The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 11, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County.
" Resident Roosevelt offers open
"battle to the democrats on a fair
eld next year. Twice in public
address since his t Western ; tour
began," he has declared that there is
to be no tariff revision until after
tiie presidential election, which in
terpreted means that there is to be
no revision at all by Mr. Roosevelt's
party. The utterance is a frank,
open the. democrats to
iight next year's battle on the tar
iff issue, and, at a time when the
disadvantages to ' the republican
position -are most : manifest. It -is
the issue upon which the democrat-
ic party has survived lor a hundred
years, and upon which,; it is stron
gest and best united. It is the is
sue upon ; which its greatest, tri
umphs have , been won. If s the
democrats choose to accept the
challenge., Mr. Roosevelt will have!
to .fight enemies, not only in front
but in the rear. There is a great
schism in his own party, , and for
two years great newspapers and
leading statesmen therein ; have
been urging a revision of the tariff
withi intelligence and determination..
To profess a wish to curb or con
trol the trusts and at the same time
to demand a high tariff for , these
monster organizations of aggregated
wealth and watered stock to feed
upon, will place Mr. Roosevelt in a
-position both inconsistent and inde-.
fensible. Until American people
can buy American made goods at
; prices as low as they are sold , for
ip Europe and elsewhere, trusts and
tariffs to enrich trusts, . cannot be
successfully defended. . ,Yet , Mr.
Roosevelt is frank, fair and open.
He offers to fight the democrats on
the, very field that they Ought to be
most eager to select.
"It seems strange that the' Eu:
gene convention should have : turn
ed from the bright and blameless
v young men offered as candidates,
to name Mr. Hermann for congress.
Mr.' Hermann is ever a genial per.
son, and time was, when he was a
, , useful congressman. But a stalk
ing ghost follows him now. It
points an accusing finger and asks,
" constantly, '.'Why, Mr. Hermann,
did you quit office under the Roose
velt administration?" V .
i Apparently, the Eugene dele
gation did not see this ghost; yet it
is to be reckoned with. Either Sec
retary Hitchcock was wrong,' or
Mr. Hermann as commissioners was
ftwrong. The president retained Mr.
Hitchcock, and Mr. Hermann was
sent home wearing scar and blemish;
i For an Oregon convention under the
circumstances to insist on returning
hira to Washington, rehabilitated
and clothed with new power, is, ; at
least, unexpected. More respect
would seem to be due the adminis
tration. . i . ;
Clairtfs Ordered Paid at -- JAst Week's
,M drerin of Commissioner's Court.'! i ;t
. ' r.? ; -
" . The following kills -' were f allowed by
the County Court at itsa regular April
term, towit: r
P B Decker road wk " $ So oo
E HoljrateJ. P. fees,- State vs'
Baker et al 4 4o
J P Vates attorney fees statev vs ....,.,
. Baker et al "" 5 00
E W Strong witness state vs Ba
ker et al . -i 50
J O Wilson wit State vs Baker 1 50
Wm Baker witness J P court '2 50
Gus Winkle" - " 2 5o
C W Young const fees State vs
Baker .' ... lo 20
Victor P Moses ,P O books and ' ?
maps for assessor " 22 00
Graham & Wells stationery ' a 00
PST&TCo telephones , . 4 95
P M Zierolf mdse court house 105
E Ben net M, D. mad service co ,
poor ; " 5 25
Mrs D Huggins care co poor - 146 98
S N, Wilkins coffin, poor Mills ao 00.
J W, Woods com relief indgt sol- .
dier , t 00
J W Woods com relief indt sol-' 1
. dier : i -:- 30 00
Glass & Pradhcmme books and .
receipts , 6504
R R Gilbert bridge work ' - ' "10 50
WmBurgett " 645
E B Follet lumber .' 62;
Chas Clayton road work . : 8 13
S D McGee repairs road machine .; 2 60
D M Broack repair rd tools ' . I 25
Brick stable livery tare teams " -; I 00
Lee Henkle freight etc 4 31
T B Cooper road work .". 7 60
James P. McBee " c : " 2 00
J H Simpson road plow etc ' ; 17 50
Horning Bros repairs road tools S So
Huston & Bogue hardware etc
" - roads ' - 2 8o
W ft Malone nails -;; 4 .50
Austin & Western Co-road roller 800 00
J H Simpson freight on road rol
Allen A Woodward med co poor
J E Michael running ferry :
(Joryallis limes printing
Henkle & Davis mdse co poor
A B Farrier , wit cir ct
D A Osburn ' ' ' ;-
J O Wilson mileage " '
J M Porter ' "
Hermann Named.'
On the 24th ballot, '. Binger Her
mann was nominated i at Eugene
for congress. The vote " stood.
Hermann" 95 ;Gatch, 72; Kelly, nine.
At the beginning of the -, voting,
T W Torey
Gus Winkle
C W Young "
H LBush ' - ' -
John Smith. "
A E Thompson " "
Cal Thompson . - - '
Theo Parker juror cir ct
Frank Tharp. "
A H Buckingham ' "
Albert Schriber "
Albert Timmons
A G Wright "
FP Clark , '
E AParker v '
RH Colbert v".
A W Hawley ' " 1
John Calverley "
A F Jvuther :
W B Lacy. . "
D B Farley "
R O Watkins "
M B Long "
Caleb Daviu -, . " .
Henry X, Frencn ...."
Richard Kiger . . "
B T t' vers "
S3 W Beck with '
Geo A Hash "
TG Winkle '
Chas Kennedy " .
A J Hall '
Heury O Dunn
John Todd '
John Campbell r . "
Wm Bogue . "
J E Buchanan juror Nov term ,
cir ct
J P MeBee juror Nov term cir ct
R A Hulburt juror Nov term cir ct
E Holgate J P fees State vs Faw-
J N McFadden atty fees State vs
; Fawcett 1 -'
C W Young const fees.J P Court ".
E Holgate J P fees State vs Baker -J
F Yates atty fees J P court
E W Strong ' wit J P Court
j O Wilson "
Gus Winkle - - "
C W Young const ' -E
Holgate J P fees State vs Baker
etal .
C W Young const fees State vs
Baker et al ,
Albert Zierolf road work
R M Gilbert ' ' " .
D B Farley gravel
229 60
7 75
47 10
15 65
; 6 70
, 2 00
2 00
, 4 80
4 o
4 60
6 70
', '2 OO
5 50
6 60
4 00
8 40
6 40
5 26
4 00
8 00
6 40
5 20
4 00
4 60
4 80
4 20
4 00
12 00
. 4 00
4 00
6 00
4 70
6 60
8. 40
4 00
4 20
3 60
2 80
3 30
And Sent Petition s-The MorBing and
'A Evening Train for Corvalli j
Wednesday's Tmrs said fiothr
ing had been done by Corvallis
ites.for securing a -morning and ev
ening train service over the West"
side; .That was an ' - error, - . The
Times fell into' it ; through the
statement of an Independence man
I who was in Corvallis. V Iast -' week
. JN. wilkins circulated a petition
asking the railroad company to
grant the service, and secured many
signers. The petition was forward
ed to ; the company at Portland.
In addition, W,; E. Yates, M S
Woodcock and H. W. Hall, while
in Portland about the same time,
called on Manager Koehler and had
an hour's conversation with him
on the subject of the proposed train
service., They urged-with the best
reasons they . could command that
the better service be extended "Cor
vallis. ' : J
Mr. Koehler was kind, and ap
parently anxious to accommodate.
But, he quoted figures without
limit, setting forth the expense
which the scheme would put his
company. The impression that he
gave his callers was that the South
ern Pacific was hardly likely to put
on the train.
Mr. Koehler said the easiest and
cheapest way for Corvallis- to be
served with a morning' and ev
ening train was over the C. & ; E.
from Albany. . He said he had
urged Manager Stone of the C &
E. company to put on a morning
and evening train, connecting with
the seven o'clock local from Albany
into Portland. Mr. Koehler ' also
indicated that the reply " of Mr.
Stone was, that such a train had
been operated for a time between
Corvallis and Albany, and that it
did not pay. ..". .
1 Meantime, Corvallis deserves the
morning and, evening train, if not
via one, then over the other route.
Effort, unitedly arid persistently ap
plied by many people, can accom
plish wonders. Progress does not
come to a town that sits down and
waits for it. , If the agitation now
'on is continued, doubtless a way
will be found for.securing this train
service. Its establishment on a
permanent basis, would be one of
the very best . things that could
happen, to Corvallis.'
Of JByer? Birth?, Every, Death., and
s JBwial Qertificaf es ' of Burial, t ;
V f' - " -, '
1 It U necessary now tot make- offi
cial rfcc(rd of every birth and every
death. A new law that is already
in effect, requires every ; physician,
midwife or head of the family to
give notice by the end of the month
to the county, health, officer of any
birth that . occur .under his :; or
her charge. Every physician mid-
wife or head of a family must give
notice to such health officers within
48 hours of every death. No burial
can take place until a proper burial
certificate has been made out, and
transmitted to . the county health
officer. ,
U All these requirements are the
result of the act creating .the stateJ
board of health, which passed the
last legislature. . It ,s contained an
emergency clause, and took" effect
on its approval by the . governor.
It creates a county, aa well as "a
state health board. The county
board,is - the . county judge and
county physician. If there is no
countv ohvsicianvas is the case in
1 Benton, then the county judge r is
the county board of health as -well
as the county health officer.
i- To this officermust b e reported
"all infectious diseases, deaths,
causes thereof, places of burial of
every person, s that dies in said
county, and in the case of birth V of
any child give name of parents,
their residence and their occupation.
: Power is given the County Boird
of Health to quarantine against in
fectious diseases in other county or
counties of the state, to quarantine
any case or cases of infectious dis
eases within said county, and to
call upon all police officers, sheriffs H
and constables'to enforce such quar
antine. All cases of birth, f. death,!
burial and ; infectious diseases ; are
reported by the county health offi
cer to the secretary of the - State
. . Dry Wood for Sale. ,
Maple or fir in lots to suit. Leave
ders with A. Hodes. 7" ',.
' " ' J : - ' Frank Francisco.
- y "...
1 50
Hermann lacked but a few votes of I S"A G,hS5 8iati.5erv
a majority, but his forces went to
, pieces, and on the 16th ballot his
strength fell to 40. ; After the op
position failed to get together, the
Hermann forces rallied and won.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the matter ot the Estate of T P Waggoner,
Notice Is hereby given that I, " M k Waltz,
as administrator of the estate of T P Waggoner
deceased, have filed my final account as such
administrator with the Olerk of the County
Court of Benton county, Htate of Oregon, and
the said court has fixed Saturday-.- the 9th day
oi May 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the
lorernoon of said day as the- Ume, and the
county court room la the court house In Cor
vallis, Oregon, as the place for hearing any and
all objections to the said final account and for
settlement thereof. ...
Dated this April 11, 1903.
M. M. Waltz. "
Administratrix of the estate of T P Waggoner
For Chief of Police,
I hereby announce myeelf as a candi
date for the office of ' chief of police of
Corvallis at the election to be held May
18th, 1903. '
' i j. ..' Sam King.
Corvallis, April 1, 1903. ; j . .. - ;
For Chief of Police. .
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of , police ' of
Corvallis at the election to be held May
18th, 19O3. ' ,:; .. ". - ;;. ; :
' ":. n 1 j M. Gleason, ;y.
Corvallis, April 6, 19O3. i i
Commission Paid to Buyers.
: ' . .... . '4; - '"-". ""'
Of 1,000 acres suitable for fruit near
Email town and 9 miles from railroad
in tracts from 80 acres np at $14 to 25
per acre. For particulars write to - :
v - Geo. A. Honck, Owner,'
A . 788 Ferry Street, Eageney Or. t
Corvallis E L & P Co lights
T A Jones surveyor ,
W G Lane janitor
F L Miller mdse co poor .
iBrandeberry & Wheeler lumber
B F Hall two road scrapers 1
W A Jolly sal com
RS Irwin " : . v '
Clifford Crardiuer wit pros atty
Earl Rinehart ., : , ... ' .
Arthur Bakers : ", '
Clarence Powell "
Wheeler Cline ' '
Gus Winkle " .
EW Strong
Ernest Stewart " . . -
' Holcomb . . "
MP Fruit- ' " : t
Chas Young const fees '
Benton Co L Co lumber .
A J Erwin bounty claim
E H Belknap
L, A January . "
Victor P. Moses,"
County Clerk
8 55
24 00
, 22 00
12 00
2 55
108 00
42 5o
' 40 00
: 4 45
3 82
108 25
II 9o
. 10 10
2 00
2 00
3 00
. 3 00
2 80
2 80
6 00
2 00
2 00
6 00
9 60
10 27
: 2 OO
. 2 OO
6 00
-V' . Market Report. ,
Portland. '
Wheat valley 75 to 76
Flour 3 60 to' $3. 70 per . bll.
Potatoee $ ,50 to . per sack
Eggs Oregon, i64 per doz. '.
Butter 4o to 44 c per roll.
Creamery 50 to 55 per roll.
J - -, Corvallis.
Wheat 68 per; bushel.
Oats 29 to 30
Flour 95 c per sack .
Butter 30 to 40 per roll
Creamery 70 per roll
Eggs I5 , o per doz
Chickens l2 to 15 per pound
I,ard 15 c per lb
For" Sale.
Shropshire sheep and Poland China
hogs. Wanted to buy or take on shares,
a band of goats. ' - , , "
L. L. Brooks.
1 i-
Slewcst lUasb Goods
many exclusive Designs
We have been selling wash dress goods for nearly a month,
but our stock has not been complete. .. The shipments which
have " been received in the past week? have filled in all' the
weak places and now the stock is complete ili ; every' detail.
From low priced domestic fabrics to the high grade materi
als of foreign makes. We I have "many fabrics bf the finer
sort which are exclusive, with ns, and if you like' materials
and patterns that are out Cjf; the ordinary, come and see us.
. Samples on Application. -
Elegant Olbite Goods and Embroideries
Board of Health where a complete
record is kept.
; Blanks have not been supplied to
County Judge Watters, but they are
expected at any time. As soon as
a supply is received they will be is
sued to physicians and others, and
the law will be put into operation.
It will add materially to the . duties
of the county judge, all physicians
and others. ; The penalty for viola
tion of the law is a fine of not less
than $10 or more than $100, The
full text of the new la w can be, seen
in a copy of the new session laws,
just received at the county clerk's
office- v- i '-....
Clerk Moses also has copies of
the session laws for distribution to
justices of the peace.
; - For Sale.
A choice lot of Scotch Collie pups at
$0 each. :
. Spencer Bicknell, ,
Diamond "WBrand
The Best Grade Of Canned ?
Goods on the Market Today.
Look at Our "Windows and see the Varieties.
150 0
Something New.
Uiocec Ohcs
Call in and get a Trial Package
' PI3EE, --OT . ,
rodes Grocery
D The
Big: mim as iNow : un. q I
I " Berry Has in1 JHis ; '-
1 " ' " : 0 AND ' ': .
If you want a Fine, Up-to-date High Grade. Bicycle,
S go to Berry s. ' ' - ' ,
Tf vnn -wnrif, "n Arnnrl-TTand Bicvcle . ffO to BerrV.
sn J " :. . -
5k Me nas them at any old price.
rig If you are thinking of buying a wheel,, call on Berry
3 before you jBxehase. He has them ranging in price
g irom f5.UU to $200.00
' If your wheel needs doctoring, take it to the Bicycle
Hospital. All work guaranteed ,' ' ,
If you need a new set of tires go to Berry.: He has
them of all makes and prices. , , '
If you want to rent a wheel, go to Berry's. (, . ; 0
In fact, if you want anything in the line of Bicycles,
Sundries , Parts, or Repair Work, go to Berry's. ' j
Near Burnett Brick, Main Street, - rjl
' - Corvallis, Oregon. ' S