LOCAL LORE. (Advertisements in this 'column charged, for t the rate of 15 cents per line. EJ. Rjaeudort ba. acceoted a po sition iu the drug store of Q: attain & Wortbam. The inventory teas ben ; filed fo the estate or Elizibetb Elliott.. The total value of property ia 310,359. The Flrat Spiritual Union of Cor allia, will bl i 8-rvlce at the Bar rett Lyceum on Suaday at 3 p m.' AH, friends Invited. , . MlsaeB Flora Mason, Ruth'lhfon and Mary Ktiwart were up ' Tror'n al - bany Thursday to attead the Aioslid Smith weddiosr. - '- G. A. Robinson has arranged a' eal9 of the Marian Wood house and lot on Ninth & Van Buren streets. Elmer Bethera was the purchaser at 850. - - T. E. Itaoorbfad of Manila, Ar kansas, writes for -information coo7 cerning Oregon. He wants to know the price of land: aud general con ditions. A marrlaee Heense has been Is sued to J. M. En-rick and Barah EllZibeth Pugh. Tne bride Is ag-d 15. The groom U son of George Eoaerick. Two homesteads were filed on at the county clprk'a office Thursday N. O. Glodfelter filed on 120 acres and Thomas Pomeroy on 160 acres near Belifountaiu. ' Miss Maggie Fowells recently completed" a term of school at Sum mit, and began 'another Monday in one of the districts a short distance south of Corvallis. B. Klger was in town from his farm near Lebanon on a .business trip Wednesday: Walter Brown who recently purchased a ttrm in Linn, Is located just across the roai from the Kiger borne. ; There will be services at tha Catholic church tomorrow, . Rev, Father Bucher of Siletz. officiating, Mass at 10-30 a. ra. and benediction at 7-30 d. m. A!l are cordially In vited to attend Two carloads of finishing lumber came In to the Benton County lumber yards from the bit? mill on Greasy creek Wednesday, the first shipment on the epriDg cut. The lumber was hauled to Philomatn from the mill and thence shipped by train to Cor valils. ', ,-. Albany Democrat; The taking of the toil off tbe bridge has added materially to the valu9 ef the Benton county propeity across the river, and already thre '. pales have been made by one real estate firm. Ben ton ba.? Linn to thank for increasing the value of Its property. Assessor Bush is nuking a sessments of property in Summit precinct. He is placing . the valua tion of all property at its cash value as required by ; law. In some ' - in stances, taxpayers find fault with the plan but in the main they understend it Is ,the only way In which., uniform ity can be attain 3d and are satisfi ed. La Granda exchange: " Ben Scott the popular mwst cutter for Bock & Thomas; met with a severe ; accident yesterday. ..While he was .stringing up a beef, preparing to butcher, the ropa broke letting the beef fall on him. tearing the muscles loose from nis arms, it was a very narrow es cape in as much as the beef just bare- lv missed his head, v V ", ? ".- . At the home or the bride s .par ents at GorvaUis, Wednesday, J M Einirlck was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Elizibeth Pugh, by Rev. M, Noble; The two' " " families only were present, and after the ceremonv all Bat down to a bountiful dinner.-. A number of very acceptable presents and do end of good wishes were left wltirthe young people. Walter McFarland, . a former Corvallis bo y was a business visitor In town Thursday, , He Is a, trusted" salesman for J. A. . Folger & po of San Francisco, with a territory from Ashland to Portland and westward to the Ooasft towns. He makes Oor vallla about every six weeks. His mother and sister Winnie, reside in Oakland. His sister Ellen is married and resides in Denver, Colorado. - Aaron Jones, master of the Nat-. ional Grange is to deliver an address in the, college chapel next Monday evening. Mr Jones has been in at tendance on the State Grange at Port land during the past week, aud word has been received there that he Is a fine speaker. He will visit but few places in Oregou, being particularly attracted to Corvallis because If Is the seat of the Oregon. Agricultural College, v His address is looked for ward to by many- as? promising an evening of unusual interest. The topic has not been . stated, but ' the theme will be of a - character to in terest all. The Modern Woodmen give a basket social tonight at 8 o'clock in Woodmen Hall. As usual the. ladles will bring baskets of lunch to be -dis posed of to the Woodmen ant their friends who are hungry, from their arduous labors in the , forest. The Modern Woodmen always provide the occasions and the pubiia is fortunate in having an invitation to this one, All will be made welcome, v It has been intimated, we do not- speak as : authority, that the lady who provides the best lanch will be en titled to a free ride on the : Woodmen goat. Handbills announce rare amusement, . Mechanics have been doing some work on Hotel Corvallis this week. -Mrs. W ire Gatch Wheeler of Sea' tle. h-is arrived and is at the home of her parents. R M. Davison arrived from Sa lem Thursday to py taxes and trans act other buslne. Postmaster Johnson has- been a sufferer a hotnes'nee Tius lay, with a ihreaiened attack of pneumonia. " , Jesse Wilev Thursday, purebaed from John Smith al53.-puud bay Clyde horse. Is la a UauUsome ani mal. ... . s; v - E ne-t ElHotr, administrator, has been aothoiizad t J pay a dividend of36 pur cent to the creditors of the estate of El 'a E llott. M. D. Hall and familv, who . re turned to Oregon from Kn-as a few days - ago. occuov the Vot?le iesl- deiice nsar the ci liege. Mr .Hamilton, a recent arrival from Oklahoma, has, with his family, moved into thi house just south of Dr. Altman's iesidence. A. White and O. Nelson, new-corn era, and their families, have taken up their residence in Marshal Miller's house on Fourth street near Harrison T. W. Ddley and two danghters went over to dci to attend the funer al of Clyde Sheldon. Decfaied whs a nephew of Mrs. Dilley. and was 19 years of age. The usual preliminary term of the circuit court w to occur in the court room next Saturday, tbe 21st lum The regulir term convenes a week from Monday. Editor Latimer, of tbe Liberator, a socialist newspaper published in Port land, Is to deliver an address ia this city, Tuesday evening. " He will prob ably speak in the court house. - E. L. Moore and family are ex pected today from Iowa. They ar- old friends of G. F. Kice and family, and have come to Benton' to settle. Mr, Moore paid a visit to this section last fall. . , Lewis Hartley has commenced the erec Ion of a ten-room two-story resi dence on the Hunter block in Oorval 11?. William Hartley, a brother, who came to Oregon two weeks ago, is do ing the work and he seems to be a hustler. . ' Herman 8ohiocke, wife and four chil iren arrived Wednesday from near Omaha. Mr. Schincke expects to rent a small piece of, ground near . tovrn, and it he la pleased with the outlook after be has been here a while, ha will buy. -. -: " Jones Hartley &nd family arrived from Peru, Nebraska, Thursday, and have moved Into Van Hooeen's house, near the railroad croesing. Mr. Hart ley is a farmer, but he may eDgaga in other business here. He is a brother of our townsman, Lewis Hartley, " . Fred Houston of last year's grad uating class at O A O, who has . been taking a post graduate at the college this year, lett yesterday for his home near Eugene. From there he goes in a week to the expaiinent station at Union, where he is to have a position. Frank Glass is in town for a few days. He resides at Bend, Crook Co., but has been for some : time with his sister Lillian who is-at a Pottland hos pital, taking treatment for heart and stomach trouble. Her . condition is now much improved. Mr. Gliss re turns to his home at Bend, in about a week. . . : Homer Vernon, a Seattle horse- buyer,- was in ' town this ween sizing up the . chaaces for securing good horses in this neighborhood. He bought a carload , in the vicinity of Albany, and is expected here today with a view of procuring a carload here. He takes horses weighing from 1200 pounds up. , . . .:' ; . Letters are regularly received in this city from David Howard, re cently sent to the asylum. They are all rational lu every ' particular, and discues all matters touched upon in telligently. Iu,onerhe gave directions to his children how to proceed with garden making, and urged them to be energetic and punctual In that work. :- A' HUNDRED THOUSAND. be Suit Brought to Recover It To Tried in Benton Circuit Court. A lawsuit, involving more than $ioOjOoo has been brought in the Benton county circuit court, and is to be tried at the coming term. vv ithout the interest -sued for, the claim, including $5,500 attorneys iees, aggregates s99.499- I he in terest up to March 9th, amounts to g3,l8i, and swells the total $102,670. The suit is Ihe largest that has appeared in the , Benton county courts since the days of the old Oregon Pacific, v '" - The case is entitled the Coast Land and Livestock Company ver sus the Oregon-Pacific Colonization Co., and is av foreclosure of mort gage. Last : August the Coast Land and Livestock Company sold the defendant corporation, what &nown as ine voe ianas, lymsr m Benton, Lincoln and Polk counties About 23,000 acres, of-the lands lie in Benton county. At the time. according to the complaint, ; the purchaser, styled as the Oreeon Pacific Colonization Company gave the seller tour notes These were, one note for $17,000 payable Nov ember 15, 1902 with interest at six per cent; one note for $17,000, pay able November 15th, 1902, with interest at six per cent; one note for $34,000, payable -August 19, 1903, with interest at six per cent and one note for $21,928, payable August 19, 1903. with interest at six per cent. The notes were se cured by first , mortgage on the ianas in. question. The four notes aggregated $90,633, and were a part of the purchase price of the lands. , .. .... It was stipulated in the mortgage agreement 'that the purchaser should pay the taxes on the lands in the counties in which they are situated. Plaintiffs allege that the taxes in the ' three counties are. $452, $r,o52, $1,510 and $351, ag gregating $3,366. Plaintiffs allege tnat purcnasers have neglected to pay said taxes and that said plain tins nave been compelled to nav tnem. - . Plaintiffs also allege that no pay ment, either of principal or interest nas been made on any of the notes They ask for a decree of 1 foreclos ure and sale of the lands under ex ecution. They also sue for attor ney fees of $1000 each for collec tion 01 the two $17,000 notes, $2,000 for collection of the $34,- 000 note, and $1,500 lor the col lection of the $21,628 note. They also ask that defendants be required to pay tne amount ot the taxes, and the costs and disbursments of, the suit. ' copies 01 tne tour - notes erven by the Oregon-Pacific Colonization Company to plaintiffs. atV the. time of the purchase of the lands, ap pear m the body of the complaint Each is signed as follows: . '-Ore gon-Pacific Colonization Company by George-H; Selover, president fc. ri. Bates, secretary; S.; F.Cook' i. ne name ot selover also appears a second time at the , foot ot each note. SUES FOR A FEE. Labor liens in great numbers have been" filed at .the clerk's effiee against Mr. Maban, late contractor in tbe piling camp at Blodgett. The cop ies of the liens form a package several inches in thicknese, covering about two hundred pages of type-written matter. All have to be made of re cord In the clerk's office, forming a task that involves much-tedious labor. The filing fees alone, aggregating 62 50. . r"-'- O -V Henry and Harvey Sutherland of Cora, Kaneas. have been at the Occidental since last Bund ay. They have sold out in the East, and are looking for a . location. They have friends in the vicinity of Corvallis. They Uke the looks of Benton very much, and surmise that life might be pleasant in this part of the world Henry Sutherland said that Eastern people would be much better pleased with Oregon if the roads were put In Detter conaiuon, muaaing it - over heavy roads in the winter - time Is a thing of the past, and that a better ment of highways is a 6ure and easy way pf attracting . - homeseekars " a? well as benefitting the .present . occu paats of the land. Live Poultry Wanted. Highest market price paid for chickens turkeys , geese and ducks. . ,' Hodes' Grocery. As Real Estate - Agent The - Amount is One Hundred Dollars. . James L. Lewis has brought suit m.the circuit courjt - ; against John McGee for collection of $100 alleged to be due for service as real estate agent in the sale of the Mc Gee farm in Wren precincts ') Lewis alleges in his complaint that an agreement was made by which Mc Gee was to pay him $100 for - find ing a buyer for the Wren farm of 349 acres. ; He names R. W. Fish er of Linn county as a person who became a buyer as a result: of his service as real estate" agent, and that a certain 100 acres of; land in Linn county became a part ot the consideration, being valued at $2,000. , The trade, he further al leges was made, the Wren farm go ing at $5000. . The sale was con summated on the 14th day of March, 1901, and Lewis sues .for the amount of the fee, for interest on the same at six per cent since marcn 14, 1901, and for the costs and disbursments of the proceed . For Sale. ''"" liarred Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn eggs from thoroughbred chick ens, jjood as can be had. Price ' fifty cents per dozen. - .. . J. B. Irvine, Corvallis. Wasted. hi Fifty thousand pounds . of mohair, liest market price, at Kline's. . Household Goods for Sals, I am ofiering ruy ,. household goods for sale very reasonably at, my home: on Fourth street between Harrison and Tyler- - - 'Minnie Jones- ' FATHER SWORE OUT. But his Evidence for Himself Got Boys in the Toils of Law. His Henry and Arthur Baker are un der bonds to appear at the coming term of the circuit court r for Ben ton, and it was on facts sworn to by their father that they fell into the toils of the law. The sons are 25 to 30 years of age, and are strangers in these parts. The charge against them is that they cut and removed ti mber' , from the lands of another.; They claimed at their preliminary examination , that they are innocent of the charge, but from evidence submitted, Jus tice Holgate thought otherwise, and placed them under bonds to appear at court. ' " V -V ' William Baker,' the father, was originally arrested for the - offense. He and his sons have been logging for a long time on the Santiam. Recently they began logging for Spalding on Smith Island in the Willamette, south of Corvallis. A warrant for the father was issued at the. instance of the deputy state's attorney several days ago. Wed nesday the arrest was made, and Thursday afternoon . the prelimin ary was held. The father managed to s wear himself out of ; the case, but the facts that be set up drew his sons into it'- and they were tak en in custody. Evidence was giv en by John Smith, J. O. Wilson, E. W. Strong and Gus Winkle. J. F. Yates appeared for the de fense and Deputy Attorney- Bryson for the state. , Hew Sp ring Goods 2u JL KLIN Market Eeport. 'Portland. Wheat valley 78 to 80 Flour - to $3 70 per. bll. Potatoes $. .50 to 55 per sack Eggs Orepoo, 15 per doz. Butter 4o to 44 c per roll....... Creamery 60 to 65 per roll. Corvallis. Wheat 68 per bushel. - Oats 29 to 30 Flour 95 c per sack Butter 30 to per roll Creamery 75 per ro!l . Exgs 13 c per doz Chicken9 l2j to 15 per pound. Lard 15 c per pd Stylish New Dress Goods. Always best values here in black and colored dress goods and cloth suitings. . We have not stopped at ordinary provi sions we have bought the best om every market, for your choosing, novelties and standard fabrics in wool, choice shades and colorings, new weaves and rare qualities from . 50c. to $160 per yard. New Silk Best Quality, New patterns and colorings are arriving daily and we have an excellent representation of the season's wanted kinds. Wash Silks, the best qualities in the newest and most popular styles. Checks and stripes in all colors, also plain white and black, at 50c. per yard. Black Peau de Soie and Taffetas at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. . 5c Per Yd 5000 V(J$ 5g Per Yd Linen Torchon and Valenciennes Laces. There is a wide line of styles and widths in edges and inser - tions. but they cannot last long when qualities are understood. Freeh Conked Crabs. One half dozen for 30 cents. Neatly packed in light boxes and delivered at express office in Newport. Hour boxes or less shipped to one address -will cost but 35 cents for 'expressage. Address orders to W. G. Emery, Newport, Ore. . Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there . is , money on hand at the county treasurers office to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and including those of August 5th I902. Interest will ue rtoooed on same from this date. Dated C orvallis, Mar. 7th, I903. W A. Buchanan, Tressuret oi nenwr. County, Oregon. SPRIN 7K Our . , .. . ... Dress 7 jr m. as cis Stock I Comprises ready-selling materials, at popular prices, in new and fashionable weaves and colorings. assortment- of Large COLORED ALPACAS, Flake Suitings, Etamines, Granite Cloth, Melrose, and the New Weaves in Black Dress Goods. Fancy Waistings. Our Line of Fancy Waistings is complete, We have them in white, ornamented with heavy stripes- 27-inch A. F. C. Gingham , novelty weaves, fancy stripes, at 10 cents per yard. We carry a full line ot W. B. Corsets. Our three Leaders are, 50-cent Girdles, Extended Hip at $1.00 and $1.50, and Erect Form. . ' Top Round Shoes for Men.. Always $3.50, never less. Ask for ? Top Round and you will be shown the season's latest styles,- Unexcelled in style. material and' workmanship. . Abspl ute ly guaranteed in every particular. Sold only by . - . . , . F , Uliller, -' orvalH$, Oregon. ' S3