Hose, 5 to 10, any
' size, two pairs for 25 cents.
Linens and' Mercerized Goods.
' , We :have"an extensive' assortment of. the. medium and heavy
weights, white, white and black, and, latest colors. : . ;
Satin Striped' Batiste,1 Damask' Waistings and Luciens. T ,
f Heavy- 36-Inch' Percales in colors, 1 o and 1 2 4c per yard. ,
Shirt Waists and Wash Skirts, 1 : .
". F. U'::nilXER, Corvallis.'Or; '