The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 11, 1903, Image 1

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    County Slerk's &dot
t fti
Vol . XVI.--N0. 4.
Editor ana proprietor.
m- : gg - s g & &
Tust Received.
$ & s -
Kippendorf, : ..'
Every Pair Guaranteed.
4-' Prices are-Right. v ' . 1 ;.
Complete Line of Dress Goods.
Nobby Patterns. Call and see, ,
i- s& g si .
lUe Do Hot Cipe
) to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the
place to
' BUY -
- ,v. ' . . - - - - . . ' - i ,t , '
(o Fresh Fruits,
fresh everything to be had
C run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep what you
; please'.' Call
good bargains instock,
Ranches, write for 'my special list, or come and
4 see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all &
the reliable information you wish, also showing
you over the country. ..
jCx Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
rj Philomath, Oregon.
Fresb Uegetables,
in the market. We
want and to ,
and see : '
grain, fruit and poultry
Don't Cry I
We are sure we can match it if "your
china gets broken, and it won't cost you
; much either. We have so many pat
terns and designs to select from that if
your china or glassware porcelain, or
crockery gets demolished you can buy a
new supply from our fine sets, and from
our open stock, at prices - you couldn't
begin to match a year ago. '
1 'WEEK. -
Negro Killed' Whole Family with
Hatchet Benson Under Arrest ,
Five new Battleships to
. be Added to American
Navy Other News,
, Chicago, March 3 D W. vCar
lin, a studeDt in the theological de
partment of the Northwestern Uni
versity, is insane from an , attempt
to live on $2 a week. Carlin cooked
his own meals and practiced many
other economies. Students eay he
did not have sufficient nourishment.
Besides denying himself food
Carlin worked hard, and it is
thought thia had much to do with
bis illness. He had charge of a
small church at Cardiff. -
" Birmingham, Ala., March
Mra. J. C. Dickerson, who, with her
hatband, was assaulted by a negro
at the Dickerson home, at Cordova,
on Wednesday night, died in . the
infirmary here this evening, and
Mr. Dickerson is not , expected to
Kve. Mrs. Dickerson recovered con
sciousness this morning and identi
fied Henry Walker, a negro, who
was arrested on suspicion, as the
assailant. , 1
v Mrs. Dickerson said her hus
band was aroused by the negro,
who ice mediately -. attacked ; him
with a hatchet, knocking him sense
less. ' ': V ,..
J "I pprang but of my bed with
my baby in my arms," Mrs. Dick
erson continued, "and ' the' negro
then hit me with 'the hatchet, at
tbe.eame ,time jerking, tb.,baby
from my arms and throwing it a
cross the room upon the bed. At
this moment Mr. Dickerson half
arose, and . the negro dealt him
another heavy blow with the batch
et, knocking him down again,
. "Then he turned upon me, etrik
ing me several times. Finally the
negro overpowered me and draggsd
me into an adjoining room, where.
after assaulting me, he hit-, me . on
the head with a. heavy revolver".
There is great excitement at Cor
'' Olympia, Wash., March 7.
Christ Benson, the murderer of jail
er Morrell, at Olympia last 'Sun
day, was captured last night, and
is again in his cell at Olympia. .
. Benson was found in a deserted
cabin tfrOytniles .west of town, .' lie
offered no resistance when ' caught.
- A mob surrounded the jail, with
loud cries of "Hang him! hang
him I" but ' every precaution was
taken against violence.
When telling bis story the niur
derer cried like a child.
r He has several times, been in the
hands of men looking for him, but
who let him go after looking at his
face. He was in Tacoma half a
day and then returned to Olympia.
Washington March 6. The con-
ferrees oa the naval appropriation
bill reached an agreement at lo
o'clock tonight. The senate sur
rendered on the principal item of
disagreement. ' the amendment re
lating to the increase of the navy.
The provision as agreed upon pro
vides for three battle ships of 16,-
ooo tons displacement, and two bat
tle ships of ,13,ooo , tons displace
ment, and entirely eliminates the
provision for cruisers. .
The house conterrees , argued tor
three large battle ships and one
large cruiser, while the senate con
terrees worked for smaller warships.
The house programme is accepted,
except that two 13,ooo ton battle
ships are substituted for one cruiser-
It is provided that the ships
may b built by contract or at the
nawyardsf ii it " i found that a
combinatios of shipbuilders exist.
The ei conferreea wrangled forty-
eight hours. President Roosevelt
today seriously complicated mat
ters by informing members of the
naval affairs committee that the
house provisions must be accepted.
He favors the large type of battle
ship. : He told these members em
phatically that if an agreement
could not be reached he would feel
strongly inclined to reconvene both
branches of congress in extraordin-
ljr session . - . ? ,..:
London, March 2. Ex-Crown
Princess Louise's younger sister,
Archduchess Margaret Maria of
Tuscany, may succeed her as the
wife of the future king of Saxony,
according to dispatch from Dres
den, u - f ' , . -
The Archduchess, the seventh
child and third daughter of Grand
Duke Ferdinand IV, : of Tuscany,
was twenty-one years old last Oc
tober, being eleven years younger
than Louise. " . ' '
Margaret is said to have express
ed her willingness to wed Crown
Prince Frederick, and' it is also
said that the union would please
tbecrown prince's divorced wife,
because she would prefer - to see her
sister the stepmother to her chil
dren rather than a stranger. .
Seattle, March 7. A special to
thel Post-Intelligencer from Dawson
says:', . -ii-: v -V :y.--
' ""Five people were burned to death
in the Aurora road house on Hunk-;
flCreek at 2 o'clock Thursday
aborning. Charles : Berneie, who
owtied the house, his wife and two
children and Thomas Baird, who
was in charge of one of the govern
ment road hooses. were burned to a
crisp. Neighbors near the burning
building were unable to enter on
account of the smoke. N
. The Bernsie family came from
Portland, Oregon. - Baird was from
Ontario. - '. '
; .... - ... ...
Riehmond, Va.,v March 6. In
formation regarded as trustworthy
has been received here that Mrs.
Florence Cr, Maybrick will be pard
oned and set free from Ailsworth
prison, in England, on May. 1,
;There are suits pending here in
which she is interested. Her coun
sel, Judge L. D,Garrell, is here to
tit she can come here and testify
Judge Garrell's partner, Mr. Hu-
den, of Washington, has just seen
Mrs. Maybrick and certain officials
of the British government.
: Judge Garrell said tonight he
would riot deny that he had, from
official tources, information that
his client would be free within four
teen months. ' ' :
The suits pending here are to up
set deeds that Mrs. Maybrick made
on the night oi her conviction con
veying for $lo,ooo, lands in Virgin
ia now worth millions. It is claim
ed that when she made these deeis
ebe was not sound mentally. Pres'
ident McKinley officially asked for
the release of Mrs. Maybrick, believ
ing that she had. been unjustly con
victed. : v .
. Mrs. Maybrick was Miss Florence
C- Chandler, of Mobile, Ala., i
niece of a Confederate cabinet offi
eer. sne met James Alaybricx, a
ncn ibngxisnman, when be was a
cotton broker at Norfolk, Va. They
soon married and went to England.
She was convioted of his murder.
: Noblesville,-Ind., March 6. Ru
fus Cantrell came here from In
dianapolis today to testify before
the grand jury. Cantrell made a
full confession to the jury of his re
lations with men of this county,
wno, ne says, nave been robbing
graves in nearly every cemetery in
the' county for seven or eight years.
He said the bodies were taken on
the river as. far as the Broad Ripple
in boats and hauled to the colleges
in wagons. : ?
Colima. Mex., March 6. At 10
o'clock this ' morning the volcano
was again in action, the eruption be
ing the most violent yet. ; The peo
ple at luxpam are in consternation.
According to advices from that
point, the eruption was accompan
ied by showers of ashes and dense
clouds, darkening the sky.
Some of the people have fled to
neighboring hills, and - the people
in their fright knelt in the streets
to pray' Many houses and stores
have been closed.
Natchez," Miss., March. 7. The
Mississippi is One foot above the
danger .line. The steamer Senator
Cordill, from Vicksbursr, is 12 hours
overdue, having been delayed , by
the removal of stock and people to
safety. 'All landing pi aces -save two
between here and Bayou Sara are
submerged. -
Made a Speech, Saying he Didn't
Mean to do it Hesitated Be
- fore'be Fired he Says ' "
- Judge Hamilton's Re
' , marks Other
News, .
- . . , ' ' v
Eugene March 5.- Elliott Lyons,
the murderer of Sheriff Withers
heard his doom pronounced by
Judge Hamilton in the circuit court
this morning. The court room was
crowded with spectators, and a deep
hush fell over the audience as the
sheriff and deputies brought in the
prisoner. The Guard' thus describes
the final act in the trial: ' .
';. The'room, already full of people,
became packed in a moment. As
Lyons stood up before the judge
there was a stillness of death in the
room, . ..' .
Jpftlr. Lyons, come forward," com
rjranded the court. He waited the
touch of the sheriffs hand and stood
up with his hat in his hand . before;
him. . The light coming -in- at the
window opposite him caused a great
frown to come to his face but other
wise he looked as usual, the 'bitter,
weak, repressed desire to weep be
ing ever present. ' ' - ;
"Mr. Lyons," Judge Hamilton
said, nave you anytning to say
why the court should not pass sen
tence upon you in accordance with
the law and the verdict of the jury
which has found you guilty of the
crime of murder in the first de
gree?" The guilty wretch shifted
his weight to the other foot, ' threw
back his bead and said in a low
Voice, accompanied by grimaces and
facial contortions as if speaking
with grear difficulty, "I don'rknow
why l bred tbe snot, I : hesitated a
Hong time and he (Withers) ought
to have seen my gun. 1 . think
Smith (constable) is to blame for
he was standing at the back wind
ow and could net have helped from
Beeing me with the pistol he ought
to have come in and I wouldn't
have fired. I I didn't mean to do
it."- ' v - ... -
With, the last words the murder
er's voice sank to a - murmur and
his eyes dropped to the floor and
then raised them again to the judge.
He was a despicable specimen of
humanity as he stood there. It was
a common expression that -it was
too bad Mr; Withers had to be kill
ed by such a weak speciman of ha
manity ; V-'r : . . ' -
. The court commenced as soon as
the last words of the prisoner were
uttered and spoke in a dear concise
tones tbe following words: Mr
Lyons, you wantonly took the life
of a good and faithful man, a life
which you could not replace and
which has gone to eternity as the
result of your proven aet. - The life
belonged to an officer of the law,
who, at the time, was in the faith
ful performance of his duty. What
has been done is past and you have
been found guilty by a jury of your
peers of tbe crime of murder. I re
frain from mentioning the past life
which has educated you to commit
this, the worst crimeknown to law.
You were a fugitive from the law
at the time of ' your attempted ar
rest. What has, gone before does
not matter now, except as a lesson
to others who are impressed with
the kind of life which leads from
one crime to another.
The court appointed counsel to
see that you had your rights respect
ed, and that counsel (George B.
Dorris) has acquitted himself with
credit for the profession of the law.
It was an unpleasant duty for him.
"The verdict handed in by the
jury was totally warranted by the
evidence brought in. You are, be
yond the shadow of a doubt, guilty
of this murder. It will not do for
you to say that the crime was , tbe
fault of any other man or " person.
You said "any. person attempting
to get the drop on me does not val
ue bis. life,' or words to that . effect.
You took life under this circum
stance and you alone are responsi
ble. You have come to the end to
which all criminals of your' kind
eventually come to - the commis
sion of some crime which effectual
ly removes you from the pale of so
ciety. ., ' -
It is now but a short time until
you will be no more on this earth
as a living being. I therefore ab
jure you to see to your mental prep
urubiou iw your aeam.
"This court has an unpleasant duty
to perform. The sentence of this
court is, that on Friday, April 17th,
1903, between tbe hours of 9 a. m.
and 4 p. m., in the court yard of
the jail situated at the county seat
of Lane county, Oregon, witnessed
by at least 12 bona fide citizens of
this county, you hang by the neek
until dead. May God have merer
on your soul."
The prisoner: did not exhibit anr
emotion whatever but stood still
until tbe sheriff turned him around
to take him back to jail. He then
gave a great sigh as if his last hope
had gone.. ... . -
In the midst of the stillness of
the courtroom the clock on the tow
er struck 10.
Salem, Or., March 8. Corpora
tions fared very well at the hands
of the last legislature, for, though
there were a number of measures
passed, and many more introduced, ,
affecting these organizations, noth-
ing was done that could in any way"
make this a less attractive state for
the operation of ' corporations. A
general corporation license tax law
was passed, providing - eraduated
fees. for organization and annual li
cense' charges based upon the a
mount of the Capital stock, yet the
fees required were moderate,, and
would - not be burdensome to any
concern operating upon a legitimate
business basis, several bills hav
ing for their purpose the assess
ment and taxation of the franchis
es or intangible property of certain
classes of corporations, were defeat
ed, much to the disappointment of
a large number of people, who were
believers in the enactment of eucb.
a law. "
The license tax law will go into
effect May 21. It provides that all
corporations hereafter organized in
this state shall pay the fees therein
set forth, and at the same time the
annuaJLJ icenje Jfee, for the succeed .
ing fraction of a fiscal year. - The
fees required, are as follows:
. Where the capital stock does not
exceed $5,ooo, a fee of $lo; capital
stock from $5,ooo to $lo,ooo, a fee
of $15; capital stock from $lo,ooe
to $25,ooo, a fee of $2o; capital
stock from $25,ooo to $5o,ooo, a fee
of $25; capital stook from $5o,ooo
to $loo,6oo, a fee of $35; capital
stock from $leo,ooo to $25o,ooo, a
fee of $45; capital stock from $25o,
ooo to $5oo,ooo, a fee of $6o; capi
tal stock from $5oo,ooo to $l,ooo,ooo
a fee of $75; capital stock from $1,
000,000 to $2,000,000, a fee of $9o;
capita! stock exceeding $2,ooo,ooot
a oa rf 21 aa -
This tax does not apply to cor
porations formed for literary, scien
tific, educational, religious or char"
itable purposes, but such corpora
tions are required to pay a fee of $5
on organization. On an increase
of capital stock, - the same rate ofr
for original incorporation, and on. '
a decrease of capital, dissolution or
filing of supplemental articles, a.
fee of $5.
Every corporation, whether air
ready organized or hereafter organ
ized, and every foreign corporation
doing business in this state, except
insurance and surety companies,
mnat rinrinp t.hft mnnth nf .TiinA nf
each year, file with the secretary
of state a report showing the same,
etc., date of annual meeting and
names of officers.
Memphis, Tenn., March 7. The -
water has been pouring through an
unfinished gap in the St. Francis
levee for two days and the counties
of Lee and Crittenden, in Arkan
sas, are overflowing. Reports from
points south of Memphis state that
many farmers and dwellers in the
lowlands ' have left their homes
with their stock.
Washington, D. C, March 'J.
Senator Mitchell, who has been en
joying fair health for a couple of
weeks, was taken suddenly and se
riously ill yesterday and today is
confined to his bed suffering from a
high fever. , His physicians fear
that his strength is so far wasted
that his recovery to complete health
will be very slow at least. There
is grave fear of a complete, break
down which would be almost V cer- '
tain to result fatally. . " ' '
If . it's a bilious attack, take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets and quick recovery is cer-'
tain. For sale by Allen & x Wood
ward. . - ' - ''