The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 08, 1903, Image 3

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J l Advertisements In this column,. haraed-i for
At .the rate of 16 cents per line. ' . -
Final settlement of the estate of
v John 'Burnett nas been' continued - In
the probate couit until April llib.
Dr.?N. B. Avery arrived Monday
from a two weeks' visit in San , Fran.
Cisco.' r.; j. ; -; .
k.Jj. McFadden is now located
In Pottlaod. -His c.fflje is in tbe Mc
Kay building,
e-'.'--Io the probate court, the estate
ot William Allen has been closed,
the' administratrix discharged and
bpndsmen released.
Miss Catherine Rife arrived
Monday from Decatur, Illinois, on a
visit to relatives. Sbe is a sister of
Mrs. Wicks and Mrs. D. D. Berman.
John W, Ioele was nominated
for congress by the Social lata at Salem
Friday. Mr. logle says he bas already
engaged a house in , Washington. ;
'A meeting of the Willamette
- Grange Ho. 52 will be held next Sat
urday at 1-30 p m. A full attendance
Is desired, M. H. Wbltby, M.
Fred Sfrsiwer of last year's grad
' uatiog class, has been appointed to a
position as teacher and band master
In the'State Reform School.
' -Carrol Cecil. a OA.O student, has
been called to bit home at Barns, on
account -of the illness of his father,
Other members of the family will re
main In Corvallis until the close ot
the school , year.
The Corvallis manufacturing Co.
has secured the contract for supplying
the material required - in the wood
work of tbe proposed improvements
on the HoiclCoryallis. H V V-
- The 45th anniversary of the mar
riage ot Mr. and Mr?. P. A. Moses
was celebrated at tbe family heme in
blilD uibj last auuuuv. tx duu
. who resides in tbe East, all members
of the family were present.
Night Officer Ovet lander will not
expect .any-whining from the ft Hows
; who hereafter git arrested for rldiog
bicycles about the ' etre- ts and walks
after night without lamps. He wishes
to have it known that he intends to
enforce the law on this subject. . '
jc-ArticlPff -Incorporating the
Moses Brothers mercantile establish
ment have been filed with the county
clerk. Th principal place of busi
ness ia Philomath, and the capi'al
stock is 815.000, divided into 150
shares of $100 each. Tbe incorpor
ators are S. H., R. J. and L. B. Moses
Preparations are already on for
the big street" caruiv&l, to be given in
Corvallis by the Woodmen June 11th,
12th and 13th and 14th. All the fra
ternal orders have been asked to
name a candidate for- queen of the
carnival, to be voted u on. The Lady
Maccabees have selected Mies' Mae
Mangas as their , candidate for the
place.,, ' ' - . '
It will soon cost six bits more
than it does now to get married. The
young man who happens to be In the
notion might hurry her up a little and J
save the rebate. The blame for the
incrasedxpenser Is .wUh the:, last
legislature, which apparently lost all
respect for the couise fot true love,
and raised (he license Tee from $2.25
to $3; The higher test v goes Into ef
fect May 18th.,,if(;;, V-,,. m(J .o
The sub-comtnlitse - from the
special water committee ot the city
council is working on a plan - for" i
water system ior Oorvllis. The coin
mittee consists of City Engineer Skel
ton. Fire Chiet Sheasirreen and Coun
cilman Heckart. During the absence of
Councilman . ' Heckai t, I Chairman
Henkle of r the special committee Is
acting with .'the : sub-committee. A
member ot the ; committee said yes.
terday that a report - would be sub
mitted to the council at ; the next
meetings - .
Undertaker Wilkfns ' has begun
th e construction of a dead house on
the lot; adjoining - bis undertaking
parlors. The room is to be ten by
fourteen feet with a floor of cement
The walls will' be filled with sawdust.
and all. the sanitary arrangements
will be complete. Tbe room will be
for the care and embalming of bodies
and their preparation for burial.
. When finished it will be the most com
plate convenience ot the kind In Ore
gon outside of Portland.
A dead body has been at Wilkin's
undertaking establishment since last
Wednesday, It is the mortal remains
ot Mr. White, aged 83. , Four'- or five
months ago he came with a !: son,
, Jackson White and family to Cor
vallis from Iowa,' With the Palmers,
beg occupied the Applewhite house
until about three weeks ago,, ' when
they removed to : Philomath.' There
Jackson White and family occupy the
J W Ingle house. ,,. Last week the
father died suddenly, and the body
was brought to this city, pending In
structions for its disposition, to come
from a son in Iowa. ; , " ;;.;;,.
Among the .- assets left I in, the
smash up of tbe Blodgett piling- camp
Is 1,500 piles all ready for delivery.
Doubtless, many a railroad" company
would be glad to get hold of them
lo these days of scarce - timber. An
additional 250 plies is all ready for
delivery. The latter lot is owned by
M. A. Mills, who bad a ; subcontract
from Maban. Mr. Mills was ' to re
ceive two and a bait cents per . foot,
ad if Maban bad not failed, weuld
bare coma out with a small balance
oo tbe right side of his expense ac
count. As it is, Mr. Mills' piles are
without a buyer so far, and ia time
may be cut into fire wood.
F. P. Sheapgreen has sold his ten
acre prune oi chard across the
tor $1,000. L; -Beckv,? i a' Nebraska
man, is the purchaser. - -? ' .?,
A. E. Swansen, owner of the Hotel
Corvallis, is in town ; arrangiog tor
prosecuting the work of improving
the building.. ; 4; J -:
Teacher: Correct" the sentence,
"The liquor what tbe man bought was
soon drank." .Bright pupil: f'The
man who bought the - liquor was soon
County Judge Watters has been
appointed a delegate to the, National
Good Roads Convention t'o be- held at
St. Louis, April 27th to May 2d inclu
sive. The appointment was made by
Judge Scott, president of the Oregon
Good Roads association. Mr1. Wat
ters does not expect to attend.5
R. H. Colbert, ot the Corvallis
Manufacturing Company, has put
chased the two lots adjoining the fac
tory lot oo tbe south, trom Mrs Bur
nett. This brings the company's hold
ings up to tbe C. & E. track on Wash
ington street, a (situation which will
prove advantageous for shipping.
New deeds filed for record are, A.
G. Rothell to A. F. Luther, 296 acres
near Albany, $9,000; Maty C. : Van
Blairicom and husband to C. M. Dex
ter, 30 acres near Philomath, $1,500;
W. A. W lis and wife to fl. W. Giitn
ehaw, tour lots in Job's addiJon, $120;
the, state of Oregon to R. JU..ulase, 40
acres in King's Valley; $50.
There are numerous emulsions
for use in fighting San Jose scale. J.
W. Iogle suggests the following used
with remarkable success in hU father's
orchard near Walla Walla : "15 pounds
salt, 30 pounds sulphur, 60 pounds
lime. 100 gallons water, I can concen
trated lye, three pounds vitriol. Stir
and boil two houis. Apt ly as warm
as tree will allow.
Otto Heanel, a student, is very
ill of - pneumonia in Job s addition
laid mother bas been with .him some
date, and Monday a team wa sent
for tbe tatber south of Monroe. Tbe
boy's lite bad almost beu despaired
or, but on Tuesday his symptoms
were rather more favorable, JU'ather
Djly ot Salem, who was called
to the bedside Monday, returned yet
terday to his home.
, The Corvallis Sash & Door Facto
ry is at woik on the contract for furn
ishing a large number of oak ehives
for the Poitland-Aibina terry. Oak
logs about four feet in length are
placed in the latbe and turned down to
a diameter of 16 to 26 inches. One
and a bait inch grooves are turned
every seven inches of the length and
then the log is sawed through be
tween e.ach groove. ,. A hole, is , then
bored through the center of each piece
and the operation is completed.'
vThe piice of mohair has been
steadily rising 6ioce the maiket open
ed, and two buyers, if not ; more, on
Monday paid as Jbigh as 38 1-2 cnts,
while the best that othets offered was
38 cents. Sellers had dreamed of a
possible 40-ceut offer, but-' advices of
some dealers indicated a weaker tone
ot the market, i However, almost all
the mohair in the, county! bas been
disposed ot and a rise or a fall in the
price can tiot now bo of extensive ef-
' Herman Tartar, deputy food and
dairy commissioner is in town on of-.
ficlaltlbuBlness: ' ' He brought along
several suspected samples or vinegar,
found on sale in the . Portland - mark
ets, and la engaged in an analysis of
them at the college. The office ot the
food - commissioner is" not provided
with a sufficient laboratory, to do ex
tensive analj tlcal work, and recourse
to the laboratories at O. A. C. is ne
cessary, Mr. Tartar will complete his
worn and return to Portland the lat
ter part of the current week,
' There wlil be appropriate services
in the Episcopal church, corner 7ih
and Jefferson streets, on Easter Day;
beginning at 10:30 a. m. Tbe Passo
ver season and .Easter tide begin this
year on April 12th, and as no true Is
raelite or Jew failed by choice to ob
serve the greatest ot Jewish festivals,
so no true Christian wilt allow mat
ters over which he has control to keep
Mm from extending a welcome to the
ilsen Saviour, but . will (repair to His
home and observe the memorial He
commanded. Offering for missions.
Saturday evening there was a
disagreement between two: young .men
at Allen's drug store, corner. , All the
arts of the forum : were -brought . to
bear without a satisfactory termina
tion, and the contestants began to in
dulge the science of . the. pugilistic
arena. At this stage or. tne argument
the contestants were taken Into custo
dy by an officer and presented to
Judge Greffoz. . The boys very much
wished to ha ve their claims adjudicat
ed, but when they were informed that
the cky law does not permit of this
procedure, both pleaded guilty to a
charge of disorder. They were fined
$10 each. . , v i '
It may be safe for those women
in- Chicago . to print a neweDarer in
which they tell the whole truth about
everything; . but it wouldn't be a
healthy job for men. The first time
the men would print the story of, how
Mrs. Flanlgan had licked Mis; Mulli
gan in the tetter's back vyard, two
red-beaded . women, two irate bus
bands and ' forty-seven f'relations"
would invade the office for a settle
ment, i Let men, just tor once, pub
lish all the naked, unvarnished, truth
about Mrs. Fogarthy'a back hair, or
Mrs. Honeysuckle's boy Billy, or Mrs.
Tompkin's husband, and see what will
happen. Earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions will occur around the office,
uesiae wmcn. reiee s worst were only
Spme Say its' Mixed-Bounty Goaven-
tion and Delegates JNamea. - .
C. V. Johnson, Kings Valley; E.
H. Belknap, Monroe; Levi Henkle,
Corvallis; J. A. Park, Philomath;
M. S. Durbin, Fairmount; W, S.
Tomlingon, Wells, Alex Rennie,
Corvallis. ; ' - '
These are the' delegates named
by the republican county conven
tion yesterday to represent Benton
in the congressional convention to
be held atEugene tomorrow. Some
claim that the delegation is mixed,
but the Hermann - men say it is
solid fcMtheir candidate. .The del
egation is not - instructed. ; Some
opposition to Hermann developed
among the delegates but it is un
derstood that the followers of the
Douglas statesman were largely in
the majority. ' "
The cbnvention was called to or
der by County Chairman Denman,
and C. ' V. Johnson of Kings Valley
was made chairman. Simon L.
Kline was made secretary and
Prof S I. Pratt assistant. The
following committees were announ
ced by the chair:
Credentials, Belknap, Lake and
Order of business, Irvine. Morgan
and Hurt.
Resolutions, Denman, Yates and
Bryson. ' . , : '
After committees were announced
a motion to adjourn was made -and
withdrawn. Then a motion to take
a recess of 20 minutes was 1 made.
Some of i the delegates explained
that they had come in on the train,
and desired to get through in time
to take the two o'clock train for
home. Others preferred a recess
until one o'clock and an amend
ment was offered to that effect. By
a rising vote the amendment was
carried, and adjournment was taken
to one o clock. v
: At the afternoon sessionl, the re
ports of the committees were adopt-,
ed. That of the committee on ies
olutions was confined to a resolu
tion txaliiug tbe character and
public work of the late Congress
man Tongue who was declared to
be the peer of any Coc rescman ev.
er sent from Oregon. Then the con
vection pioceeded to non i a e de
egatee. : Tbe number to which Ben
ton is entitled is seven, and .that is
tbe number of names that were
placed before the convention. Tbey
were finally sleeted by instructing
the secretary to cast , the ballot of
the. convention for them.
After the delegates bad been
elected E. H. Belknap and J. B. Ir
vine each addressed, the assembly
in five minute epet-ches, and the
convention adjourned.
The delegates to the convention
were as tollows:.
Corvallis number . one -J. F
Yates, H. H. Glassford, Lee Hen
He, Wrcu Knotts. S. L. Shedd and
E". W.-Strong. ...
Corvallis " number two S L.
Kline, E. R-; Lake, E. R. Bryson,
George Paul. George Denman,
Wm. Currin, R. H. Colbert and
M. S. Woodcock. ' ' '
Corvallis1 number ' three J". W,
Crawford, J. R. Smith, J. M. ' Cam
eron. J. , WeUsher, Kobert iluston,
George Lilly.
Corvallis number " four J.. B.
Irvine, T. H. Cooper, O. ! V. Hurt,
H. Wilson - and - A.' F. Fisch
er.', f 'pw;- '
Soap Creeks Virgil Carter, Wm.
Tomlinson and John Tomlinson. ,
Fairmount T. J. Risley, S.
Durbin, J.bhn Mayberry, and J, :G.
Gibson and "Mr .'Glare. ' . .
Bellfountain E-' H.".' Belknap!
L. H. Hawley, .M M. Waltz; W;
C. Reese, J. H. Edwards, Robt.
Kyle, Walter Humphrey and Pern
', .Monroe Dolph Farley, John
Crow, ; Wilbur Starr and Mr.
Pfoutsr-i? '
Alsea Marion Hay den, Wm.
Ruble, Sam Warfield v and Willis
Vidito. . -
Kings Valley-r-E ; V-. !i J ohnson,
four proxies, : . - .
Blodgett M. VanAlstyne, A.
Cadawalader and Marion Norton.
' Willamette Wm. Parks,. J. E.
Thompson and George Mercer Jr.
Philomath Dr. Loggan.
Leeper, V. A. JIawkins, T. P
nor. ii.-A. ocott, - Andrew
lia'ms, J. A. Park, S. I. ; Pratt
N. P. Newton.
' The names . of delegates
Wren and Summit precincts '
not learned. '
in general housework.
; Gitl to assist
Address ' ,
, . Mrs. Geo
B. F. D. No. x
H. Linderman,
Corvallis, Ore.
- - Oommission Paid to Buyers,
Of 1,000 acres suitable for fruit near
small town and 9 miles from railroad
in tracts from So acres np at $14 to 25
per acre. For particulars write to
Geo. A. Honck, Owner, . i
1 ' 788 Ferry Street, Eugene, Or.
Three Boys and Their Troubles One is
Young Geer Trial Tomorrow.
A - warrant,; r charging assault
hangs over one or all of three
young men who arrived Saturday
with a band of cattle for the X. Bt
Geer iarm, or.W. H, Odell farm, as
the case is, a mile west of Cor
vallis. ' One of the, lads is a son of
L, B. Geer, ex-state land agent.
The warrant was issued by ' a
Buena Vista justice, and is in the
hands of a Buena Vista constable
for service. It was sworn out by
the father of a Buena Vista girl and
the charge is assault. The trial - is
to occur at Independence., at three
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. It is
said that much indignation is mani
fest at Buena Vista toward the de
fendants. , r -
But few of the details of the af
fair are obtainable. The defendents
were enroute from Marion county
with a band of cattle, which they
were bringing to the Benton County
farm. They camped over night at
Buena Vista. During the evening
two girls passed the camp and the
boys engaged them in conversation.
Something happened, nobody seems
to know what, that had for a sequel
the next morning, a visit to the
boys camp of an irate father who
spoke angry words. The boys left
the same morning with their cattle j
hurriedly perhaps, and ahead of
them cime the news that a warrant,
as aforesaid, had been sworn out
No arrests have been made, but the
boys have volunteered to go back
to Independence to face the charge.
Though he admitted that there was
considerable feeling in Buena Vista
over the affair, W. E. Yates lawyer
for the boys, says there is nothing
in the charge.
' Dressmaking -
To tbe Ladies of Corvallis: I am lo
cated in your city, N. W. corner Third
& Van Buren streets, and will do dress
making at reasonable prices. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Please give me a call.
: Mrs. Etta E. Downer
Dry Wood for Sale.
Maple or fir in lots to suit. Leave or
ders with A. Hodea.
Frank Francisco.
Easter Noveltie
Top Round Shoes
Easter T
Easter is just peeping arotmd the corner. With its dawn
will return all the gaieties laid aside during the Lenten sea
son", and anions; other things - tvoull want to spruce ud the
table linen a bit. We have
New Table Linens.
58-Inch Linens at 50
62 Inch Linens at 64
66-Inch Linens at . 75
72-Inch Linens at $1.00
74-Inch Linens at 1.50
New Trimmings and Lace Collars.
We have just received by express from New York
one of the largest and prettiest assortments of Nov
elty Trimmings and Lace Collars ever brought to
Don't fail to see them. They are Beauties.
The White House,
Fresh Conked Crabs. .
One half dozen for 30 cents. - Neatly
packed in light boxes and delivered at
express office in Newport.. Four boxes
or less shipped to one address will cost
but 35 cents for expressage. Address
orders to v
- W. G. Emery, Newport, Ore.
E. Miller's
.New Goods Arriving
prepared for your wants.
New Napkins.
17x17 Napkins at
20x20 Napkins at
22x22 Napkins at
23x23 Napkins at
24x24 Napkins at
1 50
Regulator of Low Prices.
For Sale.
At a bargain, ladies Sterling wheel
. . . . 1
gooc as new, inquire at ximes otnee.
For Sale.
Barred Plymouth Rock and Brown
Leghorn eggs from thoroughbred chick
ens, good as can be had. Piice fifty
cents per dozen.
J. B. Irvine, Corvallis.
for; Men.