CorvaUis Times. I TARTAR HOME. Official Paper of Benton County, COBVAIXI8, OREGON, HUB. 1, 1903, WHENCE THE NEED? ' It is insisted that the United States should have the biggest navy in the world. From many quarters there is an insistent de mand for it. It is needed they say for American . supremacy in , the Western Hemisphere. - After 1 20 years of amazing de velopment, a development, in which almost without a ;navy, we have risen from nothing to be the great est nation on earth, it seems strange that we should suddenly change policy and go to building navies. Did we need a big navy in 1867, when Secretary Seward warned the French to eet out of Mexico, and thev eot? Was a big navy neces sary in 1896 when President Cleve land forced Great Britain not to commit aggressions in Venezuela and to submit the whole matter to arbitration? Was a big navy nec essary recently when President Roosevelt by a simple request made it incumbent on Great Britain and Germany $0 submit the Venezuelan difficulty to arbitration, and indeed to an American arbitrator? Is it not a matter of 'notoriotis fact 'that the navy of Britian is four times the size of ours, to say - nothing of Germany's? .: In the light of the past and present, does American supremacy in the Western Hemi sphere depend on a navy at all? : If like England and ; other Eu ropean countries, the United States did not raise her own breadstuff's; if, "in time of war a huge navy were necessary to convoy wheat ships and meat ships to our shores to keep our people from starving, then we might with reason, talk about building the biggest navy in the. world. As. it is, there is no oc casion for all this fluster and blust er about one.- ENDS NEXT WEEK. No More Rebate for Payment of Taxes ' Thereafter Much Paid Now.- ; The coming week ends the op; portunity for,' securing rebate in taxes. The law provides that a re bate of three per cent shall be al lowed on all taxes paid on or ber fore the 15th day of March. The 15th falls on a week from . tomor row, or Sunday, so that next Sat urday will probably end the rebate business. ':" " ' '"' " "' - A little doubt exists in the mat ter.'and Sheriff Burnett has not yet determined 'what his ruling will be. ' When a legal holiday falls on Sunday; the law permits the fol lowing day to be observed as such holiday, In nlost all legal matters, the same practice obtains. But as the (ax law says, "on or before March! 1 5th," a measure of doubt exists, and it is possible that next Saturday will end the rebate "priv ilege. The fact that all who seek the rebate will desire to be on the safe side, makes it "probable that all will settle up with the sheriff on or before that'time. v.1" It looks now as if nearly all. tax payers would endeavor to secure the rebate. Nearly all did it last yeaf . " Payments up to Thursday noon aggregated $25,000, leaving about $50,000' yet to be paid. To day" a big run of payments is ex-i pected, and it is likely to continue uninterruptedly ' throughont next week. If all should happen to wait till next Saturday, it might not be possible to accommodate everybody. There is much bookkeeping to be done in connection with the work; and the issuing xf receipts takes more or less time. The " man who wants to make sure should drop in before the last day, Arrived Yesterday Man Bought, Lots Dusty Store Other News. . - W. A. Wells has purchasedof Mrs Nettie E. Ewart, four lots in block 32, Job's Addition to Corvallis. W. JKent is building a wood house and will soon commence the erection of a barn on the property recently purchased of W. E- Yates adjoining the college orchard. Miss Etta Smith, who has been clerking in the store of Milner & Wellsher for some months took her departure yesterday for'' Monkland a town in Sherman county, where she has accepted a position in a dry goods store. r ' Herman Tartar arrived yesterday from Berkley California, where he has been taking '-a postgraduate course in chemestry. He is to be come a deputy in the office at Port land of State Food and Dairy Com missioner Bailey. . The store at Dusty has changed hands. The new owner is A. H. Buckingham, and " he assumed charge Monday. The late owner, Arthur Perrin passed through town yesterday, en route for Mt Vernon, Washington, where he is engaged in the same business with his brother-m law. , ; " The purchase of Homer Lilly of his partner's interest in the. Wicks and Lilly meat market was a busi ness event of the past . week. Mr. Lmyhayg ,nme4 chjtige last, Monoay. -as is seen - by a notice elsewhere, Mr Lilly settles up the partnership business and contin ues the establishment. Mr Wicks is to -remain for . the present as cutter at the shop. .The establish ment does a good business and has a good reputation in every respect. SP ANGLER RAYMOND NUPTIALS. THR DEWEY FLAG POLE. Fmllfilled Its Mission, And is Now a Cherished Memory Only. Solemnized at the Home of the bride's - Parents in Salem Wednesday. V'f Salem Journal: . . ;. The marriage of Miss Myra Raymond, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Raymond of this city, to Mr. Mart in Luper Spangler, was celebrated at high noon today at the home of the bride's parents' corner of Center and High streets. Rev. P. S.' Knight officiated in the pres ence of a large circle of relatives and immediate friends of the fami ly. The bridal couple took posi tion in the ' beautifully decorated parlors unaer a lovers , knot jn- white satin, amid a bower , fes tooned with white ribbons and laces.. ':?- ':' ' ' " The wedding party entered to the melody of a march played by Miss Shelton, the bride and grodin being assisted by Darwin' Nash and Miss Lulu M. Spangler of Cor vallis, the latter being a" sister of the groom, and gowned : in blue, bearing . pink carnations. The bride was richly gowned in white organdie and . lace, trimmed with lilies of the valley, with ; full veil, and carrying a bouquet of the same flowers, "The parlor decorations were in white and green, the . din ingroom in yellow, and the bridal parlor was festooned with white, and the whole house 1 and its ap proaches were set with palms. A wedding hymn was sung ' by . a quartette of voices, and ' after - the ceremony and congratulations an elegant wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party and guests. . ' ... . . -''""' BAMFORD'S THEORY SEVENTY CENT WHEAT Farmers Preparing to Raise More 11 aome bold at tnatr igure. of In the early part of May next it will have been' five years since a flag staff was erected on Main street at the brick stable with all the enthusiasm generated by the success of battle. A ereat throne- filled the. street and there was mar tial music. . singing and , speech making. . A tattered flag provided by the Grand Army Post ; was rais ed with much ceremony, and ; all the proceedings was occasioned bv the beginning of hostilities with Spain and the great naval victory of Dewey at "Manila, which had occurred on She first day of May, 1898.. The idea of procuring; a pole was suggested at Spencer's barber shop, and the notion soon assumed -definite form. S. L-' Henderson. Lee Wells and Mr Newman went to the woods and procured thepole. There was abundant help to. put in ' shape ready for placing it. in the ground. - A streamer on which ! was painted by T. T. Barnhart the words 'Remember the Maine," was tacked to the top of the staff. The enthusiasm which prevailed at tne raising ot the pole is in strong contrast to the ieeling which, at- tenaea tne ceremony ot, removing it a tew days ago. The " staff had become decayed to such an ' extent that it was deemed dangerous, and Spencer and , Henderson took it on themselves to cut it down. The former wielded the axe and the lat ter, with a rope, directed the fall. Dilly chopped it hp for wood, and the story of the Dewey flag ' pole becomes a closed incident. The Benefit of Cfcacge. We are not house plants: We need a change of soil now and then to be re planted." New scenes, new experiences., new surroundings -a change of climate, dry air instead of moisture, sunshine in place of cloud. This is sometimes es sential to health. There are' conditions near at hand that are better than Europe can offer. - Take a month or two in Cal ifornia. Plant yourself for a time where there ate no irritations, where the hotel is beyond criticism,, the landscape pleas ing, and where sunny weather invites to walks and drives, Pure and dry air, nd thn increased electric influences of. . . . XUJL XLUr W ' I ",' The incentive to . get the rebate is sunshine are vastly helpful great, At least half of each man s taxes has to be paid on or before the first Monday in April or it will be delinquent. "; That is but little more than two weeks after the 15th of March. Payment by March 15, entitles the payer to three per cent off, while if nothing is paid by two weeks later, ten per cent is added, and 12 per cent per annum interest accrues thereafter. The bonus for the earlier payment is too good a a thing- to be lost, and for that reason taxpayers generally are after it. .' t To All Concerned. . Be itknowa. that I will pay no debts contracted, except contracted by myself or on my order after this date. March 4, 1903. You can make this trip at very little expense, and enjoy a ride over the scenic Siskiyou and Shasta mountains, which at this time of the year with their snow covered peaks, are unsurpassed for their grandeur. ' . :" '"" ; "., For complete' information regarding rates, points of interest, and delightful hotels in California address W. E. Coman, ': Gen. Pass.Agt S. P. Co- Lines in Oregon ' Portland, Ore. " : Live Poultry Wanted. - - Highest market price paid for chickens turkeys, geese and ducks. .Hodes' Grocery. .r For Bent. - Stock for sale. A dairy ranch or write to ' William I. Price, Bellfoantain, Or. Apply On farms, for the past two weeks there has been much activity, All available teams have been a-field in the effort to get as much ground as possible in condition for seeding; -The better price for wheat has induced mmy farmers to get in all the acreage : possible, in the hope that advantageous prices may continue. This, with the fact that only a small acreage was seeded last autumn , has caused almost every, farmer to proceed with operations with v all ! possible dispatch. . '.. ' : " ::A- . y' Future weather conditions have been much studied by farmers- in recent days. Much ground is ready for seeding. If the spring is to be a dry r one it would be de sirable now to have seed m 'the ground. If wet, later, seeding is preferable, v This " problem has given many a farmer much to think aoout, 01 late. ; ,' : X wo important sales : or wheat recently occurred. One of : them 1 t M . . . . . . Drougnr 70 cents,: ana trie otner a figure believed to be very near that notch. , The former occurred at Wells station, but neither buyer nor amount was learned, y The ' other was 10,000 bushels of wheat in the riniay warenouse. me grain. was owned by xierrdn, Martin, the Barclays, the Hintons and others The buyer was the Fischer Mills at Corvallis. - 1 t Of Why he Lost so Many sheep There Were Worms in Their Lungs. If the theory of John Bam ford is right, much of the loss ; of sheep recently prevalent, is due to lack of shelter.; Mr. Bamford was in town the other day with the lungs of four sheep that recently died on his farm near . Junction He brought them to the college where they were turned over to the Dactenoiogical department tor - ex animation. " , - The longs were from sheep that recently died along with 75 others in one of Mr. Bamford's herds, They were found to befull of worms and badly congested.' - The color was dark and the lungs were filled with a frothy mucus. "The trouble was .diagnosed as . pneumonia. The cause was exposure to , weather, The first symptom is a cough and later on, a wabbly condition is pre sented when the animals walk Their death is finally due to suffo cation and weakness. . Mr. Bamford says that he had shelter for one band, numbering one half his sheep. Of this band he lost none. Of a band of equal size that he fed but was unable to shelter, he lost 75. He is sure that much of the large loss is due to lack of shelter. . The presence of worms is not unusual. A Portland butcher is said to be authority for the , state ment that in nineteen-twentieths of the sheepshe kills; worms re found in the lungs. The worms only be come active ; ' when the congested conditions are present, when they lorm in knots or bunches and are easily discernible . ! . TO SIT IN JUDGMENT. Coming Term of Circuit Court Who the Jurors Are Drawn Thursday. The spring term of the circuit court meets pn the fourth. Monday in March. Thursday, the jury list was drawn by Clerk Moses, assist ed by Sheriff Burnett. Those who are to serve are: E A. Parker ? - Farmer Philomath Theodore Parker . Frank Tharp :.. A W Hawley -A H Buckingham Albert Schriber Albert Timmons John Calverly A F Luther Wm Ryals -D B Farley s, AG Wright R O Watkins f M B Long Caleb Davis H L French " Richard Kiger Geo A Hash J G Winkle A J Hall H C Dunn John Todd John Campbell Soap Creek Fairmount Fairmount Bellfountain Philomath Willamette - Philomath Fairmount Soap Creek Monroe , ' Philomath ' Willamette Philomath Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis .Alsea - Willamette Soap Creek Philomath Willamette Bellfountain Wm Bogue hardwareman Corvallis R H Colbert manufacturer , ' : W B Lacy clerk - " - B J Evers gardener w , O W Beckwith teamster ' " v F P Clark merchant Philomath Chas Kennedy carpenter Summit W O Heckart contractor Corvallis Dr, Lowe has cured hundreds of cases of headaches and nervousness with., his superior glasses ; The Salvation Army.' . This week s .war Cry is a very special issue gotten up in commem oration of General Booth s farewell from America on March 4th. It contains information in reference to the general's tour, and also, in teresting pictures of prominent people who have taken part m the past campaign. 1 he tront page consists of a central picture of Gen eral Booth, surrounded by a num ber of the nation's most prominent men such as. : President" Roosevelt, the governors of Ohio. Iowa, Utah, Georgia, ' Massachusetts. Senator Hanna. and the senator from Min nesota, the mayor of New York, mayor of San Francisco. Commis sioner McFarland. Colonel Myron, Herrick and . Hon. Ferdinand Peck. "': -' ' - , . - The balance of the Cry- consists of a map of the country, giving an idea of the general's trip, what leading writers, have to say respect-! ing the Army work, photos of members. of the general's family, including his eldest grand children ' We hope the .people of Corvallis and surroundings will be interested - ; Yours Sincerely, " r .' ;C. E. Brooks, Capt. To Land Buyers. I can sell you any kind or size of farm, stock or dairy ranch, with or without stock; also city properties, acreage near town, business propo sitions, etc. , Farms and ranches $10 to $40 per acre. V'V" I :'- At you are in sea rch of such, see me beiore you buy. F. P. MORGAN. CEIPiMS GROCERY STORE. Vegetables, Flour & Feed. TELEPHONE NO. 338. Corvallis, Oregon. We handle several brands of canned goods, but none which gives so good sat isfaction and represents so much valne for your money as . MOITOPOLB. When you buy a can of Monopole Coffee, Spices, Bakins; Powder, or other Canned Goods of this brand, you have our guarantee that it will please you or money back. Yours Truly, Cbipman. 19036PRING--I9a3 Oiir New Spring Stock is Now Arriving. THB FOLLOWING HAVE ARRITED: New Dress Goods, Silks, Elegant Wash Fabrics, . White Goods, Waistings, Muslin Undergarments, Embroideries; Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes, Royal Worcester Corsets, Plain and Fancy Hose, - Men's and Boys' Suits, Men's and Boys' Golf and . Negligee Shirts, New Style Hats, W. L. Douglas ,; And Walk-Over Shoes, Neckwear, Belts, Etc. ' , ; New Goods all the Time. ;"; Georgia Harper Co. ! Miss Georgia Harper will pos ltively appear witn ner company on Tuesday March Lynne." ioth in "East For Sale. ' Having sold my milk' route, for sale a number of firstclass Come early and get first choice, j. D. Hukill, Corvallis. Ore. have cows typewriters BnH Supplies. Aeent for the famous "Chicago" Type writer. Easy terms and machine, guar anteed. ,, -. - Typewriter Ribbon. , Webster's Star, ...... 75c each, 7.50 doz. " O.K....... 63c " 6.50 ' Imperial.. ...... ...,50c' " 5.00 V '' " Carbon.. Webster Multi-Kopy 45c do,, 3.50 box. " U. K.. 400 " 3.00 . " " Gauze 40c " 2.75 " i Typewriter Paper. All kinds and all prices. Ask to see samples. , . ! - . C. B. GerbarU. City Restaurant. Newly Turiiished, , "First Class, Meals at all Hours, Oysters in Season. Located in Hemphill Building, Cor vallis, Oregon. ' C. W. LEDERLS. Diamond f VW?; Brand The Best Grade of Canned Goods 6n:fMb'iIarketTodayi: Look at Our Windows and see the Varieties. BATCHES TO BURN! 1500 PARLOR Matches; FOR 10 CENTS Something New. UiocecOflc$- Call in and get a Trial Package . PEEE, 3. St.?. a t A'X Watches, GIoGks and Jewelry I have watches from one dollar up; gold, gold filled, silver, si lverine and cheap ones for the boys. Eings of all kinds Wedding rings, set rings,' band rings. ' If you are having trouble with your eyes or glasses and have tried all the so called travelling opticians without suc cess, corxi and .see me( get . a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee, : Notice-After Feb ret the store will close at 6:30 p, m. except Saturdays.. ' Pratt, ' Ibe Jtwalei aad OptisiNtt