Corvallis Times. Official Paper of Benton County, COR VAIXJ8, OREGON, WCAK. 28, 1903. CIRCUIT COURT. Disposition of Cases by Judge Hamil ton at the Late Term. v Margaret Logsdon ' vs. J. A. Hawkins. Dismissed on motion of plaintiff. A. B. Hammond vs. W. F. Cros by. Continued for term. City of Philomath vs. J. W. Ingle et al. Costs taxed at $51.50. ' . State Land Board vs. Thos. H. "Cooper et al. Continued for term. A. E. Laws vs. Sarah Stewart et -al. Judgment for $155, and $30 attorneys' fees and decree of fore closure. Wm. Groves vs. John M. Osburn Second amended complaint filed, demurrer overruled. Defendant given 30 days to answer and plain tiff ten days to reply. E. A. Parker vs. W. H. James Amended complaint filed and E. E. Wilson , appointed referee. Oregon Pacific Colonization Go vs. M. P. Burnett and Benton Co. Decree in accordance with pleading. J. C. Taylor and Paulina Kline vs Abisnil Elliott et al. Decree entered declaring plaintiffs to be o'.'-pr in fee of property. James P McBee vs Thos H Coop er. Judgment for 8546 with in terest and $40 attorney's fee and sale of attached property. . James P McBee vs Thos H Coop er. Judgment for . $802 with in terest, and $60 attorney's fees. Or der for sale of property attached. : United Brethren First Church of Eugene vs John L- Akin, J Q Rod gers, and J. W. Ingle. Stipulation filed and defendants given 30 days to answer, and plaintiffs 30 days to plead. Case to be taken under ad visement. M B Davisson vs John L. Akin J. Q. Rodgers and J. W. Ingle. Same as above. - State of Oregon vs John Fier- stein; Dismissed on motion of dis trict attorney. - Canning Wallace & Co ys Thos Raney. Demurrer- Dismissed on motion of defendant. ' Bertha Herron and Archie Her ron vs J E Henkle, Sam McLain and J. W. McLain. Continued for term by agreement of counseL Seth H Childs vs R E Longbot tom, D D Longbottom, J J Long- bottom et al. Demurrer . to com plaint: D .D- . Longbottom with draws appearance - and refuses to plead further. ; Albany Hardware 6o vs H C Mahon. Judgment for $123.81 with interest. Order for sale of at tached property. Huston & Bogue vs H C Mahon Judgment for $267.58 and order of sale of attached property. The Curtis Lumber Co vs H C Mahon. Judgment for $2,255.91, attorney fees $160, and order for sale of attached property. Elizabeth Gant vs W A Gellatly apd Isabel Gellatly. Settled. Julia A Douty vs F A Douty Decree of divorce. SN Steele & Co vs Libbi e G Rothell. Continued for term. W S Locke vs Fred S Elliott. E. Holgate appointed guardian ad litem. Order appointing referees to partition. .Decree entered par titioning the land. -" Sol King vs Scott King. Con tinued for term. ' The Coast Land & Livestock Co vs The Oregon Pacific" Colonization Co and Geo Selover and S F Cook. Judgment for $101,361.59 and de cree of foreclosure of mortgaged lands. .,: . , '. McGee. CENTRAL COMMITTEE MET. Determined Not and Convention- to Hold Primaries -Named Delegates. The democratic ceunty central committee met at. the court house yesterday. On account of the busy time and the short notice given several outlying precincts were not represented. Chairman "'"1 Davis presided, and there was : a general discussion of the question of holdr ine primaries and county con vention. Committeeman . Joseph Smith of Soap Creek, advised against the plan, and Committeman Wood of Bloderett, took the same ground. It was pointed out that there was no contest among the democrats for the nomination, and there was a general expression to the effect that primaries and a convention would be useless waste of effort. By unanimous vote it was determined that the central committee should name , the dele gates. The committee then pro ceeded to elect delegates to the Al bany convention with the following result: Adam Wilhelm, Monroe: Joseph Smith, Soap Creek: Abner Woods. Blodgett; S. L- Henderson and B, F; Irvine, Corvallis. X he committeemen tor tne var ious precincts are, Fairmount, Henry Hector; Soap Creek, Joseph Smith; Kings Valley, W. S. Al corn; Wren, James .Robinson: Summit, Fred Duncan; Blodgett, Abner Woods; Alsea, A. L.. Clark; Bellfountain, C. E. Banton; Mon roe. C J. Ralls; Willamette, James Erwin; Corvallis, J. D. Wells, C. L Heckart, S.. L. ; Henderson and rT. H. Davis. . END NOT YET.' rf YELLOW PUP." How, Upon a Time, He Procured Means of Securing Drinks. the James L Lewis vs John vonnnuea ior term. Ruth D Thompson vs Wm F Keady adm et al. Johnson Porter appointed guardian ad ' litem for minor, and judgment entered for amount due on note, and : decree entered for foreclosure of mortgage. H C Davis and L Schryder ' vs M. P. Burnett. Answer filed plaintiff given ten days in which to reply, -and case continued for term. Geo H. Burtch et al vs. Jennie Churchill et al. Order confirming sale of real property and ordering distribution of proceeds, State of Oregon vs. Arthur Bak er, Henry Baker and Clarence Powell. Recog, Not a true bill. State of Oregon vs. Richard Fawcett. ; Sentenced to one year in penitentiary. Nat Butter Is a very popular substitute for fats and oils. At Zierolf's. , Kline's for your spring suit. He came in from Independence on Thursday and emerged from the train with an Irish bundle on his back, tie was greeted with a chorus of short whistles from the bystanders. The queer -looking little fellow . acknowledged the at tention by responding in kind, and adding, "The boys all know Yellow Pup." Out of a dozen present who seemed to know 5 him well, no person could tell his real name, but all agreed that it is Mack something. The name, Yellow Pup, is self-inflicted, but to give Its origin would be too long a story. Anyway, this name does- not require a history to lend it lustre. Mack is rather a noted character, locally, and what dis tinction rests upon him has been acquired without the aid of news papers. As ne is tne author ot his own name so he is the author of his own fame. . . ' .;, Mack roams the Westside ter ritory between Monroe and Inde pendence, and it is a pleasure for him to lie in city jails and partake of a bread-and-water diet. Police men, therefore have no terrors for him. In truth he greatly enjoys the diversion of making himself obnoxious in the presence of offi cials. The only class of town peo ple he seems to respect is the bar tender, and he takes off his hat to him only when he is broke. . " , Once upon a time early in the morning, he was out of funds and no amount of blandishment would procure him a drink. Her went out on a disconsolate walk to, pon der over the ills of man, and hap pily chanced upon a lady working in her flower garden. "Ah," said he, "I am very sor rowful this morning, my dear lady." -,. "Why sir, what is the occasion of your sadness?" she inquired. "Oh, it nearly breaks my heart ! to think of it, A very dear friend of mine died at Monroe last even ing and I am down to . order the coffin and get a few articles of mourning for the family."' "That is, indeed sad." ; : "And if you could possibly spare them, I would so much like to take some of those beautiful flowers to lay on the coffin as a tribute from a poor but devoted friend." ' "Why, my dear man," said the lady sympathetically, "I am only too glad to be assist you." A massive bouquet of choice flowers was gathered and tenderly handed over to Mack. He was profuse in thanks, and departed. He directed his footsteps to the nearest saloon ; and easily bargained the bouquet for four drinks of whiskey. In answer to the bar tender's inquiry as to where he ob tained the flowers, he smiled, gave his accustomed short whistle, and in an undertone stated that he had put up a job on a lady living back by the Congregational church. . CLIMBED UP. In Litigation Over Osburn Residence Property Plaintiffs Again in Court, There is a new development in the litigation over the John M. Osburn residence property in Cor vallis. A decision by Judge Ham ilton, recently . mentioned . in the Times, seemed to give Mr. Osburn undisputed title to the property. But, at this week's term a new le gal move and . a ruling obtained thereon, continues the matter in court, and seems to leave , the ul timate outcome subject to that doubt I that always attends litigation. The case is known on the docket as Groves versus Osburn. When Osburn went into bankruptcy the Corvallis residence was set aside by the bankrupt court for the benefit of the bankrupt in compliance with the homestead exemption act of the state which releases homesteads from exemption for debts contract ed after passage of the law in 1893. William Groves brought suit to re cover money on a note given by defendant prior to the - passage of the homestead exemption law. At the November term Osburn' s attor neys filed a demurrer, which in a decision, handed down a few weeks ago, Judge Hamilton sustained. At this week's term Groves' lawyer filed an amended complaint to which defendants demurred, but the demurrer was overruled. The defense has been given 30 days in which to file answerand plaintiffs 10 days for reply, after which the court stenographer is to take testimony and report to Judge Hamilton in July, at Toledo during the court term of Lincoln County. A lady's belt. identify. Found. . Call at this office and For Sale, A choice lot of Scotch Collie pups at So each. , , ' Spencer BickneJl, Corvallis. . Wanted. Fifty thousand pounds of mohair, highest market price, at Kline's. Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be reeeived by me up" to one. o'clock p m Wednesday April 1," 1903 for the construction of one milo of road between Philomath and Corvallis, in accordance with plans and specifications on fil e in my office at thavcourt house. Each bid der is required to deposit with his bid five per cent of the amount thereof, as by law required, the County Court : re serving the right to reject any . or all bids. .- . .1 Thomas A.'Jones, . ' .' " County Surveyor. Corvallis Man Abroad Big Promotions - . In Position Come to him. , All old Corvallisites remember Rowland Smith. He is an English man who wore spectacles and came to Corvallis 20 years ago. But little was known of him till some years later when he became auditor of the old Oregon Pacific. There he achieved reputation as a scientific accountant, and in a social way his friendship came to be prized by many. . Then he left Corvallis and went with G. .W.Hunt as auditor, on lines the well known contractor was building in the vicinity of Walla Walla. More of Mr. Smith's history, and "new developments therein, are told in the following from the Portland Journal, r , - Rowland Smith, for 15 years auditor of the Washington & ; Co lumbia River Railroad, has accepted the position of assistant comptroller of eleven subsidiary companies , of the Northern Pacific, and will here after make his headquarters at Ta coma. Mr. Smith is well known in Portland and throughout the Pacific Northwest generally, and hismarked advancement is being favorably commented upon today by his many friends here. News of this appointment was given put this morning by General Freight and Passenger agent S. BV Calder head of the Washington & Colum bia, who is in this city from Walla Walla. The roads over which Mr Smith is to exercise jurisdiction are as follows: ' , Northwestern Improvement Com pany. Seattle & San Francisco Railway & Navigation Company. Rocky Fork Coal Company. Northern Pacific Irrigation Company.- " ': " ' " Northern Pacific Steamship Company. Port Townsend Southern Rail way Co. - ; Monte Cristo Railway Oompany. Bellingham Bay & Eastern Rail way Company. Washington & Oregon Railway Company. Portland, Vancouver & Yakima Railway Company. - Washington &. Columbia River Railway Company. Rewest Klasb Goods, many Exclusive Designs. We have been selling wash dress goods for nearly a month, but our-stock has not been complete. The shipments which have been received in the past week have filled in all the weak places and now the stock is complete in every detail. From low priced domestic fabrics to the high grade materi als of -foreign makes. We have many fabrics of the finer sort which are exclusive with us, and if you like materials and patterns that are out of the ordinary, come and see us. Samples on Application. Elegant Olbite Goods and Embroideries, ; : For. Sale. ..- '. v . , A span of young draught ', horses. Weight 2700 lbs. At my , ranch six miles west of Philomath on : Alsea' road, B. G. Pugsley. Do You Want a Diamond "W" Brand The Best Grade of Canned Goods on the Market Today. Look at Our Windows and see the Varieties. Carpet, matting, linoleum or any floor covering this spring? If so, don't fail to gets prices of Oliver Blackledge, the carpet man at Mann & Go's store. Matches TO BURN! . x 1500 PARLOR Matches for '"; 10 CENTS Something New.' Ihocec Ojics. Call in and get a Trial Package Rodes Grocery The Big Thing, is low Berry Has in His On; q For Your Own Sake As veil as ours, you should see onr large line of men's suits for spring. Best we have ever shown at .the prices. Nice ones for $6, $7, $8, $10 to $20. . S. In Kline. AND aririe B Racycle oicycue If you want a Fine, Up-to-date High Grade Bicycle, go to Berry's. . - - If you want a Good Cheap Guaranteed Bicycle, go ta Berry's. If you want a Second-Hand Bicycle, go to Berry. He has them at any old price. If you are thinking of buying a wheel, call on Berry before you purchase. He has them ranging in price . from $5.00 to $200.00. If your wheel needs doctoring, take it to the Bicycle' Hospital.;:;: All work guaranteed. . : If you need a new set of tires, go to Berry. He has them of all makes and prices. 53 If you . want to rent a wheel, go to Berry's. . , - : 0 In fact, if you want anything in the line of Bicycles, $ Sundries, Parts, or Repair Work, goto Berry's. . ' Near Burnett Brick, Main Street, pr Corvallis, Oregon. JsSj