The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 15, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
ntor a Water Franchise Council De
termines to do so The Plan.
The city council will immediate
"Iv advertise'for bids for the con
struction of a water system in Cor
-vallis. The police judge, was or
dered at a meeting Monday night
to prepare an advertisement and to
insert it in the Portland Oregonian
for a period of ro days. The bids
iany are received, are to be open
ed on the ioth day of May. The ac
tion was taken in response to the
Teport of the special water com
mittee, which recommended such
a course. With the report was
plans and specifications for the pro
posed water system, ' the require
ments of which are, in part, as fol
System to be direct or gravity
pressure of sufficient capacity to
supply 27 fire hydrants located as
per map accompanying plans. Dur
ine fires, pressure is to be sufficient
to throw stream through fifty feet
of hose with one and a quarter inch
nozzle to a height of 75 feet from
three openings. Such tests
shall be made at any time as shall
he required by fire chief . If
during fires, required pressure is
sot maintained, the fire chief may
take control of water system and
conduct it as he thinks best.
Extensions of mains and putting
in of additional hydrants required
by the council shall be done by
the company at its own ex
pense, for $3 per month for each
additional hydrant; but not more
than 760 feet of pipe shall . be put
m for a single hydrant; provided
that when the income from private
consumers along such mam shall
equal $75 per month, city shallhave
additional fire hydrants free. The
company must put in self-tegister
ing pressure gauge to be open at
all times for inspection. If at any
time the system fails to meet the
specifications, and if after ten days'
notice the company fails to make
such alterations as are necessary to
meet specified requirements, then
city may do so at expense of the
company. ..
The fire department may connect
with hydrants at any time for drills
or exhibitions:
The company is to furnish all
water for street sprinklings as fol
lows: Second street, Adams to
Monroe, Adams, Jefferson and
Monroe between First and Third,
and Madison between First and
Fourth; and on any other streets
as the council may require at the
same prorata; also water for engine
house and ther city buildings.
The company is required to fur
nish water for flushing all sewers,
now in use or to be constructed, all
at same rate.
The rates to be charged by the
company for the above service to
le stated separatelyg in each bid.
The company must furnish wat
er to all parties within the city
limits, but is not required to lay
pipe for one consumer more than
400 feet, and then pay may be re
quired two years in advance.
All water for domestic use, "shall
be good, pure, wholesome water;
the same to be analyzed and tested
for its purity whenever such coun
cil may determine, . expense to be
paid by the city;" If, after ten
days' notice the company fails to
supply water of such purity as to
meet requirements of the speci
fications, then the council may pro
cure such supply and tax the ex
pense thereof to the company. A
pressure of 1 5 pounds per square
inch shall be maintained at all
private hydrants, with" one faucet
m use.
Two More Streams Appropriated
Woods Creek and Greasy Filed on.
Two more appropriations of Ben
ton county water have been filed at
the recorder's office, in addition to
that one reported in Saturday's
Times as having been claimed by
J. H. ' Wilson. Mr. Wilson . has
added still another to his - water
holdings, and Dr. Farra has done
a similar stunt. The latter ap
propriation " relates to Wood's
Creek. In his filing, Dr. Farra
gives notice that, "for purposes of
irrigation and supplying water for
household and domestic consump
tion, and watering livestock and to
furnish electrical power for all pur
poses, and to supply reservoirs,
flumes, dams, ditches, canals and
pipe lines with water." he has
aporopriated all the water of that
certain creek - known as . Woods
Creek, and all water flowing
through that certain creek to a
connection with the present water
system of Corvallis. The head
gate is to be on the north half of
the northeast quarter of section 12
township 12, range seven, the flow
of water to be 30 inches wide and
18 inches deep and is .to be as
much as 1.000 miner's cubic inches
under six inch pressure. There
are to be three reservoirs, and the
name of the enterprise is to be the
Corvallis Mountain Water Aque
duct. ,
In his second water appropriation
J. H. Wilson gives notice that he
has appropriated water t- out of
Greasy Creek for the Hoskins Mill
ditch. By said appropriation, he
requires and acquires all of the
water in the south fork of Mary's
river known as Greasy Creek, from
May to November and an equal
quantity thereof during the re-;
mainder of the year; the same, be
ing for electrical power for all pur-Doses-
The head gate is to be at
a small dam across said river at the
head of a certain small race leading
from said river to a saw mill v and
power house, known as the Hosk
ins mill, owned by said J. H. Wil
son and operated by the Philomath
Mill Company, by A. ,B. Horning,
manager, the said mill having been
there for 20 years and the said
water having been used at said mill
for said 20 years, , The ditch is to
be eight feet wide, four feet deep,
and is to contain 8,000 miner's
cubic inches or water under six
inch pressure, and there are to be
two reservoirs.
That is What Jury Says of Geer Boys
Their Trial Occurred Saturday.
'Not guilty" was the verdict of
the jury. The case was the State ver
sus Young Geer, a son of I,. B.
Geer, against whom the father of a
Buena Vista girl swore out a warrant
charging assault with intent to
commit crime. The case Was
tried Saturday - at Independence
the accounts are that it, was
more -or less sensational.
A number of Buena Vista people,
were presents all supporters of the
two maidens, whom it was declared
that Geer and his two companions
had attacked. All three of the lads
were defendants on the first infor
mation, which charged assault with
intent to commit a crime. ; This in
formation was ? however dismissed
and one of simple assault , substitu
ted. ...
The jury took but one ballot, and
was out but five minutes, W. , E.
Yates appeared as attorney for the
- For Pdlce Judge.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of police judge of
the city of Corvallis, at the election to
be held May 18, 1903. .
' K. P. Greffoz,
'" For Chfcf of Police.
I hereby. announce myself a candidate
for the office of chief of police of Cor
vallis at the electioii to be held . May 18-
1903. ..
" ' J, M. Howard. -
Corvallis, April i5, 1903.
For Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of chief of police of Cor
vallis at th e election to be held May 18.
?9o3, .. . ; " :
W. G. Lane.
Corvallis' April 15, 1903. -
Fhe specifications . do not pro
vide for mountain water, The
only f equiremeht with reference
thereto is the specification quoted
above that water for domestic use
"shall be good, pure wholesome
For Sale.
A span of young draught horses.
"Weight 2700 lbs. At, my f ranch six
" aniles west of Philoma th on Alsea road
B. G. Pugsley.
;, - y For Chief of Police, "
Ihereby announce myeelf as a candi
date for the office of chief of police of
Corvallis at the election to be held May
18th, 1903. .,
- : T , Sam King. .
Corvallis, April I, 1903. '
For Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of -police of
Corvallis at the election to be held May
18th, 1903.
M. Gleason,
Corvallis, April 6, 19O3. .
Of Mrs. Berry Surgical Operation for
Mrs. Horning Other Local News. '
At the annua missionary offering
at the Methodist church last Sun
day morning, $15o was collected.
-", A, M. Austifi has purchased L,
L,. Baker's blacksmith shop north
of the Farmers' hotel, and takes
immediate possession.
Sanford Harris arrived in Cor
vallis Monday with his bride of a
day. They repaired to the Taylor
Kemp home where dinner . was in
waiting. -
Eleven ladies of the Toledo Re-'
bekahs visited the Corvallis lodge
Monday evening, and were ban
queted after the work of the even
ing. They returned on Tuesday's
train. - -
Monday night, the city council
appropriated $50 for the proposed
descriptive pamphlet, on condition
that the county would renew its
appropriation of $100 for the same
Mr. and Mrp. Frank L. Moore
entertained the ministers of Corval
lis and their wives at the M. E
parsonage last Friday evening
.Features or tne programme were
vocal solos by Mr. Rossman and
Mrs. Carrick.
Prof. Friedel of the University of
Oregon, will deliver the 3rd lecture
in the series being given under the
auspices of the literary department
of ihe JBpworth League of the M. E.
church, on Friday evening next
Subject: "Life in Europe." The
public is invited.
Mrs. E. B. Horning is a patient
in St. Vincent hospital, Portland.
She went several weeks ago to Hood
Bivei on a visit, and was later seiz
ed with illness. The symptoms be
came alarming, and she was taken
to the Portland hospital for a surg
ical operation, and was joined there
Sunday by her husband, who is now
at the bedside. Late yesterday after
noon, news respecting the operation
was momentarily expected "by rel
atives in this city.
Mrs. Berry, mother of James aud
Milton Berry died at Fossil, Oregon
Monday night. Monday evening
she was in conversation by tele
phone with her son James inx this
city. It was then learned here for
the first time that she was not in
ner usual neaitn. ine announce
ment yesterday morning 1 that she
had shortly passed away was a
shock. The cause is not known.
James and Milton Berryu and U,
G. Berry of Peoria left yesterday to
be at the interment which will take '
place at Fossil, where John Berry
was buried a few years ago. Mrs.
Berry was bn a visit to. her daugh
ter at Fossil, apd was shortly to
leave there for Minnesota.
Would Make Benton a . Net.,, Work of
I' Lines, Serving Every Home.' .
Farmers in town Saturday , talk
ed about an extensive rural tele
phone system for Benton county.
They say a similar movement is on
for extensive systems in Washing
ton . Yamhill and Polk counties,
and it is planned to connect the
Benton county system with all the
latter. The whole system is inde
pendent of existing companies, and
the plan proposes that it be con
ducted on a sort ' of co-operative
basis. : '
, The men who talked about it say
that a membership fee of $25 or $30
and two dollars per year rental, is
all the cost that is necessary. If
the system becomes extensivey the
membership fee builds the lines and
pays for phones. The two dollar
rental pays operating expenses.
The system contemplates a com
plete net work of lines, traversing
each county road, and affording
service, to every family along the
line. At two dollars per year as
the total expense outside of the
membership fee, it is figured that
every family would have a phone,
especially since every neighbor
would thereby come within speak
ing distance. The connecting of
the system with those of other
counties would make the arrange
ment all the more desirable. The
service would, according tothe plan
proposed, not only render service
in the country, but in . town as
The movement has ' not taken
shape; but it is talked about. Farm
ers are thinking seriously about it,
and among them George Linder
man, is heartily in favor . of under
taking theplan. Of course it may
never materialize. Here, however,
is what a farmer said about it:
"The rural telephone system is
certain to be a feature of the future
It is bound to come. It can be
maintained on a financial-basis that
will place it within reach of every
country home. When all farmers
take it up the expense will be so
minimized that every home can af
ford it; This is my prediction;
within five years Benton county
will be a network of rural telephone
lines, and almost every farmer will
have one. . Why not?"
Nimble fingers were busy during the winter months getting
ready our Spring Suits for Men.; Deft hands have put to
gether in as perfect a way as possible the suits in our vast
assortment. Our lineslnclude garments exceedingly elegant
in fit and appearance, thoroughly tailored in every detail,
and possessing that sturdy quality which has made our store
famous for good clothes." We name ;:.
$7.50, $10.50. $12.50, $15.00, up to $27.50
for suits, which includes almost every fashionable design and
fabric known to the best New York merchant tailors.
Our Boys' and Children's Suits are unquestionably supe
rior in point of merit to any we have shown.
Complete line of Men's and Boys' .Furnishings. Shoes,
Hats; Sweaters, Negligee and Golf Shirts, Suit Cases, etc.
P.lnt.hino- made to order bv Hifh Art Tailors.
Commission Paid to Buyers.
Of i.'ooo acres suitable for fruit near
small town and 9 miles from railroad
in tracts from 3o acres up at $14 to $25
per acre. For particulars write to
Geo. A. Houck, Owner,
788 Ferry Street, Eugene, Or.
Diamond " W" Brand
The Best Grade of Canned
Goods on the Market Today.
Look at Our Windows and see the Varieties.
For Sale, ,;
A choice lot of Scotch Collie pups at
$5 each.
Spencer BickneJl,
Something New.
Call in and get a Trial Package
ff odes grocery
1 1 The Big Thing is How On. I
1-1 .
If you want a Fine, Up-to-date High Grade Bicycle,
2 go to Berry's.
Berry's. . v--. ""; 5' '' ' - ' - '-'
If vou want a Second-Hand Bicvcle. ?o to Berrv.
He has them at any old price, ; i
5 If you are thinking of buying a wheel, call on Berry.
3 befor you purchase. He has them ranging in price
8g from $5.00 to $200.00. ' ' s . . '
If your wheel needs doctoring, take it to the Bicycle
Hospital. All work guaranteed.
If you need a new set of tires, go to Berry, he has
them of all makes and prices. ,
If you want to rent a wheel, go to Berry's. ,. ,
In fact, if you . want anything in the line of Bicycles,
Sundries, Parts, or Repair Work, go to Berry's. '
Near Burnett Brick, Main Stit,
... Corvallis; Oregcn.