The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 11, 1903, Image 4

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Order to That Effect Made by the
Commissioners Court Pres
ent Method the Order Says
Prevents Uniformity
' Other News;
At this week's session, the com
missioners court made an order re
' quiring all property in the county
assessed at its cash value, The or
der recites that as now made, the
valuations are not uniform. The
order is self explanatory, and in
full is as follows:
"It appearing to the court after
due examination and consideration,
of the property shown by the a3
se.ssment rolls of the county, that
, the same is very unequal and in
many iastances, inequitable; said
; property being assessed at from 60
per cent down to in some instances,
20 per cent of its true . cash value.
That the present condition is not
only contrary to the spirit and letter
of the Jaw, but a great injury to the
county in - depreciating its actual
. financial standing to the world at
large. . That by reason of the pre
mises and the system of low val
uations, we are forced by, the re
cords to admit that Benton county
is without financial standing and
onr property of small value, necessi
tating the court, in order to raise
sufficient funds for the proper
maintenance of the county to make
a high tax levy.
Whereas, if the property was
raised to its actual casfa value as
contemplated by law, the tax levy
would be - lowered' accordingly.
That if a certain sum of money is
to be raised for any purpose, the-
raising of the valuations of the tax
able property in the county, -under
our present law, will not increase
any individual's taxes one cent, but
will enable the court to raise
said amount by a proportionate
low levy. That trie small taxpay-
er is carrying an unequal amount
of the public burden, while, due to
the present system of under val
uation and the apparent inability
of the assessor to reach money,
notes and accounts, his more
, wealthy neighbor is escaping tax
ation. ' .''y'
That the tax roll of 1902 shows
that there was but $34,050 in mon
ey in Benton county on the first
- day of March of that year, while
the published report of the First
, National bank of Corvallis, shows
the sum of $349 017.15 on deposit
in its vaults, alone at that time or
in other words, over $300,000 es
caping taxation.
That sec. 3057 of the Bellinger
Code says: "And said lands
er town lots shall be valued at their
true cash value." "True
cash value shall be held and taken
to mean the amount such property
would sell for at a voluntary sale
made in the ordinary course of
Also section 3058. "All person-1
al property not exempt from tax
ation shall be valued at its true
value in cash, and it shall be the
duty of each assessor to value all
improvements on claimed land
within his county as personal pro
perty." , ,
Also section 3067, "It shall be
the duty of the county assessors in
this state, when making their as
sessments for each year to apply to
the proper officer of every banking
institution or express company in
his county, and procure - a certified
sworn statement of the names of
depositors of money or. other val
uables,' with the amounts of money
or other valuables deposited,' at
tached to the name of each deposit
or, for the purpose of assessing the
same." - - , ' -
It is therefore ordered that H. IV.
Bush, assessor of Benton county,
Or., be and he is hereby instructed
and directed to carry out the pn
visions of sections 3057, 3058 &
3067 at pages 1041, 1043, & 1045,.
respectively of the Bellinger Code:
and if said assessor fails and neg
lects to comply , with- this order and
carry out the provisions of said
above mentioned sections, the coun
ty court will consider that he has
failed to properly perform his duties
k and will not receive his assessment
'for the year 1903." ; '
Glens Falls, . N. Yn March 7.
Nineteea men are dead aa a result
of the '' capsizing of the boat
used by the woikmen at the Spies
Falls, about ten miles west of Glens
Falls, on the Hudson River.
More; than 1,000 men are employ
ed there at present in the construc
tion of the power dam of the Hud
son River Power Company. " The
' laborers and many of: the masons
are Italians, who live in shanties
on the nortbside of the river. The
main portion of tbe work is carried
n at present on the opposite aide
f the rivf r. Tbe men hae bem
in ih hatnt of crossing a email
KriHup whurft tha river, flows
w. &. , . --- ,
through,, an unBniphpd portion of
the dam, but th river has been
rising lor several dayp, and he
company, fearing the bridge was
unsafe, destroyed it with djLa
mi'e. Bilow the bridgo about the work
id a ferry. Tbe boat is a scow
shaped affair, about 30 feet long
aod ab iut 13 feet wide, and i op
erand by means of cables. It in
large enough to carrv a heavilj
loaded team and as many aa 150
me 1 have be n takm across it at
one time. .
Wnen the men were being carri
ed across yesterday an Italian boy
became frighu ned aod fell over
board. He was reecae I, however.
This moroing 70 or 80 men got
al ard of the boat, leaving a big
crow a on the bank waiting for tho
n.-xt trip. When a few feet from
sh re. the water pplaebed agn t
tbb rail, and -the boy who had fall
en over the prev ous day 6cizd one
of tn tackle ropes which ran from
tbe overbed cabin t' the ctern of
tbe bo it. Some of the men ttarttd
toward bim and in-taotly tbe
carfftotd and fi led. The Hudson,
f.woll--n bv the Ires'! -nine, bore a
eoore or more of the Btruzglii
men duvvn the stream. Many oth-
trs succeeded 10 catching hold of the
boat, which bad ligbttd, and tbey
clrrri there until they were pulled
s re. ' ' ' ' ' '
T. e wiliest excitement prevailed,
but the current carried many of the
men toward 6hore, where tbey were
rescued. Teams were quickly har
nessed and loaded with ekilled log
drivers aod sent down the river to
pointa 'where the bodies would 1 ke
ly be foand. Dozens of diii'&er
pails, hats and coats were fished
out, but it was nearlv 6 o'clock be
fore the first body was fouod. This
wa3 fouDd in a log jam 2 miles be
low tbedam, and was recognized as
thnt of an Italian interpreter.
Toe river for miles is being
watched and dragged in 'hopes of
findiog the bodies of the other vic
tims. There were but two or three
EoglUh-speaking men on the boat,
tbe Italians being all designated by
number. The rolls of the men were'
called, and tonight everybody has
been accounted for but 16 men, and
it is certain that these men were
drowned. ' . "
, It. is unlikely that all the bodies
will be recovered. , The river is full
of logs, and at the high boom, five
miles down tbe river, there are
many thousands of them. .
Portlind, March 7. Channing
M. Ward, of Evanston, Wyo., and
D. S. Kamerer, of Pittsburg, Pa.,
says the Portland. Journal, arrived
this morning for the purpose of at
once establishing a packii g house
in Portland. These are two of the
gen'lemen who - incorporated the
Columbia Packing Company with
a capital stock of $750,000. Mr.
Ward, who seems to be at the bead
of the concern, was very uncom
municative regarding the project on
font of making Portland a live
stock center. '
"I am not in a position to make
a statement as to what we are go
ing to do," was the invariable an
swer to nearly every question put
to Mr. Ward.
"What did you come to Portland
for?" was asked. I
"We came to look . around for a
few days. , When we get our bear
ings then we will go back East,
make seme necessary arrangements
with the other incorporators and
then return, to Portland."
"Is it a fact that you are going
to start a meat packing plant in
Portland?" was the next question.
"It looks that way, does it not?"
counter-questioned Mr. Ward.
. "When are you going to start
work, then?"
"I do not know when we will
start work, but you may be assur
ed that it will be pretty soon. We
came hers te start a meat packing
plant and we are going to do it.
We cannot discuss our plans for
the present or future, as we must
first investigate and get our bear
ings, then we can talk." 1 .
The Columbia Packing Company,
of which Mr. Ward seems to be the
head, was incorporated in Portland
about two months ago with a capi
tal stock of $750,00, the incorpora
tors! being C. M. Ward, David S.
Kamerer and E.' B. Wilson. About
three weeks ago an option was tak
en by this company on 400 acres of
land near St. Johns. It is under
stood that.the property will be pur
chased by the company at $loo an
acre." .;
' The plant of this . company . will
give employment to about l,ooo
men. It will be furnished with the
most modern machinery. -.
Our store will close at 7 p. m
during January, February and
March, Saturday evenings excepted
J. H. Harris.
I How His Garden Grew f
THE averag-e man who moves from
a fla.t or from a city house with a
12 by 14 lawn to a p.s.ce in. the suburbs
with a generous, back yard yearns to
plant things aud see them grow.
Mr, Grimston which, by the way,
is not ' his real name says this wag
one of his ideals which, last year, was
rudely shattered. He says he thinks
the reason Mary was-"quite contrary"
was because her garden made her so.
Their1 suburban residence has quite
an extensive back yard, and Mr. Grim
ston worked ind-ustriously at it morn
ings and evenings, trying to get it into
presentable shape, for tho previous
tenants had used it as a depository for
tin cans, old rusty pans and disabled
coffee pots. '.. j
"How delightful it is to live in a home
at last," he remarked to a friend who
called one evening soon after they had
moved. "I don't call the flat where we
have been living a home. 'God bless our
home' looks out of place on the walls'
of a suite of rooms in a large apartment
building; it ought simply to be 'God
bless our flat.' We have procured a
cat and three kittens in order to make
the place seem as homely as possible,
and I am going to raise one of the finest
gardens in the back yard you ever
saw. To raise our own vegetables will
be a saving of money, and " .
"1 don't know about that," inter
rupted his friend. "I raised some po
tatoes one year and at the end of the
season found they had cost me just five
dollars a bushel. Cheaper, to buy at
the grocery, you know."
"That was because you hired a man
to take care of 'em. I'm going to work
H15- garden myself. I shall attend to
it mornings and evenings,, see."
"There is something poetical and
wonderful to me about the planting
season,", said Mr. Grimston when he
came home one night with various
packages of seed. "Think of the germ
of life inclosed in -one of these tiny
seeds! Our schoolbooks- told ns of
a raspberry seed found in the stomach
of a man who had been dead hundreds
of years, and the seed Upon being plant
ed grew and produced fruit. There' is
no accident or caprice in nature; every
little seed knows, just what it has to do
and it does it."
"I am not posted.. on such things,"
replied his. wife, ;'but I wish our yard
had more sunshine. Those large tree's
on either side of us will completely shade
your garden."
"Oh, that doesn't matter," he re
turned; "don't you worry; This after
noon I shall plant my radish, lettuce,
onion arid cucumber seeds, and to-morrow
I shall plant my peas and buy some
tomato plants. The vegetable man will
not , make much by calling here this
year, my dear! - Think of having fresh
vegetables of our own growing! When
I was a boy and used to visit my uncle
in the country I would take some salt
nd go to the garden and break open a
large, beautiful tomato, red as ruby
on the inside, sprinkle some salt on it
and eat it right there, and I assure you
it was perfectly delicious. ' And the
radishes! Why, half the radishes we
buy are. soft and spongy from being
kept too long. You will see that ours
will be crisp and toothsome." '.
Mr. Grimston whistled gayly aa he
raked and hoed his vegetable beds,'
and who so happy as he when .the
threadlike green spears and scalloped
leaves began to peep from the ground!
"Our lettuce will be very fine,' he
said ; "it has such large, strong roots,
and our tomatoes ara growing like
"I should think sol" returned his
wife. VAt Ihe rate, these plants are
shooting up they ought to bear fruit
as; large as watermelons."
"True," said he, "and the cucumber
roots also are very large. The onions
look a little sickly, but they'll come out
all-right, for onions-will grow any
where." ' i , !
He had driven sticks in the ground
for his peas, which were beginning to
grow nicely ,-and he felt that, taken all
in all, his garden was in a very satisfac
tory condition, 'z ;
Unfortunately Mary Ellen thecat
and her offspring enjoyed working in
the garden fully as well asi did Mr.
Grimston,' and this became more evi-.
dent as the kittens grew older. The !
twining pea vines were a never-ending
source of delight to the kittens. Some
times they amused themselves by
climbing to the top of the supports;
at others they preferred to stand off
a few paces and with a sudden run and
jump thrpw themselves against the
vines, which they bore triumphantly
to the ground. Mr. Grimston. tried to
keep these pests shut up in the cellar,
but stupid Bridget invariably managed
to let them escape from their prison,
when they returned to their old tricks
with more enthusiasm than before.
' "Ye'll niver raise a garden wid thim
cats around!'' said Bridget, who was
tired of being reproached for her care
lessness. ' Vj ''.- ;-,"' " j -.
"I agree with you, Bidget,,, he re
turned, "and I will get rid of Mary El
len if you will dispose of the kittens.
Is it a bargain?"
"Sure, an' I think 1 can maaag it,
she replied. . . .." ' ,-. ' , '
Early the next morning, Mr. Grim
ston started out on his wheel with
Mary Ellen under his arm. She did
no aeein to pprtcit thi form of
locomotion, and when shoot mil
from iofflt cseaped from him and fled,
fiaoa of whit across th grtnef a
vacant lot. He had Intended t lake
her much farther, but felt sure she
would mot find her way back again. -s
At twilight he saw Bridget go out
tif the back gate with an old peach
basket covered with newspapers on her
arm. From the interior of the basket
came feeble, but continuous protests!
in the form of plaintive little squeaks
and wail. He asked no questionsThor
did Bridget upon her return vouchsafe
any information. .'
'The following morning a Email boy
informed iir. Grimston that the old
lady who' lived in the house with the
extensive grounds in the next block
wished to ste him. She was Xhc rich
est woman in the neigr.bci.hicG' and
was said to be ecetnu.o 'tad more or
less of a terror to her acv-i.tances.
Greatly surprised ul her w'jili' to see
him,: and t; vii:g to surmiv? what her
object could be, Mr. G nation called
there on his way to the train. The
maid who opened the door left him
standing in the wide hall, after sourly
informing him that her mistress would
be down in a moment. - ' '-' :
The mistress soon appeared; ; she
was tall and large in proportion.: Her
mouth wai ao stt with auger as to ap
pear almost square, and her eyes had
so narrowed themselves as to be near
ly closed. She o-.i.ined to fill the hall
with an atmosphere of wrath.
. "I would have you know, sir," she
said, in a low, intense voice, "that my
place is not a pound." ,
"Certainly not, madam," agreed the
puzzled Air. Grimston.
"Then what do you mean by leav
ing your wretched cats here?"
He understood her now. Bridget had
let the kittens escape, and they had
entered this woman's grounds.
"Oh,", he said, smiling feebly, "I am
very sorry, indeed. 1 I missed my
kittens, but had no idea where they
had gone. Am very sorry they came
here, but there is no telling where
cats will wander, you know." '
"Wanuer! You don't mean, to say
that three kittnes will wander away
in a basket cf their own' accord, do
' you ? My youngest boy saw your maid'
leave those cats on my back porch last
night. . Determined to find who. she
was he traced her to your house."
- "I sincerely regret this," he said, in
great distress., 'Our maid is just over
from the old country. She' does not
seem to understand half that we say
to her. I haven't the faintest idea
why she' brought the kittens here'
.". His antagonist surveyed him cynic-
"It is your maid's fault that the old
cat also is here?" she asked. ,
"I don't understand," murmured Mr.
-"Fellow me, sir!" she commanded,
and preceded him to the back porch. .
- Alas. r There was the identieal peach
.basket, there were the three kittens
playing about, and, worst of all, there
was Mary Ellen herself, who arched
her: back and affectionately rubbed
herself, against him as' one who joy
fully, greets an old acquaintance.
"I assure you, madam," declared the
wretched Grimston, "that I had noth
ing whatever to do with1 sending the
cats here!" . ' ' ..
"My coachman passed your house
early yesterday morning," said she.
"He saw you start out with this cat;
when he returned an hour later the
creature was in my yard."
Mr. Grimston felt that were this a
'case of murder the circumstantial evi
dence would be strong enough to hang
him. He tried to explain, but she
would not listen, being one of those
persons who like to hug a grievance
to their hearts and are loath to have
it explained away. : ,
"Take your animals and go!" she
said. .
He put the kittens into the basket,
not without somevdifficulty, for they
objected strongly to the arrangement;
then, taking Mary Ellen under the
other arm, he bade the mistress of the
house a polite good morning and went
out at the back gate, feeling that his
exit was by no means a dignified one.
He carried his burdens home and left
them in the cellar..,
"If you let those cats out of here
again," he said to Bridget, relieved to
find some one upon whom to vent his
wrath, "you'it be 'sorry ror it!"
The im'ustice of this Trrlnfnn
wrought upon Bridget's feelings to
such a degree that when he returned
home that night he found his wife
with a tragic brow preparing dinner,
and was informed that the maid had
departed. ' " ' ' , '
r.The garden, the cause of all this
trouble, continued to grow with the
most surprising results. The lettuce
had remarkable roots, but no tops. A
sufficient quantity of small pale leaves j
were procurea from the bed one day
that was the first and last appearance
to garnisn a aisn or cola ham, and
of Mr. Grimston's lettuce in public.
The , radish leaves were laree and
strong, but their roots were pale and
attenuated; the tomato plants grew
tall and vigorous and produced two or
three tomatoes the size of cherries.
Aunt Deborah .from the country sat
down on the ground and laughed when
she visited, the garden.
. "You don't mean to tell me, Oliver,
that you tried to raise onions from
the seeds?" she said. '"Why didn't you
get the sets?" '
"I didnt know that there were such
things as onion sets," said he..: "They
wouldn't have done any good if I had
planted them., I had tomato 'sets'
if that's what you call them and look
at them now! They seem to have had
the -notion that they were intended to
be currant bushes."
Aunt Deborah laughed again, and so
did Mr. Grimston, but not so heartily .'
And this is why Mr. Grimston's back
yard is covered- this year with soft
green grass Chicago Evening Post.
MiUet la Banian
SBJlst ka in some partsof- Eussia
taken th pises of w h'sail as .n-article
of staple food. -Millet cansbe grown
on soil unfavorable to other grains,,
but it cannot resist the effect of cold.
From 1892 to 1896 the average annual
production of millet seed in Russia
was. 6,000,000 bushels, but in 1896-it
ran up to 9,500,000 bushels, and is re
maining more or less at this figure. '
Prlntlae la : China. S,000 Years Ago.
Printing is said to have been knows
in China aa early as 202 B. C. . -
, Reduction In Water Bates.
We are piopoeing to reduce the rates
on water, and to arrange with all con
sumers so that all may be treated "the
same. " To do this we must insist on all
nHls being paid in advanofe or by the 10
of the month as onr rules rnd regulations
ca'l for, and as all other cities require.
We have no deeire to have any . trouble
with any consumer, but to ... treat all
alike. Our rules must be enforced. If
anything should happen that? the witter
is not used after being paid , : for, the
money will be refunded.
1 Very Trnlv Yours,
Corvallis Water Co.
For Sale.
Shropshire eheep and " Poland China
hogs. Wanted to buy or take on shares,
band of goats.
- L. T. Brooks.
On Jefferson street, . a purse contain
ing small change and a thimble Finder
please return same to Times office.
V Nat Bmter :
la avery popuKr substitute for fat
and oil?. Aft Zierolt'a. N .
Notice of Final Settlement.
In thn matter ot the estate ot Eld a J. Elliott, de
ceased ;
Notice is hpiebv Tlvpn that I. Ernest Elliott,
i as Hdlnini-trat r with the will nnuexeil of the
estat 01 iuaa j. jiuott, deceased, nave men
my AdmI account as such administrator with the
cierg 01 me countv court or Beiii-m county, siaie
of Oregon. KUI the sai-i court has Used Mon
day the 6th day o' Apill, K.03, at the hour of
2 o'clock in the afteriioon'of ! aaid dav aa th
time, and the county court room in tbe court
house at Corvallis. Oregon, as the place for
nearlng any and all objections to the said ac
count, and for setUnmeut thereof .
Uated.Majch 6, 1903.
Administrator with the will annexed of the es
tate ot Elda J. Elliott, deceased.
Summons. -
Id the Circuit Court pi the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Kuth H Ohllds. Plaintiff. - vs BE Lonebottom
D D Longbottom, J J Lonebottom A Boy, Sadie.
Koy, Amanda m toDKOOttora, jonn iiongoui
tom, Hallle Longboitom, Defendants.
To R E Loneboltom. J J Lonebottom; A Soy,
Sadie Boy, Amanda M Longbottom, John
Longbottom, Hallie Longbottom, Six of tho de
fendants above named:
In tne name of the State of Oregon, ynu are
hereby cmnmoned and required to appear In the
above Court at the Court room thereof, In the
f:itv of Corvallis. Benton Countv. State of Ore
gon on or before Wednesday the 25th day of
March, 1903 to answer to thePlaintuTa Complaint
now on file In said Court in this suit and if ynu
fail so to appear and answer lor want tnereot
the Plaintiff will take a decree of said Court for
the relief Braved for In said Complaint towit:
That the Plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of
the following described premises towit:
Beginning at the S E Corner of the Ji E Quar
ter of Section 2 being the S W Corner of Kobt
Grier's homestead Claim; and running thence
W 0 rods; thence Jf 87 and rods: tueuce E
80 rods . thence S 87 and rods to the place of
beginning : also a narrow strip land being a part
of Lot No 3 In said Section and bounded as
follows: On the E by the S E Quarter of the N E
Quarter of said Section 2 and on the S by the
land of William A Slate and on the W by the
laud otsald Slate aud on the north by the land
of C C Chandler and being a part ot said Lot 3,
heretofore sold to C C Chandler by EM Belts
save and except one-half acre of tne above des
cribed, given for a cemetery and described as
follows: i
Commencing at the 8 E Corner, ot the N E
Quarter of said Section 2, running thence N 22
rods; thence W 3 rods and 16 links, thence S
22 rods! thenceE 3 rods and 16 Unksfto the place
of beginning containing half an acre, also ex
cept tne following.
Beginning at a point where the E line of the
James Edwards Don L CI Not No 7870 CI No 47
running thence Bust 61 degrees South I chain
and 64 links thence S 55 degrees W 2 chains to
Alsea River,: thence following said river to
where It Intersects said E line of said James
Edwards land claims thence Nto th ; place of be
ginning containing one-fourth ace more or less
all being in Section JT14SB8W Will Mer in
Benton County, State of Ojegon, and decreeing
that you have no right, claim title or interest of.
In orto the same anddebarrlngtanden joining yon
frpm asserting any claim or interest therein.
This summons Is published by the order ot
Hon Virgil E Watters, Judge of the County
Court ot the State of Oregon for Benton County
made on the 10th day of February, 1903, To be
published for six consecutive weeks and the
date of the first publication thereof to be Feb
ruary 11, 1903.
. W.S. and J. N. MgFaddbK,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the matter ot the Estate of William Allen ,
Notice Is hereby given that I, Mary C Allen,
as administratrix ot the estate of William Allen
deceased, have filed my final account as such
administratrix with the Clerk of the County
Court of Benton county. State of Oregon, snd
the said Court has fixed Monday the 6th day
ot April. 10S, at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon of aald day as the time, and the
County Courtroom in (KS'Bourt house in Cor
vallis, Oregon, as the place for hearing any and
all objections to the said final account and for
settlement thereof. '
, Dated this March 7,1903. "
MaryC. Allen.
Administratrix of the estate ot William Allen,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice iB hereby given that the undersigned,
executrix of the estate of John Burnett, deceas
ed, has filed her final account In said estate In
the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Bentan Countv. and on Monday. April 6th. 1903,
at the hour of ten o'clock a m, at the County
Court Room in the Court House In Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, is the time and place
fixed by the Court for bearing objections, if
any, to said final account and settlement
l.artha Burnett,
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
of Klnman Vanderpool, deceased, and all per
sons having claims against said estate are here
by required to present the same duly verified
as bv law required to me at Wells, Oregon, or
at the office of Yates & Yates, Corvallis, Orego n
within six months from this date .
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 7th day ' of
February, A D, 1903, . .
Vieoii, a. Caster.
Administrator of the estate of Klnman Van
derpool, deceased.
Notice for Publication,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
Jany 12th, 1903.
N otlce Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of cengress of June 8,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states' of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
Public.Land states by act ot August 1, 1892,
Adelbert D. Perkins,
of Toledo, county of Benton, state of Oregon,
has this day filed In this office his sworn state
ment No 6009 for the purchase of the Hfi of
NE H of Section No -28 in Township No 12 S
Bang No 1 West, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its
timber or stone than for Agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land before
Victor P- Moses, Olerk of Benton County, Ore
gon, Corvallis, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 8th
day of April, 1903: '
He numes as witnesses : .
John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon.
Frank M Spencer' " ' ' .
' WlUiam Brazelton of Toledo. Oregon,
Charles Kreger " "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 8th
day of April, 1903. '
".,v . ' Begister, .
Willamette Valley
Banking Company.
Responsibility, $100,000
A dflnonol Dnnlrinw Dnm'Mii
Exchange leaupd Payable at all finan
cial centers iu United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Correspondents.
Limited; anvlia-i Uhi ; ommerce.
SAJI FRAITCIS O London & San Fraacia-
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LOMON. ENG. London & San Franofeoo
Bank Limited.
- Francisco Bank Limited. .
Time Card Number 21.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany . . ,
" Corvallis.
. " arrives Yaquina.. , .
r Returning: , "
leaves Yaquina.......
Leaves Corvallis
12:45 P- m
2:00 p. m
0:25 p. m
6:45 a. m
11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany.. .. 12:15 P-ta
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m
Arrives Detroit 12:05 p. m
4 from Detroit;
Leaves Detroit ..12:45 p. m
, Arrives Albany 5:35 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
Train No 2 connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany giving direct ser
vice ' to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springs the
same day.
For further information apply to
" Edwin Stonb,
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
Office In Zierolf Building. Hours
from 8 to 5. Corvallis, Oregon;
. Homcopathist
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sU.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to.10 A, M,
Phone residence 315. .
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. Consul
tation and examinations free.
Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
G. R. FARE. A,
Residence In front ot court house facing trd.
it. Office houn 8to9a.rn.lto3 and T tos;
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
B. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
W. T. Rowley, M. D, ,
Physician, Surgeon, Occulist
Corvallis, Oregon.
Oefick Rooms i and 2, Bank Building. '
Besidencb On Third street, between
Monroe and Jackson. Res. telephone
number 6n, office 481.
Officb Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 P m.
E. R. Bryson,
Physician .& Suygeon
Office TOrvpot(Be. iftaaSdaooaCar,
Fifth Bd Jwonieaets. rHns
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Physiciari and Surgeon.
Office, Boom 14, First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. - Office Hours,
10 to 12 a, m 2 to 4 p. m.
; : :;''-!V iv.V-X