LOCAL LOBE. (Advertisements in this column charged; for at the rate of 15 cents per line. President Gatcb returned Mon day from a vialt of several days at Newport. Mre. H. S. Pernot returned Mon day from a several days' visit at Salem. ' , Mrs T. Burnett of Albany, re turned to her heme Monday, alter a visit with relatives and frieods. After a visit since last Septem ber with relatives in Michigan, Mrs. Knisely arrived home Monday. Miss Bertha Thrasher left Mon day for a few days' visit with fi lends at Dallas. Mrs. Burnett returned to her borne In Albany yesterday, after a several month's etav at the home of her daugnter, mre. m. r. urieu Elmer Betbers ana ramuy re- ' moved Monday iar,o the dwelling at the corner of Jnckson and Ninth, recently purchased of Marion Woods. Saturday Butbyn Turney took his departure for San Frar,c!eco. Mr. Turney is in poor health and hi-? plans for the future have not been fully de termined upon on that account. S. W. Jackson has been able to be out during the last few days or the nreaeot Derio i of sunshine. He had been confined to bis home all winter from rheumatism. He has been a fllcted for several years. , Joseph Ooli, a former well known student at the college, has been in town for several days. Mrs. Colt was ' Miss Cleara Wells. Their home is nar F.loln. Thev mav come to Cor- vallis to reside lr Mr. Colt can make satisfactory business arrangements, Miss VIeve Cecil entertained a I number of friends at her home Sat urday evening. Hearts was the chief amusement, and the eveniog was very pleasantly spent. Dainty refresh ments were served. Joseph Sawyer arrived from Los Angeles Mondwy t take a position as - grader in the Bsutoo county saw mill. He says there are 52 planers running in Los Angelf s at full bluet, and with immense activity la tbe building line. Lumber sells there from $20 to $40 per thousand. ' Soap Creek is to have a saw mill The machinery tor one arrived . at Wells, Saturday. The owner Is L. L. . Howe,, who recently purchased th9 farm of J. H. Moore. The mill is to be located in tbe timber weet of the water tank at Calloway's. New deds filed for rpcord are, Mrs. E. M. Doke to Sarah E. Kettlp, 20 acres in King's Valley, $lu; B. S. Bryson and others, to H. L. Hall, one lot in Job's adlitioD, 82o; Sam "Davis and Wife to E. L. Davis, 12o acres north of Corv&llis, S3,ooo; Byington Frantz to E. O. Fraotz one-half inter est in 514 acres near Hosklns, $1. ' Temperance House has secured a , divorce from her husband, Charles House. It happened ia tbe Portland eourts. The two were mat lied a long time ago in Corvullis. The grounds were desertioD. Mrs. House a'lged that Charles had left her several months ago, and that he ba1 . been employed in '-a mining ramp about six miles from Corvaliis," Arrangements have been com pleted and programmes have been mailed for a parent's meeting which is to include all schools aUcent to . Philomath, to be bel 1 at Philomath next Saturday March 28, In tbe public school building. An excellent pro- "r vo wm nr A haa hnan nroi .flvarl Tlio literary and musical programme will be furnished by Philomath College, and the public schools invited to par ticipate. A large attendance is ex pected. President E. D. Bessler of Monmouth Normal will be present. Encouraged by the reoent log rolling, Mary's Peak Camp No- 26. ; W. O. W, assisted by the Oregon Pa cific & Oriental Carnival Company, has arranged to hold a four days' street carnival and fair in Corvallis the second week in next June. Among tbe many attractions will be a queen contest and crowning, : competitive drills by uniformed degree teams of the order, a public wedding with a donation of the marriage fees and $25 worth of housekeeping furniture, and a balloon ascension, The exercises of the Missionary Convention at the M. E.church begin ning Wednesday afternoon will be open to ' the public. rWednesday evening the addresses will be givea by Bev. H. M. Bounds and Dr, M. C.'WIre. Thursday evening Dr. Smvthe. of San Francisco will snenk. Dr. Ford of Eugene will preside at ) rne - - convention. - adoui. a dozen ministers of tbe church from abroad . will be in attendance. Tbe sessions of the convention . begin Wednesday afternoon and continue over Thurs day evening. The purpose is for the awakening of interest in missions. The stay or Prisoner Fawcett in the county jail took on an unusual . turn the other day. He set up a claim that he wa9 very ill. He rolled on the floor and went through various distressing evolutions, He claimed to be afiected with appendicitis, and said that on a former occasion he had suffered with the disease. He wrote a telegram, addressed to his ' wife at Tacotna. that said , "I have got pondeceteas; delay might be fatal," or words to that effect. Dr. Lee was called and nothing was found in tbe man's condition to warrant alarm or even occasion for the unusual mani festation of distress. Mrs. S. N. Wilkins 13 absent on a viit to relatives and friends at Hood Biver and The Dalle's. rL. L. TJurd, formerly a resident here, now of Glendsle, Or., was a vis iter in Corvallis this ween. The junior girls at th college en tertained the junior boys t the home of Miss Mabel Eeady, Saturday even ing. In the estate of Joppph Park, the the administrator has filed an inven tory. The real property Is plaeed at $965 ; Mrs. B. O. Jone and daughter, of Amity, I In Corvsllls on a visit to the former's sister, Mrs. Gillespie and family. - Mrs. M E Brink and two chil dren Ipft yesterday for their home in Prlnevllle, after a visit with Mre. Sarah Moore, Tho warm weather ha brought tbe spriokler wnjrn out of lti winter quarters to spo if it isn't about time to bpgin business. W. H. JVIcMahon has sold his bliek horses to Mr- Frazier of Port land. The team wpiehs from 2,900 to 3,000 pounds, and th orlce reported to have been paid is $400. Mr. Mc Mabon shipped the animals on Tues day's Jboat. Among thosp'shortly to be sen Ix swell new bngsieg are Losran Hays and J. L. Horninar. Mr. Havs bus orderel bis from Portland through J. K. Smith & Co., and Mr. Hornlne ba his about ready to put. together in bis blacksmith and wagon shop. .-' v Mack Hpmpbill took Tai dppnr ture for Portland yesterday, to take position as train mpssenger for 'the Pacific Express Co. His run is be tween Portland and Huntington. Mack was in this business during Ix years inCol-rado. HI family will remain in Corvallis for the presert. - The Mnccabpes of Corvallis are to elve . public pnfrtainment nod so cial at the Opera bouse on the 29rh t Apii". Preparations have been begun on n extensive scale. The pxarcispa will include a programme and a ba& et social. Further announcemert? will appear later. A piano recital 1 f be given bv pupils of the school r f musin at the college in ollesre cbsppl next Satur day evening. Otto F. L. Herse, the wpll-known vocalist, will apppar.on the programme. The recital will be under direction of Mr. Goodnough. The doors will close at 7 :45, ni no one will bp admitted after that hour. The public is Invited. Tbe old-time grand jury is one of the features of tbe present term of tbe circuit court. It is tbe first time a grand jury has been culled since the passage tr a l;iw making it optional with district httoroeys as to whether or not grand juries should b sum moned. The members of the present j ary are,-A H Buckingham, foreman; Albert Timmons, F P Clk, A G Wright, F. Tbarp, Theodore Prkr and Albert Rbriber. The bai iff is Charles W. Tounsr. Willard Price is bailiff of the cou;t. j Word from tbe anvlum authorities j is to the effect that Dave Howard is i not likely to b released from the in-1 etitution fr some time.. Meantime bis children have been sick with mea 1ps. and the lrtle boy is said to be yet quite 111, The family have been compelled to dra'v heavily up?m char ity in their misfortunes. Members of the M. E. churcU, South, have been es pecially generous, while In the past as well-, as present voluntary ' aid -has been tre6ly given by many Individuals. It is not to be expected that this char ity can be continued indefinitely, and it is thought that it will become ne cessary either to nd the little ones to some institution for the care of children, or secure aid from the coun ty.. ' Under a law passed by tbe last legislature, a tax of $6 on each pupil of school age must be paid into tbe state treasury for state school pur poses. The law was formetly a tax of five mills on all taxable property in the county. Ia Benton where the total taxable property has aggregated about two and one hall millions, : the I amount of the five mill levy this year was about $12,500. The average per pupil thus turned iote the state treas ury waabout $5. There are 2,586 persons of school age In the county. The new arrangement will increase the sum Benton must pay into the state treasury for school purposes to $15,516; or about $3,000 more than was paid this year. . The sum that Benton citiz3ns pay for the common schools, not counting special levies for school purposes, is but a few thousand short of what it costs to run the county. -The usual expense for the latter Is about twenty three thousand dollars. ' Mr. Broders, one of the owners of tbe German coach stallion, Exeellenz, brought the animal over from Albany Saturday and gave our horsemen and others a much deeired opportunity of seeing him. He truly is a fine-looking horse, and bears the marks or brand3 which it is tbe practice of the German government to place on every stallion in its realm as a guarantee of his quality. In Germany the government owns th8 stallions, with the view of regulating horse-breeding ; In a large measure. It is desirable to improve horses for vatious purposes, of course, but the maia purpose of the German government in . controlling horse breeding to the extent which it does is on account of its clos9 relation to mil itary affairs. The government wishes to see that a desirable and uniform class of horses may be available . for military work. ExcelieDz will be on exhibition again at the brick stable In Corvallis next Saturday afternoon. A DECREE GRANTED. For More Than a Hundred Thousand in the Benton Circuit Court, . . The hundred thousand dollar lawsuit was tried in the circuit court Monday, and a decree was rendered for the -plaintiff. The judgment is for $101,361, besides the court costs. . - The case was that of the Coast Land & Livestock Company ver sus the Oregon Pacific Colonization Company. The former sold de fendants what is known as the Coe lands and the lands of the Oregon Agricultural . Company limited, aggregating. something like 60,000 acres. , The purchasers, besides a cash payment, the amount of which is not known, gave two notes of $17,000 each, one of $34,000 and one of $21,000. Two of the notes were payable on the 15th of last November and the other two next August, and all were secured by mortgage on the lands. The pur chasers defaultedlin the payments and also in payment of the taxes which it was agreed they should pay. J '.v ' . r .-: ' The hearing of the case occurred but a short time The defendants made no appearance in court, and a decree was rendered in accordance with the prayer of the plaintiffs. It is said that the stockholders of the Oregon Pacific Colonization got into a squabble among themselves, and that to this was largely due their failure to complete the pur chase. There is talk, to the effect that the matter may yet be com promised. HAS CONTRACTS IN EUGENE. W. 0. Heckart Secures Two Jobs in . the University Town. W. O. Heckart left for fiugene yesterday to begin work on two residences for the construction of which he secured contracts when he was in that city last week. For W. W. Calkins, formerly of Cor vallis, he builds a two-story eight room - residence, with . eight-foot porch across iront, basement, hot air furnace, and completely plumb ed and fitted with electric light wire " It is to cost $3000 This residence is to be erected near the one which he had built by Mr. Heckart last year, and which he now occupies. Their location is near the University on a lot having a frontage of 160 feet. . The resi dence to.be erected will be rented (' The other residence to be built by Mr. Heckart is a story-and-half six-room residence tor w. L,. ue lano, drusrsrist, of Eugene. This is to be a nicely built house at the cost of $1,200. Billy Baker and Harry Buxton accompany Mr Heckart from Cor: vallis to assist in the erection of the buildings. Ryder Bros, will have charge of Mr. Heckart' s work in Corvallis during his absence. Kline's for your spring suit. Do You Want a Carpet, matting, linoleum or any floor covering this spring? ' If so, don't fail to gets prices of Oliver Blackledge, the carpet man at Mann &' Co's store. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money in the treasury to pay all city warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to February I2, 1901. and all city street fund warrants endorsed prior to November 15,' ' 1902. Interest will stop on tbe same from this date. Dated at uorvallis. Oregon, March 24, 1903. . ' . . Wm. McLagan. City Treasurer- For Your Own Sake w As well as ours, you should see onr large line cf men's suits for spring. ' Best we have ever shown at the prices. Nice ones for $6, $7, $8, 10 to $20. " S. L. Kline. For Sale. A span of young draught horses. weignr 2700 ids. At my ranch six miles west of Philomath on Asea road, " B. G. Pugsley. Call for Warrants. : Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurers office to pay all. orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and inclnding those of March 16th I903, Interest will be stopned on same from this date. Dated Corvallis, Mar. 18th, I903. : ' v W. A. Buchanan, Treasure! 01 Benton County, Oregon, For Sale, A choice lot of Scotch Collie $5 each. v . pups at Spencer Bicknell,-Corvalljs THE BALD-HEADED HORNETS. Also Miller and his Mare A Leaflet ' From Other Days. It was mean of them mean as could be. It happened four years or more ago. Ralph Davisson, R. E. Gibson and F. L. Miller . were out deer hunting. They were fol lowing a trail in the mountain fastnesses somewhere, no matter where. Davisson and Gibson were ahead, and Miller was a consider able distance in the rear, piloting an old mare. The advance guard encountered a huge" nest of bald hornets, that hung suspended, ex actly over the trail. The hornets were olthe great big, virulentkind, from which the sting, is almost enough to knock a man down. The advance guard stopped at the hornets' nest and held a coun cil of war. The devil sometimes possesses deer hunters, and he ap parently got hands on the advance guard on this occasion. It was determined to stir up the hornets, so they would be in good fighting trim about the time the rear guard happened along. That done, the advance guard from a considerable distance ahead awaited develop ments. " "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" was the terrified yell that soon fell on their ears. "Whoa, Betsy; whoa," whoa," came again from the depths of the forest and with it came the crashing of brush and the breaking of forest limbs and branches as the good mare fled through the thickets from the pursuing hornets. When the rear guard arrived at cmp it was still iu the ring, but badly disfigured. The old mare had welts and lumps; all over her from the attack of the hornets. Miller's face had patches and ban dages all over it and Brother Miller as he travelled along, ; was indus triously chewing tobacco and ap plying it to the multitudinous stung spots. He didn't know then, how he was led into the ambuscade. It was a year or so afterward before his companions thustered up . cour age sufficient to let him into the secret. Us H Ira Mori'-ay from a Pot'aod. Holite few,, days.' return? d visit at Comprises ready-selling materials, at popular prices, in new and fashionable weaves and colorings. COLORED ALPACAS, . Flake Suitings, ; Etamines, Granite Cloth, Melrose, and the New Weaves in Black DressGoods. Our Line of Fancy Waistings is complete. We have them in white, ornamented with , heavy stripes 27-inch A. F. C. Gingham, novelty weaves, fancy stripes, at 10 cents per yard. V We carry a full line of W. B. Corsets. Our three Leaders are, 5Q-cent Girdles, 'Extended Hip at $1.00 and $1.50, and Erect Form. V - Top Round Shoes for Men. Always $3.50, never less. Ask for 2 Top Round and you will, be shown the season's latest styles. Unexcelled m style, material and workmanship. Absolutely -guaranteed in every particular, bold only by F. C: miller, Corvallis, Oregon, 5 s. L Not One Kind, but Tlany Kinds. " : . . . There is no more important article; of woman's apparel than her shoe. We realize it' requires a great variety of bhoes to suit al! kinds of feet, and have provided ' accordingly. 'Green "..Wheeler, Always on the .advance in style and continually progres sing in good wearing qualities. Our shoe section is now show ing a fall line of this make in new spring styles.; Come in and see them, and all the other good things in footwear we have assembled here, At $2.50 and $3.00. At KLINE'S, The White House. - Freeh Corked Crabs. Oue half dozen for 30 cents. Neatly packed in lijiht boxes and delivered at express office in Newport. Four boxes or lees shipped to one address will cost but 35 cents for expressage. Address orders to ' - ' ' ; W. G.' Emery, Newport, Ore. 1EZIIE gal s? sfcil? tSr ffi jg 2 ffi Large assortment of Shoes KLINE'S. Queen Quality. It fits because it is made in an infinite variety of oiiginal sts les to suit . all slfapes of feet and all occasions. Queen Quality originates its own stvles. If you want to be ahead on the fashion, wear Queen Quality. If you want twiee as many chances in se lection, try Queen Quality, At $3.00. R -g.ulator of Low Prices. For S le. Barred Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn egs from thoroughbred chick -ers, good ns can be . had. Price fifty cents per dozen. , ( J. IS. Irvine, Corvallis. Live Poultry Waiise'). -Hignest market price -aid for chit-kena turkeys, geese and dockn. Hndts' Grocery. as---