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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1903)
SEMI-WEE Vol. XVI. No. 4. CORVAIiLIS, OREGON, MARCH 14, 1903. . F. IRVIXK Editor and Proprietor. 1 j " id I. These Departments Have Received Big Shipm Shoe Department Clothing Department Hat Department ' Dress Goods Departm't Silk and Trimming j " Lining Department Carpet and Rug Dep't Other Departments. WHAT CONGRESS DID BRIEF RESUME OF LEGISLATION ENACTED DURING THE LATE SESSION. CUe Do Hot Ciuc to as high a standard as our desire would promote 'Ql , DSJ. hnf. KAft that, vnn Irinlro nn nniat.aVo in ; the house that keeps the hig v est standard of Grocer- ies that is the , :j ' ' place to . : ::.'..v. ' BUY . Fresb Fruits, Frcsb Ucgttablts, fresh everything to be had in the market. We run our delivery wagon and our aim is to keep what you want and to please. Call and see , ; Co I i Si SCSI 5)l 4 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME EEAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranehes, write for my special list, or come and a me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all ; the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. . " ' HENEY AMBLER, .Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, if . Philomath, Oregon. Don't Cry! We are sure we can match it if , your cbina gets broken, and it Won't cost yon much either. We have so many pat terns and designs to select from that if your china or glassware . porcelain, or crockery gets demolished you can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from our open stock, at prices yon couldn't begin" to match a year ago. P. M. ZIEROLF. Three Trust Bills Passed-Amended Pension Laws Refused Re duction Tariff Rates for Philippines Duty on - Coal Removed- . Other News. Washington March 12, The leg islation enacted by the late congress is summed up in the following: A plan for controlling trusts and corporations was made operative by the passage of the bills, each dove-tailing with the other. These Drovide for publicitv prevent the giving or receiving of rebates, pro hibit discriminating rates and give enits. against trusts precedence in Federal courts over , ordinary cases. Their value depends on how vigorously the President enfor ces them, , The ninth executive department of the Government was created, being designated as that of Com merce and Labor. Efforts to secure this legislation have been made in many previous Congresses without success., ' An act was passed creating a general staff corps for the army, thereby placing it on the same foot-, ing as the European organization. This has been one of Secretary Root's chief ambitions. The reor ganization of the army will be effec tive after the retirement of Gsn. Miles. - Provisions was made for creating miiitia service which will be great service in time of war. ' - A. nevv iinmigrattoa - la w passed which will da much to restrain the incoming of -s objectionable aliens. It will render the contact labor laws more rigid, and puts into execu tion stringent regulations for the exclusion and control of anarchists. The bankruptcy act was amended as to remove the objections . raised against the existing law and to prevent fraudulent transaotiona by debtors. v The gold standard was extended to the Philippine Islands and : a system of coinage provided. This legislation -was strongly urged by the Taft Commission and the nresi dent. It is expected to place busi- nees on a firm basis and increase the general prosperity. The duty on anthracite coal was removed, permitting large - impor tations 01 fuel from Nova- Scotia and Canada. This afforded some relief to the border states from the coal famine caused by the strike in the anthracite regions, - : The sum of $3,000,000 was given to relieve distress in the Philip pines caused by famine and suffer ing due to hostilities. An act was passed to increase the pension of those who have lost limbs in the military or naval serv ice 01 the United states. - The safety of employes and trav elers on railroads has been increas ed by additional legislation requir- Inn tVto naa rt antAmnti. wheel brakes. .-) -'.: , The pension laws were amended to prevent the practice of young women marrying aged ex-soldiers for the purpose of receiving widow pensions after their deaths. The bill reducing tariff on ,all importations from the Phillipines to the United States to 25 per cent of the Dingley act rates; which passed the house, was talked to death in the senate. The measure was urgently desired by the presi dent, who sent his last special message to congress on that ' sub ject r ' ' .... '," - ;'- ' The Fowler currency bill in the house and the , Aldrich financial bill in the senate failed to pass either body. 'Ay.-. . The omnibus statehood bill, which ; passed the house ' last session, provided for the admission of Arizona, New Mexico and Okla homa as states, was filibustered against in the senate for ; nearly ; iourteen weeks and its passage pre vented although a pronounced ma jority of the eenatejfavored it. " Ihe Panama : , canal : treaty and the Cuban reciprocity treaty failed of ratification, and will be con sidered at the . special session of the senate. Washing'on, March 12 The rat ification of the Panama canal trea ty is assured, as the democrats will divide-on it and not make it a par ty question.' The fate of the Cuban treaty is uncertain, as the republicans are divided and the democrats are al most all opposed. Speaker-elect Cannon's predic tion ; that ; public opinion would compel a change in the senate rules was supported yesterday by Sena ator Allison's motion that a com mittee investigate the subject. Land Commissioner Richards will allow cattlemen aod sheep men to graze their herds this season on land withdrawn from entry pre liminary to its addition to forest reserve. : ' " 7 Adjutant-General Corbin says the department of the Columbia will be moved to Portland, it at all. but no move is contemplated. ACCUSE A BISHOP. CHARGES OF A GRAVE CHARAC TER BROUGHT AGAINST HIM. - New. York, March 10. -Mysterl ous death stalked on the Anchor Line steamship Karamania during the voyage from Marseilles, which ended this morning. A number of the passengers He is to be Tried in San Francisco Spain Wants the Maine Raised Says She was . Not Blown up by ' Spaniards. Toledo, O., March 10. After four successive attacks bad been made on nonunion teamsters by striking union men, a member of the 'Tole do Cartage Association declared that be would make application to Gov. Nash tomorrow to call out the state militia to protect the associa tion's men and interests. Today has been one of the mo-t exciting in the city's histoiy, nor is the excitement abated by the strik Washington, Marqh6. A Swede, who gave his name as Z Berg, of Providence, R. I,, tried lor an hour today to see the president. He was krs declaration that a general strike uijlbu uy ub vv uiiiti nuuBH uttauiies to - reduce bis communication- to writing. This he endeavored to do, but failed. One of the secret ser vice officials interviewed him and found him possessed of hallucina tions, rserg said that several years ago he had informed the United States government that the Span iards intended to blow up one of its battleships, and wanted the presi dent to see to it that he received f 100,000 for hia information. Berg was persuaded to return to Provi dence, and there place his claim in the hands of a lawyer. and 2idierlri A 1- !l: P. A A. A. i.1 1 . I Iah TMnf rAirlflttT'j Art an1 - the tact tbat the cause is not ap parent has forced the steamship to remain in quarantine pending a rig orous investigation On the run to Palmero four of the crew were suddenly taken sick and two died. Une 01 the men re covered before reaching Palmero and the remaining sufferer was sent ashore at the latter port. Physt cians at Palmero declared that the man had been poisoned, but found it impossible to state the nature of the toxic. Later in the. voyage several of the crew all occupying , the same ward room were suddenly taken ill. They all rushed on deck, where the fresh air revived . them some what. They complained of the most terrible pains. The compartment occupied by the men was stripped of all its furnishings and thorough ly disinfected. It was then sealed March lstftwo persons manifest ed the same symptoms and died within two hours after making the first complaint. - - Death seemed to haunt, the ship. On the day following, this incident another passenger was seized with the mysterious symptoms and was carried to the hospital, shrieking in the most terrible agony. He died half an hour later. - A little later in the day still a- nother passenger, was found dead in his berth. All the dead passen gers occupied berths adjoining the steerage. . ' With white faces and nervous voices the officars of the liner held funeral services over the victims of the mysterious scourge and threw the bodies over the side. ; ' The only explanation for the many deaths that could be offered, and this is not conclusive by any means, is that a poisonous gas was generated in the hold of the ship by some article of freight, the na ture of which is unknown, and that this gas found its way on its mis sion of death through the various vents leading to the sleeping apart ments. The truth or falsity of this conclusion will probably not be known until the freight is taken OUt. '':'.'(' , ;'::-.v-Ay- San Francisco, March 10. Sail ors recently on the battle ship Ore gon,; who arrived here on tbe steam er Coptic, report that the Oregon was in a terrific storm,, on , Februa ryv20, while en route from Yoko- homa to Woo Sung. The boats were carried away, the large seven ton steam launch was tossed out of its davits and against the turrets, and other damage, though the ship herself sustained very little ' damage. mil be called and that no Toledo freight will be handled by team sters in any part of the country. , The trouble began at noon, when a mob of 400 strikers and sympa thizers followed a truck through the principle business streets, en deavoring to knock and pull from his place a nonunion driver. The mob attempted to do . violence to Manager Turner, of the Moreton Truck Company. Both men were saved from serious injury, howev er, by the police. Later, the police gave notice that any further prov ocation given the strikers would be the fault of the employers and that they would not interfere hereafter. Later, an attempt was made to throw a nonunion driver into the river.'but the man was saved by the police. Not half an hour later another nonunion driver was torn ton Truck Company's office and at the muzzle of a revolver was com pelled to run for his life. ' A simi lar fate befel a nonunion teamster within a blook of the police station. Kansas City. Mar 11 Violence entered into the strike today of 311 drivers employed by the four teen dray companies of this city, who went out this morning for an increase in wages and recognition of their union. Perhaps half a hundred men were employed during the day to take the place of strikers, . though but little work was accomplished by them. .During the afternoon, strikers and their sympathizers gathered in large numbers at several points in the West bottoms and held up wagons driven by nonunion - men. At the Burlington freight depot the police were forced to draw their revolvers to disperse a crowd that had cut the traces of two loaded wagons. At another point, George Evans an employe of the American Ex press Company, in attempting to disperse a crowd tbat was throw ing stones at a driver, fired a shot into the ground: N N Latin, a striker, interfered, and made a move to draw a knife, when both men were arrested. Later, Mrs Evans, wife of the man arrested, gave sn exhibition of nerve when she struck with a whip the leaders in a crowd that in terfered with the wagon on ' which she was riding. . Later Mrs EvanB. took charge of a wagon belonging to the Swofford Dry Goods Co and, unaided, drove the team through the crowd. Her progress was uninterrupted. In Mulberry street between ' 9th & 10th, during the afternoon a crowd blockaded the thoroughfare and threatened the nonunion driv ers, Great excitement prevailed and the police were kept busy keep- idg the crowd in order. San Francisco, March 11. Charg es of the most serious character have been filed against the Right Reverend Willliam H. Moreland, Bishop of the Dioeeso of Sacramen to of the Protestant Episcopal -church.1 Moreland has for years held oae of the highest positions in the church ; and has been a great fayorite socially in . Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Bishop Moreland is charged with' violating the canons of the general convention, violating the canons of the missionary district, breach of his ordination vows and conduct unbecoming a bishop of the Episco pal church. f These charges have created a pro found sensation in society circles as well as within the church itself. Bishop Moreland has as yet mads no reply to the accusations and it is not known what his defense, if any, will be. The specific charges include fal sification of the records; misappli cation of funds of the church in his district; the administration of bap tism in private houses when it was unnecessary; failure to heed the Holy scriptures, and other allega tions. The bishop is accused also of causing a chism and . of making misleading statements to the press and to his ministers. One item in the sensational arraignment :, that bt8 heetfHT r. agaiBsi?5 "bim 2 states that the bishop denied receiv ing a fee tbat had been given him. Still another count in the indict ment is that Bishop Moreland was guilty of playing tennis. Madrid, March 11. Ever sine the conclusion of the Spanish-American war the people and the court of Spain have bad a great de sire to be convinced of the true cause of the explosion of the battle ship Maine in the harbor- of Ha vana. ; The feeling has been , that Spanish agents were not responsi ble for the occurrence. This de sire has taken shape in the cabinet. At the next meeting of the cabinet. Minister of Foreign affairs Aberzu esa will propose that the govern ment float the Maine and ascertain the causa of the explosion. t More Riots. Disturbances of strikes are not - nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse unless a reliable remedy is immediately employed. . There is nothing so. efficient to cure disorders of the liv er or kidneys as Electric Bitters.' It 8 a wonderful tonic and effective nervine and tbe greatest all round medicine for run down - systems. It dispels nervousness, rheumatism . and neuralgia and expels malarial germs. Only 5o cents and satis faction guaranteed by Graham fc Wortham, druggists. , THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure TrJEHE iC UP U3GT0T?ffit 4